Oksimiron real name. Oksimiron - the path to success and all-Russian recognition

Fashion & Style 02.08.2019
Fashion & Style

Rapidly gaining in recent times popularity Russian-speaking rap artist Oxxxymiron, whose real name is Miron Fedorov, is successful not only among longtime connoisseurs of the genre. Being now devoted fans and even fans of the rapper, some listeners were not even close to the Russian-speaking segment of hip-hop culture before. Needless to say, the performer is attractive not only to music lovers as a producer of a high-quality musical product, but also to young girls as a bright, talented and charismatic young man. The personality and private life of the famous Oksimiron haunts female fans, but there is not much information about him in official sources. Who is Miron really, is there any next to him " fighting girlfriend or is he a lone wolf?

Brief before the start of a musical career

Miron Yanovich Fedorov was born on January 31, 1985 in Leningrad. Miron's family emigrated to Ruttenscheid, Germany, where the boy went to school. Relations with classmates initially did not work out, which served as the main incentive for the development of a creative streak. Young Miron Fedorov began to write rap on German under the pseudonym Mif. At the same time, the guy, being sure that there was no hip-hop culture in Russia then far from him, sets himself the task of creating rap music in Russian. Later, Miron admits that he was deeply disappointed when he first got to the Russian rap festival with his friends. In 2000, the rapper's family moved to the UK, and in 2004 the guy entered Oxford, from where he flies out in 2006 due to mental health problems (diagnosis - manic-depressive psychosis). True, Miron quickly recovered at the university and continued his studies and in 2008 received an Oxford diploma in Medieval English Literature.

Musical career of Oksimiron

Miron Fedorov made his way through hardships to the stars for a long time, writing rap songs in German, English and Russian, as well as participating in battles. The rapper composed the pseudonym using a play on words and symbols: the artist's name is Miron, three letters "x" as a hint at the amount of "adult" content in the songs and the distorted term "oxymoron" - a contradiction. In 2011, Oksimiron released his first solo album "Eternal Jew" under the Vagabund label. In 2012, Miron presented the miXXXtape collection on the Internet, which featured the most successful songs over the previous 4 years. Oksimiron's latest album, Gorgorod, was presented to the public in 2015. Despite mixed reviews from critics, the album became a landmark in the career of a rap artist.

Oksimiron's personal life

Many female fans who are interested in the personality of Oxxxymiron are interested in whether Miron Fedorov is married, and if not, does he have a girlfriend? According to unverified rumors, this moment he is officially free. Miron Fedorov's wife, in his own words, really existed, but at the moment the rapper is divorced and prefers not to comment on married life.

Oksimiron's fans often create fan sites and fan groups of the performer, where discussions about the rapper's personal life and photographs appear, allegedly depicting young Miron Fedorov with his wife, but the performer himself did not confirm or deny this information. Recently, Miron often talks about a decline in activity on the personal front, which, nevertheless, according to him, only contributes to creative self-development. In his personal microblog on the social network Twitter, the rapper asked readers a rhetorical question about the adoption of celibacy during the recording of the Gorgorod album. However, the seriousness of such questions and statements will probably always be in doubt.

Oksimiron - a star or an ordinary person?

Miron carefully guards information about his personal life. Data on such things as Miron Fedorov's height and weight, as well as the presence or absence of children, cannot be found on the Internet. Probably, the singer himself is very cautious about the dissemination of information about his personal life, since he prioritizes creativity. Nevertheless, the rapper is happy to lead pages in in social networks and communicates with fans, and also does not mind taking pictures with fans at concerts and other gatherings. Many fans, who were initially afraid of a touch of snobbery and feigned intelligence, subsequently positively assessed Miron as a friendly and open person, devoid of prejudice and feigned rudeness.

Childhood and youth I welcome guests and regular readers of the site website. So, the Russian-speaking rapper Miron Yanovich, better known as Oxxxymiron, first saw the light on January 31, 1985 in a family of intellectuals.
Our hero's parents emigrated from Russia in 1994, and Miron got his first glimpse of Europe from life in Germany - in Ruttenstein. He liked Europe, but the relationship at school with peers did not develop. In general, the boy missed his Leningrad teachers and friends, as well as Russian literature. Maybe it was because of loneliness, external and internal discord that he began to write his first rap texts under the pseudonym MC Mif (MC Mif).
At first, Miron became interested in German hip-hop, but quickly switched to Russian. At the age of 12, he was sure that he was the first person to rap in Russian, but two years later, after a trip to Russia, the future Oxxxymiron realizes his mistake.
At the age of fifteen, Miron moved to the United Kingdom with his family. There he continues his studies at school and does it with pleasure, because he quickly found mutual language with both teachers and classmates.
In the UK, Fedorov quickly makes up for lost time in a German school, and then enters Oxford University.

Rap career

In 2008, when the university was completed, the job search begins. For some time, Fedorov worked in the office, had a stable income. But the craving for creativity took over, and the young man returned to music. It was then that the pseudonym Oxxxymiron appeared (a derivative of the words "oxymoron" and the name Miron, and three x's indicate non-childish content in the tracks). In 2008, he recorded the song "London Against All", after which the label "Optik Russia" became interested in the boy, with whom Oxy signed a contract. In the same year, Fedorov's debut video for the track "I am a hater" was released.

Frame from the video "Oxxxymiron - I'm a Hater" (2008)

The year 2009 is marked by participation in a rap battle from the HipHop.ru website, after which Oksimiron has a large number of new listeners and fans. During the period of cooperation with Optik Rush, Miron meets rapper Schokk (Dmitry Hinter), with whom he decides to organize his association, leaving the current one. In 2010, the comrades create their own label "Vagabund".

In 2011, Oxy's first album, Eternal Zhid, was released, which received recognition from the Russian listener and warm reviews from critics.

Frame from the video for the single "Oxxxymiron - Russky Cockney" from the album "Eternal Jew" (2011)

In the same year, the label "Vagabund" breaks up due to conflict situation with Roma Zhigan, who, due to some insults in his direction, burst into a rented apartment with a crowd of men and forced him to apologize on camera. This became the catalyst for the collapse of the duet of Schokk and Oksimiron, since even before this situation the guys had very strained relations due to creative differences.
March 2012 is marked by the release of the release "miXXXtape I", which contains the most successful verses of Oksimiron from 2008 to 2011.

In the same year, Miron wins the 2012 GQ Person of the Year award in the Discovery of the Year category. At the award ceremony, the artist made a short speech in which he thanked his listeners for voting for him.
On October 18, 2013, the second part of the mixtape "miXXXtape II: Long Way Home" was released, which included both old and new compositions, many of which had already been filmed.

Since 2013, he has been participating in the Internet project "Versus Battle", published on the video hosting "YouTube", which is an analogue of foreign rap battles. Videos with Oksimiron, as a rule, gain a record number of views. The first opponent of our hero was Crip-a-Crip, the second - Dunya.

After a bright victory over, who, after the defeat, even left musical activity and opened his own coffee shop, Oxxxymiron "was interested in the organizers of a foreign analogue called" KOTD ". Miron was offered to fight on their site against a professional battle player under the pseudonym Dizaster. Miron agreed, so how he became interested in the experience of a verbal contest in another language.

In the spring of 2015, a joint musical work by Oxy and Rigos called "Deja Vu" was presented.

AT last month In the summer of the same year, the premiere of the music video for the song "Londograd" took place, which was recorded for the series of the same name on STS. Miron also recorded the track "Breathless" together with, in support of his upcoming album.

In September of the same year, a film adaptation of the composition "City Under the Sole" was released.

Frame from the video "Oxxxymiron - City under the sole" (2015)

And already in November, the long-awaited conceptual disc "Gorgorod", which tells the story of the writer, sees the light. The release received positive feedback from listeners and became the leader of the Russian iTunes segment.
At the end of the year, the rapper visited the program "Evening Urgant", in which he gave a short interview, and also performed the track "Where We Are Not" from the newly released album.
In April 2016, there was a conflict with a Belarusian rap artist (Oleg Savchenko). The fact is that LSP was invited to the release of Oxxxymiron's friend - Porchy, in which Oleg veiledly unflatteringly spoke in the direction of his former booking agency "Booking Machine", where Oxxxymiron has been since 2012 and holds a managerial position there. After Porchi, who himself does not understand Russian well (since he comes from Portugal), found out that their community was dissing on his own track, he immediately told Miron everything. Fedorov supplemented the track "Imperial" with his verse, where he expressed everything he thinks about his former colleague and comrade. Later, he records a video in which he reveals all the ins and outs about how Oxy helped LSP to unwind and grow into a famous artist.
In the summer of 2016 on YouTube channel"versusbattleru" releases a recorded version of the rap battle between Oksimiron and the Moscow rap artist Alexander Stepanov, better known as.

Both participants showed themselves with very strong sides, but Miron won once again.

VERSUS #5 (season III): Oxxxymiron VS ST (2016)

In June, the performer at his fan meeting announced that he had become the "ambassador" of the famous clothing brand "Reebok".
On August 6, 2017, the long-awaited battle of Miron took place with the infamous artist from Khabarovsk - better known under the pseudonyms Slava CPSU, Purulent, Sonya Marmeladova and others.

The competition was held as part of the event "VERSUS vs #SLOVOSPB", and this time, according to the refereeing, Fedorov loses for the first time, and even with a devastating score of 5:0. The video became truly resonant, which on the first day of publication collected about 10 million views, thereby breaking all sorts of records in the Russian segment of YouTube.

VERSUS X #SLOVOSPB: Oxxxymiron X Glory to the CPSU (2017)

Also in August, the video "Reebok Classic x Oxxxymiron x IMPERIVM" was presented. Here the artist reveals the concept of "own empire", which in his understanding is any innovative and ambitious idea that has been implemented from scratch. Miron also recalls his stadium tour, which includes more than 10 cities.

Personal life of Miron Fedorov

There are many rumors about the personal life of the famous grime and rap artist, but there is also reliable information. For some period, the artist was in a relationship with a short-haired blonde named Sonya Dukk, who can be seen behind Miron in the battle against Cripple. Although the couple broke up, they still remain close people. In his work (in the song "Yeti and Children"), Miron mentioned that he was married while living in London, according to some rumors, the wedding took place in 2007, but a year later the marriage broke up. There is also a lot of gossip on the Internet about Fedorov's relationship with a certain lady, whose name is Sonya Grese. The rapper himself claims that they were only good friends and have never been in a relationship. In early September 2017, erotic photos of Miron with ex-girlfriend Pasha Technique, which Pavel posted on his Instagram.

Oxxxymiron now

On September 14, 2017, after a one and a half year lull, the track "Bipolarochka" was released, which was made in just one night. On the same day, Miron issued an invitation to the upcoming battle with Disaster, which will be held on October 15th at the foreign site "KOTD".
On September 21st the premiere of the track "FATA MORGANA" and its costly cyberpunk film adaptation took place. The composition is a joint work of Fedorov and his longtime comrade, with whom Oksimiron communicates with the founding of the "Green Park Gang".
The video work demonstrates in detail how Myron's body is cut into pieces when he reads his guest verse. It was because of such frank scenes that the clip did not get on YouTube in the "Trends" tab, but still gained almost 4 million views in 5 days.

Markul feat Oxxxymiron - FATA MORGANA (2017)

On September 26, the rapper was noted in the song "It's time to return home" from the rock group "Bi-2". The next day it became known that Oksimiron will play the role of a villain in the film based on the novel by Viktor Pelevin "Empire V", the release of which was announced for November 2018.
Two days later, the audience was presented with the joint work of Miron and Ka-tet called "Progress Machine". In this track, Oxy returned to the style of "evil hip-hop" and walked through the modern rap industry in Russia. The video for the composition, made in an animated style, was filmed entirely against the background of a chroma key.

Meanwhile, the battle in Los Angeles with Bashir Yagami, better known as, is getting closer. Our hero began writing the text for this event only on October 1st, finishing it in about a week. As Fedorov himself admits on his Twitter, write a battle on English language turned out to be a pleasant enough activity for him. It is worth noting that the opponents managed to make friends before this event: they often called up on "FaceTime" and talked on various themes. Bashir admits that he does not experience aggression towards Miron and plans to continue communication with him, but this does not mean that he will do him any concessions during the battle, he himself says.

The historical battle began at 6 am Moscow time. The participants had 3 rounds, each of which should last no more than 5 minutes. Many Russian-speaking fans from different countries, including - the organizer of the St. Petersburg "Versus".

KOTD: Oxxxymiron vs Dizaster (2017)

Initially, many were skeptical about the successful performance of our hero, but already in the first round Oksimiron managed to really impress everyone with his performance, which was appreciated even by his opponent. After the competition (which was not judged, but after a while on Twitter, Diz admitted his defeat), many praised the artist for his excellent presentation of the Russian battle movement to foreigners. Oxy also held a broadcast with his former rival Bashir, in which he discussed what happened.

: vk.com/norimyxxxo ( Official page in Vkontakte); LPV project, oxxxyfan.ru
: youtube.com, freeze frames
: Kult Iz Dat (discogs.com)
: instagram.com/norimyxxxo (Official page on Instagram)
: "Channel One", freeze frames
: instagram.com/techniquepasha (Official page of Pasha Technique on Instagram)
: twitter.com/norimyxxxo (Official Twitter page)
Frames from videos VersusBattleRu, KOTD from YouTube video hosting
Stills from Oxxxymiron music videos from YouTube
Personal archive of Miron Fedorov

When using any information from this biography of Oksimiron, please be sure to leave a link to it. Also check out. Hope for your understanding.

Article prepared by resource "How Celebrities Have Changed"

Rapper Oxxxymiron (Miron Fedorov) was born in 1985 in St. Petersburg. After 9 years, the future artist moved with his parents to Germany, where, in fact, he began to take his first creative steps, performing under a pseudonym. Photographs of Oksimiron from this period of his life have been preserved in a small number.

At the age of 15, Miron was waiting for another move. This time, the rapper was brought to England, to the city of Slough, where he shows success in his studies and in 2004 enters Oxford at the Faculty of English Literature. The artist himself says that studying at Oxford did not greatly affect his erudition. Photos of Oksimiron from Oxford are also presented in small numbers.

2008 can be considered the starting point in Oksimiron's career. The artist had a promising job in one of the London offices, but at the same time he fruitfully collaborated with rappers from Optik Russia. In 2010, Miron quit his job, rented cheap housing in one of the London ghettos, left Optik Russia and started recording his first album, Eternal Jew. After the release of the record, Oxy goes on a small tour with his colleague Shockk.

In the future, Miron will have a conflict with Shockk, a series of battles on the Restaurateur site, the release of the second full-length album, packed concert halls and rising to the podium of Russian rap.

Photo of Oksimiron with a girl

But first, let's deal with the rapper's personal life, the backstage of which is no less interesting. Oksimiron is credited with relationships with at least four friends:

  • ex-wife in England;
  • Sonya Dukk;
  • Sonya Grese;
  • Olga Seryabkina from the Serebro group.

Rumor has it that Miron got married in London in 2007. The performer himself never announced his marriage in England, and there are only two photos of Oxxxymiron with his alleged ex-wife. Ex-wife Oksimiron in this photo is second to the left of the rapper:

And here she is in a red dress:

However, information about Oxxxymiron's marriage is more like bad joke haters. Myron's only deep relationship was with Sonya Dukk. Almost nothing is written about them on the Internet, but it is known for sure that the couple has been together for several years. Photos of Oksimiron with Sonya Dukk only confirm the depth of their relationship.

Another Sonya in Miron's life is Sonya Greze, whose name was mentioned during the battle of Oxy against Purulent. There is none on the web joint photo Oxxxymiron with Sonya Grese, although in public they declare that they maintain warm friendly relations. Sonya herself looks like this:

Oksimiron's most stellar girlfriend is Olga Serebkina from the Russian pop group Silver. In August 2015, Oksimiron rescued the Silver group at one of their concerts: when the girls had problems with the equipment, Miron went on stage and read out an excerpt from the battle against Joniboy. After that, a lot of rumors appeared on the Internet about the relationship between Oksya and Serebkina, but there are no photos of Oksimiron and Olya confirming these rumors. The artists have only a few selfies from social events and photos from the very concert where he helped the girls.

It is also known that Miron had an affair with Pasha's ex-girlfriend Technique. intimate photos Oksimiron with ex girlfriend The technique was posted on the Internet by Pasha Technician himself. For ethical reasons, we did not publish them.

Photos of Oksimiron (Oxxxymiron) at concerts

The artist began to gather large halls during a tour in support of the Gorgorod album, which was released in 2015. Oksimiron photos from this tour are available in abundance.

After the release of the album, Oxy even appeared on TV in the Evening Urgant program.

In 2017 Oxxxymiron started new round his career. The first half of 2017, the rapper sat in the shadows and worked mainly on a collab with Reebok, and in August 2017.

After the defeat from Purulent, Miron released several feats, announced about and performed well in the international.

On November 6, 2017, Oksimiron for the first time in his career gathered a full hall in the Olympic, which can accommodate 35 thousand spectators.

Oksimiron (oxxxymiron, Twitter - norimyxxxo) is a Russian rap artist. The artist's life is full of various events that he describes in his texts. Today Okismiron is a popular performer. But it was not always so.

In this article we will tell the biography of the rapper and about his creative way, about Oksimiron's music labels.

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Oksimiron, biography - who is, his story

Real name - Fedorov Miron (Wikipedia). He was born in St. Petersburg on January 31, 1985. Oksimiron's parents intelligent people- dad is a theoretical physicist, and mom is a librarian. Miron studied at a regular school in St. Petersburg No. 185.

At the age of nine, Miron and his parents change their place of residence. The family moves to Germany, the city of Essen. Miron enters the prestigious Maria Wechtler Gymnasium. According to Miron, his relationship with new classmates was not ideal. He would later describe them in his song " Last call».

He composed his first rap at the age of 13. At this time, he organized a group with friends. He took the pseudonym MIF, an abbreviated form of the name and surname. In an interview with one publication, Oksimiron said that the group was organized jointly with Saga, who was one hundred percent sure that Miron was the first Russian rap artist. But Miron himself did not have such confidence.

Student years

At the age of fifteen, he moved to the UK. Here he graduated from high school and Oxford Institute. He studied English medieval literature. As he later tells in an interview, the institute did not give him anything, just show-offs. It's just a good institute, where he was accepted, and he chose such a direction, because none of the Russians studied in this direction.

It is worth noting that Miron was diagnosed in 2006 "affective insanity". For this reason, he was expelled from the institute, but managed to enter again. In 2008, his studies ended. At the institute, he did everything, but did not study. He was on the student council. It was there that he made his first useful contacts.

After graduation, he realized that he did not need to work in the office. Moreover, the received profession was not in demand. As Miron himself said in an interview, he worked in different jobs:

  • Seller.
  • Translator.
  • Loader.
  • Tutor.
  • Consultant and entertainer.

But he decided to return to music. Moreover, his circle of friends supported him in this. He took on a new pseudonym "Oxxxymiron".

Oxymiron's work in 2001 and a seven-year vacation

At the beginning of his career Miron met many rappers and even managed to release several tracks:

  • Best MS.
  • Stone Age of Russian Poetry.
  • There was also another track that is currently lost - it's a freestyle bardcore demo.

In 2001, he participated in the first hip-hop rap battle. ru. I only made it to the second round. He was removed from the competition due to the fact that he did not send a track for the second round on time.

From an interview with oxymiron found out that he wrote not very good lyrics. That is why he decided to leave this field of activity. He did not perform for several years in a row.

Creativity since 2008–2010

After seven years of inactivity, he returns to music and to rap. In 2008, he released the track "London Against All". After that, he was noticed by the German label of Russian-speaking emigrants - Optik Russiarude. There he met Dmitry Hinter and got his first listeners. In the same year, Miron shoots his first video "I'm a hater."

In 2009 he returned to the hip-hopa battle. This time he managed to reach the semi-finals. At the end, according to this version, the Miron portal became the winner in various categories:

  • He became the best MC of the battle.
  • He became the breakthrough of the battle.
  • It became a discovery in 2009.
  • He won the Best Hip Hop Artist nomination.

In 2010 year Myron leaves the label. He explained this by saying that his interests do not coincide with the interests of the label.

Creating your own label

After Miron left the former label, the question arose of a new one. And he found it, or rather invented it himself. Its new logo is called Vagabund. Translated from German, this is the Wanderer.

In the autumn of the same year, Oksimiron and Schok go on a big tour of the countries of the former Soviet Union. The name of the tour is the October event.

Two albums were released under this label:

  • Schok - From the big road.
  • Oksimiron - Eternal Jew.

Miron's album received many positive reviews. These albums came out at the same time September 15, 2011. After that, the composition of the label began to tour the CIS countries.

In the same year, Miron decides to leave the label and gives the last concerts as part of this team. After a conflict with Roma Zhigan, Miron gives a free concert and leaves for London.

Creative life since 2012

In 2012 Miron creates an Internet release called miXXXtape I. The most successful lines from songs that were recorded from 2008 to 2011 are voiced there.

A year later, the second release comes out: "miXXXtape II: Long way home." This release features songs that were recorded in 2012–2013. In between, excerpts from Miron's performances at the famous rap battle Versus are inserted. The excerpts are mixed. Excerpts from the battle between Oxymiron and Cripple. This is the third edition of the battle, in which Miron won. The video was the first on the site's official channel to get more than 4 million views.

In 2014 Miron accepted a challenge from rapper Dunya. The event was open. And Oksimiron won this dispute.

The release of Miron's second album was scheduled for August 8, 2014. But for some reason, its release was postponed.

In 2015 Miron continued to participate in battles on a well-known rap site. The third season began with a competition between Oksimiron and Joniboy. By tradition, Myron won the battle. He did not leave a single chance to his young opponent. All judges voted for Miron. The video of the battle gained 1 million views in one day. It was a hit record. This is what drew attention to the person of Miron, the famous Canadian battle KOTDruen and one of the best MCs in the world - Dizaster.

Other rappers were Oksimiron's rivals, for example, in 2016, ST. Myron also won the battle dry. It is worth noting that this video was blocked on the YouTube channel.

In August 2017 of the year, the most anticipated duel between Oksimiron and Glory of the CPSU, also known as Purulent, took place. It all started with a battle between Purulent and Ernesto Shut up. Slava decided to dedicate the entire second round to Oksimiron. In his statements, Purulent accused Miron of hypocrisy and doing everything for the sake of hype. Miron did not wait long and challenged Slava to a rap battle.

Before this battle, none of the rappers lost their fights. This time, Oksimiron turned out to be on the side of the loser. He lost to Slava CPSU dry. There were five judges at the battle, who voted for Slava. About 10 million people watched the video in one day.

Album release and other commemorative events

The long awaited album is out! November 13, 2015 and was called "Gorgorod". In the same year, a video was presented for the song "Londongrad" from the series of the same name. A video was also shot for the song "City Under the Sole".

In 2017, Miron became the face of the Reebok Classic brand in our country. He also became the head of the booking agency, with which he has collaborated since 2012.

Creativity Miron does not leave anyone indifferent. Probably, in our country there is no such person who would not know his name and did not hear his tracks. It is impossible to say that everyone likes him, but still he has a lot of fans. In an interview, he said that many listen to him, “because they think that I graduated from Oxford, that's why I write such tracks. But actually it is not". Yes, he studied and was educated at a prestigious university. As he himself said, this education gave - nothing.

He has a difficult life, which is reflected in his texts, maybe not in all. To say that he is the best rap artist in our country is probably true. But only because he does his job and does it well.

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