Electronic warfare (EW). “They are not used to fighting like that”: the Pentagon announced the use of electronic warfare equipment against the US Air Force in Syria “Khibiny” is a reliable means

Recipes 28.07.2019

Russia is actively developing and manufacturing electronic security equipment (EW) designed to combat systems combat control. EW complexes suppress and incapacitate radio electronic means control of troops and weapons. In our country, 18 enterprises that are part of the Radioelectronic Technologies Concern (KRET) are engaged in the creation of electronic warfare.

Systems electronic warfare are the technical basis for information warfare. They neutralize control systems by suppressing, disabling and destroying electronic equipment. Electronic warfare systems are used in the sky, on the ground and in space.

KRET was established in early 2009 to develop and manufacture aviation, ground and marine radio-electronic systems, as well as military and civil systems. It is part of the Rostec State Corporation, which owns 100% of the concern's shares.


Electronic warfare systems can be divided into several groups. These are means of suppression (REP), means of protection (REZ) and means of intelligence (RER).

ECM facilities create active and passive interference, use decoys and traps to disrupt the operation of electronic systems and facilities.

REZ means eliminate or weaken the impact of electronic weapons on their radio-electronic objects, and also protect against unintentional mutual radio interference of electronic intelligence.

RER means are designed to collect intelligence information by receiving and analyzing electromagnetic radiation.

The use of all electronic warfare means increases efficiency and increases survivability military equipment. The main buyer and customer of electronic warfare systems produced by the KRET concern is the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.


In accordance with the decree of the President of the country, by 2020 in Russian army there should be at least 70% of new generation equipment. In 2013, the Ministry of Defense adopted seven unique electronic warfare systems manufactured at KRET enterprises.

The station of electronic intelligence and control "MOSKVA-1" is designed to scan the airspace. Having found equipment equipped with radio elements, the station transmits the received data to the means of electronic warfare, air defense and the Air Force to neutralize targets. Unlike conventional radars, Moskva-1 operates in passive radar mode - it captures the target's own radiation, while remaining invisible to the enemy.

As part of the state order for 2013, 10 multifunctional jamming systems "KRASUHA-4" were delivered to the Ministry of Defense. The system is produced by the Bryansk Electromechanical Plant (BEMZ). This complex is capable of completely covering areas of land several hundred kilometers from radar detection, suppressing the action of enemy aviation radars and communications.

KRET also supplied the RF Armed Forces with more than 10 MERCURY-BM multifunctional jamming stations. They are designed to protect personnel and equipment from being hit by artillery shells and rockets equipped with radio fuses. "Mercury-BM" was developed by the All-Russian Research Institute "Gradient".

In addition, several unique PRESIDENT-S aviation complexes and active jamming stations SP-14/SAP-518 were delivered. These systems interfere with aircraft homing missile systems, causing the fired missiles to deviate from their intended target. "President-S" was developed and released by the Research Institute "Ekran". The complex is designed to protect helicopters, military transport aircraft.

The means of electronic protection called "AVTOBAZA" was developed by the All-Russian Research Institute "Gradient" and released by the Novgorod NPO "Kvant". The complex is designed for passive detection of radiating radar systems and transmission to the automated control point of the coordinates of operating radars, their class and frequency range numbers. Several of these complexes given time are in service with the Russian army.


The SAP-14/SAP-518 stations provide protection for the Su-34 4+ generation fighter-bomber, the Su-35S 4++ generation super-maneuverable multi-role fighter, and the Su-27SM fourth-generation multi-role highly maneuverable all-weather fighter. Universal devices are produced by the Kaluga Research Radio Engineering Institute (KNIRTI).

The means of electronic protection called "AVTOBAZA" was developed by the All-Russian Research Institute "Gradient" and issued by the Novgorod NPO Kvant. The complex is designed for passive detection of radiating radar systems and transmission to the automated control point of the coordinates of operating radars, their class and frequency range numbers. Several such complexes are currently in service with the Russian army.


KRET enterprises are constantly working on new electronic warfare systems. 12 air and ground systems are under development. In particular, by order of the Ministry of Defense, experimental design work is being carried out to create a unique KHIBINY-U complex.

5. Electronic warfare (EW)

5.1. General characteristics of electronic warfare

The following electronic warfare equipment is used on the A-10 aircraft: AN / ALQ-119 active radio jamming station, AN / ALQ-132 active infrared jamming station, AR / ALE-40 electronic warfare ejection device, AN / ALR-46 direct electronic intelligence systems .

In addition, the AN / ALQ-133 ELINT detailed electronic reconnaissance system is installed on some of the aircraft, the information from which is transmitted to ground command posts or strike group aircraft and is used in the interests of electronic warfare. It is assumed that about 20% of A-10 aircraft will be equipped with individual active jamming stations placed in overhead containers.

EW equipment is controlled automatically or by the pilot in manual mode.

On the two-seat version of the N / AW A-10 aircraft, the electronic warfare tasks will be solved by the operator located in the rear cockpit.

5.2. Stations of active jamming (SAP)

The aircraft is equipped with one or two suspended KVN-tainers of the AN /ALQ-119(V) active radio jamming station, which can be replaced by the more modern AN/ALQ-131, as well as the IR-band EPS - AN/ALQ-132.

Currently, the 10th and 12th modifications of the station are used - AN /ALQ-119 (V) 10 and AN / ALQ-119 (V) l2. The main purpose of the AN / ALQ-119 station is to suppress ground-based radio-electronic means (RES) of weapon control (missile guidance stations, target tracking, gun guidance) and radar homing missiles.

The modular design container accommodates 3 jamming transmitters operating in the 1550-5200, 3900-6200 and 6200-10900 MHz bands. The indicated figures characterize the boundaries of the ranges, and not the exact values ​​of the tuning frequencies of the jamming transmitters.

Simultaneously emitted masking and simulating interference in one or two (out of three) frequency ranges. The power spectral density of noise masking interference can reach 20÷30 W/MHz.

Depending on the situation, you can change the direction of radiation "back and forth" by connecting the appropriate antennas. The station applies limited interference power control depending on the degree of threat posed by the suppressed RES.

The purpose of the AN / ALQ-132 IR SAP is to protect the aircraft from air-to-air and ground-to-air missiles with an IR homing head.

The source of IR radiation from the container is a membrane heated by burning aviation fuel in the chamber. After modulation by a rotating obturator, the system emits a sequence of IR pulses, the intensity of which exceeds the radiation intensity of the two engines of the A-10 aircraft.

5.3. EW ejection devices

The main EW ejection device of the A-10 aircraft is the AN/ALE-40 system. In addition, in one of the design variants of the combat load, the suspension of bomb clusters with electronic warfare equipment is used: 16 CBU-70 or 10 CBU-38.

For the A-10 aircraft, a special version of the AN / ALE-40 (V) 10 ejection device has been developed, which has the largest capacity of 480 rounds among all devices of this type.

In the AN / ALE-40 (V) 10 version, cassettes are used inside the fuselage, which are located at the ends of the wing and in the landing gear niches. The total number of cassettes is 16. The capacity of each of them is 30 cartridges with chaff (DO) or 30 IR cartridges.

When equipping the ejection device, various combinations of cartridges of both types are possible.

The control of firing cartridges from DO and IR cartridges is independent. Intervals for shooting cartridges with DO - 0.1; 0.2; 0.3; 0.4 s; IR cartridges - 3; four; 6; eight; 10 Seconds. It is also possible salvo shooting cartridges with chaff with a constant or variable firing interval.

5.4. Means of direct electronic intelligence

The aircraft uses 2 types of direct electronic reconnaissance means (NRER): a system for warning about exposure and controlling the operation of the EPS, as well as a detailed electronic reconnaissance system.

The first of them (currently AN / ALR-46, later - AN / ALR-69) is installed on each aircraft, the second (AN / ALQ-133) - on one aircraft from the strike group. AN / ALR-46 is a digital system capable of analyzing the electronic situation, determining the type of irradiating radio electronic equipment and assessing the degree of threat to the protected aircraft. The system has the following characteristics:

  • reconnaissance frequency range 2÷18 GHz;
  • processing speed of received signals - over 80,000 pulses per second;
  • the number of RES evaluated simultaneously - 16;
  • the total number of RES, the characteristics of which are in the system memory, is up to 130.

Along with determining the parameters of the irradiating signal and the type of RES, the system carries out direction finding of the radiation source.

Data from the processor of the system is received to control the SAP, the ejection device, as well as to the pilot in sound and visual form in order to warn him about the opening of fire, the direction of attack, etc. It is also possible to transmit data to capture the RES signal by the homing head of the air-to-radar missile.

The main purpose of the system is to determine the characteristics of pulse radars, however, modifications allow you to work with continuous signals, as well as with signals more than low frequencies(up to 500 MHz).

5.5. AN / ALQ-133 detailed electronic intelligence system (ELINT)

The ELINT system is designed for reconnaissance of radar and navigation systems, command communication lines, weapons control and guidance (radio, infrared, laser) and other enemy systems. Aircraft A-10, equipped with the ELINT system, determine the location of the radar and air defense systems, their modes of operation and the degree of danger, and are also used to destroy the RES detected by the system.

The reconnaissance information is sent to the ground data collection point and to other aircraft that do not have such a system, for target designation of air-to-radar missiles. Data is transmitted over a telecode communication system at a rate of 6000-12000 messages per second.

Signals are received both in the 2-18 GHz range and in the region of higher frequencies (up to the submillimeter wave range).

Frequency intelligence method - search. The frequency tuning period is 0.01 s (tuning in 0.005 s is also possible).

The accuracy of determining the pulse duration is 0.1 microseconds, and determining the pulse repetition period for a burst of pulses is 0.1 microseconds, for a pair - 1 microseconds. Direction finding accuracy 0.5° in ±45° sector. Direction finding is also possible in the ±60° sector with less accuracy.

The system is placed in three containers with a total weight of 540 kg, placed on the A-10 aircraft under the fuselage (one) and at the ends of the wing (two).

"Analysis of armed conflicts of the late XX - early XXI centuries. showed that electronic warfare is becoming one of the key elements modern wars. Organizationally, electronic warfare is one of the components of information operations.

" The essence of electronic warfare is to temporarily or permanently reduce the effectiveness of the use of enemy reconnaissance means, weapons, military equipment by electronic or fire suppression (destruction) of its electronic equipment, control systems, reconnaissance, communications. Thus, electronic warfare can include both temporary disruption of the operation of enemy electronic systems by jamming, and the complete destruction of these systems (fire damage or capture). EW also includes measures for electronic protection (REZ) of its information systems and electronic intelligence. The saturation of the modern battlefield with information systems determines the extremely important role of electronic warfare in modern and future wars. The experience of recent military exercises has shown that even if one of the opposing sides has an overwhelming superiority in precision weapons, she cannot count on victory if her control structures are suppressed by electronic warfare.

The objects of the main impact during EW operations are: elements of command and control systems for troops and weapons; means of intelligence; systems of storage, processing and distribution of information; radio electronic means; automated systems, databases and computer networks; personnel involved in decision-making and management processes."

source: http://www.modernarmy.ru/article/163

What electronic warfare systems do you currently have? armed forces Russia and their brief characteristics.

Air Force Air Defense:

Ground station of powerful noise interference SPN-2

Designed to protect ground-based areal and small-sized objects from being observed by pulse aircraft radar stations (RLS), including side-looking radars (BO radars), control radar weapons (radar UO) of the air-to-ground class, radar for navigation and support for aircraft flights at low altitudes (radar OPMV).

The jamming station provides reconnaissance of the BO radar, the UO radar at a distance of 130 - 150 km, the OPMV radar - at a direct radio visibility range (up to 30 - 50 km, depending on the flight altitude of the aircraft - the carrier of the OPMV radar).

Ground complex of powerful jamming "Pelena-1"

Designed for electronic suppression of the AM/ARU-1(2) radar of the AWACS airborne early warning and guidance aircraft with automatic frequency guidance of the generated interference to the carrier frequencies of the radar operating in the fast-tuning mode. This excludes the detection by the radar station of air objects with an effective dispersion area of ​​up to 10 - 15 m2. Range "radar - covered object" - 50 - 80 km; "complex - radar" - up to 250 km.

Ground station of powerful noise interference SPN-4

Designed to protect ground-based areal and small-sized objects by suppressing interference from pulsed aircraft radar stations (RLS), including side-looking radars (BO), air-to-ground weapon control (UO), navigation and ensuring aircraft flights at low altitudes ( OPMV).

Modernized jamming station SPN-30

Designed for electronic jamming (REW) in an extended operating frequency range of existing ones, including those that have undergone modernization, air-based radars to protect ground and air facilities. Provides suppression of the main beam and side lobes of the following classes of airborne radar:

Means of protecting radar stations from anti-radar missiles "Gazetchik-E"

Designed to protect the radar from anti-radar missiles (PRR) by briefly turning off their radiation at the commands of an autonomous RRR detector in combination with the use of distracting devices in the frequency range of the radar, as well as setting aerosol and dipole interference to the ARR guidance systems with thermal, television and active radar homing heads .

Ground complex of electronic suppression of radars of reconnaissance and strike complexes

Designed to cover ground, including small-sized, objects of weapons and military equipment by means of electronic jamming (REP) along the main lobe of the antenna pattern (DNA) of an airborne radar station (RLS) of reconnaissance-strike systems (RUK), operating in the mode of review of the earth's surface with mapping and selection of moving targets, as well as radar tactical aviation, including side-looking radar.

Designed for electronic suppression of the AM/ARU-1(2) radar of the AWACS airborne early warning and guidance system along the main lobe of the antenna pattern when the radar is operating in pulse-Doppler mode with and without beam scanning in elevation, in pulsed and combined air target detection modes.

Designed to protect ground-based areal and small-sized objects from targeted missile strikes or bombing and from observation of them by aircraft airborne radars, including side-looking radar (BO radar), navigation and low-altitude flight support radar (OPMV radar), control radar air-to-ground weapons (radar UO). The interference created on the screens of airborne radars completely excludes the possibility of an aimed bombing or missile attack on a protected object. The complex simultaneously suppresses up to 50 BO radars, UO radars and OPMV radars of aircraft and helicopters flying from any direction and at altitudes from 30 to 30,000 meters.

Navy Air Defense

Shipboard system of radio technical situation and interference MP-401S, MS

Designed to improve efficiency air defense surface ship by:

Warnings about ship exposure to radar signals;

Creation of noise aiming and barrage frequency interference for radars of air and surface targets;

Management of the production of active and passive interference by the system operator.

The system includes radio equipment, active interference, control, electronic control and system power switching.

82-mm PK-16 shipborne jamming system

Designed for setting radar and optoelectronic distracting decoys to counter guided weapons with radar and optoelectronic guidance systems.

120-mm PK-10 shipborne jamming system

Designed to increase the effectiveness of the ship's air defense in the final homing area of ​​air attack weapons by setting radio-electronic and optoelectronic decoy targets.

Means of electronic intelligence of the air defense of Russia

Rubella-4 complex.

The main task of the new electronic warfare complex is to counter aircraft radar stations various types. For this, according to some media outlets, the Krasukha-4 complex has appropriate work algorithms. The equipment is able to detect the source of the radio signal (aviation radar), analyze it and, if necessary, put interference at the desired frequency.

one of the machines of the electronic warfare complex "Moscow-1"

The Moscow-1 complex is able to find targets by the so-called. passive radar: its systems receive and process radio signals supplied by targets, primarily airborne. This allows you to monitor the airspace without unmasking your position with your own signals. After the target is detected, the equipment of the complex can accompany it and issue target designation to Air Force, Air Defense or EW units.

SPR-2 "Mercury-B" (GRAU index - 1L29) - jamming station for radio fuses of ammunition.

This self-propelled vehicle is a further development of the Mercury-B system and is intended to protect troops from weapons using radio fuses. The principle of operation of the "Mercury-BM" system is relatively simple: the electronics of the complex emit signals that affect the operation of radio fuses of enemy ammunition. Due to this impact, shells or rockets explode at a higher altitude, thereby reducing the risk of damage to personnel and equipment. In addition, the "Mercury-BM" complex can switch the fuses to contact mode, which accordingly affects the effectiveness of an artillery or missile attack.

Electronic warfare complex for the Russian Airborne Forces. Leer-2.

And this is not a complete list. There is also the Khibiny complex. It was the one that made all the electronics unusableAmerican destroyer "Donald Cook": 130 tons of expensive Kevlar, armor made of high-strength alloys, radar absorbers ... Plus four super-radar antennas, up to a hundred Tomahawks, air defense missiles and the latest Aegis combat information and control system. The incident took place in the Black Sea in April 2014.

There are also other developments of the KRET concern.

The strategic planning of military operations is carried out by army headquarters on the basis of several fundamental assumptions. These include the awareness of the command about the operational situation and the uninterrupted exchange of information. If either of these two criteria is not met, even the most powerful army in the world, armed with a huge amount of modern equipment and manned by selected soldiers, turns into a helpless crowd, burdened with piles of scrap metal. The receipt and transmission of information is currently carried out by means of reconnaissance, detection and communication. Every strategist dreams of disabling the enemy's radar and destroying his communications. This can be done by means and methods of electronic warfare (EW).

Early methods of electronic countermeasures

As soon as electronics appeared, it began to be used by defense departments. The advantages of wireless communication, invented by Popov, were instantly appreciated by the Imperial Russian Navy. During the First World War, broadcast reception and transmission of information became commonplace. At the same time, the first methods of electronic warfare appeared, which were still timid and not very effective. To create interference, airplanes and airships dropped cut aluminum foil from a height, which created obstacles for the passage of radio waves. Of course, this method had many drawbacks, it did not last long and did not completely block. In 1914-1918, another important method of electronic warfare, which is also widespread in our time, became widespread. The tasks of signalmen and scouts included the interception of enemy broadcast messages. They learned to encrypt information very quickly, but even an assessment of the degree of intensity of radio traffic allowed staff analysts to judge a lot.

The role of information in World War II

After the outbreak of World War II, electronic warfare entered a new phase of development. The power of submarines and aviation of Nazi Germany required effective confrontation. In Britain and the United States, countries that are faced with the problem of the security of Atlantic communications, serious work has begun on the creation of means of early detection of surface and air objects, in particular, bombers and FAA missiles. There was also an acute question about the possibility of deciphering the messages of German submariners. Despite the impressive work of mathematical analysts and the presence of some achievements, electronic warfare became effective only after the capture of the (accidental) secret Engim machine. The real value of research in the field of disinformation and the interruption of the information structure of Germany during the Second World War did not find, but experience was accumulating.

Army as a living organism

During the Cold War, electronic warfare equipment began to take shape close to the modern idea of ​​​​them. The armed forces, if they are likened to a living organism, have sense organs, a brain and power organs that directly carry out a fire effect on the enemy. The "ears" and "eyes" of the army are means of observation, detection and recognition of objects that can pose a security threat at a tactical or strategic level. The function of the brain is performed by the headquarters. From it, through the thin "nerves" of communication channels, orders are sent to military units that are mandatory for execution. Various measures are being taken to protect this entire complex system, but it remains vulnerable. First, the enemy always seeks to disrupt control by destroying headquarters. Its second purpose is to hit the means information support(radar and early warning posts). Thirdly, if the communication channels are disrupted, the control system loses its functionality. A modern electronic warfare system goes beyond these three tasks and often works much more complicated.

Defense asymmetry

It is no secret that the military in monetary terms is many times superior to the Russian one. To successfully counter a possible threat, our country has to take asymmetric measures, ensuring the proper level of security with less costly means. The effectiveness of defense means is determined by high-tech solutions that create the technical conditions for causing the greatest damage to the aggressor by concentrating efforts on its vulnerable areas.

AT Russian Federation one of the leading organizations involved in the development of electronic warfare is KRET (Concern "Radioelectronic Technologies"). A certain philosophical concept serves as the basis for creating means of suppressing the activity of a potential adversary. For successful operation, the system must determine priority areas work at various stages of the development of a military conflict.

What is non-energy interference

On the present stage the creation of a universal interference that completely excludes information exchange is practically impossible. A much more effective countermeasure can be the interception of the signal, its decoding and transmission to the enemy in a distorted form. Such a system creates an effect that has received the name "non-energy interference" from specialists. Its action can lead to a complete disorganization of the command and control of hostile armed forces, and, as a result, to their complete defeat. This method, according to some reports, has already been used during the Middle East conflicts, but in the late sixties and early seventies, the electronic warfare equipment element base did not allow achieving high efficiency. Intervention in the control process of the enemy was carried out "in manual mode." Available today Russian divisions electronic warfare is digital technology.

Tactical means

In addition to strategic issues, the troops on the front line are forced to decide tactical tasks. Aircraft must fly over enemy positions protected by air defense systems. Is it possible to provide them with unimpeded passage over the defensive lines? The episode that took place during naval exercises in the Black Sea (April 2014) practically proves that modern Russian electronic warfare systems provide a high probability of aircraft invulnerability, even if their characteristics are no longer among the most progressive today.

The Department of Defense modestly refrains from commenting, but the reaction of the American side speaks volumes. The usual - in the conditions of maneuvers - overflight of the Donald Cook ship by an unarmed Su-24 bomber led to the failure of all guidance equipment. This is how the Khibiny small-sized electronic warfare complex operates.

Complex "Khibiny"

This system, named after the mountain range, is externally a cylindrical container suspended from a standard military aircraft pylon. The idea of ​​creating a means of information countermeasures arose in the second half of the seventies. The defense theme was received by KNIRTI (Kaluga Research Radio Engineering Institute). The electronic warfare complex conceptually consisted of two blocks, one of which ("Proran") was responsible for reconnaissance functions, and the other ("Regatta") exposed active jamming. The work was successfully completed in 1980.

The modules were intended for installation on the Su-27 front-line fighter. The Russian electronic warfare complex "Khibiny" was the result of combining the functions of both blocks and ensuring their coordinated work together with the on-board equipment of the aircraft.

Purpose of the complex

The L-175V device ("Khibiny") is designed to perform several functions, which are collectively defined as electronic suppression of the activity of enemy air defense systems.

The first task that he had to solve in combat conditions was to locate the probing signal of the radiation source. Then the received signal is distorted in order to make it difficult to detect the carrier aircraft. In addition, the device creates conditions for the appearance of false targets on the radar screen, complicates the determination of range and coordinates, and worsens other recognition indicators.

The problems that arise with enemy air defense systems are becoming so massive that it is not necessary to talk about the effectiveness of their work.

Modernization of the Khibiny complex

During the time that has passed since the L-175V product was adopted, the device layout has undergone numerous changes, which aimed to increase technical parameters and reduce weight and size. Improvement continues today, the details are kept secret, but it is known that newest complex electronic warfare can carry out group protection of aircraft from the effects anti-aircraft missile systems a probable adversary, both existing today and prospective. The modular design implies the possibility of increasing power and information capabilities depending on the requirements of the tactical situation. When developing the device, not only state of the art air defense systems of a potential adversary, but also anticipating the possibilities of their development in the near future (for the period up to 2025).

Mysterious "Krasuha"

The electronic warfare troops of the Russian Federation have recently received four Krasukha-4 mobile electronic warfare systems. They are secret, despite the fact that Krasukha-2 ground-based stationary systems of a similar purpose have already been in operation in military units since 2009.

It is known that they were created by the Rostov Research Institute "Gradient", produced by the Nizhny Novgorod NPO "Kvant" and mounted on the BAZ-6910-022 chassis (four-axle, off-road). According to its principle of operation, the latest Russian electronic warfare complex Krasukha is an active-passive system that combines the ability to re-radiate electromagnetic fields created by early warning antennas (including AWACS) and the creation of active directional interference. The lack of technical details did not prevent the media from leaking information about the amazing capabilities of the electronic warfare complex, the work of which “crashes” the control systems and missile guidance units of a potential enemy.

What lies behind the veil of mystery

For obvious reasons, information about technical specifications the latest Russian electronic countermeasures systems are kept secret. Other countries are also in no hurry to share secrets in the field of such developments, which, of course, are underway. However, it is still possible to judge the degree of combat readiness of a particular defense equipment by indirect signs. Unlike nuclear strategic missiles, the effectiveness of which can only be guessed at and speculatively analyzed, electronic warfare equipment can be tested under conditions closest to combat, and even against very real, albeit probable, opponents, as happened in April 2014. So far, there is reason to believe that the Russian electronic warfare troops will not let you down if something happens.

There are situations in the life of military pilots when one has to either operate directly over the territory of a strong enemy with powerful air defense, or resist with one friendly link against a more advanced enemy squadron.

Imagine a situation when, by bad luck, a flight of four Su-34s is forced to counter, for example, eight F-22As, and support for more suitable Su-35s or Su-30SMs is far away due to the current operational situation in the air. It’s unpleasant, but there is a chance of a successful confrontation: the Su-34 without any special “equipment” can conduct long-range air combat thanks to a powerful radar with PFAR and good maneuverability. And if the Su-24M link, for example, finds itself in a similar situation, the outcome may be sad.

To avoid big losses, as well as to suppress enemy AWACS and multifunctional combat radars, specialized electronic electronic warfare systems in various form factors and architectures and directly EW aircraft are being developed, which are more and more in demand by the air forces of many states every year.

The United States, traditionally, was very scrupulous about the electronic warfare of its aviation, this is quite understandable by the status of a real world "aggressor", while our Air Force has a greater potential for electronic warfare of the ground component - the air defense forces and the RTR, i.e. electronic protection of ground defense systems from air strikes is being carried out.

EA-6B, in addition to the AN / ALQ-99 complex, can also have a direct fire effect on the enemy radar of the Kharm PRLR

Therefore, it is absolutely clear why the United States is not limited to the creation of relatively inexpensive and effective container-based electronic warfare systems, like Russia, but has mastered a whole family of electronic warfare aircraft of different generations: from the EF-111 "Raven", which at the end of the 70s was the "master" of breaking through weakened air defense enemy for the impunity invasion of strike tactical fighter-bombers into air space states objectionable to the Americans, to entire air command posts Electronic warfare and psychological suppression based on the military-technical cooperation C-130 "Hercules", named EC-130E "Commando Solo", capable of suppressing air defense systems, conducting strategic intelligence and have a detrimental effect on the human psyche by undermining state broadcasting channels, introducing their own more powerful radio channel with depressing information and pro-American propaganda. Only a few operators manage the radio-electronic complex of this Western "monster".

Now let's focus on the main topic of the article - electronic warfare aircraft. The carrier-based EA-6B Prowler is considered to be a recognized "veteran" in this area, which has been successfully operated for more than 46 years, this aircraft in various modifications managed to participate in most military conflicts conducted in the interests of the United States.

The latest and most advanced version of this aircraft is the EA-6B "Prowler ADVCAP" (Advanced Capability), which provides for the installation of an updated radio-electronic complex, represented by a powerful complex of active noise interference ALQ-99F (V) and the RTR AN / ALP-42 station, which also performs the function of the SPO (exposure warning system) and transmits the coordinates of radiation sources to the ALQ-99F (V) digital computer. Also, from the RTR AN / ALP-42 station, two sub electronic warfare systems:

The AN / ALQ-126 complex, which generates response interference of an impulse type to disrupt the “capture” of aircraft in the nearest link and directly to the Prowler of the PARGSN, ARGSN and MRLS enemy air defense systems;

The AN / ALQ-92 system is designed to suppress tactical radio communication channels and data exchange between enemy fighter aircraft and AWACS aircraft, as well as other means of system linkage operating in the frequency range (VHF) or 0.03 - 3 GHz.

The ALQ-99F(V) active jamming complex is capable of delivering noise, barrage and targeted jamming with frequencies from 64 MHz to 40 GHz in PPS and ZPS using two antennas coupled to a 4Pi digital computer and two transmitters with a power of 1000 W / MHz and a gain of 13 dB each. Amplifiers for the transmitter of certain frequencies are powered by a universal generator of the UUEU type. The data on the 4Pi digital computer comes from the on-board computer of the AN/AYK-14 type system.

In 1993, information appeared about the integration of another AN / ALQ-149 active jamming station into the AN / ALQ-99 containers, the transmitting antenna arrays of which were installed directly in the first container. The price of the new subsystem was about 800 thousand dollars, and the need for the installation was to cover the middle and lower frequencies of the meter range in order to successfully suppress the AWACS radars of the P-14 Lena type and others.

In fact, the EA-6B "Prowler" electronic warfare aircraft became one of the most effective and popular in the Air Force along with the F-4G "Wild Weasel" and F-111A "Raven", the latter distinguished themselves in Operation Desert Storm, presenting an advanced strike echelon of MRAU, which in a matter of hours "turned off" the outdated Iraqi AWACS system.

Having served in the US Navy until November 2014, the Prouler, while still remaining at an advanced level of technology in terms of avionics, began to “physically” become obsolete: the thrust of two Pratt Whitney J52-P-408 turbojet engines was 10,000 kgf, but the airframe design limited top speed 1100 km / h, and a large mass created a thrust-to-weight ratio of no more than 0.5, so the aircraft could not independently emerge victorious from close combat imposed by enemy fighters, the EPR of the "interference" also left much to be desired.

Therefore, on November 15 of this year, a flight of Prowlers from the VAQ-134 Garudas electronic warfare squadron (deck-based, aircraft carrier USS D. Bush) made a farewell ferry flight to the US Navy's Whidbey Island airfield, completing its deck history. The Prowler was replaced by a 2 times faster, more maneuverable and high-altitude electronic warfare aircraft EA-18G "Growler", which was originally created on the basis of a two-seater F / A-18F, but optimized for the use of electronic warfare systems.

At the core of the "Growler" is the same CAP AN / ALQ-99F (V), but unlike the outdated information station RTR AN / ALP-42, the new aircraft has latest system AN / ALQ-218 (V) 2 (LR700), which in the passive mode has an azimuth resolution of the direction finding of radiation sources 2 , and a range resolution of about 8%. This RTR is capable of providing clearer target designation to the main AN / ALQ-99F (V) CAP, as well as tracking MRLS with fast digital frequency hopping without disrupting the direction finding of coordinates.

Airborne tactical information exchange and electronic warfare on the aircraft EA-18G

Instead of an active jamming station for enemy tactical communication channels AN / ALQ-92, an AN / ALQ-227 (V) 1 is installed, which is partially an autonomous system, since it has its own omnidirectional antenna and can operate independently of the RTR station AN / ALQ-218 (V )2.

In addition to all the innovations, the aircraft has a powerful radar with AFAR AN / APG-79, which can detect a fighter with an EPR of 3 m 2 at a distance of 160 km; Growler", for this reason, for normal radio communications and radar operation, the INCANS electromagnetic compatibility module was introduced into the Growler equipment, which optimizes the frequency resonance of the aircraft's electronic systems. If you need a powerful point suppression of a small area of ​​enemy radio equipment, the AN / APG-79 antenna array can also be used.

In addition to the “interference” and anti-radar effects, the Growler can carry out an air superiority operation with absolutely no problems thanks to a powerful radar with AFAR

American aviation facilities REPs are among the best, especially when used against older types of air defense systems and radars. What can our domestic defense industry oppose against the electronic "killers" from the United States?

Russia, focusing on ground complexes electronic countermeasures types SPN-2, SPN-4 and a mobile automated electronic warfare system for covering early warning radars, AWACS and air defense systems, has developed only one of the most advanced in several modifications for different carriers:
L-175VE "Khibiny-10V" - for high-precision front-line fighter-bomber;
L-265M10 "Khibiny-M" - for the super-maneuverable fighter of the 4 ++ generation;
L-265 "Khibiny-U" - for a two-seat highly maneuverable Su-30SM fighter;
KS-418E "Khibiny" - for the Su-24MK.

Su-34 with a full set of Khibiny-10V, including a group countermeasures container

This complex is a system of two containers installed on the wingtips for their own defense, and for group electronic warfare - a third container on the central ventral pylon, with a more powerful emitter capable of creating barrage and noise interference for a friendly link or squadron with a significant distance from the reconnaissance and fighter aircraft and enemy ground or ship air defense positions.

The Khibin RTR module has a surveillance frequency range of 1200 - 40000 MHz, and a jamming station of 4-18 GHz for self-defense containers, and 1-4 GHz for group protection containers. Thus, the SAP of self-defense containers (wingtips) completely suppress the entire frequency range of firing target designation and illumination radars (G, H, X, Ku, J), and the SAP of group protection containers suppress the ranges (L, E, S), which makes it possible to achieve suppression detection and target designation radars, which will give out false information on the composition of the group “hiding” behind interference.

It is worth noting the disadvantage of the complex, which consists in small viewing angles of the front and rear hemispheres (90 per hemisphere), the American AN / ALQ-99 has an all-angle view. According to the logic of things, the advanced equipment of the Su-34, Su-35 and Su-30SM is capable of ensuring high-quality and accurate operation of the Khibiny and covering the defended air connection from the Patriot or Standard-2 (3) air defense systems, as well as jamming, covering the flight of the Kh-58 PRLR or tactical KR-PKR of the Kh-59MK2 (X-35U) type, which was actually confirmed in the operation of two Su-34s that destroyed the key Georgian radar and air defense systems Buk-M1 and S-125.

Today "Khibiny" is one of the most effective complexes REP, but the American SAP AN / ALQ-99F (V) with its attached RTR systems is in no way inferior to our system, and even surpasses it in terms of accuracy, so the Khibiny need to be finalized, which is being carried out as part of the Kaluga NIRTI project called "Tarantula ".

/Evgeny Damantsev/

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