New WordPress tutorials. The Best WordPress Learning Strategy and Free Lessons for Beginners

Auto 27.06.2020

On this page you will find everything WordPress tutorials in ascending order. I think it will be easier for visitors to navigate, and move from task to task without much effort.

Going through lesson after lesson, you will soon have your own, beautifully designed and successful blog. After the 20th lesson, it will be on the Internet!

Further WordPress lessons will become your companion in the world of blogging. You will be able to make the blog of your dreams without the help of webmasters or plugins (in most cases). It is enough to read the articles and repeat the steps in practice. WordPress Lessons written in clear, interesting language, with the expectation that even the greenest beginners will easily understand them! Good luck and prosperity!

WordPress Lessons:

This is by far the most complete and useful directory of wordpress lessons. Not all articles are posted on this page, so pay attention to the menu in the sidebar. There you will find even more tutorials on wordpress. Good luck! 964

As you know, there are two ways to install the WordPress CMS on hosting: from the source and through the special Softaculous service. Consider both methods using SHOST hosting Installing WordPress from source Installing the engine from source consists of several steps: Download the archive with CMS files to your computer. Uploading the archive with the engine files to the hosting, unpacking it. Database creation. Installing WordPress. According to the first point...

05.03.2015 9,175

The sticky, floating sidebar in WordPress is very handy and it’s not difficult to make it on your website.

30.12.2014 42,195

Sometimes the task arises to make a page of reviews on the site, it can be both clients of the organization and ordinary site visitors. Often, reviews are implemented on the basis of ordinary comments, they are added by site visitors, and then they manually post a review on desired page. If you have experienced this, then you will agree that this is not very convenient. I want to tell you how to make a review page on the site ...

26.12.2014 6,068

sat wrote new review plugin and once again ran into a problem: the plugin's translation files do not work! It seems that everything is in place, the bundle includes localization files.po, but the plugin refuses to pick them up. And this kind of nonsense happens quite often. Probably you have also encountered a problem when the translation files of the plugin are not connected. I got fed up with this and decided to...

04.12.2014 16,214

Right now copyright protection is gaining popularity. I'll tell you how to add a watermark or copyright or logo to all photos on the site. It's like your own stamp on the photos. I encountered this more than once, but I was too lazy to figure it out, now I still set out to solve this problem. Basically, I abandoned this idea because there are a lot of plugins and none of them work correctly. That one...

15.10.2014 3,713

Not infrequently, there is a need to display similar news in WordPress. But not always the installed theme already has a built-in function for their output. I also faced this problem many times. Often they offer solutions in the form of changing the template code, inserting PHP and other nonsense, and then sit still tinkering with CSS styles. Since there was a problem with displaying similar news, everything ...

14.10.2014 11,177

The hit counter should be on any site, even if it is not visible, this does not mean that it does not exist. Counters let the site owner know how many people visit his site, what queries they use to find it, etc. Some do not hide the counters in order to show visitors the number of visits to the site, so to speak, boast “in! what my site is super, all to me...

22.09.2014 7,058

Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for a problem that there are no notifications of new comments in the mail or letters from the WordPress site are not sent. It seems to be the same site on different hostings, but messages are sent from one, but not from the other - even if you crack. You don’t have to blame yourself and sin on plugins too. I hasten to "please" this is a problem on your hosting. ...

23.08.2014 5,893

Sometimes when creating sites, we encounter a problem when it is necessary to transfer the site from a local server to a server on the Internet. The topic itself is not a problem to upload, but when exporting and importing data, it becomes difficult to load xlm files. If the export file turned out to be large, then when importing to the WordPress server, it gives an error: Sorry, an error occurred. The file is empty. Please upload something more substantial. This error...

28.07.2014 15,342

For the correct operation of your site on the WordPress CMS, a file such as .htaccess is required. What kind of animal is this and why is it needed on the site? This file is not included in the WordPress distribution kit, probably because everyone configures it himself, but there are general, and I would say important, necessary, general htaccess file settings for WordPress. htaccess is primarily designed to protect your site...

09.07.2014 6,611

Hello. Today I'll show you how to add buttons to the site social networks. First, let's dwell on the question "Why are they needed?" Their main purpose is to increase traffic to your site, get backlinks, attract search engines. Thus, you will draw attention to your site, improve its position in search engines, you can also raise positions with an article run. Adding a huge number of icons is not worth it, so ...

24.06.2014 3,848

XSS attacks are a very, very common form of website hacking. Every content management system (CMS) has vulnerabilities in safety. Some have more, some have less. It already depends solely on the care and responsibility of the developers. Now there are approximate statistics of security holes. With its help, you can see which control systems are less vulnerable and which are very vulnerable. Not to say...

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If you wish, you can have your own blog in an hour.


Of course, no product is without flaws. Even the best hotel on the beach Dead Sea someone can throw shit. With WordPress, this is often done by professionals.

I perfectly understand good developers who have spent a lot of time on their own development. Just imagine, you surely consider yourself the best in something?

Suppose you are a great barbecue cook: you come up with a unique sauce, spend a lot of time on the marinade, use certain firewood. At one of the picnics, you find yourself a little later than the others, and some youngster is already at the barbecue. He just cooks good meat in 15 minutes and claims all evening that he is a master and super cook.

Of course, someone will have complaints about your barbecue, but the public likes his work. Whether you like it or not, it will piss you off. You've wasted a lot of time, and all the "fame" goes to someone else.

WordPress has no adequate problems, especially if you are a beginner. Of course, it's cool to know something perfectly, to be able to write websites from scratch, to have a team that will help you with the project. Undoubtedly, a carefully designed site will be many times better than you create yourself on this engine, but this platform gives everyone a chance to try their hand and even succeed.

What you need to create a site

In addition to the engine itself, you will need hosting and a domain. I recommend you timeweb . There is a free text period and automatic installation of the CMS we need in Russian. If you want, in an hour you can. It will have a ready-made design template. He's not very attractive, but what's the difference?

I strongly recommend that you try this engine in action. Look at the inside of the process, at the portal from within. I assure you you will like it. You can read about what to do next in my blog. Just go to the "All Articles" section and select a publication. Any of them will be useful to you.

Ways to study

If you want to understand the program and all the basics of building a site step by step as soon as possible, I can offer you a free course " Create a blog in an hour ". You will discover all the possibilities and understand the basics that you will need to take your first step on the Internet.

I wish you success. Until we meet again and good luck in your new business.

WordPress Tutorials

WordPress Tutorials

This section lists all lessons without division into headings. Choose the lesson that interests you the most this moment. For each lesson, you can leave a comment, as well as vote.

Hi people! Yes, I know, once again I was hard late with the release of the lesson, but I can’t do anything; more precisely, I can’t build time so that I can do it everywhere, but active work is underway on this and I will correct it in the near future. Well, as we already understood from the title, the conversation will be about the next update of the WordPress engine to version 4.9 with the working name Tipton, and if we add everything together, we get WordPress 4.9 Tipton, and once again the update was named after a jazz artist.

As for the innovations, we can say the following, the engine developers continue to improve the visualized part of the system, i.e. continue to improve the customizer in this version, 1 widget has undergone changes, also 1 widget has been added, the code editor has also been significantly improved and the theme customizer has also been improved, if anyone wants to visually see all the innovations, then enjoy viewing.

Another day that was terrifying! summer has come, which means that there will be a garden soon, but I can’t stand it, although no, I love the garden, well, there is a shish kebab, cucumbers, tomatoes, etc. etc. but watering, cleaning, weeding, etc. I just can't stand the horror!

Go to the plugin called Smooth Slider which implements the possibility of displaying a slider on the site, and this slider can contain full information in other words, you can put both text and all sorts of different illustrations into this slider, in short, you can display everything in it. I say right away that the settings in it are decent, so there may be some misunderstanding, but the video below will help you find mutual language with the plugin, enjoy watching.

Hello people! Lying on the couch, I’m writing a post for the next plugin, this time we’ll analyze the topic of lutboxing either by a simple pop-up image, or an extended image, in short, an image that, when clicked on, appears enlarged and in a beautiful pop-up window, and the plugin for such a cool lightbox is called Gallery Lightbox Lite That's what we met today.

And so the installation of the plugin is the most common, after installation on the left we will have a new section and in this section we will find its settings and there are only seven of them, i.e. the very minimum, but do not rush to be sad. the lightbox itself is just gorgeous and looks healthy, but it has one small minus, the lightbox only works in galleries! All details in the video below.

Hello again! People have long wanted to find a similar gallery plugin for their blog, well, I have seen a lot of gallery plugins, but I want it to be in the form of a carousel, I found it only now and maybe all my future galleries on my blog will be displayed on it, in short, I imagine my friends image carousel plugin according to the conclusion on the carousel gallery website.

The gallery display itself is based on the standard output of the WordPress gallery, if anyone does not understand what it is about, watch the video below, everything is very modest in terms of functionality, there is a Slide Show effect, Auto Play Carousel, Slide Show scrolling interval, etc. in general, the most minimal that a decent gallery should have. All the details are below in the video, enjoy watching.

Hey people, I'm writing this post sitting at work, I had a free minute and we won’t waste it in vain, I’ll just have time to write the following text for a new lesson during this time, by the way, if anyone doesn’t know, I work as an assistant steelworker, and I’ll tell you the work is not easy because . and physically difficult and grubby walk.

Okay, let's figure it out today. Payment Font plugin which adds icons to our articles and posts on the site, in general, of course, nothing special, but maybe some will like this opportunity, the plugin has over 2 thousand icons in the collection for every taste and color, and who this plugin interested in watching the video below.

Well, another post, and with it another review of the plugin, this time we will touch on the topic of the slider, I didn’t have many of them, so we will replenish the section, the plugin is simply called Slider although you can’t find it by this name in the search, so it also has a second name Easing Slider Lite and now you can already come to something with it, although there is a link to the plugin under the video.

By Slider I won’t be very unfounded, in general, the plugin is good, not to say very good, but good, the slider itself is derived from the code shot that appears after its creation. Of the strengths, I note its adaptability, i.e. the slider can be adjusted to any device, from weak ones, well, I don’t even know ... weak sides decide for yourself when you watch the video below. Happy viewing everyone!

Hello people! Today is February 25, which means that my vacation ends, yes, 20 days of a carefree life have passed, that is. I didn’t have to get up at 5 in the morning and that’s good, but I didn’t sit idle either, before the vacation I planned a lot of plans that I wanted to fulfill, some I managed to do, some didn’t, but this is a topic for a separate post, and now we’ll deal with the new plugin under name Menu Icon, which allows you to replace the text in the menu with pictures.

In fact, the plugin is very simple after installing it, just go to the menu section and in the link blocks you will see a new line that will replace and add pictures to your menus. If the work of the plug-in after installation was not clear to the comot, then the video below will help you ... enjoy watching!

All hello people! and happy new year 2018, although I already congratulated you in the article on my new phone ... so what, a lot is not enough, and congratulations have not yet been received from me in this section, so here it is. Today we will look at the last (in this marathon) plugin for pop-ups, which is more suitable for businessmen than for ordinary webmasters and it is called Popup by Supsystic.

It has excellent functionality, a visual form editor, a choice of forms, a choice of topics, its own statistics system (but it is only present in the paid version), a system for determining the display of its pop-up windows and much more, i.e. this plugin is really fancy, if you want to know more about it, feel free to watch the overview video Plugin Popup by Supsystic from below.

Hello everybody! Yes, that’s how it’s officially ... We move on to plugins for modal windows or pop-up windows, here it’s more convenient for anyone, we will cover today Popup Builder plugin with very little functionality. I won’t describe the installation, it doesn’t make sense, it’s better to have more about the settings of which are really in bulk here, almost every element can be configured for the modal window, namely, you can set different display animations, you can set the time of appearance and disappearance, you can completely redo the design of the modal window and in short, almost everything can be configured with a window. I also especially want to highlight a feature that I have not yet seen in more than one plugin for modal windows, and this is the choice of displaying the modal window.

Hai! I don’t even know what number this modal window plugin will be ... oh well, as they say, a lot is not enough, in general, today we’ll talk about uji popup plugin, which also implements the possibility create popup windows for the site. Well, what can we say about it, in fact, there is nothing here that we have not seen in previous reviews of plugins on this topic, all the same window display settings, the same editors for changing the appearance of the window, etc. etc. I can note a positive moment only in the window closing timer. in this plugin, you can set the time of both opening the window and closing it in offline mode. Of the minuses, I will only note what is here in uji popup you can create only one popup window and this is very bad.

Hi people! Continuing the theme of Pop-ups and next in line Ultimate Modal plugin which makes very light popups, I would even say there is nowhere easier, although there are easier ones, I installed and forgot plug-ins from the category, but today we are not talking about them. In general... and not in general, there is nothing complicated, Ultimate Modal is very simple, has a very modest number of settings, which "in my opinion" are clearly not enough to create a modern Modal window.
The difficulty for ordinary users can only arise in the fact that all the settings are in English, and if you are not strong in the knowledge of this language, it will be a little difficult for you ... but this is not critical. for those who do not want to understand the plugin settings… a detailed analysis of the lesson is presented below!

Hello people! I haven’t been for a long time, I was busy developing a website for a St. Petersburg company, although here it’s not even a website, but some kind of selling page with a very interesting menu of dishes, who are interested in moving on Proportion! Well, now another plugin for modal windows is called Popup Maker. In short, it is a very advanced plugin, you can add as many windows as you like, you can assign them different conditions display, you can even set the time interval after which the window will be displayed, which is also very nice to see statistics for each of the modal windows. how many times the windows were viewed, in short, I'll get tired of listing the possibilities Popup Maker Plugin.

Hi all! In the previous article, we have a shot conversation about a simple pop-up window, now we will analyze the window more complicated and interesting, but it is interesting because it can be edited or changed appearance, but the plugin will help us with this WP Modal Popup with Cookie Integration which, by the way, can not only edit the pop-up window, but also make some adjustments to its appearance.

As usual, find out all the most interesting things from the video below ... according to the level of difficulty plugin WP Modal Popup with Cookie Integration it’s not so difficult, although if someone is afraid to do something without looking at all its possibilities on a live example, then, as I said, watch the video below.

Dmitry Dementy

In this article, you will learn how to create a WordPress site. With the help of a step-by-step guide, you will make a high-quality and functional resource suitable for attracting and converting traffic.

Why WordPress - what it is and 5 reasons to use it for a website or blog

WordPress is the most popular content management system (CMS). According to Web Technology Surveys, as of November 2018, 32.3% of the total number of existing sites are running on this engine, as well as 59.5% of sites using CMS. In 2015, WordPress used only 24% of CMS resources. Listed below are the main reasons for the popularity of WordPress.

Free "engine" CMS WordPress is distributed under an open license agreement (GNU GPL). You are free to use this product for any purpose, including commercial. Almost unlimited possibilities With WordPress, you can create an online store, personal blog, corporate website, informational portal, industry resource, multimedia gallery. Flexible customization of appearance and functionality Free and paid templates are available to owners of WordPress sites, with which you can customize the appearance. And with the help of plugins, you can solve technical problems, provide the necessary functionality of the site. Ease of administration You don't need any special knowledge to work with WordPress. The principles of working with the engine are clear on an intuitive level. Ability to create a website and publish the first content within 5 minutes Of course, you have to spend much more time to turn a template product into something new and interesting. But for the first publication, spend no more than 5 minutes.

Well, have you decided to make a website on WordPress? Then go to the step by step guide.

Step #1: How to choose hosting and register a domain

If you have a non-commercial project, choose free hosting. For example, sharing photos of cats with the world or keeping a diary of a young bodybuilder can be done on the WordPress platform. The site address will look like this: If you are implementing a commercial project, for example, creating a thematic blog, a corporate website, or planning to earn money using the resource in any way, choose paid hosting.

To choose a reliable hosting provider, . If there is no time for this, use the services of one of the companies listed below:

The choice of domain zone does not affect specifications resource or position in the search results. However, theoretically, this parameter can affect the trust of the audience. Other things being equal, users are more likely to trust sites with the address or than resources like or Therefore, for commercial projects, try to choose top-level domains, for example, .com, .info, .org, .net, .ru, .ua, .by, etc. Look out for recent first-level domains like .club, .guru, .ninja, .expert, and more.

Step #2: How to Install WordPress DIY

After purchasing hosting and registering a domain name, install WordPress. Please note that some hosting providers offer tariff plans with a pre-installed CMS. If you have chosen one of them, go directly to the third step of the guide. If you purchased hosting without an engine installed, follow the instructions:

Go to the WordPress site and download the distribution.

Unzip the archive.

How to Russify a WordPress Theme

It is convenient to Russify the theme using the free Poedit program. Download and install it on your computer. Then download the language files of the selected template to your computer. This will require FTP access. It can be obtained using an FTP client such as FileZilla, as well as plugins such as File Manager. If you have installed this plugin, follow the algorithm described below.

In the console, select the FileManager - Configuration menu. Set up the configurations as shown in the illustration.

From the FileManager - FileManager menu, select the wp-content - themes folder.

Select the theme folder you want to Russify. In it, open the languages ​​folder.

Download the and en.po files to your computer. If there are no such files, download the .pot file to your computer.

Open the Poedit program and select the "Create a new translation" option.

Open the translation file and enter the language code.

Start translating. In the "Original text" field, the program displays the text on English language. In the "Translation" field, you need to add text in Russian.

Save the translation. The program will download to HDD your PC has two files: and ru_RU.po. Use the Upload files function to upload files to the languges folder of your template.

You have Russified the template.

The Loco Translate plugin can be used instead of the Poedit PC program. After installing and activating the add-on, the interface for translating templates appears directly in the site admin panel.

Step #5: Solving Practical Problems with WordPress Plugins

Plugins are one of the ailments of new WordPress site owners. Having barely registered a resource, newly minted webmasters are looking for articles like "100 Best Plugins for WordPress" in Yandex. They install dozens of extensions. This negatively affects the development of the resource. It's not about slowing down the site, although an excessive number of plugins can cause such a problem.

The question is the concentration of attention and efforts of the site owner. Instead of creating and posting quality content, he spends hours looking for plugins, installing them, and configuring them. Such a webmaster does not see the forest for the trees: he forgets that plugins are needed to solve specific practical problems.

To successfully develop your site, use plugins with care. Install extensions only when you want to solve a specific problem. With plugins, you can do the following:

  • Ensure site security.
  • Fight spam.
  • Optimize the resource for the requirements of search engines.
  • Increase functionality and improve usability.

How to secure your WordPress site with plugins

The site is subject to two global threats. The first is yourself. The pursuit of excellence and innovation can lead a webmaster to risky experiments with code and programs that can lead to information loss. You can protect yourself from this with the help of plugins that create site backups.

The second threat is unauthorized access to the resource. Attackers may be trying to gain access to your site in order to install malicious code on it or simply steal it.

To regularly back up your site, use one of the following plugins:

To install the selected plugin, go to the menu "Plugins - Add New". Enter the name of the extension in the search field in the upper right corner and press Enter. You can also download the plugin from the developer's site and install it using the "Upload plugin" function at the top of the admin panel screen.

Click the "Install" button. After installation, activate the plugin. Now configure the backup options. Select the "Tools - WP DB BackUp" menu. Click Create New Database BackUp. You have created an on-demand backup.

Set up regular scheduled backups. Go to the Sheduler tab, enable automatic backups, select the frequency of creating archives.

On the Destination tab, enable automatic saving of the archive to Google Drive or sending to email.

To protect the site from unauthorized access, use the Loginizer Security plugin. The add-on reliably protects the site from hacking by brute forcing or brute forcing.

How to deal with spam on a WordPress site

Anti-spam plugins are relevant if you are using the default WordPress commenting system. Third-party commenting systems, such as Disqus, protect against spam on their own.

You can protect yourself from spam using plugins such as Akismet or Antispam Bee. After installing Antispam Bee, the plugin works in the background. Usually the default settings are fine, but if you need to change something, go to the admin menu "Settings - Antispam Bee".

How to SEO a WordPress Site

WordPress is the default SEO friendly CMS. But there are tasks without which the site cannot be considered fully compliant with the requirements of search engines. Here they are:

  • Create and update a sitemap.
  • URL canonicalization.
  • Page title optimization.
  • Automatic generation of page meta-data.
  • Blocking the indexing of duplicate content.
  • Creation of micro-layout of pages.

To solve these problems, you will install one SEO plugin from three groups: programs for creating a sitemap, programs for technical optimization of a resource, and programs for creating microdata. To create a sitemap, use one of the following plugins:

  • Google XML Sitemaps.
  • Simple WP Sitemap.
  • Google Sitemap.

Google XML Sitemap. To configure the plugin, go to the "Settings - XML-Sitemap" menu.

Beginning webmasters should leave the default settings. After activation, the plugin created a sitemap, added its address to the robots.txt file, and got ready to notify search engines of resource updates.

If you consider yourself an experienced webmaster, you can change the plugin settings. In the Additional Pages section, you can manually include URLs in the sitemap that were not automatically included in the sitemap. In the Article Priority section, determine how content indexing priority is calculated. In the "Change frequencies" and "Priorities" sections, you can recommend to search robots the types of content that you think are the most priority.

For technical resource optimization, use one of the following plugins:

  • All in One SEO Pack.
  • WordPress SEO by Yoast.
  • Platinum SEO Pack.

Install and activate the plugin of your choice, e.g. All in One SEO Pack. Use the default settings if you are new to WordPress. If you consider yourself an advanced webmaster, you can change some settings of the SEO module. To do this, select the All in One SEO menu in the engine console.

Pay attention to the settings listed below.

In the General Settings section, uncheck the box next to Use Markup. It is better to mark up the page using a separate plugin.

If you use the posts page as the main page, in the "Main page settings" section, specify the title, description and keywords. If you are using a static page as your main page, select the Enable check box.

In the "Webmaster settings" section, enter the resource verification code in the Google webmasters office. To do this, add a new resource to Webmaster Tools, select alternative verification methods. Copy the part of the HTML code shown in the illustration.

Paste it into the "Google Webmaster Tools" field on the plugin settings page.

Save the plugin settings. In the webmaster's office, click the "Confirm" button.

To mark up pages, use one of the following plugins:

Bundle of WPSSO and WPSSO JSON The first plugin is basic, and the second is a . Using the basic solution, you can add Open Graph markup to your site. The second implements markup using JSON-LD. WP SEO Structured Data Schema This plugin allows you to add several types of markup to your site, including Article, BlogPosting, and Review. The markup is implemented using JSON-LD. Schema App plugin With this program, you can add different types of markup to your site. It is implemented via JSON-LD. The free version supports basic markup types. Markup can also be implemented using the JSON-LD Generator online generator.

Install and activate the WPSSO and WPSSO JSON plugins. In the console, on the plugins settings page, in the Essential Settings section, specify information about the site, as well as information for the Open Graph markup. Do not change other settings.

Go to the Schema Markup section. In the Organization Logo Image URL and Organization Banner URL fields, enter the URL of the site's logo and banner. These images can be used on the search results page.

Use the drop-down menu to select the base markup type for the blog posts page, static master page. You need the following types: Blog and Website respectively.

Select the markup type for publication pages, static pages, and media pages. For post pages, the Article and BlogPosting markup types are appropriate. The choice depends on the format of blog posts.

The BlogPosting markup type is derived from Article. In addition to BlogPosting, Article specifics include the News Article or "News" markup type. That is, BlogPosting contains all the semantic data of the Article markup.

Use the BlogPosting type if you are posting small notes, personal observations, and impressions. Use the Article type if you publish reviews, analytical articles, manuals. Here is an example: for publications in the Texterra blog, the Article markup type is suitable, and for the diary of Ekaterina Bezymyannaya in LiveJournal, the BlogPosting type is suitable. For static and media pages, specify the WebPage markup type.

After saving the settings, the plugin will automatically add the selected markup type to the site pages. Including semantic data will appear on existing pages. You can verify this with the Google Structured Data Inspection tool.

What to do if you publish content different type: long reads, small notes and news? In this case, for each publication, it is better to choose the appropriate markup. Instead of the WPSSO JSON add-on, use the WP SEO Structured Data Schema plugin.

After installing and activating the plugin, an additional section will appear on the post editing page. With it, you can select the type of markup and specify structured data.

The disadvantage of the plugin is the need to mark up each publication manually. And the benefits include support additional types markups such as Review, Product, and Aggregate Ratings. The free version of WPSSO JSON does not support these types.

How to improve the functionality and usability of a resource

It is possible and necessary to constantly improve functionality and usability. As noted above, some WordPress site owners are so addicted to this process that they install dozens or even hundreds of plugins. To avoid this mistake, start improving functionality and usability not with plugins, but with identifying problems and tasks that you want to solve.

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