Where is Ani Lorak now. Latest trends in Ani Lorak's house

Technique and Internet 21.06.2019
Technique and Internet

Details Created: 10/04/2016 18:24 Updated: 25/08/2017 12:54

Everyone's favorite young and beautiful singer Ani Lorak (real name Carolina Kuek) has come a long and thorny path to her well-being. Learn about her personal life, family and breaking news you can below.

A family

After all, the little star, according to sources, was born in a poor family, where the role of a breadwinner and educator fell only on the shoulders of a single mother (she and her father divorced, even before her birth). There were four children in the family and the mother had to send them to a children's boarding school in order to feed everyone. But Carolina managed to break through, because talented children are hard to miss.The moment of family well-being was missed in her childhood, so Carolina is trying with all her might to find a worthy husband, recreate her own happy family and make real home comfort.

First husband

Her first lover, according to the media, was producer Yuri Thales. For eight years they lived together in an actual marriage and separated due to different political views (during the Orange Revolution in Ukraine). The husband has become a great support in the world of show business for a small and naive star. He helped and supported her in everything, but apparently they were not destined to be together. Lorak did not see her true man so they didn't get married.

Ani Lorak and Yuri Thales

Second husband

Then she goes headlong into work, but of course she does not forget about active search the men of your dreams. When she was vacationing in Antalya (in 2005), rumors spread on the net that a young and hot Turkish guy won her heart Murat Nalchagioglu. They had such a stormy romance that he could not stand it and a year later he came to the singer's homeland, and soon made her an application. As is known from some sources, Murat is far from being a poor guy, but enviable groom, because he is one of the owners of the tourist operator "Tur tess Travel". By the way, Karolina later became the face of TurTess Travel.

Ani Lorak's wedding took place in August 2009. It is known from some sources that they signed, of course, in the Kiev registry office, but magnificent wedding played in Turkey. She was in seventh heaven because she found soul mate and loved one. And in 2011, fate gave her new gift, she had a daughter - Sofia, and godfather became Philip Kirkorov.

Ani Lorak is a talented and bright singer, known and loved in Ukraine and Russia, was born on September 27, 1978 in the small town of Kitsman, not far from Chernivtsi, Ukraine.

Ani Lorak is the pseudonym of the singer, whose real name is Karolina. The girl was named so by her Polish grandmother, who loved her very much.

Little Carolina's childhood can hardly be called happy. Her parents divorced before the birth of their daughter. For some time, the girl was raised by her grandmother, but with age it became difficult for her to take care of the child and Karolina had to study at the Chernivtsi boarding school.

The girl grew up alive and artistic. From a very young age, she dreamed of singing on stage and at the age of 4 she began performing at children's concerts. Even an impromptu scene gave her great pleasure, and she gladly responded to any offer to sing in front of the audience.

First victories

Over time, Carolina's talent was noticed, and she began to take an active part in various children's competitions and festivals. She often won prizes, but for the first time she managed to win only in 1991 at the regional Primrose competition.

Here, for the first time in her life, the girl meets a real producer. Yuri Thalesa offers her a professional contract.

In 1994, Karolina actively participates in the "Tavria Games", which have become a launching pad for many popular performers. There, the audience liked Carolina so much that at the end of the year she received the Golden Firebird, one of her first prestigious awards.

However, real fame, as well as the stage name that became fateful, was brought to Carolina by participation in one of the first Russian TV shows "Morning Star", to which the girl was invited by his permanent presenter Yuri Nikolaev. But another girl named Carolina was already on the list of participants.

Yuri Thales solved the problem in an original way by simply writing the name of his ward in reverse.

But no wonder they say that in life there is nothing accidental. Participation in the "Morning Star", which was broadcast throughout the country, also turned Carolina's life 180 degrees. She became a famous young performer and a favorite of the whole country.

On takeoff

All this time, Carolina not only actively performed and learned to sing, but also worked hard, preparing her first solo album for the release. Mostly composed of compositions in the jazz-rock style, the CD “I Want to Fly” was released in the fall of 1995.

Released in England in a small edition of only 6,000 discs, it did not reach Russian listeners, scattering instantly.

And Carolina, having finished work on a solo album, goes to conquer America. There she took part in the competition for young performers "Big Apple Music Competition 1996", in which she brilliantly wins.

In 1997, the singer marks the release of her first video clip for the song "I'll be back", which still often occupies the top lines of the charts. It was this song that became the hallmark of her next album of the same name, the presentation of which took place at the next "Tavria Games".

A year later, the singer goes on her first tour, which includes not only most of the cities of Ukraine, but also foreign countries. The singer's fantastically bright and strong voice captivated the audience of America, Hungary, Germany, France and brought her to the crest of a wave of fame and popularity.

On the wave of success

The young singer won the hearts of Ukrainians so much that in 1999 she became the youngest Honored Artist of Ukraine. The master of the Russian stage, Igor Krutoy, draws attention to a talented girl. The phenomenal voice wins the heart of the famous composer and the result of their joint work is another hit of the singer "Mirrors".

The premiere of the song was so successful that Krutoy immediately signs a contract with Ali Lorak, which opens the young singer to the world Russian show business. And since 2000, Carolina begins her triumphal march through the concert venues of Russia.

2001 was marked for the singer by another prestigious award. For your new album“Where you are”, recorded in collaboration with Krutoy, Lorak receives another “Golden Firebird”, and the disc itself also becomes gold. In 2002, Ani Lorak was named the most popular singer in Ukraine.

In the same 2002, Carolina appeared on television in a new role for herself. In the New Year's Russian musical Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka, she played the capricious Ukrainian beauty Oksana, the bride of the blacksmith Vakula.

Working on the musical, in addition to revealing the secrets of cinema for the singer, allowed her to meet almost all Russian pop stars and move to a completely different level in this environment.


In 2004, Ani Lorak, who released her next album "Three Elemental Words", became the best Ukrainian singer of the year. She is preparing an English-language album, which is going to be presented at the Eurovision Song Contest in 2005. The song from this album “Smile” quickly becomes a hit and the chances of the singer to get into the prestigious competition are very high.

However, the events of the Orange Revolution played with the career of a singer bad joke. At the last stage of the Eurovision preselection contest, bypassing the troubles of the preliminary selection, the patriotic band "Grinjoly" passes, which eventually goes to represent Ukraine. However, the European audience turned out to be far from revolutionary passions, and the group was received rather coldly.

Carolina, despite a temporary setback, continues to perform successfully and record new songs that quickly win back the top lines in the charts. In addition, she begins to actively engage social activities and charity. Soon she is appointed UN Goodwill Ambassador for HIV in Ukraine.

In 2008, having successfully passed all the qualifying tests, Carolina still goes to Eurovision with the song "From Sky to Sky", for which she receives the "Golden Gramophone" at the end of the year. At Eurovision, Ani Lorak takes an honorable second place. And a year later, she again receives the Golden Gramophone for the song "The Sun", and she herself becomes "Person of the Year" in the nomination "Idol of Ukrainians".

In the winter of 2018, Ani Lorak showed the world her grand show "Diva". This is really a very large-scale show, during which the singer is on stage for all three hours. During the performance of songs, Carolina does complex tricks and changes 240 outfits. The director of this action is Oleg Bondarchuk.

By the way, he was the director of the last show of the singer "Carolina". Both the shows "Carolina" and "Diva" are to some extent autobiographical and describe the status of Ani Lorak. The singer dedicates her last show to all women. This show collects full houses at the largest venues in Russia.

In addition to her big show, the singer recent times recorded several songs in duet with famous performers- Emin and Mot. These songs - "I Can't Say", "Say Goodbye", "Soprano" - have already become hits.

Currently, the name of Ani Lorak, details from her biography, as well as personal life have become the most discussed in social network Instagram and in the press. In August 2018, it became known that the husband of a charming singer, model and actress went to his mistress, while the pop diva gave concerts on the stage of various cities according to the planned schedule.

However, the performer does not comment on the situation in any way and continues to work, relegating the personal to the background.

The childhood of the Ukrainian singer

Karolina Miroslavovna Kuek was born on September 27, 1978 in Kitsman, Ukraine. The girl grew up in the company of three brothers: Sergei (1968), Igor (1976) and Anton (1985). People's Artist She repeatedly said in an interview for Ukrainian magazines that each of the brothers was born from different husbands.

The girl's parents divorced before her birth. Therefore, all she knew about her father was that he worked as a journalist in the local city newspaper.

yandex_ad_1 The following years were very difficult for the divorced single mother Zhanna Linkova, who worked as a radio director in Chernivtsi. The money earned was not enough to fully provide for three sons and a daughter. Therefore, the woman gave them to a kindergarten, where it was allowed to leave children for 5 days with an overnight stay, taking them only on weekends. Later, the boys and the girl lived in a boarding school, seeing their mother only on weekends.

When Carolina was 9 years old, her older brother died in Afghanistan. But the tragedy in the family did not negatively affect the girl's psyche, but, on the contrary, made her stronger and taught her to appreciate life as it is.

Zhanna Linkova admired the talents of the future Ani Lorak, supporting her in her desire to become a singer. The woman sincerely hoped that the fate, career, biography and personal life of her daughter would turn out completely differently and she would become not only popular, but also happy.

Having moved to the 7th grade, the girl decided that she no longer wanted to live in a boarding school. Therefore, she took the documents from the director and transferred to the school, which was located next to the house. From that moment on, Carolina began to help her mother with the housework and decided to develop her musical talents. For this, the girl enrolled in a pop vocal studio and participate in various competitions.


One of the most significant was the performance at the Primrose festival, at which Carolina met her future husband and producer Yuri Thales.

A talented composer, teacher and mentor insisted that the girl's mother sign a contract, giving permission for her daughter's education and guardianship. Having become popular and famous, Ani Lorak speaks with warmth in her voice about this man, who has become not only a teacher for her, but also a close friend. With him, the girl connected her personal life for many years, and it was he who left a significant mark in her biography.

The formation of the singer

Yuri Thalesa was next to the artist for 8 years. During this time, he wrote many beautiful and popular songs for his muse, and Carolina's career began to develop rapidly:

In 1995, the singer performed in the program "Morning Star", collecting the laurels of the winner. It was then that the girl decided to take a pseudonym, since the performer Carolina was already there. For this, the producer and the Ukrainian singer decided to use her name as it is reflected in the mirror, dividing it into two parts: "Ani Lorak".

In the fall of 1995, Ani Lorak's first album, "I Want to Fly", was released in the style of jazz-rock in a cassette version. But its colleague in the form of a CD, recorded by the famous English company Holy Music in 1996 and released in the amount of 6,000 copies, was sold out abroad, never getting to the artist's homeland.

yandex_ad_2 Having again received an invitation to the music festival "Tavria Games VI" in 1996, the pop diva won and again received the award of the best performer "Golden Firebird", proving her superiority.

Not stopping there, in the same 1996, Ani Lorak went to the Big Apple Music festival in New York, becoming the winner.

In the summer of 1997, at the Tavria Games, the announcement of a new album was held in the form of a video clip for "I'll be back." But fans of the charming singer were able to buy CDs and cassettes only in December.

In the winter of 1999, Ani Lorak, together with Yuri Feles, went on a tour around the world, performing in major cities in the USA, France, Germany and Hungary. The return home was marked by new concerts in the homeland and the receipt of the Honored Artist of Ukraine award from the hands of the President.

In the same year, the singer met Igor Krutoy. The man persuades Ani Lorak to terminate the contract with the previous producer and conclude a new one in 2000. The girl agrees and the unique composition "Mirrors" appears in a creative tandem. The singer not only changes her performance style, but also takes a course towards the Russian public.

celebrity personal life

From 1996 to 2004, the artist lived in civil marriage with Yuri Thales. But after the conclusion of a contract with Igor Krutoy and the arrival of greater popularity, their relationship began to deteriorate, and then stopped.

On August 15, 2009, Ani Lorak surprised everyone around her by marrying a young and wealthy businessman Murat Nalchajioglu, one of the shareholders of the aviation giant Turtess Travel. The Ukrainian singer insisted that the marriage take place in Kyiv, and then the newlyweds celebrated significant event in Turkey. From that moment on, Ani Lorak's biography and personal life received close attention from the press.

Her husband was repeatedly credited with novels with beautiful girls, but the performer herself did not comment on these speculations.

After 2 years, the charming singer shared significant news with her fans: on June 9, 2011, she became a mother. The king of pop Philip Kirkorov and the deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Irina Berezhnaya became godparents. happy mom calls his daughter a princess and spends everything with Sophia and her husband free time trying to give her the childhood she never had.

Currently, according to the "yellow press", the family of Ani Lorak is going through a critical period. There are rumors that the artist's husband left for another woman. But neither the singer's husband nor the pop singer herself confirms these speculations and prefer not to answer journalists' questions.

Where does Ani Lorak live with her husband now? She conquers with her beauty, charm and talent, becoming popular not only in Ukraine, but also in Russia, and her many fans follow not only her work, but also her personal life, and they were interested to find out if she is married and who is Anya's husband? Yes, the singer has been happy with her husband, Turkish businessman Murat Nalchajioglu, for more than nine years, and seven of them are legally married.

Where does Ani Lorak live now (2019)?

Where does Ani live now (2019)? Ani at the time of 2019 lives in Moscow, and almost never appears in Ukraine.

To be honest, I doubt that she will appear with us soon, after the last concerts in Ukraine, which barely took place and almost failed. And due to the fact that she speaks in the direction of Ukraine and Ukrainian citizens, the change of citizenship will not surprise me either.

As well as not upset actually.

Where is Ani Lorak now?

Where is Ani Lorak now In connection with the recent events in Ukraine, many fans of this singer have a question where Ani Lorak 2015 lives (lives) now. Last year turned out to be very difficult for a Ukrainian pop star.

Her performances were disrupted, protests were held at concerts, she was openly accused of betrayal and lack of patriotism. Ani Lorak practically did not appear in public and avoided communicating with journalists.

Ani Lorak bought real estate in Moscow, where she will live with her family!

The famous performer and her husband, successful businessman bought an apartment in the center of the capital. This good news Ani's husband said in an interview. “Yes, we really bought an apartment in Moscow.

Bought a car. There is a personal driver, security and a manager. I opened my company in Moscow, doing business,” said Murat Nalchadzhioglu.

Ani Lorak commented on the divorce from her husband

Ani commented on the divorce from her husband Ani Lorak's husband threw a scandal over her schedule: discord in the singer's family

But as it turned out, in the relationship between Carolina and Murat there were not the easiest moments that could end in divorce, but the couple managed to save the family.

Does ani lorak live with her husband

Does ani lorak live with her husband? The apartment is made in beige, gray and white colors - no flashy details, sharp accents - everywhere there is an atmosphere of calm, a single restrained style. The singer says that when she and her husband quarrel, emotions go wild:
“Once I asked myself the question: “Would I be able to love a person who would agree with me in everything, would unquestioningly obey me”
? And she answered: “No!”.

Ani Lorak revealed the secret of a happy marriage and spoke about the second child

Ani Lorak revealed the secret happy marriage and told about the second child Ani has been happy with Murat Nalchajioglu for about 12 years now.

The artist has a very busy schedule, so she and her husband do not see each other often. Despite this, they managed to maintain a family idyll and romance in a relationship.

"In the morning " Good morning”, in the evening “Good night”, during the day 5-10 messages, calls.

Where does Ani Lorak live now?

The childhood of the star Little Ani Lorak with her mother and brothers A young singer was born in Kitsman in Ukraine. Fame came to her after participating in 1995 in the TV show "Morning Star".

From an early age, the young talent took part in various vocal competitions, conquering the stage from the age of 4.

Carolina Kuek's parents divorced before her birth.

She was brought up in a boarding school until the 7th grade, as the family lived in poverty.

Ani Lorak showed her huge penthouse for the first time

Ani showed her huge penthouse for the first time (PHOTOS) 33-year-old Ukrainian singer Ani Lorak showed her apartment for the first time, which she recently renovated. This is a unique duplex penthouse of 300 sq.

meters, where she lives with her husband Murat Nalchadzhioglu and little daughter Sofia. By the way, Ani bought her first apartment in 2003.

Ani personal life and family: latest news

Everyone's favorite young and beautiful singer Ani (real name Carolina Kuek) has come a long and thorny path to her well-being.

You can find out about her personal life, family and the latest news below. After all, the little star, according to sources, was born in a poor family, where the role of a breadwinner and educator fell only on the shoulders of a single mother (she and her father divorced, even before her birth).

(A PHOTO) 33-year-old Ukrainian singer Ani Lorak showed her apartment for the first time, which she recently renovated. This is a unique duplex penthouse of 300 sq. meters, where she lives with her husband Murat Nalchadzhioglu and little daughter Sofia.

“If, as a child, I, a little girl from the city of Chernivtsi, had been told that I would have a mansion of 300 square meters, I would not have believed it. I lived in a boarding school, in a room with 15 neighbors, slept on a narrow bed with a poor mattress, ”the singer admitted in an interview with the Russian edition of 7days.ru.

By the way, Ani Lorak acquired her first apartment in 2003. To buy a home in a beautiful old house in the Khreshchatyk area, she had to take out a huge loan.

“It was my first adult step. Thank you for finding someone to vouch for me. But, as they say, the eyes are afraid, but the hands do! In fact, as soon as you set the bar higher, life itself helps to solve the problem. I was simply overwhelmed with offers, concerts went one after another, my fee, of course, increased. The amount, which previously seemed fabulously large to me, calmly repaid three years later.

I will never forget the day I paid my last debt. I came home, to my apartment, and thought: “That's it, now this is mine. What happiness - to sit on your square meters, drink tea from your cup. And most importantly, no one will come and say: “Free up the living space!”, Ani Lorak recalls.

When she began to live with Murat, two rooms were enough for them. But then the couple thought about the children and realized that they urgently needed to expand. The singer's husband was looking for a new apartment. Murat looked at several options until he came across a project for a house almost in the center of the city - next to a huge forest and a pond.

“Murat took me to see the apartment in the evening. I saw a "box" of a tall tower, which did not even have walls yet. But I immediately liked the house - a very interesting project. Murat offered to go up to the last, 24th floor, where our future apartments were located. I refused - too high. But the husband persuaded: "Let's still look." It was already dark, we got into a special lift - such an open platform - and began to climb.

My God, how terrible it was! With one hand she clutched at her husband, with the other - at a low handrail, and around the wind whistles, the platform carries us higher and higher. Finally got up, stepped onto the cement slab. And I opened a fantastic view of Kyiv at night. She immediately said to Murat: "I agree." Like a cat, I intuitively felt that I would be fine here. In general, I always feel with my heart: mine - not mine, it is necessary - it is not necessary. So far, my intuition has never let me down, ”says Carolina.

Murat immediately realized that he also needed to buy a neighboring apartment, which had access to the roof. Thus, they also acquired a huge terrace.

“At first I doubted: how is it to immediately swing 300 meters, because we get into debt, we borrow a large amount. But Murat urged: "Now we will save, then we will regret it." And he turned out to be right. As a result, we live in a unique duplex penthouse. 300 meters of happiness, ”the star shared.

According to her, Murat knows how to get discounts, but she buys everything three times more expensive.

“I can’t bargain, my tongue doesn’t turn around to say:“ Make it cheaper. ” The seller says to me: "This is the maximum discount." I believe him and am ready to pay. And Murat, after these words, plays his own game: “Okay, now we will negotiate. My price is this. He answered: “Are you out of your mind?” Murat: "If so, goodbye." Turns around to leave.

The seller immediately gives up the slack: "Wait, don't leave." The whole performance is played out, and Murat takes part in it with pleasure. As a result, we get a discount of 40 or even 50 percent! Yes, and gifts to boot! ”, Ani Lorak laughs.

Repair in new apartment the husband took over, and the brother of the singer Andrey became the foreman.

“In terms of design, Murat and I had the same requirements for the designer and architect: more light and air - we have floor-to-ceiling windows in the living room. Only beige, gray, white tones. There are no flashy details, sharp accents, an atmosphere of calmness everywhere, a single restrained style. After all, the main thing in the house is people, not artsy furniture! The first thing we bought was a round, or rather, oval table, at which big family, - for me it is he who is a symbol of home comfort, hearth, ”said Ani Lorak.

The artist also immediately planned a large wardrobe in the nursery. She did not yet know who would be born, but she understood that she and Murat would pamper their baby.

“And I also realized my old dream. I made a living room for myself. This is my office. Here are my concert costumes and shoes. There is a professional make-up table, and soon there will be a manicure table. Here is my world, the world of the singer. Therefore, instead of the usual mirror surfaces, the cabinets have my enlarged photo - I really love this particular shot. When I come here - sad or tired - I see him and start smiling ...

Murat loves the corner in the living room, where there are two couches. Lying on them, it's so cool to admire the city at night through the glass walls. We are preparing a barbecue area on the terrace,” added Ani Lorak.

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