Training online club dances for women girls. Modern dances for girls

Tourism and rest 16.10.2017
Tourism and rest

The most fashionable entertainment option today is nightclubs. Dancing and discos have always been popular, but today they are at their peak. Each of us at least once has been in a nightclub and he wanted to dance. How to learn to look beautiful and get a lot of pleasure from visiting nightclubs? The answer is simple - club dances for beginners.

Simple, but very effective ligaments look attractive on the dance floor, help support the body and give it a seductive shape. Men's club dances are a hot cocktail of paired Cuban dances:

  • and other very popular styles today.


However, one should not mistakenly assume that club dancing is just a variant of “shaking” all limbs and head at the same time to rhythmic music. To start catching admiring glances and sighs, you should master at least the “club dancing for beginners” course. There are no strict rules in these dances and everything depends on improvisation, but only professional trainers can give you a base!

Club dance lessons

Girls especially love being the center of attention. Night dancing is a great opportunity show yourself, your body and your skills. We claim that every girl can dance club dances beautifully. But for this you need to prepare a little.

Of course, club dance lessons now it’s easier than ever to find it on the Internet, but the real atmosphere, plasticity and energy can only be felt during training. Classes are held in small groups, in spacious rooms with large mirrors, so you can quickly get used to and love your body.

Improvisation, sudden changes in postures, turns and plasticity are all elements different styles, which absorbed the club dance. Learning different styles is quite difficult and long. So club dancing is essentially an ideal cocktail for developing the plasticity and energy of your body.

It is worth remembering that club dance lessons for girls are no exception. Guys too recent times became interested in this kind of art, so we are ready to provide classes for beginner disco dancers.

Learn to club dance

Learn to club dance possible in several ways. You can watch foreign dance videos and try to repeat them, you can train using video tutorials, or you can practice in group training and cheer yourself up, as well as polish your technique with professional trainers.

Light, bewitching, erotic or simply attractive movements will not leave anyone indifferent, regardless of gender, age or field of activity. In addition, this The best way gain perfect figure body without constant strenuous training. You will be happy to run to club dance classes!

With dancing, everything is simple: you are guaranteed a good high spirits, an ideal body and, at the same time, attention from the opposite sex and not only in discos and clubs.

If you want to learn how to club dance, the key is to start and keep practicing. During the classes, you will find the most popular ligaments from the easiest level to vocational training numbers. You will recognize the movements from the most popular clips foreign stars- easy turns and complex ligaments. In these dances, the main thing is improvisation, but unfortunately, beautiful improvisation is impossible without a base of movements.

We also offer club dances for guys and men. You no longer have to be shy away at parties, you can learn step by step links for the most beautiful dances with any girl and on any dance floor.


Club dances are dances for self-confident people who easily adapt to different music sounding on the dance floor. This direction, like no other, allows you to express yourself, demonstrate a sense of rhythm and throw out your emotions in movements.

Club dances - an amazing interweaving of styles

A mix of styles such as hip-hop, sexy r "n" b, electro, house, funk or even pop music cannot confuse club dancers - they will always be on top and in rhythm. But such versatility club modern dances rather difficult direction. That's why club dance lessons for beginners for which our club dance school in Moscow help you learn to understand musical styles, to master first the basic movements characteristic of a particular direction, and over time, learn to feel the music and create vivid improvisations.

Most often dancing to club music quite energetic, fast and expressive, with a clear rhythm and dynamic load. Movements can be very diverse: from sharp and jerky to wide, smooth and wavy. It is natural that club dances for girls somewhat more refined and plastic, filled with sexuality, and club dances for guys They have their variations, but they have a lot in common.

Club dance school with enthusiastic professionals is the key to success

We don't just show interesting movements and we teach original chords of this or that dance direction, and help to liberate yourself, believe in yourself, learn to adapt to any music and improvise with ease and grace in any situation. To learn to dance club dances, you need to get acquainted with several directions, grasp the essence, master the basics and feel the spirit, then on the dance floor of any club you can feel confident and at ease.

Can be found club dance lessons in the form of videos on the network, but they will not help to catch the energy that helps to recharge with positive in real classes in a circle of people who are passionate about their work.

Why is it necessary learn club dancing right here with us:

  • individual approach and attention of experienced choreographers are provided;
  • different levels: we have both club dancing for beginners, and groups for those who have achieved considerable success, plus you can join the main team and / or take part in various events within and outside the school;
  • the halls are excellently equipped, and the school itself is just a minute's walk from the metro station. Dubrovka;
  • prices for classes are democratic and justified;
  • you can choose the most convenient time and suitable schedule;
  • there are separate club dance lessons for girls and club dances for men;
  • there is an opportunity to get a free first lesson to assess the level and atmosphere.

Learn to dance club dances it is necessary not only to shine at any party and club, but also to master free movements, harmony with your body and music, the ability to relax in dance and convey your emotions and moods with movements. Besides physical exercise It will also help to maintain excellent shape.

In the section Club dances are collected free videos lessons in this area. Club dances are a combination of different dance styles that are performed in nightclubs, bars and discos. Rhythm sets the dance direction. The club dance style makes it possible to harmoniously combine various dance techniques popular in nightclubs, such as go-go, electro, breakdance, hip-hop, RnB, and many others. Club dance training is always relevant for both girls and guys. Learning club dances from online video lessons will be useful for both beginners and more experienced dancers. You can watch video lessons from the category Club dances for free at any convenient time. Some video lessons on club dancing have additional training materials that can be downloaded. Happy learning!

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We invite you to watch excellent video tutorials " Online learning Go-Go dancing" for those who want to be the queen of the dance floor, feel confident in any club and attract admiring glances from male representatives, as well as envy other girls. All this you can thanks to these lessons, in which you will be shown the basic base of movements and ligaments, with the help of which you will become more stylish, energetic, sexy and liberated.

You can watch “Online Go-Go Dancing Training” on our Internet portal at any time of the day, moreover, it is completely free. We wish you to always be "on top"!

We invite you to watch the master class for beginners "Dancing house"! Dance attracts with its positivity and energy. The music of this style sounds on a major note, the melody is uncomplicated and light, together with the movements of the dance, it perfectly cheers up, gives a charge of vivacity and a lot of fun. The dance literally turns on not only the performers, but also the audience. These house features make it the king of discos and club parties.
Watch the master class for beginners "Dancing house" on our website! Dance to your health!

We invite you to learn along with our video lessons "Club dances and RnB"! If you love dancing and understand what pleasure it can be to practice it, if you are a fan of club music, then you will like club dancing. In an amazing way, club dances combine the buildup of hip-hop, house jumps, plastic movements, elements from jazz, reggaeton, funk, echoes of oriental and Latin American rhythms are noted!
Watch the video lessons "Club dances and RnB" on our website! We wish you pleasant and successful studies!

We invite you to watch a wonderful video lesson called "House dance club dance", thanks to which you can learn the professional movements of this style without leaving your home. In house, the most important thing is to relax and move freely, feel the rhythm. Music is cheerful, turns on, makes you want to constantly move. Often it can be heard at discos, where you can apply your skills and light up the dance floor! House is a dance for energetic, positive people who want to express their mood through dance.
Watch the video lesson "Club dance house dance", posted on our website online! Good luck!

We recommend that you watch the video lesson "How to learn to dance funk style part II", which is a continuation of the first part led by Andrey Parshin. This style was created especially for girls. This is a mix of various women's trends. Its main feature is the combination of mannered choreography and shocking. Here you can find elements of hip-hop, house, waking, jazz-funk and many other styles performed in a unique female manner.
Watch the video lesson "How to learn to dance funk style part II" on our website! We wish you success!

We recommend that you watch the excellent online lesson "Funk Style Part II", which is a continuation of the first part of the lessons with Sergey Kurmel. One of the most emotional and vibrant contemporary dance directions is jazz funk. This dance combines jazz technique, hip-hop, hand movements, waking, walking and posing in an amazing way. And by analogy with street jazz, the jazz style, turns, pitch, jumps and expression are preserved. Once you've tried jazz-funk at least once, you won't want to stop!

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