Looking for a girlfriend to create a family. How to find the girl of your dreams - a detailed plan

Family and relationships 11.11.2017
Family and relationships
Moscow region.

20.08.2017 17:48:24.

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I really want to get married marriage registry office ring seal serious relationship. I'm looking for a future wife looking for dating a woman and a Lady from Moscow.

11.08.2017 02:35:57.
Dating personal relationships. Searching for a woman.
I want to be loved by a single woman, and wrap myself just for her

I am 27 years old, I can only meet in your territory. I don't smoke or drink, I'm a positive energetic guy! email me, I'm there regularly.

24.07.2017 13:16:05.
Dating personal relationships. Searching for a woman.
I really want to get married, I want to go to the registry office

I really want to get married immediately in the registry office to apply. Girls Women Ladies help I want a WIFE.

23.06.2017 12:20:14.
Dating personal relationships. Searching for a woman.
An intelligent 55-year-old man will meet a woman who wants to give birth to a child from him

An intelligent 55-year-old man of attractive appearance, with higher education, sense of humor, without bad habits, wants to meet a woman who wants to give birth to a child from him. Medical, other life aspects and options are discussed. Possibility of cohabitation and upbringing...

A man will meet a woman for communication. I will only answer SMS.

15.02.2017 14:09:52.
Dating personal relationships. Searching for a woman.
Meet a girl

I am 41, I live in Tula. meet for serious relationship with a girl not older than yourself, not full, short and without children! I don't care where you're from - call.

25.01.2017 10:31:15.

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Single woman 43 years old, 160 cm tall, interesting, looking for a man, single, intelligent, adequate, tired of loneliness. I will answer the letter.

13.12.2016 00:18:47.
Dating personal relationships. Looking for a boyfriend.
Dating 30 years and older for a serious relationship

Many profiles with photos, search, compatibility test. Many have finally found their happiness, being no longer their first youth! Men and women over 30 often think that it is not easy to meet a good person for a serious relationship. But this is far from true. There are enough applicants, and the choice ...

19.11.2016 16:17:24.
Dating personal relationships. Searching for a woman.
get acquainted

Meet a single girl. Incomplete, short in stature and without children.

Tver region

Announcements meet for a serious relationship Tver region.

25.05.2017 14:51:08.
Dating personal relationships. Searching for a woman.

Many say that it is more difficult for girls in their personal lives; how difficult it is for them to find a real man, a normal guy, one who would love, care, provide and do much more. In fact, dear ladies, it is wrong to say that it is much easier for guys to find a soul mate. Where to find a normal girl? This question is also quite relevant. AT modern world, where everyone means something different by relationships, it is so difficult to find a person who is close in terms of views.

"Nice guy looking for a girl"

This is how many ads that are left on the Internet, in various chat rooms and other dating services begin. In such messages, the surprising thing is that the guy is “good”, but he does not have a girlfriend. At the same time, the young ladies themselves, as a rule, are looking for the good ones. Those who, as it turns out, are themselves in active search. It turns out a somewhat absurd situation when those who are in demand remain unclaimed and try to find their own destiny on their own. Of course, not all guys understand how problematic the question "where to find the right girl?" can be. There is a category of young men for whom it is very easy to get acquainted with persons of the opposite sex for the reason that either they do not have internal barriers, embarrassment and fear of talking to a girl; or women themselves show interest in such guys (due to their attractiveness, for example). However, if you are a guy and are not endowed with extraordinary beauty, and finding a girl for you is an urgent task, a number of tips posted in this article will help you.

Where do the rest of the girls find?

If you are the one good guy from the ad and you don’t have a girlfriend, first of all you need to think: “How do other couples get to know each other?”. You need to remember everything about yourself famous cases when your acquaintances found their soul mate, and then analyze them to understand why and how this happened. You will be surprised, but most couples are formed among familiar people. For example, it can be classmates, fellow students or colleagues who, after a few days, months or years of dating, are suddenly drawn to each other. Most likely, they had some kind of sympathy, they began to communicate more closely, after which meetings began. Soon the meetings developed into a relationship.

Of course, there are other situations. For example, girls are met on the street, get to know them in the subway, in the library, in clubs (though this applies to those guys who are interested in the question “where to find a girl for the night?”) And in many other places from our everyday life. Most of the meetings are something like random happy coincidences, although, of course, even for them there are some prerequisites.

Relationship with a girl from a circle of acquaintances or acquaintance from scratch?

You can make a number of arguments about what is better - meeting a person on the street, in a library or anywhere else, or developing a relationship with an already familiar girl. Let's try to formulate a series of pros and cons. So, of course, the “circle of acquaintances” option will be ideal for those who do not know where to find their girlfriend and what needs to be done for this. A person can simply begin closer communication with the one that he likes best, and as such communication develops, he will understand the mood of the girl herself regarding him. This is easier, because for many guys this option allows you to avoid that very “painful” acquaintance. On the other hand, having met a person “on the street” (roughly speaking), you can diversify your social circle and thus find or even your beloved. After all, it may be that no one from the circle of acquaintances can apply for such a role. Then another argument for dating a friend is that you know the girl, and she knows you. It's better since you've seen each other in different situations, and therefore you can be more confident in the veracity of her behavior and words. This, again, is a clear advantage over the “meeting from scratch”. At the same time, of course, these approaches are individual, because it is easier for someone to establish relations with a stranger, and someone - on the contrary, start dating a friend.

What to do if "everything is bad"?

If you are not satisfied with any of the options mentioned, and you still don’t know where to find a simple girl with whom you could start dating, then the best advice for you is to sort yourself out. Think about whether you consider yourself somehow less attractive or more boring and uninteresting for girls than others? Think about your complexes. The thing is, a lot of good guys have self-esteem issues. They believe that beautiful girls will not want to meet and communicate with them, and therefore they are afraid to speak first. Of course, it may even be possible that these guys had unsuccessful attempts on the love front, after which they decided to “retreat” for a while and closed themselves in. This situation is not terrible. If you also do not know where girls are found and partially recognized yourself, the following advice is exactly for you: change! And how exactly this should be done is up to you. For example, if you feel less attractive than the rest of the guys, it's time to join the gym. If shyness also bothers you, take courses in oratory or self-development. Take care of yourself, and, believe me, the result will not be long in coming! The main thing is to want and constantly remember that everything in this life can be changed!

When can you meet a girl?

In the event that you understand where you can find a girl and want to try to get to know someone, while not having experience in such meetings, you need to imagine well what you would like to talk to a girl about, how you want to address her to attract attention and so on. Of course, as you get to know your whole plan, most likely, it will change, so be prepared for this. But creating it is already a great step, which allows many to get rid of excitement and unnecessary worries. In addition, with such “outlines” in your head, you will never run out, which is also important. When you're ready, you can try to get to know someone. However, even if you know where to find a girl in Moscow, do not forget about the right time for this. Firstly, you need to know for sure that the one you want to meet is free and can communicate now, and secondly, you can’t rush at her and be intrusive, trying to make contact. Everything should look natural, for example, with a randomly thrown phrase or some kind of remark about something.

Let's get on with the right way

It is obvious that each acquaintance must be properly continued. To do this, the main thing is to leave a good impression and, of course, to establish real contact in the form of an exchange of a telephone number or other means of communication. For example, if you live in the same dorm, you can find out where your (now) acquaintance is located and somehow visit her. This is the main thing, because this is how you let each other know that you are interested in further communication, next meetings, and hence the development of relations to some level. Of course, this may not immediately be the level of a romance, but at least you will begin to communicate as friends. Having successfully met at least one representative of the weaker sex in this way, you will already know where to find a good girl, and also gain some experience in communication.

first dates

They are a special topic for thinking about where to find a good girl. Of course, it all depends on what exactly you (as a guy) expect from the relationship and what the girl will be ready for. Before you start dating, imagine your ideal date. It is advisable to disassemble it in all details in order to understand what you want. After that, you can be sure: you have a goal. It lies in how you with your new girl have a meeting. And, despite the fact that it will pass, most likely, otherwise, you will understand why you need this relationship and how you see your soulmate. Depending on how different her opinion on this matter is, you will understand how much you have in common.

Differences in a relationship

When the question of where other guys find girls remains relevant for you, you do not think about the disagreements that may arise between you. However, as soon as you start dating, when a certain period has passed (it all depends on your characters with her), disagreements will become inevitable, which can even develop into quarrels. Although, as already noted, at the stage of "dreaming" no one, as a rule, thinks about this, and this is normal. When a quarrel arises in your couple, do not be disappointed. Understand that this is a normal process. Rest assured that the reasons why these quarrels arise will soon disappear and the relationship will remain. Moreover, over time, they will grow stronger and develop, moving to new level. Your job is to enjoy it while loving each other.

Goals set by men

In all respects, both partners set certain goals. Of course, not everyone can formulate them, but somewhere on a subconscious level, when the question is asked: “Where can I find a normal girl?” - a person knows what kind of "normal" one will be and what he expects from her. For men, as, indeed, for women, there are a lot of goals, and they are determined in each case individually. However, the most popular among the representatives of the strong half of humanity are more global goals (meet, live and marry), less serious (meet a certain time) and generally short-term (a girl for the night). Of course, such a gradation is too rough, and it is impossible to “fit” all the guys into these categories. Moreover, often men themselves do not know which group they belong to when starting a new relationship. However, the meaning of this division is clear.

Goals set by women

Girls who are looking for guys are divided into those looking for a serious relationship (as is the case with guys who want to date up to marriage), less serious (for a while) and frivolous (once). However, there is an opinion that young ladies tend to more detail the image of the man of their dreams. So, it is believed that women are looking for a protector, breadwinner, father of children, and so on. It is quite possible that the same can be said about men, but, perhaps, their gradation of criteria is less “branched”. One of the main such criteria is appearance, followed by the mind, character. This is what all men appreciate when they ask where they can find a girl. For ladies, this is not only the beauty, mind and character of a man, but also his condition, charm, and so on. Although, of course, this can also be argued if we cite as an example men (they are called gigolos) who are wondering where to find rich girl with wealthy parents (she would have sponsored her chosen one).

Experience in love and relationships

Some guys who still don't know where they find girls sometimes have thoughts about whether they will be able to behave correctly in a relationship, whether they will be able to live up to the expectations of their girlfriend, and so on. Regarding this, I would also like to note that there is nothing to be afraid of here. All the experience that humanity has has been gained in practice. This is especially true of experience in love affairs, where everything is purely individual and it is impossible to give any specific advice. Therefore, dear men, do not worry - everything will work out for you, and it will be good, because many people go through this.

We overcome difficulties with a smile!

If you have already found your soul mate - be happy! If you still don't know where to find beautiful girl, - do not despair! You will definitely succeed, because there are so many young ladies around who would surely love you if they knew you better. Therefore, do not stop searching, namely - improve yourself, become more positive, kinder, brighter and more beautiful - and the whole world will reach out to you! And do not forget about a smile - the main key to success in this world.

Where to find a girl for a serious relationship? This question can be seen on various pickup forums. Indeed, many men simply do not see real places to meet. She starts making money early. They work hard all day, after that they return home. And so every day. They keep in mind the idea that it is necessary to get acquainted, but they do not see real possibility that is missed every day. They learn in various trainings that, but do not know where to use this information. In this article, I want to open the eyes of everyone who thinks that he does not have the opportunity to get acquainted, who really does not know where to find the girl of your dreams.

As a rule, each person spends the day in this way: work - home, home - work. And for students who do not live in a hostel, the university is their home. So one day passes, the second, the third, a year, two and the whole life, no matter how trite it may sound. Each person is waiting for a certain event in his life, thinking that when it happens, then, finally, he will begin to get acquainted.

Well, for example, at school, a student thinks: “When I become a student, then I will seduce various beauties.” When he becomes a student, he usually does not have money, and he thinks: “When I earn a lot of money, then I will fill my life with beautiful women". And he wants to go to work and earn money as soon as possible. After he gets a job, he starts earning money, again looking for the reason why it is impossible to find a girl. He sees different students, and thinks about how good it is now - they have so many opportunities to find a good girl.

The problem is that we subconsciously look for any excuse not to get to know each other. We look at different rich majors and think that if they have a lot of money, then there is definitely an opportunity to find a girl. But we have no idea that these guys also have problems. Perhaps they do not have time or something else is preventing them. There is no such person who does not have problems. It's just that the strong think how to solve them, and the weak cry that they have no way to find a girlfriend.

So let's get back to the question I get asked a lot. different men. Well, like: “I work every day, and I don’t know where to look for a girl.” The answer is - on the street. You may not be able to go to an expensive club. You may not have friends to introduce you to beauties, but the streets are open to everyone.

Yes, this is not the easiest way to find a girl. You need to get out of your comfort zone, endure rejection, humiliation. Yes Yes. It will be for everyone who wants to find a really good woman. There is no such man who would get acquainted the first time without refusals. There are bound to be beauties who won't like you. They may not want to communicate and will avoid you. And that's okay. Just accept the rejection and don't stop.

With each approach, you will develop, become better. Each of your next attempt will be better than the previous one. And after a while you will become experienced, and fill your life with really good women. I recommend reading an article about. There I described everything in detail - how to approach, with what phrase to start a conversation, and so on.

What are the best places to find a girl?

1) Metro.
This is a very nice place where you will find many pretty girls. If you have a metro in your city, then I recommend getting acquainted at the nearest station, near your house. Since these young ladies will live next to you. You do not need to go to the other end of the city and waste your time in order to have a date.

You can easily then her very easily or go to her. If you find a girl who lives next to you, then it will be just super. And the nearest metro station will help you with this.

2) Cafe.
You can often see a picture when a girl sits alone and drinks juice. Perhaps someone is waiting, or just decided to relax after hard work, it doesn’t matter. it a good place, meeting a girl in a cafe will not be easy. The young lady sits alone, no one distracts her, she is in no hurry anywhere. All you need is to confidently approach and start a conversation with her with any phrase. If a woman reacts positively to you, smiles, then everything is fine, she was just waiting for someone to finally dare to approach her. And you just found what you were looking for. Confidently take her phone number and invite her on a date.

3) Shopping mall.
This is just an unrealistically cool place where it will be easy to find a normal girl. It is visited by an average of about 100 thousand people. Let's say that at least 40 thousand of them are women. it good opportunity for you. Well, of course, you can’t get acquainted with everyone, because there are beautiful ones, and there are crocodiles. But anyway, from such a number of women, I think it will not be difficult to choose for yourself a really attractive beauty.

4) Hypermarket.
It is visited by a lot of beauties. And right there you can meet. You don’t even have to think about what first phrase to say. For example, you take any perfume, walk up to the girl and say: “Hi, I want to give my sister a birthday present, do you think she will like it.” And you ask her to smell.

This scene can be played with anything. It is very important to act confidently. And the most important thing is that you do not get acquainted, but simply speak on socially adequate topics. Then you communicate with the beauty about these spirits, or about something else. After a while - ask what her name is, I myself use this method very often. In the hypermarket there is something to start a conversation about.

5) Minibuses.
This is also a good place to look for a girl. In addition, young ladies go there very often. For example, I went into a minibus, saw a beautiful girl who was sitting alone. Feel free to sit next to her and start a conversation. But here it is very important to do it right away. If you do not talk to her from the first seconds, then it will be much more difficult to do it later. The more you tune in what to say, the more fear of the approach will arise. Yes, and it will not look quite adequate. You sit down, remain silent for half the way, and then start a conversation. The young lady will think that you have been freezing all this time. Therefore, feel free to get acquainted in the minibus, but start a conversation from the first seconds.

6) Stops.
Beauty is waiting for the bus. She can go to school or work, it doesn't matter. But it's better, again, if this stop is near your house. Walk up to her and start a conversation. The young lady, usually, will want to communicate with you with pleasure, she simply has nowhere to go. And if you can interest her in conversation, then the success for a successful acquaintance is very great. If she reacts positively to you, you can play along a little, for example, get into the same minibus as she is, then talk even more and gain confidence in her. It will be much easier for you to date after that.

7) At the pedestrian crossing.
This is not a bad place where you can also find a girl. As long as the traffic light is red, she will communicate with you. Further, if the conversation goes well, then you can go along with her, as if you were on your way, and take a phone number.

As you can see, in this article I have described places for dating that are available to every man. Even if your day consists only of work and home, you meet a lot of girls along the way. Take advantage of this great opportunity. I specifically did not write about various clubs, discos, because you can say that you do not have time, friends and so on. There will be another article about this.

And most importantly, remember - never put off dating for later. If you think that tomorrow it will be easier to approach, then you are mistaken. Tomorrow you will be exactly the same as today. You just need to finally dare and overcome fear in yourself. If you don't, then no one will help you. No matter how much you read, there is no magic pill. Therefore, use these tips in practice, and you can find a normal girl.

That's all for me! Good luck to you!

Many young guys are lonely. And no wonder, because they do not know how to find the girl of their dreams for a relationship. Choosing a companion who will make life fun and comfortable is not an easy task. Every guy wants to see a caring, smart and beautiful girl next to him.

All people on the planet deserve to be happy. I will help single guys in search of a soul mate and introduce a few useful tips and detailed plan that will help you reach your goal.

  • First of all, women value trust, understanding, seduction and communication in men. To make the ladies pay attention to you, be sure to work on these skills.
  • Be sure to decide what kind of girl you need. It's about about appearance and behavior, figure and age, education, upbringing, social environment and character.
  • Think about where you can meet a companion, then go to such a place and start looking. If you want to be with a woman who is fond of sports, look in the gym or city park.
  • I do not recommend stopping the choice on the first lady who paid attention to your person. Chat with a few young ladies. Only in this way make a portrait of the ideal, which will increase the chances and speed up the search for a unique and only half.
  • Start a serious relationship with the girl you like. Otherwise, building a strong relationship will not work, which will result in wasted time.
  • The girl must maintain balance and express confidence. If it doesn't, nothing will come of it.
  1. To get started, tidy up appearance. Ladies, when meeting a man, pay attention to toilet water, clothes and hairstyle.
  2. It's great if you and your partner have something in common. hobby so there is always something to talk about. Girls do not disregard the social status of a potential companion, as they want him to become a support and support.
  3. Strive for lasting relationships. If the chosen one wants to flirt, it is better to stop communicating with her, and spend the saved time searching for your beloved.

You have received an idea of ​​how to act in order to captivate the heart of a young lady. With the help of recommendations, you will find a loving soul mate.

Does the girl you love still live in your imagination? Do everything to make her move to the real world. Believe me, she also dreams about this and is waiting for this moment.

It is problematic to do this in practice. Young people after the first "defeat" give up, believing that nothing will work out in the future. For the sake of raising morale, I propose to look into this issue.

  • Describe your ideal . I dare to suggest that now the image of a woman is clouded for you. But you have to build relationships with a person who has flaws and virtues, and not with a fuzzy image. The success of the operation depends on how well you represent your lady.
  • Determine the traits of the companion . External data should play a secondary role, since it is easier to make a beauty out of a simple girl than irritable "nerd" to transform into a complaisant laughter.
  • Mentally get to know the chosen one . Think about what she is interested in, where she rests and works. So complete the image of the ideal and clarify the picture.
  • Imagine what kind of man a girl wants to see next . Perhaps you have character traits that need to be worked out. Additionally, get rid of bad habits, for example, quit smoking. Girls like strong men without weaknesses.
  • On this note, the procedure for creating the ideal woman ends. . This means that the project has entered the final stage. It remains to go in search and not give up until the moment the operation is completed.

Look in the right places. If you like walking in the park, look there. The ladies you meet like to spend a lot of time outdoors. Common interests are the key to success. If you get a goal to realize a dream, everything will work out.

How to find a girl if I'm scary?

Every young person wants to find a soul mate. How to find a girl if the guy thinks he's scary? Remember, women are different from men. If the representatives of the stronger sex pay attention to appearance and figure, for ladies, style and personality come first.

If you are ugly, this does not mean that there is no opportunity to meet a beauty and build a relationship. Leave negative thoughts, as they negatively affect the individual.

  1. Find out how other people solve the problem . There are many womanizers among ugly people. Even physical imperfections will not prevent you from becoming a sexy man.
  2. Women like integrity . If you demonstrate high status, they will reach out to you. At the same time, do not brag about your status, but demonstrate it with your attitude and body language.
  3. Develop a state of mind . If a relationship with a girl is your dream, pay attention to developing the feeling that it will happen soon. At the same time, do not keep negative thoughts in your head, as they will become a restraining barrier. Do not forget that the inner mood is an ally in seduction.
  4. Meet the inconspicuous woman . This will contribute to the development of the inner game. After gaining experience, switch to beautiful ladies. Most importantly, do not hurt the girl if she does not shine with beauty. She may have similar problems.
  5. Women like to be dramatic . When a man tries to get acquainted, he tells a lie. Learn to play with female emotions. Girls claim that men are unable to understand them. Having convinced the chosen one that you are different, you can easily get her.

And for handsome men, the search for a companion is not always easy. At the same time, there are girls who wish please a man and create relationships. Remember this and move forward.

How to find a good girl

Young people are characterized by an all-consuming cynicism, a decline in morals and a consumerist attitude to everything. This is especially true for girls, for whom family values, along with loyalty, mean nothing.

As for the guys, they are interested in the question of finding a good girl, because they want to be around worthy person. I hasten to please you, it is real to find a lady with a normal upbringing. Look in the right places.

Every quality has back side and a good girl can have " side effects". I will give examples.

  • Beautiful girls are not deprived of attention from guys. At the same time, not every man who meets a beauty likes it.
  • The modest girl you dream of will not understand the passion for noisy companies and loud parties.
  • Girls who like to rock will do it anytime, anywhere, which may not suit your lifestyle.
  • Smart girl, passionate career, will cause redness due to ignorance.

What conclusions can be drawn? Finding a good girl is real, but you have to work. Good housewives and good girls are a rarity today.

It may seem that the problem cannot be solved. Believe me, this is a delusion. It is enough to take a closer look to understand that we are surrounded by many asymmetric couples, whose life is happy and harmonious. What's the secret?

  1. Opposites attract. True, these people have common interests. This is enough for a comfortable life.
  2. Girls appreciate men in a slightly different way.
  3. If you have a zest for which the lady fell in love, she will endure the “jambs”.

When looking for a girl, remember that hard work is the key to a relationship. If you dream of a good relationship, constantly work on it. The search for a suitable lady is a long journey, at the end of which lady luck does not always await. Only the lucky ones find a decent pair the first time, while other guys spend a lot of time and constantly make mistakes.

The search will end in success if your goals coincide with the goals of the chosen one. It's not easy to find a good girl, but there is one short cut. It's a flirt party. By visiting the event learn to dance and find a lady with little time investment.

Search for a girl on VKontakte

Today, young people get acquainted through the Internet in social networks, including VKontakte. This method of dating is extremely convenient, because it allows people to get to know each other before meeting. As a result, at the first communication, guys and girls experience less discomfort and embarrassment.

So, single guys, if you ended up on this page, it means that you have not managed to find a soul mate in real life. Do not rush to panic. According to statistics, girls visit the popular site every day, using it as a virtual platform for communication and entertainment. After reading the article, it remains to throw the nets into this ocean, filled to the brim with lonely ladies.

  1. Searching for a girl on VKontakte requires free time. If you don't have one, review your schedule and set aside a few minutes.
  2. Select a country and a city in the search, as it is not easy to build a relationship with a lady from another city. Enter your age. After pressing the key that starts the search procedure, female profiles will appear on the monitor screen.
  3. Visit the pages of girls whose photos you liked. At this point check marital status ladies. After all, you are interested in unmarried beauties looking for a soul mate.
  4. Having compiled a list of candidates for the position of the second half, study the information indicated on the pages. Next, start getting to know the girls.
  5. To begin with, write that she is attractive and you want to get acquainted. By sending multiple messages, increase the likelihood of a response.
  6. After receiving a response, start communication. I recommend that you conduct correspondence with a maximum of two or three girls at the same time. If there are more of them, nothing will work, since it is inconvenient to talk with a large number of people.
  7. For communication, choose any topic. The main thing is that she is interested in the girl. Never talk about health or politics. Show the lady the ability to listen. That's how you get to know her character.
  8. After several days of communication, ask the lady for a phone number, call and offer a meeting. Go to the cinema or cafeteria. Although, let her choose the meeting place.

Communication over the Internet is no different from real communication. Therefore, be sincere and do not embellish your own merits. If the character of the girl did not like, get ready for the fact that the attempt will be unsuccessful. Communication should be with pleasant personalities. Only this will lead to success.

Guys who say they like being at home alone are hiding their laziness. Without an effort to build a serious relationship is unrealistic, and they do not want to strain. Perhaps because relationships involve responsibility.

It's easy for a girl to like you. Find out her needs and weaknesses, learn to satisfy them. If you make her happy, she will stay with you and get married. How to achieve this?

  • Love your chosen one. Don't glance at strangers. Otherwise, upset and anger.
  • Chat with a lady, be interested in the past and plans for the future. Each opinion is accompanied by comments.
  • Make sure you are present in her life. Help and support. This will create a sense of security, which will positively affect your credibility.
  • Girls like confident and determined men. Learn to make decisions right away. At the same time, add a little spontaneity to the process.
  • Surprise your chosen one. So she will make a good impression, buy gifts on March 8 and other holidays. No significant date should be left without attention.

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