Lyudmila Chursina biography personal life year. Lyudmila Chursina - biography, photo, personal life, filmography of the actress

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Name: Ludmila Chursina

Age: 78 years old

Place of Birth: Dushanbe, Tajikistan

Growth: 174 cm

The weight: 70 kg

Activity: theater and film actress

Family status: divorced

Lyudmila Chursina - biography

Lyudmila Chursina is an actress loved by millions of Russian viewers. She became a star Soviet cinema despite the Hollywood appearance, a "sex symbol" contrary to strict moral guidelines.

The biography of this actress is amazing. She was born in July 1941, and miraculously survived. She dreamed of managing a collective farm all her childhood, but after graduating from school, she entered a theater university. In her youth, she was an "ugly duckling", but after her film debut, her beauty was admired both at home and abroad.

Lyudmila Chursina - childhood

Lyudmila Chursina was born in Dushanbe. Then this Southern City called Stalinbad. However, according to another version, the birth of the mother began during the bombing, on a stuffy train heading from Riga to a small town in the Pskov region. Having come under fire, the passengers rushed in all directions. In the panic and confusion, the mother nearly lost her newborn baby. The woman searched for her daughter for a long time among the dead bodies, and only a few hours later she heard her daughter's faint voice. They did not reach the Pskov region, and in a strange way ended up in Dushanbe, the city that is the birthplace of Chursina, according to official data.

One way or another, the children's biography of the future actress took place in the capital of Tajikistan. And, like most children, during the war years she only dreamed of eating her fill.

At school, Lyudmila was not among the first beauties. She was not attracted by a bright public life, and in school social life she always occupied an inconspicuous position. However, Lyudmila secretly dreamed of becoming a ballerina. She pulled herself up on the horizontal bar, carried out strange body movements that only remotely resembled choreographic ones.

And perhaps thanks to such exercises, by the age of sixteen, her height had reached 177 cm. By the standards of the post-war period, Chursina was lanky and too tall. And therefore, passing by the mirror, and casting a quick glance at her reflection, Lyudmila was imbued with ever deeper confidence in her unattractiveness.

The future actress did not attend the school theater club. She only once participated in the play. However, her debut ended in an absolute failure. Lyudmila forgot the text, took a back seat and, perhaps, swore to herself never to go on stage again in her life. However, fate decreed otherwise.

Lyudmila saw herself as the chairman of a collective farm. She liked the exact sciences, and representatives of such serious professions as an engineer or an aircraft designer caused respect. But one day, in order to support her friend, Chursina went to the capital. In Moscow, the girls applied to the Shchukin school. My friend didn't qualify. Lyudmila Chursina became one of the students of the legendary Pike.

Student years of Lyudmila Chursina

Lectures at the institute girls from wealthy Moscow families listened half-heartedly, yawning. Lyudmila and her friend - the same student from a distant province - were always cheerful. After all, they got up at dawn, headed for the Old Arbat, and washed the audience in the building of their native university. That is how they worked. The scholarship was barely enough to live on. And then there were lectures and seminars.

The students returned to the dormitory late in the evening and, passing through the small and cozy Arbat alleys, Lyudmila, as if spellbound, looked at the windows, from which warm, cozy light oozed. And it seemed to her that it was impossible to live behind these windows happy people. And so I wanted to be one of them someday ...

Lyudmila Chursina - the beginning of a career

Celebrity biographies are a favorite topic of journalists. Many actors and actresses write memoirs and memoirs with pleasure. Lyudmila Chursina is not one of them. She did not publish autobiographies. Her memories remain with her. That is why her personal life has become a mystery to fans, and there are many white spots in her biography. As for a professional career, everything is open here. Chursina was only twenty years old when she played her starring role. The actress made her debut in the film "When the Trees Were Big".

Her partners were Yuri Nikulin, Vasily Shukshin, Leonid Kuravlev. Then there were the paintings "On the Seven Winds", "Two Lives", "Morning Trains". But the first serious role was played by Lyudmila Chursina in the Don Story. And it was on the set of this film that the young actress met her future husband.

Chursina and Fetin - Actress and director

Vladimir Fetin was a front-line soldier, decent person and initially evoked only respect and admiration from the young actress. By the time they met, he was divorced. Idle rumors that a young provincial woman took a mature man away from her family had no basis. Every actress dreams of finding her director. However, an alliance with Fetin did not mean instant success in the acting field for Chursina. They are for a long time corresponded, met in fits and starts. And only after a modest registration, the actress moved to Leningrad.

Nevertheless, she owes Fetin a number of interesting roles. He filmed Chursina in his films, knew her like no one else on the set. However, he was completely unsuitable for everyday life. And most importantly, he suffered from an illness, painfully known to Vasily Shukshin, Oleg Dal, Vladimir Vysotsky and many other talented people. Returning from the tour, Chursina brought her husband out of hard drinking, tried to reason, cure, save. I did everything that in a similar situation wives do hard drinking husbands. However, her efforts did not bear fruit.

Ludmila Chursina - People's Artist

The honorary title Lyudmila Chursina received at the age of 28. Colleagues congratulated, smiled in the face. And behind her back, rumors spread about the love affairs of the actress with higher officials. Chursina always treated awards coldly. In her opinion, her roles remain the main confirmation of her professionalism. However, the moment of awarding the award at the Saint-Sebastian Film Festival turned out to be exciting. The prize was presented by Audrey Hepburn herself.

A few months later, Chursina received offers from fifteen Hollywood directors. But it was not fitting for a Soviet film star to act in films on the territory of a Western capitalist state! The chairman of Goskino explained this to the actress who became famous all over the world.

Lyudmila Chursina - the personal life of the actress

The second husband of Lyudmila Chursina was an oceanologist. He was handsome like Alain Delon, and most importantly, he did not abuse alcohol. However, there was no spiritual intimacy that Chursina experienced in her marriage to Fetin.

The third husband of the actress was the son of General Secretary Yuri Andropov. This marriage lasted thirteen years. But even he did not bring simple female happiness to Lyudmila Chursina in the biography of her personal life. Chursina has no children. She devoted all her love and warmth to the family of her younger sister. She is always ready to support loved ones, but, in her own words, she does not know how to accept help. And yet, despite her advanced age, she does not leave the feeling that she is always on the road, and that she still has a lot of imperfect things ahead of her.

Lyudmila Chursina - filmography, films

When the trees were big
Don story
Two tickets for the afternoon session
sullen river
remember or forget
Dossier on a person in a Mercedes
Lyubov Yarovaya

The biography of Lyudmila Chursina is full of achievements, but success in raising children has become one of them. The self-confident careerist never found the time to have offspring. Therefore, her legacy will remain a huge contribution to the culture of the USSR and Russia, as an outstanding master of cinema and theater.


Lyudmila Chursina was born on July 20, 1941 in Stalinabad in a multinational family. Her father Alexei Fedorovich is a Ukrainian, a regular military man who went through the Great Patriotic War. Mother is a Latvian who works as a doctor. For a long period of time, during the advance of the Germans across the territory of the USSR, the family lived in Tajikistan.

But peaceful sky overhead and the Great Victory over the Nazis did not bring the Chursin family a calm and measured life in one city. The father of the future actress, who connected his life with military service, regularly received orders to transfer to a new location. Therefore, the childhood of Lyudmila Chursina is associated with constant moving around the corners of the USSR.

Lyudmila Chursina in her youth

Having received a certificate of secondary education with honors, Chursina planned to enter the Moscow Aviation Institute. The future actress went to the capital together with her best friend, who since childhood dreamed of becoming an artist. Arriving in Moscow, Lyudmila decided to joke for the sake of the company to submit documents to a theater university.

In order not to lose a year in case of failure in the exams, the girlfriends applied to all the studio schools in the capital. Lyudmila Chursina, for whom entering the theater was entertainment, was more fortunate than her friend. The joker was accepted into everything educational establishments. And Chursina's friend never became an actress.

Joker career

Lyudmila decided to try herself in an interesting role as an actress and chose the school to them. Shchukin, which she graduated in 1963. And the former student was immediately invited to work in the theater. Evgenia Vakhtangov, where she worked for ten years. At first, she acted in extras, and then began to get roles in leading performances.

Actress in her youth

The artist has many interesting roles in performances, where she showed herself as a talented girl who knows how to get used to complex and multifaceted roles. Such an unusual and rare talent brought her fame not only as a theater figure, but also.

Biography of Lyudmila Chursina, her personal life and children are continuously connected with creative activity. The actress has 133 works in cinematography projects. Even in her student years, the young actress began acting in films, showing her talents in the following films:

  1. In the two-part family movie "Two Lives" in the secondary role of a seamstress.
  2. In the melodrama "When the trees were big" in the role of Zoya, where she worked with Yu. Nikulin, learning from a professional to stay in front of the camera.
  3. The military drama "On the Seven Winds" (1962) in the image of Nastya - a nurse at the frontline hospital.

Actress in the play "Richard III"

Working at the theater, the artist continued to shoot in various images, regularly appearing on television. In the melodrama Morning Trains, Lyudmila Chursina played the role of Tanechka, Pavel's mistress. Then appeared in leading role in the film adaptation based on the stories of M. Sholokhov "Shibalkovo seed" and "Mole" under the title "Don story". It was there that she met her future husband.

After the release of The Don Story, the world of cinema was blown up by a shocking and happy news. Director Vladimir Alexandrovich Fetin will marry the talented and charming actress Lyudmila Chursina, who has become recognizable not only by the audience, but also by critics. Despite the age difference of 15 years, the man managed to win the heart of a brilliant actress, instilling in her a sense of security and reliability.

Since 1965, Lyudmila Chursina decides to become a film actress and leaves the theater, entrenched in the Lenfilm film studio.

Shot from the film "The Don Story"

And 1967 was marked by the release of the military film "Spring on the Oder". In the title role of Tanya Koltsova, the actress received a lot of audience sympathy and gained new fans.

Now the blond Lyudmila Chursina, known throughout the USSR, has ceased to be deprived of the director's attention. In the lead roles, the actress in 1968 starred in three films at once:

  1. Village woman helping to build life after graduation civil war in the social drama "Virineya", named after the main character.
  2. The best milkmaid Marfa Lunina in the melodrama "Crane" based on the work of Mikhail Alekseev "Bread is a noun."
  3. Anfisa Kozyreva in the historical film "Gloomy River".

Chursina played a role in the film "Gloomy River"

For her role in Crane, the actress was awarded the Grand Prix at the XVII International Film Festival in Santa Sebastian a year after the film was released.

Until 1987, the actress regularly received tempting offers, acting in various films. Her big and small roles were interesting, vivid and memorable. Each image was given to her easily, because the actress constantly worked on herself, becoming a master of reincarnation, which many modern young actors look up to. The main roles of Lyudmila Chursina in 15 films, not counting the minor ones:

  1. Screen version based on the play by Konstantin Trenev "Spring Love" (1970) directed by Vladimir Fetin.
  2. Screen version based on the novel by Alexei Kuprin "Olesya" (1970), Boris Ivchenko.
  3. Melodrama "On the corner of the Arbat and Bubulinas street" (1971), created by director Manos Zacharias.
  4. Screen version based on the novel by Dmitry Mamin-Sibiryak "Privalovsky Millions" (1972) by Yaropolk Lapshin.
  5. Adventure film "Fight" (1972) by Stepan Puchinyan.
  6. Social drama based on the novel by V. Kaverin "The Open Book" (1973) by Vladimir Fetin
  7. War film "Personal Happiness" (1977) directed by Leonid Pchelkin.
  8. Production drama "Own Opinion" (1977) Julia Karasika.
  9. Psychological drama "Pursuit" (1979) Olgerd Vorontsov.
  10. Political action film based on the play by G. Borovik "On the Pomegranate Islands" (1981) by Tamara Lisitsian.
  11. Drama "Remember or Forget" (1981) directed by Janis Strech.
  12. Detective "Jewellery" (1983) by Lev Tsutsulkovsky.
  13. The historical film "Original Russia" (1985) by Gennady Vasiliev.
  14. Drama based on real events "Such a strange evening in a narrow family circle"(1985) Yuri Krotenko.
  15. Spy film "Dossier of a Man in a Mercedes" (1986) directed by Georgy Nikolaenko.

Shot from the film "Two Tickets for a Daytime Show"

In 1974, the actress decides to return to the theater in order to once again feel the emotions of the audience watching her play in the hall. She is assigned to the Academic Drama Theater. A. S. Pushkin. Performing on stage, the artist continues to work on her skills, honing her playing skills in various images. Chursina's life is continuously connected with tours and filming.


Such a life, full of interesting events, meeting new people radically changed the character of the actress. She became not only a professional in her field, but also gained vast experience in communicating with people. Over the next four years, each return home for Lyudmila Chursina turned into an unpleasant event.

A strong and interesting woman with many admirers began to notice the softness in her husband's character and his inability to refuse to drink. Therefore, in 1979, the actress decided to file for divorce, unable to cope with her husband's passion for alcohol.

The first husband of the actress - Vladimir Fetin

After parting with Fetin, the actress continued to maintain warm friendly relations with her ex-husband, finding herself nearby in difficult life situations. For her, he remained a talented person who had many weaknesses, but at the same time helped her to form as a person. Without stopping drinking, Alexander Fetin died at the age of 55.

Divorce changed little in the life of the actress. She continued to work actively in the theater and act in films. And in 1981 she was awarded the title of People's Artist of the USSR. In the same year, Lyudmila Chursina learned about the death of her ex-spouse and took this event very hard.

Personal life continues

In 1983, actress Chursina Lyudmila, as a brilliant woman with a rich biography, whose personal life and children are still of interest to fans, met her new husband. Oceanologist Vladimir Petrovsky tried for many years to look after the artist. He met her at the exit from the theater and gave her chic bouquets, and then, out of gallantry, escorted her to the entrance.

Ludmila Chursina and Igor Andropov

Unable to stand it, Lyudmila Chursina offered her boyfriend to marry her. The man took her joke as a pretext for starting action, and without hesitation, took her to the registry office. But two years later life together young people realized that they had different ideas about family values ​​and marriage, and without unnecessary scandals and scenes they filed for divorce.

After two failures in her personal life, Lyudmila Chursina decided that she would never marry again, and the children that the actress so dreamed of could be born out of wedlock. Having decided to devote herself entirely to her career and roles in the theater, the young woman turned into a real professional in the acting environment.

Her success attracted the attention of Hollywood producers, who offered the actress to star in more than 15 films. But the leadership of the USSR Goskino rejected the US requests for the participation of the actress in the filming of a hostile country.

Frame from the film "Orlova and Alexandrov"

In 1987, the actress changed her attitude towards marriage, agreeing to become the wife of diplomat Igor Andropov. A man with a surname known throughout the USSR could not resist the charm of a beautiful blonde with aristocratic features. And the actress Lyudmila Chursina suddenly realized that it was time to make new adjustments to her biography, and perhaps she would have children in this marriage.

Igor, who had recently divorced his first wife, was ready to go with Chursina even to the ends of the world, just to stay close to a beautiful woman. According to the actress, they are intertwined like two snakes (which are eastern horoscope), and could not let go of each other. Unfortunately, their marriage did not last long.

In 1991, Igor filed for divorce, and no children appeared in the biography of Lyudmila Chursina. After the third unsuccessful marriage, the actress never got married again. The absence of children in her life, the brilliant artist argues that at first she made a career, and then it was too late to have offspring. Therefore, it remains for her to enjoy her contribution to cultural heritage her country and hope that she will be remembered.

On the stage of the theater

The love of cinema is eternal

After so many failures on the personal front, Lyudmila decided to devote herself to cinema. She regularly starred in films, receiving many offers every year from famous directors and screenwriters. Even now Chursina continues her acting career despite his advanced age.

In her free time from filming, Lyudmila Chursina goes in for sports and spends a lot of time outdoors. The only thing that worries the artist is her bad habit. Having crossed the age limit "over 50", she began to smoke.

Lyudmila was born on the train when her pregnant last month At the very beginning of the war, my mother was hastily sent to be evacuated from Velikiye Luki to Stalinbad, today's Dushanbe. The early childhood of the future actress passed precisely in Tajikistan, where the only thing left for the ever-hungry girl was to dreamily wander around the abundant and colorful Tajik market ...

When the actress became an adult and famous and came to the city of her childhood on tour, the first thing she did was go to the market. I bought there national cakes, amber honey, ripe fruits, fragrant melons, and tasted all this in the room. And how good it was for her, how pleasant it was to fulfill her childhood dream!

But this happened more than twenty years later, in which Lyudmila lived in very different ways.

Dad is a career officer, after the war he was transferred several times with his whole family to various parts of the USSR. Mom is a doctor, all her life with her father, in the service. The girl was left to herself, and soon dancing became a special passion for her.

The actress admits in her interviews: that she dreamed of becoming a ballerina, once she saw the ballet on TV, she did not tell anyone. But she herself constantly stretched, hung on all the crossbars, tried to repeat the ballet steps.

When the girl turned seven and it was time to go to school, the family settled in Georgia for a while. There, Lyudmila quickly adapted to the peculiarities of the local mentality, and also learned the language with pleasure, in which she soon sang songs.


film "Spring on the Oder" (1967)

Lyudochka studied well, but in terms of behavior, the mischievous child had only triples. However, by the seventh grade, when the family moved again - this time to Velikie Luki, her parents' home, the girl recovered and decided to behave better.

She was excellent in the exact sciences. Mathematics, physics, astronomy really fascinated the child. Therefore, by the senior classes, she began to dream of a profession that could help realize such abilities. Lyudmila saw herself as a student of an aviation university or even as a captain of a ship. But I didn’t even think about becoming an actress.

The fact is that Chursina is a tall girl, 177 cm. It always seemed to her that such a height does not paint a woman. She stooped, as if trying to hide, and in the actress, she believed, one should go only beautiful.

Such was her best friend, with which after graduation they went to Moscow. Lyudmila - to apply to a technical university, a friend - to the theater.

They walked around three at once, leaving documents everywhere: VGIK, GITIS, Pike. Chursina also took part in the audition. At first, it was surprising to her that a friend was failing exams, but she was not. But as a result, it turned out that Lyudmila entered three theater theaters at once and, finally, believed in herself.

Own director

film "Virineya" (1968)

The talented student began acting at the institute, but the turning role in her life went to the actress immediately after the end of Pike. As often happens in the acting environment, it was on the set that Lyudmila met her first serious love.

It was the shooting of "Don story" by Vladimir Fetin. The director surrounded the young Chursina with attention and won her over with his intelligence and talent. Remembering him, Chursina tells that Vladimir Alexandrovich had amazing beautiful hands in which the young actress fell in love.

Behind her back, she is often condemned, they say, she broke her family, took the director away from her lawful wife. In fact, everything was not like that: at the time when Fetin took up the shooting of The Don Story, he was already divorced.

The lovers dangled to each other even after the end of their joint work: he lived in Leningrad, she in Moscow. In the end, the actress realized that she could not live without her beloved. She left the Vakhtangov Theater, where she served, and went to live in Leningrad.


film "Olesya" (1970)

She quickly got a job at Lenfilm, where Fetin filmed her in his films. The actress admits that her husband gave her amazing roles and knew how to reveal how an actress. But, as soon as the next film ended, he became infantile and helpless, completely unable to apply himself in everyday life, he could not find a place for himself.

When the director had gaps in his work, he did not find anything more interesting than to take up drinking. Many people wanted to raise a glass to the talented director, so Fedin, the older he got, the more he abused alcohol.

Chursina had no choice but to harness herself to work for two. It was necessary to pay for the apartment, make repairs, eat something, dress, and even pay alimony to Volodya's son from his first marriage ...


film "On the Pomegranate Islands" (1981)

At the end, the wrapped actress lowered her hands. I tried to talk to my beloved, to get him out of another drinking bout, but all in vain. Out of desperation and to scare her husband, the actress began to apply herself to the bottle. But that didn't help either.

Chursina, who was madly in love with her husband and believed that she would marry once and for all, felt the highest degree unhappy. She understood that they were moving away, that it was no longer possible to live like this, and once even attempted suicide.

She was already standing on the bridge and looking at the Neva, eyes full of despair, when a passer-by noticed her. Literally by the hand, he pulled Lyudmila out of her gloomy thoughts, put her in a car and drove her home.

She made the decision to divorce suddenly.

Once again, winding herself up to a state of hysteria, Lyudmila hurried to Lenfilm, and on the way she met a legless disabled person who looked at her as if asking: “You are healthy, you have arms and legs, beautiful, young, famous ... What happened?” . The actress was embarrassed. Suddenly, at once, her problem ceased to seem universal and found a solution. Let go of your husband and live your own life.


film "The Tale of How Tsar Peter the Arap Married" (1976)

The lonely beauty immediately began to discuss. Rumor attributed to Chursina one or another lover. Most of all, they talked about political figures who allegedly visited her bed, because the actress received state awards one after another. But Lyudmila reacted to gossip only with a smile.

When Chursina received a prestigious award at the St. Sebastian festival from the hands of Audrey Hepburn herself for her role in the film Crane, and then she was offered a three-year contract in Hollywood, gossips had no choice but to recognize her amazing, unique acting talent .

Of course, in capitalist Hollywood Soviet actress no one released. She was called in for a conversation and was told in plain text that a Soviet woman could not afford to film with them - what if they offered to undress? Chursina only chuckled: she was already undressing in the "Gloomy River".

In the meantime, she met her second husband. He was an ocean scientist who, upon first meeting, struck her with his beauty. An interesting, imposing man who was looking for a woman to match. But there was no passion, no unity. The family lasted only two years.


film "Pursuit" (1979)

When Chursina met the charming intellectual Igor, she could not even imagine that this modest guy with encyclopedic knowledge and a gift for poetry was Andropov's own son.

First, passion and friendship happened, intertwined in the dosage most necessary for a successful union. When everything was revealed, and Igor made a proposal to his beloved, she agreed, and he insisted on the condition: his wife should bear his last name.

By that time, Chursina was a famous artist. She was recognized because of the cinematic roles, she played Nastasya Filippovna, coveted by all actresses, in the theater. Therefore, she could not refuse such a recognizable surname on posters. I had to take a double.

Igor was the real owner. He approached the posters, from which it was clear that one of the most beautiful and talented actresses of our time was his wife and enjoyed it. And a little later he began to harass his beloved with jealous interrogations, although she did not give reasons for jealousy.

Lyudmila Alekseevna tried to inspire her husband that after the passion leaves, tenderness, trust, and mutual respect can save marriage. But he didn't seem to hear. The lovers parted thirteen times. The latter became fatal.

They maintained a relationship, and Andropov asked to return and sign again, but Lyudmila was adamant.


She is still in demand in theater and cinema. Often plays the mothers of the main characters, for example, Dr. Kisegach in the famous "Interns" or the mother of Lyubov Orlova in "Orlova and Alexandrov" and is not going anywhere yet.

She always answers questions about her personal life that nothing can be guessed and known in advance, and therefore allows for another marriage. But the children that Chursina never had were her real pain. At first, there was absolutely nowhere to live, then - the work took the actress entirely, and then it just took time.

Lyudmila Alekseevna loves her younger sister very much, whom she treats like a daughter and gives all her love to her family. The actress calls her life happy and interesting and looks forward to the same continuation.

Two tickets for an afternoon session (1966)

One of the most popular and famous actresses modernity is Lyudmila Alekseevna Chursina. She became an actress unexpectedly even for herself, but she was able to show herself talented in this difficult matter.

Throughout her life, the actress has played in a large number of films. She showed herself to be a bright, original and interesting artist. Each of her works attracted great attention multi-million audience.

There were a large number of events in the fate of a woman, each of which is of interest to admirers of Chursina's talent. She tried to become happy three times, but on the way she met not the most best men. The film actress worries about only one thing: that she never had a child, at least one.

Height, weight, age. How old is Lyudmila Chursina

Height, weight, age, how old is Lyudmila Chursina - these questions are interesting, but not at all difficult. The popular film actress weighs 70 kg with a height of 174 cm. She looks gorgeous for her age. This year, the woman will be 77 years old. But she is given much less years than she really is.

Lyudmila Chursina, a photo in her youth and now which is quite easy to find on the Internet, travels a lot. Currently, she loves to draw, cross-stitch. The artist gives crafts to her friends and colleagues.

The star of Soviet and Russian cinema assigns a big place in his life to sports. Every day she does a special set of exercises that allows her to stay in good shape and maintain a good mood.

Biography of Lyudmila Chursina

The future movie actress was born at the very beginning of the war. Her mother was traveling to her relatives in Dushanbe (Tajik SSR), the train in which the woman was was fired upon by enemy aircraft. It was under the bombs that a girl was born. My father was a regular military man, he was at the front from the first hours of the war. The family did not know about his fate for a long time. Only at the end of 1944 did a letter arrive in which my father wrote that he was alive, well and fighting. After the war, the family traveled all over the territory Soviet Union. The artist graduated from school in the Georgian SSR.

The biography of Lyudmila Chursina could have turned out differently. But one of her friends persuaded her to go to enter the artist. Yesterday's graduate went to the capital of the USSR and suddenly, unexpectedly for herself, entered several theatrical universities of the country at once. But the girlfriend was not accepted. After graduating from the institute, Lyudmila was accepted into the theater. At first, she worked in the crowd. But after a few months, the talented girl was noticed by the directors.

Filmography: films starring Lyudmila Chursina

Of greatest interest to fans is the filmography of the film actress. She has acted in a large number of films. The following of them are known to many: “Original Russia”, “The Case of Sukhovo-Kobylin”, “ True story Lieutenant Rzhevsky" and others. Currently, the already middle-aged actress is not removed so often. Last work, in which a woman played, was the movie "Purely Moscow Murders".

Lyudmil Chursina received a large number of prizes and awards throughout her life. She is the People's Artist of the RSFSR and the Soviet Union. Recently, the actress was awarded the President's Award Russian Federation for his contribution to the cinema.

In 2014, for supporting the citizens of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, a woman was included in the list of persons who are prohibited from entering the territory of Ukraine.

Personal life of Lyudmila Chursina

The personal life of Lyudmila Chursina begins in her student years. Many of the best men of our time fought for the hand and heart of the beauty, but she looked down on all applicants. Only after meeting with Vladimir Fedin did Lyudmila fall in love. The wedding took place soon after. But the happiness of the young was short-lived. The reason for the separation was the abuse of alcoholic beverages of the spouse. After the divorce, the aspiring film actress was depressed for a long time. She nearly killed herself.

The next time the artist became the wife of an oceanographer. But mutual accusations led to parting this time.

Lyudmila Chursina tried to be happy again. But this time, too, the attempt was unsuccessful.

Family of Ludmila Chursina

The family of Lyudmila Chursina lived in Dushanbe for several years. After their father returned from the front, they moved from one place to another for a long time, until they stopped in Georgia. It was there that the girl graduated from school.

Several times a popular film actress tried to start a family. She married by Great love, but after a while the woman was left alone again. Currently, the star of Soviet and Russian cinema regrets only one thing, that she never had children.

Many movie lovers think that Yuri Chursin and Lyudmila Chursina are relatives. The artists themselves say that they have never been related, but are only namesakes.

Children of Lyudmila Chursina

The children of Lyudmila Chursina were never born. At first, terrible lack of money and incredible employment at work prevented them from being born. And then the film actress could no longer become a mother due to her age. She says that she regrets that she never became the mother of a charming baby.

The great actress of our time calls her children many of her students, to whom she passes on the secrets of mastery in one of the theater universities in the capital. A woman treats young artists in a motherly way, but requires them to have a proper attitude towards their work.

Former husband of Lyudmila Chursina - Vladimir Fetin

In the mid-60s of the last century, the aspiring film actress fell in love for the first time. Her chosen one was the film director, who shot the film "The Don Story". Vladimir Fetin, seeing Chursina, began to look after her. After the shooting day, young people walked around the steppe all night.

After the release of the film on the screens of the country, the lovers got married. For several months, the couple lived happily. But soon ex-husband Lyudmila Chursina - Vladimir Fetin began to drink excessively, which led to their divorce. After parting, the woman was in such a state that she almost committed suicide. She was rescued by a passerby. For 2 years after the divorce, Lyudmila Alekseevna could not recover. She was saved by her favorite job.

When the ex-husband died, the artist came to his funeral, but did not stay long. She could not bring herself to spend the entire memorial service next to the coffin.

Former husband of Lyudmila Chursina - Vladimir Petrovsky

In the late 70s of the last century, the star of Soviet cinema falls in love for the second time. Her chosen one is Vladimir Petrovsky. He studied the oceans. He was invited to the shooting as an expert. The man immediately noticed the artist. He began to compliment her, but at first she ignored him. But after some time the fortress fell, and the lovers got married.

During the marriage, the couple never quarreled, but they did not experience any special feelings either. The ex-husband of Lyudmila Chursina, Vladimir Petrovsky, filed for divorce. The actress agreed with this. The parting went peacefully, without scandals and accusations. They still sometimes call up, congratulate each other on holidays.

Former husband of Lyudmila Chursina - Igor Yuryevich Andropov

The ex-husband of Lyudmila Chursina, Igor Yuryevich Andropov, was the son of one of recent leaders Soviet Union Yuri Andropov. The man worked as a diplomat. They met at one of the events organized by the Foreign Ministry, in which the son of the Secretary General worked.

Igor drew attention to the popular artist. He invited her to take a boat ride. Soon the man declared his love to the woman. A few months later they began to live together. The couple were often separated, which led to a divorce. One fine day, the artist simply realized that she could not live with Igor, and filed for divorce. Before the death of their ex-spouse, they communicated normally, maintaining friendly relations.

Currently, the actress sometimes visits Igor's grave. She brings flowers and always puts two cigarettes that the man liked to smoke.

Instagram and Wikipedia Lyudmila Chursina

Instagram and Wikipedia Lyudmila Chursina are widely available. Here you can find out the most detailed information about great actress and see the list of her works.

Wikipedia makes it possible to imagine how difficult and dramatic the life path stars. The page lists the awards that the star of Soviet and Russian cinema received.

Ludmila Alekseevna Chursina. She was born on July 20, 1941 in Stalinabad (now Dushanbe). Soviet and Russian actress theater and cinema. People's Artist of the USSR (1981).

Lyudmila Chursina was born on July 20, 1941 in Stalinabad (now - Dushanbe; according to other sources - on the way to the evacuation from Velikiye Luki to Stalinabad near the village of Gruzdovo, Kuninsky district of the Pskov region).

Father - Alexei Fedorovich Chursin (1915), a regular military man.

According to Lyudmila Alekseevna, she did not plan to become an artist - she was much closer to the exact sciences, she graduated from school with a gold medal in Velikiye Luki, and wanted to enter the aviation institute. But everything was decided by chance: after school, in 1959, in company with a friend who dreamed of becoming an artist, she went to Moscow. And without any problems she was selected at once to three theatrical universities: GITIS, VGIK and Shchukinskoye. Has stopped the choice on legendary "Pike".

“I loved serious subjects, I was going to either build airplanes or stand on the bridge of a ship - I dreamed of something big. I myself was long, awkward, in my opinion - ugly, I was even ashamed to look in the mirror. then the role - confused the text, "she said.

In 1963 she graduated from the Theater School named after B.V. Shchukin.

Chursina's film debut took place in 1961 in the film "When Trees Were Big". When she found out that she was to star in the same film with actors like her, she was desperately scared. “I was always afraid to do something wrong. I was terribly worried that Kuravlev would look at me reproachfully and say: “Well, what are you?”.

However, the debut of the beginning actress was successful.

After the film's release "Crane"(1968), in which Lyudmila Chursina played the role of the faithful Marfa - a girl who keeps love for her husband who went to war, she received a tempting invitation and a three-year contract to work in Hollywood. She was offered participation in the filming of 15 paintings.

However, the actress was called to the party committee and said: “Lyudmila Alekseevna, we are all very happy here that you are so appreciated in their Hollywood. But suddenly you will be offered to undress in the film. What then? You are a full member of the CPSU! it doesn't suit you."

Movie "Virineya" made her the best actress of 1970 according to the Soviet Screen magazine.

Lyudmila Chursina in the film "Virineya"

For participation in the films "Virineya", "Gloomy River", "Crane" Chursina was awarded the State Prize of the RSFSR named after the Vasilyev brothers.

At 28, she, bypassing the title of honored, became the youngest people's artist of the RSFSR (and twelve years later - the USSR).

The actress was considered one of the sex symbols of Soviet cinema. Although she has a different opinion about herself: “Whether I was considered beautiful or not is a personal matter for everyone. I took it calmly. Beauty is a relative concept. -symbol" - something like a compliment. And before - it was a curse. So I have never been a sex symbol. I just know all my virtues well, and even better - my shortcomings. "

She also received an award from the KGB of the USSR for her role in the film "Dossier on a man in a Mercedes".

For two years she served at the E. B. Vakhtangov Theater.

Since 1965 - at the Lenfilm film studio.

Since 1974 - in the A.S. Pushkin LATD.

Since 1984 - at the Central Theater of the Soviet Army.

On the stage, she became famous for the roles of Nastasya Filippovna in The Idiot based on the novel by Dostoevsky, Baroness Shtral in Lermontov's Masquerade and Ernestina Tyutcheva in the play Farewell Light. She was awarded the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" IV degree.

In 2002, in Moscow, on the alley of cinematic fame, a slab with the imprint of her hand was laid.

In 1973, her signature was under a letter against the activities of Sakharov and Solzhenitsyn. On March 11, 2014, she signed an appeal by cultural figures of the Russian Federation in support of the policy of Russian President V. Putin in Ukraine and Crimea.

"Unsolved secrets": Lyudmila Chursina

The growth of Lyudmila Chursina: 177 centimeters.

Personal life of Lyudmila Chursina:

She was married three times. No kids.

During the filming of the film "The Don Story" she began a relationship with director Vladimir Fetin. After finishing the film, they got married. The marriage lasted 17 years. They broke up in 1981 due to Fetin's addiction to alcohol. At some point, the actress even began to drink herself, but then she decided to break off the relationship, which was very difficult for her. She: “I began to drink with him to help, but it didn’t work out. He was big kind child. He did not know how ties are tied, he was unpretentious in everyday life. But it wasn't about work." After a breakup with the director, Chursina wanted to jump off the bridge, but she was saved by a taxi driver who happened to be passing by.

In 1983, she married oceanographer Vladimir Petrovsky. But after 2 years the couple broke up. Lyudmila Alekseevna recalled him as a kind and sympathetic person: “He never drank. Met me at the airport. Of course, we did not have creative communication. This man was not to be expected to understand. We had normal years family life. When the recognition of each other ceased... It turned out that nothing else existed. Just at this time, I began to often leave for shooting ... ". Chursina blamed herself for the divorce.

The third spouse was the son of the Secretary General - Igor, he was a diplomat. They lived together from 1987 to 1991. From the third spouse, the actress left many times. Igor Andropov harassed famous wife jealousy. In addition, he was addicted to alcohol. Chursina could not stand life with a diplomat and filed for divorce - four years after the marriage was registered.

Igor Andropov - ex-husband of Lyudmila Chursina

"The presence of a sharp mind and the ability to be responsible for one's actions makes a man a man. Appearance does not play a role. My men were not handsome. It is important for me that it is interesting for a man to sit in a nook in the kitchen and talk until dawn. It is important that he be a wall , on which you can rely. All my marriages fell apart due to a lack of reliability and love. I always left first, because when a husband and wife live in the same house, but are strangers to each other, it’s not for me, "says Ludmila Chursina.

The actress has a bad habit - she smokes a lot, cigarette after cigarette.

“This is my personal weakness. I just can’t quit - I don’t have enough willpower,” she admits.

Filmography of Lyudmila Chursina:

1961 - When the trees were big - Zoya
1962 - On the seven winds - Nastya, nurse
1963 - Morning trains - Tonechka
1964 - Donskaya tale - Daria
1965 - A year like life - Ilsa
1966 - Two tickets for the afternoon session - Inka-Estonian
1967 - Spring on the Oder - Tanya
1967 - Andromeda Nebula - Luma Lasvi
1968 - Virineya - Virineya
1968 - Crane - Martha
1968 - In Russia - Ryazanka
1968 - Shield and sword - Freulein corporal
1969 - Adjutant of His Excellency - Oksana
1969 - Gloomy River - Anfisa Petrovna Kozyreva
1970 - Love Yarovaya - Love Yarovaya
1971 - Olesya - Olesya
1971 - Are you kidding? - actress
1971 - Goya, or the Hard Way of Knowledge - Pepa
1972 - At the corner of the Arbat and Bubulinas Street - Xenia
1972 - Privalovsky millions - Zosya Lyakhovskaya
1972 - Fight - Hannah
1973 - Open book - Tatyana Petrovna Vlasenkova
1976 - The Tale of How Tsar Peter the Arap Married - Empress Catherine I
1976 - Own opinion - Burtseva
1976 - Diary of Carlos Espinola - nun
1977 - And it's all about him - Anna
1977 - Personal happiness - Anastasia Mikhailovna Doroshina
1979 - Pursuit - Claudia
1980 - Rico Brothers - mother Julia
1981 - On the Pomegranate Islands - Kathleen Gabu
1981 - Remember or forget - Nina Janson
1981 - Facts of the past day - Ksenia Pavlovna Mikheeva
1981 - Long road in the dunes - Katerina
1982 - Cap of Monomakh - director of the school
1982 - Fight at the crossroads - Yunna's mother
1983 - Demidovs - Empress Catherine I
1983 - Jewelery - Zoya Semyonovna Malinina / Tatyana Semyonovna Malinina
1986 - Primal Russia - Anya
1986 - Dossier of a man in a Mercedes - Svetlana
1987 - Connoisseurs are investigating. Boomerang - Veronika Antonovna Bylova
1987 - White Roses, Pink Elephants ... (teleplay) - Molly Egan
1990 - Love of a middle-aged man
1990 - The murder of a witness - Svetova
1991 - Countess - Nina Grigorievna
1991 - The case of Sukhovo-Kobylin - Maria Ivanovna Sukhovo-Kobylin
1991 - It's not scary to die - Irina
1992 - 1994 - Goryachev and others - Zinaida Vasilievna, mother of Goryachev
1993 - Code of dishonor - mother of Sergei Rebrov
1994 - Hagi-Tragger - Natalia
2000 - Black room
2001 - Passionate
2002 - Secret power - Nastya's mother
2003 - Another life - Katya's mother
2004 - Lost the sun - Ekaterina Vasilievna, mother of Kesha Solityansky
2004 - A place in the sun - Katya's mother
2004 - Hope is the last to leave - Lidia Mikhailovna, mother-in-law of Nadezhda
2005 - Two at the Christmas tree, not counting the dog - Lucy, the owner's wife
2005 - The true story of Lieutenant Rzhevsky - grandmother
2005 - Trotter - Commissioner
2006 - Make God laugh - Sofya Grigoryevna, fellow traveler on the train
2006 - Vaccine - Tamara Galata
2007 - Chasing an angel - Maria
2007 - You can't order your heart - Alexandra
2007 - Hold me tight - Victoria Svyatoslavovna
2007 - House on the English Embankment - Anna
2007 - Zastava - Latnikov's mother
2007 - Urgently to the room - Krasovskaya
2008 - Anniversary - Anna Sergeevna Granovskaya
2008 - My husband is a genius - Cora Landau
2008 - Postman
2008 - I want a child - Larisa Petrovna Tretyak, Lera's mother
2008 - Paradise apples - teacher Maria Vasilievna
2009 - Grandma Ada - Ada
2009 - Trap - Aloiza Anatolyevna Svetlova
2009 - Autumn Flowers - Polina
2009 - Two sides of one Anna - Valentina Ivanovna
2009 - Breathe with me - Nina Ivanovna
2009 - Puppy - Valera's grandmother
2009-2010 - Margosha - Irina Mikhailovna, mother of Andrei Kalugin
2011 - Dragon Syndrome - Inna Isaeva
2011 - Interns - Marina Aleksandrovna, mother of Anastasia Kisegach, grandmother of Gleb
2011 - Caramel - Andrey Morozov's grandmother
2011 - Kostoprav - Anna Andreevna Startseva
2011 - Fights - Zoya Voskresenskaya
2012 - Closed school - Claudia Safronova (Theodora Rauber)
2012 - Both fathers and children - Irina Pavlovna
2012 - How to marry a millionaire - Serafima Georgievna
2012 - Hunting for a Gauleiter - Galina Vasilievna Anointed in the 1970s
2012 - Inheritance crime - Lyudmila Zvyagntseva
2013 - 7 main wishes - fairy
2013 - How to marry a millionaire-2 - Serafima Georgievna
2013 - Lyudmila - Alla Dmitrievna, Vorobyov's mother
2015 - Priest-San - Ulyana Borodina
2015 - Orlova and Alexandrov - Evgenia Nikolaevna, mother Lyubov Orlova
2016 - Pure Art (Pure Art) - Natalya Nikolaevna, art critic
2016 - Claw from Mauritania-2 - Anuris
2017 - - Ekaterina Vlasova
2018 - It doesn't happen like that - Regina Ivanovna Sinelnikova
2018 - - Agnes Lvovna
2018 - - Zina's grandmother
2019 - Miraculous
2019 - Purely Moscow murders-2 - Ekaterina Vlasova

Theatrical works of Ludmila Chursina:

Central Theater of the Soviet Army:

"The Idiot" by F. M. Dostoevsky - Nastasya Filippovna
"Masquerade" by M. Yu. Lermontov - Baroness Shtral
"Farewell Light" by P. I. Pavlovsky - Ernestine Tyutchev
"Private" A. A. Dudareva
"Leningrader" by A. M. Chervinsky
"God Save the King!" W. S. Maugham - Eve
"Duet for a soloist" T. Kempinski - Stephanie Abrahams
"Paul I" by D. S. Merezhkovsky - Maria Fedorovna
"The one that is not expected" A. Kason - Death
"Eleanor and her men" by G. James - Queen Elinor of Aquitaine
"Playing the keys of the soul" Nino Kharatishvili - Liv, famous pianist


"Theater Marathon"
The Ideal Husband, dir. P. Safonov

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