Divination through a mirror. Foresight of a fateful meeting

Technique and Internet 25.09.2019
Technique and Internet

Predicting the future is not an easy, but exciting process that will help solve the most important and difficult problems in a personal or professional life. Fortune telling on a dark mirror refers to multi-stage magical rites for which you need to carefully prepare.

Mirror - a magical attribute that helps predict the future

Divination with the help of mirrors is performed at home or in a secluded place where no one will disturb the fortuneteller. How to guess with an unusual attribute and not incur trouble?

How to guess correctly?

Fortune telling with a mirror is only a small part of those actions that can answer any questions and solve all sorts of everyday difficulties. Divination by candlelight with a mirror should be carried out only when absolutely necessary, respecting the ancient forces. Why does a person need such experiments?

Magic is an opportunity, a weapon and a tool that, in skillful hands, can change the fate of any person. Both beginners and experienced magicians can use otherworldly forces for their own purposes without consequences. Energetically, people are subject to various external influences, so magic is also directed to protect their own life and space.

There are no official rules on how to guess in nature, but in the magical world there are many conditional recommendations and rules. It will take a lot of time to study such instructions, but such actions will protect the beginner from the consequences. By the mirror people know the future, appearance beloved and significant moments of those events that are yet to happen.

An important aspect of divination is the conditions that people created before divination. Extra ears and eyes will only hurt, and the forecast is unlikely to become true. Guessing without preparation is stupid and unreliable. It is necessary to start the forecast in good mood and without unnecessary worries. The restlessness of thoughts will affect the results of divination. What prediction methods are the most accurate and easiest to perform?

Help in personal life for a betrothed

Love is the only power, the only thing in the world that can be received only by giving first. It can't be bought or stolen. The fortuneteller is looking for protection, a soul mate, an outlet in a cruel world.

Fortune telling on a new mirror for a betrothed has gained considerable popularity, because thanks to simple actions a person is able to find out where and when he will meet his beloved. The second half does not meet twice and sincere love is very easy to miss, so a magical clue will not be superfluous.

A magical rite performed with a new mirror will help you find out where and when the fortuneteller will meet his betrothed

Mirrors are used in divination for Christmas time or big church holidays. Through display, a girl or woman can see the features of a loved one. Through the mirror, people find a way out of the most difficult situations and stagnation. Fortune telling on a mirror and candles is more detailed and complex, but it also requires time and effort.

If a woman urgently needs to make a choice between two chosen ones, fortune telling on empty mirrors will also come in handy. Fast, effective and not costly in terms of money, divination of the future in personal life is carried out under the strictest confidence. Neither relatives nor friends can tell about the committed actions.

There are several types of popular divination with a mirror:

  • to meet with a betrothed man in the near future;
  • guessing "who is my favorite";
  • fortune-telling with a candle and a mirror on the image of a loved one;
  • divination with mirrors at the crossroads.

The choice of a method for divining the future depends on the capabilities and goals of the fortuneteller. Before starting, a woman needs to decide on a question of interest and come to terms with any result. Negative and positive events teach a person, give him a chance to follow his own soul.

Foresight of a fateful meeting

The narrowed mummer is a mythical, too ephemeral creature. He already exists in the heart of the girl, but the fateful meeting has not yet occurred. Fortune telling on the future lover is impatient for young ladies and women of more mature age. The question of love worries everyone, regardless of age and position in society. How to predict the conditions of a future meeting?

The mirror, as the main attribute, can serve for visions or perform a completely different function. With the help of a little thing that is in the house of every woman, the necessary information will become clear. You can no longer hide the future. The main thing is to use the mirror correctly.

For fortune-telling at the first meeting, you need to put a thing under the pillow and speak your own dream. The easiest way to see the future chosen one is to call on his image. During sleep, a person is not protected, and his body, mind, soul is susceptible to magical influences. It is at the moment of deep sleep that a girl can see her own lover.

With the help of a mirror, you can invoke a prophetic dream, where a girl can see the image of her betrothed

In order to find out the conditions of the meeting, you can resort to fortune-telling on the cards. Various layouts will be a hint. Go to a meeting or reschedule a visit, prepare or work on yourself. The cards will tell about all the difficulties, obstacles and chances that await the girl.

Fortune telling on 2 cards of the Tarot deck will tell you about the outcome of the entire meeting, about what you can find out, and what the potential partner is being cunning about. Only two cards will not let a young girl be disappointed in such a bright feeling as love.

It is also not worth getting carried away with foresight, because outside the room, where a deck of fortune-telling cards and mirrors lies on the table, a person decides his own destiny. And it depends only on his will how the meeting will go.

witchcraft and the mirror

If a girl intends to use mirrors, then she should make sure that all precautions have been observed. Rites and divination with a mirror are carried out exclusively at night (midnight) and without witnesses. Otherwise, relying on the results of fortune-telling will not work. Divination with mirrors is more than a hundred years old; in ancient times, girls locked themselves in bathhouses or in sheds and with the help of a mirror they found out what their future husband would look like.

The most primitive and simple rituals were performed with two candles and two mirrors. From the display surfaces it was necessary to make a corridor (the mirrors were directed opposite each other). The fire of the candle illuminated the “tunnel”, through which the image of the beloved should appear. Not all girls decided on such a ritual, because according to folk beliefs it is not known what will appear through the magical corridor.

If the room was completely dark, the mirrors were allowed to be illuminated with a small lamp, whose glow did not fall on the display surfaces. As soon as the preparatory work came to an end, the girl silently uttered the magic words:

"My betrothed, come, show yourself to me in the mirror."

Then the girl peered into the corridor and tried to distinguish the images that came to her.

It was not a good thing to be afraid of various pictures, because all this is part of a magical rite. The image of the beloved came to the mirror, located behind the fortuneteller. It was considered a bad sign when the image of a man comes into the mirror, which was located in front of the girl's face.

Night divination using mirrors

An important aspect of all fortune-telling is the reaction of the girl. People say that if you frighten off the image of a man, then it will take a very long time to wait for him to appear in the life of a girl. If the fortuneteller passed the test with honor and dignity, then the results of fortune-telling were always favorable and encouraging. The girl should have considered the features of her betrothed.

Every detail could serve as a clue in the future to where and when to look for love. From the color of the eyes, hair to clothes, gait or things that surrounded the guy in the vision. When the rite ended, the fortuneteller would sharply and very loudly shout out "Stay away from this place." Leading disappears after the conspiracy and only the image of a candle remains in the mirror.

Magicians and witches do not advise delaying the ceremony. If you do not have time to say the lapel spell, then you can let the spirit into the world of the living and not always good. Modern girls not afraid to use the ritual for their own needs. Fortune-telling with mirrors has become easier, and the fortune-teller no longer needs to hide in the bathhouse or strip naked. A room in which no one will disturb the girl - perfect place to perform the ceremony.

In cases where the image of the betrothed does not appear immediately, you should stop looking at one point and focus. Then his eyes abruptly shift to the mirror behind him. The face of the beloved must appear. It is dangerous to get involved in divination of this kind, which is why rituals were carried out only once a year at Christmas or before Easter.

Divination at meetings by candlelight

Divination with a candle and a mirror is carried out at your own peril and risk; a professional magician does not care about such predictions. For the ceremony you will need:

  • mirror;
  • a couple of candles;
  • water in a glass (any transparent container);
  • a pinch of salt.

For fortune-telling on personal life, you will also need a glass filled with water.

Before the ceremony, you need to stock up on wax candles or church candles brought from the temple. On the mirror with back side the number "13" or the same number of small crosses is drawn. A mirror is placed on a wooden table or board, and lighted candles are placed on the sides. Place a glass next to clean water and a sprinkle of salt.

Preparation for the ritual ends when the girl sits comfortably in front of the mirror and pronounces the words of the spell exactly 13 times:

“Mirror is a lake, fire is power, salt is tears, tell me what awaits me ahead.”

As soon as the magic words are spoken for the last time, salt must be eaten and washed down with water. The girl leans over the mirror and carefully examines what is displayed in it. Visions can appear in turn or create one whole picture. The whole ritual takes no more than a quarter of an hour, during which the girl can see everything that she needs.

After the ceremony, you should be silent and not utter a word. The fortuneteller goes to sleep, and the next morning, to the smallest detail, remember the dream. A prophetic dream will be a hint about what fate awaits the girl in her personal life.

Predicting the future with a mirror at the crossroads

Divination at the crossroads of two roads is performed with the full moon. At night, when the Moon illuminates the fortuneteller's path, the girl leaves the house so that no one knows about her intentions. When the heavenly body remains behind, the fortuneteller takes out a mirror and carefully peers into it. For such an occupation, the girl gets to the place where two roads converge.

Gathering her thoughts, the fortuneteller says “show me your betrothed”, and then again peers at the month displayed in the mirror. Vision may not come immediately, but foresight will take some time. Not the betrothed himself will appear, but part of his appearance or important detail pointing to a specific person. After what she saw, the girl closes the mirror and returns home without talking to anyone along the way. Before going to bed, it is recommended to read "Our Father" and cross yourself three times.

Candle divination

A mirror is used as a separate attribute of divination or together with other things that help to see the future. Only a whole, not broken and not chipped mirror is chosen for the secret ritual. If a girl performs a ritual on an object that is too small, the visions will be illegible.

For fortune-telling, it is necessary to take only a whole mirror

It is best to choose a display surface that the young lady uses for makeup, in which all the details are visible. You can choose the most ordinary candles or stock them up in the church. The composition of candles has little effect on the results of divination. After the ceremony, you need to thank for the help higher power and if there is such an opportunity, confess in the church.

Fortune telling with a mirror is a popular and simple magical ritual, which requires only a strong desire and faith in otherworldly forces. Skeptics will not need such fortune-telling, but to conduct them for fun is to their own detriment.

Varieties of predicting the future in your personal life with the help of mirrors are frightening and bewitching. It will not be difficult to interpret the meaning of fortune-telling and will become useful information for everyone.

What will the betrothed man be like when the fateful meeting takes place and who should not be trusted with his own heart? All these questions will be answered by a mirror and a magical ritual, which is best done in complete solitude.

Effective divination on a mirror can be attributed with great confidence not only to magical rituals, but also to an important part of folklore. From time immemorial, traditions of divination at home have developed in Russia, which were mainly carried out at Christmas time. According to legends and the opinion of some practicing magicians, the most powerful divinations are those in which mirrors are used.

Divination by mirrors is considered the most powerful

Is it possible to look into the future with the help of a magical ritual? At all times it was considered possible. Astrologers, astrologers, alchemists, witches and sorcerers, as well as all kinds of rogues - they all predicted fate and took a lot of money for it. Were there those among them who could read the future from a hand or a crystal ball like an open book?

Perhaps among the palace soothsayers and magicians came across real clairvoyants, able to predict important and fateful events. But such people are born quite rarely and for the most part are in no hurry to reveal their talents to the world community.

The most famous seers, whose predictions came true by 80-100%, include amazing people whose names are known to the whole world:

  • the Bulgarian seer Vanga;
  • the legendary Wolf Messing;
  • famous American clairvoyant Edgar Cayce.

These people lived recently, so their most famous divinations are recorded or filmed.

If we talk about the more distant past, then there are enough seers there, whose words hit the target, hitting their contemporaries and descendants. There were many such people on the territory of Russia. This is Monk Abel, and Vasily Nemchin and even Grigory Rasputin.

Even science today cannot deny instances of sudden clairvoyance. Is it worth mentioning the usual intuition, which helps millions of people to avoid danger and even death. Maybe the sixth sense is multiplied during divination and a person can open wide the magical veil and see his fate.

Internet fortune-telling - a way to kill time, addiction or real magic

When the Internet became "pocket" not only figuratively, but also in the literal sense of the word, the possibility of remote fortune-telling appeared, online. It is very often resorted to to pass the time while waiting or to make a spontaneous decision. For our ancestors, this function was performed by a coin tossed up.

The crystal ball is also used for internet divination

Sometimes such fortune-telling turns into an addiction. A person is constantly looking for new ways to assert himself, improve his mood or believe that everything will be fine. Quick online fortune-telling includes, for example, fortune-telling on the mirror of fate. In order to get the answer, just click on the picture of the mirror. The image will immediately change to the prediction text.

Similarly to fortune-telling on the mirror of fate, fortune-telling takes place on the mirror of the world. Only there it is proposed to choose any card. By choosing a card, the fortuneteller receives an image of a mirror on which the answer is written.

Popular methods of online divination also include:

  • crystal ball;
  • fortune-telling on runes;
  • twins;
  • gold fish;
  • tarot cards;
  • arrow of fate;
  • fortune-telling by Madame Lenormand and others.

Finding out the truth with the help of such fortune-telling can only be possible if the person himself has psychic abilities.

Today on the Internet you can often find sites offering free fortune-telling about your destiny, success at work, changes in your personal life. In order to, for example, guess at love, you don’t even need registration.

The so-called "lords of fate" offer a free style of ritual, which each person can use at their discretion. But is it possible? And what are the risks of such experiments? The answer to this question can only be given by the future of a person, which he is so eager to know.

Traditional divination on mirrors

Some magical rites came to us from ancient times. These include divination on a mirror with a candle. AT certain days, filled with special energy, invisible portals open.

At this time, the veil that hides the distant or near future from people is crumbling. Even a common person can become at this time a kind of "antenna" capable of receiving important information.

Some modern magicians and psychics successfully manage to use the information field of the Earth in order to draw certain knowledge from it. Mirrors and reflective surfaces are conductors to other dimensions that can tell a lot.

Divination by candlelight

The most famous and still popular is fortune-telling, in which a mirror corridor is built. In it, under certain conditions, you can see the astral reflection of another person. Many people who have used this rite claim that they succeeded.

Candles are placed on the sides of the mirror

How does the ritual take place?

  • opposite a large mirror, a small one is installed in such a way as to create a corridor of mirrors;
  • lighted candles are placed on the sides;
  • a girl or an unmarried woman should stare intently at a reflective surface;
  • after a while, the image of the groom will appear, which can be examined in detail.

Fortune-telling on the betrothed-mummers should always be carried out in a calm atmosphere and in solitude. You can not laugh or take the ritual lightly.

A big role in divination by the betrothed is played by the girl's hair, in which great magical power is concentrated. They need to be combed in front of the mirror with a comb, and then say:

"Narrowed-mummer, appear."

If incomprehensible or terrible images appear in the mirror, fortune-telling must be stopped. They always end the ritual with one phrase - "Keep away from this place." According to legend, these magic words block the astral passage for evil beings who are constantly striving to penetrate our world.

How to see your destiny in a dream

One way to know the future is to see it in a dream. Such fortune-telling can be treated with distrust, but sometimes it works 100%. Some ancient strong rituals have been popular with young charmers for many centuries.

Divination with a donated ring

This divination is considered very strong. However, there must be one condition - the girl must wear a ring on her hand, presented by her beloved. In the old days, such a ritual was performed after the official betrothal. The bride wanted to know what awaits her with her future husband.

At night, when it appeared in the sky full moon, the girl closed herself in her room. It was necessary to light a red candle and place it in the center of the table. A mirror was placed opposite the candle so that the flame of the candle was reflected in it. This was done in order to increase the power of fire and allow magic to enter the room through a mirrored surface.

Before going to bed, you need to remove the ring, speak, and then put it back on

After that, the girl spread the bed, took off her clothes and put on her nightgown. Sitting on the bed, the bride combed her hair. So she strengthened the magical energy that lives in every woman and connected her with the one that came through the mirror from the astral world.

The girl had to remove the ring from her finger and hold it in her left hand. Looking at the reflection of the candle, the bride talked to the presented jewelry and asked him to show her the future in a dream. After that, the ring had to be put on the finger again, the candle should be extinguished and go to bed.

The dream that will occur that night was supposed to tell the bride what kind family life is waiting for her. If the dream was pleasant and joyful, everything will be fine. If the dream was bad - expect trouble. Night without dreams - the future is unclear.

How to see the true feelings of a lover in a dream

To carry out this divination with the help of a mirror, you need to purchase a new pocket round mirror. The ritual could only be performed on the full moon on women's days - on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.

On the chosen day, the girl invited her lover to visit her. She set the table and served treats. There was no one else in the room other than the two of them. During the table conversation, the beauty had to take out her mirror and position it so as to fix the reflection of her lover in it. After the image was "caught", the magical object was quickly hidden again in a pocket or in a secluded place. The main condition is that the guy should not notice the action taking place. At this point, it is allowed:

  • laugh;
  • flirt;
  • ask what is interesting;
  • tell something.

The girl must distract the groom.

After the young man left the apartment, it was necessary to immediately go to the bedroom and put the mirror under the pillow. After that, they cleared the table, washed the dishes and did household chores.

Before going to bed, the girl touched the mirror surface with her hand. She turned to the reflection of the guy, caught in the mirror, and said:

“The image (of such and such), go to my dream. Tell me about the feelings of my beloved, reveal to me his thoughts.

In a dream, the girl had to see her boyfriend and, according to his words, actions and attitude towards her, understand how he feels for her.

Ever since the mirror was invented, it has been a very mystical item. This is the gate to a parallel world, which is usually hidden from human eyes. With the help of auxiliary means - candles - you can find out fate and predict the future.

Divination for the betrothed

The most common divination on the mirror are. These methods have been known for decades. Many generations know their fate through reflection. This method of prediction was used not only by representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, but also by men.

Fortune telling on the mirror is not a primordially female affair. Knowing fate is always interesting. To predict the future, you need only a mirror and a candle.. The easiest way is to. This method is used to respond to any life situation, but in recent times this technique is actively used in cases where you want to know your own personal life in the future. Those signs that appear in the mirror are not a 100% result. Much in life can be changed, the main thing is to want it.

Rules for divination for a betrothed:

  • it is necessary to remain alone during the ritual, it is best to lock yourself in the farthest room;
  • the light in the room must be turned off, the only light source is the candle that will be used in the ceremony;
  • the candle should be tall and thick - this way the magical flows that pass through it will be better perceived, it is better to select an attribute of white or red color;
  • clothing should be loose - do not wear pants or trousers with tight shirts, it is best to use a dress or nightgown;
  • if the hair is long and braided, it is better to dissolve it and throw it behind the back; do not use hairpins or elastic bands on short hair.

Divination is best done in a nightgown

The method of fortune-telling is very simple and does not require additional training,. You just need to prepare everything you need, wait until midnight and start. It is better to spread some kind of tablecloth on the table. For a candle, you need to take a small saucer or glass so as not to drip wax on the table. The candle should be placed to the right of the reflective surface. After the candle is lit, you need to concentrate and close your eyes for a few seconds. At this time, you need to think about the desire to see your betrothed in the reflection.

Opening your eyes, you need to say, looking in the mirror:

"My betrothed, mummers, come to me, my good, my betrothed, mummers, come to me for supper."

If you peer into the mirror after these words, you can see how a silhouette appears on a smooth surface. Do not be afraid - it will not cause harm. It's simple . He will return back to his world immediately after completing the divination.

To complete the ceremony, you must say:

"Church this place."

These are magic words that will not allow spirits from a parallel world to get into reality. There is a belief that if these words are not spoken, then the entity can leave the surface and make its way into the house. If she is friendly, then no harm will come. It is then worth offering tea or food to the spirit. Then you can avoid trouble. If you annoy the guest, he may begin to take revenge. Then you will have to turn to specialists so that they drive the persistent spirit away.

Divination rituals for a future husband

There are many variations of divination on mirrors. In more complex and dangerous methods several attributes are used.

  1. For this divination method, you need to take a candle and a pair of mirrors of the same size. It is necessary to take reflective surfaces without magnification so that the image is not distorted.
  2. After dark, take both surfaces and set them on the table in such a way as to see the passage that forms between the two mirrors. This is where all the action will take place.
  3. It is worth lighting a candle so that it illuminates the resulting corridor between the worlds. Then you need to start calling on the betrothed-mummer, who should appear soon.
  4. Be very careful - this corridor is very dangerous. There are legends that beautiful girls Satan himself appears in the guise of a bridegroom. If the rite is not stopped in time, it can go outside and take possession of the soul of a young woman, therefore, as soon as the contours of the young man become discernible, it is worth peering into him quickly.
  5. As soon as he begins to approach, you need to say protective words:

    "Church this place."

This spell will prevent the entity from entering our world by locking it in a mirror. For reliability, it is worth immediately after that to break the corridor, putting the reflective surfaces on the table. Then you can read a prayer and turn on the light.

Another of the methods of the rite of passage for love with the help of a mirror is. It was often used in past centuries. To do this, you need a mirror, a candle and a comb.

Fortune-telling will help you see the image of your betrothed

At midnight, when the household went to bed, the girl began the ritual. She sat down in front of the surface, lit a candle and began to comb, looking at her reflection. Sometimes it was necessary to spend several hours in this position until a silhouette appeared in the mirror over the girl’s shoulder, but it was not worth considering.

At the first appearance of the spirit, it is necessary to put the mirror on the table with the reflective surface down and, without looking into it, take it to the bed. After that, you need to put it and a hairbrush under the pillow and immediately go to bed. You can’t be distracted by anything, then in a dream a narrowed one will come, which will be clearly distinguishable, right down to the features of the face. In the morning, before taking a magical accessory from under the pillow, it is necessary to read a prayer so that the spirits go back into the reflection.

Prediction by the Mirror of Fate and Peace

Now divination has become more common, which can be done online without looking up from a computer or smartphone. In terms of effectiveness, they are not inferior to classical rites. Such options are suitable for very impressionable girls who are afraid to call on spirits in the middle of the night.

Free fortune-telling, which is called the Mirror of Fate, is very popular. The essence of divination is that a certain image appears on the surface of the mirror. It can be presented in the form of a certain picture with an object, an event or a certain life situation. Each picture has its own encryption, which can only be understood by the one who performs the ceremony.

The Mirror of the World is a way of predicting fate by receiving a certain phrase from the mirror, which is the answer to the question posed. For each person, the phrase is selected individually for a request that disturbs the soul. Fortune telling on the Mirror of the World is worth no more than 1 time per day.


Divination on mirrors and reflective surfaces -. People have been using this method since ancient times. It is best to perform it at night. This method of divination can be dangerous.

Since the time when people invented mirrors, magical and mysterious properties have been attributed to them, and even today many people believe that mirrors are guides to the other world. Fortune telling on a mirror - (for a betrothed, groom or future husband) - is rightfully considered one of the most popular and accurate prediction options.

Mirrors are one of the important components for divination, and a way to look into the future. With the help of them, you can open the door to the future and find out what awaits us there, what trials and changes await us, and how to save yourself from all the troubles and misfortunes that are likely to await you.

A selection of fortune-telling on the mirror for your future "betrothed" or simply the groom.

With the help of a mirror, you can get answers to certain circumstances. To correctly tune in to contact with the mirror, you need to focus and concentrate on your problems. So, before any fortune-telling, we take a mirror, examine it, clean it, wipe it. It is important that you like it, that it is not broken or even worse cracked. In such a mirror, you are unlikely to see something good ...

The most correct "old" divination by candlelight with a mirror

It goes like this: a girl enters an empty room alone, brings a mirror and a candle with her. He puts everything on the table, lights a candle and sits down in front of the mirror, and begins to whisper:

"Betrothed, mummers, come to me for supper."

  • This whisper is repeated many times, so much time is allotted for divination as long as the candle burns.
  • A minute before you see the narrowed mirror, it is likely to dim, after which the girl should wipe the mirror with a towel specially prepared for this.
  • After that, you will see the image of your future groom.
  • After examining all the features of the face of your betrothed, you need to shout softly: “Step away from this place!”. The demon that appeared in the form of your man will disappear.
  • When the demon (betrothed) is not in a hurry to “shun”, then he, having stopped looking in the mirror, will be able to sit down next to the girl who calls him and put a ring or a knife on the table, or maybe some other object.
  • Then, after the “offerings” of the demon, the girl should have time to “choke” him and he will disappear, and the left thing will go to her as a keepsake.

Our ancestors really believed that these items really disappear from your future betrothed (groom).

Divination for a husband with a mirror and a candle.

Other divination using mirrors and candles

Divination with two mirrors and one candle

This fortune-telling with two mirrors and a candle is rightfully considered the most terrible. You need to go to this fortune-telling prepared, have strong nerves and determination.

  • You need to close yourself in your room at midnight.
  • For divination, you need two identical large mirrors.
  • They must be placed opposite each other and placed between them a candle.
  • It is necessary to arrange the mirrors so that they form a mirror tunnel lit by lights.

Mirrors should be clean and not cloudy, because the girl should sit still and peer into the depths of the corridor and consider her future groom.

The danger of this fortune-telling is that there were cases when the "betrothed" dragged fortune tellers into the mirror, so the main thing here is to say "mind me" in time and throw a white cloth over the mirror.

Therefore, before fortune-telling, you need to tune in accordingly, so as not to get confused at the wrong moment.

Divination at the crossroads with a mirror

Another simple divination, which, however, will require you to leave the house.

  • They go to the intersection of roads at midnight and take a mirror with them.
  • They stand at the crossroads so that the moon is behind, then they look in the mirror, saying the words: "Narrowed, mummers, show yourself in the mirror."
  • After some time, the one who was called will come.

Divination with a mirror under the bed and spruce branches

The best time for this fortune-telling is Christmas time. For it you will need a new medium-sized mirror and a small amount of spruce branches.

  • Have all of the above ready by midnight.
  • Before going to bed, take a mirror, write the name of your beloved or the desire associated with him.
  • The next thing you will have to do is to carefully place the mirror under the bed, and surround it with sprigs of spruce.
  • In the morning, remove the mirror from under the bed, and if the inscription is gone, then everything that was planned will come true. And if the inscription remains, then everything will remain the same.

If a cross appears on the mirror, then this is a bad sign for the one you were guessing at.

Fortune telling on a church candle on Pokrov

The most effective time for divination on a mirror for a guy is Christmas time and Christmas.

In the time of our great-grandmothers, there was another divination on church candles for the betrothed groom on Pokrov.

Girls from the very morning, even before the first roosters, hurried to light a candle for the holiday in the church. This was done so that the relationship between the lovers was strong, and which of the girls was the first to light a candle would be the first to marry. Girls by the flame of a candle could guess their fate.

It all depended on how it burned:

  • If the flame burns quietly - this meant a quiet, even, without any failures and big upheavals, life and destiny in general;
  • The flame of a candle is bright and sometimes “winks” - life is seething and interesting;
  • The flame of a candle is very bright with crackling - it means a stormy and cheerful life, a fate full of adventures and positive impressions awaits you;
  • The candle flame is dim - a short and sad life;
  • The flame is red - to life's grief;
  • The flame of a candle is yellow - to great joy and happiness;
  • A flame of red gold color - to a very rich life;
  • The flame of a candle with soot - unfortunately, misfortune;

Fortune-telling "on desire" with the help of a mirror

Another version of a simple "mirror" fortune-telling for a wish (including a meeting with the groom). On the mirror you need to write a desire, a question, or what you want to know in a dream.

For example, you want to know how events will develop on the love front, you need to write - “love groom”, if you are interested in money issues - write “money is work” and then in the same spirit.

  • Then, you need to wrap it in a handkerchief, and then put the mirror under the pillow. As a result, you will see a dream and it will be like a hint for your actions related to the subject of divination in the future.
  • Most often, in a dream, direct answers to the questions asked do not come. The answer will come in the form of symbols or images that you should correctly interpret.

There is another simpler way: put a mirror on a table or bedside table near the bed, and put a sheet of paper and a pencil on top of the mirror. They believe that evil spirits will write the answer to your questions at night. It is believed that the answer written on paper should not be shown to anyone, it is more correct to burn it after you read it.

Fortune telling on the fidelity of a lover

When jealousy for your lover or just a guy gnaws at you, although it may be unfounded, but if you want to check the fidelity of your soulmate, then you have the opportunity to use this divination for the fidelity of your lover or groom.

  • Take two identical new candles. Color and material of candles can be any. Church candles in this case use is not recommended.
  • Gently place both candles in a glass, and put the glass in turn on the table.
  • Circle the glass with chalk. Draw directly on the table, after divination the circle can be erased.
  • Mentally choose one of the candles and think of your name on it.

Then read this plot three times :

« Let my candle go out without completely decaying, if my dear one is unfaithful to me in deed or in thought.

Next, the candles are lit, and if the candle that you made up (with your name) goes out first and does not burn out to the end, it means you are being cheated on. If your candle goes out the second, or even better, both candles burn out to the end - everything is fine, there is no betrayal.

With the help of a mirror, you can see not only the betrothed, but also find out your future.

How to choose the right candles for divination?

Previously, candles were made in handicraft manufactories or by hand, but now many can buy candles in special esoteric or magical stores. It is better to buy pure wax candles in the church. So you protect yourself from the influence of evil spirits on the fortune-telling attribute.

Depending on the purpose of the ritual, the color of the candle is also chosen:

  • white is a universal color for love purposes;
  • orange or yellow - for travel and wandering;
  • red - for decision making;
  • black - for rituals with the enemy (it is better not to use it without preparation);
  • green and blue - for rituals associated with desires;

If you want to get answers from fortune-telling that will be accurate in the questions posed. Then you should ask the same questions on different types of fortune-telling, so you will avoid different kind inaccuracies or misinterpretations. But even in such cases, you need to trust more to your heart and common sense.

As the sages said: “The stars predict, but do not oblige!”

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