Someone is cooking in a dream. Why dream of cooking: a girl, a woman, a pregnant woman, a man - interpretation from different dream books

Diets 16.12.2020

The food is delicious, the meal and a pleasant company while eating in a dream portend good news about imminent success in business. Eating well in a dream is a sign of a prosperous life. Buying food in a dream is a sign of profit for those who do not eat enough, and a sign of loss for those who do not know what hunger is.

To see leftovers in a dream - to minor chagrin, to eat them - to illness. Overeating in a dream is a harbinger of losses. See others at food - wait for the news that you may have great importance.

Cold food instead of hot food in a dream means that your relationship with someone will come to naught (cool). See who will treat you or bring such food. Eating cold (cooled) food in a dream is a warning that you should not blindly trust people and rely on their help.

If you dream that your food was stolen or the waiter took it away, or you lost your food, then try to avoid conflicts, be careful with your surroundings, as you have ill-wishers who are literally ready to tear a piece out of your mouth. Biting off something tasty is a warning about a possible scam, as a result of which you will get something. However, the risk of the enterprise is unlikely to justify the gain. Bite off a piece of inedible - a sign that your hopes to return the lost will not come true.

Picnic, eating at a picnic is a sign of the instability of your position. If you dream that you were invited to a restaurant or a picnic, then expect good news and great deals. Food spoiled, burnt, rotten, rancid - to bad news and failures.

To see food on the tables is a sign of a vital device. A well-served table in a dream promises a prosperous life and a stable position in real life. If you dream that in a dream you want to eat, then in reality you will crave real changes. If you find something to eat, then expect good changes. And vice versa.

Exotic food in a dream is a sign that an unusual offer will be made to you soon. To see a lot of good food in a dream is a harbinger of worldly joys and peace. Cooking in a dream means that you can get into trouble. However, it depends on what exactly you are doing. See interpretation: food by name.

Seeing a brew is a sign that you are starting some kind of business that will bring you a lot of trouble, trouble and scandals. Feeding others in a dream is a harbinger of extravagance. Sometimes such a dream portends news.

Often such a dream warns you that you will have to answer for your words. Seeing a sauce or gravy in a dream means that your business will become more complicated due to circumstances that you did not foresee, especially if the sauce or gravy is bitter or sour. If they are sweet, then expect deception from your loved ones or partners.

If you vomited in a dream, then this portends losses, losses and failures in business. If you dream that you ate something bad and vomited, then after such a dream your affairs will improve.

Eating fried meat in a dream is a sign of loss and loss; there is a large fried fish in a dream - a sign of good hopes for the fulfillment of desires and the growth of well-being. The bigger the fish, the richer you will become.

A small fish in a dream is a sign of anger and annoyance due to the unseemly actions of the people around you. See interpretation: also hunger, food by name: delicacies, bread, lunch, meat, fish.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

Why dream of cooking. Not everyone knows or guesses, but cooking in a dream almost always means making love. No wonder they say that chefs are the best lovers. Men who know how to cook are extremely highly valued by ladies. The second meaning of sleep, which does not exclude, however, the first, is to meet friends.

Take a look if you're interested. It is quite possible that among them there are such friends who would not be against the development of relations into something more. Sensual, bodily pleasures, such as delicious food, like to replace other sensual pleasures in dreams. The general opinion that sensuality in food echoes sexual sensuality is justified.

How to understand dreams about cooking

Modern people cook little. Usually food is heated from semi-finished products. Therefore, cooking in a dream is not an ordinary occupation. If cooking is a routine for you, you will have to perceive dreams about cooking not as a promise of delicious sex, but as an ordinary dream about work. Except, of course, chefs, for whom cooking is creativity.

What does it mean to cook a meal if it's a chore but not a job? In this case, proceed from the meanings of the objects and products that you see in a dream. Cabbage, potatoes, meat, spices, pans, pots, maybe something more unusual.

Unfortunately, it will not work to call a happy family in which cooking is a hard everyday and dull duty. Order a pizza. Correct this fact and try to unload yourself from the routine. Cooking should only be done with pleasure and joy.

In all other cases, cooking in a dream is sex, sexual desires and a very real sexual practice. Sexual desires can be interpreted more broadly as love, which includes friendly feelings, love for children, parents, the closest people for whom you want to cook and express your feelings in this way. It's always fun to cook for yourself. And the compulsion to prepare food is extremely unpleasant, especially for women.

It matters where exactly you cook food and with whom:

  • Cooking simple meals for yourself - frying scrambled eggs or toast - you usually have enough self-satisfaction, you are unpretentious in love, although you can be insatiable. You need to think about variety. Perhaps you should improve your sexual technique, learn specific lines, and take the time to practice. Even the kissing technique takes time and practice on tomatoes. Nothing happens just like that or exclusively from nature. This applies to any kind of love, including the love of cooking.
  • Cooking food only for yourself is a sign of selfishness in love. All that matters to you is your own pleasure.
  • If you cook an exotic dish, enjoy delicious fruits and desserts, you know how to enjoy and like to give pleasure.
  • If you try food from several pots with one spoon, enjoy different tastes, most likely you have a lot of partners. Perhaps at the same time. At least that's what your desires say.
  • Cooking exotic food in a dream - you are thinking about trying the Kama Sutra or another exotic technique.
  • Making blanks and preparing supplies in a dream are rather echoes of the past. You may be living in memories. We need to look for new impressions. Follow the almost direct advice from the dream and buy yourself a good supply of cosmetics. Maybe bubble bath with your favorite scent.
  • Knead and knead the dough in a dream for men - touch a woman's breasts. Roll out the dough - have sex.
  • Bake pancakes or pancakes - kiss. Bake pies - seriously get carried away with kisses.
  • Cutting fruit, preparing desserts - you know a lot about foreplay and petting.
  • Adding wine, liquor or cognac to a dish while cooking - passion swallowed you up. You are very passionate.
  • To see how someone cooks food is to peep.
  • Cooking together in the kitchen means having excellent, harmonious sex in an extremely successful union. In general, cooking together is a sacred act, a sign of family, friendship, and good relationships.
  • If you dreamed of a dead person or dead person and you see that he is preparing food in your kitchen, treating you, most likely, it will be funeral food, kutya or rice. Don't be afraid, this is a good sign. You are doing everything right, your fears and anxieties are in vain.

What does it mean to cook food according to old dream books

According to the old dream books, cooking is still hard everyday work. Therefore, the meaning of interpretations may differ. Dreams reflect real life and mystical meanings and interpretations change over time, although echoes of the past can be significant.

  • To dream of cooking borsch is good luck in business, prosperity.
  • Fish is a pleasant long-awaited news.
  • According to Asian dream books, burnt dough means pregnancy.
  • Cooking meat is a great joy, a celebration, a holiday.
  • Big cake - you are preparing a lot of sweet promises that you are not going to keep.
  • A simple vegetable salad is a hassle.
  • Round objects, pans - the pursuit of perfection.


Cooking in a dream - strive for pleasure, hedonism, a healthy craving for voluptuousness. The fact that you not only absorb delicacies, but take an active part in their creation, shows your responsible attitude towards the technical side of sensual pleasures. You are enterprising, skillful, know special recipes, and are not limited to one ordinary dish. Seeing cooking in a dream is an excellent sign. One of the very best. Sex and food are the strongest sensual and safe pleasures in life.

dreamed of cooking

Cooking in a dream marks your family life. cook in good mood to a calm, measured life. Cook quickly, especially without trying there will be minor quarrels. Cooking in large quantities of food, wait for guests. The dish turned out tasty and satisfying and you have a meal with interesting people, promises business contacts and profits.

cook food in a dream what is it for

Food is an integral part of human life. Cooking food in large quantities brings satiety and prosperity, activities in public organizations associated with communication among people. In small numbers, measured family life.

dreamed of cooking

It is necessary to consider sleep more deeply: for whom did you cook food? what thoughts did you visit? Did you enjoy cooking or not? During cooking, foods change from raw to boiled or fried. So your life will change, perhaps you will change your outlook on things familiar to you.

dreamed of cooking

Cooking raw meat in a dream for illness. Cooking potatoes for conversations and gossip. Fresh vegetables dream of health and longevity. Sweets and desserts for joy and good news.

dreamed of cooking

Cooking and eating in large quantities - Your sex life is seething, you are insatiable, you cannot satisfy your hunger. And vice versa, if the amount of food is not large, you are shy and insecure in sexual desires.

what does it mean if you cook food in a dream

To a calm, measured life and quiet family happiness, dream of cooking. What you cooked in a dream, remember what kind of dish it was, with what taste and aroma. Cook in real life and treat your family.

dreamed of cooking

The interpretation of sleep depends on what products and how you cooked the food. If you cooked something in a saucepan and the water boiled strongly, a stormy life awaits you in your personal and business area. If something is fried. waiting for unexpected financial expenses. Knead the dough wait pleasant surprise from people close to you.

why dream of cooking

Food and cooking will be associated with some kind of fun event that will bring you a lot of positive emotions, there will be new acquaintances, such a dream promises a good time.

Prepare- symbolizes your organizational activities and expectation of results.

Modern combined dream book

Cooking food in a dream- means that some pleasant duties will fall on your shoulders. In addition, expect a visit from friends in the near future.

If some unpleasant incident occurs during cooking or you are sad- expect worries and disappointments in reality.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

cook yourself- bring joy to others.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Cooking some dishes in a dream- means that a pleasant duty will soon pass to you, in the near future, wait for the visit of your dear friends. If something goes wrong while cooking- in reality, events that will cause anxiety and disappointment may lie in wait for you.

Cooking potato dishes in a dream- portends a suitable job for you. Cook some meat in a dream- a sign that others will be the first to achieve what you are striving for. To dream that you are making coffee- portends failure in business.

Preparing a cocktail- to the fact that you will mislead your friends about your inclinations and will enjoy the company of dishonest, frivolous men and women, posing as their equal.

If you dream that you are cooking sausage- it means that in reality you will be successful in many of your endeavors.

Cook dumplings in a dream- in real life make a new useful acquaintance.

Cooking breakfast in a dream- it means that in reality you will soon fall into a trap set up by enemies. To cook dinner- what seemed uncertain will gain a clear clarity, which contains the grain of future well-being, after such a dream a turn for the better is inevitable. To cook dinner- you will be overcome by gloomy thoughts and a state of mental decline.

Cooking sweet cream confectionery - soon you will receive an important guest in the house. Cooking sweets in a dream- improving your well-being through diligence, diligence, diligence.

Cooking ice cream in a dream- to failure caused by your selfishness and cold rationality. prepare marmalade- means illness and dissatisfaction with fate, an unpleasant homely atmosphere.

Making fruit jam or confiture- to the fact that peace and prosperity will come in the house and you will find faithful and reliable friends.

Cook kvass in a dream- portends an abundance of empty and rude fictions about you.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Prepare- converting raw to cooked. The transformation of raw materials into something more easily digestible, perhaps into some kind of truth.

Stir piss in a saucepan- transform in thoughts.

Round pot, frying pan- a circle . Domestic life, wide horizons, passion for adventure.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Cook- troubles in relationships; with love- gratitude, gain.

Collection of dream books

Cook your own food- to positive emotions associated with communication with other people; see how other people cook food- to psychological conflict and stress; to the danger of food poisoning, dysentery and other similar diseases.

The article on the topic: "dream book to cook food in a dream for others" provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

In our dreams, everything is always difficult, and each element of each dream carries a special meaning. Dreams are multifaceted and multilayered, everything is important in them - every phenomenon and object, actions and sensations, colors, smells and sounds.

Each component of dreams individually has its own meaning, and if you decipher it as a whole, you can get a lot of valuable information that will help you understand the situation and yourself in reality, find out what lies ahead, and take the right step. Even seemingly simple actions can become very serious symbols, you just need to pay attention to them.

If in a dream you had to cook food - bake chicken or fry meat, cut a salad or bake a cake, cut fish or cook soup - this, without a doubt, is also a sign. To understand it, it is worth remembering that the action itself - cooking - has its own meaning, and the products themselves that appeared in the dream.

The meaning of sleep will vary depending on whether you fried or boiled, what exactly - meat, fish, chicken or salad, and other details. So first of all, remember the details, do not miss anything, and try to decipher all the signs that were met in a dream. The dream interpretation offers some different options:

  • I dreamed about how you cook something.
  • Cooking in a dream with pleasure, doing something unusual.
  • See cooking from the side.
  • Cook something - soup, broth, borscht or chicken.
  • Cooking something oily, smearing or pouring oil.
  • Cook meat.
  • Feed someone a cooked meal.
  • Cut meat or chicken.
  • Bake a cake, pastries, something sweet.
  • Bake bread.
  • Cook fish.
  • Make a salad or something else from vegetables.
  • Roast or bake the chicken.

It doesn't matter how often you do cooking in reality. In a dream, this process has a sacred meaning, often indicates your attitude towards people around you, it can promise wealth or difficulties. Interpret your dream!

Roast, steam and boil...

Why is it important to remember the details? Because both the subject (the food itself or the product) and the actions themselves matter. We saw a cake - this means one thing, fish - quite another. So with all the symbols that we meet in a dream. So find your correct interpretation!

1. As the dream book says, cooking food means giving people around you joy and hope in reality. This is very good dream filled with good intentions. It may indicate that you will be given a great chance to prove yourself, serve people, do a lot of good. And you should not miss this chance! Bring joy to others and feel happiness yourself.

2. If in a dream you did cooking with pleasure, experimented, did something unusual or festive, or you just got a great dish, this also means a lot of good. This suggests that in reality you will realize yourself to the fullest, at least you will have such an opportunity. You will do everything with ease, everything will turn out skillfully, easily and the best way. A great period for great achievements, do not miss it!

3. If you dreamed that someone was making some kind of dish before your eyes, it doesn’t matter if it’s soup, cake or a simple salad, this may hint at conflicts. You are unhappy with some actions of the other person, you do not like that someone takes the initiative, and you can provoke a conflict.

4. Cooking anything in a dream - to debts and a difficult financial situation. You cooked fish, soup or broth - it doesn’t matter, in reality be very prudent in financial matters, try to correctly allocate the budget.

5. If in a dream you smeared or poured oil on something, then in reality you will definitely get great benefits and profits. You will be engaged in a business that will turn into a good income for you!

6. I wonder why I dream of cooking and feeding someone with it. This is a very auspicious sign, which indicates that great success awaits you in reality. You will be recognized, your merits will be obvious, you will receive everything for which you work hard.

What did you cook?

1. Processing meat in dreams is always a matter of well-being. If you have made barbecue, steak or roast, or any other meat dish, then know that poverty and problems do not threaten you in reality. Your affairs will be in perfect order, if, of course, you continue to be active.

2. Cutting raw meat in dreams is a sign of weakness or fatigue. To protect yourself, take sleep into account, start monitoring your health, take care of yourself. Do not forget to rest and treat your own health more responsibly.

3. Cake or other sweet dishes - this is always associated with something festive and joyful. Bake in dreams a cake, cakes, cookies - for the holidays, joy, well-being in the house.

4. If you baked bread, you will be healthy, and there will be happiness and prosperity in the house.

5. Did you cook the fish? It is a symbol of generosity and prosperity. Be generous, take care of your loved ones, help others, and you will not know poverty.

6. If you made a salad, cut vegetables - then do not be afraid of ailments, a dream speaks of your good health and longevity, only for this you should lead the right one, healthy lifestyle life.

7. Seeing a chicken and making something out of it is a household life, communication with loved ones. You need to pay more attention to your family.

Take into account the advice of the dream book, but remember that only you make decisions in your life. Listen to your heart!

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“Cook for what in a dream? If you see Cooking in a dream, what does it mean?

Why dream of Cooking:

interpretation of sleep according to 90 dream books

ABC of dream interpretation

Cooking - symbolizes your organizational activity and waiting for the result.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Cooking - converting raw to cooked. The transformation of raw materials into something more easily digestible, perhaps into some kind of truth.

Stir writing in a saucepan - transform in thoughts.

Round pan, frying pan - circle. Domestic life, wide horizons, passion for adventure.

Modern dream book

Cooking food in a dream means that some pleasant duties will fall on your shoulders. In addition, expect a visit from friends in the near future.

If some unpleasant incident occurred during cooking, or if you are unhappy, expect worries and disappointments in reality.

Dream Interpretation of Health

Cooking your own food - to positive emotions associated with communicating with other people; to see how other people cook food - to psychological conflict and stress; to the danger of food poisoning, dysentery and other similar diseases.

Dream Interpretation of Medium Miss Hasse

Cooking yourself is to bring joy to others.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Cooking some dishes in a dream means that a pleasant duty will soon pass to you, in the near future, wait for the visit of your dear friends. If during cooking something doesn’t work out for you, in reality events that will cause anxiety and disappointment may lie in wait for you.

Cooking potato dishes in a dream portends a job suitable for you. Cooking some meat in a dream is a sign that others will be the first to achieve what you are striving for. To dream that you are preparing coffee portends failure in business.

Preparing a cocktail means that you will mislead your friends about your inclinations and enjoy the company of dishonest, frivolous men and women, posing as their peers.

If you dream that you are cooking sausage, then in reality you will be successful in many of your endeavors.

Cooking dumplings in a dream - in real life, make a new useful acquaintance.

Cooking breakfast in a dream means that in reality you will soon fall into a trap set up by enemies. Cooking dinner - something that seemed uncertain will gain a clear clarity, which contains the grain of future well-being; after such a dream, a turn for the better is inevitable. Cooking dinner - you will be overcome by gloomy thoughts and a state of mental decline.

Cooking sweet cream for confectionery - soon you will have to receive an important guest in the house. Cooking sweets in a dream is an improvement in your well-being due to diligence, diligence, hard work.

Cooking ice cream in a dream is a failure caused by your selfishness and cold rationality. Cooking marmalade means illness and dissatisfaction with fate, an unpleasant homely atmosphere.

Making jam or confiture from fruits - to the fact that peace and prosperity will come in the house and you will find faithful and reliable friends.

Cooking kvass in a dream - portends an abundance of empty and rude inventions at your expense.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Cooking - trouble in a relationship; with love - gratitude, gain.

Online dream book

Cooking to eat in a dream means that you will like the duties that you will be doing.

In the process of cooking, some kind of emergency happened - expect a lot of excitement and grief in the future.

You dream about how you can’t cook something - in reality, you can meet such life situations after which you will feel anxiety and regret.

I dreamed of Cooking, but there is no necessary interpretation of sleep in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream of Cooking in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

I collected blueberries with my wife, they collected a whole bucket of 10 liters. blueberries were very large. They collected it in the forest, in the village. As soon as there was a whole bucket, 4 hunters met me and I woke up.

I dreamed that two godfathers came to me and brought apples, cut them themselves and asked me to cook pies. And I found a bowl in the kitchen that I had been looking for a long time and began to prepare dough for pies. And my guests fried large whole potatoes on camphor stoves.

I dreamed that I was cooking vegetable stew, I cut the vegetables in turn and put them in the pan, and lastly I cut the tomatoes. Then I woke up, and when I fell asleep I had the same dream again. In the morning I was surprised by this and remembered. I held a knife in my hand.

dream: in a dream, I wake up in the bed of a loved one. he sleeps, I get up, put on his T-shirt. I go to the kitchen and cook breakfast for him. later he kisses me and I woke up

It was my grandfather's birthday. At night I ate a new ice cream, and then went outside. and when I came back my ice cream was eaten by my sister. May Grandmother was there, she is usually kind but the hour is not very good and she cooked a black and white cake, I didn’t eat it, I woke up, the cake was with chocolate, I ate very tasty in real life.

My girlfriend and I cooked food at my house (I don’t remember exactly what they cooked on a cauldron with vegetables). She mostly cooked. When the food was ready, she left, saying she would return. And my brothers and I ate all the food. Everything was delicious. What does this mean. Thanks

I dreamed that I was preparing a sandwich with meat and it looks very appetizing and I really want my loved one to like it very much.

Good afternoon, I dreamed that I was cooking something on the stove, my beloved was sitting at the table, upset, what he was eating, I was trying to calm him down.

My friend and I were asked to prepare a dish that was completely unknown to me. First it was necessary to roll out the dough, add boiled potatoes and dumplings (!). I didn’t have enough flour for the dough, and I went up to the woman who instructed us to cook it. It was a brunette in a black skirt and yellow blouse. She didn't really do anything. I went to the cleaning lady and she ruined my dough by adding plasticine. The dish didn't work. My mother brought five eggs home and chickens hatched from them: two girls and three boys

I dreamed that I cut the fish in half and then put it in a pan to cook, dash cooked the soup, and the neighbors had to come, we had to celebrate something

Hello! I saw how my sister, turning away from me, cut some kind of salad, and the bowl was full with the top, and at the same time she was sitting on a chair in an incomprehensible position.

i dreamed that I was going to cook food for the birthday of the person I love, but we are not together. he came brought money, he hugged me, kissed me and everything was fine

Hello, I dreamed of three women of a different nationality, Uighurs. (I myself am Kazakh) Grandmother, her daughter (50 years old) and granddaughter (20-25 years old). They cooked their national dish at my parents' house. I wanted to help them, but they said that it was almost ready. I saw a melon cut in half, supposedly for this dish. (But melon is not added to this dish - I’m saying this in reality) I wanted to try the melon and cut off some pulp, but I don’t remember whether I ate it or not. Thanks in advance

I saw in a dream a collapsed father's house. Only a stove with a chimney remained on the ruins, and on this stove the former daughter-in-law in a black robe was cooking something

I saw myself in a dream (from Friday 02/25/2017 to Saturday) pregnant (actually not pregnant) with a big belly and felt a strong movement of the fetus, there was still a baby nearby (about 9-10 months old) and I launched to my house through the front door a flock of cats and a lion with a tiger (at first I was worried that the predators would not tear the baby sitting on the floor, but they were friendly. Then she began to feed the cats with raw frozen fish and cook stew from legs and potatoes for the lion and tiger. But she did not have time to feed the predators - woke up at night.

I cooked food for my son’s birthday, everyone interfered, I didn’t have time in time. I cooked potatoes, made salads, and the guests came

I dreamed of a red rooster which I tried to close in a closet under the sink. It seemed that I was preparing to eat in a strange family with many children

I cooked soup in the kitchen of my former mother-in-law, I know for sure that I need to cook soup with potatoes and chicken meat

Read all dreams

  • Tsvetkova


  • Cooking according to the dream book

    Most interpretations boil down to the fact that cooking is a good sign that promises prosperity and warmth. hearth, stability and tranquility. It is considered a good omen to cook dreamed food in reality. When in a dream it happens to cook all kinds of dishes, the dream book suggests paying attention to how the process goes. This is the easiest way to determine what the cooking is dreaming of.

    If everything turns out the way you would like, and you experience true culinary pleasure, then in reality everything will turn out well. If all the time something burns or crumbles, and in reality there is a high probability of unpleasant surprises. Each of the prepared delicacies, meat, vegetable and sweet, has its own interpretation, which serves as the key to the interpretation of the dream.

    Interpreting what it means to cook all kinds of dishes in a dream, the dream book first of all mentions joyful chores. Yes, worries will be added to you, but they will not be a burden at all. Perhaps you really have to meet the long-awaited guests; activities of a different nature are not excluded.

    When it happens to cook to eat in a dream, and at the same time everything seems to fall out of your hands, spill and burn, the dream in this way warns that things will not go too smoothly in reality. Unforeseen events will make you worry, at the same time, they will provide an opportunity to show off your ingenuity.

    What did you dream about for lunch

    When the sleeper has to prepare a dinner consisting of several dishes, the dream book says that in reality, thoughts will become clear and everything will fall into place. Finally, you will understand what exactly hinders the growth of well-being.

    Everything that you dream of cooking soup for, in reality, takes on the exact opposite meaning. It is unlikely that in the near future it will be possible to devote oneself to the household, as more important and promising activities will appear.

    If you had to cook borscht in a dream, the interpretation promises to make a profit and increase prosperity. Financial support will come from a completely unexpected source. You will be able to dispose of the proceeds at your pleasure.

    As you know, cooking meat in a dream is brought to someone who previously hunted well and got game. The dream book is happy to announce that you did a great job, and now it's time to reap the fruits of your efforts.

    Why dream of cooking cutlets, meatballs or any other minced meat dishes should be regarded as a favorable sign. The dreamer will be lucky in any, even the most daring endeavors.

    The dream book says that everything you dream of cooking fish for is directly or indirectly related to the news that you have been waiting for so long. True, nothing is said about whether you will be pleased with what you hear. Either way, you don't have to be ignorant anymore.

    If you had a chance to cook chicken in a dream, good news awaits in reality, the dream book promises. The interpretation applies to any chicken dishes that you can dream of.

    When you have to cook pilaf in a dream, a new cycle of events awaits in reality. It is unlikely that you will be able to stay away, the dream book warns. It is very likely that guests will visit, in whose company you will have a great time.

    When you try to cook scrambled eggs in a dream, only the eggs turn out to be rotten or live chickens jump out of them, the dream portends a surprise that will greatly disappoint you.

    According to the dream book, those who are on the eve of significant changes have to cook eggs in a dream. Possible fateful meeting or an acquaintance or a new source of income.

    The dream book believes that cooking a salad in a dream is not the most favorable sign. A dream often turns out to be a harbinger of chagrin and disappointment.

    Since you were lucky enough to cook tomatoes in a dream, the dream book warns in advance of a pleasant acquaintance, which will receive a logical continuation in the form of a secret romance. This love affair will be long and will bring a lot of pleasant experiences.

    If you had to cook cabbage in a dream, the dream book advises you not to take a loan and generally try not to get into debt in the near future. Circumstances may develop in such a way that it will not be easy to pay off creditors.

    What dreams of cooking potatoes for will certainly please an unemployed dreamer who is in search of a suitable job. Now is just the case when luck smiles at you. Feel free to accept a tempting offer and do not miss your chance, otherwise the search may drag on for a long time - until you dream of potatoes again.

    The dream interpretation believes that everything that draniki dream of cooking for is somehow connected with new acquaintances, many of which will turn out to be very useful in the future.

    Sweet table: pastries, dessert, coffee

    Since you already had a chance to cook the dough in a dream, be prepared to meet a smart and treacherous person who has already matured a plan for you. Not the fact that it will coincide with your interests.

    When you have to cook from cottage cheese, a dream foreshadows the visit of an important person. The dream interpretation clarifies that this meeting can significantly affect the financial situation and social status.

    What dreams of cooking a cake calls for to be on the alert. The dream interpretation does not recommend trusting unfamiliar people. The sweet promises of strangers are more likely to turn out to be lies.

    When it happens to cook a pie in a dream, be prepared for numerous signs of attention from the opposite sex, the interpretation warns. How you respond to them is up to you.

    If you happen to make coffee, the dream book considers this symbol not the most favorable. There is a high chance of business failure. If possible, delay making important decisions. If you roast coffee beans, the dream portends a marriage with a foreigner.

    Who is the chef

    When a man prepares dinner in a dream, for a woman the dream is an indicator of her temperament and passion. If a married man sees himself at the stove, in the near future he will have a divorce process.

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