Latin America Canyo Cristales. Colored river canyo cristales, colombia

Recipes 16.07.2019

To reach the Caño Cristales, one of the most unusual rivers of our world, you have to overcome steep mountains, canoe, cross the jungle, walk through the savannah and even endanger your life: coca is grown in this area, and the territory is controlled by guerrillas.

But whoever gets here will not regret the efforts spent: stormy waters from the rocky mountains rush forward at great speed, creating multi-tiered waterfalls, whirlpools, funnels. This river is multi-colored and differs from other colored rivers of the world in that the water in it is not just one yellow, red or Green colour, but contains five colors of the rainbow at once.

And what is most remarkable, nature itself gave such an amazing color to the water (and not the emissions of any chemical and harmful plant). Therefore, it is not for nothing that the locals have long called it the River of Five Flowers.

On a geographical map peace cano Cristales (Crystal River) can be found at the following coordinates: 02°11′31″ s. sh. 73°53′25″ W e. It is located in the center of Colombia, on the territory of the department of Meta and originates from the south side of the Macarena mountain range, and then smoothly passes to the east.

The River of Five Colors connects to the Atlantic Ocean as follows:

  • The Caño Cristales River is a tributary of the Losada;
  • Losada flows into the navigable river Guayabero, which flows through the territory of Venezuela and Colombia;
  • The Guayabero merges with the Orinoco, which flows into the Atlantic Ocean.

Characteristics of the Rainbow River

The most iridescent river in our world is not very large: its length is about a hundred kilometers, its width is less than twenty, it is also not deep (although you can swim along it on a small boat).

The bottom of Canyo Cristales is completely strewn with round natural pools, resembling wells (moyas) in appearance.

They were formed with the help of small stones and pieces of rocks: getting into a small cavity of the river bottom, where a constant whirlpool was formed due to the fast flow of water, the pebble begins to rotate with water at a frantic speed, hewing a rocky depression and increasing the size of the well.

There are many waterfalls on the Columbia Crystal River and even a stepped cascade called "Staircase", behind the wall of flowing water of which there are stone grottoes. The rocks along which it flows are also remarkable: on some of them you can see well-preserved rock paintings of Indians who lived in this area many centuries ago.

Amazing waters of the river

Caño Cristales is located in the tropics, so the climate here is hot and dry, temperatures of + 30 ° C are not uncommon, and therefore the water here is extremely warm and pleasant. And also - very pure, one might even say - distilled. Drinking it is not recommended, but you can take a dip (there is even a belief that those who swim in the waters of the Columbia Rainbow River will find harmony in the soul, body and understand what true peace is).

This water is not only clean, but also surprisingly transparent - it flows through rocky terrain, so the rocky bottom has no sand, no silt, no dirt, and therefore it can be seen to the smallest detail.

True, there is nothing else to look at here except for growing algae: no one lives in this river - neither the mountainous terrain with numerous waterfalls and cascades, nor too sterile water, which contains almost no minerals that contributed to normal development, helps living creatures develop normally. to the normal development of organisms.

The colorful waters of the river

The impure and transparent water brought the Columbia River world fame: first of all, Caño Cristales is known for the fact that during the dry season, which in Colombia lasts from June to November, when there is practically no rain here, its transparent, quite ordinary-looking waters change their color and become colorful.

This happens for one simple reason - at this time algae bloom, which, in combination with each other, natural relief and weather conditions create it amazing phenomenon nature.

The blue color of the sky of Colombia is reflected in the water in a variety of shades and tones, green and yellow colors give the river a bottom, which is also in some places covered with algae and mosses of green, black and yellow tones.

The red color and its shades (especially saturated tones can be observed in spring, here it lasts from September to November), which prevail in the waters of Caño Cristales, are obtained thanks to the endemic algae Macarenia clavigera, a genus from the Podostemaceae family, a little-studied tropical herbaceous aquatic plants.

Plants of this family bloom only when the water level drops in the river: the algae receive the right amount of light, which favorably affects their growth and makes it possible to bloom as luxuriantly as possible. For the same reason, when the rainy season begins, the water in the river rises and the color of the plants becomes less noticeable.

The subostems live only in waters that are characterized by a high flow rate (usually this is mountain rivers or waterfalls). Many species of this family usually have a very limited range - sometimes their distribution is limited to one river or even one waterfall.

Algae, abundantly covering the bottom, thanks to absolutely transparent water containing almost no impurities, when the water level drops, are perfectly visible even at the very bottom of the reservoir.

Since the surface on which the river flows is dotted with numerous depressions natural origin, forming waterfalls, cascades, whirlpools, then the appearance of flowing water is not constant: the colors are constantly mixed with each other, thereby creating an amazing rainbow patterns.

When is the best time to go to a wonderful place

P You can visit Caño Cristales only at certain times of the year, when the river blooms - from July to November. At other times, all travel here is prohibited - and not a single conductor of Colombia will agree to lead a tourist to the river: the rules are strict, and the fine is rather big.

Especially since national park, to which the River of Five Colors belongs, is part of world heritage UNESCO: cougars, deer, anteaters, more than 500 species of birds, a huge number of reptiles live here, fifty species of orchids and many other plants that are characteristic only for this territory grow here.

All this is extremely valuable and unique, and therefore UNESCO representatives are extremely vigilant in ensuring that nothing harms a river or park in any way.

Cano Cristales or River of Five Colors is located in Colombia. The source of the river is in the Macarena mountain range. Caño Cristales flows east from the mountains and flows into the Guayabero River. The river is quite unique.

In the dry season, it turns into a small stream in a channel scorched by the sun, and in the rainy season it is a rather powerful stream. But there is a special time (the very beginning of spring - at this time the rainy period is replaced by a period of heat), when the river literally glows with all the colors of the rainbow. This is due to the action of the specific local algae Macarenias clavigera.

This endemic plant, which turns water into a bright purple under the influence of the sun, was discovered by the scientist Jesus Idrobo and is found only in this area.

The river is so transparent that it allows you to clearly see the bottom even through a meter-thick water column. Features of the composition (absence of impurities, salts and minerals) give river water distilled properties. This is one of the reasons why there are no fish in the river. Stony, silt-free bottom, unfavorable conditions for plankton only exacerbate the impossibility of life in the colorful river.

Not possessing outstanding parameters - the length of the "rainbow river" does not reach up to 100 km, and the width does not exceed 20 m, it is still considered the only one of its kind. From a bird's eye view, its waters periodically resemble a liquid rainbow with a clear selection of five colors, not counting their many shades - bright red, turning into purple, turquoise, yellow, green and black.

The bottom of the river is a unique natural landscape, which includes interesting pools, almost round depressions and small but picturesque waterfalls.

In the deepest places you can see multi-colored wells called "moyas". They look like the footprints of giant elephants.

There is a belief that moyas are endowed with healing power and are able to bring happiness. Travelers always try to swim in them. They say that these wells plunge a person into nirvana and reveal the secrets of being.

Caño Cristales is classified as a natural heritage site and is under the protection of UNESCO. You can see it with your own eyes only during the algal bloom, the rest of the time access is closed to tourists.

The road to the Caño Cristales River is quite difficult (first you need to fly by plane, then sail on a boat, and then also wade through the jungle on foot.), But this does not scare away the thousands of tourists visiting the river during its maximum "bloom". The river is accessible to tourists from June to November.

Colored reservoirs are one of the most unusual natural phenomena for our planet. A person is accustomed to the transparent blue of the waters, to the blue-green hues of rivers, seas and lakes. Therefore, rare exceptions to this rule attract the enthusiastic attention of tourists.

Among such phenomena is the colorful river Cano Cristales, which flows through the humid jungles of Colombia. You can find two translations of this name into Russian: Crystal River and Canyo Cristales.

Still, Caño Cristales is not quite a colorful body of water. The fact is that the water in the river is clear! This distinguishes Caño Cristales from those colored rivers in which the water has a certain color due to impurities.

The unusual color of the waters of Canyo Cristales is provided by algae and mosses. For the same reason, the shades of water in the river change periodically - in accordance with the life cycles of algae.

The most beautiful Caño Cristales is from June to November. At this time, tourists come here, on the territory of the Macarena Reserve, to admire the surprisingly rich palette of the Crystal River.

From most other bodies of water with colored water. Caño Cristales is distinguished by its amazing multicolor. Usually in a colored pond, one shade dominates. But in Canyo Cristales there are algae and mosses of different colors: yellow and red, blue and lilac, green and black. During the period when the color of the algae is most saturated, the river becomes like an abstractionist's canvas, over which spots of paint are spilled.

Caño Cristales flows along a rocky channel. The underwater landscape is extremely bizarre. The river bed is dotted with natural depressions, in some places miniature cascades, small waterfalls or natural "baths" are formed. Tourists like to take pictures in such stone baths. The unusual rocky landscape adds to the beauty of Canyo Cristales. If the color of the river resembles an artistic canvas, then the relief is the work of an abstract sculptor!

The water, as already mentioned, is exceptionally transparent (so the river fully justifies its name). Nothing prevents you from seeing the relief of the bottom and admiring the fluffy algae - sometimes purple, sometimes green, sometimes pink, sometimes yellow, sometimes lilac ...

You can swim here, but you can't drink the water. An amazing thing: the water in Cano Cristales is not poisonous, moreover, it is almost distilled. But it does not contain minerals and salts necessary human body and therefore the water is not suitable for drinking.

Can you name all 7 wonders of the world? Have you ever doubted why the choice fell on these objects? AT different times and eras, different lists were offered: the wonders of the ancient world and the modern, man-made and natural, beauty underwater world. What can I say, many countries also have their own symbolic seven. Surprisingly, the most modern and large-scale list of wonders has not yet made it beautiful river in the world - Caño Cristales. But those happy tourists who have already visited its shores are sure that this is just a matter of time.

Description of Caño Cristales

The famous riverbed originates in the Macarena Mountains of the territory and belongs to the Atlantic Ocean basin. The Caño Cristales River is a right tributary of the Losada River, which further flows into the Guayabero River.

On the map, you will find the mouth of the Caño Cristales River east of the Andes in central Colombia in the department of Meta. Translated from Spanish, the name of the river - Caño Cristales - means "crystal (crystal) river", and in Colombia, locals call it the river of five colors.

Tourists from all over the world come to the banks of the Caño Cristales River to take fantastic photos of it. The Crystal River is considered the main national park Macarena. Its length is about 100 km, and the average width is about 20 m.

Why is the river colorful?

Caño Cristales can be called mysterious and vibrant. Due to a natural confluence of circumstances, it is difficult even for a professional artist to count all the shades of her colors.

During the dry season, the river becomes very shallow and often dries up. But in the rainy season, it fills up and rushes along the riverbed. Caño Cristales begins to play with all its colors in the very early spring.

The thing is that the river rocks in the riverbed are covered with seaweed, as well as brown and green mosses. At the beginning of the rainy season, underwater vegetation receives a surge of moisture and begins to actively grow and fill. This is what gives the water green, yellow, blue, red and other colors of the rainbow. It doesn't last long. The rainbow moment must be captured: when the water level rises strongly, the algae no longer receive the necessary maximum sunlight, and the Crystal River in Colombia loses its colors.

What else is interesting about the Caño Cristales River?

The Caño Cristales River flows among rocks and caves, and the landscape of its bottom consists of many small rounded pools, resembling huge footprints, which alternate with rapids and small ones. Together with the bright coloring, the river of five colors in Colombia looks so unusual that it is definitely worth a look.

The water in the river is clean, oxygenated, and practically devoid of any salts and minerals. In the absence of silt, only very small fish swim in Caño Cristales, so swimming here is safe and even healthy. Mountain and rain water, but not suitable for drinking.

How to see the river Caño Cristales?

You will fly to the city of La Macarena by plane from. Further, the territory of the Macarena reserve can only be reached by horse (there is a very difficult rocky terrain) or on foot. Part of the path can be covered by canoe. Local guides are ready to show you the most colorful and unusual places, as well as shallow water, where algae "bloom" the longest.

Take care of the appropriate footwear. The rainy season lasts from June to November. In winter and spring tourists on protected area not allowed: Caño Cristales is under the protection of UNESCO and is a natural heritage.

The most unusual and unique river in the world flows in Colombia, it is called Caño Cristales, which translates as “crystal river arm” or “crystal river”. locals they call it differently: "River of Five Colors", "Liquid Rainbow" or even "the most beautiful river in the world." And it's not just that, it's really multi-colored! But how can this be, you ask? And all because the algae Macarenia clavigera grows in the river, and depending on the season and temperature, they change their color. And it's really very beautiful.

But the river for most of the year is no different from any other river, covered with greenish moss, it gives a grayish-green hue. But in a short period from September to November, the river turns into a real rainbow, turning into bright colors: in yellow, blue, green, red and black. On hot days, the river turns more red and its shades and at this time it is most suitable for tourists to visit. Algae Macarenia clavigera, depending on their illumination, the availability of light to them, give a red color and its shades, and algae clavija macarinence green. Yellow and black are sand and other aquatic plants, and the sky also gives the river a turquoise and blue hue. This is how a whole palette of colors is created, and nature is an artist who paints the river differently every time.

The Caño Cristales River is located in the Sierra de la Macarena Mountains in the Serrania de la Macarena National Natural Park, originating from the south of the Macarena mountain range and flows eastward until it flows into the Guayabero River. The length of the river is one hundred kilometers, and the average width is 20 meters.

The water in the Caño Cristales River is so crystal clear that it has the properties of distilled water, due to the fact that there are no salts and minerals in the water and silt does not form at the bottom, because of this, there are practically no fish here and it is not suitable for drinking. In the deeper parts of the river, deep, multi-colored and round wells are formed, called “moyas”, in which it is very pleasant to stay and swim. Those who swam there say that when you are there, you feel an incredible lightness in your head.

The opportunity to enjoy this beauty for most people was previously impossible due to civil war in Colombia. And only in 2009 the first excursions to this place appeared. Getting to the river is not easy, the river is far from civilization, first fly by plane from Vilvicencio to national reserve Macarena, then swim in a boat, and then either on foot or they can offer to ride either on a horse or a donkey, but this is not a hindrance for true travelers and connoisseurs of the beauty of our world.

The territory of the Caño Cristales river is protected, it also has the status of a UNESCO Natural Heritage of Humanity, so it will not work here during the winter and spring seasons, and it is also forbidden to stay overnight or cook in this area.

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