Winter mood: Winter in poems and photographs. Winter mood for a wonderful creation Winter mood

Auto 15.06.2019

The snow is falling quietly - so soft and fluffy. As if it covers with its white color all our dullness, all our grievances, negativity. We are all waiting for a New Year's miracle, new plans, we want all our wishes to be fulfilled. In this article, Irina Zaitseva shares her New Year's mood with a selection of beautiful poems about winter by modern and perhaps little-known poets.

For a winter mood, listen to lines from Alicia Gadovskaya's poems.

Like a winter ball, snow-covered distance!
Envelopes of snow-white landing,
Magic wandering shine! touch
Cold fingers... The pastoral is slumbering.
It's light in the window, which means the soul is waiting
Flights of frank looking glass,
When you find the floors of consciousness,
In which light flows, breathing a little.

And you understand - the world is vanity
Will not create an eternity of depth,
No fatal meetings, no fate
Where the path of tenderness can wind.
Snowy distance - border game!
Angels and demons do not see her.
She drops masses for us people,
Not radiating affection and warmth.

Winter mood in the verses of Irina Samarina:

God, I want snow so much...
Flakes flying from heaven
So that the earth is dressed as a bride
And the fog over the city disappeared ...

I want the first snowflakes, tender,
So that people, forgetting things -
They looked up at the snowy gift.
To say out loud: "Winter has come!"

I want to hear the children laugh
With admiration, touching the snow ...
Evenings in winter are kinder and quieter,
And the veil of frozen rivers shines...

I want winter, so that in this world
Everything became a little whiter.
Let the snowflakes fly around the world
Bringing joy into people's hearts...

God, I want snow so much...
Flakes flying from heaven
So that in winter the human soul is warmed
Waiting for happiness and miracles ...

Eduard Delyuzh and his lines about the winter night:

Unread night keeps colors -
lamp strings and moths whirling,
how great is the gravity of the earth,
like a weightless lunar path.
Inexhaustible, non-silent white light
lays down after my familiar revelations.
How does the night smell? like millions of years
impregnated with meeting and oblivion.
gentle on gentle touching all the names,
all expectations, all losses, all resurrections
- the unread night is with me
and lunar words pierce the shadows:
In the orphanage of faded silence,
blurred, verbless unity.
The space of the tightest silence,
the space of the most sincere petitions.

Winter mood from Marina Yesenina. Very insightful lines. Winter and such feelings.

Your name on the white snow
reflection of crystal happiness ...
Weightless snowflakes fly like an angel's fluff from a wing ...
In every letter of the sun, the rays of the vast sky are a communion ...
And the fairy tale-winter is infinitely pure and bright...

Your name on the white snow
the whisper of birds in the play of dawn ...
The lacy breath of dreams in the chime of Christmas days…
A thin piece of ice on the tongue ... a sweet berry of ripe summer ...
A little tear trembling with happiness... my belated song...

Your name on the white snow
like a postscript of unfulfilled letters...
Like a hope for a fairy-tale light... like a golden dawn of heaven...
Sparks of stars are scattered like pearl-silver beads...
And the gift of the gods sparkles - your name is my prayer ...

You know... the angels took care of your name for so long... so that when we met, it became the only one in my life...


positive psychology 17.12.2012

Do you love winter? I have mixed feelings about her. Although they say that nature has no bad weather, but the frost somehow does not inspire me. Although the beauty, of course, is unconditional from what can be seen outside the window. But at the same time, it’s not bad for me to be at home, warm, and even warm up with hot tea. Or so that it was minus 5 on the street, snow under my feet, that's when I have joy.

Yesterday, I just really got into everything. We had a charity concert. I know this hall very well. We came to perform with our vocalists. And it was so cold in the hall, people were sitting in fur coats, and we were in a concert version. I immediately remembered the times, or rather, one can probably guess how the concerts were held in such conditions. They already wanted to cancel the concert, but the people did not want to disperse. But nothing, we did it. But I warmed up only in the evening.

With poetry, of course, everything is not so simple. May the classics forgive me that I did not publish beautiful lines here. It's just that they're all over the place, I guess. And you always want something new. Therefore, I have such a winter mood for you today, which I am sharing.

Let the lines from Yuri Vizbor's wonderful song "White Snow" sound like an epigraph to the article and such a mood.

In the white world there is a beautiful white color -
He collected all the colors as if in a bouquet.
I walk through the colors of autumn, as in a dream,
And I'm waiting for the quiet white snow to return.

The snow is falling quietly - so soft and fluffy. As if it covers with its white color all our dullness, all our grievances, negativity. Probably, everything can be compared with bathing in a holy spring. We are all waiting for a New Year's miracle, new plans, we want all our wishes to be fulfilled.

In continuation of the theme of winter mood, listen to lines from poetry Alicia Gadovska .

Like a winter ball, snow-covered distance!
Envelopes of snow-white landing,
Magic wandering shine! touch
Cold fingers... The pastoral is slumbering.
It's light in the window, which means the soul is waiting
Flights of frank looking glass,
When you find the floors of consciousness,
In which light flows, breathing a little.

And you understand - the world is vanity
Will not create an eternity of depth,
No fatal meetings, no fate
Where the path of tenderness can wind.
Snow-covered distance - the game of boundaries!
Angels and demons do not see her.
She drops masses for us people,
Not radiating affection and warmth.

I already introduced you to the blog with creativity Irina Samarina. I found so much winter mood in her poems. Here is one of those poems that I really liked.

God, I want snow so much...
Flakes flying from heaven
So that the earth is dressed as a bride
And the fog over the city disappeared ...

I want the first snowflakes, tender,
So that people, forgetting things -
They looked up at the snowy gift.
To say out loud: "Winter has come!"

I want to hear the children laugh
With admiration, touching the snow ...
Evenings in winter are kinder and quieter,
And the veil of frozen rivers shines...

I want winter, so that in this world
Everything became a little whiter.
Let the snowflakes fly around the world
Bringing joy into people's hearts...

God, I want snow so much...
Flakes flying from heaven
So that in winter the human soul is warmed
Waiting for happiness and miracles ...

Not so long ago I discovered a poet from Tver. His name - Edward Delyuzh. I've read so much from him. Here is one of the poems.

Unread night keeps colors -
lamp strings and moths whirling,
how great is the gravity of the earth,
like a weightless lunar path.
Inexhaustible, non-silent white light
lays down after my familiar revelations.
How does the night smell? like millions of years
impregnated with meeting and oblivion.
gentle on gentle touching all the names,
all expectations, all losses, all resurrections
— the unread night is with me
and lunar words pierce the shadows:
In the orphanage of faded silence,
blurred, verbless unity.
The space of the tightest silence,
the space of the most sincere petitions.

winter mood from Marina Yesenina . Very insightful lines. Winter and such feelings.

Your name on the white snow
reflection of crystal happiness ...
Weightless snowflakes fly like an angel's fluff from a wing ...
In every letter of the sun, the rays of the vast sky are a communion ...
And the fairy tale-winter is infinitely pure and bright...

Your name on the white snow
the whisper of birds in the play of dawn ...
The lacy breath of dreams in the chime of Christmas days…
A thin piece of ice on the tongue ... a sweet berry of ripe summer ...
A little tear trembling with happiness... my belated song...

Your name on the white snow
like a postscript of unfulfilled letters...
Like a hope for a fairy-tale light... like a golden dawn of heaven...
Sparks of stars are scattered like pearl-silver beads...
And the gift of the gods sparkles - your name is my prayer ...

You know... the angels took care of your name for so long... so that when we met, it became the only one in my life...

Light tenderness of the winter waltz in continuation of the previous theme of winter sensuality from Natalia Spring .

winter waltz

Coffee, dark chocolate,
The scent of pine and wind...
The snow made a starfall
And covered the whole planet

And the blizzard dances the waltz
And circles in a ballet tutu,
Confetti is thrown at us
She is warm in the cold eccentric

Yes, and you and I are warm
From hugs, kisses.
New Year
It's not smart
That we are dancing with a blizzard.

So we all have such warm, tender feelings at this time of the year. Let the love and warmth that we can give to our most beloved people warms them and us.

Heartfelt gift from me Nastya Petrik and Philip Kirkorov - Snow . I have already published it on my blog, but now there are many new readers. And the song conveys the winter mood so well. And I will try to present the classics to you in another article.

I hope that you have a little rest from our hustle and bustle of life. I wish you all a pleasant holiday season. There is still time to put yourself in order, buy or prepare gifts for your loved ones, just treat yourself to something unusual. And, of course, do not forget about filling yourself with spirituality and sincerity.

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The snow is falling quietly - so soft and fluffy. As if it covers with its white color all our dullness, all our grievances, negativity. We are all waiting for a New Year's miracle, new plans, we want all our wishes to be fulfilled. Irina Zaitseva shares her New Year's mood and a selection of beautiful poems about winter by modern and perhaps little-known poets...

First, for the winter mood, let's get acquainted with the poems of Alicia Gadovskaya.
Like a winter ball, snow-covered distance!
Envelopes of snow-white landing,
Magic wandering shine! touch
Cold fingers... The pastoral is slumbering.
It's light in the window, which means the soul is waiting
Flights of frank looking glass,
When you find the floors of consciousness,
In which light flows, breathing a little.
And you understand - the world is vanity
Will not create an eternity of depth,
No fatal meetings, no fate
Where the path of tenderness can wind.
Snow-covered distance - the game of boundaries!
Angels and demons do not see her.
She drops masses for us people,
Not radiating affection and warmth.

Winter mood in the verses of Irina Samarina:

God, I want snow so much...
Flakes flying from heaven
So that the earth is dressed as a bride
And the fog over the city disappeared ...
I want the first snowflakes, tender,
So that people, forgetting things -
They looked up at the snowy gift.
To say out loud: "Winter has come!"
I want to hear the children laugh
With admiration, touching the snow ...
Evenings in winter are kinder and quieter,
And the veil of frozen rivers shines...
I want winter, so that in this world
Everything became a little whiter.
Let the snowflakes fly around the world
Bringing joy into people's hearts...
God, I want snow so much...
Flakes flying from heaven
So that in winter the human soul is warmed
Waiting for happiness and miracles ...

Eduard Delyuzh and his lines about the winter night:
Unread night keeps colors -
lamp strings and moths whirling,
how great is the gravity of the earth,
like a weightless lunar path.
Inexhaustible, non-silent white light
lays down after my familiar revelations.
How does the night smell? like millions of years
impregnated with meeting and oblivion.
gentle on gentle touching all the names,
all expectations, all losses, all resurrections
— the unread night is with me
and lunar words pierce the shadows:
In the orphanage of faded silence,
blurred, verbless unity.
The space of the tightest silence,
the space of the most sincere petitions.

Winter mood from Marina Yesenina. Very insightful lines. Winter and such feelings.
Your name on the white snow
reflection of crystal happiness ...
Weightless snowflakes fly like an angel's fluff from a wing ...
In every letter of the sun, the rays of the vast sky are a communion ...
And the fairy tale-winter is infinitely pure and bright...
Your name on the white snow
the whisper of birds in the play of dawn ...
The lacy breath of dreams in the chime of Christmas days…
A thin piece of ice on the tongue ... a sweet berry of ripe summer ...
A little tear trembling with happiness... my belated song...
Your name on the white snow
like a postscript of unfulfilled letters...
Like a hope for a fairy-tale light... like a golden dawn of heaven...
Sparks of stars are scattered like pearl-silver beads...
And the gift of the gods sparkles - your name is my prayer ...
You know... the angels took care of your name for so long... so that when we met, it became the only one in my life...

Light tenderness of the winter waltz in continuation of the previous theme of winter sensuality from Natalia Vesennyaya.
winter waltz
Coffee, dark chocolate,
The scent of pine and wind...
The snow made a starfall
And covered the whole planet
And the blizzard dances the waltz
And circles in a ballet tutu,
Confetti is thrown at us
She is warm in the cold eccentric
Yes, and you and I are warm
From hugs, kisses.
New Year…
It's not smart
That we are dancing with a blizzard.

We all have such warm, tender feelings at this time of the year. Let the love and warmth that we can give to our most beloved people warms them and us.

* * *
The creak of footsteps along the white streets,
lights away;
On the icy walls
crystals sparkle.
From eyelashes hung in the eyes
silver fluff,
Silence of the cold night
occupies the spirit.
The wind sleeps and everything goes numb
just to sleep;
The clear air itself is shy
to die in the cold.

Athanasius Fet

* * *
Here is the north, catching up the clouds,
He breathed, howled - and here she is
The magical winter is coming.

Came, crumbled; shreds
Hung on the branches of oaks;
She lay down with wavy carpets
Among the fields, around the hills;
A shore with a motionless river
Leveled with a plump veil;
Frost flashed. And we are glad
I'll tell mother winter's leprosy.

(excerpt from the novel by A.S. Pushkin
"Eugene Onegin")

White snow fluffy
Spinning in the air
And the earth is quiet
Falling, laying down.

And in the morning with snow
The field is white
Like a veil
All dressed him up.

Dark forest with a hat
Covered up wonderful
And fell asleep under her
Strong, unshakable...

God's days are short
The sun shines a little, -
Here come the frosts -
And winter has come.

I. Surikov

* * *
Winter sings - calls out,
Shaggy forest cradles
The call of a pine forest.
Around with deep longing
Sailing to a distant land
Gray clouds.

And in the yard a snowstorm
Spreads like a silk carpet,
But it's painfully cold.
Sparrows are playful
Like orphan children
Huddled at the window.

Chilled little birds
Hungry, tired
And they huddle tighter.
A blizzard with a furious roar
Knocks on the shutters hung
And getting more and more angry.

And gentle birds doze
Under these whirlwinds of snow
At the frozen window.
And they dream of a beautiful
In the smiles of the sun is clear
Spring beauty.

Sergey Yesenin

* * *
Crows, importantly croaking,
paved the path to the garden.
And the sun is not bright
good and warm.
Not afraid of cold feet:
look what boots!
For silver, for gold
a small ray plays
laughs with a spark,
green, blue, pink.
The wind is roaring,
along a branch along a birch.
And the branch presses, cries
from the sharp cold.
plays a ray, hides
either silver or gold.

Nathan Vengrove

In the winter forest

Through the hoarfrost forest lonely
Distant lights flicker.
Forty sleeps on a fragile branch -
Just hold out your hand.
In the den, between three pines,
The gullible bear snores.
And the month is so carelessly thin
Even scary to look at...


little summer

Winter evening is long, long,
Outside the window, a snowdrift lay.
And in the kitchen - tea with raspberries,
Smells like apple pie.
There is no heat and light in the sky,
But we are warm and light:
Like a little summer
It wandered into our kitchen.

This cold is no barrier...

Sketches from nature
In two strokes - a frozen city,
filigree figures
exposed the autumn cold,

And easily changing masks
On reliefs of strict lines
Your epigraph to the winter fairy tale
Wrote brilliantly hoarfrost ...

But blizzards wind at the heart
You don't need a white line!
Give me your bestseller
This cold is not a barrier

But just an excuse to hide deeper
Lacy freshness of feeling
From the cruel winter cold
In the brightest gift of art.

When the coldest time of the year is approaching, people have a winter mood that directs them to creativity and gives a muse. Silver flooring underfoot, magical hanging piles of snow on trees, ice icicles of varying shape and size - all this is the way to real works that give people faith in

Winter mood - inspirational essay

Writers are always inspired by gifts made by nature itself. Everyone has their own winter mood. Row short stories will help to fully express your attitude to this time of year.

He walked through the forest and watched how nature changed and changed after the onset of winter. On the familiar edge, where the green grass had recently erupted, huge snowdrifts grew, all covered with silver highlights. The heavy piles of snow hanging on the branches tilted them, forming a magical and unusually bewitching path leading to the house.

The forest has completely ceased to be like the one that was just recently. Golden, red, yellow leaves flew from the trees, and fluffy snow covered their bare crowns. Everything around was so, as if not in reality. It seemed that he was in a fairy tale and is its main character.

The blizzard swirled and began to envelop everything around it. When I was walking home, for a moment I felt like I was in a real fairy tale. The winter mood was in full swing when fluffy, patterned snowflakes fell smoothly on the head and palms. "What is this miracle?" I thought. But after a little reflection, I realized what nature does. How interesting and beautiful all the seasons are. And winter makes you get into another dimension, measured by snowdrifts and snow-white snowballs.

The little girl saw snow for the first time. At first she was a little scared and did not understand what was happening around. But when her parents began to boldly pick up fluffy cold cotton wool, she realized that there was no danger. In order to fully experience the unusual fluffs she saw for the first time, she collapsed into a snowdrift and began to laugh with pleasure and interest. winter fairy tale came to her and settled in the soul. Now the girl is already an adult, but she still remembers her first snow in her life.

Winter fairy tales about magic

When parents compose fairy tales themselves, children are especially interested in listening to them. The winter mood, which is evoked by snow-white whirlpools, helps them in this. We present to your attention a fairy tale about a lost bunny.

“It was a beautiful, truly winter day. But some could not find a place for themselves. Trouble happened in the forest - the little animals lost their friend the bunny and could not find him in any way. First they went to the squirrel to find out if their friend had come to see her.

The squirrel asked: “What color and size is it?”

The hare's comrades answered in chorus: "He is gray, still very small, a little more than you."

The squirrel answered: “No, I haven’t seen this, look for someone else.”

So the friends of the hare went to all the houses, nests, holes to find their little friend. But everything was useless. It was already dark, and the animals decided that it was time to go home. In order not to experience the loss alone, everyone went to the bear - he has a big house and everyone will find a place to sleep. And then the hedgehog saw that someone was galloping in the distance, very similar to their gray friend. He came closer and could not understand anything: the hare was like them, but the color ... it was all white.

Then the bunny ran up to the hedgehog and said: “Hello, thorn! What are you doing with the bear? Did you come to visit? Why so late?"

The hedgehog now understood for sure that this was their friend, whom they had been looking for all day, but was a little out of his mind with surprise.

Hedgehog: “Hare, why are you white? Are you sick? Or did you get into the paint? Or maybe you need to see a doctor?

The hare fell into the snow with laughter, which made it even whiter. He could not calm down in any way to properly answer the hedgehog. All the other friends came out to the noise, they also opened their mouths and could not understand what was happening. When they told the hare today's story, he began to laugh more than ever. And said:

“Today I saw a squirrel, ran with it into the forest for nuts, and an owl, and a woodpecker, and everyone except you, forest dwellers.”

But the animals were looking for a gray bunny, but they found a white one. What's the matter? They couldn't understand it at all. When the hare finally came to his senses from his insane laughter, he told his friends that everything was actually very simple. After all, with the onset of winter, bunnies change their fur coat to white, and in the spring they become gray again. Apparently, this is how their nature protected them from various troubles, so that it would be easier to disguise themselves. And today, apparently, the disguise was a success, because even his friends could not find him. Miracles happen, but sometimes they overstep the bounds."

Compositions for kids

You can come up with riddles for your child or a detachment of children in order to have a pleasant and useful time. When there is a winter mood, composing problems will be easy and relaxed. For example:

Trees in a white hat

All around in silver

Guess soon

What is the miracle everywhere?

She steps in confidently

Snow pours on everyone measuredly,

Makes white fluffy snowdrifts

And beckons to the threshold.

Everything becomes magical

White, soft and fluffy.

Everything around seems soft

And beautiful, clean, clean.

Poems about winter mood

Winter gives us inspiration

The patterns on the windows swirl.

Beautiful moments of happiness

How beautiful it is around white.

New Year is not far off

Kohl entered the right she.

Showered with miracles

snow white snow


Create for your kids, and for yourself too. After all, there is nothing more beautiful and more mysterious than the inspiration of winter.

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