Light brown hair gray green eyes color type. Skin phototypes - beauty inspired by nature

Design and interior 09.06.2018
Design and interior

Hello beauties!

For a long time I was going to tell you about an interesting theory of color types, and finally I gathered my strength and thoughts and now, with enthusiasm, I began to create this opus. As a lyrical digression, let me tell the background of my acquaintance with the above theory.
A few years ago, I happened to be on the courses of a well-known makeup artist in narrow circles (I won’t name my last name, there’s no point in all this). So, at the very first lesson, the Master asked us, a group of girls and women of 25-30 people (who consider themselves, by the way, well-versed in makeup and makeup) about what color types of a person we know. A question for 3 kopecks - we thought, who doesn’t know them ?! Spring, summer, autumn ... (Of course, we began to list the 4 types of appearance familiar to us). To which the Maestro smiled and told us another theory, in which there are 9 color types, 4 of which are cold, 4 are warm and 1 is neutral.
And today I ventured on a short excursion into these very types (do not judge strictly) ...

Well, let's start...

1. YELLOW (warm type)- light, transparent, pale, pastel - all blondes.

Definition of color type:
hair: straw, golden, light blond with a warm yellow tint.
leather: light, beige or golden.
eyebrows, eyelashes: light, almost invisible, gray, yellow.
eyes: blue, gray, gray with yellow speckles.
lips: light beige, salmon (beige-pink).

For example:
Creating an image:
makeup: cold, pastel, as soft as possible, transparent shaded. If you do bright makeup, it will cover the face, and not brown.

blue (main) - lilac, blue, violet, whitened colors;
brown (brown, bordering on yellow, but not red);
yellow - for very transparent, almost invisible makeup;
all shades of white always and in any quantity;
shimmering grey.
! prohibited : red (makes the image vulgar) and black (even ink), black is graphic, but it cannot be used for blondes.

invoices: shimmery, glossy.
Matte shadows of a yellow person will be forgiven, makeup will be boring. ! Mother of pearl prohibited , he makes this type vulgar.

With minimal color, create a very light, transparent make-up. All colors are diluted with light, using the pastel technique. Brown mascara will accentuate the eyes.

2. PINK- light type, soft, pastel, cold.

Definition of color type:
hair: light, with a hint of pink wheat.
leather: light, almost white, with a pink glow, there may be gray or bluish freckles.
eyebrows, eyelashes: white, invisible or grey.
eyes: blue, grey, violet.
lips: cold pinks.

Creating an image:
makeup: make-up pastel, warm.

-sea wave
- all shades of white
-yellow (flickering only)
- red (carefully, in small portions)
>! forbidden black.

invoices: mother-of-pearl and shimmer (gloss makes the image cheap, matte - none).

3. BROWN (warm or very warm).

Definition of color type:
hair: from chestnut to walnut to black with a brown or reddish tint, coffee, chocolate.
leather: swarthy with a bronze or bronze-olive tint.
eyebrows, eyelashes: black.
eyes: brown, brown, black.
lips: bronze, brown (cognac, chocolate).

For example:
Creating an image:
makeup: bright, rich, gouache, very warm.

main - blue (including lilac, violet);
yellow (all textures of gold and copper);
black - always in any quantities;
>! prohibited white, brown - caution.

invoices: all.

4. GREEN (warm).

Definition of color type:
hair: from light blond to dark blond, chestnut, but always with an olive tint.
leather: beige, maybe bronze, but always with an olive tint.
eyebrows, eyelashes: grey, black, brown.
eyes: gray, green and brown, brown-green.
lips: beige-bronze.

I think it's green:

or here (photo):

Creating an image:
makeup: watercolor, cold

- all pink
-brown (close to red)
-yellow (warm)
- black - always
>! white is only for those with fair skin, tk. in a green tint may show spots. i>

invoices: matte, shimmery and mother-of-pearl.

5. RED (very warm).

Definition of color type:
hair: gold to orange, red, copper, mahogany.
leather: light with a golden or peach tint, freckles are red.
eyebrows, eyelashes: red or black.
eyes: emerald, blue, gold, aqua, brown, hazel.
lips: golden beige, warm pink, peach, copper.

Creating an image:
makeup: opaque, bright, very warm (this is the only way to get an exquisite make-up), unshaded, in gouache technique.

palettes- warm colors:
-green (emerald, blue-green)
-yellow (gold, ocher)
- all shades of white (for the fairest skinned)
- black - always.

invoices: all.

6. GRAY (cold).

Definition of color type:
hair: from light blond to dark blond, always with an ashy tint.
leather: beige with a pink or bronze tint (tan shade).
eyebrows, eyelashes: grey, black.
eyes: gray, brown (and even brown and dark blond).
lips: pink, beige, lilac (pink, with a bluish tinge).

Creating an image:
makeup: watercolor, warm, saturated.

- all white ! only for light skin, if the skin is bronze, then it looks even darker against the white background)
-yellow (shiny)
! black and red only in evening makeup. gray and Brown color makes it nothing, no better, no worse.

invoices: matte and shimmery, mother-of-pearl is allowed in the evening.

7. WHITE (cold, contrast, graphic) coldness is his advantage, a refined, aristocratic type.

Definition of color type:
hair: from platinum to yellow (artificial, nylon color).
leather: very light, almost white with a pink cold tint.
eyebrows, eyelashes: black.
eyes: blue, blue, emerald, brown, black.
lips: cold pinks.

Creating an image:
makeup: warm "graphics", contrast, monochrome, graphic, no variegation, strict, ascetic.
and all colors close to them in density.
>! purple is prohibited. i>

invoices: matte.

8. BLUE-very cold, the lightest and most transparent "elven" type, albinos.

Definition of color type:
hair: platinum with a blue tint, white, shining silver colors.
leather: very light, transparent, almost white with a cold bluish glow.
eyebrows, eyelashes: invisible white, gray or black.
eyes: light, blue or gray, green.
lips: bright, cold pink or purple, red.

I didn’t find the “blue” without make-up:
Creating an image:
makeup: very cold or cold, graphic.

- blue - main color
-yellow (all cold)
>! pink prohibited. i>

invoices: matte and mother-of-pearl.
>! Gloss is forbidden, especially in lipstick, makes the type vulgar, cheap.

9. BLACK(contrast - light and shadow, Snow White type: light skin and dark hair).

Definition of color type:
hair: black with a cold shade of raven (blue) or cold red (aubergine).
leather: light with a cold pink or beige-pink tint, swarthy with an olive tint.
eyebrows, eyelashes: black.
eyes: green, blue, violet, gray and black.
lips: red.

For example:

here's another:

Creating an image:
makeup:: in warm or very warm colors (coldness needs to be emphasized), graphic.

and all close to them, deep.

invoices: matte.

To determine the color type, it is necessary to evaluate the image of a person as a whole, i.e. ratio of hair, skin, eyes, lips. It often happens that only certain parameters are snatched out (the color of the eyes and skin, ignoring the color of the hair and lips) and the color type is incorrectly determined. I would also like to note that the type can be easily changed, for example, a “gray” girl lived for herself (brown hair, Blue eyes, light skin, pink lips), she dyed her hair blonde, and please - here's a “yellow” girl for you.

I used photos from a personal archive and a link; Link

And some more interesting information (it was conceived in the form of a table, but the format of the post does not imply the creation of tables), it can be useful when choosing textures for makeup:

color texture and its interaction with light and impact on color:
1. Matte - Texture absorbs light - Color appears darker.
2. Flickering - Does not affect - Does not change.
3. Glossy - The texture transmits light - The color becomes deep, saturated.
4. Pearly - The texture reflects light - The color looks lighter.

I hope you enjoyed it.
Happy New Year, I wish you all the best,
your Elena.

Corrected and updated today.

Continuing the theme of skin color. A topic closer to beauty, although not quite on the topic of the community, is a phototype. Skin phototypes are a classification based on how the skin reacts to ultraviolet and laser light. This reaction depends on the amount of melanin in the skin.

Today there will be a description of phototypes, examples with pictures, links to tests, the Lancer scale, the Von Luschan scale, the reaction different types skin in the sun, solarium, laser and photoepilation, the difference between male and female skin.

First general facts :
According to the reaction to ultraviolet and laser radiation, according to the ability to tan, people's skin is divided into 6 categories - phototypes.
Like skin color, phototypes depend on ethnic origin, but are not determined by it, since within any people there are usually variations in appearance.

1 phototype- White skin - "Fair" "Celtic" . People in this group have red or very blond hair, White skin, sometimes with blue or redness (due to the fact that the blood vessels are visible), light blue or green eyes, often many freckles. At the same time, what is important is light eyebrows and eyelashes. If the eyebrows and eyelashes are dark, most likely you do not have the first phototype. In the sun, such skin turns red and burns very quickly. Sunburn is almost impossible. If it burns - then to the "bubbles".

2 phototype- Skin color Ivory - "Light" "European" . People who fall into this group most often have blond hair, but are often light brown, (light brown) and sometimes dark. Eyes - blue, green, light brown, less often - dark brown, usually with dark hair(Like Ann Hathaway). The skin appears white, but upon closer inspection it is either yellowish or pinkish, and freckles are common. Sunbathing is bad, but with a certain perseverance, you can achieve a golden tan. Brown tan is almost impossible. Often burns out. If it burns - burns with "bubbles" are possible.

3 phototype- Beige leather - " medium light" "light mixed". People who fall into this category tend to have hair of all shades of brown (from blond to chocolate), rarely red (often with brown eyes). The eyes are usually dark grey, grey-green, green-brown. Less often - blue or brown. There are no completely bright eyes in this phototype. The skin is beige, there are freckles, but rarely and few, maybe not, tan can reach light brown. It tans normally, at first it can burn out. If it burns, then it is usually redness and peeling.

4 phototype- Olive skin - " medium dark" "dark mixed" "mediterranian ". In people falling into this phototype, hair is usually dark brown or black, eyes are brown, black, less often dark gray, dark green. The skin is beige, but darker than that of phototype III, light brown, golden. Freckles do not happen. But there may be vitiligo - white spots (lack of melanin) and the skin is prone to the formation of age spots. Tans quickly. Tanning reaches the color of milk chocolate. Burns rarely, with excessive exposure to the open hot sun. If burns, it turns red Very rarely comes to peeling.

5 phototype- Brown leather - "brown skin" "dark ". People who fall into this category have dark hair and eyes with very rare exceptions. There are no freckles, there are age spots. The skin is light brown, rich in color, bronze, medium brown. Tans to dark chocolate, it is almost impossible to burn.

6 phototype- Black skin - "black" "dark" . People of this phototype have dark eyes and hair. The skin is from chocolate to black. Tans to black, never burns out.

Examples of phototypes :

I phototype

1- unknown beauty
2- Nicole Kidman
3- Kristina Hendricks
4 - Bryce Dallas Howard

II phototype

tanned second phototype

second phototype with dark eyes and hair

1.Kate Winslet
2. Mary-Kate Olsen
3 Sienna Miller
4 Blake Lively
5. Ann Hathaway

I II phototi P

With red hair

with blue eyes

with light brown (blond) hair

1. Angelina Jolie
2. Haifa Wehbe
3 Kathy Holmes
4 Lindsay Lohan
5 Megan Fox
6. Fergie

IV phototype

With dark gray eyes

1. Eva Longoria
2Audrey Tautou
3. Penelope Cruz
4. Shakira
5. Kim Kardashian
6. Kajol
7.J Lo
9. Alicia Keys
10 Salma Hayek
11. Leona Lewis

V Phototype

With green-brown eyes

With blue eyes

With dark red hair

With bright green eyes

1. Sade
2. Liya Kebede
3. Iman
4. Rihanna
5. Unknown black man
6. Unknown indian girl
7. Unknown indian girl

VI Phototype

With light brown eyes

1.Unknown black beauty
2.Unknown Black beauty
3. Becca
4.Onyinye Onyejekwe
5. Khadja Nin
6 Kenya Moore

In order to determine your phototype, there is a questionnaire-questionnaire and made on its basis tests .
Questionnaire: (in English)

In my opinion, the most accurate tests are:
In English: ncare-guide/fitzpatrickscale/
in Russian:
(in Russian, the same test, only translated, although the English-language test is more accurate - it does not shift the phototype due to whether your skin is now tanned or not. In two versions, you can get different results - in one I have 3 phototypes, in the other - the fourth. According to the questionnaire - the fourth, on the border with the third)

For those who are particularly interested, you can try to determine your skin color, and with it the phototype according to the Von Luschan scale Von Luschan scale, which I already cited in an article about skin color.

Let me remind you that according to this scale, skin color is determined by non-tanned areas of the body - usually "from the inside" of the forearm.

FROM correlation of this scale with phototypes:
1-5 - Type I
6-11 - II type
12 - 15 - III type
16 - 21 - IV Type
22 - 28 - V type
29 - 36 - VI Type

However, for many modern cosmetic procedures, knowing your phototype is not always enough. Under the influence of ultraviolet and laser beams, as well as from mechanical damage, the skin may behave unusually for its phototype. Therefore, it is worth knowing about Ethnic Lancer Scale . It takes into account the phototypes of your grandparents. They are added and divided by 4. Then the number is rounded off according to the laws of mathematics.
For example: My maternal grandmother: phototype 3, my maternal grandfather: phototype 4, my paternal grandmother: phototype 3, my paternal grandfather: phototype 4. 3+4+3+4 = 14. 14/4 = 3.5, rounded up to 4. So, I have to run away from laser procedures like fire =)
Laser procedures on skin phototypes 4 and above can cause the formation of age spots.

If you are not sure with grandparents, then you can compare the results with the norms of your ethnicity.
Northern Europe is characterized by type 2, less often 1 and 3
For Western and Central Europe, 2 and 3 phototypes are characteristic
For of Eastern Europe- depending on the region - Poland, Czech Republic (Lighter, blondes) - 2.3; Moldova, Romania - 3.4; Belarus - 2-3; Baltic States - 2, less often 3; Ukraine - 3, less often 2 and 4.
Southern Europe: 4, common 3
Transcaucasia: 3.4. 4 more often.
Middle East: 4 most common, 3 common. In some regions 5 common and 6 common (Mauritania, Sudan). Very rare 2 (in the Levant and Maghreb)
Central Asia - 4
South Asia: 4, 5, occasionally 3 (in India)
East Asia: 3 and 4, 4 is more common. Very rare 2.
Africa: 5 and 6, occasionally 4
Latin America: 4, occurs 3 and 5.
Islands Pacific Ocean: 4 and 5

And, of course, Russia:
Russians - most often 3. 2 is also very common, especially in girls. Occasionally found 4 (Southern Russia).
Peoples of the Caucasus: 3 and 4, very rarely - 2.
Peoples of the Volga region: 3, less often 4 phototype. Rarely - 2 (Finno - Ugric peoples- Mordovians, Mari - a lot of light)
Asian part of Russia: 4 phototype
North of the European part: 2 phototype

and, most importantly, how skin of different phototypes reacts to irritants.
Phototypes I and II are light skin (fair), III and IV are medium skin (medium), V and VI are dark skin (dark).

Reaction to the sun - see above.
On the solarium - about the same as in the sun. Solarium is not recommended for phototype 1. No one is recommended to use a solarium for more than 15 minutes at a time.
On mechanical damage - on dark and medium skin, hyperpigmentation may occur at the site of scratches and damage. the third phototype may not occur.
For laser and photoepilation: phototype 4-6 is not recommended due to the risk of age spots

And finally, the differences in male and female skin:
men's skin is usually denser and darker
+ The condition of women's skin is affected by constant hormonal fluctuations. Therefore, on critical days it is better to refrain from ultraviolet radiation - either there will simply be no effect (you will not tan), or there will be age spots.
It may happen that you fall into the gap between phototypes - like me, I'm always "lucky" to be between =) - It seems to me that in this case it's better to play it safe and expose your skin to stress as little as possible. For example, I look like phototype 3, the skin behaves like phototype 4 (rarely peels off, pigment spots often appear at the site of bites, wounds, there is a couple of vitiligo on the legs). Accordingly, with regard to sun exposure - I prefer protection for the third phototype, despite the fact that I am not a fan of tanning at all. As for all kinds of chemical and laser peels, I will follow programs for girls with phototype 4, if I suddenly need this.

Today we will continue to study color types. The first publication was about people "summer", whose colors are cold and muted. Today we will look at bright and cold women - "winter".

The colors of the winter color type are cold, bright, clean, saturated, icy, loud, piercing, radiant.

The main tone is royal blue (a rich shade of blue-violet). Complementary nuances - purple (red-violet), azure (bright blue), turquoise.

In order to make sure that you are “winter”, you need to attach scarves of the shades listed above to your face. If from the neighborhood of blue, purple, azure and turquoise the face becomes more youthful and fresh, you are “winter”. To understand the color, it is worth applying combinations of scarves. For example, icy blue with icy pink is suitable for a light winter. And the same pink with purple will be useful for diagnosing a contrasting winter color.

bright winter

Eyes - steel blue, blue-gray, ice-green, deep brown.
Hair - gray, dark or bright ash, ash white.
Leather - porcelain.

Bright shades predominate, combine them with light ones.

Contrasting winter

Eyes - blue, violet, light blue, dark brown.
Hair - chestnut, plum, black.
Leather - alabaster, white-beige, porcelain.

Winning color combination: the main color in the ensemble is dark, slightly dilute it with light shades and add quite a bit of saturated tones.

The principle of combining colors in a wardrobe ensemble is the same for all color types, but different for colors. The shades used will also differ. Summer has its own, winter has its own.

Shades that suit winter girls:

White - pure white, boiling white, snowy, chalk, white lime, bluish white.
Gray - anthracite (black gray), steel, silver gray, ice color, bluish gray.
Black - blue-black, black-brown, purple-black.
Beige - gray-beige, white-sand.
Brown - black-brown, cardovan (deep red-brown), bog oak (with a greenish tint), bitter chocolate, pink-brown.
Yellow - metallic, lemon yellow.
Red - bright red, pure red, purple, ruby, raspberry, burgundy, phlox.
Pink - cyclamen (red-violet), fuchsia, icy pink, caustic pink.
Violet - black-violet, ink, violet-blue, violet-red, lilac, lavender.
Blue - night blue, sea blue, azure, ice blue, cobalt, indigo.
Green - coniferous greens, juicy green, azure green, turquoise green, emerald green, bottle.

In order for winter colors to remain winter on clothes, expressive, smooth, flowing, from shiny to sparkling, highly textured, extravagant fabrics are needed. Fabrics: microfiber, satin, brocade, duchesse, moire, silk, satin, cotton fabrics, velvet, taffeta, lace, organza, fur. Both in thin and bulky versions - wool, cashmere, tartan, flannel, tweed, gabardine, linen, rep, pix, poplin, coarse calico. Leather - lacquered, smooth, embossed, woven (contrasting).

Glasses. Metals from shiny to sparkling. White metal, horn setting. Any bright and accent colors (very bright, saturated), as well as ice-pastel colors in a frame will do. If the glasses are sunglasses, then it is possible to use black glasses, without shadow transitions.

Drawings and shapes

The size of the picture in the winter color type can be any. The main thing is that the character of its forms should be expressive, cold, strong, extravagant, exotic. Contrasts can be distinct, strong, unambiguous. If the choice fell on a small pattern, then in this case it should be contrasting. Suitable pattern options: cage, expressive stripe, zebra, chicken foot, polka dots, any geometric pattern, abstract pattern.

Hairstyles and coloring

Hair of the same length will look beautiful on "winter" girls. Stretched hair will also look harmonious. The main thing is that the density of the hair allows you to do this. Bangs are also suitable - geometric, clear, both even and straight, and oblique. Here we must also take into account the shape of the face. Hair should convey static, clarity. You can add dynamics with the help of “torn” haircuts, tight glossy curls, “wet chemistry”. Bouffant "winter" is also suitable, only it should not be light and airy, like the "summer", but more magnificent, catchy, but at the same time static. It is important not to leave a "fluff" from the fleece.
When staining, it is worth deepening the natural shade with the help of toning. You can experiment with trendy tones and accents. For a light "winter" shades of Nordic blond, platinum are suitable. Unlike summer, in light "winter" you can dye your hair in a uniform color. It is important to keep your hair smooth and shiny.


Winter color type In makeup, you should show your creativity and eccentricity. Shadows can be applied, creating a theatrical effect - clearly highlight the moving eyelid. You can try Marilyn Monroe makeup, smoky eyes. At the same time, a clear line of liquid eyeliner, false eyelashes, and well-defined eyebrows will look great. Winter blondes can emphasize their freshness with the help of frosty sparkling shadows. Liquid blush, glitter, lip glosses with a mirror or vinyl effect will look advantageous. But you should be careful if there are wrinkles - shadows with shine should be replaced with matte ones, like in summer, and lip glosses with moisturizing lipstick.

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