Glikeria Pimenova: “Comments on Christina's photo are often negative from Russia. Model Kristina Pimenova: parents, biography, parameters and interesting facts Kristina Pimenova's number

Fashion & Style 13.06.2019
Fashion & Style

A little fair-haired girl with huge blue eyes and an angelic serene look was not yet five years old when journalists from prestigious publications unanimously called her the most beautiful child in the world. In the galaxy of modeling business stars, Kristina Pimenova turned out to be not only one of the most charming, but also one of the youngest. The baby was once brought to the modeling agency by her own mother, holding her hand tightly.

The women's actual online magazine "Beautiful Half" at the request of readers publishes a photo of Kristina Pimenova, and also presents the material:
- about the parents of Kristina Pimenova;
- about her life, studies and hobbies;
- about the girl's work in the modeling business.

Parents of Kristina Pimenova

Kristina - youngest daughter famous Russian football player Ruslan Pimenov, former player of the Russian national team. His wife and mother of a small fashion model are called Glykeria. It is known that she has an economic education, but she chose the path of a housewife in order to devote herself entirely to raising children.

Rumors are stubbornly spreading on the Internet that Glikeria Pimenova herself once tried herself in the modeling business, since she has quite suitable external data for this. This allegedly prompted her to a grandiose plan: to organize brilliant career models for my daughter. But in fact, Glykeria has nothing to do with the modeling business, and on the official website of Kristina Pimenova it is said that her mother is just a housewife.

The reason for the Internet myths was the photos from one of the photo shoots, in which Glykeria showed an impeccable figure, chiseled legs, elegant women's stilettos and a short sequined dress. These pictures went viral and were misinterpreted. And the truth, most likely, was that Glykeria, out of sports interest, starred with one of the photographers working with her daughter.

Christina, born December 27, 2005, has elder sister Natalia, who is seven years older than her. While Christina conquers the catwalks, Natalia is studying at one of the prestigious British schools.

Kristina Pimenova and modeling business

They say that Kristina got into the modeling business almost by accident: the girl was only three years old, when all her friends began vying with each other to repeat to Glikeria Pimenova that it was not a sin for such a charming face to get on the covers of fashion magazines. And the mother sent several photos of her three-year-old daughter to the children's modeling agency President kids. Christina's candidacy was immediately approved by strict experts, and she was invited to audition. In less than two years, the girl managed to appear in dozens of professional photo shoots and videos, got the opportunity to collaborate with brands like Prada, Burberry, Pitti Bimbo, Silvian Heach. When Christina was five years old, she became the face of the world well-known brand kinder.

The young model is often called "a child with the eyes of an adult." Her gaze is indeed very expressive. Fluffy eyelashes, regular and delicate facial features, thick Brown hair, on which hairstyles with curls and fashionable multi-tiered braids look great - all makeup artists and stylists surely dream of such a magnificent model.

Thanks to her work in the modeling business and participation in prestigious fashion events, Kristina Pimenova travels a lot and managed to travel around almost half of the planet. The girl does not complain about being tired during trips and flights - on the contrary, every time she rejoices at the opportunity to get to know a new country.

France, gymnastics and a ton of toys

Christina was born in Moscow, but it so happened that she spent the first years of her life in Metz, one of the most beautiful cities in France, nicknamed by tourists "the city of parks and churches." The young star of fashion catwalks still has the most reverent feelings for this country and simply adores everything French - from clothes to culture and language. She is also fluent in Italian, and she studies English with great pleasure.

Christina also manages to do rhythmic gymnastics. She is coached by Olga Kapranova, multiple world and European champion. If the daughter of a famous football player showed complete indifference to sports, it would certainly look unnatural. But Ruslan proudly talks about the fact that his little Christy already has a gold medal won at junior competitions.

Christina does not have much free time, but she, like any other child, tries to devote rare hours of leisure to games. By her own admission, she is the owner of a whole "ton of toys", and a fluffy pet, a cat named Finya, usually becomes an indispensable participant in all home games. In choosing friends, Christina is quite selective. In all interviews, she says that best friend considers his peer Evelina Voznesenskaya, with whom they participate in the same shows.

1. For photos of Christina, fashion publications pay an average of five thousand dollars.

2. The stylists who work with the girl claim that they do not abuse makeup when correcting her face and use only a little blush and good lip gloss, and all other effects are achieved thanks to Photoshop.

3. Christina passed the casting, organized by the creators of the cult vampire saga "Twilight", and auditioned for the role of Renesmee, the daughter of the main characters. She was not approved only because at that moment she did not speak well enough English language, and preference was given to the American Mackenzie Foy.

P.S.: Whatever you think about Kristina Pimenova, you can write in the comments to this article.

Kristina Pimenova is a popular model who managed to become world famous thanks to her external data. Despite such a young age, unofficially, the girl is considered the most beautiful child on the planet. However, her mother adheres more to the term the youngest model. As paradoxical as it may sound, but Russian child enjoys greater popularity in Europe and America than in his native country. For 10 years of her life, a girl with angelic appearance I have worked with many famous brands.

early years

Kristina Pimenova was born on December 27, 2005. Some sources claim that she was born in Paris, but this is a lie. In fact, the birth took place in Moscow, the mother of the model repeatedly spoke about this. By the way, there are also many untrue rumors about parents. They say that Christina's mother Glikeria also worked as a model at one time, but in fact she is a housewife with an economic education. The father of the young beauty - Ruslan - is a football player. Initially, he was a player in Dynamo Minsk, then Lokomotiv Moscow, and even entered the field for the Russian national team.

Since childhood, the girl is all her own free time dedicated to gymnastics. At the time of 2016, she had already left this sport. All because for a small child it was a very interesting, but difficult test. Mom said that at lunchtime she took her daughter from school to take her to a training session that lasted 4-6 hours. Christina literally ate in the car, because there was sorely lacking time. And according to this schedule, I went through it every day, except Sunday.

Modeling career

  • Growth- 140 cm;
  • The weight- 26 kg;
  • Options– 57-50-59 cm.

As a child, the whole family managed to live in Europe, where they began to pay attention to the girl. Glykeria shared that it was people who gave her the idea to give her daughter to the modeling business. Their family was repeatedly told that their daughter would achieve great success in modeling. That is why, my mother began to look for a suitable agency. Having found this, she went with her daughter to the casting and took amateur photos with her. Despite the young age, the leaders could not miss the chance to work with such a beautiful child, so they signed a contract. From that time to this 2016, the girl does not disappear from billboards and magazine pages.

Glykeria admits that the first works were not what one can be proud of, but it is always difficult to start. In Russia, Kristina Pimenova was not deprived of attention, but she did not become very popular either. She mainly took photos for catalogs. After working with a famous photographer who shoots in Russia and Italy, my mother realized that it was time to conquer Europe. From that moment on, the girl's career began to rapidly gain momentum.

Christina fit the ideal type of a European model: blond hair, big blue eyes and a sweet face. This remains the most sought-after type of young fashion model in 2016. That is why she became a frequent guest of fashion shows and photo shoots. Already at the age of four, the girl walked the catwalk, presenting designer clothes. Any adult model dreams of such glory.

Already in 2011 (at that time the girl was only 5 years old) she professionally walked the catwalk at the shows of Prada, Burberry, Dolce & Gabbana, Fendi and many other famous brands.

And that is not all. Also at this age, the young beauty could boast that her photos were published in more than 15 magazines. After such achievements, her popularity increased even more, and famous designers fought for the opportunity to work with a young model.

Kristina Pimenova attended a huge number of photo shoots. Most of the photos were taken for advertising campaigns. She has worked with Forever 21, Fur Toys Catalogue, BORN, Replay&Sons, Belle&Giocose, Roberto Cavalli junior, D&G junior, Oodji, Dsquared2 kids to name a few. She publishes the best and most interesting, in her opinion, works on Instagram. By the way, because of such a young age and possible criticism, the model’s mother follows her Instagram account. Christina herself does not sit on social networks. This helps her to ignore negative comments and keep a positive mindset.

Gallery is clickable

There were many negative comments addressed to the mother on numerous occasions. Detractors claimed that in some photos on the social network Instagram, Kristina Pimenova looks very defiant. Such reviews have always haunted the model, as at the beginning of her creative way in 2009, and at the peak in 2016. In turn, the mother does not see any vulgarity, arguing that most of the cosmetics on her daughter are only a little moisturizing lip gloss.

Some sources report that in 2011 Kristina Pimenova auditioned for the role of Renesmee in the cult film Twilight. Saga. Dawn". However, this is yet another lie. Mom, being the girl's agent, says that they never went to film castings. Despite this, Hollywood film producers often send them scripts, but they are forced to refuse. This is because for this year 2016, Christina is not yet fluent in English.

Also, for the young beauty, 2011 was marked by a personal achievement. According to the official statistics of the Google search engine, she is the third person in the list of the most requested people. In addition, she is very popular on social media.

On her official page Instagram has over 1.5 million followers and Facebook has over 4.3 million.

The model herself admits that at the time of 2016, she liked most of all working with Dolce and Gabbano, as well as Dean and Den, the Caten brothers, designers of the Dsquared2 brand. She is often invited to shoot, because despite her age, she behaves very reservedly and professionally in front of the camera. Mom often publishes backstage photos on Instagram, and professional photos adorn advertising campaigns and world glosses.

Personal life

The personal life of a 10-year-old girl is very eventful. She constantly travels, makes new friends and communicates with fashion industry gurus. Christina admits that it is for this that she loves her job. The girl treats such a difficult profession as a game. Therefore, as soon as she gets bored, she will immediately switch to another area. In an interview in 2016, the model admitted that she dreams of becoming a film actress or director in the future. In the meantime, Kristina Pimenova continues to please Instagram and Facebook subscribers with charming pictures that collect thousands of likes.

To the question "Do you know that they call you the most beautiful girl on the planet?" - dear Kristina Pimenova answers: “Yes, but I want to be loved for kindness.” At heart, the model remains the same ordinary child as the rest. She has best friends with whom she likes to spend time, soft toys, dolls and hobbies.

Kristina Pimenova on Instagram: @kristinapimenova2005

Kristina Pimenova is the most demanded girl model

Every parent wants his child to be the most beautiful, smartest, most talented and just the best.

Looking at a small Russian model Kristina Pimenova (Kristina Pimenova), you understand that her mom and dad have something to be proud of.

Kristina Pimenova has gained thousands of fans, many of whom, including recognized experts in the fashion industry, consider her the most beautiful girl of the 21st century and the most sought-after little model in the world.

For some time the whole family lived in France, then moved to Russia.

The Pimenov family also has eldest daughter Natalia, who is currently studying in the UK. The life of the younger Christina, the parents (football player Ruslan Pimenov and Glikeria Pimenova) decided to connect with the fashion industry.

The girl, literally from the cradle, loved to pose in front of the camera, “froze”, waiting for the shutter to click, and then started the children's fun again.

So the parents, realizing early that they got a gifted child, decided to develop their daughter's talent.

Christina was brought into the world of fashion by her mother Glykeria, the girl was then three years old. Together with the stylist, the parent chose different images for the baby, helped her daughter on the set.

The little model impresses with the charming appearance of a typical Slavic type - long blond hair, bottomless grey-blue eyes, porcelain skin. And ... not a childish adult look.

Seven-year-old Kristina copes with the work of the model in an adult way. Despite his small age, she has already participated in world fashion shows.

In the modeling business, she often has to communicate with foreigners. But this does not frighten Christina, because she can speak fluently (in addition to her native Russian) in Italian, and now she is still learning English. Christina, in general, is an ordinary child - she plays with dolls, communicates with her peers. And she is also professionally engaged in rhythmic gymnastics, in this field she also has great success! In less than a year of training, the girl has already managed to win a gold medal in competitions.

Only time will tell who this little angel will turn into, but for now let's wish Christina good luck!




























She was called a Russian angel at the age of 10, and according to the Daily Mail, this is. In 2009, Kristina Pimenova signed with LA Models and moved to Los Angeles. Little supermodel - this is how the top fashion magazines call the girl and predict her the glory of the legendary models of the past. It is interesting to know that in the modeling field, Kristina Pimenova has been bending her fragile back since she was 3 years old.

Her father is a football player Ruslan Pimenov. Christina's mother, Glikeria Pimenova, is the personal manager of a young fashion model. caring parents in every possible way contribute to the promotion of their child in the modeling business.

By the way, Glikeria Pimenova leads her daughter Christina's Instagram. The girl already has over 1.5 million subscribers.

Since the first professional filming, Pimenova Jr. has grown noticeably.

Kristina Pimenova is not so many years old - only 11.

Despite such a tender age, Christina has already worked with such famous brands as Armani Junior, Prada, Burberry and Silvian Heach.

In addition, a teenage girl is fond of rhythmic gymnastics and foreign languages.

Christina speaks good Italian.

Despite the huge popularity of the little beauty, there are also critics who accuse Christina's mother of depriving her daughter of her childhood. How do you feel about child labor?

I found out about Christina's popularity on the Internet quite by accident. My friend once said that she read a lie about her daughter - it turned out that she periodically drives the girl's name into the Google search box. I followed her example and saw many links that mentioned Christina's name. Before that, I had an account on the resource, and somehow the photos that I posted on the blog went around the Web. The pictures that aroused mass interest were taken by Alena Kunda. The first shooting took place when Christina was only four years old. Since then, we have been constantly collaborating, moreover, we have become friends.

I have never engaged in targeted PR for Christina on the Web. For us, the priority is the professional career of the model, and not online fame at all. Up to a certain point, everything happened by itself, then I started my daughter's official accounts in "Instagram", this is my favorite, and Facebook. A very long time ago I had my own page in Odnoklassniki - personal photos were stolen from there, so later I deleted it, as well as the Vkontakte page. I do not consider these social networks acceptable in terms of security and moderation, so neither my daughter nor I have accounts in them.

Offline popularity of Christina arose due to the interest of the press: in different countries there were hundreds of articles in leading publications and numerous news stories on TV dedicated to her. Today, her daughter has a huge number of serious works with world fashion brands, including Roberto Cavalli, Armani, Ermanno Scervino, Fendi, Dolce & Gabbana, Dsquared2, and she is called the youngest supermodel in the history of modeling. Haute couture designers interact with nine-year-old Christina personally, and photographer Steven Meisel, who works exclusively with top models and celebrities, invited her to shoot Vogue Italia - all this shows that the fashion industry has recognized the little girl on an equal footing with adult colleagues. Kristina is completely professionally savvy, which constantly surprises adults in the industry, and every year she accumulates more and more experience. In all other respects, she is a completely ordinary child, devoid of vanity, with a development appropriate to her age. Of course, I think about her future. Now the daughter dreams of becoming a director, but before that it is necessary to study the acting profession in order to understand the process from the inside. And what will happen next, we'll see.

The most feedback is collected by professionally made portraits. or household photos of good quality. To be honest, I can accurately predict the number of likes, in this regard, the behavior of subscribers is very predictable.

Christina is recognized in every country we visit. Of course, crowds of fans do not follow her, but there are always people who come up with a request to be photographed as a keepsake. How little it takes to make a stranger happy even for a couple of minutes.

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