Radio presenter Evgeny Yakovlev. Yana Poplavskaya: "little red riding hood" of Soviet cinema

Auto 21.06.2019

56-year-old Sergei GINZBURG last week came out with a new companion - a pretty young lady, fit for his daughter. The girl enthusiastically looked into the director's mouth, the same tried to prevent her slightest desire.

It's been five years since the marriage broke up Sergei Ginzburg and Yana Poplavskaya, who played the role of Little Red Riding Hood in the movie as a child. Together they lived for 25 years, raised two sons.

Now everyone has their own personal life. Poplavskaya, who had a hard time going through a divorce, met a journalist not so long ago Evgenia Yakovleva who is much younger than her. And now she lives with him civil marriage.

For Sergei Vladimirovich, apparently, the search for an ideal companion continues. Immediately after the divorce, he came to all events with the burning brunette Anastasia. Less than a year later, a charming young actress took her place Yana Koshkina, whose fame brought the role of Snezhana in the sitcom "CHOP". But she did not manage to stay close to the director for a long time.

At last year's The Hollywood Reporter magazine party, Sergey appeared arm in arm with another artist - Tatyana Kosmacheva. Many remember her for her role as a schoolgirl Vicki from the TV series "Closed School". During the party, the lovers held hands and hugged incessantly.

And now, next to the loving director, a new beauty has appeared.

My current girlfriend's name is Olya, - said the master. - Wonderful girl! Other details, where and how I met her, thank you, until I tell you. Too early. What other news do I have? Busy with a big project "Sorge", where I am a director. The role of the legendary scout plays Alexander Domogarov. The project was launched a long time ago, but financial problems froze production for almost two years. Filming in Moscow has now ended. We also visited Shanghai, which turned into Japan in the 30s and 40s of the last century, where the scout Richard Sorge headed the Soviet residency.

A great actress, a talented presenter, an amazing mother and a heroic wife - all this is Yana Poplavskaya. Her life was both simple and complex, and happy, and fun, but most importantly - interesting!

Yana Poplavskaya was born on June 28, 1967 in Moscow in the family of an actress (Evgenia Yurievna) and a journalist (Evgeny Vasilyevich). Soon the family broke up, and the stepfather, Vladimir Alexandrov, took up the upbringing of the girl instead of her father.

Although Evgenia was a strict mother, having thoroughly approached the upbringing of her daughter, Yana was still a big hooligan as a child. The girl was friends only with boys, because, as she herself later admitted, it was difficult for her to find contact with mannered girls.

But in the company of boys, the future artist was the main ringleader: they disrupted lessons, sawed the legs of chairs for teachers, jumped from the windows home on a bet and much, much more, for which her parents were repeatedly called to school. Along with mischief, Poplavskaya also possessed remarkable charisma, which manifested itself even at a very young age.

In this regard, at the age of 4 she was invited to filming a movie, but Yana refused. A similar proposal was received again, but already when the girl was 6 years old. This time, the future artist agreed, but the episode with her participation was never published. This greatly upset the little actress and she remembered it for the rest of her life.

Then the girl went to school, and not to some, but to an English gymnasium, the very one where she almost immediately acquired boy friends and began to act hooligans. The girls didn't like her, of course. In addition, they began to tease for "too big mouth and eyes", especially after the film "Vesnukhin's Fantasies" was released on the screen. Yana already starred in the role of a mischievous girl whom everyone did not like, she also felt childish cruelty and, apparently, envy.

However, everything changed when the actress turned 10 years old.

Little Red Riding Hood - Poplavskaya's visiting card

At the age of 10, she played a small but noticeable role in the Taganka Theater. Yana played so well that she did not go unnoticed. Director Yuri Lyubimov turned his attention to the young talent and invited her to star in the film "About Little Red Riding Hood" in the title role.

The director, Leonid Nechaev, had been looking for a performer for more than a year before meeting with Poplavskaya leading role- an active, groovy, lively girl. Many have already passed the tests, but Leonid did not accept a single one - everything was not right. Yes, and he rejected Yana herself, only after seeing her photo. Facial features did not fit, everything was not right!

However, when the director was completely desperate to find Little Red Riding Hood, he nevertheless invited the future celebrity to audition. Poplavskaya, who arrived, sat opposite the eminent director and, not knowing what to do, began to naturally recite nursery rhymes that came to her mind. At that moment, it dawned on Nechaev - this is what he had been looking for for so long! The leading lady has finally been found.

The girl herself was delighted: it was her first serious work in the acting field. In addition, her colleagues on the set were well-known actors at that time, who, to Poplavskaya's surprise, did not treat her like a little girl, on the contrary.

The actors gave her advice and helped as an equal, from which Yana felt like an adult in this children's picture. All the actors and site workers became very attached to the little artist, she became their favorite, and many even worried about her.

The role of Little Red Riding Hood became not only the most beloved for millions of viewers, she also fell in love with Yana herself. The girl that she played on the set was very similar to her - a fidget, with an eternal smile on her lips. In addition, adults, who always tried to help and suggest, made these shootings real school life for a future movie star.

Until now, the woman fondly recalls those events.

Despite the colossal success of Little Red Riding Hood, Yana still did not want to become an actress. She was attracted by another, more precise profession - the profession of a doctor. And although her interest was great, Poplavskaya did not want to refuse the roles offered to her.

So, she played in the film "Vanity of Vanities" directed by Alla Surikova, and only then with her beloved Nechaev in the film "Take a telegram on credit."

Poplavskaya's talent was noted by everyone, and therefore it is not surprising that every year she was more and more overcome by directors with offers to star in their films.

Already being almost in the senior classes of the school, the girl starred in the melodrama " Transitional age”, which was especially liked by both ordinary viewers and critics.

The girl played her “most recent” (at the insistence of her mother) role with Gleb Panfilov in the film “Vassa”. The master of Soviet cinema spent some time to persuade Yana, who was busy preparing for the entrance exams for the faculty of journalism, to star in his film.

This role turned out to be especially good: for one of the scenes, Poplavskaya came up with the idea of ​​pretending to faint and secretly trained to fall “without feeling” naturally, without trying to group or bend her legs.

When, having already learned how to do this, Yana pretended to faint on the set, the whole group was confused: who ran to bring her to her senses, who - to call an ambulance, and who did not understand at all what had happened. When the director realized how great the young artist's game was, he was smitten. It was decided to leave the frame with the loss of Poplavskaya's feelings.

After filming, the girl entered the Boris Shchukin Theater Institute, because she missed the entrance exams for the faculty of journalism and decided to enter the theater anyway. And although at first she was mistaken only for a movie actress, soon everyone was convinced that this was absolutely not the case. She played a lot in the theater and acted in films much less often.

During the 80s and 90s, she starred only in the films Prisoner of If Castle, The Secret of Queen Anne, or The Musketeers Thirty Years Later.

Much later, with her participation, the films “Gloss” by Andrei Konchalovsky and “Decent People”, filmed by her son, Klim, were released.

TV and radio host career

Already in childhood, the girl starred in television programs for children: “Alarm Clock”, “ABVGDeika”.

As she grew in the acting field, the girl more and more often wondered: what should she stop at? She managed to simultaneously act in films, perform in the theater, work in television and radio. It was necessary to decide, and Poplavskaya made a choice in favor of cinema and television.

So, after filming in numerous films, Yana hosted the Videomix program, and after 2010, the Vremechka TV show. She occasionally appeared on screens in serials and even less often in films, paying more and more attention to programs on television and radio.

She also took and takes part in the programs (“Ministry of Culture” and “VIP Limit”) of City-FM radio.

According to the actress, Yana Poplavskaya was awarded the USSR State Prize for the best child role (Little Red Riding Hood) in a television film. However, there is no mention of her in the lists of awardees.

In 2015, she was awarded the prize of the Governor of the Amur Region for humanitarian assistance for families affected by the flood.

In 2017, Yana was awarded the medal "Participant in the military operation in Syria" of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Yana was very lucky with her career, but things were completely different with her personal life.

Her first husband, Sergei Ginzburg, worked on the set and, by a lucky chance, it was there that he met Poplavskaya during the filming of a commercial. And although Yana's parents did not approve of her daughter's choice, she still connected her life with Sergei.

They lived together for a long time, but without marriage: the man talked about the nonsense of marriage, and the actress loved him so much that she did not want to argue with him. Only in 1985, after the birth of their first child, Klim, did they decide to get married. At the same moment, the first unpleasant truth about Yana's chosen one was revealed - he was already married and was already a father. Only a few years later he divorced and married a second time, already to Poplavskaya.

Even after the wedding, the couple rarely saw each other: Yana was busy filming all the time, and Sergey was on tour with the theater. The only thing that united them for short moments of meetings was their son. His parents really loved him and, although they lived modestly, they tried to provide their son with everything necessary. However, Klim alone was not enough to shorten the distance between Yana and her husband.

During the second pregnancy, a terrible thing happened - even the unborn child's heart stopped, and the doctors could not save him. Moreover, they delivered a terrible verdict to Yana - she will no longer have children.

For any woman, the loss of a child will be a terrible blow. Poplavskaya was no exception, literally plunging into a pool of despair before our eyes. Her husband, whom she needed so much in those moments, disappeared in the garage, not giving his wife due attention and care. At the same time, he assured that he still loves her and is also worried about the death of an unborn child, he simply does not show emotions. And Yana believed.

After a year, despite the verdict of doctors, the woman became pregnant again. This pregnancy was ordeal for Poplavskaya: she had to take pills to save the child, and in the last stages of pregnancy she had to go to the hospital. There was still a great risk of losing the baby, and then the woman ordered the doctors: “Cut me, but save my son!”. The husband demanded otherwise.

Fortunately, both mother and son were saved, but not the marriage of Poplavskaya and Ginzburg.

The second son, Nikita, constantly required special care, slept extremely poorly and constantly cried. Yana was left alone with her problems - her husband did not help her at all. Sergei excused himself by being busy at work, but there was no money in the family. The actress herself could not act, because during pregnancy, taking hormonal pills improved a lot. But there was nowhere to go.

Quickly bringing herself into shape, the actress again went to work, forgiving her unlucky husband for the next, almost the last time.

The last nail in the coffin of their marriage was the appearance of Sergei's mistress. Yana found out about this by chance, from colleagues who were embarrassed to know these details and work together with Poplavskaya. They were not disgusted, but they were incredibly sorry for the artist, who suffered so much for recent times. Finally, after many years of marriage and living together, the actress stopped engaging in self-deception and put her husband out. Later, the whole country will learn about the difficult divorce process, which turned into a scandal and mutual accusations through the media.

No matter how difficult the divorce was, Poplavskaya was glad for him, she literally felt how she was freed from the extra burden in her life, which had been pulling her to the bottom for 25 years.

In 2015, the woman met radio host Yevgeny Yakovlev, and after that an affair began between them, which turned into life together. Eugene is 12 years younger than his chosen one, but this does not bother him or Yana in the least, and in the near future they plan to get married.

Interesting facts about Yana Poplavskaya

At the end of the filming of "About Little Red Riding Hood", Yana Poplavskaya, as a gift from the director Leonid Nechaev, received her heroine's headdress. And the voice of Little Red Riding Hood during the performance of her famous song does not belong to Poplavskaya, but to the young Olya Rozhdestvenskaya (whose mother sang the part of the She-Wolf).

Not so long ago, Yana Poplavskaya began teaching at the Faculty of Journalism at Moscow State University.

The actress refused many films in which she was offered to act, arguing that she did not want to become an actress of "shooters" and thoughtless films. After her wonderful roles in the cinema, it was either necessary to return with something amazing, or not to return at all.

For some time she played in the Sovremennik-2 theaters, the Stanislavsky Theater and some creative workshops.

Initially, she did not want to act in the film "Vassa", because her mother insisted on entering the journalism faculty. However, when Evgenia found out who exactly was inviting Yana to act, she began to beg her daughter to accept the offer. It didn't take long to persuade Poplavskaya.

As a child, she wanted to become a neurosurgeon, but her grandmother, who had previously taught her the basics of first aid, dissuaded her from this venture.

By the way, the ability to suture Yana came in handy: so she sewed the hamster's ear torn off by the cat back.

Yana Poplavskaya now - latest news

On the this moment Yana Poplavskaya actively participates in radio and television programs. Now she is already more of a host than an actress, although sometimes she accepts offers to star in short films or small roles.

In 2013, Zhenya organized a collection humanitarian aid for families affected by floods in the Amur region.

Recently, a woman has appeared on screens in the programs "Conspiracy Theory" and "Instagram".

It is also known that Yana and her chosen one, Eugene, are planning a wedding, and also dream of common children.


Despite all the difficulties that Poplavskaya had to go through in her entire life, now, according to her, she is absolutely happy. The woman not only built a wonderful career, but also raised two sons and finally found her love and her man!

Today, June 28, the popular actress Yana Poplavskaya celebrates her anniversary. The artist is 50 years old. By the round date, Yana came up with a solid baggage: she is successful in her profession, leads her own column, acts in talk shows, and raised two sons.


However, in 2011, Poplavskaya divorced her husband, director Sergei Ginzburg, after 25 years of marriage. However, she was not alone for long. Now Yana is happy with radio host Evgeny Yakovlev, who is 12 years younger than her. For two years they have been living in a civil marriage, but soon they intend to formalize the relationship.

“We are planning a beautiful wedding celebration, we just need to prepare more. But this is a settled issue. And honeymoon trip will be too. I love making surprises," Yakovlev said.

The lovers live in Yana's apartment. She lives in the same apartment with them younger son Nikita. On weekends, Yakovlev's five-year-old daughter from a previous marriage comes to visit. By the way, Eugene immediately made a reservation that he divorced not at all because of Yana. And the difference in the age of lovers does not bother.

Posted by Yana Poplavskaya (@the_yana_poplavskaya) Feb 27, 2017 at 6:21 AM PST

Information appeared on the Internet that Poplavskaya was expecting a baby. Yakovlev commented on this post. "No. This is not true," the Komsomolskaya Pravda website quotes Yevgeny Yakovlev. However, the man admitted that they dream of common children.

Journalists contacted the birthday girl herself. They found her at the airport. Poplavskaya admitted that she was very lucky with civil husband. Yana intends to arrange a celebration in honor of the anniversary. "We love to gather friends. We will definitely note, we will sit somewhere. And gifts are not so important!" - Yana Poplavskaya is convinced.

The unwritten rule that a wife must be younger than husband, for these girls from show business, an outdated truth. The stars are getting married one after another. But if before there was an opinion that a young husband is the lot of accomplished ladies who are no longer looked at by their peers and older gentlemen, now young hearts are also winning over “youth”. The trend was set by pairs of 41-year-old Tina Kandelaki and 30-year-old Vasily Brovko, 39-year-old Ekaterina Klimova and 31-year-old Gela Meskhi, 39-year-old Anfisa Chekhova and 36-year-old Guram Bablishvili.

2 year difference:

Ekaterina Varnava and Konstantin Myakinkov

Most Effective Participant comedy woman I have been looking for the man of my dreams for a long time. After parting with a colleague in the project, Dmitry Khrustalev, many claimed the hand and heart of the languid beauty Ekaterina Varnava. But only one was able to do it. A handsome young man began to appear more and more often in photographs on Catherine's social network. It turned out to be a dancer from Penza Konstantin Myakinkov. Ekaterina was tired of hiding and admitted that she not only received a ring from her lover, but also Wedding Dress chose. And a few days ago, information was leaked that 32-year-old Barnabas and 30-year-old Myakinkov quietly signed. Moreover, they openly wear wedding rings to secular parties.

12 years difference:

Yana Poplavskaya and Evgeny Yakovlev

The famous Little Red Riding Hood recently celebrated its 50th anniversary. But everyone congratulates Yana Poplavskaya not only on her birthday, but also on her upcoming wedding. The actress is happy in a civil marriage with the 38-year-old radio host Vesti FM and Mayak, and soon Yana and her young lover Evgeny Yakovlev plan to legalize relations in the registry office. Six years ago, the artist and TV presenter divorced the father of her sons - a 25-year marriage with director Sergei Ginzburg fell apart due to her husband's infidelity. Yana met Evgeny Yakovlev when the family could no longer be saved. At the same time, Yakovlev also made the decision to divorce. And they went headlong into a new joint relationship only two years ago. Today they cannot imagine life without each other - the age difference for Yana and Evgeny does not matter.

6 years difference:

Pelageya and Ivan Telegin

To learn something about the last year and a half of the life of a performer of folk songs and romances of her own composition is worth a lot of work. Previously, Pelageya Khanova was everywhere: touring with a full house, participating in popular television projects and mentoring in the children's and adult "Voice". But her relationship with 25-year-old CSKA hockey player Ivan Telegin changed her life. For the sake of the singer, the athlete left his pregnant wife, and Pelageya completely focused on creating new family: she is not on social networks, she does not give concerts, she left the Voice, does not give interviews and has not updated her personal website for almost a year. Pelageya and Ivan played the wedding in secret from numerous fans, and in January 2017, the singer gave birth to a daughter, Taisiya. She also modestly celebrated her 31st birthday last week. Happiness loves silence, and the age of the spouses does not matter to him.

12 years difference:

Irina Toneva and Alexey Birzha

The soloist of the "Factory" Irina Toneva has been singing in the group for 15 years, and during this time VJ Yury Pashkov managed to visit her companions, then the soloist of the Band'Eros group Igor Burnyshev. The first did not work out, the second married another, and Irina was able to keep the name of the last chosen one a secret for a long time. And just as imperceptibly, without glossy covers, the singer managed to get married. Her husband was a dancer from Kharkov Alexei Birzha, performing under the pseudonym Alex Soul. The husband is everywhere next to his half: they are together even on tour. And in his free time from the life of the "Factory", Alexei works as a choreographer at a dance school and is engaged in producing in a recording studio. At the end of June, the "manufacturer" celebrated her 40th birthday, and her husband turned 28 years old.

6 years difference:

Elena Vaenga and Roman Sadyrbaev

At the beginning of the year, one of the singers most beloved by the public celebrated her 40th anniversary as a married woman - on September 30, 2016, Elena Vaenga officially married for the first time. The singer's chosen one was a Krasnodar drummer from her musical group - five years ago, the couple had a son, Ivan. Relations with 34-year-old Roman Sadyrbaev were kept secret by Elena, her relatives and fellow musicians. And only shortly before the wedding, Elena let it slip - she published a photo with Roman on the social network, where she called him the father of her baby. The six-year age difference Vaenga does not care at all, because from the man of her dreams, who has success and a decent fortune, she needs nothing but love.

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