What perks to download on t92. T92, but no art: a new "firefly" in the Premium Shop

Helpful Hints 10.08.2019
Helpful Hints

Briefly about disguise VIII T92. She's great. Works always and everywhere. If you want, stand in the bushes, easily and naturally highlighting the dull attempts of the enemies to understand who discovered them and from where. If you want, play active light, being the first to detect an opponent and think over your own actions based on the information received. In addition, the T92 is an ultra-compact machine. It is difficult not only to find it, but also to get on it. But it is very easy to miss in the rear to get a dozen or two shells in the stern in a short period of time.

Decent, though not a record among light tanks. The declared 60 km / h T92 is gaining quickly, and holds so tenaciously, as if it were driving along the concrete autobahns of Western Europe. And how do you like the specific power of 35 hp / t? This is what definitely commands respect and admiration. We can safely say: the tank is really frisky.

Traditionally good for light tanks. The base value is 400 meters. And with the help of equipment, equipment, skills and abilities of the crew, it can be “dispersed” to uncompromising values. When a T92 appears nearby, few people have a chance to go unnoticed.

The tool is fun. It is this characteristic that is best suited for the 76 mm Gun T185E1: more than 2000 damage per minute, aiming time of 1.8 seconds and spread of 0.38 m per 100 m. The gun does not promise super-penetration. But it's a light tank, after all! It must shine and move. And, of course, damage vulnerabilities- this is always welcome.

Innovation has reached the tree of development of the American nation. The T92 is being introduced into the game, the first premium LT to appear under the Stars and Stripes flag. The car will take a position at the 8th level, which will definitely appeal to fans of a dynamic game. According to preliminary characteristics, the newcomer seems to be a formidable and interesting opponent, therefore, it requires detailed consideration.

T92 - premium light tank Tier VIII. This is a small car good performance camouflage, armed with a 76-mm gun with a one-time damage of 150 HP. Fans of American light tanks will notice the resemblance to the M41 Walker Bulldog. But in terms of gameplay, the tanks will differ: the T92 has better gun stabilization on the move, but slightly less dynamic mobility characteristics.

Historical facts T92 american light tank

However, indeed interesting parameter is invisibility. The concealment ratio is 32% for a static and moving car, which is considered a really good indicator. In addition, the tank is endowed with a good view of 400 meters, which shows an unsurpassed firefly in it.

The . The barrel does not have outstanding penetration characteristics: only 175 mm, with a one-time damage of 150 units. Together, this gives a DPM of about 2,000, which is a pretty good indicator for a light tank.

Having recharged with gold, you can increase armor penetration to 210 mm, which will allow you to quite comfortably deal with the “nines” and painfully bite some representatives of the 10th level.

However, it must be clarified that the gun is rather oblique, with a spread of 0.38 per 100 meters. At the same time, let's not forget that we are talking about a firefly, for which accuracy and armor penetration are not considered priority characteristics.

The technique has a margin of safety in 1000 HP, the viewing radius will be 400 meters. The speed of rotation of the tower does not cause a storm of delight - 50 degrees / sec, but the displacement of the chassis can cause admiration: 70 degrees / sec.

The speed indicators of the car are quite average: 65 km/h, but the speed of movement in reverse inspires respect - 25 km/h.
The armament of the T92 looks interesting. Installed on the tank 76 mm gun with armor penetration 175 mm and one-time damage 150 units. The values ​​look familiar, however, the gun does not have a drum loading mechanism. Reload speed: 4.5 seconds.

With these characteristics, the T92 light tank went to the test servers, so the given parameters may change. In general, the technique promises to be interesting, although it resembles other LT American branch development.

According to preliminary specifications, the T92 WoT seems to be a rather interesting vehicle, but this does not mean that the tank does not need improvement. Given the basic parameters, we can recommend the following set of equipment:

  • Illuminated optics.
  • Gun dispenser.
  • Pickup drives.

Alternatively, you can experiment with camouflage netting or improved ventilation.

By training tankers to improve combat characteristics, you can learn perks in this order:

In addition, be sure to take into battle the first-aid kits, repair kits and fire extinguishers laid down according to the staffing table. Don't forget that an injury to the driver or a caterpillar knocked down in the center of the field can be a fatal event for a light tank. Fans of extreme racing can replace one consumable with a box of Cola.

Booking T92 LT

It is quite expected that the T92 tank is weakly protected, like most vehicles of this class. It is the lack of armor that allows the LT to flutter freely across the battlefields, swooping down on clumsy opponents, dealing maximum damage and eluding retribution.

The most protected part of the steel body of the "American" is the frontal part of the hull, where there is as much as 31 mm of armor, in the forehead of the tower - 28 millimeters. Of course, with such parameters, you should not rely heavily on non-penetration and ricochets, so it’s better not to get hit.

How to play on T92?

The tactics of playing on this vehicle will not differ from the standard behavior in light tank battles. We have good speed and maneuverability, which will allow us to work with active light, riding closer to the center of the map and highlighting the team.

If you prefer a more relaxed style of play, occupy the thick bushes on promising direction, and boldly go to brew coffee. You can detect an “American” in passive light mode only by driving into a dense one, which your teammates are guaranteed not to allow.

In addition, you can combine both pleasures. After working with passive light, ride around the map, discovering hidden enemies, and then raid the rear, cutting out artillery.

Brief summary of T92

To better understand the features of this premium tank, it makes sense to compare its positive and negative characteristics.

Explicit benefits are considered:

  • Review.
  • Disguise.
  • Speed ​​and dynamics.
  • Low silhouette.
  • Attractive price.

Flaws .

Greetings, comrades! The other day, WarGaming rolled out another Tier 8 Premium, but this time it was the American LT! And immediately a sea of ​​​​questions: Is it worth taking the unit? How much is this tarantula? How interesting is the tank in terms of gameplay? What are his performance characteristics? How much farm? And in general, how is it in general? All this I will try to make out in the article below.

Main indicators in stock:

  • Overview = 400 meters. Not bad for level 8.
  • Accuracy = 0.38. Kosovo.
  • Aim Time = 1.8 sec. Average score.
  • Max speed forward = 60. Back = 25. Quite enough for most of the not yet closed replants and races. Accelerates fine to max.
  • Stealth in motion and in place = 0.32. VERY invisible.
  • Damage is one-time:
    • Base projectile = 150
    • Gold projectile = 150
    • HE shell = 185
  • Projectile penetration:
    • Base projectile = 175
    • Gold projectile = 210
    • HE shell = 38
  • Ammo price:
    • Base projectile = 270
    • Gold projectile = 5600
    • HE shell = 250
  • Damage per minute = 2000 damage.
  • Gun reload = 4.5 sec.

More details on the screen (clickable):

What consumables to put

If you shoot gold, then the farm as such is meaningless. This means that you either don’t carry gold at all, or at a minimum and rarely use it, unless of course you are going to go to 3 marks.

From first-aid kits-remoks-fire extinguishers - here at will and budget. However, on this moment engine and tracks are critical for every sneeze from any tank. The problem of WG is known, they promised to fix it, but when will it be and will it be? Until then:

  • regular repair kit
  • ordinary first aid kit
  • automatic fire extinguisher if the crew has enough perks
  • Coca-Cola, if there are not enough perks and you need to strengthen the general performance characteristics
  • a pair of land mines to bring down a base or kill artillery
  • pieces 10 gold shells in case of emergency
  • the rest are ordinary shells

Like this (clickable):

Tank price

  • Basic package = 1430 rubles. Tank + hangar slot
  • Advanced package = 2145 rubles. Tank + hangar slot + 2000 gold + 14 days of premium + drop X5 15 times on the tank
  • Package maximum = 2970 rubles. Includes: Tank + 3 hangar slots + T1E6 2 tiers + T7 COMBAT CAR 2 tiers + 4000 gold + 1 month premium + 40 reserves for credits 50% for 1 hour + drop X5 40 times on the tank


The tank is essentially the purest firefly. Shine, shine and shine again. Great stealth and a good overview of this bold hint. Great for implementation of LBZ up to T 55A, for Object 260 with a creak, but suitable (meaning the last most difficult tasks of the LT15 type). As a damage tank, he doesn't make much of a difference. Weak penetration and low damage directly tell us about it.


Everything you need to know about the armor of this tank: when the artillery aims in your direction, it will definitely hit. We even splash. There is no armor. natural cardboard.

Tank video

Stream from Evil Granny

Flash Stream

Stream from Korben

Review from Amway 921

Review from Pro Tanks

T92 is one of the most powerful self-propelled artillery installations of the middle of the 20th century. Developed in the USA at the end of World War II. This 240-mm self-propelled gun was never mass-produced, in total 5 prototypes of this machine were made. Today, this artillery mount is familiar to many who have played at least a little World of Tanks. And although in reality she did not manage to take part in the hostilities, everyone can see the power of this self-propelled guns on the virtual battlefields. In general, the Belarusian online game, no matter how they treat it, did a very important thing - it popularized the armored vehicles of the period of the Second World War, aroused people's interest not only in various developments of engineers from the USSR, Germany, USA, France, Great Britain, but also period.

After the T26E3 heavy tank, better known as the M-26 Pershing, was adopted at the beginning of 1945, discussions began in the United States on proposals to create a whole series of armored vehicles based on a single chassis, sets of units and assemblies of this tank. The 240-mm towed howitzer M1918, which is in service with the American army, was recognized by the military as not a particularly successful development, due to the difficulties in moving such a massive howitzer across the terrain, and the experience available in the United States in installing 155-mm guns on the chassis of the M3 / M4 series tanks clearly demonstrated, that on the basis of the heavy tank T26EZ it will be possible to create a 240-mm self-propelled gun. Also, the chassis of this tank was supposed to be used to install an 8-inch (203-mm) gun on it. At the same time, a model with a 240-mm howitzer received the T92 index, and with an 8-inch gun T93. Also in the plans of American engineers was the creation assault tank T26E5, conveyors and a number of other machines. The design work on the T92 was approved in March 1945, after which Chrysler (Detroit Arsenal) received an order for the production of 4 prototypes, in total 5 T92 self-propelled guns were built.

First self-propelled howitzer was ready in early July 1945, after a series of tests that took place at the Aberdeen Proving Ground, the self-propelled guns were sent to Fort Bragg for testing by the Artillery Committee. At the same time, the military placed an order for the T93. Two of the first four experimental T93 machines were handed over to the military by September 1945. By this time, all military orders were suspended due to the end of the war with Japan. In total, by this time, the Detroit Arsenal had fully assembled 5 T92 self-propelled guns and 2 more T93 self-propelled guns. Tests conducted in the United States have shown that these two heavy self-propelled guns would be ideal for destroying deep shelters and enemy bunkers in the conduct of hostilities in the Pacific islands.

The T92 and T93 self-propelled guns were primarily created for use in the upcoming landing on the Japanese islands (as part of Operation Downfall), where a very high saturation of the Japanese defense with a variety of reinforced concrete structures was assumed. The decision to launch these ACS in mass production adopted in March 1945. In total, it was planned to assemble 115 T92 and 58 T93 self-propelled guns, but until the end of World War II, mass production of these self-propelled guns was not deployed.

For testing at the famous Aberdeen Proving Ground, the first sample of the T92 arrived only in July, and the T93 in September 1945. Due to differences in the weight of the artillery systems used, the combat weight of the T93 turned out to be even higher and amounted to 66,300 kg, which, however, had little effect on technical specifications ACS. Both prototypes passed a series of tests successfully, while the self-propelled guns were simply late for the front. After the end of the war, interest in this project very much weakened, in addition, the American army was quite satisfied with no less successful self-propelled guns of the M40 and M41 types already in service. At the same time, almost all the collected samples were sent for remelting, with the exception of a single copy of the T92, which was turned into a museum exhibit of the Detroit Arsenal.

Both self-propelled artillery mounts used a large number of units and components of the T26E3 tank, the same engine, transmission and suspension. At the same time, unlike a heavy tank, the drive wheels on the self-propelled guns were located in front, and not behind. Both self-propelled guns had the same lightweight chassis, which was reconfigured, an opener was installed in the stern. The armament of the T92 and T93 self-propelled guns was interchangeable. When developing data artillery systems American engineers relied on the experience gained in the development of the T84 self-propelled guns. The large dimensions of the mounted guns made it necessary to add 1 track roller on each side and lengthen the hull compared to the T26E3 tank. Thus, on each side there were 7 road wheels with an individual torsion bar suspension, as well as 6 support rollers. The front wheel was driving, the rear guide.

The designers also managed to lighten the design by weakening the level of armor protection, the thickest armor of the self-propelled guns did not exceed 1 inch (2.54 cm). Both self-propelled guns received the T80E1 double-ridge caterpillar, which was quite often expanded by the crew by installing 5-inch spurs. The caterpillar was assembled from 94 metal tracks with a width of 609 mm. and a step of 152.4 mm., the tracks were equipped with special rubber-metal hinges. The installation of extended tracks reduced the pressure on the ground, which had a positive effect on the patency and mobility of the machine.

As on the T26E3 heavy tank, the new self-propelled guns had 2 drivers at once. The car had a driver and his assistant, each of which had its own control mechanisms. Each of the drivers had their own turret with 3 observation blocks installed in it. These turrets were placed on the frontal hull plate, which had a slope of 72 degrees from the vertical. Full crew artillery mount included 8 people. In addition to 2 drivers, the crew included 6 more people who were located on the sides of the gun in the rear of the self-propelled guns. At the same time, neither the T92 nor the T93 was supposed to carry ammunition. It was planned that the installations would be accompanied by special T31 transporters, which were adapted for transporting 240-mm and 203-mm ammunition. Especially for these self-propelled guns, American engineers developed shots with concrete-piercing shells.

Tests that were carried out at the Aberdeen military training ground showed that these self-propelled guns are ideal for destroying long-term firing points and various enemy bunkers. At the same time, the disadvantages of the machine were also noted. In particular, the need was identified to install a more powerful engine on the machine. Therefore, it was decided that the development of new self-propelled guns should be based on the components of the power plant of a series of new heavy tanks T29, T30 and T32, which in turn at that time were themselves only at the testing stage. A relative disadvantage of the system could be considered a small portable ammunition load, which consisted of only 6 shells.

The design of the two self-propelled guns T92 and T93 was largely similar, with the exception of the artillery systems used. The ACS hull had a layout with a front-mounted transmission, and the control compartment was also located in the front. The engine compartment was in the middle of the self-propelled gun, and in the stern - the combat compartment. The hydraulic type transmission was adopted from the Pershing heavy tank and included the following design elements: a 3-speed torque converter, a 3-speed planetary gearbox with servo-hydraulic control, a primary planetary gearbox, a Cletrack dual differential, and single-stage final drives. The power plant of the self-propelled guns consisted of an 8-cylinder Ford GAF ​​gasoline engine that developed a maximum power of 500 hp. at 2600 rpm.

The gun was mounted in the rear of the hull in a special U-shaped superstructure with bulletproof armor (armor 12.7 mm). The rate of fire of the 240 mm howitzer was 1 shot in 3 minutes. The fire was conducted mainly using high-explosive fragmentation shells, which had maximum range shooting up to 23,065 meters. For a 203-mm gun, this figure was higher and amounted to 32,584 meters. A special concrete-piercing projectile could also be used. To reduce the level of recoil at the time of the shot, a bucket stop was mounted on the aft armor plate, which, in a combat position, fell to the ground.

As already mentioned above, the crew of the T92 self-propelled guns consisted of 8 people: a driver, an assistant driver, a commander, a gunner and 4 loaders. The self-propelled gun control department housed the jobs of the driver and his assistant, the rest of the crew were located in the fighting compartment. To protect against possible attacks by enemy infantry in the conning tower, there were 7.62-mm carbines in a special stowage.

Tactical and technical characteristics of ACS T92:
Overall dimensions: length - 8534 mm, width - 3353 mm, height - 3068 mm, ground clearance - 508 mm.
Booking - 13-25 mm.
Weight - 63 tons.
Armament - 240-mm Howitzer M1 howitzer.
Ammunition - 6 shots.
Rate of fire - 1 shot in 3 minutes.
Power plant: V-shaped 8-cylinder, 500 hp Ford GAF ​​liquid-cooled carburetor engine.
Speed ​​on the highway - 24 km / h.
Cruising on the highway - up to 128 km.

Sources of information:

The unfinished history of T92

In 1966, a fundamentally new american tank The M551 Sheridan and the military were ready to literally applaud the designers - the amount of innovation per ton of weight was colossal. Today, few people are interested military history players know that the success of the Sheridan was preceded by another innovative tank, which has remained a prototype.

The story began with the M41 Walker Bulldog - the main light tank US army. By the early 1950s, he did not meet the requirements of the armed forces. The first attempt to create a "Bulldog" worthy replacement resulted in the little-known T41E1 - expensive, technologically sophisticated and too heavy tank. Therefore, already in 1952, a competition was again announced for the creation light car. The requirements turned out to be tough: with a mass of no more than 18 tons, the unit had to carry a 90-mm gun. Since an expensive and lengthy contract with the defense department was at stake, as many as three veterans responded to the competition American military-industrial complex. Detroit Arsenal, Cadillac and Aircraft Armaments each presented their vision. But only the T92 from Aircraft Armaments was an original and appropriate solution to the problem.

The design of the tank was unusual. The commander and gunner were located to the right and left of the gun, they were protected by two small turrets, large-caliber machine guns were installed in them. The gun was located on the carriage, and not in the turret itself, which made the tank significantly lower than its counterparts. The loader was located at the rear of the turret, with a semi-automatic shell loading device to its right. The driver was sitting in the front left side of the hull, next to power plant. This kind of layout was new, but the two built T92 prototypes passed their field tests perfectly.

Ruined an outstanding car appearance in Soviet army amphibious light tank PT-76 (it is also presented in the Armata Project). The Defense Committee of the US Congress was furious - America did not have a worthy response to the tactical advantage that appeared in the USSR. It was not possible to rebuild the T92 so that it could compete with the PT-76. The T92 was frozen and did not enter production, but many of the developments used in it formed the basis of the M551 Sheridan after more than ten years.

Tactical and technical characteristics of T92 (TTX)

AT "Armored Warfare: Project Armata" The T92 is a premium tier 2 light tank that can be purchased from the in-game shop for 650 gold coins. This is an excellent entry-level vehicle, which, however, should be paid attention to by seasoned tankers.

By the standards of the second level performance characteristics T92 are impressive. The car is very nimble, it turns and accelerates beautifully. Top speed is 72 km/h and acceleration to 32 km/h takes just 5.3 seconds. This is a serious claim to victory both in duels with other light armored vehicles and with clumsy MBTs. Excellent dynamics at low levels, where the T92 has practically no serious competitors, allows you to conduct an aggressive battle where MBT lacks speed, and AFV lacks firepower.

With firepower, the T92 is doing great. The designers of Aircraft Armaments installed a 76mm cannon on the tank, which copes very well with all the targets for which it was created. The T-54 and M48 easily penetrate the vulnerable frontal projection zones with armor-piercing shells. The characteristics of the gun are also excellent: 158 damage at 146 millimeters of penetration. But this is not the main thing in the case of the T92: aiming takes 2.4 seconds, and reloading takes 4.7 seconds. Almost record numbers, allowing you to effectively exchange damage with most opponents. Add to that high precision, excellent angles vertical aiming and a viewing radius of 432 meters and get a deadly ninja who is equally good at killing from ambush, in a firefight across half a map and in close combat. There are no unbeatable positions for the T92, although it dies quickly. The tank has almost no armor, and with 840 HP, holding a hit is far from a priority task. Although it is worth noting that the armor-piercing shells of rapid-fire guns occasionally bounce off the VLD.

What to install?

Since the car is premium, its performance cannot be significantly improved. There are only two cells for equipment: one “general” and one “mobility”. In the first, we recommend putting the barrel cover (speeds up reloading), in the second - the transmission (reduces acceleration time).

How to play and win on T92?

Playing on the T92 requires an excellent reaction from the tanker. The car is nimble: you need to be able to lean out in time and hide the body. Do not be afraid to move freely around the map. Firepower American LT can be useful in other areas. It is important to remember that the main purpose of the T92 is to deal damage. His gun, although not the most powerful, is quick-firing and accurate, allowing him to hit enemy vehicles of all classes painfully. Plus, this tank is nice and easy to hunt for single targets. The class bonus allows you to accurately fire at the enemy even on the way to him, and the rate of fire and excellent dynamics make it possible to either twist it or use the “pin pricks” tactics. You should also actively use small dimensions. The tank is low and feels great in skirmishes on flat terrain. It is strictly forbidden to catch shells, the armor is pierced by all calibers.

In general, to play well on the T92, it is enough to remember that you must constantly attack aggressively and break through to the rear through weak areas of the front. When T92 gets to the top, he has to fight with PT-76 and M113, in other cases - with MBTs of the second and third levels, which, by the way, he breaks through quite well. Experienced players should pay attention to this LT, if only for the reason that the tank is great for grinding money and general reputation. Players at the initial levels are inexperienced, it will not be difficult to defeat them.

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