Conspiracies and appeals for help to the brownie. Rules for appealing to higher powers

Recipes 21.09.2019

Decide which requests are acceptable and which are not. If in doubt, seek advice from an impartial third party before making your request to your ex.

  • Asking an ex to look at and fix something is one thing. And ask him or her to look after the house when you are with your new passion you leave for the weekend - it's already cruel.

Be sensitive to the fact that feelings and pride can still be painful due to a breakup. Before you ask your ex-spouse for anything, in any case, ask yourself if your request will in any way tactless.

It's not worth asking ex love a favor you couldn't ask a good friend for. If you only ask for help when you really need it, and those requests are acceptable and reasonable, then you are more likely to get it.

Financial Assistance Requests may be contentious depending on the financial status of both partners and the terms of the break. Unexpected medical expenses for a child are an acceptable financial request. But asking for money every week for jewelry is unacceptable for most people.

  • In the case when you constantly have to ask for money to feed the children, you should contact a lawyer and seek help in court.
  • Try to be as considerate as possible when asking for a favor. Giving the person time to adjust their schedule, their budget, or their mood will lead to greater success.

    • If you must leave the city to work in next month, then it's better to ask your ex to change plans for the weekend now than in the week of your trip.
    • The ex-spouse is unlikely to like the financial bomb. If you know your child needs a dentist or new glasses, it's best to discuss this ahead of time and plan ahead. Calling on the very last day and asking for money is a decision that can throw you both off balance.
    • By asking for reasonable favors with reasonable deadlines, you can keep your relationship more amicable. Even so, your request will be met tolerantly if an unforeseen situation arises and you urgently need help.
  • Offer to do something in return and take it seriously, pay your ex for gas, or give him a treat when he actually lends a helping hand. He needs to know that you appreciate his help and may also ask you for it when he needs a favor.

    • If your ex helps you chop down and put up a tree for Christmas, offer to wrap his presents, bake him cookies for him to take to work, or send him a gift card to his favorite store.
    • If a ex-wife helped you out when your car broke down, send her flowers or a gift card to the salon.
  • You should never ask for a favor and then treat the person as if they were on duty. Remember that you should treat your ex as a friend, not a servant.

    Maintain open communication. Do not call a person only when you need something. This does not mean that you just need to call to chat - it may seem strange, but you should definitely remember to send cards or gifts for a birthday or other holiday.

    Say "thank you". You were not required to help, but they helped.

    Go according to plan. If a former partner helping you is a bit of an inconvenience, meet him or her on time, don't constantly change the time or place, and do what you can to make the task easier. If plans change, tell the ex-spouse as much information as possible.

    Know when to ask someone other than your ex-partner for help. If your ex makes you feel guilty, helpless, or makes your life difficult, look elsewhere for help. Start getting to know other parents, colleagues, and so on. Get good support and only call your ex when there is no other way.

    Help back if your ex asks you for a favor. This can be inconvenient, but if you want to keep this person in your support system, you should return the favor when possible and acceptable.

    Never use former partners. They may still have tender feelings for you. Asking for help or using their feelings to your advantage is in bad taste. If necessary, you must be very specific in your intentions and not let them believe that this is part of the reconciliation.

    Segregation of duties child education- quite expected. You must not think that when you ask ex-husband take on certain responsibilities, then these are requests, because this is just the division of parental responsibilities.

    • Maintain open communication and communicate frequently about plans, events, appointments, and finances for children.
    • Do not confuse the joint upbringing of a child in order to sit on the neck of an ex-spouse. If you ask him to take a break from his plans in order to complete some of your tasks, then consider this as a favor and thank the person accordingly.
  • Never assume. Talk with former spouse and come to an agreement. Never expect and never make plans before discussing it.

    Turning to the President for help is more expensive! I want to tell you about how I decided to turn to our President Vladimir Putin for help and what came of it. At the beginning of January 2013, I wrote a letter to our President: “Hello Vladimir Vladimirovich! A single mother, Natalya, from Penza, is writing to you. This is the second year that I have not worked, I am raising a child. I have a status individual entrepreneur I am an engineer by profession. Before the birth of her daughter, she was engaged in the preparation of project documentation. At present, it is not possible to conduct any activity, since the child is still small and requires attention and care. I don't have any income. The funds that were earned and accumulated earlier have already been exhausted. We live on a modest allowance of 3,486 rubles a month and the help of my retired parents. When applying to the social department at the place of residence with a request for financial assistance, a refusal was received. Social workers assure me that as a single mother I already receive an allowance in the amount of 580 rubles a month, no other allowances are provided. Just think how you can survive on such funds! I am ashamed and hurt that at the age of 30 I and my child are forced to be dependent on elderly parents. It is bitter and insulting that at such a time when people are in special need of support, they are left alone with their problems! In the current situation, one still has to find funds to pay annual insurance premiums (individual entrepreneurship) - 17208.25 rubles, pay monthly utilities and other housing and communal services. I'm driven to despair! I ask you not to remain indifferent and to provide at least some material assistance. ”The letter was sent by e-mail. The answer was not long in coming. Literally 3 days later, an answer came to the email address: Your appeal in the form of an electronic document addressed to the President Russian Federation reviewed and sent to the Government of the Penza Region for the purpose of an objective and comprehensive review with a request to inform you of the results of the review (part 3 of Article 8 of the Federal Law of May 2, 2006 No. 59-FZ “On the Procedure for Considering Appeals from Citizens of the Russian Federation”). Head of the Department of Written Appeals Citizens M. Galkin It only remained to wait. A week later, I got a call from the social administration and was told that a commission would come with a check. The next day, two employees from the social service came, drew up an act, gave me a list of documents that needed to be collected in order to receive material assistance, and left. During the week, with a one-year-old child in my arms, in terrible ice and cold, I went to the authorities, collected the necessary papers and certificates. Finally, all the bureaucracy was observed. Documents have been duly handed over at the destination. They promised to report the result in 2 weeks. Strictly 14 days later, I received an answer by mail: Dear Natalya Vasilievna! We inform you that you have received financial assistance in the amount of 1000 rubles. The money will be paid to the Penza City Complex Urgent Center social assistance population” (5th Vinogradny proezd, 22.) Head of department SV Volkov It’s good that I read the letter while sitting! Draw your own conclusions from my bitter experience.

    To the head of the department of the Municipal Budgetary Institution "Penza City Complex Center for Urgent Social Assistance to the Population" Volkov S.V., Penza, 5th Vinogradny proezd, 22. Please explain who and how determines the amount of material assistance. In particular, comment on my case. Panova N.V.

    the Internet

    Hello ladies! As a journalist and blogger, I am constantly sent links and letters with the phrases “Urgent! Please repost! We must help! Publish immediately! etc. Of course, not only me - all of you also receive such letters from time to time. I don’t know how you react, but many simply send them on without even bothering to read to the end. I finish reading, trying to understand and make sure that this is really worth publishing. Unfortunately, in a huge number of cases, the information is not accurate, it is not enough, or it is generally outdated and help is no longer required. A recent example of correspondence with a friend:

    Olga: “Igor, my friend Natasha had an accident in Tunisia. Her mother writes that after the accident, all her money, a plastic card and a passport were stolen from her. She is now in a coma in the hospital. I really need advice from an experienced Russian neurosurgeon. If there is an opportunity to somehow post this case so that people can help, that would be very good. If people have a desire to help financially, then there is a savings bank account.

    Chersky: “We need someone who will write this in detail and with all the contacts - you or her mother. And who will answer all the questions. I can repost everywhere, but you have to communicate. And there should be some kind of confirmation, pictures or anything, so that people understand that this is not a scam, and they could better figure out than help.

    Do you know what Olga finally answered?

    “In general, Natasha’s relatives wrote to me that today they are waiting for a special flight to transport her to Moscow. We have already contacted the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the embassy, ​​we don’t really need help.”

    Do you understand? Yes, the case is sad and would certainly have evoked a response from thousands of people. And they would all call the mother of the unfortunate girl. And she would have had to answer them in a sharp form. As you understand, this would have discouraged many from wanting to help anyone at all for a long time. Therefore, if you want to place such an ad, follow simple but important rules:

    1. The announcement should be very clear about who exactly and what kind of help is needed. Wrong option: “The sister of her husband’s employee urgently needs money for an operation. Phone such and such, account number such and such. We really need to raise 3 million rubles.” The correct option is “Ivanova Inna Ivanovna, such and such a year of birth, the diagnosis is such and such. An operation (consultation, other assistance) is urgently needed in connection with ........ ( accurate diagnosis, confirmed by the attached scans of official medical documents). This must be accompanied by at least one photograph of the person who needs help. and contact close relative, who knows all the specifics and is ready to state it in detail to everyone who responds. Basically, the more details the better. It is especially important to explain why it is impossible to do without this help and why there are no other options. Unfortunately, scammers have already set up a regular distribution of such “shouts” with all the specifics, so you will only start sending this to your friends who know both you and the person who needs help.

    2. It is necessary to compose an ad in such a way that it does not raise any questions at all and any person understands who and what needs to be helped. Very often, advertisers feel that it is more important to notify millions of people as loudly and as quickly as possible that trouble has struck. And let those who wish to find out the details of this trouble themselves - is it they who want to help? Here, let them figure it out. The approach is fundamentally wrong. Especially if you want to put it in the media and send obscure information to journalists in the hope that they themselves will quickly dig everything out. Believe me: no one will even dig. Unless it's a dramatic underpants story. famous singer found in the car of a famous businessman - this is where the yellow press will arrange the most detailed investigation. If you want a cry for help to get into the media, try to compose it in such a way that journalists have to do a minimum of work for publication. And so that even for them it becomes clear that this urgently needs to be published.

    3. Before sending your ad to the network, send it to a couple of acquaintances - let them confirm that they understand everything and are ready to help. Then there is a chance that there will be no questions from other people either. But be prepared to answer any questions if you have any. It is your responsibility to know the exact situation in which you want to put others.

    4. It may sound cruel, but only post ads about people you know personally. And about the situations in which you personally figured out, everyone understood and definitely decided that help was needed. And we made sure that the injured party is ready to accept this help and communicate with everyone who can provide it. For years, fakes have been circulating on the network asking to help the shelter or donate blood by calling such and such phones. At the same time, people will simply be charged a considerable amount for a call. But there are enthusiasts who have been resending these fraudulent ads for years, rewriting them for greater persuasiveness on their own behalf - well, so that all friends will certainly help. In order not to fall for this bait yourself, sometimes it is enough to drive a phone number into Google - and you will see thousands of messages that they are scammers.

    5. Don't abuse these ads, even if you want to help everyone. If you post requests every day to adopt a hamster, meet your grandmother at the airport, collect felt-tip pens for the orphanage, and then donate blood for your friend who had an accident, then there will be fewer people willing to donate blood. A person gets used to everything and stops reacting, as in the famous parable about the boy and the wolves.

    And a couple more links from the Give Life!
    They have a section on their website for patients that lists the requirements for asking for help:
    And a questionnaire for patients:
    Thanks for reading.

    For many of us, help from rich people is the only salvation and an opportunity to raise money for urgent needs - overcoming financial difficulties, realizing a dream, treating, traveling or solving other problems. The question is how to approach the issue correctly, and what to consider before writing to a rich person for help. Let's consider these points in more detail.

    How did it all start?

    The history of "begging" started back in 2002, when Karin Bosnack found herself in a serious debt hole, and her card debt reached $ 20,000. And then Karin decided to take help from rich people online - through the Internet. She was the first to create a special platform where needy people could ask for money and help rich people solve their problems. In just 5 months of such “work”, Bosnack raised $15,000.

    This trend has not only been preserved - it has been intercepted by Internet users from many countries of the world. Help from rich people is asked in Russia, Germany, the USA, India and a number of other countries. Interestingly, with the right treatment, almost everyone finds their sponsor. Of course, the amounts received are lower, but there is a result, and this is the main thing. There are always rich people who are ready to help, and who are not indifferent to someone else's grief. Another confirmation of this are the millions of dollars that are transferred charitable foundations for the needs of their subordinates.

    How to ask for money?

    As noted above, success depends on the correct design of your ad. How to turn to rich people for help so that the “cry” is heard ? Consider a few important tips:

    • First, form an idea. You must clearly understand why you need funds, in what amount, and what you will do with the amount received. Some people ask for treatment, others for a car or real estate, others for a divorce from their spouse, and so on. Remember that for treatment and rehabilitation, help to the poor from rich people is much more often.
    • The reader must believe that the mentioned problem really exists. For this, it is important to present documents confirming the fact of the disease (if we are talking about it), display personal photos or provide other data upon request.
    • Asking for help from wealthy people works better if you put pressure on pity and compassion in the right way. There is no need to reproach people for greed in advance - it is better to thank them for their generosity and breadth of soul. Everyone loves compliments, even if they are not true.

    • Take care in advance about opening an account or other wallets where money will be transferred. Help from rich people on VK or other social networks, as a rule, is transferred to a Yandex.Money wallet or a bank card. The bank account mentioned above will also come in handy.


    Receipt charitable assistance from rich people is far from a myth. Today it is part of history that has become a reality and a lifesaver for many people. Problems with loans, temporary financial difficulties, lack of housing - all this can be solved if you believe in the kindness of people and place an ad on the website "Not enough money?". Act, and then all problems will be a thing of the past.

    Brownie is one of the most famous characters in Russian mythology. On the one hand, this is a harmless and kind character guarding the house. But on the other hand, whatever one may say, this representative of the undead pantheon is associated with black magic. Who is the brownie really? It is difficult to answer this question unambiguously. For sure, we can only say that the attitude of a housemaid to the owners of the house will be directly proportional to their attitude towards him.

    Who are brownies and why are they needed?

    From early childhood, every person hears fairy tales about a little gnome - an old man who lives in the most secluded corners of an apartment. The same tales report that during the day a miniature man hides in such a way that it is not possible to detect him. But at night, when everyone goes to bed and there is complete silence and darkness in the apartment, he comes out of his hiding place and starts walking around the apartment. Often footsteps, creaking of floorboards or clattering of dishes can be heard from the kitchen or living room - this brownie has begun his feast or shows dissatisfaction with his mistreatment.

    There are many magical rituals and rituals designed to appease the brownie or call him to dialogue. Just as often, people turn to a brownie for help with a request to help find a thing lost in the house or to reliably protect the home. Some homeowners who have tried personal experience conspiracies for the brownie assure that they really work.

    Probably every person has heard that the easiest way to appease the little landlord is to leave pieces of sugar or pie on the table. Knives and salt left on the table at night anger the spirit. An angry poltergeist can cause a variety of troubles to the owners, ranging from harmless mischief in the form of cereal scattered in the kitchen cabinet or the loss of some little thing to the disappearance of large sums of money, health problems, intimidation at night, reflections in mirrors and major riots in the house. There are cases when angry brownies brought people to a state of mental disorder.

    What can a lamb be angry with? There are a lot of options. By the way, it should be noted that brownies are also different. As they say - the spirit of the spirit of strife. A harmless kind little brownie can be a little naughty, offended by the mess in the room, dirty dishes or swearing. In order to teach negligent gentlemen a lesson, he can quietly throw cups and plates on the floor or steal some of the small things for a while: a comb, a kitchen towel, a TV remote control, children's toys, jewelry or cosmetics. By the way, good house spirits love small children. At times they may appear to them. It is also believed that pets can see the brownie.

    But there is another kind of house spirits. With them, you need to be more careful. You can encounter such a brownie by moving into an apartment where a black witch used to live or evil people. There are cases when, due to the intransigence of the brownie, families had to change their place of residence.

    Despite this, people of the older generation sometimes say that small mythological households are sent by God to every house in order to protect its owners and their property. It is important to find mutual language with brownies. Then things in the house will go well, and the owners will not get sick.

    How to make friends with brownies?

    So that there are no conflicts with the mansa, one should often cajole him with affectionate appeals and the offering of symbolic gifts.

    In the evening, before going to bed, the landlady should leave some sugar on the kitchen table, a cup of milk or cottage cheese, a piece of cake and small apple. When arranging treats, you need to say: “Grandfather is a brownie, come and taste the food, be my friend and protector, and I will feed you.” Going to bed, you need to read the prayer "Our Father" three times.

    Such a ritual can be done just like that from time to time. Without fail, it should be performed immediately after settling in a new house.

    At the end of the second day of living in a new place, a brownie can be left with a treat in the form of sweets or a saucer with honey. It is very good if there is fresh liquid honey or honey in combs. Sweet food should be served with wine. Brownie will appreciate a small amount poured into a saucer or a glass of red wine. He will be especially pleased if he finds Cahors.

    After the table is set for the night guest, you need to quietly ask him for forgiveness for possible inconvenience and insults on the first day and say all the same words about the invitation to dinner and the request to guard the house.

    On the evening of the third day, a piece of boiled meat or fried fish should be left on the table. Nearby you can put a small glass of vodka. The conspiracy must be pronounced as follows: “brother - housewife, come to taste hearty food so that you always eat like that - fatten, never go hungry. Protect this house from all evil."

    Regarding the protection of the house, they often turn to the brownie, because this little old man has very great physical and magical strength for gifts. He is able to resist any evil that tries to get into the house.

    Often this character is asked for help. Since he has great magical power and is competent in many areas, he may be asked to conjure to increase wealth, health for the owners of the house and for animals, get rid of a serious illness or find a lost thing.

    In order for the lamb to agree to help, a special ritual should be performed. It has a special power on Easter days. Late in the evening, when the apartment is calm and the lights are off, you need to turn to your grandfather - a brownie using a painted Easter egg and a wax candle brought from the church on the day of the festive service. The candle should be held in the left hand, the egg in the right. First, cross yourself with your right, then with your left hand, then swap objects and read a prayer:

    “Grandfather is a guard, brownie is a little brother, come and take holiday gifts, come out, oven guard, taste my offerings. Help me in my affairs (the problem should be indicated next). Protect my home and family from grief - trouble, take the old one out, and don’t let the new one on the threshold!

    After reading the prayer, the candle must be left to burn out in the same place. Leave the Easter egg there and retire to sleep.

    Asking for help finding a lost item

    Many are sure that if a brownie is asked to help find some lost trifle, he will definitely help. You just need to ask correctly so as not to piss off the little guard of the house even more. A special ritual for such a case will come to the rescue. It is necessary to kneel down and tie a colored ribbon around the leg of a chair or table.

    Holding the edge of the ribbon in your hands, say:

    "Domovushko - gossip, play with my little thing and give it back to me."

    After that, within a few minutes, the loss should be detected. The main thing is to apply correctly, without anger and reproach. You can also ask the brownie for forgiveness for the fact that the lost thing was not in its place. Brownies don't like mess.

    After each appeal, the brownie should be thanked in advance for the help and apologize for the inconvenience caused. This will ensure that the request will be fulfilled.

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