Companion, combat automated system. Faithful friend and "comrade-in-arms" Combat automated system bass colleague

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Military robotic complex. caterpillar armored vehicle. Designed for reconnaissance and relaying, patrolling and protection of territories and important objects, demining and clearing. It can be used as a fire support vehicle or for the delivery of ammunition and fuel, the evacuation of the wounded, guard guards.

The vehicle is protected from small arms and shrapnel, uses radio communication with the control panel via a secure channel, is equipped with everything necessary equipment, and can also carry equipment related to the nature of the tasks.

It is argued that, if necessary, a new type of combat automated system can interact with other equipment of its class. In particular, joint work with unmanned aerial vehicles developed by Zala Aero, which is part of the Kalashnikov concern, is possible. This should ensure high flexibility and efficiency in the use of technology in various situations.

The Companion product is a universal tracked platform, protected from some threats and capable of carrying various special equipment. By installing certain types of additional equipment, a multi-purpose UAS can be adapted to solve specific problems. The samples presented so far have equipment corresponding to the modification intended for fire support of troops and other combat work related to observation and attack of the enemy.

The main element of such a platform is an armored body that provides protection against small arms and other threats of a similar level. The body consists of armor plates different forms and sizes connected at angles to each other. A curved upper frontal part is provided, placed at a large angle to the vertical, as well as sloping middle and lower frontal sheets. The lateral part of the forehead has small cheekbones in the form of details of low height. Side projection protection is provided by appropriately shaped vertical sheets. There are developed fender niches. Feed - vertical. In front of the horizontal section of the roof, a node is placed for installing special equipment, such as a combat module, in the stern - grilles of the engine compartment.

UAS "Companion" is equipped with an internal combustion engine, probably placed in the aft part of the hull. All systems of the power plant are controlled by automated means. With the help of installed next to power plant transmission, the engine torque is transmitted to the drive wheels of the aft placement.

Caterpillar undercarriage with five small diameter road wheels on each side. Rollers are equipped with individual torsion bar suspension. Vertical stroke limiters are also provided to prevent the roller balancers from rising above the horizontal position.

In the aft part of the hull, the driving wheels of the lantern gear are placed. Guide wheels are placed on the bow unit, which, as can be seen, are unified in their design with road wheels. To hold the upper branch of the caterpillar in the required position, the undercarriage has two support rollers on each side.

The combat automated system "Companion" is equipped with remote control means, which imposes appropriate requirements on the composition of on-board equipment. First of all, such a technique needs optoelectronic means to monitor the road while driving. To this end, the caterpillar platform carries two sets of cameras placed on the bow and stern of the hull, on the longitudinal axis. To protect against various threats and environment chambers are covered with polygonal casings. In front of the camera, glass with the required strength parameters is protected.

On the sides of the front camera are two additional units of equipment necessary to monitor the situation. The equipment is placed in complex-shaped metal casings with wide slots for operation. One of the blocks is capable of scanning in the horizontal plane, the second - in the vertical one. Interestingly, in the photo from the developer concern, the prototype UAS "Companion" carries horizontal viewing equipment to the left of the camera, while the second prototype received a different arrangement of blocks.

To ensure communication between the remotely controlled machine and the operator's console, there is a set of necessary radio-electronic equipment on board. In addition, two antennas are attached to the rear of the chassis, providing data exchange in the form of sending video and telemetry, as well as receiving commands.

The existing combat module has a U-shaped slewing device, which is the main element of the entire structure. An oscillating block with mounts for a machine gun of the required model is placed between the side supports. The presented vehicles have the ability to be equipped with a 7.62 mm PKT machine gun. To the right of the main supports is placed a box for placing ammunition. A curved metal tray for feeding the tape passes from it to the machine gun. On the left support of the module there is a block of optoelectronic equipment swinging synchronously with the weapon, which ensures the use of the weapon at any time of the day.

"Companion" operates in three control modes, the weight of the complex does not exceed 7 tons, it is capable of speeds up to 40 km/h. With remote control and line of sight, the range of the machine is up to 10 km.

It is able to work in passive mode for up to 10 days and detect targets at a distance of up to 2500 m. The armored vehicle can also work in conjunction with drones.

Machine guns of 7.62 mm and 12.7 mm caliber, as well as a 30-mm grenade launcher of the AG-17A type, can be mounted on a caterpillar platform. The combat module is equipped with gyroscopic weapon stabilization and is capable of independently detecting, tracking and destroying targets, determining their type. In addition, the "Companion" provides for the possibility of installing eight anti-tank guided missiles of the "Kornet-EM" type.


At the current international military-technical forum "Army-2016" a large number of domestic developments for military purposes are presented. Among other sectors of the defense industry, robotics is represented. Both already known developments and new samples of such equipment are demonstrated. One of the novelties of the current exhibition was the combat automated system "Companion", presented by the concern "Kalashnikov".

A new project of a combat automated system (BAS) was developed relatively recently. However, to date, the development organization has not only completed the design, but also built experimental equipment designed to test and demonstrate the system to potential customers. At the same time, the general public became aware of the BAS "Companion" only a few days ago. For the first time, a new development and plans to show it at the next Army-2016 exhibition were announced on the first day of autumn. At the same time, the Kalashnikov concern published a photograph of the sample.

On September 1, the TASS news agency published an interview with CEO Concern "Kalashnikov" Alexei Krivoruchko. Talking to journalists, the head of the company spoke about the plans regarding the exposition at the next exhibition of weapons and equipment. A. Krivoruchko noted that this year the robotics direction was added to the concern's product portfolio. One of the results of this in the very near future was to be the first public demonstration of robotic systems at the Army-2016 exhibition. In this sector, it is planned to show two new developments for various purposes.

As one of the main novelties of the forum from the Kalashnikov concern, the combat automated system "Companion" was named. The project of this BAS was created at the request of the Ministry of Defense. His goal was to create a multi-purpose robotic system capable of solving various tasks using different equipment or weapons. In accordance with such requirements, the general appearance of a promising combat robot was formed. To date, all these ideas have been implemented in the form of design documentation and finished prototypes.

UAS "Companion" is capable of performing various tasks that arise on the battlefield. With its help, reconnaissance, patrolling and protection of important objects or territories, demining, blocking and fire support of units can be carried out. The machine has protection against small arms and fragments, uses radio communication with the control panel via a secure channel, is equipped with all the necessary equipment, and can also carry equipment related to the nature of the tasks.

It is argued that, if necessary, a new type of combat automated system can interact with other equipment of its class. In particular, joint work with unmanned aerial vehicles developed by Zala Aero, which is part of the Kalashnikov concern, is possible. This should ensure high flexibility and efficiency in the use of technology in various situations.

Together with the first data on the new project, the Kalashnikov concern published the first known image of the Soratnik UAS. The photo showed a prototype vehicle in combat configuration, but without weapons. It should be noted that a short video, probably from testing, was soon released showing new sample technology on the move. Interesting shots included in new issue program "Military Acceptance" of the TV channel "Zvezda". Release of a program called “Army-2016. Territory of Excellence” was devoted to preparations for the military-technical forum and the main innovations that were planned to be shown at it. One of the latest was the combat robot "Companion".

It is curious that the photograph from the Kalashnikov concern and the video from the Zvezda channel depict different samples of promising technology. Apparently, the shooting of photo and video materials was carried out in different time and involving different prototypes, one of which became an improved version of the other. One way or another, both known variants of the Soratnik UAS are of great interest and worthy of detailed consideration.

The Companion product is a universal tracked platform, protected from some threats and capable of carrying various special equipment. By installing certain types of additional equipment, a multi-purpose UAS can be adapted to solve specific problems. The samples presented so far have equipment corresponding to the modification intended for fire support of troops and other combat work related to observation and attack of the enemy.

The main element of such a platform is an armored body that provides protection against small arms and other threats of a similar level. The body consists of armor plates of various shapes and sizes, connected at angles to each other. A curved upper frontal part is provided, placed at a large angle to the vertical, as well as sloping middle and lower frontal sheets. The lateral part of the forehead has small cheekbones in the form of details of low height. Side projection protection is provided by appropriately shaped vertical sheets. There are developed fender niches. Feed - vertical. In front of the horizontal section of the roof, a node is placed for installing special equipment, such as a combat module, in the stern - grilles of the engine compartment.

UAS "Companion" is equipped with an internal combustion engine, probably placed in the aft part of the hull. All systems of the power plant are controlled by automated means. With the help of a transmission installed next to the power plant, the engine torque is transmitted to the drive wheels of the aft placement.

Demonstration of another sample of "Companion". Shot from TV channel "Military acceptance", TV channel "Zvezda"

The undercarriage of the two known prototypes has some differences related to the use different composition additional shock absorbers. However, a number of aggregates are used in both cases. Common features of the well-known "Companions" is a caterpillar undercarriage with five small-diameter road wheels on each side. Rollers are equipped with individual torsion bar suspension. Vertical stroke limiters are also provided to prevent the roller balancers from rising above the horizontal position. The prototype from the photograph of the Kalashnikov concern had hydraulic or pneumatic shock absorbers installed on all road wheels as part of the undercarriage. The Zvezda TV channel showed a car with a single pair of such devices that reinforce the torsion bar suspension of the front rollers.

In the aft part of the hull, the driving wheels of the lantern gear are placed. Guide wheels are placed on the bow unit, which, as can be seen, are unified in their design with road wheels. To hold the upper branch of the caterpillar in the required position, the undercarriage has two support rollers on each side.

The combat automated system "Companion" is equipped with remote control means, which imposes appropriate requirements on the composition of on-board equipment. First of all, such a technique needs optoelectronic means to monitor the road while driving. To this end, the caterpillar platform carries two sets of cameras placed on the bow and stern of the hull, on the longitudinal axis. To protect against various threats and the environment, the cameras are covered with polygonal housings. In front of the camera, glass with the required strength parameters is protected.

On the sides of the front camera are two additional units of equipment necessary to monitor the situation. The equipment is placed in complex-shaped metal casings with wide slots for operation. One of the blocks is capable of scanning in the horizontal plane, the second - in the vertical one. Interestingly, in the photo from the developer concern, the Soratnik UAS prototype carries horizontal viewing equipment to the left of the camera, while the second prototype received a different arrangement of blocks.

To ensure communication between the remotely controlled machine and the operator's console, there is a set of necessary radio-electronic equipment on board. In addition, two antennas are attached to the rear of the chassis, providing data exchange in the form of sending video and telemetry, as well as receiving commands.

As conceived by the creators, the Companion automated combat platform can be used in different roles, for which it must carry the appropriate additional equipment. The presented samples of this equipment were made in a combat configuration and carry weapons. The required weapon is proposed to be used together with a remotely controlled weapon station mounted on the hull roof mounts.

The existing combat module has a U-shaped slewing device, which is the main element of the entire structure. An oscillating block with mounts for a machine gun of the required model is placed between the side supports. The presented vehicles have the ability to be equipped with a 7.62 mm PKT machine gun. To the right of the main supports is placed a box for placing ammunition. A curved metal tray for feeding the tape passes from it to the machine gun. On the left support of the module there is a block of optoelectronic equipment swinging synchronously with the weapon, which ensures the use of the weapon at any time of the day.

In the first published photo of the Companion, the combat module did not have a machine gun, but carried some other additional equipment. On the top of the module supports were two small frames with clamps for attaching grenade launchers. Thus, without significant design alterations, the combat automated system can be the carrier of both small arms and rocket-propelled grenade launchers. This allows the operator to use various weapons, as well as select their composition in accordance with the characteristics of the upcoming operation.

A tracked platform with the ability to equip various special equipment or weapons is capable of solving a wide range of combat and auxiliary tasks. So, the original "combat" configuration can be used to patrol specified areas or protect objects. In this case, the task of the Companion will be to move along the established route and monitor the situation. If a target is detected, the operator of the complex will be able to attack it using a machine gun or other weapon mounted on a combat robot.

Second prototype, side view. Shot from TV channel "Military acceptance", TV channel "Zvezda"

Similarly, the Soratnik BAS can be used for reconnaissance or fire support of various units. If necessary, the reconnaissance and combat capabilities of the system can be expanded through its joint use together with existing and future unmanned aerial vehicles. Such use of different models of equipment, first of all, will facilitate the search for targets, which, first of all, will be assigned to the vehicle in the air.

Combat automated system "Companion" is one of the latest domestic developments in the field of military robotics. At the same time, however, it is not the only system of this class created in our country. For several recent years The Russian defense industry presented a number of land-based robotic systems for combat and auxiliary purposes. Multi-purpose systems capable of fighting the enemy, robots for engineering troops and other complexes for various purposes have been created.

It should be noted that work is underway not only on robots in the traditional sense, but also on other systems with remote control. So, on September 1, A. Krivoruchko spoke about plans to show the latest special weapons platform controlled by an operator using a remote control. The main element of this complex is a turret with weapons, optoelectronic equipment and remote controls. As a weapon, a new product should use weapon like automatic or sniper rifles. With the help of the new complex, it is proposed to organize the defense of various important objects.

Until recently, only a narrow circle of specialists directly related to their development knew about the projects of promising robotic combat systems from the Kalashnikov concern. Now the situation has changed. First, the head of the organization spoke about new developments, and then they were presented at the exposition of the military-technical forum that opened. The exhibition "Army-2016" will last until September 11. The first days the forum will work only for specialists, and from Friday it will open its doors to everyone. Thanks to this, the general public will have the opportunity to see for the first time various samples of the latest technology, including the Soratnik combat automated system.

According to the websites:

At the II International Military-Technical Forum "Army-2016" more than 11 thousand samples of weapons and equipment were presented. The total exposition area in the halls and outdoor areas exceeded 200 thousand square meters. m.

The demonstration program took place on the territory of three clusters: aviation - at the airfield in Kubinka, land and water - at the Alabino training ground. We already wrote about them in reports last week: exposition- , dynamic part and air unit website/aviatsionaya-chast

According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, over the three days of work, the total number of guests and participants of the forum exceeded 175,000 people. According to this indicator, the exhibition has already surpassed the results of the previous year (200,000 in four days).

Many of the presented weapons exhibits were on display this year general public first.
Aviation bomb “Drill”

The PBK-500U SPBE-K “Drel” gliding bomb cassette is designed for round-the-clock all-weather use without the aircraft entering the area of ​​​​action of fire weapons of object air defense and delivering self-aiming combat elements to the target with high accuracy.

The ammunition ensures the defeat of armored vehicles, ground-based radars, command posts and power plants of anti-aircraft missile systems with thermal or radar guidance under the influence of natural and artificial interference.

The length of the “Drill” is 3100 mm, the diameter is 450 mm, the weight is 540 kg, the number of combat elements is 15 units, maximum height application - 14 km, range - 30 km. Ammunition equipped satellite system guidance of the GLONASS standard, however, installation of guidance systems of other types is allowed.

Caterpillar robot “Companion”

Shown at the exhibition for the first time. "Companion" was created on the instructions of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

“Companion” is a combat automated system (BAS), which, in conjunction with drones, can conduct reconnaissance and provide fire support troops.

Equipped with a computer control system, covert radio communications, detection and surveillance equipment. The UAS can be equipped with a weapon station, and it can work in conjunction with other automated combat units, including Zala Aero unmanned aerial vehicles.

According to the developers, the system is designed for reconnaissance, fire support for units, patrolling and protecting territories and important facilities, as well as demining and clearing.
self-propelled artillery mount"Phlox"

“Phlox” is the first domestic self-propelled artillery installation (ACS) of this caliber, placed on a highly passable chassis of a vehicle of the “Ural” family.

"Phlox" was created to completely replace obsolete towed guns of a similar caliber in the Russian army.

The self-propelled gun is equipped with a 120-mm cannon, which combines the capabilities of a long-range gun, howitzer and mortar. It can fire from a distance of 100 m to 10 km.

On the roof of the armored cab of the driver and artillery crew, a remotely controlled autonomous combat module with a Kord machine gun of 12.7 mm caliber is installed. The transportable ammunition of self-propelled guns is more than 80 shots, 28 of which are constantly ready to fire and are in operational stacking.

Impact robot “Uranus-9”

"Uran-9" is designed for remote reconnaissance and fire support of combined arms, reconnaissance and anti-terrorist units.

Armament consists of a 30 mm automatic cannon, a 7.62 mm machine gun coaxial with it, and Ataka anti-tank guided missiles. Equipped with bulletproof armor, the robot, whose mass reaches 10 tons, can operate at a distance of up to 3 km from the operator.

It is planned that by the end of 2016, five sets of the Uran-9 combat multifunctional robotic complex will be delivered to the RF Armed Forces. Each set includes four combat vehicles in the form of a reconnaissance robot or a fire support robot, one mobile control center and two tractors.

Cars air defense"Gibka-S"

Fighting machine squads and the reconnaissance and control vehicle of the commander “Gibka-S” were demonstrated only in the closed area of ​​​​the forum. Both cars were created on the basis of the Tiger car.

The combat vehicle of the anti-aircraft gunners squad is designed to defend combined arms units from air attack weapons flying at low and ultra-low altitudes, in all types of combat day and night. The machine can also be used as the latest portable anti-aircraft missile system"Verba", and its predecessor - "Igloo-S". There are eight missiles in the ammunition load, four of which are placed on launcher.

The commander's reconnaissance and control vehicle is designed for automated control of the actions of anti-aircraft gunners' squads. It allows you to quickly interact with higher command posts and manage six combat vehicles or four squads of anti-aircraft gunners.
Light machine gun RPK-16

The light 5.45-mm Kalashnikov RPK-16 light machine gun with an interchangeable barrel has no analogues in the world in terms of weight, dimensions, accuracy and versatility.

According to the developers, the design of the product allows you to replace the barrel in order to use it as a light machine gun(long barrel), and how assault rifle(short barrel).

Specially designed for him new shop increased capacity - 96 rounds, which can also be used for Kalashnikov assault rifles.
Scout robot “Whirlwind”

Shown at the exhibition for the first time. The Whirlwind robotic reconnaissance and strike complex was created on the BMP-3 platform.

According to the developers, the Whirlwind combat module can be installed on any carrier - other modifications of infantry fighting vehicles, on a wheeled chassis, and so on. The module includes a 30 mm cannon and a 7.62 mm machine gun, as well as Kornet-M anti-tank guided missiles.

The weapon control system is capable of automatically detecting, capturing and tracking targets, but the command to open fire is still given by a person. The module is equipped with a high-resolution television camera, a thermal imager, and a laser rangefinder, which allows using the Whirlwind at any time of the day.

"Whirlwind" can independently reach the point specified by the operator. In particular, he can bypass obstacles, as well as patrol a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe area.

According to the developers, the Whirlwind was originally developed as a set of fire support for units on the battlefield and reconnaissance.

The developers claim that the Whirlwind combat module can even be put on a boat. It can operate with sufficiently strong waves, as it has a three-stage gyro stabilization system.

The complex includes:

  • base chassis BMP-3 robotic,
  • combat module ABM-BSM-30,
  • rotary-wing unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) “Sentry” (quadcopter) - 4 pcs.,
  • mobile robotic platform MRP-100 (300) for performing special operations, communication and control system.

Amphibious armored personnel carrier BT-3F

According to the developer, the combat weight of the BT-3F is 18.5 tons, the armor of the vehicle provides comprehensive protection against bullets of 14.5 mm caliber of the KPVT heavy machine gun fired from a distance of 200 m.

BT-3F has:

  • length 7000 mm, width 3300 mm, height 3000 mm;
  • 500 hp diesel engine s., which provides a road speed of 70 km/h, a swimming speed of 10 km/h, power-to-weight ratio of 26.7 liters. s./t;
  • the power reserve is 600 km;
  • BMP-3F chassis, on the basis of which it was created;
  • the combat crew consists of three crew members (commander, assistant commander and driver).

The large internal volume of the habitable compartment allows you to increase the number of paratroopers transported to 12 people or more with comfortable accommodation, use the BT-3F to transport a large amount of cargo, ammunition, equipment and equipment when using an armored personnel carrier as a command and reconnaissance center.

On the roof of the prospective platform, a remote-controlled combat module (DUBM) is installed, in which the main armament is a 7.62-mm PKTM machine gun. For monitoring the terrain and aiming, the combat module is equipped with a television and thermal imaging sight with a laser rangefinder.

In the future, it is possible to install almost any DBM with a 12.7 mm or 14.5 mm machine gun, as well as an automatic grenade launcher of 30 mm AG-17A or 40 mm AGS-40 caliber, the source informed.

The machine is equipped with a weapon protection system mass destruction.

Unmanned "Tiger" with a 30-mm gun

Shown at the exhibition for the first time. Armored car "Tiger" with remote control can move and fire from a 30-mm cannon without a person in the cockpit.

According to its developers, the machine will be able not only to move and shoot at the operator’s commands, but also independently find and track targets.

The weapon station installed on the Tiger is unified in design and fire control system with an automatic remote-controlled weapon station with a 30-mm automatic gun from the Uran-9 product (impact robotic system - TASS note). Now the unmanned "Tiger" is undergoing running and firing tests.
Helicopter for the Arctic Mi-8AMTSh-VA “Terminator”

The first Arctic helicopter was created specifically to operate in the northern regions of the country at temperatures below -40 degrees. The range of its flight with additional fuel tanks installed is more than 1.3 thousand km. Equipped with VK-2500-03 engines and reinforced transmission.

The helicopter is equipped with an air surveillance system to control the location of other aircraft in low visibility conditions and a search radio direction finder to search for people and equipment in distress.

Mi-8AMTSh-VA is adapted for the use of night vision goggles, and also has special equipment, including for heating water and food.

Contract for the supply of helicopters for the Arctic group Russian troops was signed with the Ministry of Defense in February 2015 and is being executed by the Ulan-Ude Aviation Plant along with a long-term contract for the supply of helicopters until 2020. A civilian version will be created based on the Arctic helicopter.

The bonus is a video demonstrating the capabilities of various techniques from this forum.

Combat robot "Companion" returned from Syria.

Recently, Syria has served as a serious testing ground for various technologies. From the very beginning, IS militants have tested their militarized version of radical Islam here, and the Americans have been testing the technologies for overthrowing regimes.

Russia, in this war, is only testing various concepts in action. modern weapons. It works simply: we are transporting to Syria new technology, and we bring experience from Syria, which we again apply in new developments.

According to the results of the use in Syria for service Russian army the first family of the Uranus robotic complex has already arrived. Today, the troops have the Uran-14 robotic fire extinguishing system, the Uran-6 and Uran-10 robotic demining systems for anti-personnel and anti-tank mines, and, in fact, the Uran-9 combat robot. This family combines a single platform and modular design, which facilitates maintenance and significantly reduces the cost of repairs.

The Uranov family joined the list of employees in land army robots, joining the RD-RHR, a radiation and chemical reconnaissance robot.

The robot family is growing

But now another robot has been called into service, which recently returned safely from Syria. It's about about the robotic platform "Companion", the development of the concern "Kalashnikov".

The concern, it seems, decided to move away from its narrow weapons specialization (although in fact boats, machine tools, various machines and even civilian ignition locks are also produced here, but few people take this into account) and try their luck in promising direction robotics.

And Kalashnikov really managed to develop a good robot in a short time, which, after being tested in combat, requires only minor changes. Already this year, its mass production will be launched, and the first batches will go to the troops.

Companion and true friend

The new Russian combat robot "Companion" is a tracked armored vehicle weighing under 7 tons; it is capable of accelerating to 40 km / h, with a power reserve of a solid 400 km.

In passive mode, the robot can work autonomously for 10 days, which, of course, makes an impression.

The armament of the "Companion" can be varied and combined as part of various combat modules. We are talking about machine guns of 7.62 mm and 12.7 mm caliber, as many as eight installations of Kornet-EM anti-tank guided missiles and an anti-personnel 30-mm AG-17 grenade launcher. An impressive arsenal, you will not say anything.

At the same time, gyroscopic stabilization allows you to fire directly in the direction of travel. In the future, perhaps, the Companion will have other weapons - for example, anti-aircraft missiles.

In addition, to expand reconnaissance capabilities, the robot is also equipped with two drones manufactured by the concern.

From the point of view of the tactical and technical description, this is all. Combat robots outwardly quite concise. This is because their true capabilities are provided mainly by internal content.

Scout number one

It is believed that the main tasks of the Companion will lie in the field of reconnaissance, protection of objects and mine clearance.

The more than serious weight of the Companion, despite its very modest dimensions, speaks of good armor. And this means that on the battlefield you do not have to be afraid of quickly losing it. It is indeed quite difficult to hit the Companion: it is protected from machine gun fire and close explosions, it is resistant to cumulative grenades due to the lack of a crew, and its low profile seriously complicates the defeat of projectiles.

The Companion can work in three modes.

Manual. The operator, using the remote control, directly controls the movement of the complex, the selection of targets and the firing. Control radius - 10 kilometers maximum. Everything is simple and clear here.

Semi-automatic. It is not known which functions the robot takes on and which remain with the operator. However, such a regime is necessary both directly in the combat conflict zone and on patrol - in both cases, the operator needs to be distracted in order to save strength and his life, assessing the situation.

Auto mode. The robot operates independently, completely offline. In this case, he performs the task, and when meeting with the enemy, he is able to detect him from a distance of 2500 meters, carry out identification, pick up weapons based on the available arsenal and type of target, and hit him - and this is at full speed.


Unfortunately, we missed the heyday of drones, even though the Soviet Union had its own original and promising developments. When the Americans saw the ghost of a military panacea in the drones, we were busy with internal problems, and we simply did not have the funds for the army. Therefore, in 2011 we had only 150 drones, but in 2015 there were already about 2 thousand of them. Forced to catch up, we meanwhile find an opportunity to avoid many mistakes and overestimate the role of these devices on the battlefield.

In the development and implementation of ground-based robotic systems, we are already among the world leaders. And this means that we need to be more careful and not fall into euphoria.

By 2025, the volume of robotic systems in the Russian army should reach 30% of all weapons. And these should be really effective combat robots.

*Terrorist organization banned on the territory of the Russian Federation.

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