Business shocks in the coming year - kpmg. Searches in Deloitte and the high-profile case of the former partner - links in the same chain? Andrey Shvetsov Deloitte

Family and relationships 10.09.2020

We talked about problems in this area and ways to solve them with the chairman of the quality control committee, a member of the Central Council of the NP SRO APR, head of the basic department KPMG Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, a partner of CJSC KPMG Altukhov Kirill Vitalievich. Photo: Quality control...

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Modified: 01/12/2015

The next ranking of the leading audit and consulting groups demonstrates a trend of growth fading in this market. Its prospects now depend heavily on legislative initiatives, expanding the scope of statutory audit and consulting On the decline of growth The next ranking of the leading audit and consulting groups shows a trend towards fading growth in this market. Its prospects are now highly dependent on legislative initiatives that expand the scope of statutory audit and consulting Growth in the total...

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Modified: 04/15/2014

Registration of associations of auditors, which will allow them to work on the Russian market from 2010. The first self-regulatory organization ( SRO), which received permission to conduct activities, was the Audit Chamber of Russia, which includes the auditors of the "Big Four". Auditors...

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Modified: 05.10.2009

The website of the RFN posted a report "On the implementation Federal Service of financial and budgetary supervision and its territorial bodies of external quality control of the work of audit organizations, determined by the federal law "On Auditing Activities" for 2014. audit organizations defined by the federal law "On ...

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Modified: 05/06/2015

Prospects for regulating the quality control of auditing: tasks and some solutions... Addressees of the audit report... We reflect in accounting and reporting penalties and fines on taxes Audit magazine - always useful information! Editor-in-chief's column Happy Anniversary! Self-regulatory organization of auditors NP "Audit Association Commonwealth" has joined IFAC! International cooperation Prospects for regulating audit quality control: tasks ...

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Modified: 01/12/2015

The article provides an overview of the audit and consulting services market in Russia in 2011, the main problems and trends in auditing, and presents a rating of audit and consulting companies. The article provides an overview of the audit and consulting services market in Russia in 2011, the main problems and trends in auditing, and presents a rating of audit and consulting companies. Participated in last years global and regional financial crises have made a constant topic of discussion...

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Modified: 06/04/2012

After last year's open call by Elvira Nabiullina (and supported by Dmitry Medvedev) to finally speed up the adoption of the audit reform, lawmakers are in full swing to complete everything this month. Kommersant writes that the draft law, developed by the Ministry of Finance, has passed all the approvals from the Central Bank after more than a year of discussions. First Deputy Chairman Sergey Shvetsov spoke about this at a meeting with representatives of banking organizations in the boarding house "Bor"...

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Modified: 02/04/2019

As Kommersant informs today, financial companies refuse to provide external auditors with information regarding their implementation of anti-money laundering legislation, the reason for which was the letter of the Central Bank dated November 17 No. 12-1-5 / 4141. According to him, the auditors were actually equated with third parties, to whom it is forbidden to disclose information of this kind. This makes it difficult to conduct a full-fledged audit, because external auditors still need such documents. How inform...

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One of the world's audit leaders, CJSC Deloitte & Touche CIS, is considering the possibility of creating a branch in the Khabarovsk Territory. Andrey Shvetsov, partner of ZAO Deloitte & Touche CIS, stated this following the results of his November visit to Khabarovsk. What is the reason for the company's interest in the Khabarovsk Territory?
According to Shvetsov, Deloitte & Touche CIS is one of the Big Four and is an auditor largest companies around the world in various business areas. in the Khabarovsk Territory and Far East The company conducts independent audits regarding financial reporting organizations of oil refining, resource extraction and other industries.
- The interest in the Khabarovsk Territory is not accidental, - says Andrey Shvetsov, - since the country's significant resource reserves are concentrated here, there are good logistics opportunities, developed transport, communications, and a competent regional economic policy. All this - good conditions for business development. The implementation of the Far Eastern Hectare program is also a significant achievement of regional economic policy, which will allow the development of small, medium and big business, both existing in the Khabarovsk Territory, and new.
Under these conditions, we see a potential increase in the demand for audit services, we are considering the possibility of creating a branch.
– In what way, in your opinion, audit positively influences business development?
– Audit as an independent verification financial statements organizations has become a prerequisite successful business, attracting investments, obtaining loans, state assistance.
In economics modern Russia trust in business, although it has no monetary equivalent, is valued dearly, primarily by creditors, suppliers, buyers, owners of assets used in the activities of organizations.
A sign of confidence in the business, its owners, is the positive opinion of the auditor on the reliability of the financial statements of the organization, which reflects the successes (profits) and defeats (losses), the structure and value of the organization's assets and liabilities in a concentrated form. If the financial statements are reliable, then the business can be trusted; if the business has a profit or development prospects, then money can be invested in it, including the population.
Natalya Meretskaya, regional representative of SRO Russian Union of Auditors, agrees with this point of view.
“The auditor's opinion on the reliability of financial statements, and therefore, to some extent, and, in general, the opinion on the organization's activities in the field of production, finance, sales, is important for federal and regional authorities,” says Natalya Meretskaya. - Financial reporting of organizations, entrepreneurs is a single state information resource, the basis for the formation of regional and federal policies in the field of economics and finance. What is the information - such is the policy. Audit is a public activity not so much in the interests of its direct customer (organization, entrepreneur), but in the interests of an indefinite circle of persons - investors, creditors, partners.
“But if the audit report reveals not so much success as failure, it is unlikely to help the business ...
“When forming his opinion,” says Natalia Meretskaya, “the auditor does not seek to “please” the owners, business leaders, any users of financial statements, regardless of who pays him for his work. His task is to professionally and independently of any influences and interests to conduct an audit and express his opinion: positive or negative.
It is very important for an investor, for example, a shareholder in construction, a shareholder in a cooperative, before transferring his money, to obtain an auditor's report on the financial situation of the organization. If the auditor speaks about the unreliability of financial statements, makes reservations, this means that this organization cannot be trusted.
- The audit is aimed at expressing an objective opinion on the financial statements, the financial position of the organization, which reflect the "health" of the business as a whole, - Andrey Shvetsov believes. – The auditor's assessment should be an objective, factual and evidence-based assessment of the organization's commercial, financial, tax and legal risks. Objectivity cannot be "higher" or "lower", it is inherent in the opinion of the auditor.
In general, the function of an auditor is somewhat similar to that of a physician making a diagnosis. Whether he likes the patient or not, the doctor must say for sure: the person is sick with something or completely healthy. It depends on whether he will have to be treated or he can even fly into space tomorrow. From this point of view, the presence of one of the leaders in the Khabarovsk Territory cannot but influence the development of local business and the formation of a favorable investment climate.
“We need a representative office in Khabarovsk,” says Andrey Shvetsov, “to be closer to the organizations in which we conduct audits and provide other services. This will increase the efficiency of audit activities and have a positive impact on the business of the audited organizations.

KPMG holds annual Career Days for alumni and students, and 2010 was no exception. On May 31, the company welcomed sixty young professionals to its office, whose applications were selected from those sent by those who wish to build their careers in the field of audit and consulting services. For them, the Career Day was a great opportunity to see for themselves what it is like to work at KPMG and how business relationships are built in the company.

In 2010, KPMG launched internship and recruitment programs across many of its business units. KPMG Career Day participants had the opportunity to meet partners who manage all departments that open their doors to graduates from various Russian universities. Like a year ago, students and graduates were invited to our Moscow office.

Reports from partners and employees of KPMG

Launched a series of presentations Tony Thompson, Deputy Managing Partner and Head of Advisory Services at KPMG in Russia and the CIS. In his presentation, Tony spoke about the services that KPMG provides to its clients, about the peculiarities of the work of a consultant at KPMG and the specifics of this area in Russia.

Communication with the participants continued Andrey Shvetsov, Partner, Head of the Industrial Markets Group of the KPMG Audit Department in Russia and the CIS. Andrey told how he built his career at KPMG, what is the specificity of the audit services market in Russia, and what distinguishes our company from others that provide a similar range of professional services.

Also spoke to the students Bob Wallingford, Partner in Tax & Legal at KPMG. Bob spoke about KPMG's Tax department, his experience in tax and legal consulting and working in KPMG's Moscow office. Completed a series of speeches to students John Callaway, Partner, Head of Corporate Finance at KPMG in Russia and the CIS. John spoke in detail about the main areas of work of the department, about how young professionals start their careers here. Separately, John dwelled on why working at KPMG in Russia seems to him the most interesting and promising.

Continuation of the evening

After a series of presentations, the guests divided into three teams and took part in business games prepared by our specialists especially for students. Business games were held by Andrey Glukhov, Marina Pronina and Evgenia Bondarenko, managers of the Audit Services Department.

The evening ended with a reception, where employees from various departments of KPMG joined the students to talk to alumni in a relaxed atmosphere and answer all their questions. The participants of the Career Day were very pleased with their acquaintance with our company and expressed their desire to return to KPMG without fail.

In February, Georgy Popov, who allegedly uncovered financial fraud in the company, demanded to pay 31 million rubles for dismissal, but the court refused him. His lawyer did not connect the searches with this case, but did not rule out such a possibility.

Entrance to the office building of the Russian branch of the Deloitte & Touche CIS company, where the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation conducted searches. Photo: Andrey Makhonin/TASS

The Moscow office of one of the world's largest accounting firms, Deloitte, has been searched. There is an opinion that they are connected with a former employee of the company.

Deloitte reported that investigative actions are being carried out as part of the investigation of one of the former clients. But, according to the defense of one of the former top managers of the company, the searches may be related to his appeal to the authorities. It's about about Georgy Popov, who filed a lawsuit against Deloitte in February of this year.

Popov said that he was illegally fired allegedly for uncovered financial fraud, and demanded to reimburse him 31 million rubles for being forced to not work for 111 days. Based on this, according to his lawyer Ruben Markaryan, the partner of the audit firm earned 286 thousand rubles a day. The lawyer in an interview with Business FM did not link the searches to the case of his principal, but did not rule out such a possibility.

Ruben Markarian lawyer “I cannot comment on the extent to which the investigations at Deloitte & Touche CIS on Lesnaya are connected to the complaint filed by my client in March regarding the establishment of illegal surveillance by the company's management. Let me remind you: he filed this application in connection with the fact that the management of the company actually established surveillance over him and his subordinates, because he revealed financial abuses in this company and reported this to the management, after which he was fired. The material of this check, as far as I know, as of yesterday was in the prosecutor's office of the Tverskoy district of Moscow. On March 27, I voiced this topic at a meeting of the working group of the Presidium of the Council under the President of Russia on Combating Corruption. How this is connected with today's events, I cannot comment, because we were not informed, the investigator determines the course of the investigation himself. Whether this is related or not, I can't comment.

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