Nonna Grishaeva's husband is a jeweler. Nonna Grishaeva: "Who is younger, me or my husband is a big question"

the beauty 21.06.2019
the beauty

The star of the First Channel show “Big Difference”, actress Nonna Grishaeva, gives the impression of a carefree, laughter-beauty in public.

(Kazan, March 19, "Tatar-inform"). The star of the First Channel show "Big Difference" gives the public the impression of a carefree beauty-laughter.

It would seem that everything is fine with the most popular actress in her personal life: her young husband, actor Alexander Nesterov, two wonderful children, daughter Nastya from her first marriage to actor Anton Derov, and son Ilyusha. The last two years after a sharp rise in her career, the actress often gives interviews. And until recently, only joy and gratitude were read in Nonna's stories about the family. After all, the actress does not hide: before she met her beloved husband, she had to go through a series of serious trials. Poverty in the first, still student marriage with actor Anton Derov, betrayal of the second civil husband(the beloved person of the actress was taken away by her best friend, and Nonna was very seriously worried about this blow of fate).

Recently, the actress exudes confidence. And it seemed that she had overcome all adversity. However, recently the actress admitted to friends that she is going through a difficult family drama. Her ex-husband, artist of the Mossovet Theater Anton Derov, does not pay child support for their 13-year-old Nastya and avoids meeting with the child. A teenage girl needs attention now more than ever own father, but Nastya sees dad no more than twice a year.

Recall that she broke up with her first husband after seven years of marriage. The actress has repeatedly admitted in an interview with reporters that she filed for divorce due to the fact that Derov had problems with alcohol. Anton himself also did not deny in an interview with KP that he drank heavily.

Now Nonna and Anton have new families, Derov recently had a son Ivan, but for some reason the actor does not want to devote time to his daughter Nastya, which offends Grishaeva. He actually abandoned his daughter. “Anton meets with our daughter extremely rarely - once or twice a year,” the actress shared with KP. - Recently, however, he came, brought her a computer, talked. That's all the father's participation.

The “father” is indignant at such statements by Nonna: “I don’t understand why they ask me about this all the time! Nonna Grishaeva has not been my wife for many years. What to prevaricate: I rarely see my daughter, ”Derov confirmed the words of his ex-wife. - We live in different ends Moscow, and sometimes we need to spend at least two hours to get to each other. Mass of reasons. The worries of life are piling up. Yes, Nastya and I see each other infrequently. But I think that at this age this is a normal relationship. my eldest daughter from the first marriage will be 17 years. She does not live in Moscow. And we get to see her much less often. ”

Recently famous actress Nonna Grishaeva, together with her daughter Anastasia (21 years old) and 10-year-old son Ilya, took part in the show of the new collection of the NASHE brand. The children of Nonna Grishaeva paraded down the catwalk in fashionable looks, and after the show, the actress shared with readers of tips on raising children, talked about family and fashion.

- Nonna, you said that you radically revised your views on life priorities, is that true?

This is true. In my youth, a career was in the first place for me, I literally lived with my creativity. But already a long time ago, with the birth younger son Ilya, I managed to correctly prioritize. Career rapidly went uphill - success, high-profile projects, fame. Now my family is the most important thing in my life.

- What advice can you give to women who are unable to combine caring for the family and building a career?

Advice one - to find the golden mean. Of course, in order to continue pursuing a career, you need a grandmother or a good nanny, but you should not forget that no one will ever replace a mother for a child. You need to find time, days, hours, weeks to be with your child. It is incredibly difficult for me, with my crazy busyness, but I adjust the schedules of filming and performances for the holidays of the children, which gives us the opportunity to spend everything free time together.

- How did you meet your husband?

My daughter from my first marriage, Nastya, and I went to the children's New Year's performance of the Quartet I Theater, where my future husband Alexander Nesterov played the role of the Little Bear. It was the day we met. We began to communicate, but there was no thought of any romance. Just a sincere person, without falsehood, kind, sympathetic, with a wonderful sense of humor, became my friend.

We have developed an absolutely trusting relationship, we often called up, chatted a lot, Sasha came to visit Nastya and me. But I did not take it seriously - unlike Sasha. We went on vacation to Thailand and it was there that we realized that we love each other. Soon Sasha proposed to me, giving me a beautiful ring with an engraving: "From Nesterov with love!". So we got married. The wedding, at the request of Sasha, took place in the center of Prague.

- Your husband is 12 years younger than you. Didn't that bother you?

To be honest, in the first couple it was very embarrassing for me, it brought discomfort to our relationship. But now all the complexes have passed, and this is Sasha's merit. He often says that I act like a 25-year-old, so who is younger than whom is another big question.

Alexander Nesterov and Nonna Grishaeva in the theater at the premiere of the musical "Inspector General"

You are currently participating in theatrical performances Alexandra, they came to the fashion show with their children. Do you find it easy to work with family members?

We are very comfortable working together. With Sasha we understand each other perfectly. My husband has just premiered the new musical comedy "The Inspector General" at the theater. I dropped everything and was with him for two weeks. She helped, supported, gave advice and was just there. We have absolute mutual support and understanding, which helps a lot. And participating in any projects with Nastya and Ilya is a pleasure for me.

- And how do children treat each other?

Nastya and Ilya get along well, help each other, they still have common interests, despite a ten-year age difference. And we have a sincere and trusting relationship with our daughter and son. We speak frankly on any topic, we are always in touch, even at a distance we call each other "a hundred times". I believe that parents should participate in every possible way in the lives of children and help them in everything - in the fulfillment of their desires, in the development of their talents. But it is important to know the measure and not impose your opinion.

Graduation exhibition in London: Pushkin, "The Golden Cockerel", costume of the Queen of Shamakha

- What are your children interested in?

Surprisingly, both of them discovered the ability to draw. Ilyusha is passionate about painting and playing the saxophone. And Nastya, having graduated with honors from art school, studied at a college in Cambridge, graduated from the University of London, faculty of illustration and graphics. She will have to make a choice where to subsequently realize her talent: to become a designer, a theater artist or work in an animated film. My daughter recently returned to Russia and now, finally, we all live together in a country house.

- The childhood of your children goes the way you wanted?

Yes, it was with our move out of town. Country life is such happiness when your children breathe fresh air, spend time not on the couch with a gadget, but in active games. In addition, an absolutely amazing school was found for Ilya near our house. A child says every day: "Mom, thank you for this school!", but for me it's like a balm for the soul. By the way, school in my own childhood is my nightmare, I hated it with all my being. The words "physics", "mathematics" caused extreme disgust.

- Does your husband take part in raising children?

Of course. Sasha is an amazing father, he is very kind to children, I was surprised that in his young years he has such a developed fatherhood instinct. We adhere to a single policy in education, and, it seems to me, we have very good results.

- Formulate the basic principles of raising a child.

These are the principles of my heroine in the play "Lady Perfection" - you need to be strict, but kind. This very clearly characterizes me as a mother.

- What should parents do if raising a child does not bring the desired results?

In no case should you raise your hand to the child, I think this only starts the reverse process. With anyone you can agree, find a common language, you can always explain why this or that is impossible or bad. You need to deal with the child, read books to him, and not give him a gadget to get rid of for a while and go about his business. You need to understand that all this will come around with such force in the future that it’s even scary to imagine.

What would you like to protect your children from?

Now is such a difficult time ... I want to protect my child from everything that can bring harm, from unwanted acquaintances, anger.

Nastya listens to me very much. She will always ask my opinion about what to buy from clothes, because she knows that her mother has good taste. We often go shopping with the whole family: we choose clothes, we consult what suits whom, in general, we have fun.

- Is shopping for a woman the best therapy?

Definitely the best for me personally. In a good store, I can spend eternity.

- Are you a connoisseur of brands or do you prefer stylish clothes regardless of the brand?

I prefer exclusive clothes, original cut, tailoring, mostly models of Russian designers. I have a lot of such clothes, and without these things my wardrobe is not a wardrobe. It is important for me that the clothes that I buy are only mine.

At social events, you can often be seen in elegant dresses that emphasize your beautiful figure. In everyday life, do you prefer to always look perfect or can you let yourself be cozy, in comfortable clothes?

Of course, I also wear comfortable clothes, but they must certainly be beautiful and of high quality. And I apply this rule not only for myself, but for the whole family.

- Is it possible to say that after 45 life is just beginning? What is your beauty secret?

I don't have it. I do yoga, eat separately, dance always and everywhere - that's all the secrets. As for my inner state, I like the way I look, feel and think much more now than when I was 20 years old.

Photo from the personal blog of the actress

Comment on the article "Nonna Grishaeva: "Who is younger, me or my husband is a big question""

If at the first call the husband runs to his daughter or son and wife on the side, it seems like she doesn’t exist, so the husband still has a wife or not. And why does a wife need such a husband. It turns out that she seems to be married on paper, but in reality she is alone. ...

MOTYUZ under the guidance of Nonna Grishaeva. It's a balcony, the seats are comfortable. The story is wonderful. Place - MOTYUZ under the guidance of Nonna Grishaeva. I will attach 2 tickets to "Lady Perfection" for March 11 at 12-00.

Lady Perfection with Natalia Bystrova or N. Grishaeva Magic musical performance 7+ at the MOTYUZ theater [link-1] tickets for 1100 (instead of 1500 at the box office) you can order other denominations on April 9, at 12.00 and Good afternoon! MOTYUZ under the guidance of Nonna Grishaeva.

Discussion of adoption issues, forms of placement of children in families, raising foster children, interaction with guardianship, training in I had a girlfriend at the institute, half a gypsy (by mother). She lived with her father (Russian), mother lived with a camp and a new husband - children.

Discussion of family issues: love and jealousy, marriage and infidelity, divorce and alimony The husband looks at the thin ones. there was an affair with a girl of my age, but she is tall. In my opinion, the author suffers most of all that that lady has a husband - an oligarch, but the author, apparently, does not.

"Husband is much older." Serious question. About his own, about a girl's. Discussion of questions about the life of a woman in the family, at work, relationships with men. I know that there are those who have a much older husband. I have a question - is there an age that you are afraid of?

PR for children / results of PR. Adoption. Discussion of adoption issues, forms We do not have information about the health of children and information about their relatives, because this Section: PR for children / PR results (children for adoption, Smolensk region photo).

Nonna Grishaeva: "Family is understanding!" How not to get annoyed with your own child when his hormone "plays"? Can you raise your hand to children? What to do with the jealousy of the older to the younger? And how to alleviate the pain of the baby when the parents divorce?

Nonna Grishaeva and musical talent.. Music, books, TV, movies. About his own, about a girl's. I didn’t see a discussion of questions about the life of a woman in a family at the PPH today, but in general I like Grishaeva, she is talented :) especially in Big Difference, she parodies great ...

my husband was 7 years younger, they parted completely not because of this ... My husband is 7 years younger than me. When I got married I was 28, he was 21. I chose him because he was more responsible and wiser than the men around me, we had common interests and hobbies.

Discussion of questions about the life of a woman in the family, at work, relationships with men. she began to do facelifts later, and did it once every five years. therefore, at the age of 70, the mask turned out. but the nose was made in young age. you can look for her old photos...

Section: Fathers and children (how I remarried with a child from my first marriage). I see genuine interest on his part, as a mature man who wants to have a family, a child, and on the part of his son, who does not see male attention in his own house ...

The fate of the runaway men. Fathers and Sons. Family relationships. It’s interesting, using examples from life - is it true that life (fate, fate, karma) punishes men who left their wife with a child (children, pregnant) without any moral and material support?

Black children. - get-togethers. Adoption. Discussing adoption issues, forms of placement of children in families, raising foster children, interaction with guardianship, education in d.d. Did anyone meet black children? I want to adopt these. I live in Moscow.

Former spouses. Incomplete family. Raising children in an incomplete family: divorce, alimony, communication, ex-husband, ex-wife. Section: Former spouses. child and new wife ex-husband.... That's interesting, reading the answer from ex-wife I caught it on the bottom top...

Sexual relations: love and sex, husband and wife, lover and mistress, contraception, family. It may be stupid, but I constantly bother: my husband was a virgin before me. He is a chic lover, and therefore I bother even more, but I don’t expect, I don’t expect betrayal ...

Discussion of family issues: love and jealousy, marriage and betrayal, divorce and alimony, relations between relatives. I do not want to look OLDER than my husband, who will also be unpleasant. I want to be a smart and beautiful woman.

Old or young. Two men love me: one is 2 years younger than me, and the other is 20 years older. Age, by and large, means nothing. And that means the questions that come with Therefore, a young lover gives her more pleasure than a peer or ...

This is hardly suitable for a young couple, especially if there is a small child. I think this is a very good idea. Or I also gave someone an example: you can go to the store and buy a new blouse, or you can knit it with your own hands, going through thousands of loops.

Famous actors quite often flash on TV screens, taking part in major television projects. Due to their psychology, many people do not understand what is so unique about this artist that he always catches the eye, no matter what movie, channel you turn on. And it seems that becoming an actor is as easy as shelling pears, it is enough to have the necessary acquaintances, money. And not many will think that a person has overcome many difficulties before becoming what he is now. A striking example of this is Nonna Grishaeva.

The popular artist of Russia met a lot on her way, built a successful and prosperous career with her own efforts. There is some special spirit in it that makes you move on, not sit in one place and rely only on own forces. And, probably, this was facilitated by a wild desire to achieve something in this life, to show and prove to yourself, parents, people around you that with the help of perseverance you can reach many heights.

On one of the hot July days in 1971, baby Nonna was born. Odessa was her hometown, where the girl lived for many years. Grishaeva's parents were from the most ordinary, average family and tried to raise a child according to the rules of morality and kindness.

From early childhood, after the five-year-old Nonna appeared in the movie "Photos on the Wall", playing a small role, she had a burning desire to become an actress. Cherishing her dream deep in her soul and hoping that life would turn out that way, the girl was able to try herself in the creative field. Ten-year-old Nonna performed one of the main roles of the production on the stage of the Odessa Theater.

The girl in life was very active, graceful, gentle and, in addition to a serious attraction to acting, she had a hobby - ballet. She diligently attended classes at the ballet school and lessons in music school. However, I knew right away that I would not want to do any of this throughout my life.

After graduating from 11 classes of school, Nonna gathered her courage and went to the capital to start fulfilling her childhood dream. Thanks to congenital creativity and charisma, the girl was immediately accepted into the Shchukin school.

The mother could not believe that her child had grown up and would be able to cope with the difficulties of adult life on her own, so she opposed studying in Moscow and forced Nonna to return to her hometown.

There was nowhere to go, and Grishaeva Nonna entered the local music school in the hope of developing her vocal abilities and becoming a singer in the future. But she did not even plan to give up her dream. Rallying with classmates, Nonna became part of the theater group, with which she went on tour to Moscow a year later.

The production of "The Princess and the Pea", with which the guys came, fell in love with the audience and in connection with this it was played 53 more times. Feeling that unreal theatrical energy, seeing the emotions of the audience, Nonna decided by all means to achieve her studies at the Shchukin School. Long talking with her parents on this topic and convincing them, the girl still managed to leave for Moscow and try her luck.

At the school, Nonna was recognized immediately and transferred to the third year. Studying was easy, because the girl experienced pleasure from what she was doing. But the years of perestroika brought with them severe financial difficulties. The mother, when she could, sent parcels of food to her daughter, which were enough for a maximum of 3 days. To overcome the hungry times, Grishaeva goes to work in the television show "Oba-na", which brought her the necessary experience and the first crumbs of popularity.

The beginning of a creative career and the first successes

After successful completion Shchukin School and the popularity that the Oba-na project brought to her, the girl immediately began to receive serious offers. She was given work at once by three large theaters: Lenkom, Satyricon and the Vakhtangov Theater. The choice fell on the Vakhtangov Theater, where the aspiring actress took part in her first productions: “A Place on Earth”, “First Strike”, “Countess de Monsoro”.

The theater gave Grishaeva the opportunity to constantly try herself in new images, hone her acting skills. So Nonna appeared in the performances "The Tricks of Scapin", "Princess Turandot", "Alibaba and the Forty Thieves".

The brightest film roles

After participating in theatrical productions, Nonna Grishaeva began to receive proposals for filming a movie. Her first experience in this field began with the films "Silver Lily of the Valley", "Aziris Nuna", "Election Day", "Radio Day".

Interesting! The brightest and most memorable role was played by Nonna Grishaeva in the film What Men Talk About. This film clearly shows what thoughts visit our men, what is generally going on in their heads. And as it turns out, having gathered a purely male company, cars, money, work go by the wayside.

The leading position is occupied by conversations about the beautiful, female half, about fantasies and problems of family life. And the continuation of the history of men is reflected in the film “What else do men talk about”, in the filming of which Nonna Grishaeva also took part.

Russian New Year's comedies are especially popular among TV viewers. Grishaeva also starred in one of these. "New Year's Tariff" shows an ordinary life with troubles and makes you believe that even in moments when there is no place for a miracle to come from, it can happen. So adults, in whom faith in magic has faded, feel like little children and believe in a fairy tale.

In the theatrical sphere, the most serious work, which was warmly received by the audience, was the production of Mademoiselle Nitouche. Everyone said that the main role in this performance was as if specially intended for Nonna Grishaeva. She coped with it so flawlessly that proposals for cooperation in various fields poured in.

Success in television series

The actress actively appeared not only on stage, but also on TV screens. The series “My Fair Nanny”, “Lyuba, Children and the Factory”, “Who is the Boss in the House” were among the first.

Although they were broadcast on major TV channels and were in great demand, popularity came in 2008, when Grishaeva was offered to take part in Daddy's Daughters.

An interesting series that tells about the life of a father who alone brings up as many as five daughters and independently copes with the difficulties of education. Nonna Grishaeva played the role of a prodigal mother who, having lived in Canada with a famous hockey player, decides to return to her family and catch up on her years of absence.

After successful filming in television series, the actress decides to try her hand at television. The producers of the show welcome her with open arms, offering her participation in various major projects. The first work fell on the entertainment show "Big Difference" on Channel One. Nonna Grishaeva was a real parodist, realistically appearing in the images of popular show business stars.

Grishaeva was not afraid to launch something of her own, so her own show “Nonna, come on!” appeared, in which she showed her incredible talent for disguise. The comedy project conveyed the main idea - a woman can always get out of this or that situation.

Nonna Grishaeva also managed to be the TV presenter of the Two Stars program, sharing this pleasure with ambitious Dmitry Nagiyev.

Awards and recognition

Such a talented actress has many awards: the winner of the "Best Female Tandem" award, the winner in the nomination "Best Actress on Television", which Grishaeva received for participating in the TV series "Daddy's Daughters". This major project brought many more awards: the winner of the "Woman of the Year 2009" award, the victory in the "Favorite Actress" nomination of the popular "TV Star" award. Also, Nonna Grishaeva was awarded the status of the most beautiful woman in 2011.

Studying at the Shchukin school was over and Nonna decided that it was time to arrange her personal life. In the same year, she married Anton Derov, who was a musician and artist by profession at the same time. But family life did not bring happiness. Grishaeva is expecting a daughter, rejoices and thinks that raising a child will somehow unite the spouses. But this did not happen, and the marriage broke up.

The actor Alexander Nesterov helped to cope with the difficulties after the divorce, and then Grishaeva realized that this was the love of her life. Nesterov surrounded Nonna and her daughter Nastya with attention and care, personified a real man who is able to listen, protect and lend his shoulder in difficult moments of life. In 2006, the wedding took place, and a little later, the son Ilya was born.

A little later, Dmitry Isaev, a young actor who took part in joint projects with Nonna Grishaeva, began to show signs of attention. So the romance began, which was discussed very vigorously in the media. Nonna and Dmitry did not give any comments, but continued to appear together at social events.

Alexander Nesterov loved his wife so much that he was able to overcome the insult and forgive Nonna Grishaeva. Love and care returned to the family again.

Nonna Grishaeva shared that her weakness is plants. When a free moment appears, she is engaged in flowers and trees, thus resting and gaining inner peace.

The actress does not believe in friendship between women and admits that she has never had a best friend.


Nonna Grishaeva is not only a talented actress, but also a good mother. Family and children will always be at the forefront for her, because this is what makes life worth living. Artist with special attention takes care of his appearance. Looking at her photographs, many are wondering: how old is Nonna Grishaeva? And this is the most important indicator that youth can be preserved if you carefully monitor your health.

AT candid interview Olga Kashneva, teacher of the experimental theater class at the Odessa school number 37, who brought up such famous actors as Irina Apeksimova, Tatyana Lyutaeva, soloist of the Ivanushki Internatipnal group Kirill Turichenko, spoke about her favorite student, Nonna Grishaeva.


"Nonna Grishaeva came to enter the theater class - modest, very modest, with a scythe to the very hem. Pure sparrow! She sang a song and announced:" Saint-Saens. "Dying Swan!" She kicked off her shoes, turned her back and walked and walked, at the turn she threw her pen behind her head, pulled out a pair of hairpins, and her hair covered her with a raincoat. Once she came up with a role for herself to play in a humorous performance where there were no young female characters. She came out hunched, in the form of a technician grumbling under her breath, poking the audience with a mop, demanding to remove her legs. No one even realized that it was a 16-year-old girl. Nonna was focused on her studies, she did not have novels with anyone. As we say in Odessa, she was a girl "from before" - Olga Kashneva said.

Grishaeva's personal life developed dramatically. "Her first marriage came out lumpy. Her husband, actor Anton Derov, was Nonna's first - in every sense. But he turned out to be a scoundrel - he drank away her earnings, offended her. Dashenka was born. Then, it seemed, happiness smiled, and she met a rich and caring man, who idolized her. He took her to Paris, gave her an apartment, a car, a yacht. He bought bouquets from all the flower girls. Nonna showed me a photo where the four of them: her chosen one, his son from his first marriage and she and Dashenka. They traveled together in world. But one day everything was cut short. Nonnochka found this civil husband of hers in bed with her best friend, with whom they lived in a hostel for five years, shared all the joys and hardships. The blow to the heart was so strong that my girl went to the hospital and spent 11 days on a drip - between life and death, "Sobesednik.Ru quotes Kashneva.

However, it was at this moment that her future second husband Alexander Nesterov turned out to be next to Nonna. Kashneva said: “She was then very supported by the actor Sasha Nesterov. Once he invited Nonna to go with him to Thailand, where friendship passed into another dimension. I remember how she whispered in my ear that she was proposed to by a guy 12 years younger than her that the wedding will be in Prague. I'm so happy for my sparrow! They bought apartments in Montenegro. When the owner of the house recognized the famous actress, he gave her the best apartment, with a wonderful view of the sea. By the way, Nonna is the only one who has never missed a single meeting with her classmates.

The biography of Nonna Grishaeva is interesting to thousands of her fans. Do you want to know where and how the actress studied? How did she become popular? The article contains a photo, biography. Nonna Grishaeva is a comprehensively developed personality. And you will certainly be convinced of this.

Nonna Grishaeva: biography

The famous actress was born on July 21, 1971 in the Ukrainian city of Odessa. Her parents had nothing to do with theater and cinema. Father, Valentin Gavrilovich, was a dry-cargo mechanic. And his mother, Margarita Evgenievna, received the profession of engineer and worked as a teacher at school.

Who did Nonna Grishaeva want to become? Biography indicates that she early years showed her artistry. The girl spent hours spinning in front of the mirror. She liked to change outfits and arrange home concerts. It is possible that Nonna inherited her talent from her great-grandmother and great-grandfather, who sang at La Scala.


Our heroine grew up as an obedient and modest child. She studied diligently at school. The teachers constantly praised her and set an example for other children. In addition, the girl attended a ballet school. And that is not all. Nonna played in the school theater. Even then, classmates and teachers were sure that Grishaev would have a successful acting career.

Youth years

After grade 11, the girl decides to go to Moscow to enter the Theater School. Schukin. She manages to successfully pass her exams. Our heroine was enrolled in a course with A. Burova. But after Nonna, her mother comes to Moscow. She persuaded her daughter to return to Odessa and enter the local music school.

But the actress Nonna Grishaeva might not have appeared in Russian cinema. Biography would be different. But the girl realized in time that acting is her main vocation in life. In 1988, during the winter holidays, the play "The Princess and the Pea" was held at the music school. Grishaeva took part in it. The whole troupe was offered to go to Moscow on tour. The guys could not miss such a chance and gave a positive answer. This helped Nonna not only decide on a profession, but also make good money. This time, her mother did not dissuade her from moving to the Russian capital.

Student years

In 1989, a young brunette comes to Moscow and submits documents to the Pike. One of the members of the commission remembered her and helped her go straight to the third round. Grishaeva successfully passed the exams. The girl got on the course to V. Ivanov.

The biography of Nonna Grishaeva as an actress began a little later. Our heroine always remembers her studies at the university with warmth. Like all students, she had financial problems. Especially when you consider that it was a difficult 90s. It was still fun. Grishaeva's roommate in the hostel was the now famous actress Maria Aronova. The girls together got food on cards, in their free time from school they worked for a meager salary. These difficulties hardened Nonna's character. And the experience gained allowed her to successfully get used to some roles.

Carier start

The creative biography of Nonna Grishaeva dates back to 1994. It was then that our heroine received a diploma of graduation from the university. She was offered a job by three theaters at once - Lenkom, Satyricon and the Theater. Vakhtangov. The newly minted actress prefers the latter. From 1994 to 2009 she took part in hundreds of performances, including "The Tricks of Scapen", "Princess Turandot" and others. All these roles were secondary. But Grishaeva did not despair. main role she received only 10 years after employment in the theater. Nonna successfully got used to the image of Denise in the play "Mademoiselle Nitush".

Film and TV work

One theater them. Vakhtangov was not enough for the actress. She wanted to develop in different directions. And fate gave Grishaeva such an opportunity. For the first time on television, she appeared in the program "Oba-Na" by Igor Ugolnikov. In this program, the then unknown actress showed parodies of politicians and pop stars. The girl was able to get used to television and gain invaluable experience.

Later, our heroine participated in the musical The Witches of Eastwick and even tried herself as a DJ on one of the popular radio stations. A pretty brunette is noticed by producers and directors. Offers of cooperation rained down on her, as if "from a cornucopia." Between 1997 and 2008 the actress starred in several TV series and feature films (“My Fair Nanny”, “Lyuba, Children and the Plant”, “Bachelors” and so on).


Film works brought Grishaeva income and acting experience, but not fame. However, things changed dramatically in 2008. She was invited to shoot the sitcom "Daddy's Daughters". The actress carefully studied the script and gave her consent. Nonna liked the idea of ​​the directors very much. Series with her participation were released in 2009. She played the role of the mother of five girls.

According to the plot, the main character was absent for several years. The girls were raised by their father, brilliantly played by Andrey Leonov. The woman returns and tries to correct her mistakes. After the release of the sitcom "Daddy's Daughters" Grishaeva gained all-Russian fame. The viewers were divided into two camps: some sympathized with her heroine, while others reproached and called her "mother cuckoo"

New facets of creativity

Many of us know Nonna as a parodist and a talented actress. But that's not all of her incarnations. In 2009, Grishaeva was invited to participate in the show "Two Stars" (Channel One). At first, the actress doubted, but still agreed. And not in vain. Viewers saw in her a born singer with a pleasant timbre of voice. Their duet with Mark Tishman was declared the winner of the program. In 2012, Nonna's solo album, "I'm Falling Up," went on sale. Soon a video was filmed for this composition.

In 2010, Grishaeva tries herself as a writer. She publishes the book “Advice to daughters. Dad and Mom." The entire circulation was sold out in a few weeks. Therefore, the book had to be published twice.

Another favourite hobby Nonnas - voice acting. Her voice can be heard in such films and cartoons as "Capital Souvenir" (2004), "The Return of Pinocchio" (2013), "How to Catch the Firebird's Feather" (2013).

Nonna Grishaeva, biography: personal life

The slender brunette has never experienced a lack of male attention. From her youth, the guys looked after her and offered serious relationship. But the girl in the first place was studying and career.

The first common-law spouse of Grishaeva was actor Anton Derov. Together they overcame many difficulties. In 1996, their daughter Nastya was born. The young father doted on the baby. He took any job to provide for his family. Nonna and Anton lived together for 7 years. The couple broke up by mutual desire.

The second marriage of the actress was also civil. It is known that she lived with a businessman for 3 years. The man provided a fabulous life for Nonna and her daughter. He paid for their trips abroad, gave expensive gifts and allowed them to dress in the best Moscow boutiques. But Grishaeva got tired of life in the "golden cage", and she left the businessman.

After two unsuccessful love stories, the actress decided that she would never marry again. But fate decreed otherwise. In 2006, our heroine met the actor Alexander Nesterov. They began a stormy romance. And soon Sasha proposed to her. The lovers got married. In December 2006, a replenishment took place in the Nesterov family. They were born common child- son of Ilya.

About the popularity reverse side, now Nonna Grishaeva also knows. Biography, husband, children of the actress - all this interests her many fans. She tries to hide her personal life from prying eyes.


The biography of Nonna Grishaeva was reviewed in detail by us. From all of the above, the following conclusion can be drawn. Our heroine - interesting person, talented actress, loving mother and wife.

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