Full text of Inna Zhirkova's interview with Boris Sobolev. Inna Zhirkova - Komsomolskaya Pravda: “I am proud that I can change someone's life for the better! Boris Sobolev: Do you work

diets 06.08.2019

Get the title of beauty queen and give it up. She has a peculiar relationship with her husband, which does not prevent her from being a beloved wife for a whole decade.

Inna Zhirkova: biography

As a child, Inna was a pretty girl, not much different from her peers. She was born on May 15, 1989. Young years took place in a small town near Kazan. She was the younger sister of Dima's brother. The family in which Zhirkova Inna grew up was the most ordinary: her father was engaged in the construction business, and her mother was a housewife. The girl's favorite hobbies were dancing and classes in a choreographic circle. Inna also loved to sing, attended music school and sewed dresses. Already at school age, she could make a full-fledged outfit for any celebration.

First steps in the modeling business

The bright appearance of the girl has always been in the spotlight, so many predicted her dizzying modeling career. For family reasons, the family moved to the city of Kaliningrad, where Inna Zhirkova was able to participate in the Miss Kaliningrad beauty contest. She won the main title. Having received the coveted crown and ribbon, with the support of her beloved mother, Inna went to conquer Moscow at the All-Russian competition. But the triumph was not destined to happen due to a sudden illness.


Inna graduated from the International Humanitarian Institute. Her specialty is "Socio-cultural service and tourism".

Acquaintance with the football player Yuri Zhirkov

2007 was a landmark year in the life of a young girl. She had a strong desire to build a career as a successful model and for this purpose she moved to Moscow. An unexpected acquaintance with Yuri foreshadowed a stormy romance. And so it happened: already in February 2008, young people officially registered the marriage.

Family and Children

Marriage has made its own adjustments to the life plans of the model. She decided to devote herself to her family. Now mother Inna is raising three children: Dmitry (8 years old), Milana (6 years old), Danila (half a year).

Competition for successful and beautiful mothers

A few years after the birth of her daughter, it was decided to participate in "Mrs. Russia-2012". Inna Zhirkova became the owner of the main title and the crown, studded with a huge number of Swarovski stones. The competition was organized in Malta. 23 girls from different cities participated. Inna represented her native Kaliningrad.

Scandal and title relinquishment

In 2013 Zhirkova Inna became a key participant loud scandal. This happened because of an interview that host Boris Sobolev took from the owner of the title "Mrs. Russia 2012" for the program "Crowned Individuals". The topic of corruption in all beauty contests was discussed. Boris reread the provisions of the event and projected them onto the invited guest. The document stated that the winner should be the participant with the most outstanding talents, beauty and erudition. Zhirkova Inna could not answer a single elementary question. She also noted that she does not have any talents. Except for beauty. For example, she was stumped by such moments:

  • Who wrote Oginsky's Polonaise?
  • Agniya Barto and Samuil Marshak - who are these people?
  • Does the sun revolve around the earth or vice versa?

The video of this conversation was posted on the Internet and caused a strong reaction from the public. People left bad reviews. In order not to prove her right to own the crown, Inna decided to give up her and the title.

MiloMilo by Inna Zhirkova

After participating in Mrs. Russia 2012, Inna Zhirkova decided to develop her business. The birth of children does not prevent her from doing this. She opened her own atelier for tailoring designer clothes for the whole family. She held the presentation of the first collection with the help of other stars who showed models on the catwalk. Yulia Baranovskaya, Nadezhda Ruchka and Nastya Zadorozhnaya, together with their children, were the first to wear clothes from Inna Zhirkova.

Relationship with husband

Inna Zhirkova and Yuri Zhirkov have been together for a long time. In her interviews, the wife admits that they often quarrel over trifles. She is always the first to reconcile, and the husband always remains right and does not consider it necessary to apologize. Inna also appreciates flowers very much, because her husband gives them to her very rarely. For any other woman, this may seem like nonsense, but Inna feels happy in this relationship.

Recently, Yuri Zhirkov began to play for Zenit, therefore, following her husband, Inna, taking three children: eight-year-old Dmitry, six-year-old Milan and one-year-old Daniel, moved to St. Petersburg. Yuri and Inna create the impression of an ideal family. However, the football player's wife admitted that not everything goes smoothly in their relationship. “We have quarrels with Yura, moreover, quite often. But it never happens that we harbor a grudge for a long time,” Inna noted.


According to Zhirkova, they can quarrel over trifles. For example, she will put his thing somewhere and forget or make remarks when Yuri is driving. “In matters of upbringing, Yura allows children more than I do. Of course, I understand that he spends less time with them, so he wants to bring them more joy - he allows a lot of sweets, gives them an iPad. Children know that I am more strict, and Dad allows them more," said Zhirkova.

According to Inna, the main thing in a relationship is to listen to each other calmly and not interrupt. Often conflicts simply disappear. However, if she is seriously offended, she can write a message to Yuri to speak out. Interestingly, Zhirkov himself never considers himself guilty.

At the same time, Inna, unlike many women, does not discuss family problems with her friends. “We communicate on neutral topics, it rarely happens that my friends and I meet to discuss what is happening in our families. In many matters, I always do as I myself decided and listen to my husband’s opinion. If I don’t I can decide for myself, then, of course, I have many friends and acquaintances who can help me, "Starhit quotes Inna.

Zhirkova noted that there was no notorious crisis, which is often talked about, in their relationship. “It seems to me that the main thing is trust, respect and love. We don’t have such that we are jealous to the point of insanity. Yura can safely let me go somewhere with my friends, I trust him 100% too. Maybe because we always something new is happening in life, the birth of children changed something in our relationship, strengthened them.Maybe the distances make our union stronger.We used to fly together, but now Dima has a school.For so many years, Yura and I have become truly kindred spirits," Zhirkova explained.

At the same time, Inna admitted that she could not forgive her husband for betrayal, deceit and betrayal. However, she immediately made a reservation: “It’s hard for me to say for sure now, no one knows how life will turn out. Especially when children grow up and the family is a priority. Probably, every relationship can be saved by feeling in your heart what to do.”

April 17, 2013, 08:13

The wife of Anji Makhachkala midfielder Yuri Zhirkov, Inna, made an official appeal regarding a video clip with her participation that was released, in which she answered the "tricky" questions of VGTRK journalist Boris Sobolev.

The interview of Zhirkov's wife, posted on the YouTube video hosting under the title "there is money - you don't need mind," caused a huge outcry. In a few days, the video has collected almost 2,000,000 views.

“I appeal to everyone who cherishes Russia and is not indifferent to its future. To everyone who wants to make their country better, but does not dare to prove themselves due to some restrictions,” Championship.com quotes Inna Zhirkova as saying. - In 2012 I won the title of Mrs. Russia - 2012. I am grateful for the trust placed in me and for this opportunity implement the idea. I am 23 years old, I am married, I am the mother of two children: a four-year-old son and a two-year-old daughter.

"Having the title of "Mrs. Russia" and using the support of my husband Yuri Zhirkov, I can more purposefully carry out sponsorship and social activities, thus showing their social position, - the statement says. “I was lucky - despite my young age, I can already be proud of not only the status of a wife and mother of two children, but also the status thanks to which I can change someone’s life for the better.”

"I believe that a person personifies his life with his actions and deeds. I am sincerely sorry that behind all my intentions, journalists could only find a niche for themselves to demonstrate their oratorical skills and highlight the imperfection of our model business system. Nevertheless, I once again thank my husband for their support and the organizers of the competition for the opportunity to make this world a little happier," Zhirkova sums up in her open letter.

In a scandalous interview, the mother of two children was presented in an unsightly light, revealing a complete lack of basic knowledge. The winner of the competition was unable to answer simple questions, such as whether the Earth revolves around the Sun or who wrote Oginsky's Polonaise. She also admitted that she had never worked in her life.

By her act, Inna caused, in fact, the so-called "Streisand effect". What it is: a phenomenon in which an attempt to delete certain information only leads to its wider dissemination, often via the Internet.

The term Streisand Effect gained currency following an incident in 2003 when Barbra Streisand sued photographer Kenneth Adelman and Pictopia.com for $50 million because a photo of her house was available among 12,000 other photos of the California coastline. Adelman claimed that he photographed the house, along with other coastal homes, as part of the California Coastal Records Project, which studies coastal erosion under government permission and commission.
Before Streisand filed the lawsuit, photo number 3850 had only been downloaded from the project's website 6 times; two of the downloads were produced by Streisand's lawyers.
Later, journalist Paul Rogers (San Jose Mercury News) noted that as a result of the spread of information about the lawsuit, the photo of Streisand's house became very popular on the Internet. For example, in the month following the filing of the lawsuit, the image was viewed by more than 420,000 visitors.
Adelman said the lawsuit attracted more than a million visitors to his website and the photo was used by the Associated Press in a post that led to it being reprinted in dozens of newspapers around the world.

In a broader sense, it is a reciprocal supposedly cleansing speech, which, instead of smoothing out the impression, causes a backlash.

After Inna Zhirkova's interview, even more viewers watched that video, the number of reposts with phrases like "shitty excuse" and "where are all the good deeds that she talks about" has grown. And indeed, did she really expect us to be ashamed when we learned that she is such a sweet, wonderful person and in general, thanks to this competition, she saves women, children and everyone, everyone, everyone, and we didn’t give a damn about her work for the benefit of humanity and we all laugh at the fact that she doesn’t know some stupid elementary things that and you don’t need to know if you are eager to save the world? Big mistake of her PR managers.

In general, we wanted the best, it turned out, as always.

A lot of noise in blogs and in the media was made by an interview with the wife of football player Yuri Zhirkov, Inna. In 2012, Inna won the title of "Mrs. Russia", and VGTRK journalist Boris Sobolev decided to ask her about the competition. The interview was included in a large film dedicated to fraud in the field of beauty contests, called "". "Mrs. Russia-2012" was not only unable to talk about her talents, but could not even cope with simple questions.

During the interview, the journalist cited the provisions of the Mrs. Russia contest, which, in particular, say that the main goal of this competition is "to identify the most active, educated, spiritually developed and beautiful woman-mother." In response, Zhirkova admitted: " Social activity I don’t have much.” When asked about work, the footballer’s wife said that she had never worked, and she doesn’t work now.

When asked why she managed to win the competition, Zhirkova found it difficult to answer. "Unfortunately, I don't know what I took," she said. "Perhaps erudition?" Sobolev suggested. "Maybe. Because every day I tried to look beautiful," Zhirkova continued. "I was going to breakfast every morning - a long dress, painted, laid ..."

Inna Zhirkova did not cope with the question of whether the Earth revolves around the Sun or vice versa. She found it difficult to answer who Agniya Barto and Samuil Marshak were. But she honestly admitted that there was no competition for erudition among the participants in "Mrs. Russia".

A fragment from the film by Boris Sobolev with the participation of Inna Zhirkova on YouTube was watched by more than 870 thousand Internet users. In numerous comments, users spoke about the intelligence of beauty queens and photo models. And TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak quite sharply commented on this interview on her Twitter: "Inna Zhirkova, the wife of football player Zhirkov, it's hot. Sveta from Ivanov has a serious competitor."

There were also those who considered that Sobolev acted "not like a man", asking a woman questions that were obviously difficult for her. In her microblog, Sobchak posted a record of her husband Maxim Vitorgan, who said that in this interview, "the journalist who is shiny with a sense of superiority" annoys him the most. He advised Sobolev to communicate with the head of state in the same tone.

However, there were also those who did not believe that "a person can be so shamefully stupid", and suspected that "something is wrong here." Zhirkov's PR manager Daria Arslanova also spoke about "something wrong". According to her, Sobolev was trying to find out how much Inna Zhirkova paid for the title "Mrs. Russia".

"For obvious reasons, he did not succeed - the competition was won honestly. Without any evidence to the contrary, Sobolev descends to dirty slander in his program," Arslanova wrote. on your social media page. According to Arslanova, Zhirkova's correct answers were simply cut out of the interview. She added that she wants to make this story widely publicized, regardless of whether the Anji midfielder and his wife sue.

Boris Sobolev, in turn, wonders why everyone clung to the interview with Zhirkova. According to him, this is far from the most interesting thing that was in his film. He is also surprised that someone is crediting him with trying to cast Zhirkov in a bad light. Especially with installation.

"All this is complete nonsense! Well, who will falsify anything there?! There was no task to purposefully make material about this Inna! All this is part of a large investigative film that we have been preparing for more than a year. It is dedicated to the mafia, which organizes competitions beauty, - the journalist said in an interview with the radio station "". - And besides this Inna, we have several dozen characters there. We talk about the ten largest competitions there, including world ones. We show all this fraudulent underside. And we ask similar questions to four more or five participants of the competitions - at the level "Why did Gerasim drown Mu-mu?" I must tell you that all the other young ladies answer no better than Inna.

According to Sobolev, after the release of the film on the air in the PR service working with football players and their families, someone "greatly flew in", and now PR people "depict violent activity." As for Inna Zhirkova herself, according to the journalist, he is sorry that after this interview the beauty queen got it from the Internet community.

Sobolev added that all the original video materials on the basis of which the film was created are stored in his editorial office. And he is ready to confirm in court that there was no editing and no attempt to slander the footballer's wife. The journalist added that he asked questions from the field of general erudition not only to participants in beauty contests, but also to their peers - students of Moscow universities. And not all of them were able to give correct answers. According to Sobolev, the educational problem of a whole generation is already traced here.

As you know, each family has its own "recipe" for happiness. The families of famous Russian football players are no exception.

The guiding force, the cement of their relationship, is precisely the wives, in appearance they are glamorous girls and spoiled with luxury, but in fact they are economic and purposeful businesswomen, good wives and mothers.

Among them there are those who follow their husband to all cities, together with their children, trying at least for five minutes, but to see their father and husband. It is to such wives that the talented and very grasping by nature Inna Zhirkova belongs, wife of world champion, a famous football player, player of the Russian national team, midfielder of the Zenit club Yuri Zhirkov.

Little Innochka Gracheva (this is maiden name future businesswoman) was born in a very small provincial town, which cannot be found on the map of our vast country, on May 15, 1989.

The baby grew up in a full-fledged family, where dad was engaged in the construction business and was constantly busy, trying for the sake of the family. Mom was engaged in raising two children, arranging life. It has always been like this, and as soon as she got married, Inna adopted the same model, becoming her husband a true friend, support and beloved woman.

But that was later, and as a child, the girl developed with pleasure, and in several directions. She sang beautifully, danced, choreographed.

And also, having matured a little, Inna was seriously interested in sewing, modeling clothes. Even at school in high school, the girl could afford to come to the holiday in her own, exclusive dress. To the envy of all my classmates.

In addition, by nature, this natural beauty of the girl did not leave indifferent the young people around her. However, the girl herself, brought up in the right family, did not particularly inspire any of them with hopes, taking their attention and admiration for granted.

Her beauty was also noticed by the organizers of various beauty contests. Inna actively took part in these events and almost without much difficulty won first places and titles.

So, for example, Inna, then still Gracheva, easily became “Miss Kaliningrad” at one time, and after that “Mrs. Russia - 2012”.

The girl's modeling career went up and her mother, who decided to support her daughter, moved with her to the capital of our Motherland - Moscow. Modeling agencies almost hunted for smart, beautiful and friendly, ready to work day and night, Inna, still Gracheva.

It's no secret that girls who come from the provinces are more hardworking and efficient. They are not at all afraid of various everyday deprivations or difficulties. Inna was one of those - a purposeful fighter in everything and always. She knew how to set goals for herself and achieve them with maximum effort.

In addition, the girl found the time and, most importantly, the desire to get higher education at the International Humanitarian Institute with a degree in Social and Cultural Service and Tourism.

The Zhirkovs are sure of this now, because it was this miracle that happened to them. How did the young people meet?

Yuri Zhirkov himself is also not a native Muscovite. He comes from Tambov, where he grew up in a not very wealthy family. Football was his only outlet.. It was this sport that Yuri devoted all his free time while improving your skills.

He did not want to go home, he was more attracted to the sports ground. And it doesn't matter what it was: a modern stadium with a professional football field, or just a small area with bricks instead of a goal.

If someone had ever told Yuri that football would become his main source of livelihood, he would never have believed it! After all, the guy played football just for himself, for the soul.

Interesting Notes:

But he was noticed and sports career the guy went up sharply! Quite unexpectedly for himself, Yuri turned out to be an eminent football player in the capital who is already recognized on the streets of Moscow!

Almost at the same time, a very young beauty Inna also comes to Moscow. True, she fell ill on the road ... Therefore, when her new friend invited her to unwind at the club and play bowling, the girl decided to agree. A friend came not alone, but with her boyfriend, who, in turn, also came with a friend - the already famous football player Yuri Zhirkov.

As soon as Inna and Yuri saw each other, they both realized that they no longer wanted to part. During all this time, young people were not distracted from each other, they told everything about their lives and realized that they had found their soul mate and they didn’t need anyone else.

Since that time, Inna and Yuri simply did not part. And if they parted, they were very homesick in separation. It seemed that they knew each other all their lives and understood perfectly.

Although the young people, and then they admitted it, absolutely did not realize that both are stars each in their own field, so it was a real discovery for them when Inna saw Yura on TV, and Yuri was stunned by the billboard with her image.

What to hide, fate itself brought the guys together, therefore, when the already well-known and titled model Inna faced the question of a choice: career or family, she chose the latter without a doubt.

I immediately rearranged my schedule and devoted myself completely to my lover. Since then, she has always been by his side. If not physically, then mentally for sure.

And never once did Inna regret that she had sacrificed her career in the name of love. Yuri appreciated it too. He adored his girlfriend, as now he continues to adore her, only his wife, the mother of his children!

Yuri Zhirkov proposed to the most in an unusual way, namely by SMS. At that time, the famous footballer was at a training camp in Turkey, the time was very tense - the 2008 European Football Championship was at stake.

Naturally, preparatory training was in full swing, and the team's travel schedule was very tight. Yuri made declarations of love and the proposal itself by phone, sending SMS to Inna.

Realizing that all the burden of responsibility and the very preparation for the wedding depends only on her, the girl rushed to Turkey, where her chosen one was finally able to put an engagement ring on her thin finger.

The couple signed at the Consulate General of Russia, where the whole team of the Russian national team, in which Yuri played, became witnesses!

The celebration itself took place already in Moscow, upon the arrival of the football player to his homeland. And this event became unusual, Inna tried very hard.

To the surprise of the guests, in addition to the impeccable preparation of the wedding itself, they were given a real Brazilian carnival! That's where it was fun and memorable! No one could have thought that Inna organized all this in just a week.

So, in 2008, a strong and loving family Zhirkov. Where in the same year a little happiness appeared - son Dmitry. And two years later, Princess Milanochka.

Inna followed her husband everywhere. At the time of the birth of their daughter, the Zhirkovs were in London, where Yuri represented the Chelsea sports club. Due to the fact that the family travels all over the world together, the children speak two languages, and in English is no worse than in native Russian.

But Inna, despite the enormous difficulties with various moves and problems associated with everyday life, did not abandon her dream either. She managed to continue her modeling career.

By 2012, Inna was able to recover and return to the ranks of the most beautiful and attractive girls on the planet. Thanks to great efforts and diligence, Inna Zhirkova successfully took part in the contest of the most beautiful mothers "Mrs. Russia 2012", held in Malta.

It was Inna Zhirkova who took home, to Russia, the crown of the winner, made in the USA and studded with precious stones.

A year later, restless in every sense and very active, Inna took part in the reality show "Island" and spent several weeks in a very extreme conditions, once again proving to herself and others that she is not just a glamorous person, but a real Russian woman.

And just a couple of years later, in 2015, an addition appeared in the Zhirkov family! Another baby was born, another son. Inna's husband, Yuri, then played in the Moscow Dynamo. It is difficult to imagine a more active representative of the weaker sex than Inna Zhirkova.

In addition to everything else, Inna perfectly realized herself as a fashion designer. Almost immediately after the birth of her third baby, the girl started her debut personal collection of clothes, made in her own personal atelier MiloMilo for the whole family.

And she coped with this task simply brilliantly! Her outfits were demonstrated with great pleasure by famous people, also mothers: Yulia Baranovskaya, Nadia Ruchka, Nastya Zadorozhnaya and others.

But not everything in her life is so cloudless. There were also very tangible falls that the family experienced together. Once, almost immediately after winning the Mrs. Russia 2012 contest, a scandalous interview took place, which the businesswoman almost failed. A huge scandal erupted.

Boris Sobolev, correspondent of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, interviewed the winner, where he asked her a number of questions. Inna's answers amazed and made everyone laugh. Surprisingly, a very smart and reasonable woman was simply taken aback by the aggressive presentation of the journalist and stupidly answered the most simple questions.

For example, to the question “Does the Earth revolve around the Sun or vice versa?” Zhirokva gave the wrong answer. So it was with subsequent questions about Oginsky's Polonaise and about Agniya Barto and Samuil Marshak. The video was immediately posted on Youtube.

One can only imagine how many sharp comments about the intelligence of the girl were written and expressed. My husband even suggested throwing the crown off the balcony.

But the winner herself wanted to pass it along with the title to the second contender for the victory, Maria Padiarova from Cheboksary, the mother of six children. But that mother refused, not wanting to win in this way.

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