Who is the husband of the verbal faith. Glagovoy's last interview about time, family and career

Health 13.07.2019


With her first husband, film director Rodion Nakhapetov, Glagoleva met when she was 18 years old. It was the summer of 1974 outside. Together with her friend, who worked at Mosfilm, Vera came to watch a movie, and after it ended, she went to the buffet. There she was noticed by the assistant director Vladimir Klimov. He invited Glagoleva to a photo test for the film "To the End of the World", which was started by 30-year-old director Rodion Nakhapetov (this was his second directorial work). Glagoleva agreed out of pure curiosity (at that time she was a master of sports in archery and was going to devote her life to sports). In her own words: “Nakhapetov liked me purely outwardly. I had trendy trumpet pants that flared from the hip. I just went with the school to Poland, returned and said: “Everyone there walks on platforms and in such bell-bottoms!” My brother made me trousers and overalls - not super extravagant, but few people had such things. I also wore an unusual haircut for those times with bangs, like Mireille Mathieu (cut by my brother Boris) ... "

Meanwhile, the artistic council did not like Glagoleva's photo tests, and they soon forgot about her. But chance intervened. When the screen tests began, the main character's partner fell ill. She needed a replacement a short time, and there were no free actresses nearby. Then they remembered Glagoleva. I just needed the back of my head to make it clear that it was a girl. And throw some replicas along the way. Next, let's listen to the story of Rodion Nakhapetov himself:

“That day I was betting on an artist, not an artist, and I didn’t care who would play along with the main character, as long as it wasn’t me.

So Vera Glagoleva first appeared in front of the camera. Without thinking, I put her back to the lens, handed her a piece of paper with the text and said:

Just read aloud. You are not in the frame.

I looked at the future hero with all my eyes, hoping to see something interesting. But for some unknown reason, the boy shuddered. His movements became stiff, his voice hoarse. I was in despair. Meanwhile, while I was studying acting, Vera learned her text and began to "throw" it so naturally and easily, as if it was being born in her head that very minute. I praised Vera and brought her into the frame - first sideways, and then facing the camera. Vera's looseness was explained by the fact that she dreamed of sports career and not about the cinematic.

I kept my eyes on the girl. She seemed more interesting to me than at first. And I asked her to play one more scene. She played.

- Good. What if there's one more?

“Please,” she agreed.

- Not bad. What if I give you the hardest scene right now?

- Let's.

I laughed. I liked her confidence, but confidence is not yet talent. The scene was indeed very difficult. I turned on the camera, not counting on success at all.

But as soon as the cracker was taken away from her face, I realized that the scene would turn out. Vera had tears in her eyes. Bitter, childish tears. What was surprising was that, while crying, Vera tried to smile. A strange and touching effect.

“It happens to me too,” she said. - It becomes sad, sad. And you don't seem to need anyone...

When she said this “sad, sad”, I suddenly felt that my heart sank and trembled ... "

As a result, Nakhapetov radically changed his previous decision and took Glagoleva in the lead role. To a large extent, this was facilitated by the sympathy that arose in the director in relation to the girl. When he ran to the film editor (by the way, she was Vera's namesake - Nina Glagoleva), she was even surprised at the enthusiasm with which Nakhapetov began to insist on Vera's candidacy. "Are you in love with her?" the editor asked. The director was confused.

In the end, Glagoleva was nevertheless approved for the role of a girl named Sima, who goes with her lover "to the ends of the world." During the filming of the film, Nakhapetov and Glagoleva began an affair. Moreover, the lovers did not hide their feelings from anyone. It was the second love story 74th year, when the director fell in love with a young actress. The first happened to Sergei Solovyov and Tatyana Drubich. But there the situation was different: he had to be carefully hidden, since Drubich was underage at that time (she was 15 years old). Although Nakhapetov and Glagoleva had an age difference of 12 years, Glagoleva was an adult.

In the summer of 1975, Nakhapetov went to Odessa, where he was to shoot in the film "Slave of Love". Glagoleva went with him.

Rodion Nakhapetov recalls: “Vera and I walked around Odessa. We wandered along the quiet night streets, went down the Potemkin Stairs, went out to the sea. Sometimes Vera cooked, since our hotel had a kitchen. I still remember the sweet and delicate taste of her cheesecakes.

We dreamed of a future life, of her admission to VGIK. Vera read A. Blok in a very peculiar way... There was a strange, as if twilight wandering of intonations and a decadent kink of hands in her reading. Incredible! How could she modern girl, so accurately capture the style and time?

You will do it, no doubt.

- It would be great!

“Yes, but…” my heart suddenly began to beat anxiously, “you will always disappear at the institute. Rehearsals, young guys ... We will meet in fits and starts, less and less, until we part at all. Are you ready to break up with me?

Vera threw herself on my neck:

- No, Rodinka, no, I don’t want to go to college! I don't want to, really!

I was touched.

However, on reflection, I again began to prepare Vera for the exams. Just so that she has a diploma and no one pokes a finger at her.

To be honest, even today I am convinced that the institute would not have made Vera an actress. Because she already was. Faith needed training, practice. But not in the basics. Not in the student bench. By nature, she had the ease of play, which is given to others by many years of work.

Besides, I, her first teacher, intend to help her. After all, we will always be together.

Vera smiled sadly.

- Is always?

“Always,” I repeated.

And, embracing her, he repeated once more:

- Is always.

And really, why not? I have never met a more devoted, purer person than Vera. What am I waiting for? What am I looking for in a woman?

Vera thoughtfully looked at the surf.

“Would you like to be my wife?” I asked.

“Yes,” she said, wandering somewhere far away, in her thoughts. But suddenly it hit her. She turned her head towards me and said:

- Of course!

She said this with such genuine joy, and I felt ashamed that I did not offer it to her earlier ... "

His next film - "Enemies" - Nakhapetov began to shoot already being married. One of the roles in the film - Nadya - was played by Glagoleva. And in early 1978, Vera became pregnant. And on October 14, 1978, on the feast of the Protection of the Mother of God, their daughter Annushka was born with Nakhapetov.

Rodion Nakhapetov recalls: “In those years, the teaching spread that children should be healed by swimming. Putting a cap of ping-pong balls on Anechka, we lowered her into a bathtub filled to the top with water. At first she froze, holding her breath, but soon she got used to it and began to flounder, never choking. We sometimes even left her alone in the bathroom. True, Galina Naumovna (Vera’s mother) tried to “save” the baby from us, but Vera and I were adamant:

She is better in water than in diapers. This is a more familiar environment for her.

By the end of the fourth month, Anechkin's personal record reached forty minutes of free swimming.

The girl quickly got to her feet. Video footage has been preserved where nine-month-old Anya “dances”: staggering on still weak legs, she does funny tricks and tries to bend.

Family life took off.

We settled down new apartment in Bolshoy Tishinsky Lane. Comfortable furniture was brought from Chisinau, where Vera and I were filming (in the film "Suspicious"). Galina Naumovna gave us a German piano. Instead of boring doors, they built an arch. My office began to fill with books, tapes, records.

We often went out of town. Vera loved to wander through the forest and pick mushrooms. Sometimes, sitting in a forest clearing, we began to play football. Vera rushed after the ball with the mischief of a boy. She was always surrounded by friends and girlfriends whom she had known since childhood. But her brother Boris always remained her best friend ...

Our Anya grew imperceptibly.

Before we had time to celebrate her first birthday, Vera became pregnant again.

Wide robes, high expectations...

Brought home. Unswaddled. A real princess on a pea: so small that she could fit in the palm of her hand. I carefully picked her up under the back and dipped her into a tub of warm water.

The image of the daughter, trustingly nestled in the palm of her hand, will never be erased from my memory.

Despite the fact that Vera had already become a mother twice, she looked surprisingly young. No worse than on the first day when I saw her in the corridor of Mosfilm ... "

Meanwhile, Glagoleva starred not only with her husband. In 1977, at the height of filming in Enemies, she played with Anatoly Efros in the film On Thursday and Never Again. Admired by her performance, Efros invited Vera to play the main role in the play "A Month in the Country", which was staged at the Theater on Malaya Bronnaya. Glagoleva was ready to accept this offer, but then her husband, Rodion Nakhapetov, intervened in the matter. He forbade his wife to even think about a theatrical career, arguing that the theater team is terrible morals, intrigues, envy. “They will simply devour you with all the giblets there!” he said to his wife.

Vera Glagoleva recalls: “Now I understand that I acted like a complete idiot: after all, the best theater director in Moscow asks me to think about his proposal, and I mumble that I won’t succeed. He says: “It will work with me ... Maybe Rodion is against it? Well, tell him that I will always let you go on set." But I didn't make up my mind. And then I saw how wonderfully Lena Koreneva works in the play, and I thought: “My God, I wouldn’t have succeeded like that!”

Despite the fact that by the beginning of the 80s Glagoleva was already the mother of two small children, her film career continued to develop successfully. The actress was greatly assisted by her mother, who looked after her granddaughters during her daughter's frequent absences. And sometimes, as was the case in 1981, during the filming of Starfall directed by Igor Talankin, Glagoleva was forced to take both her mother and two daughters with her (the youngest was only 6 months old then).

The last family film by Nakhapetov and Glagoleva (fifth in a row) was the film "Following", which was released on a wide screen in 1985. In 1987, Nakhapetov made the film "At the end of the night", but there was no place for Glagoleva in it (actress Nele Klimene played the main role). By an evil irony of fate, it was this picture that broke their marriage. In 1990, The Fall of the Night was bought by 20th Century Fox Corporation and secured its premiere in the United States. It seemed to Nakhapetov that fate was giving him a great chance to catch on in America, and he left for the States. Naturally, he left his family in the Union, hoping to return later. But life decreed otherwise. Apparently, the relationship in the star couple left much to be desired before, and Nakhapetov's departure only accelerated the gap - after 14 years life together Glagoleva and Nakhapetov divorced. late autumn 1991 in a series Russian newspapers various versions of this event appeared, among which one was most exaggerated - they say that Nakhapetov, being abroad, did not give a damn about his wife with two children and stayed where it was better. On this occasion, Vera Glagoleva spoke in an interview very clearly: “This is some kind of vile gossip, which I don’t remember where it was printed. For this, you can not only fill your face ... "

Nakhapetov later confesses in his book that during his trips to America he fell in love with another woman. It was his companion in the film business, Natalya Shlyapnikova. She is the daughter of Russian emigrants, she lived in America from the age of 12 and managed to achieve a lot there. She worked as a television producer and had numerous connections in the American film business, which was an important matter for Nakhapetov. Arriving in the States, Rodion stayed at the house of Natalia, who at that time had a husband and a 5-year-old daughter. But this did not save the guest and the hostess from the novel. According to Nakhapetov:

“We parted with Natasha only with the advent of night. She went to her bedroom, and I went to my quiet little room. During the day we did not think about each other, there was no time, we were too busy. But as night fell, I began to be haunted by imaginary scenes taking place in the next room, under an exorbitantly high ceiling. I still didn't want to admit to myself that I was seriously interested in Natasha. He explained insomnia by stuffiness, impressions of the day. But my ear alertly caught the soul-tormenting rustles, and I angrily covered my head with a pillow.

I was annoyed by the quiet modesty of Alyosha, Natalya's husband. Why does she love him? For what such merits? Exhausted, I mentally returned to Tishinka - to the place where they love and wait for me ...

Everyday communication with Natasha gradually “melted” business relationships into intimate ones. Everything was going the way we secretly wanted, but when it happened, we were confused, as if thunder had struck out of a clear sky. Every time we persuaded ourselves that we should immediately stop this kind of relationship, we understood that this was a great sin, but we could not overcome our feelings. We were pulled into a whirlpool…”

Alexei, Natalya's husband, turned out to be a completely weak-willed person. When his wife confessed everything to him, he didn’t even throw a scandal, because he was completely dependent on her financially. And when Natasha suggested that he go to sleep in another room, he resignedly agreed. After that, his reputation in the eyes of his wife finally fell, and she filed for divorce. Now she was waiting for the same decisive step from Nakhapetov, but he pulled with a divorce. Because of this, they quarreled several times and even broke off relations. But then they were drawn to each other again.

In the summer of 1989, Glagoleva and her daughters came to America to Nakhapetov. Just for a week. But it was these days that decided everything. Literally from the very first minute, a chill ran between Rodion and Vera. Vera immediately noticed this, but did not show it. She did not want to upset the children, who were crazy about meeting their father and America (especially Disneyland). But it couldn't go on like this forever. Just before leaving, Glagoleva's nerves could not stand it. Nakhapetov writes: “In these last four days, both Vera and I realized that something irreparable had happened. The tension grew. Vera hardly hid tears from the girls, and I tried my best to keep myself busy with work (Nakhapetov was filming a documentary film in America. - F. R.). Only the girls, unaware of the trouble, were truly happy. Finally mom and dad together! .. "

When Glagoleva and her daughters left, Nakhapetov, who was filming in Paris in those days, rushed to draw up documents for leaving for the USA, to Natalya. But at the embassy he was told that the departure was possible only after 21 days. Nakhapetov almost felt bad - three weeks without his beloved! When he nevertheless arrived, she met him coldly: Natalya continued to be jealous of his young wife and children. On this basis, they have repeatedly had scandals, but each time Nakhapetov forgave his beloved her quirks. In his own words:

“My women have exactly the opposite characters. According to the horoscope, Vera is Aquarius, and Natasha is Gemini. One avoids conflicts, the other provokes them. Aquarius is easy, Gemini is difficult. Natasha is carried from side to side, Vera is drawn to stability. Each has its pros and cons. No, Gemini is by no means my favorite sign, but what happened then? What makes me bear Natasha's restless character? Maybe the fact that mom was also a Gemini? Is this ghost of her attracting me? .. "

A few months after visiting America, Glagoleva wrote a letter to her husband in which she dotted all the i's. Here it is:

"Radik! Now I can calmly think about everything, figure it out and write about everything. I have been thinking a lot these days about what happened. Honestly, now I understand, I will only be glad if everything works out the way you want. I always believed in you and now I believe in your luck, but it was strange and insulting for me to hear from you that I could jinx it. You didn't think so when you left (I hope).

But most importantly, I did not expect these words, these reproaches, so it’s not so easy for me to get used to it. Indeed, for fifteen years everything was not so simple for us, there were grievances and quarrels, but there were also good things, and that was what I remembered. And during these months without you, everything was perceived more sharply, and for myself I decided and realized that I was really wrong in many ways. And I believed so much in our meeting, in your love, despite the difficulties that were, and not because you are like a "lever", but because you thought about us, about our family. For me, it is very important, and even the main thing in life, is attitude and communication, if this is not there, then why is everything? Therefore, I am very happy for you, I am glad that you are not a burden, you have already moved away from us, become different, and in a year it will be even more difficult, so be free to choose your future life, I don’t want to be pitied and treated as a heavy burden and as a duty, but you have no other attitude (no longer).

With girls it's a different matter. They will decide for themselves when they grow up, how and what.

I'm very sorry it all turned out this way. Kiss. Faith".

And yet the couple still had a chance to get their relationship back on track. At the time of receiving the letter, Nakhapetov was in another quarrel with Natasha and was in absolute ignorance of how their future relationship would develop. In June 1990, he again called his wife and daughters to America and could restore relations with Vera. At least she hoped so. But on the eve of her arrival, Nakhapetov ... restored relations with Natasha. At the meeting, Glagolev immediately understood this and returned to Moscow with a firm conviction that this was the end. Daughters understood this too. When they flew away from America, the eldest of them, Anya, thrust a letter to her father, after reading which he burst into tears. The letter said:

"Dad! Do you think we are small and do not see or understand anything? Don't forget, I'm almost twelve years old, and Masha is ten. You have to decide who is dearer to you: mom, me, Masha and Kesha or Natasha, Katya and Lucky? If you choose them, know that we will never visit you again.

Your own daughters are Anya, Masha.

Nakhapetov chose Natasha, her daughter Katya and the dog Lucky. In the late summer of 1991, Vera filed for divorce from Rodion. And a few weeks later, in September, he married Natalya ...

After the divorce, Glagoleva, frankly, experienced not the most better days In my life. And she was helped to survive them, firstly, by children, and secondly, by work. In 1990 kind people Glagoleva was offered to try herself in directing, they found money for this business. So the psychological drama "Broken Light" was born, in which Glagoleva acted both as a director and as a performer. leading role(played a young theater actress, dreaming not so much about finest hour his career, how much about the real role).

Then there were changes in the personal life of the actress - she remarried. This time, the successful businessman Kirill Shubsky, who works in the field of shipbuilding, became her chosen one (an interesting coincidence: he was born on the same day as Rodion Nakhapetov - January 21, only much later). Vera met Cyril in 1991, and two years later a girl was born, who was named Nastya. Glagoleva gave birth to her in Switzerland, in Geneva, where they lived for a year. And the onset of the new, 1994, they met the three of them abroad. And they met him ... in the car. Here is how Vera herself recalls it:

“With a one-month-old daughter in our arms, we then traveled from Geneva to Paris. We wanted to get to our hotel before midnight. We have already reached the capital of France and there ... we got lost in the city itself. New Year had to meet in the car. However, we were not upset, the festive nighttime Paris with lights, garlands, fireworks is a fabulous sight. It’s just a little insulting that they didn’t think of taking a bottle of champagne with them to the car ... "

Today, Glagoleva lives with her husband Kirill and her youngest daughter in Moscow, on Stary Arbat. In her own words: “After the divorce from Rodion, my life changed for the better. Definitely. Although I can’t say anything bad, Rodion and I had mutual understanding, we were doing the same thing. But maybe it's even more difficult when two actors live in the same family...

Now I have Cyril. And I can say in one sentence - it seems to me that life has rewarded me. I hope it's deserved. Thank God, we have a daughter, and Cyril is great with older girls ... "

As for Nakhapetov, he lives in America, where he has charitable foundation“To the Heart of a Child”, which provides all possible assistance to children with a sick heart (Nakhapetov also has a congenital heart disease). His wife Natalya Shlyapnikova, the president of the foundation, provides him with great help in this matter.

Nakhapetov has a good relationship with his ex-wife. Their two daughters have already grown up, have forgotten old grievances and meet with their father at the slightest opportunity. For example, Masha, back in 1995, at the invitation of Nakhapetov, studied for a year in the USA, in Beverly Hills. In the late 90s, she entered VGIK, the art department. But then she married an American of Russian origin - Vyacheslav - and moved to him in America. There she received another diploma - a specialist in computer graphics.

Glagoleva's eldest daughter, Anna, graduated from the Choreographic School at the Bolshoi Theater and now works in the troupe of this theater. In February 2004, she gave a long interview to the Sudarushka weekly. Here is an excerpt from it:

“When my sister and I found out that our parents were breaking up, serious passions raged in our souls! But mom and dad, with their characteristic wisdom, managed to “turn everything around” so that an irrevocable distance between us and my father did not happen. Mom never for a moment succumbed to the temptation to take revenge on her father, to forbid her children to communicate with him. And he, although he was in the grip of a new love, did not allow himself to forget that he was our father. Rather, we children gave vent to our feelings. But in the end, the resentment and claims went away, but our love for dad remained. We have quite normal relations with his wife. You see, firstly, a lot of time has passed, a lot of water has flowed under the bridge, and secondly, life has shown that everything eventually turned out for the better. Each of our parents has their own family, they are happy with their halves, which means that we, their children, are also happy ...

We all adore our little sister Nastya. We are now three sisters, and I must say that, despite the significant difference in age (and Nastya and I are fifteen years old), we communicate wonderfully with her. She is - modern child, loves being taken to adult companies, and feels very organic among my friends. With her peers, in my opinion, it’s not so interesting ... "

Despite the fact that Anna graduated from a choreographic school, she also acts in films: she played a role in her father's series "Russians in the City of Angels", played in the film "Upside Down" directed by Georgy Yungvald-Khilkevich, which premiered on TV in December 2003. In early 2004, she began acting in another film by the same director - a musical adaptation based on the works of O. Henry.

In February 2004, Nakhapetov turned 60 years old. He celebrated the anniversary first in the USA, in Los Angeles, and then in his homeland, in Moscow. The celebration took place in the capital's Cinema House. Among those invited were ex-wife hero of the day Vera Glagoleva, who came there, albeit without a gift, but with two daughters (Rodion's current wife, Natalya, was also at the celebration). Nakhapetov's eldest daughter, Anna, performed the Saracen Dance especially for her father.

And two and a half years later, Anna herself played the wedding. It happened on September 2, 2006. Yegor Simachev, the son of the former leading soloists of the Bolshoi Ballet Nikolai Simachev and Tatyana Krasina, became the girl's chosen one. However, the newlyweds met not in Moscow, but in America, when they were students of the choreographic school. Then together they got into the troupe of the Bolshoi Theater, where their relationship continued. This went on for 10 years until Anna became pregnant. And only after that, the young finally decided to cement their relationship in the registry office.

The parents came to the wedding. Glagoleva with her husband Kirill, and Nakhapetov with his American wife Natalya Shlyapnikova (in American - Shlyapnikoff). The celebration took place in the capital's club "Kino". As I. Basenko wrote in the Izvestia newspaper (issue of September 6, 2006):

“The script for the wedding of Yegor and Anya was so “cinematic”. Nakhapetov, Anya's dad, brought souvenir Oscar figurines from America - they were awarded to guests for the best toasts. For unusual congratulations and all kinds of prepared scenes, diplomas were awarded. The role of the traditional toastmaster was performed by the host. And in general, they decided to abandon the usual wedding entertainments - they left only the loaf and the dance of the newlyweds (also, by the way, not “like everyone else” - to the music of Bregovic).

Sister Masha prepared a gift for Anya: a real light and music show. She played the piano, from which a fountain was beating and sparks were pouring - very spectacular. Perhaps one of the most fun moments was the auction. Anina's pointe shoes, Yegor's book and a specially bought movie clapperboard were put up for sale (it turned out to be the most expensive and went to the bride's mother, Vera Glagoleva). Well, and then the newlyweds and guests listened to jazz, watched travesty shows and, of course, danced.”

That same autumn, Vera Glagoleva played another role, but not in the cinema, but in the theater. On the stage of "Snuffbox" in the play "Under the blue sky" she reincarnated as 58-year-old Anna (the first age role of the actress), who twists love with a man (Robert) 20 years younger than her. Just like in real life actresses, where she and her husband are separated by the same age difference.

In April 2007, grief happened in the Glagoleva family - her father, Vitaly Pavlovich, died. He died in a clinic on Rublyovka, where his daughter placed him. The funeral took place on Vagankovsky cemetery. They were also attended by Rodion Nakhapetov, who often comes to Russia (shoots movies here). As he said in an interview with Express Gazeta (April 27 issue, authors - M. Said-Shah, R. Voronoy):

“Vitaly Pavlovich is not only a former father-in-law for me, but, above all, a very dear person. He was a model of an active attitude to life and will remain so in my memory. He was very kind to the family, he was a wonderful grandfather for my daughters Anya and Masha. He adored the girls, but, by an evil twist of fate, he left us just on the day of Mashenka's wedding (this is her second marriage, the first time she married while living with her father in America. - F. R.). But we Masha, of course, did not immediately tell about this, she found out about the family grief later than everyone else. See what happens in life. Everything was mixed up: both joy and sorrow. I flew in from America to shoot the film "Infection", but if there had not been these shootings, I still would not have failed to say goodbye to Vitaly Pavlovich.

Meanwhile, like Anna, Maria married while already pregnant. The child (boy) was born on September 19, 2007. Nakhapetov specially flew to Moscow to be close to his beloved daughter and have time to congratulate her on her first child. Note that Nakhapetov has special feelings for this daughter. Firstly, she is both externally and in character similar to her father. Secondly, she lived with him in America for several years.

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Vera November 22, 1995 81°32'11'' S latitude, 80°32’45’’ W e. The day is good. Sun, light wind, loose snow. It went well: 9 minutes in 9 hours 30 minutes.

We will introduce our today's readers to the biography and work of the famous Soviet actress- Vera Glagoleva. In addition to the characters, she played the role of directors, screenwriters and producer. For her services in the field of cinema, she received the title People's Artist RF.

Vera's acquaintances and friends describe her character in different ways - someone talks about constant whims, others note the ease with which it was possible to build a life. But everyone agrees on one thing - she was quite a talented actress and director. Despite external fragility, Glagoleva was very strong, principled and unpredictable. Those who are familiar with her work still say that she was the most extraordinary on the entire Soviet stage. In addition, Vera Glagoleva was able to show the necessary stamina and strength of will when society was going through a difficult period.

First of all, we will present some external indicators of the actress. It will be of interest to everyone, including those who have just decided to get acquainted with her work. Therefore, exact figures are offered to your attention, in particular height, weight, age. How old was Vera Glagoleva when she died - many viewers who remember the characters of the actress from Soviet times ask.

There is nothing to hide here - the approximate growth of the actress was a little more than 160 centimeters. Most viewers say that Vera had perfect figure- Of course, it is very difficult to argue about this. The artist died in the summer of 2017, and at the time of her death she was 61 years old.

Biography of Vera Glagoleva

The biography of Vera Glagoleva begins in the capital of the USSR, in the winter of 1956. The family of the future artist was far from creativity. Father Vitaly was a teacher like his wife, concurrently Verina's mother, Galina.
When the girl was six years old, the family moved to the city of Izmailovo. After 4 years, the parents go to Germany, and, of course, they take Vera with them. After another five years, the family returns to the capital.

The actress begins to shoot professionally. As a sport, she chooses a bow, and for good reason - in a year she becomes a master of sports. The head of the Glagolev family did not like his daughter's hobbies - he wanted her to become a gymnast. But this did not calm Vera - she loved wrestling and boyish games.

Filmography: films starring Vera Glagoleva

Filmography Glagoleva begins immediately after graduation, in 1974. It is noteworthy that our today's heroine is one of those who made their way into the world of cinema without the required diploma. Then she accidentally saw how the shooting of a new tape was taking place, and the management invited her to one of the roles. She copes with a given character in the film "At the End of the World ...".

Three years later, Vera is again offered to act in films - this time, the tape "On Thursday and Never Again." The director was impressed by the acting of the actress. Therefore, he invites her to his own theater. In the future, Glagoleva regrets her choice - she refused.

The biography of Vera Glagoleva is worthy of writing the scenario of the very fairy tale in which, after betrayal and troubles, a handsome prince suddenly appears and disperses the clouds over the heads of the heroine and her daughters. And then they live happily ever after.


  • Years of life: January 31, 1956 - August 16, 2017
  • Russian
  • Secondary education
  • Married
  • Moscow city
  • Children: three daughters
  • Last occupation: director

Note: this article was written during the life of Vera Glagoleva.

Tale of her life

All fairy tales usually end with the words "And they lived happily ever after." How is it? Nobody tells. According to the life of Vera Glagoleva, you can write a script for the continuation of the fairy tale. In this scenario, everything will be - Lucky case, handsome princes, betrayal and love.

Vera Glagoleva calmly admits that her life is the embodiment of the dreams of many women. What lies at the basis of her success - a series of happy accidents or a great internal, imperceptible to outsiders, constant work on herself, on her life?

As a child, Vera was more like a tomboy in character. She played football, and not just played, but stood at the gate! Seriously engaged in archery, even was a master of sports, played for the youth team of Moscow. Little skinny girl with big eyes dreamed of devoting her life to sports. When she was offered to act in films, she agreed rather out of interest.

Vera Glagoleva agreed to go with her girlfriend to the “closed viewing”, which took place at Mosfilm, because there was practically no other option to watch foreign films at that time. It is unlikely that she suspected that it was fate that was leading her to the cause of her whole life, to her happiness and unhappiness, to the entire subsequent string of coincidences and patterns.

The first love

Rodion Nakhapetov, already a well-known director at that time, simply could not take his eyes off Vera. Perhaps, inviting her to audition, he already somehow understood that this girl would play one of the most important roles in his own life- the role of his future wife and mother of his children. After all, he was much older and more experienced than Vera.

They got married when a little over a year had passed since that first meeting. Vera literally prayed for her husband, an adult, experienced, handsome. They had two daughters - Anya and Masha. Rodion adored his daughters, he tried to spend as much time with them as possible.


Vera Glagoleva and Rodion Nakhapetov lived together for almost 12 years. About two years before the divorce, Rodion had a dream - to go to America and work in Hollywood. But he did not share his plans with his beloved wife. When Nakhapetov first went to America to show his film there, he stayed in Hollywood for only two months.

For some time he returned to Russia, but after that he left for good. When once again Vera came to Rodion in America, he admitted that he had another woman. For Glagoleva, it was like a stab in the back.

But Vera had the wisdom not to interfere in these complex relationships of her girls. They still have a very good relationship with their father. Now, having become quite adult women, they remember this difficult period with gratitude to their mother.

Need to live!

The actress was left alone, on her fragile shoulders was the fate of two daughters. And the dashing 90s were in the yard. As Vera Vitalievna Glagoleva now admits, only work saved her. It was then that the film "Broken Light" appeared. Despite the fact that Vera starred in this film as an actress, it was her first directorial work.

Thanks to her mother, Galina Naumovna, who looked after the girls, the newly-minted director Glagoleva Vera Vitalievna could almost completely devote herself to work, not suspecting that fate was again preparing a gift for her. In 1990, she went to the legendary Odessa Film Festival with her first film in the hope of finding a sponsor for the film to be released. At one of the meetings, she was introduced to a successful young businessman, Kirill Shubsky. Their cooperation in the field of cinema gradually grew into something more.

Second chance

Kirill is eight years younger than the actress. He managed to make friends first with Anya, the eldest daughter of Vera, and then with Masha. Becoming the head of such big family, Shubsky took responsibility for his beloved woman and her daughters. A little later, their joint daughter Nastenka was born.

Today, Vera notes with a little surprise that 25 years have passed since they became husband and wife. Youngest daughter Vera Glagoleva has been living independently since the age of 15.

Nastya is engaged to the famous hockey player Alexander Ovechkin.

The house on Nikolina Gora, where this friendly family lives, is full of warmth and fun, especially when everyone gets together. Calm happiness is so beneficially reflected in the appearance of Vera Vitalievna that no one believes that this year she turned 60 years old. The actress and director does not hide her age, and all the gossip about what she allegedly did plastic surgery, does not even consider it necessary to comment.

Vera does not really like to gather noisy companies; she tries to go to all cinematic parties with her friend Larisa Guzeeva. Vera Glagoleva does not make a secret from her personal life, and she talks a lot about her children Anya, Masha and Anastasia, and shows her grandchildren in all programs. Kirill Shubsky, Vera's husband, takes his wife's fame calmly, speaking of her with tenderness and love.

Unfortunately, the parents of the actress have already passed away. But my mother, Galina Naumovna, managed to take care of her great-grandchildren. Vera's daughters, who practically grew up in their grandmother's arms, remember her very warmly.

Brother Boris Glagolev lives in Germany, despite his technical education, he is now editing documentaries. In childhood, they were very friends, Boris cut his sister's hair, sewed outfits for her. Now they mostly communicate via Skype.

The story of Vera Glagoleva is very similar to the story of Cinderella, who nevertheless found her real prince and lives happily ever after with him.

Rodion Nakhapetov and Vera Glagoleva got married in 1974. In marriage, the couple had two daughters, Anna and Maria. The director spoke frankly about his first wife. According to his recollections, he did not immediately fall in love with Vera Vitalievna.

“I liked her as a type. Then I began to sculpt an actress out of her, carried her away new profession. But at the beginning of the relationship, there were no romantic feelings. Gradually, gradually filmed it in films. Then I began to look at her differently. I was already attracted to her character, behavior ... This is not love at first sight. It was like entering another dimension. Vera has always looked up to me. She was a master of sports in shooting, and I am a master in cinema. I not only shot her, I thought what to think of for her, what role. I was proud - I succeeded, ”Nakhapetov shared.

Vera Vitalievna and Rodion Rafailovich were considered one of the most beautiful and talented couples Soviet cinema. The couple worked together. They took their daughters with them to the shooting, Masha and Anya with early years starred in films. “Of course, we can say that it was a happy period,” said the director.

However, soon Rodion Rafailovich flies to America. He admitted that across the ocean, new horizons in the profession opened up before him. The director left Vera Vitalievna in Russia with two children. At that time, Anna, the eldest heiress, was 12 years old, and younger Mary- 10. Nakhapetov said that he did not think to change Glagoleva. He accidentally met another woman, Natalya Shplyanikoff, an American of Russian origin. At first they communicated only at work, both were married. But feelings took over, passion broke out between Natalya and Rodion Rafailovich. “This man… Natasha burst into my life. I immediately liked her, I liked her businesslike approach to everything, ”said the director.

Vera Vitalievna felt that her husband had another. She wrote him letters in which she hinted that she was not angry with him and was ready to let him go. “If a person does not appreciate every minute together… This is already a crack in love. You doubt whether it is necessary to pull it at all, ”the actress said in an interview.

In 1988, Glagoleva and Nakhapetov divorced. Rodion Rafailovich admitted that the daughters Anna and Maria were very upset by the separation of their parents, they considered dad a traitor. Vera Vitalievna did everything that the children forgave their father, she allowed the girls to fly to visit him in America.

The director shared that he called his ex-wife a few weeks before her death. Vera Vitalievna did not tell her ex-husband about cancer.

“I assumed that she was ill with something serious. For some, indirect things ... The daughters said: “Mom is in the hospital, mom is in the hospital. Yes, I got sick." I remember I was in Moscow in June. I talked to Vera on the phone. I told her: “We haven’t seen each other for a long time. I've lost a lot of weight!" And she replied: "Look at me ... How I lost weight." I had a premonition that a very difficult situation…” – said Nakhapetov.

The eldest daughter Anna informed the director about the death of Vera Vitalievna. The middle one, Masha, was next to the actress in the last minutes.

“Part of my life has gone with her. I did not think that the student would leave before the teacher ... I think this is unfair, it is hard for the children, for us, for Kirill. I did not go into details, I will not ask the children. She was the center of the universe for them. She demonstrated the will to live, her sports base, which never left her,” said the director.

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