Liza Peskova year of birth. Themselves with a mustache: the independent and ambitious daughter of Dmitry Peskov

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0 May 10, 2016, 06:07 PM

Elizabeth Peskova

18-year-old Lisa Peskova, the eldest daughter of Dmitry Peskov and his second ex-wife Ekaterina Solotsinskaya, manages to spend time with her mother in France and with her father in Russia, attend lectures at the university and go to parties. In addition, she is fond of fashion and art, and for a year and a half she has been dating a young man from Moscow, with whom Lisa announced her engagement in October. What else do we know about the young and promising daughter of a Russian politician?


Elizaveta Peskova was born on January 9, 1998, her father is Dmitry Peskov, press secretary of the head of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, and her mother is Ekaterina Solotsinskaya, a certified philologist. In 2012, Lisa's parents divorced, now the girl lives in Paris with her mother, but often comes to Moscow.

Photo from Lisa's Instagram Peskova (with mother Ekaterina and father Dmitry)

For several years, Lisa studied at the Ecole des Roches, a prestigious private college in Normandy. The girl was going to enter the Ecole du Louvre, the teachers noted that Lisa showed convincing success in painting, but during her visit to Moscow she fell in love, after which she did not even think about entering a French university. Now, the priorities have changed: according to some media reports, Lisa is in her third year at Moscow State University. In the summer of 2015, in an interview with, the girl said:

To be honest, I want to quit university and go to France. My mother lives in Paris. I will study at the Institute of Marketing and Business.

Whether Lisa succeeded in carrying out her intentions is not known for sure. On her Instagram page, she publishes photos either from the Russian capital or from the French one. Eldest daughter Dmitry Peskov also often shares photos with his mother, who now lives in Paris. There are also photos with her father, with whom Lisa spends her holidays.

Sometimes we go to the cinema and very, very rarely go to restaurants. And we still spend a lot of time in the gym. Dad leads a sports lifestyle. In winter we go skating and skiing. Sometimes we even arrange competitions - we run a race. My dad is like a personal trainer - he teaches me how to properly pump the press and fight. Fortunately, until I had to use the boxing techniques that my father showed,

- the daughter of the politician said in the same interview.

On her Instagram page, the girl also shares family photos with charming brothers - Mika and Denis (sons of Peskov and Solotsinskaya - ed.).

Liza with brothers Mika and Denis

Relationship with stepmother

Lisa for a long time did not know about her father's affair with the former Russian figure skater Tatyana Navka. The news was told to her by her mother. The girl did not come to the wedding, she wished to stay away from this whole situation.

Tatyana did a lot to please me and my little brothers. She gave me a lot of different advice that related to my personal life, she never put pressure on me. And she was never like those evil stepmothers from fairy tales, but on the contrary, she is like a friend to me,

Lisa said in an interview.

In early October, Lisa's scandal broke out in the press about the wedding of Dmitry Peskov and Tatiana Navka.

I know that there was no wedding, and what all the people saw, it was just another occasion for a huge celebration,

- then the girl said in an interview.

Tatyana Navka then stepdaughter:

The girl is just confused, hard going through. And I consider it criminal to use this situation when the child is under the influence of emotions. Normal smart person this is understandable, but let the spiteful critics discuss it, since they so want to, I cannot forbid it. I hope and believe that Liza will grow up, she will realize everything herself and will figure everything out.

It is known that Dmitry Peskov and Tatyana Navka introduced their daughters Lisa and Sasha, and according to some media reports, the girls even became friends. But, judging by the Instagram account of Lisa and Sasha, they rarely communicate.


In January, Lisa turned 18 years old, according to the laws of France and Russia, the girl is an adult. Peskova regularly posts photos from parties, concerts, festivals and art exhibitions on Instagram, she also shares pictures in fashionable looks and loves to take selfies.

Personal life

In October 2015, Lisa surprised the public with her loud announcement of her engagement to her peer, Muscovite Yuri Meshcheryakov. Under joint photo with a young man, the girl wrote the following:

Yesterday we really announced our engagement! For us, this is a separate concept, for a wedding on this moment irrelevant. As I said, there can be no talk of a wedding now! But the main thing, as I think, is that all ages are submissive to love. I wish everyone these wonderful emotions and feelings that you should not be ashamed of! Much rests in this world precisely on love, love for people is what we all need.

Lisa at that time was only 17 years old, so the news was actively discussed in the media for a long time. Young people are not going to the registry office yet, Lisa plans to wait until the age of 22 and, apparently, her young man supports the decision of the bride.

The lovers have been together for a year and a half and often publish charming romantic photos on their accounts to the delight of subscribers.


Instagram photo

Elizaveta Peskova was born on January 9, 1998 in Moscow. Lisa's parents are Dmitry Peskov and Ekaterina Solotsinskaya, both children of embassy workers in Russia.

In one of public speaking Lisa said that she remembers from childhood what difficult times her family went through: “I remember very well the times when our family had no money at all, and mom and dad, after putting me to bed, after work and school, left to “bomb” at night .". These words have been heavily criticized. Indeed, it is hard to believe that the family of a career Russian diplomat, Lisa's grandfather, was in such need of money. Lisa's father received a good education, graduated from the Institute of Asian and African Countries at Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov.


Liza, like her father, received a good education. He is fluent in French and English, and can also speak Arabic, Chinese, and Turkish. AT school years often changed educational institutions, the geography of which was diverse: Moscow, Paris, Normandy.

At the insistence of her father, Lisa went to study at the same Institute of Asian and African Countries, which he graduated from. Elizabeth was not enthusiastic about studying in Russia, so she left the Institute without graduating from it.

About her education, Lisa says this: “I studied for a year at Moscow State University, at the Institute of Asian and African Countries, and realized that I could study history and languages ​​\u200b\u200bin my own, but I wouldn’t have received the knowledge that they give in a business school. I don't want to work in marketing, but I'm interested in understanding how the industry works."

public life

Elizaveta Peskova maintains her blog on Instagram, where she actively shares her thoughts on education, life in Russia and many other topics. Often her statements become the subject of high-profile scandals and long discussions.

For example, a very provocative text about her family: “I am Peskova Elizaveta Dmitrievna, the daughter of the main billionaire and thief of the country, the press secretary of the head of state. This is the first text I write myself. All the rest are custom…” Lisa wrote it in response to online bullying, thereby wanting to provoke ill-wishers even more. Not everyone understood the girl's sarcasm and took the post seriously.

Or the story of Lisa's work in the AVANTI organization, where she managed to work for two months as an adviser to the president. In an interview, Lisa said "... We need to develop strategies, roughly speaking, for PR of legal proceedings, shipbuilding ...", which betrayed her ignorance of the terminology in the field, which she was engaged in PR at that time.

At the moment, in 2018, Lisa continues to be active on Instagram, is engaged in PR for several well-known clothing brands, and also speaks in public media with various public initiatives.

Personal life

When asked by journalists about her personal life, Lisa answered as follows: “To be honest, my personal life has never been calm. I don't want to comment on it: we'll wait and see. »

Over the past few years, the girl has repeatedly posted on the Web not only gorgeous photos, but also provocative posts, which caused a lot of criticism regarding the girl’s high-ranking father.

Childhood and family

Elizaveta Peskova was born on January 9, 1998 in Moscow. Lisa's father, Dmitry Peskov, met her mother Ekaterina Solotsinskaya when she was still a girl. The ISAA graduate arrived in Ankara, where his father, Sergei Nikolaevich Peskov, worked at the Russian embassy. Catherine's father, diplomat Vladimir Dmitrievich Solotsinsky, worked there.

Dmitry and Ekaterina got married 4 years later, when Peskov terminated his previous marriage with his granddaughter Anastasia Budyonny. Lisa's parents have been married for 20 years. She has brothers Michael and Dani. Mom worked as a cosmetologist, now lives in Paris with her children, does charity work. Dmitry Peskov in 2015 married an Olympic champion in figure skating Tatiana Navka.

Parents of Lisa Peskova from early childhood were seriously involved in the education of their daughter. Special attention given to the study of foreign languages. During the summer holidays, Lisa's parents sent Lisa to language camps in Scotland and France. By the age of 19, the girl perfectly mastered English and French, she is studying Turkish, Chinese and Arabic. She graduated from a boarding school in Normandy and as an external student - one of the schools in Moscow. Lisa draws beautifully, writes poetry.

Dmitry Peskov insisted that Liza get higher education in Russia. Having entered and studied for a year at the Institute of Asian and African Studies at Moscow State University, Lisa returned to France and entered the Paris Business School. In parallel with her studies, Elizabeth works as a consultant in one of the fashionable clothing boutiques. He lives with his mother and brothers in an apartment in a prestigious area of ​​Paris.

Daughter of the presidential press secretary

The close attention of the press to the biography of Lisa Peskova is primarily due to the fact that the girl is the daughter of the presidential press secretary Russian Federation. Since 1990, Dmitry Peskov has worked as a secretary of the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Turkey. In 2000, when Vladimir Putin was declared acting president of Russia, and then elected president, Dmitry Peskov worked as head of the media department at the press service of the presidential administration.

Later he was appointed Deputy Head of the Presidential Press Service, Deputy Press Secretary of the President of Russia. Also, Dmitry Peskov was a translator from Turkish under Vladimir Putin. In April 2004, Dmitry Peskov was appointed Deputy Press Secretary of the President of Russia. His duties included providing information communication between the presidential administration and the executive branch.

In addition, Dmitry Peskov supervised information projects, presidential press conferences, direct lines. In 2008, Peskov was appointed press secretary of the Prime Minister of Russia. After Vladimir Putin took office as President of the Russian Federation on May 22, 2012, Dmitry Peskov is the Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration, Vladimir Putin's press secretary.

Elizaveta Peskova, in one of her posts on the Web, mentioned early childhood memories in which the family is in financial distress, and dad is a private driver. The note caused a flurry of criticism and jokes about Lisa and the Peskov family. In the spring of 2016, the girl burst into an article criticizing the Russian education system. The girl remembered in the post how she came from France to graduate externally Russian school and pass the exam.

Lisa called the time spent within the walls of the school hell and advised Russian officials take as a basis European system education, in which schoolchildren and students are not so loaded with unnecessary information, and teachers give knowledge in the form of a game. The post got a lot of hateful comments. Some advised the girl's parents to "read and flog."

Interest was aroused by the publication of Elizaveta Peskova on the Web, dedicated to the uncomfortable situation in Paris called "Paris is no longer Paris." In the post, the girl noted that, in no way being a racist, she was annoyed by the tolerance of the French authorities towards Muslims. Liza was indignant at the fact that she could not get into any public place, without being searched, while women in hijab are respectfully let through without being touched. Touched by young Peskova and the fact that in the center of Paris you can fall for the bait of scammers.

Personal life

Two years ago, Lisa Peskova announced her engagement to businessman Yuri Meshcheryakov. Lisa's mother Ekaterina even mentioned that she was ready to try on the image of a grandmother. And it is not surprising, because Ekaterina Solotsinskaya herself married Lisa's father when she was only 18 years old.

But the matter never came to the wedding of Lisa and Yuri. The press discusses information about the girl's new novel. According to rumors, the young French businessman Louis Waldberg became the chosen one of Elizabeth. Lisa posted a romantic photo with Louis in August. The couple jointly visited the Crimea this summer and visited Grozny. It is assumed that Louis Waldberg, who manufactures lighters in France, is going to start a business in Russia, and the new bride will be able to help him.

In July 2017, Liza Peskova became an advisor on youth entrepreneurship to the president of the Association of Entrepreneurs for the Development of Business Patriotism. The association was founded by a businessman. Together with AVANTI, Lisa visited the Sevastopol shipyard Yuzhny.

During a press conference in Crimea, Peskova said that she would promote ideas for the development of youth entrepreneurship in the ship repair industry. According to the young adviser, it is necessary to come up with tactics, “roughly speaking, for PR of legal proceedings, shipbuilding.”

Liza Peskova in the Crimea at the shipyard

And for this, according to Peskova, it is necessary to give young people confidence in tomorrow and prove that work in shipbuilding is prestigious.

“We need to work on innovation, on the modernization of shipyards. And I think that now the main task is PR and Information support", - said the adviser.

In August 2017, Liza Peskova stopped working with AVANTI and removed information about the Association from the official website.

Liza Peskova now

In September 2017, Lisa Peskova was at the center of a scandal. Editorial Russian version Forbes magazine entrusted the girl to write articles. According to Irina Mokrousova, deputy editor-in-chief of the magazine, Lisa is a popular person in the youth crowd and can attract new readers. The editors of the magazine had no doubt that Liza would take the task seriously and prepare material on the attitude of young people to business and education.

Forbes published an article by Lisa Peskova “The Illusion of Knowledge. Will new technologies kill traditional education? The article aroused public interest and a lot of conflicting opinions. Criticism hit Lisa with accusations of plagiarism, when it turned out that part of the text in the article of the unfortunate journalist was borrowed from other sources and given out by Lisa as her own thoughts.

On September 17, 2017, Liza Peskova deleted her Instagram account. A representative of the president's press secretary's daughter said that Lisa was busy - the student began a new semester at a business school. Probably, the girl was tired of the persecution that unfolded against her on the Web in connection with the latest scandal.

Lisa communicates well with her stepmother. This spring, Dmitry Peskov, along with his wife Tatyana Navka, found time in a busy work schedule and went to Spain. Together with their parents, Navka's daughter Sasha and Peskov's children, Misha, Denis and Lisa, visited Barcelona.

Terribly did not want to write about Liza Peskova - the girl is being built political career, and personally I see it so disgusting that I don’t even want to think about it.

Do you know what happens when the indignation is so strong that you can’t even find words other than swearing? And there is something to say, but I just want to spit. In the face, with snot, so that everything spreads.

Video: YouTube

Yes, I would remain silent. What, without me, something is not clear to someone here? If I didn't get in ex-wife Peskov's press secretary and Lisa's mother, I would score.

Read for yourself what Ekaterina Peskova writes about her daughter’s visit to a factory in Crimea:

I usually refrain from commenting on the activity and reaction to it of our moralists and fighters for justice. But now I cannot remain silent.

My first question is what did she do wrong? Solved the problem of the plant and helped the families of workers who kept their earnings? What did you do while sitting on your couch? They poured mud over a person you do not know, not realizing that with your words and low energy you give birth to evil and dirt in this world, which return to you every day, making you even more embittered and unhappy.

What is her fault? That she was born the daughter of a man who plows all his life without days off, evenings and holidays? Who with his mind and labor has achieved the position that he has now? Or is it her fault that she looks good and wears Nice dress? Do you think she should walk around in a robe and beat herself with a whip? Then your life will be happier?

What did you do when you were 19 years old? She speaks four languages ​​- how many can you speak? How does it amuse you to discuss that she does not know the difference between litigation and shipbuilding (in her speech, Elizabeth confused judiciary and shipbuilding - ed.) - and how many of you knew this until yesterday? And how many of you can talk about this topic in front of a crowd of journalists and cameras? Its task is not to figure out why a large heavy iron ship stays on the water, but to draw attention to the problems of those who are able to solve them.

Indeed, Lisa's task is not to understand. Not in legal proceedings, not in anything at all.

Her task is to sit on Instagram on the neck of the father-official and mother Ekaterina.

What did Lisa do at 19? I will answer directly - I shit on Russia a couple of times, went to study in Europe and disgraced myself at a factory in the Crimea.

No need to attribute to Lisa the solution of the plant's problems. She solved them not with her pocket money, but using the country's budget funds. And here the question arises for me: since when have 19-year-old girls climb into our budget and dispose of it?

What, Lisa's mother asks, was she supposed to do, and what is the fault of the girl who poses like who knows what?

I will answer: Lisa is not guilty. There is the fault of mom and dad, who patronize their daughter. Out of a clueless little party girl living in Europe, they are trying to mold us into another politician.

Who would Lisa have become if she had been born in Taganrog? I watched a video in which it is strikingly different from what we see in the photo. An ordinary girl, who can hardly even be called pretty, would most likely be exactly the same as all her peers.

Let's be objective, shall we? Lisa is nothing. Without an official dad, she would be nothing.

Of course, she shouldn't walk around in a robe and scourge herself, but in the same way, you, Liza's parents, have no right to poke her into us as a politician, using your position.

It is enough that thanks to you, her name is already well known.

Nauseous and disgusting from this projection. smart, active and useful to the country our people are shit. On the other hand, the Lises "solve" the problems of the factories, trying to earn political points.

I think that our country simply needs a law according to which children, relatives and dabblers of politicians should not shine. Study at home, in Russia, and live in such a way that no one will ever hear about them.

The news quite often includes the statements of the daughter of the press secretary Russian President. Also, spectacular photos of Elizaveta Peskova, which she shares on Instagram, get into the media.

Childhood, family and education of Elizabeth Peskova

Father - Dmitry Sergeevich Peskov - Russian statesman, diplomat, translator, deputy head of the presidential administration, press secretary of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin.

Mother - Ekaterina Peskova(nee Solotsinskaya) - a philologist by education, worked for some time at a school at the Russian embassy in Ankara. Then, together with a friend, she opened the Kale beauty salon. She leads Russian center science and culture in Paris.

Elizabeth has two brothers, Mika and Dani, and a half-brother Nikolai (from his father's first marriage). Elizabeth also has a half-sister Nadezhda from the third marriage of Dmitry Peskov with Tatyana Navka.

For Elizabeth to study foreign languages The Peskovs spared no expense for her training and education. A short biography of Elizabeth is full of travels. Lisa Peskova usually spent her holidays in specialized language camps in France and Scotland.

As reported in the news, Peskova already knows five languages: she is fluent in English and French, fluent in Turkish, Chinese and Arabic. In her years, Peskova managed to learn in different educational institutions: a Moscow gymnasium, a boarding school in Normandy, the Ecole des Roches school in Paris and the Moscow Institute of Asian and African Countries, where her father and grandfather once studied.

Elizaveta Peskova said that she had been living in the French capital for seven years and had no desire to leave. “I, like many of my generation, are a man of the world, a cosmopolitan, and I laugh at the eternal accusations that sound against me when they say that I should live in Russia,” she stressed.

Elizabeth also noted that the only problem she faced when moving to France was the language barrier. “At first it was very difficult for me to get used to boarding life, because I was not communicated with and mocked because of my appearance (I was a plump pimply girl with a big nose, and they called me Pinocchio), and besides, I did not speak any English at all. one language, ”the media quoted the girl.

Relationships in the family

In 2012, Dmitry and Ekaterina Peskov divorced after 20 years life together. Ekaterina Peskova now lives in Paris. She heads the Russian Center for Science and Culture in France. Dmitry Peskov, three years after the divorce, married the Russian figure skater Tatyana Navka.

Liza treats her father's third wife well and is friendly with her daughter from her first marriage Alexandra Zhurina. Peskova said in an interview that she was very upset by the divorce of her parents, and was between two fires, as she loves both her mother and father. “Tatiana did a lot to please me and my little brothers. She gave me a lot of different advice that related to my personal life, she never put pressure on me. And she was never like those evil stepmothers from fairy tales, but on the contrary, she is like a friend to me, ”Elizaveta Peskova said in an interview.

Interests and criticism of Elizabeth Peskova

Elizaveta Peskova - creative person. The girl is fond of poetry, writes poetry herself, draws. Lisa has a dream - to write a book.

In July 2017, Elizaveta Peskova joined the “public support platform patriotic education and youth entrepreneurship in Russia”. And although Peskova previously reported that she had no desire to engage in politics, nevertheless social activity drew her in.

Elizaveta Peskova actively leads Instagram, from where the media often draw stories for their news. Interest is caused by both the photos published by the girl and her statements on different topics. Often, Elizabeth's opinions cause controversy in social networks.

The main scandal broke out in August 2015, Lisa's statement that she did not want to live or study in Russia caused a strong reaction. “What I don’t like about Russia is that it’s great to live here only when you live in a wealthy family. Europe is more adapted to the lives of ordinary people. And I really like the mentality of my European peers, their attitude to life. I feel better all the same in the European environment. But if I leave, this does not mean that I do not love Russia, ”Peskova said in an interview.

In 2016, Elizaveta Peskova said that the education system in Russia needs to be changed, because Russian schoolchildren are under constant pressure due to the amount of information they receive, while in Europe “everything is done for a fun, pleasant interesting game».

“Pensioners in our country can be classified as morally disabled. They are no longer needed, they are pumped out of everything that is possible, and immediately sent to the backyards of society. Survive, ”Elizaveta Peskova was indignant at the attitude towards pensioners in Russia.

According to his daughter, Dmitry Peskov moonlighted as a private driver, already working in the Kremlin. “I remember very well the times when our family had no money at all, and mom and dad, after putting me to bed, after work and school, left to“ bomb ”at night,” she said in an interview. Elizabeth Peskova.

Despite living in Paris, Peskova did not stay away from the scandalous renovation in Moscow, which became the main news trend of 2017. On her Instagram, Elizaveta Peskova announced her support for the demolition of five-story buildings in Moscow. In her opinion, "the city must be updated, and here one can only admire the mayor's determination to launch such an ambitious program." At the same time, the daughter of the presidential press secretary criticized the expansion of sidewalks in the center of the capital. She noted that "Moscow, with all its desire, cannot become pedestrian, due to the climate and long distances."

“I would not like to discuss Elizabeth. This is my daughter, I communicate with her as a father and daughter, and I don’t think that this concerns anyone. She is an adult woman and can herself participate in the discussions that are currently underway. I don’t want to discuss this with anyone, ”Dmitry Peskov himself commented on his daughter’s words about the renovation.

On Instagram, Peskov's daughter posts not only her spectacular and sometimes quite candid photos, but also shares joint pictures with her father and brothers. From Elizabeth's Instagram, you can learn about how she spends her leisure time, with whom she communicates, about her travels.

In July 2017, the daughter of the press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation visited Chechnya and met with the head of the region Ramzan Kadyrov, also on Instagram there was a photo in which Peskova dances a lezginka with Kadyrov. In another photo, the girl was captured in traditional Muslim closed clothing.

“A short photo chronicle of the beginning of my trip to the Chechen Republic. On the first day we visited the "Heart of the Chechen Republic", the Veduchi resort under construction, then the waterfalls in the village of Nikhaloy. The culmination of the evening was a wonderful show of the football club "Akhmat", and the end of the lezginka traditionally. This incredibly beautiful place had a very positive effect on me energetically, ”wrote Peskov’s daughter on Instagram.

The news reported that Peskova was criticized after a visit to a shipyard in the Crimea. A photo of Elizaveta Peskova was posted on Instagram, in which she is wearing a designer dress from the daughter of Ramzan Kadyrov. The contrast of a dress worth several hundred thousand rubles with tired workers in robes was striking.

Elizaveta is no stranger to banter, the daughter of Dmitry Peskov also has a peculiar sense of humor. In the summer of 2017, she wrote a post on Instagram, captioning her photo on the throne in the crown: " The hour of revelation has come. I am Peskova Elizaveta Dmitrievna, daughter of the main billionaire and thief of the country, press secretary of the head of state. This is the first text I write myself. All others are ordered. A whole team of serfs plows, to whom I pay your money for the sake of PR. My diet consists of lobsters sprinkled with macadamia and saffron, littered with albino sturgeon caviar, and Devon crabs. In short, of everything you can't afford, because your slave pocket is my pocket, embroidered with 60 carats of diamonds. I hope you won't have to explain that all the fluid that enters my body is not younger than my age. I sleep on marbled beef sprinkled with eider down. Before each physical effort, I do my favorite procedure - a golden body wrap. The procedure consists in wrapping the body in a pure ingot of gold.". It must be said that not all of her subscribers appreciated Elizabeth's humor.

Personal life of Elizabeth Peskova

About Elizabeth Peskova as the daughter of a famous father, news is constantly reported. In 2016 on annual ball Debutantes Tatler in Moscow, Liza showed up with her businessman boyfriend Yuri Meshcheryakov. There, Elizabeth announced her engagement. However, the young people broke up and, as Starhit reported, Peskova even deleted her photos from Instagram with her ex-boyfriend.

Soon Elizabeth introduced the public to a new young man - Mikhail Sinitsyn, who worked in education, was reported in the news.

In the summer of 2017, she appeared in a photo with a French businessman Louis Wahlberg, owner of Tazer Lighter. Louis and Lisa are believed to be in love. They visited together the Cannes Film Festival and the dinner in honor of the first match of FC Akhmat in Grozny.

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