Johnny Depp has changed beyond recognition for the next role. how johnny depp lost weight johnny depp lost weight

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He was seen in Berlin, where he enjoyed talking with fans and signing autographs at the Regent Hotel. Depp arrived in the German capital with his group Hollywood Vampires. He was cheerful and smiled widely, but the fans were still very worried about the condition of their pet: for recent times Depp has lost incredible weight..

The other day, Johnny Depp appeared before his fans in Berlin, where he arrived with his musical group Hollywood Vampires. Depp smiled broadly and happily photographed with fans, but he looked haggard and very thin.

The fact that Depp lost a lot of weight was noticed by fans during his recent performance in St. Petersburg as part of the Hollywood Vampires. In a photo with two fans published online, his unhealthy thinness is very noticeable. “My idol looks very sick,” one of the artist’s fans, who saw him on the Internet, signed the picture.

Depp's thinness was also noticed by journalists.

However, otherwise, neither in St. Petersburg nor in Berlin, Depp did not look sick at all. He was cheerful, energetic and cheerful.

Depp, 54, is consistently accommodating to fans, and this time around, he enjoyed taking pictures with everyone.

In Berlin, Johnny spent time with his friend and Hollywood Vampires bandmate Joe Perry of Aerosmith.

The unexpected thinness of Johnny Depp struck his fans in the heart. “Damn it, is it Johnny?” – wrote one of them under the photo of the idol.

The fact that Depp has lost incredible weight was noticed by his fans from the pictures from St. Petersburg, the previous point of the Hollywood Vampires tour.

However, even in St. Petersburg, Johnny remained cheerful and was happy to take pictures with fans.

Before St. Petersburg, Depp traveled to Moscow, where he visited the Mayakovsky Museum. “I am fascinated by your hospitality and happy to approach the genius of Vladimir Mayakovsky,” the Hollywood actor wrote in the museum's guest book.

After the visit, Depp was photographed with one of the employees of the museum. This photo, perhaps, was one of the first ones that aroused concern among fans: according to them, Johnny looks “sick” and “weak” here.

Stylish hat, vintage glasses, slight unshaven hair and a look that "squeals in the chest" ... Johnny Depp, the main macho and buzzer of Hollywood, is too good to retire at 54. The second such charismatic asshole with a lot of talents still to be searched. Actor, musician, film director, producer and just a handsome man - well, how can you not admire him?

Let's remember how handsome Johnny's appearance has changed over the past 30 years. At the end of the article, you will find out why the musician so excited his fans in Russia. Go!





year 2000







year 2012

year 2014





Did you notice it too? Since 2015, old Johnny has noticeably passed. He gained extra weight, sharp cheekbones and a chiseled chin “floated away”. In 2018, the situation worsened.

In late spring, as part of a European tour, together with Alice Cooper and Joe Perry, the musician gave concerts in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Photos of Depp, which appeared on the Web, seriously alarmed fans. The man was haggard and began to look very emaciated. Some fans of Johnny noted that, compared to the actor, the 96-year-old husband of Queen Elizabeth simply has a flourishing appearance.

Of course, there were suggestions about the worst. However, informed fans have reported that the actor is just preparing for the role of a terminally ill man in the film "Richard Says Goodbye", which will be released this fall. If trouble really happened to him, his eminent colleagues from The Hollywood Vampires would not keep silent about it. The artist himself did not comment on the situation.

We really hope that there is nothing to worry about. Everyone who follows knows how devoted he is to acting and how naturally he gets used to the role.

What do you think caused Johnny Depp's sudden weight loss? Write to us in the comments.

Famous Hollywood actor Johnny Depp scared his fans with a painfully emaciated look.

Some time ago, the artist went on tour in Russia. During one of the performances in the capital, the girls threw their bras on him. However, his photos became resonant, which after a while appeared on social networks.

Many pictures show how much Depp has lost weight. Many users have decided that their idol looks tired and sick, as if someone had sucked his life out of him.

Fans decided that he was stressed due to a divorce from his wife and financial problems. However, official representatives of the celebrity have already denied such information. They said that Johnny had to lose weight for the new role, because he will soon have to play a fifty-four-year-old man with cancer.

Johnny Depp, latest news, personal life: Depp lost weight for a new role

It is worth recalling that Johnny Depp is a celebrity of the first magnitude. He has a Golden Globe in his collection, he has been nominated for an Oscar more than once. And his name is in the Guinness Book of Records as the highest paid actor in the world.

As for his personal life, millions of female fans around the world follow her. He divorced his first wife in 1985. As his popularity grew, so did his number of women. However, he loved his freedom too much and valued it.

Depp had affairs with Kate Moss, Winona Ryder and others famous women. In 1998, he met Vanessa Paradis. He loved her so much that he asked her to marry her. After the wedding, they moved to France, where two children were born in the family.

It was the children who made the spouses happy, and peace finally appeared in Depp's soul. However, in 2012 they announced a divorce. The reason for the gap was the actress Amber Heard, with whom Depp became very close while working on the next project.

Three years later they got married. In 2016, Amber filed for divorce after only fifteen months of marriage with a celebrity. The last point in the divorce was set in January last year. While the lawyers were doing business, Depp went on tour with his musical group, according to Therussiantimes.

The divorce process was loud and scandalous. Amber said that her husband had mental health problems, he was jealous of everyone and raised his hand to her. However, the girl made a mistake, she filed for divorce three days after the death of Depp's mother.

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In court, the girl showed a video with a scene of domestic violence, so the police forbade Depp to approach the girl closer than a hundred meters. The stars came to the defense former spouses Depp, who said that Depp never once raised a hand against them.

After the actress received the money, she stated that she was giving the money to charity, to funds to combat domestic violence.

Now Depp is actively interested in the lives of his children. He did not like the fact that his daughter had an affair with Ash Stymest. Lily began dating a divorced man two years before she came of age, which greatly upset her parents.

American actor, film director, musician, screenwriter and producer with his appearance. Having visited the Russian capital with a concert of his group Hollywood Vampires, he made them think that the actor was seriously ill..

Significant changes in appearance for the sake of a new role

They denied the rumors about any disease and reported that changes in appearance actor associated only with the preparation for the role in the new film called "Richard Says Goodbye" (Richard Says Goodbye). According to them, Depp will play a cancer patient 54-year-old professor in it. They also said that the shooting of this film is currently taking place in Vancouver.

The fans exhaled a little, because they were more inclined to the version that the musician had lost weight due to difficult divorce with Amber Heard and the financial crisis.

But they are still worried that such a strict diet would not cause damage to the already elderly body of their favorite actor.

Recall that immediately after the concert in St. Petersburg, while in a car that was moving along Voznesensky Prospekt. It is reported that the car unsuccessfully entered the turn and touched the wall a little. The driver did not stop the car and continued driving.

Photo: EastNews, instagram/nadezdasheslakova, instagram//kurtakatrin

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