Ecological fairy tale "Teremok". Ecological fairy tale "Teremok in a new way" Scenario of the ecological fairy tale Teremok

Fashion & Style 07.07.2019

Scenario ecological fairy tale on the new way


MKDOU "Kindergarten No. 9 of Karabash"

There are “trees” on the stage, a screen, behind the screen there is a tower.

(Music sounds - buffoons run out, in the hands of a balalaika,

dance to the music)

1 buffoon: Buffoons came running to your holiday along the path!

2 buffoon: I'm a buffoon - Proshka, and he is a buffoon - Timoshka!

1 buffoon: And we came to amuse you, and congratulate you on the holiday!

2 buffoon: See people, but show yourself!

1 buffoon: Hello, lively boys, and cheerful girls!

2 buffoon: Chew gingerbread, drink kvass, there will be a fairy tale for you!

(music sounds - the beginning of a fairy tale)

1 buffoon: The forest is dense, there is an edge in the forest,
A mouse was walking through the forest.

(music sounds mouse exit)

Mouse: I would Vacation home,
Build here, and besides,
To be rich, not small,
Arrange a ball for guests.

2 buffoon: She hired beavers -
Most the best craftsmen.
They took dexterous beavers,
In paws saws, axes.

(saw sound)

1 buffoon: Made just in time
A wonderful tower - a tower (a screen opens - there is a TEREMOK!)
Very soon in this forest,
The Mercedes is coming.
A frog is driving.

(“A frog “leaves” to the music. She has a model of a Mercedes in her hands”)

(stopped "Get out of the car")

Frog: Wow, you, whose hut is this?
Who lives in a teremochka?

Mouse: I live here, lamb mouse.
Frog: Hello, old friend!
Mouse: Oh, hi! Come on into the house.
We will live together with you.

2 buffoon: Only everything around calmed down,
The roar of a motorcycle was heard (phonogram of the roar of a motorcycle)
A bunny is going - a jumper. ("rides" to the music of a hare, in the hands of a model of a "motorcycle", stopped "tears from a motorcycle")
The bunny thinks: “Come on,
I'll look into the teremok,
And to the window jump-jump.

Hare: Who, who lives in the little house?

Mouse: I live here, mouse norushka,
And I have a frog with me.
Come to the housewarming party
There will be a mountain feast, fun!

Hare: I am very happy with such words,
I will visit you.

1 buffoon: Somehow a fox walked by,
She had a habit
Sniff everything out, find out ...

(a fox comes out to the music)

Fox: The house is chic, it suits me,
Silver and gilding.
I would like to live in such a place.
Knock-Knock. Who lives here?

2 buffoon: A mouse came out of the gate.

Mouse: I am the hostess, the mouse-louse,
And a frog lives with me,

Gray hare - jumper.

Fox: May I come to you, hostess?

Mouse: Come on. In a week
We'll have a disco.

1 buffoon: Beckons with light teremok,
Smoke comes out of the chimney.
Banks, candy wrappers, bottles,
They fly over the threshold ... ("animals" throw garbage from the windows)
A gray wolf was walking through the forest.

(wolf exit to music)

Wolf: I won't understand something
Who could build in the forest,
This rich teremok?
Knock, knock, knock, who lives here?
Get out of the house people.

Mouse: I live here, lamb mouse,
I have a frog.
A fox came to us in the tower,
Here is a hare oblique,
And we'll put you here
Come to us - you will be yours!

2 buffoon: Fast days run forward,
People live in the tower...

(the animals dance in front of the house, play the balalaika, ...)

Mouse: Before we part
incendiary dance,
Yes, I want fun here
Let me turn on the music.
1 buffoon: In the bright light of the tower,
The animals went out to the edge,
They dance without sparing their feet.

(Music plays, animals dance)
(Bear appears to the music)

2 buffoon: Here to them from the forest waddle,
Taking a big stick
An angry bear came out - a wicked bear,
And let's roar at everyone.

Bear: Who dared in my forest,
To spoil marvelous beauty?!
I'm a policeman here
And such bad manners
I did not see, having been born,
Spread dirt everywhere!
In front of the house in the meadow
Broken bottles, cans!
It's already late in the yard,
But, and you started dancing.
Oh, you neighbors, neighbors,
You have no conscience!!!

1 buffoon: The bear gave the fox and the wolf,
In the paws of a bucket and a whisk. (Bear hands out cleaning supplies)

Bear: Mouse, frog, what about you
Rake - rake out all the trash.

(cheerful music sounds - cleaning is in progress)

2 buffoon: The animals immediately got down to business,
And work began to boil.
Dirt and rubbish all sweep,
It will be clean here.
Our bear in a short time
I was able to put things in order
It will be clean all the time
Where the tower was built.

1 buffoon: Let it be many, many years
Every forest lives without troubles
And the animals in it are unreasonable
Never will, no!!!


Our fairy tale is over.

And who listened - well done!

(plays saver "bow")

2 buffoon: They know the tales of mom, dad, kids.

The guests know, but it's time for us to say goodbye.

Come, we are waiting for you all here.

Then we will lead a new tale for you!

(At the end there is a presentation of all the participants in the tale).

V. M. Shind

MBOU Azhinovskaya secondary school

Extracurricular activity:


- check and deepen the knowledge of schoolchildren about nature;

- teach the rules of behavior in the forest;

- develop their observation, memory, logical thinking, speech, skills;

- to instill love, respect and humane attitude towards native nature, to all living things, as well as a sense of collectivism;

- to educate environmentally literate people who know how to behave in the environment around us, who want to take care of their native land.

Event progress:

I. Actualization of basic knowledge.

Who can name the exact date of today?

What century are we living in, what millennium is coming?

Amazing time! And, perhaps, we can consider ourselves lucky, lucky. Mankind can be proud of its achievements in technology, art, and education. Man conquered the ocean, air, earth. But along with achievements, a person has big problems. Among the most exciting, of course, are the problems of ecology.

What awaits us in the future, if we do not stop being careless about nature and what it gives us. Will a person survive if he loses the most precious and necessary thing on Earth. The ecological crisis affected all countries and peoples. Everyone will inevitably have to take action to save for themselves and those who follow us, our beautiful planet.

We will discuss these issues in our lesson, think, and draw conclusions.

II. Introductory conversation.

Do you hear? Listen. Where did we get to? How easy and free to breathe in the forest.

Do you hear smells?

Hello nature! Hello fields, forests, rivers, lakes and seas!

Hello, birds - nightingales, sparrows, larks! Hello, animals - wolves, hares, foxes, bears!

If a person greeted like this every day not only with relatives and friends, but also with all living beings, perhaps all animals and plants would still live on Earth, which we will never see again, because people destroyed them.

H t e c. There is just a temple.

There is a temple of science.

And there is also a temple of nature -

With scaffolding pulling hands

Against the sun and winds.

He is holy at any time of the year,

Open for us in the heat and chill,

Come in here

Be a little heart

Do not desecrate her shrines!

Today we will go for a walk in the forest. Close your eyes and imagine that you and I are in a forest. Now open your eyes. Guys, it turns out that someone visited the forest before us, listen to what they left behind.


We came to the river to spend Sunday,

And there is no free place near the river.

Here they sit and there they sit, sunbathing and eating.

Rest as they want, hundreds of adults and children.

We walked along the bank and found a clearing.

And on a sunny meadow - here and there empty banks.

And, as if to spite us, even broken glass.

We walked along the bank, found a new place.

But they sat here before us: they also drank, they also ate,

They burned a fire, burned paper, littered and left.

We passed, of course.

Hey guys! - Dima shouted. - Here is a place - at least where!

Spring water, wonderful view, beautiful beach,

Unpack your luggage!

We swam, sunbathed, burned a fire, played football -

They had fun as best they could: they drank kvass, ate sweets,

They sang songs in a round dance ...

They rested and left.

And they remained in the clearing by the extinct fire:

Two flasks we broke, two soaked bagels,

In a word, a mountain of garbage.

We came to the river to spend Monday,

Only a clean place near the river can not be found.

Did the guys behave correctly on the walk?

What harm did they do nature, to yourself, to other people?

What needs to be done in the forest before returning home?

Do you love your region?

And how do you help the school, parents, so that the nature around you is environmentally friendly?

III. Dramatization of the fairy tale by V. M. Shindin "Teremok" (based on the fairy tale by S. Ya. Marshak)








Leading. In an open field, a teremok, a teremok;

Clean meadows all around

Near a clean river

And there is a forest around

Garbage in it is a big vice.

Here the frog walked by,

She approached the teremochka.


He is not low, not high, not high.

Who, who lives in a teremochka?

Who, who lives in the low?

Kwa - kwa, silence!

I'm alone in the dungeon!

And from this window

The river is clear.

Living here is just a feast for the eyes:

The air is clean and there is no doubt -

Staying here forever - yes, yes, yes!

Leading. Only the light was lit by the Frog,

The Mouse appeared.

Mouse. What kind of teremok is this, teremok?

He is not low, not high, not high.

Who, who lives in a teremochka?

Who, who lives low?

Frog. I am a Frog Frog!

And who are you?

Mouse. And I am a mouse-norushka!

Let me into the house

We will live together with you.

Frog. I'm glad to let you in

I just don't want dirt!

Wonderful beauty all around

Let her stay.

Leading. The Mouse settled with the Frog -

A goofy girlfriend.

They heat the stove, crush the grain

Yes, pancakes are baked in the oven.

So they live quietly

They sometimes go to the forest

Only garbage wagons

Do not leave behind:

Where will they find which jar,

Immediately they will take her,

They will pick up and even a stick,

To not lie here idle.

Suddenly appeared at dawn

Cockerel throaty - Petya.

Rooster. Ku-ka-re-ku! Ku-ka-re-ku!

What kind of teremok is this, teremok?

He is not low, not high, not high.

Who lives in a teremochka?

Who-who lives in the low?

Frog and Mouse (together)

Here we live - two girlfriends,

Found a house in an open field

And from the dirty swamp

Now they can run away.

And who are you?

Rooster. And I am a Rooster

golden scallop,

butter head,

Silk beard.

Let me live here

I will serve you faithfully.

I will sleep in the yard

I will sing at dawn.

Frog and Mouse (together)

So be it, we will let you into the house,

Only, chur, we sing to you:

Take care of nature too

Don't throw trash into the water

Protect from various troubles

And don't sleep at lunchtime.

Leading. Here they live - Frog,

Cockerel and Mouse;

You can't spill them with water.

Suddenly a gray hedgehog appeared.

Hedgehog. What kind of teremok is this, teremok?

He is not low, not high, not high.

Who lives in a teremochka?

Who-who lives in the low?

Frog, Mouse and Rooster(together).

We are funny animals

They found a house in an open field.

And who are you?

Hedgehog. I am a prickly hedgehog

No head, no legs.

I came to you from the forest

There troubles a great rise:

People are relaxing there.

Immediately there is such a noise,

All the animals are scared away

Garbage is left everywhere.

Living there became unbearable -

At least where you go Hedgehog.

Let me live here

I will guard the tower.

Better than us forest hedgehogs

There are no guards in the world!

Frog, Mouse and Rooster(together).

So be it, perhaps, in the house,

We will live on Thursday.

Leading. Here they live, play,

Both sadness and sadness do not know.

Do not threaten them with noise and din,

Sleep peacefully at night

The air is fresh and so pleasant

No smoke or trace.

Animals live well -

All happy guys.

At this time from the lair

A thick-skinned Mishka came out,

He shakes his head

He argues with himself.

Suddenly I saw - the house is standing,

A river runs nearby. He decided...

Bear. I'll go there

I'll break my sides there!

Leading. That's why he's so evil

Someone woke him up in winter

Didn't let Mishka sleep soundly.

He became angry, began to interfere with everyone.

If people loved everyone

Respect the animals

Brown Bear would not go

To break the house of the kids.

He just broke into the house

The teremok collapsed in the field.

Frog, Mouse, Rooster and Hedgehog(together).

What have you done, Mishka?

Why did you break the house?

Where do the animals live now?

You wouldn't touch this house -

It was so beautiful in it!

And while nature is alive,

There must be a lot to live in

Forest people.

Bear. I didn't want at all

Offend you, brothers!

And having a large weight,

I just went to visit.

Leading. That's how people do it;

Having strength, intelligence, power,

Forest animals are not respected,

Courage over them to their heart's content.

Frog, Mouse, Rooster and Hedgehog(together).

Let everyone live in the world together

And that's the only way we can save the world.

After all, if every person

Made a feast in the clearing,

Want to pick up your trash

And put out the fire, pour,

Every insect will not

Mine new house search again.

Bear. But I didn't want to

Offend you, friends!

I will help build a new house

To please you, to spite the enemy.

Leading. And they got to work!

The house was cut down in a moment:

He is tall and handsome

And it stands like a monument.

They cleaned up after themselves

The garbage was quickly collected

In order not to litter the neighborhood,

To have a beautiful area.

So they lived and live

Everyone respects the environment.

IV. Rules of conduct in nature.

1 dude. If I pick a flower

If you pick a flower

If everything is me and you

If we pick flowers

All fields will be empty

And there will be no beauty.

2 dude. Many herbs grow useful

On the land of the native country.

Can cope with illness

Mint, lily of the valley, St. John's wort.

Leading. But many herbs are already listed in the Red Book.

3 dude. Protected by the Red Book

So many rare animals and birds.

To survive the many-sided space

For the light of the coming lightning.

4 dude. So that the deserts do not dare to descend,

So that the souls do not become empty,

Birds are protected, animals are protected,

Even the flowers are protected.

Leading. All people, before entering the forest, must know

rules of conduct in the forest.

(The host shows the posters to the children and listens to the guys explaining how to behave in the forest.)

5 dude. We want the birds to sing

So that the forests around rustle,

To have blue skies.

6 dude. To make the river silver

For the butterfly to frolic

And there was dew on the berries.

7 dude. We want the sun to warm

And the birch is green

And under the tree lived a funny prickly hedgehog.

8 dude. For the squirrel to jump

To make the rainbow sparkle

To make it rain cheerfully in the summer.

V. Summing up the event.

What can students do to protect nature?

Students can plant trees and shrubs, grow flowers and protect green spaces.

Every spring, children can build bird houses, and in winter - feeders and feed the birds.

Feed the birds!

Feed the birds in winter!

Let from all over

They will flock to you, like home,

Stakes on the porch.

How many of them die - do not count,

It's hard to see.

But in our heart there is

And the birds are warm.

Train the birds in the cold

To your window

So that without songs it was not necessary

We welcome spring.

A. Yashin.

It is the duty of every schoolchild to see that no one destroys bird nests, that no one breaks branches, tramples grass in parks, and plays with fire in the forest.

A wonderful writer and a great lover of nature,M. Prishvin wrote: “We are the masters of our nature, and for us it is the pantry of the Sun with great treasures of life. Not only that, in order to protect these treasures, they must be opened and shown.

Needed for fish pure water Let's protect our waters. There are various valuable animals in the forests and mountains - we will protect our forests and mountains.

Fish - water, bird - air, beast - forest, mountains. And a man needs a homeland. And to protect nature means to protect the Motherland.

Theatricalization on environmental theme

for older preschoolers

Frog, Mouse, Bunny, Spinning Top, Chanterelle,

Bear (children)

caregiver Teremok stood in the field,

Was not low, not high

A frog jumps across the field,

Crying bitter tears.

Frog (jumps across the field, stops)

All swamps drained -

They took away my house.

Where to lay the eggs?

How to raise your children?

Moisture has disappeared from the earth -

Is it far from disaster?

(He sees the tower; with admiration)

Ah, what a cozy home!

I will be comfortable in it -

It's damp here in the basement,

The climate is pleasant for me!

It can be seen that the teremok is empty -

I will stay in it!

Mouse appears.

caregiver. A mouse ran across the field,

Teremok saw ours.

mouse (bitter sigh).

Here away from all eyes

I'll spend the rest of my days...

Frog. Who is bad? Who is suffering?

Mouse. It's me, field mouse.

My house used to be on the field -

Lived in satiety, in freedom,

Rye grains fed the family.

So we were all ... poisoned

Pesticides and nitrates...


Frog (comforting her).

Unfortunately, sisters, we ...

mouse. Beetles, birds suffered -

Heart breaks with sadness...

Frog.I'll fly you, girlfriend.

(Pouring tea into a cup)

Healing tea - drink a mug.

Stay on hold -

It's safe here, there's peace.

Educator. They began to live together

Not remembering the past.

Live together, do not get bored

And they help each other.

(Bunny Appear)

Bunny hobbles across the field,

One of the paws is squeezing.

Bunny. Who lives in the teremochka?

Who will come to my aid?

Frog (examining the paw).

There's a cut!

Mouse. Where is the wound from?

Bunny. I liked the vial...

Str-a-a-ashno now lives in the forest.

Frog. Are you afraid of the Wolf and the Forest?

Bunny. No, as long as I'm alive and well,

I'm not afraid of foxes and wolves!

I'm afraid of broken bottles

Abandoned cans...

Mouse. Let's remove the glass fragment.

Frog. Come into our teremok!

mouse. If you want, live here forever.

Educator. They began to live together,

Not remembering the past.

Live together, do not get bored

And they help each other.

(Chanterelle appears).

The chanterelle winds across the field,

He covers his trail with his tail.

Chanterelle (looking back fearfully)

Tired of running through the woods

And hide from the hunters.

Only a "bang!" and "bang!"

Fear creeps into the soul.

My fluffy red fur

Has success with people.

Desire to get it

It can destroy us all.

Frog. Oh, your fate is bitter ...

mouse. Here is your new home now.

It will be safe in it.

Bunny (moralizing)

But don't forget one thing:

Respect those who live in the house ...

Frog. Don't offend anyone

Help the defenseless.

Chanterelle (agreeing)

Appreciate each tenant

Kind, be merciful!

Educator. The four of us live in harmony

They don't remember the past.

Live together do not get bored

And they help each other.

(a wounded Volchok appears).

A spinning top runs across the field,

The tail is tucked up and trembles with fear.

Top. Please protect!

Save from the hunters!

On me for fun

They staged a raid:

The dogs were released after

They shot me with a gun

And lured into a trap ...

Yes, they accidentally missed it.

Breathless on the run

I can not take it anymore!

Frog. We promise a life of peace.

No one here will touch you.

Mouse. But you must know for sure

How to live peacefully here.


Nobody to offend

Help the defenseless...

Chanterelle. Appreciate each tenant

Be kind and merciful!

Educator. They live peacefully together

They don't remember the past.

Live together, do not get bored

And they help each other.

(A lame Bear appears)

Here on the field Bear is coming

And so loudly from grief roars,

Bear. Oh how it hurts! Help!

Get it out of the trap!

Didn't offend anyone

Didn't attack anyone.

I returned to the lair

And he found himself in a trap.

Frog. Whose is it bad joke?

Educator. The paw looked terrible!

Mouse. Crawl into our teremok,

We will cut down the castle from the chain.

Bunny. Free from the shackles -

We'll save your paw.

Chanterelle. Heal the wound with herbs

Let's heal instantly from injuries.

Release Bear from the trap.

Educator. So our teremok lived,

Do not put a lock on the door.

All the unfortunate and sick

They accepted it as their own.

Frog. And let the Earth be a single home -

It will become a tower for all of us ...

Mouse. Where everyone will be comfortable:

Both animals and people!

Bunny. Where no one is offended

And help the defenseless.

Chanterelle. We will not pollute the house,

Let's protect nature...

Top. And take care of flowers and herbs,

And green oak forests...

Bear. Air, river and fields...

All. This is our home - Earth!

Bear. Let's keep it alive

To be suitable for everyone.

All. That's when our common home

It will become the best tower!

Scenario of the ecological fairy tale "Ryaba the Hen in a new way" (based on L. G. Wilhelm, teacher of geography in Buguruslan)

Musical accompaniment: Vangelis (composition "Cosmos"),

Vladimir Dashkevich (composition from the film "There, on unknown paths ...),

Igor Nikolaev ("Tell the Birds")Characters: AuthorEcologistChemistWomanGrandfatherHen RyabastorytellerOffstage voice: In the darkness of a lifeless universe, among the twinkling lights

Some unknown genius once created the Earth.

Painted lakes blue, dressed forests green,

He came up with the steppe, fields and mountains and blue skies.

Life settled on the planet and flourished every century,

And after many centuries, the Earth is ruled by man.

He conquered her vastness and destroyed her forests.

Seas and mountains are wounded, and smog enveloped the skies.

Where life once beat with a key, everything was destroyed jokingly,

This is what the beloved child thoughtlessly created on the Earth.^ Scene "Dialogue between a chemist and an environmentalist".

Congratulate! I finally got a new tool for the extraction of natural raw materials. My discovery will serve the benefit of mankind.

^ Environmental Scientist: And you thought about nature, professor.

Chemist. You should save flowers, butterflies, dig into dung beetlesAnd we have progress, we need to move science, develop production

Ecologist. You don't care about birds and insects,you only think about profit, about money

Chemist. Do you think we should live in wigwams, eat roots and cook on fires?Yes, but let's save mother nature.

Why irony, my friend? Progress is needed, discoveries are needed,but innovations must be introduced wisely, so as not to harm nature or ourselves

Voice behind the scene That discovery was a success:At the chemical plant, it was introduced that hour.The laws of the market have prevailed.Now let's see what happened.

storyteller Dear, good, attentive viewers!Do you want to listen to the tale of Ryabushka?A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it - it is always considered so.I finish the monologue, the fairy tale begins.

The action of the tale takes place in the village of Koshta, located not far from the Cherepovets chemical plant. locals suffer from smog, which is continuously ejected from factory chimneys.

storyteller Not on Mars, on the Moon, on the native sideNear Cherepovets in the village, near the river, on the edgeOnce upon a time there was a grandfather and a woman, with them their chicken Ryaba,And they carried from year to year a wagon of countless worries:Sweep Baba in the house, bring some water,Stoke the stove, chop wood - this is the woman's share.Grandfather, lying on the sofa, gave her orders

Grandfather “Grandma, put on the samovar, then go to the market”

storyteller Ryaba knew only one thing: to peck grain all day long.^ Grandfather, looking at Ryaba, says: What good is this creature to us? Do not sell at the market.You are for her mountain. Where is the meat? Where is the pen?A burden was imposed on my little head, I would eat meat now from the belly,If I kept a pig.

Woman You, Ivan, do not get excited, decide to listen to me.Children are adults for a long time, the generation is young,Everyone with guitars screams, as before a big disaster.Everyone drove off to Cherepovets and forgot about you and me.Well, what about you, Ivan? Eat everything - immediately on the sofa.You watch movies all day, or get out with friends in dominoes.Ryabushka, I won’t hide it, my old age has brightened up mine.

^ Baba sings the song:

Thin Ryaba is ours, she does not lay eggs,But for us it is the most beautiful living bird on earth.The nightingale cannot be compared with her, and the Firebird is far away,In the morning we are glad to wake up to the native "ko-ko-ko"


I became grouchy, oh, I'm getting old, I'm getting old,God sent us Ryabushka to make it more fun.


Ryaba listened to the conversation, Ryaba felt good,I realized that the grandmother and grandfather love Ryaba with all their hearts.And finally Ryaba laid a large egg.Baba and grandfather, surprised, crossed themselves a couple of times,Silently they approach the chicken and do not take their eyes off the testicle.

Grandfather: What will I reveal to you now, but it's golden!There, old woman, look: five hundred and eighty-three.That's how mother nature is!

Woman It was rain from a chemical plant that was pouring grain yesterday, with chemicals.The chicken ate nitrate, and now she is a mutant.

Grandfather Maybe she will demolish - after all, she demolished the gold -We have a diamond egg. So what is it worth to her now?

Woman I will wear fur, but chic outfits,We will often go to the club, drink cocoa with chocolate.

Grandfather I will put in my teeth, grandmother, and I will divorce you.No, I'll buy myself a Toyota. I will drive to work.Or buy a cottage, and demolish our house?

Woman You, I see, Vanya, mundane desires.We exchange dollars and go to the Canary Islands.

Sun, air and water, you will always be young.Intoxicated with the heat of the south, you will become, Van, like Apollo.

^ Baba sings the song:

Is it my fault (3 times) that I really want to go to the resort.I lived in a barn, I was a bird in a cage:Children, husband, and native chemical plant.Oh, Vanyusha, you are mine, my dear, you are mine,Let me go to the resort.It's full of monkeys, there's a banana on the palm tree,A tropical paradise attracts a grandmother.


What are you, henbane overeat? Have you seen Tropican?

Woman You yourself, Vanya, ponder, well, where should we go here?RIVER Costa is 50 percent of harmful components.Discharges from our factories are destroying Mother Nature.And besides, from year to year Vologda water blooms.They littered our Koshta, she did not have long to live.

^ Baba looking at the egg:

Oh, look here, Ivan, you and I have burned out.Can't see us warm countries because the egg turned black.


That's all, the end of the dream, not to meet old age in abundance,The forces are not the same, we do not have long to live.

Woman Here's a chemical plant for you: smog and smoke, acid rain.

Grandfather: Ryaba devils that carries, not an egg, but a bomb like.

storyteller Grandfather and woman began to cry, grieve and lament.Ryaba became sad with them, their sadness cannot be appeased.

storyteller Man will boldly destroy what is created by labor.He does things first, but thinks later.


Although the grandfather and the woman grieved, they returned to business again,

And Ryaba brought them eggs different shapes and flowers.

Grandfather and woman only believe: a bright time will come,

And someday our tomorrow will be better than yesterday.

That's the end of the tale, and who listened - well done!

^ Years later, the meeting of the ecologist and the chemist took place again. Ecologist:

Here, look, in the newspaper they write: "... acid rain pours on the ground

people breathe sulfur dioxideAnd the whole discovery is yours!

In addition, there are cases of mutations and pathologies in children.

In Cherepovets, the doctors are afraid that there are no healthy people anymore.

Chemist How great was the discovery, but it did great harm.

But only now I was able to see that thoughtlessness trace.

But I hope that worthy descendants will learn a lesson

And for the love of the native side in the soul they will find a cornerTo the song of A. Pugacheva “Tell me, birds”, everyone comes out.

Chemist Yes, so that the children do not get sick, so that clean air breathe

Grandfather So that we do not blush for ourselves

Woman And it was where we rest

Ecologist So that the forest and the sea do not become scarce, the river teemed with fish,

So that the birds sing above us, and the clouds are clear.

Chemist You need to think about the coming day, trying to innovateBe humane, kind, reasonable, using, not ruin.

Grandfather Walk through life subtly, smartly, because every step carries an echo.

storyteller And who did not think about the future, that, alas, does not wait

Ecological fairy tale "Teremok in a new way".

Prepared by the teacher of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 1 "UD of the President of the Russian Federation

Basharatyan Natalia Grigorievna.

Description: Dear colleagues! I bring to your attention the scenario of a leisure event dedicated to the Day of Ecology.

Ecological fairy tales in an entertaining way teach children to see natural processes. children preschool age most interesting stories about animals. In the process of communicating with nature, the child learns to show a careful and caring attitude towards the animal and plant world. This material will be of interest to teachers of preschool educational institutions of medium groups.


1 To develop the speech of children.

2 To form an idea of ​​the relationships in nature.



1. To form in children a general idea of ​​​​the forest, the river and its inhabitants.

2. Consolidate the knowledge of children about the diversity of the animal and flora native land.


Cultivate love and careful attitude to nature and to all living things.

Event progress.

Before the performance, guests receive tickets for the performance at the box office and go to the hall.

Cashier child:

To all obedient children

I will distribute tickets.

And adults - come

And get tickets.


Fairy tales are loved by everyone in the world,

Adults and children love it!

Fairy tales teach us goodness.

And hard work.

They say how to live

What to love, what to cherish.

Let's prepare the ears, eyes ...

Let's start our story.

Buffoons with spoons, rattles and tambourines come out to the Russian folk melody.Reading a poem.

1 child:

Hello forest!

Dense forest,

Full of fairy tales and wonders!

2 child:

What are you making noise about?

On a dark, stormy night,

3 child:

What are you whispering to us at dawn

All in dew, as in silver?

4 child:

Who is hiding in your wilderness?

What kind of animal? What bird?

Open everything, do not hide:

You see, we are ours. /S.Pogorelsky/

/ They sit down./


This is a hint, but

The story will follow.

On our native land

The forest was thick and dense.

Animals lived in it.

Lived - did not grieve.

And there was a teremok -

Not low, not high.

Yes, not a simple tower,

And the teremok is a stump.

Instead of a roof - fly agaric,

And around a wide yard.

The mouse ran past

Teremochek saw.

I was surprised - what kind of tower?

She knocked softly on the door.


Who lives in a teremochka?

Who lives in a low place?


Didn't hear the answer

No one is there, apparently.

The mouse entered the tower,

Cleaned it up,

Village near the teremochka

And he loves the forest.


What a beautiful forest!

There are many wonders in it!

Round dance of birches /children read a poem/

Run across the lawn

Carefree, light flock,

Like teenage girls

White birches.

They took hands, and here -

The round dance has begun! /T. Shorygin/

Girls perform a dance with twigs.


There is a frog from behind a bump

Jumped to the teremochka.

He sees - the mouse is sitting,

The frog speaks to her.


Who lives in a teremochka?

Who lives in a low place?


I am a mouse. And who are you?


And I'm a frog.

I saw a teremok

Yes, she went to hell.


Come to me soon -

Together will be more fun.


Here the frog entered the house,

The yard was swept with a broom.

The two of them are sitting at the stump

And they look at the forest together.


How beautiful this forest is -

There are many wonders in it!

Aspen /children read a poem/

Where is the swampy swell

viscous quagmire,

There in all its glory

Aspen reigns.

At the foot of the subsided

moss bumps,

On the quietest day they tremble

Light leaves. /D.Popov/

The dance of the frogs is performed by children.


Only suddenly because of the bush

The bunny jumps to the teremochka.

He scratched his ear with his paw,

He said very politely.


Hello. Sorry.

Please say: (or surprised and said)

Who lives in a teremochka?

Who lives in a low place?


I am a mouse.


I am a frog. And who are you?


And I'm a runaway bunny

Short tail, long ears.

I love eating carrots for breakfast.


Come live with us.


The three of us will be friends.


The bunny entered the teremok.

Made an oak table.

Climb on the bench

And admire the forest.


How beautiful this forest is!

There are many wonders in it!

/children read a poem/

1 child

What is a forest?

Pines to the sky

birches and oaks,

Berries, mushrooms...

2 child

animal trails,

hillocks and lowlands,

soft grass,

Fuck an owl.

3 child

silver lily of the valley,

The air is clean-clean

And a spring with a living

With spring water. /from the Internet/

Song and dance “How a Dwarf Gathered Mushrooms”.


The fox ran up to them -

Redhead beauty.

He sees - there is a tower

And he doesn't believe his eyes.


How long have I been running here?

Teremochka did not see.

Who lives in a teremochka?

Who lives in a low place?


I am a mouse.


I am a frog.


I am a runaway bunny.

And who are you?


And I am a fox-sister

Growth is small.


Come live with us.


Well here - I'm looking.

I will give you a tablecloth.

And the pattern on the tablecloth.

We cover the table with it.


They sit at the table

The four of us are looking at the forest.


How beautiful this forest is -

There are many miracles in it.

Self-assembly tablecloth /children read a poem/

1 child

Paints early

The sun is the edge of heaven

Self-assembly tablecloth

Spreads the forest.

2 child

Enough treats

He has for everyone:

sweet roots,

Honey, mushrooms, nuts. /T. Shorygin/

Song "Autumn Gifts" music. and sl. Shestakova.


A wolf runs out of the forest.

The wolf became interested

What is behind the tower here.

The wolf knocks on the little house.


Who lives in a teremochka?

Who lives in a low place?


I am a mouse.


I am a frog.


I am a runaway bunny.


I am a fox sister.

And who are you?


And I am a top-gray barrel.


Come live with us.


The wolf entered the tower

He put the samovar on the table.

turned his head

And looked at the forest.


How beautiful this forest is -

There are many miracles in it.

/children read a poem/

1 child

Tall trees, grasses, bushes...

If you don't know the way, you will get lost.

Be careful in the unfamiliar forest

Then it will be very easy to find the way.

2 child

And the forest can tell you more:

Where is the north, where is the south, it is not difficult to find out.

And in the summer in the forest it's good and in winter,

It's easier to breathe here, the air is different here.

3 child

Walk through the forest autumn sometimes -

FROM forest gifts you will return home. /from the Internet/

Chastushki. /Poy girls./

Somehow I wandered through the forest,

And composed ditties.

I want to sing them to you now

How I love nature.

My friend and I are going to the forest.

We'll pick strawberries.

We'll make jam

To everyone's surprise.

Leaves are falling, spinning

And they lie under our feet!

We'll go through the leaves

Let's have a great time!


The five of them live

They drink tea, chew gingerbread.

A bear came out of the forest

Yes, he started crying.


What is the new teremok?

He is not low, not high.

Come on, I'll come closer

I'll knock on the teremochek.

Who lives in a teremochka?

Who lives in a low place?


I am a mouse.


I am a frog.


I am a runaway bunny.


I am a fox sister.


I am a top-gray barrel.

And who are you?


And I am a bear.

Came to see it.


Come live with us.


The bear climbed into the teremok,

Yes, I could not enter it.


Narrow doors.

Don't let the bear through.


Teremok crackled,

Fell to the side.


Your teremok is small.

Very low ceiling.


The animals are upset

They say to the bear.


What should we do? How can we be?

Teremok cannot be repaired!


I want to offer you

To live in a new tower.

Will be the walls of the forest

Instead of a roof - heaven.

Rug - grass-ant.

Our life will be fun.

Mouse. How beautiful this forest is!

Frog. There are many miracles in it.

Hare. We will not pollute it.

Fox. He needs animals and people.

Wolf. Everyone will find their home in it.

Together. Well in the native forest!


So it's been going on for a long time -

A wild animal lives in the forest!

A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it -

Take care of your teremok.

Here is the end of the story!

Who understands everything - well done!

In the woods./children read a poem/

1 child

as if fairy tale book page

The forest opened, ringing with foliage.

I understand both the beast and the bird,

And they understand me.

2 child

Maybe on the paths of animals

In the impenetrable forest depths

Suddenly a hut on chicken legs

Meet me unexpectedly.

3 child

Maybe in this region, inadvertently,

Avoiding the roads

Shine with a toasted side

A bun in the middle of tall grass.

4 child

And I can't get lost in the forest

Though I wander from people far away.

Because both animals and birds

They speak their native language. /V.Orlov/

Protect the forest.

5 child

The forest is a kind huge giant,

Giving many wonderful miracles.

So show your mind and talent,

To protect this fairy forest! /O.Varnikova/

To the music, the children follow each other in a circle, wave to the guests, and leave the hall.


In the scenario of the fairy tale, poems by poets S. Pogorelsky, T. Shorygina, D. Popov, V. Orlov, O. Varnikova were used.

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