Gurchenko's grave at Novodevichy. Where is Lyudmila Gurchenko buried? Great actress of Russia

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An unpleasant situation is developing around the funeral of the daughter of the famous actress Lyudmila Gurchenko Maria Koroleva. It is possible that it will not do without a scandalous component. The reason is the place for the future burial of the body of the Queen.

The day before, information appeared that the only daughter of Gurchenko could be buried next to the grave of a great mother. Immediately there were discussions from the fans of the artist, in which people mostly expressed their dissatisfaction with this moment. They complained that Lyudmila Markovna would hardly have been happy with such an outcome.

In favor of burying Gurchenko's daughter next to her grave at the Novodevichy Cemetery, lawyer Shota Gorgadze spoke out. He lamented the legislation, which implies that the Queen can be buried next to a close relative. However, he makes a reservation that there may be delays in the implementation of this undertaking. The fact is that the funeral of ordinary people, far from politics and culture, is incredibly difficult to bury at the Novodevichy cemetery.

Gorgadze expressed the hope that legislative prerogatives could be circumvented. He meant the law that re-burial in the grave of a relative of a previously deceased person is possible only after 20 years. Given the fact that Gurchenko died in 2011, it will not work to bury her daughter here. But the option of cremating the body by the Queen is allowed, after which it will be possible to open the grave and place an urn with the ashes of a woman there.

Gurchenko's daughter was buried or not so far: Maria Koroleva's brother shared the details of the last conversation with her

Vladimir Shishkin, brother only daughter famous domestic actress Lyudmila Gurchenko, visited the studio of the program “Let them talk”. The release of the TV show was dedicated to Maria Koroleva, the heiress of a celebrity. Sergey told what his last conversation with his sister was about.

Two days ago it became known about the death of the only daughter of film actress Lyudmila Gurchenko - Maria Koroleva. She was reported to have died on November 8, at the age of fifty-ninth, from heart failure. Maria's relatives want her to be buried in the cemetery next to the star mother.

The day before, the release of the program “Let them talk”, dedicated to Maria Koroleva, was aired. Close and dear women told what she was like during her lifetime. According to Sergei Senin, the husband of Lyudmila Gurchenko, he and Maria managed to resolve property conflicts due to inheritance. Sergei Mikhailovich noted that just a couple of days before Maria's death, they finally resolved their problems.

Maria's brother Vladimir Shishkin said that they often talked. On the birthday of Lyudmila Markovna, they wanted to remember her. He shared that Maria had never said before that she had any health problems, but in last days A relative complained of feeling unwell and having a temperature. On the day of her death, the Queen was just about to meet with the doctor. Vladimir said that Maria was constantly taking care of her family, she was all at work.

Gurchenko's daughter was buried or not so far: Stanislav Sadalsky is sad about the death of Maria Koroleva

Actor and blogger Stanislav Sadalsky spoke about the death of Lyudmila Gurchenko's daughter Maria Koroleva. According to the artist, he is sad and will try to come to the funeral.

In his Instagram, Sadalsky said that before her death, Maria Koroleva reconciled with her husband Gurchenko Sergey Senin. According to the actor, it should be so, and in this world there is nothing more important than love and death. Sadalsky said that he felt sorry for the Queen, who lived in the shadow of a famous mother, but always tried to be worthy. The artist will definitely come to say goodbye to the Queen if it takes place on November 10, but he will not be able to come on Saturday, as he is flying away.

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We went to the Novodevichy cemetery belatedly. Five hours all of Russia said goodbye to their favorite actress. To honor the memory of the suddenly departed legend of Russian cinema, people came from all over our country. They buried her under volleys of guns. was completely strewn with flowers along with wreaths from famous people. Next to the wreath from President Dmitry Medvedev, wreaths from Alla Pugacheva, Philip Kirkorov and many others famous people Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.

The signatures were simple: "Dear Lyudmila Gurchenko from Medvedev Svetlana and Dmitry", ".. from Alla Pugacheva", ".. from Philip Kirkorov". She came to the funeral with a huge bouquet of chrysanthemums, mother and daughter had a difficult relationship.

Farewell to Lyudmila Gurchenko dragged on. On Bolshaya Nikitskaya, near the building of the Central House of Writers, thousands of fans of the actress gathered, who came to pay their last respects to the greatest actress of theater and cinema, the unforgettable Lyudmila Gurchenko.

Already at the building were heard songs performed by Gurchenko. And it didn’t look like a funeral ceremony at all, if it weren’t for the coffin that was on the stage. Great Hall Houses of writers, and nearby - a huge portrait of an actress and a sea, a sea of ​​flowers - red roses and carnations, which Lyudmila Markovna loved so much. On the big screen of the hall, footage with songs and dances performed by Gurchenko was shown.

For the funeral of the actress, her family chose a white dress embroidered with beads. Lyudmila Markovna embroidered it herself and really hoped to perform in this dress at her future concert. As fans of the actress said, they had never seen such beauties as Lyudmila Gurchenko was. Eldar Ryazanov for a long time stood near the coffin and whispered something, saying goodbye to the actress.

The coffin was carried out of the House of Writers to applause and shouts of "Bravo!" and "Goodbye, Lucy!" thousands of fans who came to see off their favorite actress on her last journey.

The funeral of Lyudmila Gurchenko (Video)

The funeral of Lyudmila Gurchenko (Video)

Actress Lyudmila Gurchenko had a very difficult relationship with her own daughter Maria Koroleva. Masha lived with her grandparents in Kharkov from the age of four months. “I will never forgive my mother for exchanging her family for “antics and jumps,” the Queen once said. “She put work at the head of everything, left me and her granddaughter!” The death of a son from drugs, a trial for an apartment with his own mother - after such upheavals, the Queen, as they said, began to seek solace in a glass.


And when Gurchenko died, the Queen broke the door in her apartment as a grinder in order to get the inheritance as soon as possible. And now, when Maria has died, they want to "bury" her to the famous mother.

Адвокат Шoтa Гopгaдзe, который будeт зaнимaтьcя организацией траурных мероприятий, заявил журналистам: "Я нaмepeн cдeлaть тaк, чтoбы дoчь вeликoй aктpиcы былa пoxopoнeнa pядoм c нeй нa Hoвoдeвичьeм клaдбищe. Haдeюcь, чтo этa cлoжнocть будeт пpeoдoлимa c учeтoм вceнapoднoй любви к вeликoй aктpиce. B этoй situation, we have all legal grounds for the daughter to rest next to her mother.

According to him, it is very difficult to obtain permission for burial at the Novodevichy Cemetery. According to the law, the use of a family grave for re-burial is allowed 20 years after the previous burial. Gurchenko died in 2011. It turns out that burying a daughter in her grave in a coffin will not work. The queen will have to be cremated, and only then the urn with the ashes will be buried.

According to various sources, in this case, the relatives of the Queen will have to pay 45 thousand rubles for a place. It's cheap, considering that sometimes they ask for up to five million for a plot at the Novodevichy Cemetery. Officially, mere mortals are not supposed to rest there.

The news about where the Queen will be buried infuriated Gurchenko's admirers. “If she hated her mother so much, why bury her next to Gurchenko? Do you understand that Gurchenko’s grave is the memorial resting place of the honored worker of arts? This place does not imply that his integrity and inviolability should be violated. son Mark, why do you need to disturb the ashes of a great actress and make a fuss in the press?", "Relatives want her to the glory of her mother at least somehow sideways and arrange a communal apartment from a memorial grave!" fans were rightly outraged.

People's Artist of the USSR Lyudmila Gurchenko was buried on Saturday with military honors in the new part of the Novodevichy cemetery. So far, only her photograph and a wooden Orthodox cross. Only relatives and friends were allowed into the cemetery - about fifty people.

Anyone wishing to say goodbye to Lyudmila Markovna could do so at the Central House of Writers. Several thousand fans of the actress gathered here. And several hundred more people could not say the last goodbye to Gurchenko. Although the ceremony lasted more than four hours, the queue was too long - it stretched from Bolshaya Nikitskaya Street to the Garden Ring, and many simply did not have time to finish the farewell. By decision of the family, no funeral service was held, but the press service of the Central House of Writers held small press briefings.

“The most annoying thing is that Gurchenko passed away on the rise of her creative powers,” Mikhail Shvydkoi, Special Representative of the President of the Russian Federation for International Cultural Cooperation, told reporters. recent months we discussed with her new scenario film she wanted to work on". According to Shvydkoy, it was a great courage on the part of the actress to make her debut as a director at almost 75 years old with the film "Colorful Twilight".

"Lyudmila Gurchenko was a great person," Mikhail Zhvanetsky said. "She played great, she looked great, she made a huge contribution to our culture." According to the writer, Gurchenko was accompanied by a crowd all her life, her performances were sold out. "And today is her last full house," Zhvanetsky remarked bitterly.

Sergey Yursky compared Gurchenko to an arrow that was always looking for a target. "I think she always strove for beauty," said the actor. "She also always remembered her duty to her father, which she always spoke of with admiration."

Director Pyotr Todorovsky, who filmed her in the film "Beloved Woman of the Mechanic Gavrilov", Sergey Solovyov, Vladimir Ilyin, Andrey Malakhov and many others came to say goodbye to the actress. But not only as a wonderful actress, but also as a pop singer, the audience will remember Lyudmila Gurchenko. Today, popular musicians also saw her off on her last journey.

The daughter of Lyudmila Gurchenko, Maria Koroleva, with whom they did not communicate for many years, also came to say goodbye to the actress. She appeared in the CDL for just a few minutes, went up to the coffin and laid a bouquet of white chrysanthemums. Maria Koroleva also expressed her condolences to the widower Gurchenko, producer Sergei Senin.

One of the last to say goodbye to Gurchenko was director Eldar Ryazanov. It was he who 56 years ago shot the actress in his debut film "Carnival Night", which glorified both of them throughout the country. Eldar Alexandrovich was led under the arms to the coffin by his wife Emma. The director stood next to his favorite actress for several minutes, whispering words of gratitude to her.

Then he took his place left hand from the coffin, where relatives usually sit. Nikita Mikhalkov, who starred with Gurchenko in the Ryazan film "Station for Two", is also standing there. Mikhalkov himself filmed Lyudmila Markovna in his film Five Evenings.

After parting, the coffin with the body of Lyudmila Gurchenko was taken out into the street, which was specially blocked. According to the old acting tradition, she was given a 20-minute standing ovation. Under the cries of "bravo" and "thank you", the funeral cortege set off for Novodevichy cemetery, where one of the brightest actresses of our time found shelter today, ITAR-TASS reported.

. Relatives, following the last will of the actress, refused the funeral service in the church. On Saturday, the channel "Russia-1" at 16:15 will show the program "In memory of the beloved actress. Anniversary evening of Lyudmila Gurchenko in the State Central Concert Hall "Russia".

People's Artist of the USSR Lyudmila Gurchenko was buried on Saturday with military honors in the new part of the Novodevichy cemetery. So far, only her photograph and a wooden Orthodox cross have been installed on the grave. Only relatives and friends were allowed into the cemetery - about fifty people.

Anyone wishing to say goodbye to Lyudmila Markovna could do so at the Central House of Writers. Several thousand fans of the actress gathered here. And several hundred more people could not say the last goodbye to Gurchenko. Although the ceremony lasted more than four hours, the queue was too long - it stretched from Bolshaya Nikitskaya Street to the Garden Ring, and many simply did not have time to finish the farewell. By decision of the family, no funeral service was held, but the press service of the Central House of Writers held small press briefings.

“The most annoying thing is that Gurchenko passed away on the rise of her creative powers,” Mikhail Shvydkoi, special representative of the President of the Russian Federation for international cultural cooperation, told reporters. “In recent months, we discussed with her a new script for the film she wanted to work on.” According to Shvydkoy, it was a great courage on the part of the actress to make her debut as a director at almost 75 years old, with the film "Motley Twilight".

"Lyudmila Gurchenko was a great person," Mikhail Zhvanetsky said. "She played great, she looked great, she made a huge contribution to our culture." According to the writer, Gurchenko was accompanied by a crowd all her life, her performances were sold out. "And today is her last full house," Zhvanetsky remarked bitterly.

Sergey Yursky compared Gurchenko to an arrow that was always looking for a target. "I think she always strove for beauty," said the actor. "She also always remembered her duty to her father, which she always spoke of with admiration."

Director Pyotr Todorovsky, who filmed her in the film "Beloved Woman of the Mechanic Gavrilov", Sergey Solovyov, Vladimir Ilyin, Andrey Malakhov and many others came to say goodbye to the actress. But not only as a wonderful actress, but also as a pop singer, the audience will remember Lyudmila Gurchenko. Today, popular musicians also saw her off on her last journey.

The daughter of Lyudmila Gurchenko, Maria Koroleva, with whom they did not communicate for many years, also came to say goodbye to the actress. She appeared in the CDL for just a few minutes, went up to the coffin and laid a bouquet of white chrysanthemums. Maria Koroleva also expressed her condolences to the widower Gurchenko, producer Sergei Senin.

One of the last to say goodbye to Gurchenko was director Eldar Ryazanov. It was he who 56 years ago shot the actress in his debut film "Carnival Night", which glorified both of them throughout the country. Eldar Alexandrovich was led under the arms to the coffin by his wife Emma. The director stood next to his favorite actress for several minutes, whispering words of gratitude to her.

Then he took a place on the left hand of the coffin, where relatives usually sit. Nikita Mikhalkov, who starred with Gurchenko in the Ryazan film "Station for Two", is also standing there. Mikhalkov himself filmed Lyudmila Markovna in his film Five Evenings.

After parting, the coffin with the body of Lyudmila Gurchenko was taken out into the street, which was specially blocked. According to the old acting tradition, she was given a 20-minute standing ovation. Under cries of "bravo" and "thank you" the funeral cortege went to the Novodevichy cemetery, where today one of the brightest actresses of our time found shelter, ITAR-TASS reported.

. Relatives, following the last will of the actress, refused the funeral service in the church. On Saturday, the channel "Russia-1" at 16:15 will show the program "In memory of the beloved actress. Anniversary evening of Lyudmila Gurchenko in the State Central Concert Hall "Russia".

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