When will the funeral of Lyudmila Gurchenko's daughter take place. The daughter of Lyudmila Gurchenko will be buried at the Novodevichy cemetery next to her mother

Auto 14.07.2019

Quite often we are faced with family contracts in a particular field of activity. It is not uncommon when a child is born only to famous parents, a place has already been prepared for him next to them. Be it actors, singers or others public people. Having received their share of fame, they wish the same for their children.

The creative family was no exception. People's Artist USSR Lyudmila Gurchenko and her second husband, writer and screenwriter Boris Andronikashvili. How could such talented and attractive parents have a daughter that was not like them? No one could have thought, and she herself famous actress that her child will bring her more grief than joy.

The birth of Maria Andronikashvili

On a warm June day - the 5th of 1959 - the daughter of Lyudmila Gurchenko, Maria Koroleva, was born, nee Andronikashvili.

The career of the star parents of the girl developed rapidly. Therefore, not being able to take care of the child, they gave her up to her grandparents in Kharkov.

The very prima of the Soviet theater and cinema at one time admitted that she dreamed of having a son. When the girl was born, instead of joy, she was in despair and wept bitterly for a long time. But, nevertheless, the first time after birth, she experienced real maternal feelings.

Four months of a quiet life had a depressing effect on the actress. And then it seemed to her that the most important thing was that her daughter could be proud of her mother. Therefore, leaving her in Kharkov, Gurchenko returned to the big stage.

When Maria was 3 years old, Lyudmila Markovna decided to take her to her. By that time, she had already broken up with the girl's father, her thoughts were occupied only by creativity. But due to constant touring, Masha practically did not see her mother. It was then that she developed jealousy and an absolute protest against her mother's work.

Leaving her star mother, Maria returns to her grandparents. Only there she feels at home. Their constant care and love brings joy to the girl much more than the popularity of her mother. She almost never mentioned her father. Why think about the man who gave it up.

Maria's relationship with Lyudmila Gurchenko

Many of Gurchenko's entourage said that Maria Koroleva was a tomboy in a skirt as a child. She contradicted Lyudmila Markovna in everything, often rebelled, categorically refused cosmetics and bright clothes. She did everything in order to completely merge with the gray crowd. This led to frequent quarrels between mother and daughter.

The famous artist was distinguished by her extraordinary attractiveness and femininity, she wanted to see such qualities in her girl. The same, in turn, did everything in defiance of her mother. She hated star parties, constant talk about theater and cinema. To stop Gurchenko's attempts to make her likeness out of her, Maria entered a medical school and then began working in a children's oncology clinic.

Maria Koroleva herself blamed her for such a difficult relationship with her mother. The daughter's resentment had its roots in early childhood, when she became aware of the disappointment of Lyudmila Markovna because of the birth of a girl.

One of the next reasons for a quarrel between them was the personal life of Gurchenko's daughter. Maria got married very early. Her chosen one was Alexander Korolev. This event only further alienated her from the famous actress. Lyudmila did not like her son-in-law. She hoped that her grandchildren would follow in her footsteps. But the daughter's husband opposed this, which caused a huge scandal. Maria took the side of her husband, after which the Korolev family minimized communication with Lyudmila Gurchenko.

Cause of death of Maria Koroleva

Behind all the ostentatious indifference of Maria Borisovna, there was a huge feeling about the quarrel with her mother. Many people close to the family believe that the conflict, which lasted more than 20 years, caused the death of Maria Koroleva.

Gurchenko could not accept that her mother bequeathed her apartment to her granddaughter, and not to her. Litigation for her dragged on last days the life of an actress. The press also added fuel to the fire, constantly looking for information about Lyudmila Markovna's relationship with her daughter. Frequent scandals in their family have become commonplace, and thanks to journalists - the property of the people.

Daughter Gurchenko, who died on November 8, 2017 at the age of 58, gave an interview before her death, in which she said that she was very sorry about the constant quarrels with her mother. She was able to survive her famous mother only for 6 years.

My daughter Elena found Maria Borisovna unconscious near the house. But it was already impossible to save the mother. Arriving "ambulance" only ascertained death. After the autopsy, the exact cause of Maria Koroleva's death was announced - acute heart failure.

Where was Maria Koroleva buried?

There were long discussions about where to bury Maria Koroleva. Fans of the legendary Gurchenko were against her daughter being buried next to her mother. They referred mainly to the fact that during her lifetime Lyudmila Markovna was constantly in conflict with Maria, and the latter could not stand her.

But still, the family's lawyer managed to resolve the issue with the burial. dead daughter Gurchenko. Having received permission from the last husband of the artist - Sergei Senin - Maria Borisovna was buried at the Novodevichy cemetery next to the grave of the great actress - her mother.

As often happens with children famous artists, Masha could not keep for herself the first place in her mother's life. Willingly or not, she yielded to his stage, roles and applause. No matter how sad it is to talk about it, the well-known mother and her simple daughter were able to overcome all difficulties and completely reconcile only after death: in the cemetery where they were both buried.

Monument to Lyudmila Gurchenko (1935–2011)- the famous Soviet and Russian actress, pop singer. Installed in Moscow at the Novodevichy Cemetery.

Lyudmila Gurchenko - famous actress and pop singer

Lyudmila Markovna Gurchenko (1935–2011)- famous actress, pop singer, a favorite actress of many generations of Russians. Film role "Carnival Night" brought her deafening fame, and the song performed "Five minutes" has long been a classic of the New Year genre. Gurchenko starred in more than 80 films, and each of her roles was bright and memorable. Among the most famous paintings with the participation of Gurchenko - films "20 days without war", "Five Evenings", "Beloved woman mechanic Gavrilov", "Station for two". The actress shone on the stage of many metropolitan theaters, wrote books, starred in videos, and directed. Gurchenko is the winner of many film awards, the owner of several honorary titles.

In August 2012, a monument was solemnly opened on her grave, made by sculptors Yuri Khorovsky and Yuri Shabelnikov. A contrasting combination of black granite and white marble was chosen for the monument to the great artist. The tombstone consists of two stelae. A massive white marble slab with a raw side face and a carved figure of an actress against a black granite slab, carefully polished and tapering upwards. Lyudmila Gurchenko is depicted in full growth, she is wearing a floor-length dress with flowing draperies along the entire length, her hand is pressed to her chest, her eyes are lowered. The tombstone is made in the same style as the monument. On the bright side the image of the autograph of the actress is laid out in black letters, on reverse side monument carved


Celebrity daughter dies Russian actress Lyudmila Gurchenko Maria Kovaleva, and an incomprehensible situation has already arisen around her funeral.

The thing is that so far no decision has been made where this woman will be buried. Recall that she died on November 8, 2017.

Controversy has begun on this issue, since some relatives of Maria Koroleva want to bury her next to the grave of her famous mother at the Novodevichy cemetery.

However, there are opponents of such a development of events. It is noted that the daughter and her mother Lyudmila Gurchenko had a very difficult relationship during their lifetime, and before the death of the actress, the women did not establish normal communication and relationships.

Meanwhile, with the burial of Maria Koroleva near the grave of her mother, taking into account the current legislation, some problems may arise.

The only option that may be acceptable in the current situation would be the cremation of Kovaleva and the subsequent burial of the urn with her ashes near the grave of her mother.

Sergei Senin, who is the widower of Lyudmila Gurchenko, spoke on this issue. Despite the fact that even during the life of Maria Koroleva they had serious disagreements with her, the man considers it quite acceptable that his daughter will be buried next to her mother's grave at the Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow.

As an alternative option, the possibility of burying the body of Maria Koroleva near the grave of her son is being considered. It is worth noting that a few years ago a young man died of a drug overdose.

At present, there is an incomprehensible situation. To date, no decision has been made as to where Mary Koroleva will be buried.

At the same time, representatives of her close circle do not give any comments to representatives of news publications. Only after some time will it be known what decision will be made regarding the place of burial of the woman.

During the program "Live" dedicated to memory Lyudmila Gurchenko, sounded last interview her daughter, and a story about Boris Andronikashvili by his son and half-brother Maria Sandro.

He spoke, in particular, about why the children of the once famous Georgian actor did not dare to meet each other for so long.

According to preliminary data, the cause of death of Maria Koroleva was heart failure. The 58-year-old woman was found in the entrance of her house by the daughter of the deceased, Elena.

Although neither Maria nor Lyudmila hid complex relationships, after the death of the actress, her daughter admitted that recent times often mentally talked with the departed mother.

The lawyer of the Gurchenko family, Shota Gorgadze, said that he plans to do everything in his power so that the daughter of Lyudmila Markovna Maria Koroleva is buried next to her mother at the Novodevichy cemetery.

On November 12, Lyudmila Markovna would have turned 82 years old. The life of the actress and singer ended in March 2011.

“We plan to fulfill the will of Lyudmila Markovna's granddaughter. She wants Masha to be buried next to her mother. It is explainable. We will resolve this issue. We will run into some difficulties. The people to whom for so many years I gave my creativity great actress deserves to have her daughter buried next to her,” the lawyer said.

At the same time, the lawyer does not give final guarantees to fulfill the desire of Elena Koroleva. According to him, it will be quite difficult to bury Maria at the Novodevichy Cemetery, since the places here are redeemed in advance and are extremely expensive.

Daughter of Lyudmila Gurchenko, where she is buried, news: why the Queen died

The body of 58-year-old Maria Koroleva was found in the entrance of her own house - according to preliminary data, her heart let her down /

Maria Koroleva survived her famous mother, who died in 2011, by six years. The body of the 58-year-old daughter of Lyudmila Gurchenko was found in the entrance of her house in Moscow - she left the apartment to walk to the clinic, but fell.

An hour later, Maria was discovered by her 33-year-old daughter Elena, called an ambulance, but the doctors only pronounced her dead. According to preliminary data, Maria Borisovna's heart let her down.

We contacted Lyudmila Gurchenko's widower Sergei Senin.

“Yes, they told me that Maria was gone,” he told KP, the website informs the portal. “What happened, I don’t know. I did not contact the daughter of Lyudmila Markovna, we do not maintain relations.

The last time Sergei Senin saw Maria was at the My Lucy exhibition, which was organized by stylist and photographer Aslan Akhmadov in memory of the legendary actress.

At the opening, Sergei Senin and Maria Koroleva talked like relatives, whom they could have been for many years, if not for the conflict between Maria and her mother and the subsequent division of property with her husband, which was very nervous at times.

But Senin and the Queen were able to settle everything amicably. Gurchenko's daughter got her mother's jewelry, valuable fur coats, a dacha near Moscow, half of the money from two sold cars and the cost of a third of the apartment in which Senin and Gurchenko have lived for the past ten years.

The husband of Lyudmila Markovna retained a three-room apartment in the center of Moscow. It will open a museum-workshop of Lyudmila Gurchenko.

On the division of the inheritance of Lyudmila Gurchenko between last husband actresses and her only child Komsomolskaya Pravda wrote in detail. Represented the interests of Maria Koroleva famous lawyer Shota Gorgadze.

“In memory of the great actress, both Sergei Senin and Masha did without courts,” the lawyer reminded KP. - I, as a lawyer who dealt with this case, emphasize that they did not have a dispute. All attempts to imagine that they are in conflict with each other were the machinations of unscrupulous journalists who wanted to make a sensation out of the blue. They were able to resolve all issues through negotiations and dispense with high-profile trials.

No matter how sad it sounds, but mother and daughter found complete reconciliation only after death. In life, their relationship was not easy. As often happens with the children of popular actors, Maria was in second place in the life of her famous mother. The first one always had roles, roles, roles…

Lyudmila Gurchenko and Masha's father, screenwriter Boris Andronikashvili (son of writer Boris Pilnyak), divorced when the girl was only a year old. Until the age of three, she was raised by her grandfather and grandmother, Gurchenko's parents, who lived in Kharkov. Later, her mother took Masha to Moscow.

Masha grew up quiet and withdrawn, completely unlike the screen star Lyudmila Gurchenko, she was not fond of theater and cinema, she chose a very ordinary profession of a nurse. And her famous mother was irritated by a lot in her daughter: the unwillingness to take care of her appearance, to lead a secular life.

Gurchenko did not like the husband whom Maria chose. As many said, it was he who set his wife against Lyudmila Markovna, believing that she should do even more for Masha.

A huge tragedy for the family was the death of 16-year-old Mark, the son of Mary, who died of a drug overdose. Gurchenko blamed her daughter and son-in-law for the death of her beloved grandson.

The last stumbling block was a one-room apartment in the center of the capital. The actress bought this one-room apartment in Volkov Lane for her mother, Elena Aleksandrovna, who settled in it after moving from Kharkov.

After her death, her grandmother bequeathed her to Masha. Maria's family already had a three-room apartment, which Gurchenko bought for them. Lyudmila Markovna was unhappy that Masha's husband set up his office in the odnushka ...

An unpleasant trial for an apartment began, in which Gurchenko won. And after the scandalous trial, Lyudmila Markovna stopped communicating with Maria. They didn't speak for five years.

Then they stopped fighting, but continued their own lives: one - shining on the screen, the other - hiding even from the shadow of the famous mother.

- She is a great actress for you, and for me - my mother, the most sacred thing that I had. I regret that we did not reconcile during her lifetime, ”Maria Koroleva admitted to a KP correspondent this summer.

The actress rested at the Novodevichy cemetery next to Shmyga and Tikhonov

The actress rested at the Novodevichy cemetery next to Shmyga and Tikhonov

Fans greeted Lyudmila GURCHENKO with a standing ovation: when the coffin with the body of the actress was taken out of the Central House of Writers, where the farewell took place, the crowd surrounded the hearse and chanted “Bravo!” for twenty minutes, deafeningly clapping. All the way to the Garden Ring was strewn with flowers. The actress was buried at the Novodevichy Cemetery, next to the graves of the cosmonauts, the star of the operetta Tatiana Shmyga, the actors Georgy Zhzhyonov, Clara Luchko and Mikhail ULYANOV, on the same alley where Vyacheslav TIKHONOV and Rolan BYKOV lie.

The family of the actress decided to refuse the funeral service in the church - to the cries of the fans “Lucy, we love you!” the hearse slowly headed straight for the cemetery. To see off the legend of Soviet and Russian cinema on his last journey, in addition to his relatives, the businessman who organized the funeral went to Novodevichy Alimzhan Tokhtakhunov(Taiwanchik). Actor Alexei Panin helped carry the portrait of the actress. feeling bad Oleg Tabakov did not come to say goodbye to the Central House of Writers, but considered it his duty to come to the cemetery. Oleg Pavlovich was alone, without a wife Marina Zudina. Putting a bouquet of red roses on the grave, he stood for a long time next to his lowered head, and then slowly walked along the path - it was noticeable that the director was very unwell and that he was very upset. Missed the farewell at the Central House of Writers and Dmitry Nagiev who came to the cemetery with a bouquet of carnations after the funeral. Expressing condolences to Sergei Senin, the actor took off his dark glasses and silently stood near the grave.

A solemn salvo was fired over the coffin of Lyudmila Markovna - she was accompanied by a guard of honor of the Kremlin cadets. Nearby, on velvet cushions, lay her awards - the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV, III and II degrees. There are so many flowers everywhere that wreaths could barely fit, which are also quite a few: from the Government of Russia and Moscow, from the Ministry of Culture, from VGIK, where Gurchenko studied, from Kharkiv residents - the artist was born in this city, from colleagues and friends. In the first row - a wreath from the President of the Russian Federation with the inscription "From Dmitry and Svetlana Medvedev". A huge wreath of yellow roses - from Alla Borisovna, on a black ribbon - a laconic phrase: "Prima donna from Alla Pugacheva". For those who came to see Gurchenko off, a large fabric tent was pulled up next to her grave so that they could shelter from the rain and sit. Even after the funeral was over and a photograph of Lyudmila Markovna was installed on the grave, people were in no hurry to disperse, as if not wanting to part with their beloved actress. After the funeral, close artists went to the Turandot restaurant, where a commemoration was organized.

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