How to persuade parents to become a video blogger on YouTube. Choice of channel topics. A set of views on Youtube

Career and finance 27.12.2017
Career and finance

If you have a desire to start a video blog, then the idea that you are ready to show your viewer useful or entertaining information has long been lurking in your mind. By the way, videos with, and for Last year enjoyed unprecedented popularity. This suggests that Internet users still have a desire to learn how to look good, to be in the know latest trends and be able to see the world without leaving home.

So, let's move on to specific actions that will help you figure out how to become a video blogger.

How to become a video blogger: a plan of action. The first step is to think about the concept of your channel. You need to describe what you want to show the viewer for the first time: review other videos (games, clips, films), (makeup, personal care, dancing, etc.), make them laugh, show your interesting everyday life (if life is eventful, for example, a video diary of a model).

Many bloggers combine all these points at the same time, but they already have their own audience of subscribers who watch videos for the sake of this person. These are all good practices, but to begin with, it’s best to stick to one topic for which interested viewers will come to your channel.

How to become a video blogger: design. Of course, for a full-fledged blog, you need to be able to edit videos and properly design your channel. Now Internet users are spoiled for quality content, so no one will go for a design in the style of “I made it in paint”. Many bloggers collaborate with designers, so word of mouth and old acquaintances will come in handy.

How to become a video blogger: systematic. If you decide to start a video blog, you need to set yourself the task of releasing videos regularly, setting a certain frequency. Let it not be daily video releases, but better and more informative videos that come out every two weeks. You also need to remember that subscribers and viewers are found through social networks. It is extremely important to include a description of the video and put hashtags.

Media marketing experts say that in 207-18 about 69% of the world's traffic will be video.

How to become a vlogger: video length. Previously, vloggers were encouraged to shoot short three-minute videos that could briefly keep the viewer at the screen. Now the trends have changed, and bloggers boldly began to mount longer videos. Interesting channels on YouTube are gradually replacing TV, and sometimes even become an alternative to movies. Therefore, on this moment The duration of the video can be about 10-13 minutes.

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Hello. In this article, we will tell you how to become a blogger and start making money. You will learn all the secrets of bloggers, as well as get a video tip on how to become a blogger and start making money from it.

Why it pays to be a blogger

Every year the Internet becomes more popular. At the same time, it should be taken into account that any citizen can earn, regardless of age and gender. If earlier no one knew who bloggers were, today many people are trying to become successful and popular in this particular direction.

First of all, let's note that:

blogger is a person who shares useful information with others on his personal page. As a rule, each blogger has his own topic and direction in which he moves and shares his thoughts and advice.

Nowadays, being a blogger is prestigious. It is this category of citizens:

  • doing what he loves and getting paid for it;
  • has complete freedom of choice about what to write about;
  • she decides how much time to devote to work;
  • combines work and leisure.

Some office workers are forced to fulfill their duties and only dream about it. A blogger is his own boss. Today, some citizens envy the success and popularity of others, not even realizing that they themselves can become a sought-after blogger. To start writing your own diary, you only need a great desire.

The success of a blogger depends on the traffic to his page. The more interesting your posts are, the more people not only will actively review the information, but leave comments and ask questions. Your income will depend on the number of visitors.

As soon as the page is popular, the blogger will be able to earn. The main thing, as already noted, is to have a great desire and not make typical mistakes.

How to make money with a blog

Everyone who chooses this direction is interested in one question: How can you make money with your hobby? In fact, there are several simple ways receiving income.

Consider what will allow you to earn good money:

  1. Subscriptions and premium content. This is the most clumsy option that can bring you a good profit. The main thing is to understand before starting work whether your activity is worth it or not.
  2. Posting Paid Links. This method helps to earn on initial stage when you are just creating your own page and have a few regular followers. The only thing to consider is that the amounts here are small, and the payment will largely depend on the number of views.
  3. Paid Posts. This way of earning is suitable for promoted bloggers. AT this case companies can themselves apply with a proposal to place a post. it great way earn several tens of thousands of rubles.
  4. banner advertising. This is the most banal way that all novice bloggers use. If you choose this option, you can get a pretty penny for views or clicks on ads. This method works well, but does not bring much Money as you would like.
  5. Direct advertising in a video or subscription to a channel. Such advertising today is ready to bring the most funds. Before using this type of income, you must take a responsible approach to finding an employer and carefully study the reviews.
  6. Earn money with the affiliate program on YouTube. Thanks to this method, you can get not as much money as in the first case. The main thing is to conclude an agreement with one of the media networks that is connected to this program.

How much do bloggers earn

As soon as you have regular visitors, you can earn. But how to get money from attendance? In fact, everything is not as difficult as it might seem. You can earn on:

  • Selling advertising space

If you have good traffic, you can sell ads. All you have to do is find a trusted advertiser and advertise on your page. Today, the best option is contextual advertising from Yandex or Google.

  • Selling links

Every successful blogger knows that in order to promote their page, they need to buy links in large quantities. As soon as your page becomes very popular, you can sell links yourself and earn additional income. To purchase a link, just visit a special resource and choose the most suitable offer for yourself.

  • custom material

How often do you see bullshit on a good page? Probably quite often. For example, you can find a custom post that tells how water, passed through a special miracle filter, helps to cure all diseases. And, of course, on the blog page they offer to buy a filter at a special price. For such an advertising article, on average, for one post you can earn several thousand rubles.

How much do bloggers earn

With the advent of the era of high-speed Internet, media information is gaining more and more popularity, in particular, films, series, popular videos, etc. This, in turn, induces the desire of many users of the World Wide Web to create their own unique media content that would bring popularity. Most the best option is to create your own video blog on the YouTube channel, as it does not require any financial expenses. Many users want to know the answer to the question - "How to become a video blogger?". However, not every user is ready to put in enough regular effort.

What is the reason for the popularity of vloggers?

Video information is perceived by a person in the most accessible and effective way. known fact is that 70-90% of all information a person receives directly through the organ of vision, touch, smell, hearing, etc., occupy a secondary position. After all, many people like to watch movies, and not every person likes to read a book. If we compare the percentage of people who read a book and watch a movie, then the vast majority will choose the latter option, since visual information is the most accessible for perception.

The main fact of the popularity of any video blogger is the presence of a proper reserve of enthusiasm to develop their hobby, regardless of the increase or decrease in the number of views. Statistics show that the majority of users who work regardless of the current peaks reached achieve great results over time.

How to become a video blogger?

Step-by-step algorithm for creating an original channel:

  • first of all, you need to create a Google account, and then go to YouTube and come up with a creative thematic name for your channel;
  • be sure to create a thematic design of the channel, which should not be defiant;
  • create for yourself rough plan issues, it is best to maintain its excel using an online spreadsheet;
  • come up with at least a plot for at least 5 videos;
  • post a video according to your own layout.

It is most optimal to create a channel on YouTube, since the global audience is concentrated here. Plus, the content of the channel does not require any financial expenses for renting free space. You can download an almost unlimited amount of information and in any quality.

Channel theme selection

The topic of the channel is probably the most significant success factor, since it is important to navigate it well in order to be able to compete with other users. The thematic choice should be based not only on the creative impulse, but also on the level of practical knowledge or skills. Otherwise, the video channel will face a complete fiasco if it is not competitive.

The thematic direction of the channel must be unique to a certain extent in order to differ from its competitors, who have already managed to achieve a certain amount of a permanent audience. You can choose a popular direction, however, it must contain the author's particle, which no one else has. For example, a channel is selected for video reviews of games, in particular, fifa 2006. You need to look at all the competitors who chose this particular game program, then choose a unique angle. If competitors simply make matches with author's comments, then it is impossible to achieve success by repeating x actions from a practical point of view. In this regard, you need to choose your own unique angle, in particular, the same matches, but with the chosen game tactics that you will need to demonstrate, this will make the user interested in watching. After all, if a person doesn’t like the video, he almost instantly switches to another video until he finds suitable media content.

Shooting a vlog

Before proceeding directly to the creation of the first videos, it is imperative to plan everything in detail. In particular, outline in brief, and then think over in detail the storyline. Precisely determine the duration of the video and the thematic direction. The idea must be somewhat unique, otherwise the progress will be very slow and practically imperceptible.

Next important point shooting of the first videos is the shooting location, which must be neutral or correspond to the theme of the channel. This is not easy to do, but you have to try. Some videos are best shot directly on the street, if the situation in the room remains unchanged from video to video. The main thing is to interest a potential user of the World Wide Web.

Note. It is important to shoot with a good camera so that you can clearly see the author and the surrounding space. Since low-quality video material, immediately, makes you want to turn it off.

At first, videos can even be shot on a gadget, the presence professional camera all optional. The main thing is the practical relevance of the idea, the availability of information, as well as its practical value.

How to promote your blog and get the first subscribers

objectively, you need to understand that the popularity of a video blog is not a one-time procedure, but a manipulation that requires time and application more efforts. There are a lot of tips that describe methods for cheating subscribers. For example, it is recommended to enlist the support of bloggers who have already gained high popularity. However, all cheating methods have exactly one common significant drawback - investing financial resources, which is far from being justified in all cases, from a practical point of view, it is best to start not with this, but with the banal compilation of the correct keys to the video. In particular, enter 2-4 of the most keywords that most objectively reflect the theme of the video. The title should be thematic and short - 2-3 words (preferably). Since a long request, few users enter the service into YouTube.

In order to create and maintain the growth of the popularity of a vlog, it is necessary to publish various videos regularly. Moreover, each plot should, on the one hand, reflect the chosen thematic direction as accurately as possible, and, on the other hand, have unique differences. It is also important to submit only the most relevant information. This will ensure a steady growth of subscribers.

Final result

When choosing information, it is important to remember that it must be up-to-date and presented in the most understandable form. When publishing a story, the regularity and originality of each material is important, if you use someone else's content, then the channel will practically not advance and the growth of subscribers will be extremely slow.

It is possible and necessary to invest in the promotion of a video blog when it began to bring a stable profit. Up to this point, it’s not worth the risk, as this will lead to irrational expenses. And most importantly, starting a blog and making it successful is within the power of every user of the World Wide Web, if there is the necessary supply of enthusiasm.

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Oh that Youtube! In just a few years, he gathered a billionth audience at the screens and made people work, progress, conquer new goals (unfortunately, not all of them).

Millions of hours of new uploaded videos have launched a powerful mechanism to popularize the Youtube service and the channels that are hosted there. A real YouTube mania has begun from which everyone, an active and intelligent person, can benefit. What? Learn from the article.

In addition, material: youtube help» will answer the questions:

- who is a video blogger;

How to become a video blogger

How to make money on video blogging.

That's not all! Useful and truly the best youtube tips get from a person who owns several channels at once, one of them has 5,000 subscribers and 550,000 views. It is important to note that this channel has a name - Clear TV and exists a little less than 2 years (if you wish, you can watch it and subscribe).

Is it a video blogger?

I think it’s not difficult to guess who a video blogger is. Well, if it’s difficult, then I’ll say that it’s customary to call a video blogger a person who shoots videos and adds them to the network (to popularize their work). Primitive? I agree. Indeed, that is exactly what it looks like.

Why become a vlogger?

People create their video blog with the goal of:

- show yourself (IMPORTANT: often, this turns into nonsense);

- earn money.

The optimal solution: combine the first and fourth points. “Beautiful” and “beautiful” or those who consider themselves to be such 🙂 can combine all three.

What should a novice video blogger pay attention to in order to competently create and add their videos, effectively promote a channel on YouTube, and earn money from it? A dozen tips on creating, developing and promoting a YouTube channel can answer these questions (all information is based on analysis):

1) The right choice of topics

Unfortunately, to provide some help for video bloggers at this stage I can’t, because everyone determines for himself what is interesting to him and what may be interesting to the viewer. Ideally, this looks like - you get pleasure after adding a video to youtube, and the viewer gets the necessary and useful information.

2) Training in the subtleties of installation

How to become a vlogger if you don't have a clue about editing? No way. At least some minimum skills and you should be. For editing, many choose the Sony Vegas program. I find it easier to work with Camtasia Studio. The sooner you watch a couple of training videos and study the software, the more chances there will be that the first videos on the channel will be of satisfactory quality.

3) Channel design

It would be wrong to give advice on youtube and bypass the theme of the channel's design. Of course, a beautiful hat, a spectacular intro of your videos can show the viewer that you serious man and doing serious things. Yes, and it is much easier to bring beauty right away, and enjoy it throughout the life of the channel.

4) Title, video description, tags

Think it's the fastest youtube help in terms of channel SEO optimization:

- title of the video (must include: keyword, the phrase zest);

— description of the video (should be +- 300-500 characters, including keywords);

We select keywords in Google Adwords, Yandex Wordstat, look at what they are looking for on Youtube.

5) Hidden features of Youtube

To become a video blogger, you need to be able to use the maximum opportunities that Youtube provides. Many people know what is:

- button to subscribe to the video,

- subscribe button in the lower right corner,

- youtube subscribe popup

Do not believe it, a maximum of 30% of people use these opportunities to the fullest!

6) Recruitment of Youtube subscribers

I perfectly understand how it is to be a newbie, to have a zero channel and 0-subscribers. It is sad. Of course, the first ones who subscribe to you are family friends, acquaintances (if they find out about the channel or recommend it to them yourself). What's next? With 10 subscribers on youtube it will be impossible to rise.

My Youtube help to get the first 100 subscribers, gives you the opportunity to choose:

- buy the first live subscribers on a verified site (about 0.25 rubles per 1). You can earn money yourself on simple tasks and then spend it on the development of the channel. Not a bad option.

— buy fakes. This method is not recommended. Unfortunately, now there are a lot of sites that will help you gain 100 or more subscribers in an hour. True, they don’t write there that later 90%, or even more fake youtube subscribers will fall off. It is better to use the first site.

- order subscribers from me. Write to me and within 2-4 days your channel will have the first hundred subscribers (they will not unsubscribe on the second or third day, don't worry). Here is such Youtube help from me. As a gift: 50-70 likes, 150-250 views. The cost is 1000 rubles.

- to collect yourself. If you think that you can handle it yourself, then you can make your plan a reality. It can help with this (although now it is not as relevant as before - many unsubscribe).

7) A set of views on Youtube

Subscribers are good, and views are even better. Now ladies simple tips youtube by a set of views, without cheating:

- use of social networks can bear fruit;

— comments have an impact on the promotion of the video;

- videos should be found through a youtube search.

To fans of twisting, I will say that youtube is getting smarter. Some methods of cheating have already completely outlived their usefulness, the rest work, but are completely inefficient. I recommend not to forget that for such actions the channel can be blocked and then, the work done ... Well, you understand.

8) Attention: stop uploading nonsense on Youtube!

Sometimes you want to give psychological help video bloggers and shut their mouths, remove their videos. Guys, do not join the ranks of idiots who fill in all sorts of nonsense! Even if your favorite video blogger writes nonsense and you watch it, find the strength and convolutions in yourself to show adequacy and reach a new level!

I'm talking about the fact that I and most normal people don't care ... a drum, what's in your bag, a pencil case, what you ate and how you skated! These were youtube helpful tips from Clear TV channel. I hope they will warn you against the main mistakes that beginners make on youtube.

More recently, it was insanely popular and fashionable to keep thematic diaries in LiveJournal and other similar resources, and the proud title of "blogger" only appeared on the lips of numerous Internet users. But even today you won’t surprise anyone with this activity, text diaries are losing their popularity, and fascinating videos have taken their place. Thanks to such a channel as YouTube appeared and quickly spread throughout the virtual space new profession- video blogger. The following article will talk about who he is and how to become a video blogger yourself.

Why are vloggers popular?

Humans are inherently lazy, so if something can be done easier with less effort, the easiest way is often preferred. What do you think the majority will choose: to read a long review / report on a topic or watch a video from which they will learn the same information, and even more clearly presented? The answer is obvious! That is why video bloggers gained popularity so quickly and lured some of the former LJ readers to their side. What are they doing? They shoot videos and post them on the Internet for review and "judgment" of numerous users. If you are attracted to this activity and you are seriously thinking about how to become a video blogger, then the following tips will come in handy.

Where to begin?

Here are the first steps every vlogger should take:

  • create a channel and choose a name;
  • decide on the topic of the videos;
  • come up with a design, make a description of the channel;
  • create a release schedule;
  • acquire high-quality equipment;
  • think over the script and shoot the video;
  • put the video online.

Getting our own channel

The first question you need to decide is: how will the virtual audience see your creations? Most bloggers live on YouTube video hosting - the most popular and "densely populated". That is why we recommend not to bother and opt for it, because it is here that "video blogging stars" are born. So, how to become a video blogger on YouTube? First you need to create your own channel by choosing a suitable name for it: it should be easy to read and write, be bright and memorable. When choosing a name, you can focus on the topics of your future videos or come up with a pseudonym for yourself under which your videos will be posted (they can be devoted to various interesting topics).

Decide on a topic

As for the topic, this is one of the most important points of your program. Her choice must be taken wisely. Think about what talents you have, what you can do or know better than others? Could this be of interest to other people?

Relying on its popularity when choosing a channel theme is a big mistake. For example, today a huge number of beauty reviews are posted on YouTube, as well as computer games and video. That is why it is better to choose something else, or else be prepared for huge competition, including with bloggers who have already proven themselves and are loved by the audience. BUT! If you are confident in your abilities and think that you can "hook" the audience with your videos, then go for it. The most important thing about being a vlogger is choosing the right topic. It must meet two main criteria: be interesting to you (otherwise the enthusiasm can quickly fade) and interest other users (to win the attention of a wide audience). If your theme meets these requirements, then everything is in order.

We design the channel and create a schedule

Next, according to the chosen direction, you need to design your channel. This is a description, and a background, and screensavers in your videos. The viewer should not only be interested in watching your videos, but also enjoy being on your channel. Also, train yourself and your audience in order to schedule from the very beginning - choose the days on which you will upload your creations to the network, and stick to this schedule. Then your material will be expected at a certain time, and questions about when a new video will be released are minimized.

Assessing your technique

No less than the material and the script, the technique with which you shoot is important. video blogger, if the quality of the videos you upload leaves much to be desired? Make sure your camera supports Full HD resolution. If this is a camera, then it is advisable to use a "reflex camera". You also need a good microphone (especially if you plan to shoot sketches or let's play), so that not only the picture, but also the sound is of high quality. Close the windows and doors in the room when shooting, this will help to avoid extraneous noise.

Filming and editing video

When there is a channel and all the necessary equipment, you can proceed directly to work on the video material. If necessary, write a script first (you can sketch out a plan or write out a sequence of actions / phrases in detail). Some do without it, but novice bloggers need careful preparation.

The finished video must first be processed - cut out the unnecessary, add musical accompaniment, make interesting transitions, insert additional material if it is appropriate or important. In general, at this stage, you need to bring the video "to mind" when it can already be shown to the audience. Make sure it's harmonious, natural, interesting, and not overdone. If you are satisfied with the result, then it is time to put it on public display. However, this is not the end of your work. What's next? And then - the most difficult.

We promote our channel

It may happen that your material is good, and the videos are useful or entertaining, but there are still no viewers (or there are very few of them). Most likely it will. And why? Yes, because you have not yet learned the most important thing about being a video blogger, and not just "one of". For this you will have to work hard, because the competition is big!

There are several ways to promote your channel:

  • enlist the support of already popular bloggers;
  • engage in mutual PR with other novice bloggers;
  • post links to videos on social networks;
  • set the correct tags.

Help from seniors

In order to draw attention to your videos, you need to make sure that they get to as many users as possible. One of the best solutions is to ask for "likes" of popular video bloggers. Of course, this service is not free, but you have to pay for PR. Thanks to this simple method, your videos will be displayed to the subscribers of the blogger who liked them, which means that there is a chance to get a lot of views with a good choice of names and interesting topics.

Mutual PR

Another option is to make videos together or like each other's videos with vlogging newbies like you. This will allow you to expand your audience through subscribers who came from the channel of your "brother" on the topic.

PR on social media

Tags - smart move

In addition, in the process of uploading videos to the public, you can use the correct tags. After you have put tags that correspond to the topic of your material, add tags from bloggers (preferably working in your subject). Then users who watch the videos of the corresponding blogger will see your material in the videos recommended for viewing.

Gradually, using and, if possible, combining the methods recommended above, you will be able to promote your channel and significantly increase the number of subscribers.

Having gathered an audience, do not lose touch with it

However, do not forget that feedback is also important for the audience. Therefore, the final tip on how to become a successful vlogger is as follows:

  • answer questions left by your subscribers or casual viewers;
  • take into account the advice and wishes that users write in the comments;
  • politely thank for the recommendations, do not treat them negatively;
  • ignore the insults and negativity left in your address (and it will definitely be - this is a statistic).

If you can properly communicate with your subscribers by regularly giving feedback to your audience, then you will significantly strengthen your position among video bloggers. By maintaining quality and including an element of novelty in each of your videos, you will gradually (and maybe quickly) succeed and begin to give advice on how to become a video blogger on YouTube and gain popularity. Good luck!

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