The best congratulations in prose to a friend. Happy birthday wishes to a girlfriend in prose

Career and finance 01.07.2020
Career and finance

Candy girl, beauty and coquette, happy birthday to you. My beloved friend, may everything in your life be at the highest level. Let the male jaws from your beauty reach the ground. Let your body and soul get drunk from great happiness and love. Let dizzying success, delight and admiration await you at every step.

Happy birthday my dear friend. I wish you to always find the strength and inspiration to fulfill your desires, constantly feel like a necessary and loved person in the lives of loved ones, always believe in yourself and meet every day with a lot of energy and good mood.

My dear friend, I congratulate you on your birthday! I wish you good health, lots and lots of joy and happiness, love, prosperity. Let life be in full swing, fate only presents pleasant surprises, and sadness and adversity do not know the way to your house.

Happy birthday dear friend! Our friendship is priceless. We are connected by many things: memories, adventures, events, people, fun, life moments, advice, attention, smiles, understanding, discussion and much more. One thing is invariable: you are in my heart - sincerely, deeply and forever! Be happy and take care of yourself. Give this light your warmth, openness, mind. I wish the world to always reciprocate and reward you with simple life blessings: health, love, relatives, the beauty of the world, gifts of fate and a good mood.

My dear, I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday. Be happy, over the years only good, always feel needed. May you be surrounded by love, attention and care. I wish you good health, many smiles, energy, incredible events and bright memories. This day is only yours!

Dear and beloved friend, first of all, I want to wish you unlimited human and, most importantly, female happiness. Always remain the same cheerful, optimistic and energetic. May all the goodness and support that you radiate return to you a hundredfold. May your family and friends always be nearby, who will inspire you and help you fulfill your dreams. In a few decades, I hope to see you as happy and inspired as you are today.

Girlfriend, happy birthday! I wish you highlights in life, so that you can always lean on a friendly shoulder, so that your relatives always understand and support you. Let there be more sincere people as friends, let new vivid impressions delight and life brings only pleasant surprises.

My beloved friend, on your birthday I would like to wish the understanding and warmth of others, but most of all I want you to be happy. Therefore, I wish you simple female happiness. I also wish you success in all your affairs and undertakings, so that you will certainly achieve your goals and desires. May luck and good luck, joy and love always be present in your life.

Happy birthday, honey, my sweet friend! Oh, I wish you to find a friend, I wish you happiness and fun, immense fidelity and housewarming! I wish you full prosperity, smiles, kindness and joy to tears, success, good luck, fire of transcendental love and passion overnight!

I congratulate my dear friend from the bottom of my heart and wish you health and well-being. May longevity and joy never leave you, your family and your loved ones. May any wish made on your birthday come true as soon as possible and wait for you in all its glory.

May the world around you be bright and welcoming, and your own inner world- warm and cozy. I wish you to find energy every day to accomplish small victories and a reason to rejoice in simple things. Well, today, let it certainly give at least a small, but a miracle. Happy birthday, good man!

Today, I want to wish my wonderful friend a happy birthday. Dear, I want to wish you to always remain as beautiful and cheerful, lucky and happy. Also, I want to wish you to meet each new day positively - with a smile, and walk through life with your head held high. Today the whole world is in love with you. Be happy next to a loving and caring man! May all dreams come true!

Today is such a joyful and exciting day for you, my dear friend! After all, we celebrate your birthday! I can not express what I feel, because I want to wish you everything. But, know, the main thing is that only the sun of happiness shines in your house, and in the morning you wake up with a smile and never know betrayal and despair. May all your deepest desires come true!

My joy, I congratulate you on your birthday. I wish all your dreams come true. Girlfriend, stay the same wonderful person with an open soul, a sincere smile, a kind heart and incredible beauty. May luck clear the way to your goals, may happiness warm your soul, and may love give you inspiration and joy.

I sincerely congratulate you on such a significant date in your life and I want to wish you many more successful deeds and achievements in life path. Love to you - huge, mutual, bottomless! Money - countless mountains! Infinite health! Flowers, gifts, smiles, optimism!

Happy birthday, girlfriend! Let every day give you new discoveries, impressions and surprises. Let our relations only grow stronger every year, because with people like you, life is happier and easier! Good luck, more joy, fun and good mood!

Happy birthday to best friend

Dear and beloved friend, first of all, I want to wish you unlimited human and, most importantly, female happiness. Always remain the same cheerful, optimistic and energetic. May all the goodness and support that you radiate return to you a hundredfold. May your family and friends always be nearby, who will inspire you and help you fulfill your dreams. In a few decades, I hope to see you as happy and inspired as you are today.

I never tire of thanking fate for you, a faithful friend, a person with a big heart, a beautiful, charming woman - my best friend, and on my birthday I wish a Guardian Angel on all your roads, all kinds of earthly blessings, inexhaustible energy, spiritual joy, fulfillment of cherished desires and small whims, and endless female happiness!

We met many years ago, but still our friendship opens up something new, interesting and frankly funny for me every day. May this life also give you its warmth, love every day, good mood and peace of mind. Happy birthday, my dearest little man!

Without prejudice, my friend,
I can tell without embellishment
Without you, we are in this life tight,
Will make a cool raskolbas!
Wish you a lot of positive
So that the smile starts from the ears,
Just drink more beer today
Make this holiday more fun!

Today is the most beautiful holiday - my girlfriend's birthday. From the bottom of my heart, I wish you joy, long and happy years of life, success at work, and all the very best. May you always be lucky in everything, may fate bring only pleasant moments. Good health to you, attention and great luck in everything. Let only good news please you. Dear friend, be always in shape, let everyone admire you and say only sincere compliments. May the guardian angel protect you from everything bad.

We do not need many words to understand each other, I want to wish you an ocean of love. Best friend happy birthday to you, I wish you success, health and eternal happiness. Congratulations and I wish you more interesting things in life, and all the best to you. Adventures are always wonderful and impressions are only beautiful. Let your smile inspire everyone, and let the sun always warm.

How much have we been together?! Relationships between people are never perfect. We quarreled and misunderstood each other, but in Hard time always stood by and supported each other. You have become as close and dear to me as a sister. On this day, my dear friend, I hasten to wish you a happy birthday. I want to wish a lot - health, warmth, happiness, good people on your way, let your life be filled with positive moments. I wish you great fabulous love, because if there is love, then everything else will be. Happy birthday, my dear.

There are people who are close to you in spirit, there are those who are interesting as a person or an employee, there are those who support your interests and hobbies, and there are relatives to whom you can open up, and it is you, my best friend, that combines all these beautiful quality! On your such a tender holiday - your birthday, I can’t wait to wish that you would forever remain as I said, while invariably looking wonderful, being an example for hostesses, an object of envy for other women, and the most faithful, true friend! Today, be just happy and enjoy the holiday that happens once a year! Happy birthday to you my beloved, best friend!

Happy birthday to best friend in prose

I hasten to congratulate you, dear friend! Wish you good mood and appearance! May there be harmony in the soul and a young spring always live! Live with pleasure yourself and give positive emotions to others! Believe that all your dreams will come true!

Happy Bezdey, my beloved girl and best-best friend! Have you noticed that this day is filled with inexplicable joy, warm rays of the sun, good weather and high temperature!? Why do you think all this is? This is all because today is your birthday, which means it is one of the most important and solemn days of the year! I want to congratulate you on this holiday and wish you all the best, as well as the fulfillment of secret desires and distant dreams. In general, I wish you to remain as smart, beautiful, cocky, daring and young! May your inexhaustible life energy support you and your loved ones all the time, and most importantly, charge everyone with positive and smiles. Always smile and be confident in yourself, because you are a smart girl and a great fellow! I wish you good luck and great, great happiness, which will inspire you and lift you to new heights. Fall in love, but then hold on! Family happiness and prosperity in life. All this to you from me, and most importantly, sincerely and with love. Kiss!

A person has three pillars, without which it is very difficult to go through life. A strong support is a family. When you are surrounded by relatives, it is very difficult for the insidious Fate to break through the devoted protection of loved ones.
Slender support is harmony in the soul. When you look at the world and see more good than bad in it, positive and good luck are attracted to you.
Reliable support is friendship. When a person has a friend, he can always count not only on nightly gatherings, cheerful meetings, but also on sincere conversations, sincere joy for success, support when it's hard.
My girlfriend is priceless! On your birthday, I wish you that your supports keep you and protect you, give you joy, happiness, inspiration! Going through life is easy when there are many hearts nearby that love and appreciate you!

You are amazing, friend! Let your birthday swirl you in a whirlwind of fun, gifts and congratulations. Let every morning be sunny and call for a beautiful day, a happy life!

Happy birthday! Let life be filled with warmth, there will be comfort in the family, and lilacs always bloom in the garden. Be always as gentle and playful as a doe. Be loved and happy!

We want to wish you never lose heart on your birthday! Whatever happens, remain a cheerful, self-confident woman to the delight of friends and relatives, provoking the evil hiss of enemies. Do not succumb to provocations, but just go to your goal. Be hardworking and caring, gentle and patient. We wish you to always be on top, our cool friend!

There is no one like you, my friend,
Beautiful, sweet, kind, mischievous.
Let the sun shine for you alone
And let it give warmth to you alone.

May wishes come true today
And in life there will be less fuss,
And there will be more affectionate confessions,
And let there be more warmth.

My joy, I congratulate you on your birthday. I wish all your dreams come true. Girlfriend, stay the same wonderful person with an open soul, a sincere smile, a kind heart and incredible beauty. May luck clear the way to your goals, may happiness warm your soul, and may love give you inspiration and joy.

Happy birthday, friend. We have each other, which means that even in extreme old age there will be someone to call and ask: “Well, old lady, where are we going to drink our pension?”. However, we will always remain eighteen, so it's definitely not worth worrying about.

My dear friend, I wish you to remain such a charming beauty in 50 years. Let your wallet burst from the rustling filling, and let your heart beat with love! Be happy and desirable, may a man dear to your heart always be there. What else does a woman need? Just be a loving wife and mother. I'm sure it will! Happy birthday!

Beautiful congratulations to a girlfriend happy birthday

We have been friends for a long time and know each other's secrets, accept my congratulations on this birthday. I wish you through the years, still laugh fervently, have expensive outfits, swim in Bali at least once. Be smart, healthy, happy, successful, funny and desirable, a little sinful, be kind and brave, be with me, let your life path be easy and bright.

My dear, how grateful I am to fate for our friendship. May today, on your day, feel the same as possible more people, let them rejoice at the opportunity to communicate with you, let them sincerely wish all the best and the best. Let everything come true for you, it turns out and develops. Happy birthday!

I wish you to be beautiful like a ripe cherry in a summer garden, be tender like a sweet raspberry, be flirtatious and sexy like a strawberry that boys love so much, and also be tender, soft and responsive like a fragrant peach!

How wonderful life is - I have a wonderful, smart, beautiful, positive and most understanding girlfriend, with whom it is easy and pleasant to communicate! Thank you for being there, happy birthday to you, my sweetie!

Happy birthday! Health to you and happiness! May good luck always accompany you in life and work! Stay the way you are, take care of your energy, optimism, kindness and beauty! Let everything work out for you so that life remains beautiful!

To my most wonderful friend, I want to wish all the most beautiful, magical. I wish you rich colors of life, a lot of fun, carefree laughter. Health to you until old age, a strong loving environment from close people. May your infinite kindness always warm everyone. May even your wildest dreams come true. Happiness to you infinite, prosperity in the house. May only sincere people always be by your side, and all bad things bypass you. May the door of your house always be open for goodness.

My beloved girlfriend. You are the best person in my life. I can entrust you with all my experiences and joys, and I know that you will support me in any case. Thank you my dear. Today I want to wish you a happy birthday! Be healthy, cheerful, free in thoughts and actions, rich in soul, loved by the heart, kept by the forces of heaven, warmed by the rays of the sun and insanely happy in strong hugs. Let your beauty not fade away, your charm does not weaken, compliments do not stop emphasizing your dignity. And let the green light burn for you everywhere. Good luck in any direction. Girlfriend, happy birthday!

Greetings, my best and most devoted friend! You bring a good mood to all your friends, giving your smile and your laughter, filling life with positive. I wish you financial well-being beautiful love, real success and good health. May all your dreams come true! Simple female happiness, dear!

Never mind that the years go by so fast. You will always be young, beautiful and loved by loved ones. My dear friend, you are a bright sun! I wish you always stay like this! Let there be only faithful friends and reliable man. When a loving and beloved man is next to a woman, she blossoms. I wish you to bloom all your life and enjoy every moment of it.

Happy birthday greetings to a girlfriend in prose

Candy girl, beauty and coquette, happy birthday to you. My beloved friend, may everything in your life be at the highest level. Let the male jaws from your beauty reach the ground. Let your body and soul get drunk from great happiness and love. Let dizzying success, delight and admiration await you at every step.

My dear friend, I want all your affairs to always go only uphill, personal life seethed like a volcano from pleasant moments. your beauty gained more and more strength over the years, your health did not fail, happiness always came to your house.

My dear friend, I congratulate you on your birthday! I wish you good health, lots and lots of joy and happiness, love, prosperity. Let life be in full swing, fate brings only pleasant surprises, and sadness and adversity do not know the way to your house.

My dear, I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday. Be happy, over the years only good, always feel needed. May you be surrounded by love, attention and care. I wish you good health, many smiles, energy, incredible events and bright memories. This day is only yours!

What to wish your best friend on her birthday? Well, of course, happiness, good health, mutual love. May only reliable friends surround you, may all your cherished desires come true. Let the house be a full bowl, let joyful laughter always sound in it. Warm family weather to you, dear, respect and understanding from relatives and friends. May the melody of spring always sound in your soul. All the best to you, joy and prosperity. God bless you from all evil. May hope, faith and love never leave you.

Happy birthday my dear friend. I wish you to always find the strength and inspiration to fulfill your desires, constantly feel like a necessary and loved person in the lives of loved ones, always believe in yourself and meet every day with a lot of energy and good mood.

Often we call a birthday a children's holiday. Indeed, on this day, no matter how old you are, everyone is waiting for an extraordinary miracle, magic. Dear friend, from the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on your personal holiday. May your cherished dream come true. Good health to you, in everything good luck, luck and always in a good mood. May the good that you give to people will definitely return to you with a torus. May the sun give you a warm ray of happiness, may the breeze give you hope, and may a good angel protect you from troubles.

We have known each other for more than a year, it is not for nothing that they call us, do not spill water, you and I. Our friendship is the happiness of a saint, and therefore we value it so much. From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you, my friend, on your birthday. Let every day you live leave pleasant sensations. Good health to you, peaceful sky above your head, reliable and loyal friends. Let everything go well at work, let everything be in order in your personal life. I wish you much joy and warmth. Let life be bright, without worries. Good luck in everything.

Dear friend, I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday. May all your desires come true, may all your affairs go like clockwork. Always be self-confident, do not stop there, move forward, at least sometimes at a snail's pace. Good health to you, success in all your endeavors. May your every ordinary day turn into a holiday, may your life become beautiful, like a soft toy, may all obstacles be on your shoulder. May the good angel always protect.

My dear friend, for me you have become like Native sister. Over the years of our communication, you have become a very close person to me. I'm very happy. that one day we met and became friends. Our families are also friends now, and I want to wish this friendship to be preserved for many centuries. Happy birthday to you, for me you are a real example. I want to wish you that all your cherished dreams always come true. Health, happiness, success in personal and work activities. Stay the same cheerful and loved. Take care of your family, because it is the most intimate thing that every person must create. Forgive people for their actions, because you yourself can someday make a mistake. I wish you never to know problems and troubles, let them always come to your house only good news that will make your life happy.

Sincere congratulations to a girlfriend on her birthday in prose

Girlfriend .. I can talk about friendship for a very long time, say that you are dear to me, no one will ever replace you ... I can say a lot, a lot, but I’ll try to be simpler - when I meet you, I want to hug you; when you feel bad - I really want to support you .. and I try .. You cry - and I am with you, you smiled, it seemed to feel easier on my soul .. You are dear to me! Never forget! And celebrate your birthday with me every year! Happy birthday! Be the happiest! You deserve it!

Happy birthday! I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart! I wish you health and happiness! May you be lucky in life and work! Always stay the way you are. How much positive energy and human dignity you have! Your intuition and charm make you special. You have many other wonderful qualities. Take care of it all. Always remain the same sincere person! Let life circumstances develop in such a way that this list is only replenished. I wish you LOVE, Love with a capital letter. Mutual love, Pure love, Beautiful love and, of course, happy!

I want to congratulate my most beloved and dear friend, with whom we grew up together. We have known each other, in fact, since birth, which is why we are so attached to each other. She and I experienced a variety of moments, but at the same time we never let each other down, and even covered each other. In general, we had a cool childhood, which will forever remain in my memory. I congratulate you on such an important holiday in your life. In general, I believe that birthday is one of the most significant days in the life of any person. I want to wish you good health, patience and strength. You have a rather nervous and difficult job that requires complete dedication, so you will definitely need strength. The most important thing is that you are healthy. Try to be as tired and upset as possible. I congratulate you my dear. You are our best.

My joy, I congratulate you on your birthday. I wish that all your dreams come true. Girlfriend, remain the same wonderful person with an open soul, a sincere smile, a kind heart and incredible beauty. May luck clear the path to your goals, may happiness warm your soul, and may love give you inspiration and joy.

My beloved friend! There is nothing strange in the fact that men wring their necks, looking at your lovely figure! You are simply beautiful! Let this birthday not add wrinkles and troubles to you, but become the starting point for a bright future full of happy moments. Develop your talents, conquer new heights and strive for unconditional victories in your personal life and career! Your mind, beauty and amazing ability to make life brighter will certainly bring success!

Dear girlfriend! I am grateful to fate that I have you. On your birthday, I wish you all the very best: inexhaustible optimism, boundless, all-consuming love, exciting adventures and unforgettable meetings. Never need anything and never deny yourself anything. May you have everything you desire. Be happy.

Happy birthday to a girlfriend in prose e

My dear friend! I want to wish you a happy birthday! What a blessing that I have you! I want you to always be in a good mood, no matter what, so that all dreams come true without exception, so that those around you only make you happy, so that the most secret comes true now, even immediately. Most likely, I could not guess everything that you would like. Then add to this list what is missing here. I wish you didn't have to wait long.

Short birthday greetings to a girlfriend in prose

A friend like you is the only one in the world! Your parents did their best, for which they have great respect! You are my best! Love you, honey! Happy holiday!

Beautiful birthday greetings to a girlfriend in prose

Girlfriend, you are amazing! You are always condescending to my weaknesses. You support me when I need it like no other. And when sometimes life puts thorns in the heart, only you can help pull them out. Be happy, let everything in your life be easy and simple!

SMS birthday greetings to a girlfriend in prose

Happy birthday, my faithful friend! I wish you great love, endless tenderness, wide sea health. So that your eyes always shine with happiness, and a lovely smile does not leave your lips!

Sincere birthday greetings to a girlfriend in prose

My dear! I want to wish you unquestioning consent in the family, infinite understanding, boundless kindness and warmth! May you always be warmed by the warmth of people who love you, goodness and beauty. You are an incredible and amazing person, your smile lights up the world and makes it brighter. Be the happiest, easy victories for you, reasons only for laughter and fun and beautiful and true love.

Happy birthday greetings to a girlfriend in prose to tears

Friend! I wish you to enjoy every day you live, appreciate what you have and strive to achieve your most cherished goals! May everything that is conceived turn out, may everything that you dream of come true! All the magical roads of life are open before you, and I am sure that you will be able to choose the most correct one and go through it beautifully. Do not forget that I am always with you and ready to support you in all your endeavors!

Touching birthday greetings to a girlfriend in prose

My faithful, best friend, let me wish you great happiness, good health, good luck, joy, luck and all the very best on such a solemn day! Happy birthday to you, happy event, the birth of you, dear! Thanks to your parents for producing such a lovely creature like you! Now you make me happy with your friendship, support and attention! I wish you that your life is pure and transparent, like spring water, that the melody of spring and youth, family well-being and a faithful life partner with solid ground under your feet always sound in your soul! Always be a beloved and desired woman for your man. Peaceful sky above your head, confidence in tomorrow and well-being. Happy birthday, beloved friend! And remember, I will always be there, I will always support you in everything!

Happy birthday greetings to a woman friend in prose

Funny birthday greetings to a girlfriend in prose

We want to wish you never lose heart on your birthday! Whatever happens, remain a cheerful, self-confident woman to the delight of friends and relatives, provoking the evil hiss of enemies. Do not succumb to provocations, but just go to your goal. Be hardworking and caring, gentle and patient. We wish you to always be on top, our cool friend!

Funny birthday greetings to a girlfriend in prose

My dear friend, happy birthday to you! We'll have a glass of wine with you to get you in the mood. Be always desirable, beautiful and mysterious, a woman with a twist. Be a bitch, but decent. Remember me, your girlfriend, more often, merge problems into a mug and run to visit. Love to you and tenderness, and rainbow glasses, we, friend, cannot live without men. Let yours be the only one and generous and rich, and we, for our pranks, will be covered less with obscenities.

Original birthday greetings to a girlfriend in prose

We met many years ago, but still our friendship opens up something new, interesting and frankly funny for me every day. May this life also give you its warmth, love, good mood and peace of mind every day. Happy birthday, my dearest little man!

Happy birthday wishes to a girlfriend in prose

Dear friend, with a bright and joyful day for you - your birthday! All the most blissful, cheerful, unforgettable and beautiful to you. Be always full of strength and patience, beauty and health! Loyalty and fidelity in relationships with loved ones. There cannot be many good friends who will support in moments of grief and moments of fun! And let fear and grief bypass your house on a long journey!

Long birthday greetings to a girlfriend in prose

My dear friend, I congratulate you on your holiday, happy birthday. I want to wish you that all your dreams come true, of course. Because I really want you happiness, simple, earthly, female happiness. I love you endlessly, we have been friends for so long, and I am sure that this is friendship for life. I want you to always be by my side. And I am very glad that at this special moment we are together, and I have the opportunity to hug you and say the words that live in my soul. I wish you a wonderful, high spirits, not only on this day, but on all subsequent days of the year. May health never fail you, may feelings and sorrows not touch you, may troubles bypass you ten ways, may your heart never know what betrayal or disappointment is. Let next to you always be only loving people and devoted friends. May everything be fine with you, happy birthday. I love you my dear friend.

Happy birthday to your best friend in prose

I wish you happiness, may peace and prosperity always reign in your house, luck and inspiration accompany you at every step. Stay beautiful for years to come! Let life be filled with new unforgettable impressions, joyful events and enchanting moments that will make you very happy. Happy birthday!

Happy birthday to your best friend in prose to tears

Happy birthday, happy day of fun, happy day of joy and laughter! You have a holiday today, I am glad to congratulate such a charming girl on this significant date! You are my friend not for an hour, but for life, and I am sure that no forces can destroy what we have built together. Love, happiness and health to you, my dear!

Touching birthday greetings to your best friend in prose

My best friend, I want to wish you that you do not lose your shape and always be slim, fit and graceful. May your cheerful festive mood invigorate us all and charge us with positive energy. Let there be no reason for sadness and despondency!

Happy birthday to your beloved girlfriend in prose

My dear friend (name)! They say that there is no female friendship. Lies! Our friendship the best of that proof! So I wish you on this significant day and a wonderful holiday that all your dreams come true immediately after you think about something. Know that from this moment there are no barriers to the fulfillment of your desires! And I, as your best friend, will always help you with this!

Happy birthday to a close friend in prose

Dear friend, and your holiday has come again, in honor of which I want to sincerely wish you real, non-decreasing female, warm happiness, the fulfillment of the brightest and innermost desires sense of one's own uniqueness and beauty. Let the series of your days exude the aromas of hope, the sounds of faith and the taste of love.

Happy birthday! Health to you, joy and yourself wonderful mood! May only the most beautiful people meet on your path, may only good news please you. Be always loved and desired, may there be prosperity in the house, joy and understanding reign, and fate keeps and protects! rating:-36 ↓

I wish you good health, great happiness, the broadest prospects, great achievements, great victories, constant abundance, interesting events and bright travels! May good luck and success always accompany you! 36 ↓

On my birthday, I wish you joy, kindness, health and good luck! May fate always love you. Huge personal happiness to you, may it warm every day of your life, fill your soul with love and warmth! -16 ↓ - congratulations to a friend in prose

I wish you a carefree, cheerful and happy life, to be always at the apogee of admiring attention, never lose heart and remain self-confident. May you be lucky in everything, and hope, faith and love always warm your soul! -57 ↓

Glad to wish you a happy birthday! May all your days be bright, beautiful and happy, there are more and more good people around, and may you meet the most beautiful guy, from among those who are only in fairy tales! And stay the happiest, beloved, unique and special! 5 ↓

Happy Birthday to You! May the family always please, everything difficult situations let them turn into an invaluable experience, and work will only be a joy! Always keep optimism and give it to your loved ones! May all your expectations, goals, intentions and dreams come true! 25 ↓

For the best friend today, all the warmest, most tender wishes and congratulations! May your life be happy, may every day be a holiday. Good luck to you in everything, well-being and mutual understanding. Love and be loved always. May the goodness that you give to others be sure to return to you! 40 ↓

Let everything turn out perfectly in your life, let the bad be forgotten, and the good only multiply. Good health to you, prosperity! 60 ↓

Good health, all the best to you, good mood. Live like in a fairy tale, enjoy every day and never lose heart. Let you be lucky in everything, always, even if only beautiful, bright and good events fill your life. Faithful friends to you and girlfriends, beautiful, pure love, happiness and kindness! 37 ↓

Dear friend, you are like a ray of sunshine, so let your life always be light and clear! I want to wish you to always remain as amazing, always different, cheerful and always play in the light of your luck, like a diamond! 50 ↓

Stay always the happiest and most beloved! Let the work bring not only prosperity, but also joy! And let harmony, harmony and peace always reign in the house! 31 ↓

My congratulations to you! May there be more joy, goodness and good luck in life. I wish you to remain strong in spirit, never give up, and emerge victorious from any circumstances! 42 ↓

Accept congratulations! Good luck in all your important endeavors! As well as spiritual ups, inexhaustible vitality, family harmony and comfort. May life flow like a full river, may you always be lucky in everything! Good health to you, confidence and good luck! Live and enjoy life, and let the melody of spring and love always sound in your soul! 38 ↓

How wonderful life is - I have a wonderful, smart, beautiful, positive and most understanding girlfriend, with whom it is so easy and pleasant to communicate! Thank you for being there, happy birthday to you! Happiness, harmony in life and in the soul! 66 ↓

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