Barbell work at home. A set of the best barbell exercises at home. Support push-ups

Design and interior 22.10.2018
Design and interior

When compiling training programs for beginner bodybuilders, in most cases it is used classical approach, based on three key principles: the use of basic exercises, working out the whole body in one workout, the priority of free weights over simulators. Such programs are easily implemented at home. Low equipment of home gyms in this case is not a limiting factor. A novice athlete can solve the problems of the initial stage of training with a minimum set of funds. All he will need for training is a barbell, a rack, a bench press and a pair of collapsible dumbbells. If there are no dumbbells, you can do without them - in many exercises, dumbbells are successfully replaced by a barbell.

Shrugs with a barbell

Mimic situations real life. Your body normally moves in three planes of movement during the day: sagittal, frontal, and transverse. Due to the fact that the child was transporting food, we bend, twist, turn and stand on a daily basis. Training with dumbbells effectively allows the body to mimic these natural movements and strengthens you in real life situations. Exercises such as stepping, single-lever rows, squats and shoulder presses will help you Everyday life when you climb stairs, take your baby out of the crib, or put luggage in the overhead air compartment.

The goal of the initial stage of training is to master the technique of working with a barbell and give the first powerful impetus to the growth of muscle mass. The latter is achieved by stimulating the production of anabolic hormones. Only basic exercises can boost hormonal synthesis as much as possible. They immediately involve entire muscle layers in the work, make the muscles work to their full potential, provoke increased secretion of testosterone and somatotropin. If an athlete is faced with the task of increasing muscle mass, his training should include the following:

Improve balance and symmetry. Dumbbells allow you to work one side at a time, allowing for even muscle and joint gain. If you only use the barbell for moves like shoulder presses, benches, and rows, you may be limiting your strength as one arm can end up doing most of the work.

How long should you rest between sets?

On the other hand, for the bar variants of these moves, the bar starts in a secure holding device, either in a rack or on a raised platform. Better for Olympic lifts. Strength exercises that are Olympic in every sense are easier to do with a barbell than with two dumbbells because most people who learn these difficult exercises will struggle to generate enough hip speed when trying to move two separate objects.

  • Deadlift.

Effect: loads a large number of muscles, especially the muscles of the back, buttocks and thighs. Technique: from a standing position, lean forward, take the barbell with an overhand grip and, straightening up, raise it to the level of the hips. It is important to ensure that the back does not take on the entire load. The lifting of the projectile should be carried out due to the tension of the muscles of the back, legs and abs. At first, it is better for beginners to limit themselves to a small weight of the projectile.

Plus, muscle imbalances will quickly show up in movements like dumbbells, which can lead to weight loss or worse, injury. Work your way up to the barbell. Whether you're sticking with dumbbells or starting to use a bar, it's imperative that your lifting program be progressive and gradually increase the load on your body. This will allow your body to adapt to new stimuli, creating a healthier and safer structure for you to move through life and complete your workouts.

To start thinking about lifting the barbell, you must train your core by increasing your flexibility and building your posterior chain to create stability along your spine. The next step to getting to the bar is understanding the correct form and what the lift feels like before you actually do it. Start by working on your deadlifts, benches, cleans and breaks.

  • Bench press on a horizontal bench.

Basic exercise for upper part body. Effectively loads the pectoral muscles. Technique: take the bar from the racks, lower it to the chest, squeeze it up and linger at the peak point for 1-2 seconds. On the bench, you need to position yourself so that the feet rest on the floor, the shoulder blades are brought together and pressed to the surface. If discomfort is felt in the shoulder joints (burning, pain), then it is necessary to lose the weight of the projectile or reduce the amplitude of movement - do not lower the barbell completely.

How often to train to increase mass

Once you get the hang of the form, move forward with the weighted bar and then finally the olympic bar. This time we are going to look at how to combine kettlebell training and barbell work for size and strength. Many will argue that kettlebells should only be used for training and strength training. Undoubtedly, kettlebell dancing is incredible for work capacity purposes, and if that's what you're into, by all means, go for it.

However, kettlebells are also great as part of the overall size and strength mode. Although no one who tried the program that they wanted to compete in Mr. You just can't get any better than barbell exercises, especially barbell squats and deadlifts. Why use kettlebells in size and strength? In addition, kettlebells are very handy for many power moves, such as overhead presses. Many people find the barbell and dumbbells over their heads feeling uncomfortable, but can press the guide without any problems.

  • Squats.

Used in strength fitness to train the lower extremities. Technique: place the barbell on your shoulders, spread your legs shoulder-width apart and lower yourself into a squat. The downward movement begins with the abduction of the pelvis back - as when sitting on a chair. The weight of the body falls on the entire foot, the heels do not come off the floor. At the lowest point, the thighs are parallel to the floor, the knees are slightly spread apart and do not extend beyond the line of the feet. The back is not rounded. Compliance with all the nuances of the technique protects against injuries and increases the effectiveness of training.

Kettlebell bikes allow you to press the upper body, which takes a lot of stress off the shoulders. You can blast the bells from the upper body from the start position to the lockout position and go through the start range, which tends to be the most difficult for people with shoulder problems. Finally, a double kettlebell comb - great way reinforce proper pulling technique as well as improve posterior chain strength and resilience so you have more workout duration.

People love to argue in practice all day long, but trainees who are serious about learning prefer to practice instead. Next, an important area that needs to be covered in size and strength is the correct volume. In one study, a group of trainees who had undergone extensive training for six years participated in a six-week regimen in which one group did barbell squats for one set, another for four sets, and finally the group did eight sets. All three groups used 80% of their respective maximum efforts.

  • Bench press standing.

The key exercise for working out deltas. Gives a load to the trapezium, triceps and other muscles of the shoulder girdle. Technique: spread your legs shoulder-width apart, put the barbell on your chest, push it up over your head and slowly lower it to your chest. For a more complete study of the shed belt, you can alternate the regular press with the press from behind the head. However, to comfortably perform this variation of the presses, you need to have good mobility in the shoulder joints. Should not be taken in standing presses big weight: firstly, it is not safe for the spine, and secondly, the heavy weight of the projectile does not allow you to press with the correct technique.

The group of eight sets has top scores and even showed a 9% increase compared to one group. This study did not capture if higher volume equaled larger muscle size. However, the 9% higher gain in strength on a squat bar likely correlates with an increase in muscle size, and the barbell squat is a proven mass producer. Over the years, high level training has been very effective in increasing size. My friend and legendary legend Mark Philippe is also a fan of some serious volume and intensity to quickly increase size and strength.

  • Lifting the bar for biceps.

The exercise belongs to isolating, but it is often included in sets of exercises for beginner bodybuilders. Biceps curls give good load biceps and a number of muscles of the forearms. Technique: stand up straight, holding the bar with an average grip from below, bend your arms and lift the projectile, bringing it closer to your chest. In lifting the biceps, it is not recommended to take a lot of weight so as not to provoke deviations of the body, deflections in the back and the inclusion of non-target muscles in the work.

Forward bends with a barbell

As effective as high volume training, it's also very taxing and few can get away doing too much high volume training. This is especially true of natural interns with jobs, kids, bossy wives, needy husbands, idiotic co-workers, idiotic bosses, and other real-world activities. In addition, lower volume work focusing on maximum force has been shown to be very effective in increasing strength and often size.

You can also add incline barbell rows to build a powerful back and French bench press to develop triceps in your home workout routine. The abdominal press is worked out with exercises with its own weight. The upper segment of the press is trained by twisting, the lower segment by lifting the legs. It is convenient to perform leg raises on the horizontal bar. If there is no home horizontal bar, you need to lie on the floor and fix the body, putting your hands behind your head and grabbing some kind of support. In lifting the body, weights can be used to increase the load: the disk from the bar is held on the chest or in outstretched arms. Another useful bodyweight exercise is push-ups. Push-ups are used to train the muscles of the chest and triceps.

Twisting on the floor with pancakes from the bar

Legendary strength motor coach Louis Simmons also recommends a maximum strength day, during which trainees work to their maximum on a given exercise once a week. Lastly, celebrity bodybuilder Dorian Yates has had a lot of success with more intense training for serious size and strength. There really is no need to be pedantic and join in the endless discussion about people having high volume versus low volume. This is a complete waste of time and only for people who have nothing better than arguing on message boards all day long.

At independent work with a barbell, a beginner bodybuilder should pay attention to several important points:

  • Every workout should start with a warm-up.

Gymnastics, stretching, running in place, jumping - any simple exercise will do. Preheating makes strength training safer, greatly reducing the risk of injury. At the end of the workout, a hitch is necessarily performed, consisting of stretching exercises. Stretching at the end of a workout relaxes tight muscles and reduces post-workout pain.

Okay, now that I have this piercing path, you can enter the program by going to how the weights will be used. First, many people forget that kettlebells are actually weights and thus fall under the same rules as any form of weight training. You can use kettlebells for upper body pressing, upper body pulling, lower body pressing, lower body pulling and torso. Especially when you focus on high rep ballistic exercises like cleans and snatches, swings and snatches.

  • Beginners can choose the optimal working weight for themselves using a simple scheme: first, a weight is taken, with which it turns out to do 6-8 repetitions in two approaches.

Gradually, the number of repetitions in the approaches is brought to 12. After that, the third approach is added and again the exercise is repeated 8 times in each approach. When the number of approaches is brought to 12, you can add 4 approaches and start again with 8 repetitions.

The bottom line is that kettlebells are a very versatile training tool and can be used to achieve a variety of goals such as dumbbells, barbells, resistance bands, and bodyweight exercises. To make kettlebell training effective for size and strength goals, you must focus on exercises that provide the most benefit. Without a doubt, the emphasis should be on double kettlebell exercises with the heaviest bells you can use with a solid form. However, throwing in some one-sleeve combat work is a great way to end your workout and get some blood flow to improve your recovery.

  • Three sessions per week is the most preferred training frequency.

If you train more often, the body may not have enough time to recover, and this will negatively affect the growth of muscle mass.

  • The training athlete must properly organize the diet.

The main requirement when building mass is to provide the body with a sufficient amount of protein. The daily norm of proteins for athletes practicing fitness with weights is 2.3-2.5 g / kg of weight. A limited amount of protein is absorbed at one meal, so you should eat fractionally, eating 5-6 times a day.

This is especially true after heavy barbell squats and barbell deadlifts. So we're going to use both double kettlebell work to build size and strength, and one-handed ballistic rep work to build strength and improve your workout. Then, in addition to focusing on double kettlebell exercises, it also makes sense to focus on reps when doing kettlebell work, rather than low max effort max work, which is much more suited to barbell work.

In this program we will focus on high volume work with kettlebells in the 6-12 RPM range and high intensity barbell work in the 3-5 RPM range. Monday. Using the pressing technique, blast the weight overhead without any legs. Engage the lock and then lower under control back to the starting point. For renegade rows, minimize torso twist and focus on pulling up to the lats in a straight line.

A set of exercises for beginners is as follows:

  • bench press - 3 x 12;
  • squats - 3 x 12;
  • bench press - 3 x 12;
  • deadlift - 3 x 12;
  • lifts for biceps - 3 x 12;
  • rod thrust in the slope - 3 x 12;
  • push-ups from the floor - 3 x 12;
  • working out the press (twisting, leg lifts) - 3 x 15.

On the initial stage the composition of the exercises for each workout will be the same. Over time, several exercises with dumbbells can be added to the basic complex. It is better to put them after loads with a barbell in order to refine the target muscles. So, the deltoid muscles can be loaded not only with a barbell bench press, but also with alternate lifting of dumbbells in front of you, wiring dumbbells in an incline and swinging dumbbells through the sides. For training triceps, push-ups with a narrow setting of arms, a barbell triceps raise and a dumbbell triceps raise in an incline are used. Bench presses and squats are performed with both a barbell and dumbbells.

Hold the bell up and squeeze the lat as hard as you can on each image. When you can complete all sets with the same weight, move on to six reps per set. Finisher: one-handed kettlebell 3x15 on each side. Tuesday. With double front squats, make sure to pause at the bottom for one second on each turn and then explode all the way to the top. With double kettlebell swings, swing the bells behind your feet.

If you've never tried this version, then brace yourself for some serious soreness. When you can do all sets with the same weight, go up to six reps per set. Thursday. On the last set of each exercise, be sure to go for as many reps as you can.

When adding new exercises, increasing the working weight and increasing the number of repetitions, it becomes necessary to organize the training process in a new way. Over time, it is recommended to switch to a split system - a separate training method, when strictly defined muscle groups are worked out on different days, for example:

If you hit five reps, increase the weight by 5 pounds for the next workout. Friday. On the last set, do as many reps as you can. Resist the temptation to add more work on low volume days. Follow the program outlined for 4-6 weeks to see how you respond before making any changes. Remember that it's always better to focus on doing a few things rather than a few things.

First, let's move on to training. Each increment is associated with a subjective level of effort, with 6 representing rest and 20 representing maximum effort. For example, if a person rated their exercise at 13, then their heart rate is estimated to be around 130 beats per minute. I was lucky to call him a coach and a friend. Converting to a particular school day is due to many factors, including many that you may not be able to control. Things like previous training stress, sleep, nutritional status, motivation, time of day, injuries, training environment, etc. Everyone plays a role in what a lifter's performance level will be on a given day.

  • Monday - chest, triceps, deltas;
  • Wednesday - back, biceps, abs;
  • Friday - legs, buttocks, abs.

The split method allows you to increase the load on specific muscle groups without increasing the total amount of load in a single workout. If desired, you can use a four-day or five-day split. It is recommended to switch to a split system no earlier than after 3-6 months of full body training (working out the whole body).

Learn how to properly train at home if you have a barbell and a set of plates. Practical recommendations from athletes.

A modern sports equipment is known to every person and is a neck on which pancakes are put on. To prevent them from falling, special clips are used. To facilitate the progression of the load, pancakes of different weights are produced, from 0.25 to 50 kilos.

How to organize barbell workouts at home?

In order for the training to be effective, regardless of where you are doing, you need to properly organize your workouts with a barbell at home. It is quite clear that for maximum effect, you need to exercise regularly. Depending on your level of readiness, you should do two to four times a week. The duration of one lesson should be from 40 minutes to an hour. Here you should also focus on the level of your preparation.

Also, you should remember that between training days there should be a rest of 24 hours. Athletes who are prone to gaining fat mass can increase the frequency of training during the week up to 4-6 times. At the same time, strength training is recommended to be combined with a cardio load, for example, swimming, running, etc.

The annual training cycle should be divided into two stages: spring-summer and autumn-winter. In spring and summer, half of the training time should be devoted to strength training, and the remaining time should be devoted to outdoor cardio loads or playing sports.

In autumn and winter, it is worth focusing on strength work, devoting up to 70 percent of the time to it. Leave the remaining 30 percent various types aerobic training.

It is very important to choose the right exercises so that they are most effective for you. Try to perform the heaviest movements in the middle of the session, as the muscles will already be warmed up, and thereby reduce the likelihood of injury. When determining the number of sets and repetitions, it is necessary to build on the tasks set.

To increase physical parameters and gain mass, you need to work in 4-5 sets with 5-6 repetitions in each of them. At the same time, it is necessary to remember the importance of the progression of the load. For example, in the previous lesson, you performed a movement with a sports equipment weight of 45 kilos.

You managed to complete 6 repetitions with this working weight in four approaches. In this situation, in the next workout, increase the weight of the barbell to 47.5 kilos and again work in four sets, but with the following number of repetitions:

  • 1st set - 6 repetitions.
  • 2nd set - from 4 to 5 repetitions.
  • 3rd set - from 3 to 4 repetitions.
  • 4th set - from 2 to 3 repetitions.
Remember to rest after each set until your breathing has fully recovered and proceed to the next set. It is necessary to work on increasing the power parameters and weight gain from three months to six months.

If you want to focus on burning fat and increasing relative strength, then the number of repetitions in one set should be increased to 12-15, and the number of sets is from two to three. The weight of the projectile must be selected so that the last repetition is performed to failure. When you can perform the movement in the amount of 15 repetitions easily enough in the third set, you need to increase the weight of the projectile.

It should also be remembered that at first it is necessary to progress the load by increasing the number of repetitions and only after that increase the working weight of the projectile. Gradually, you need to move from simple movements to complex ones, while increasing the number of sets and repetitions, as well as increasing the working weights. Between sets, rest for about 120 seconds, but during this time you can not sit. Walk slowly to catch your breath.

If you notice that the implementation of heavy basic movements is accompanied by prolonged respiratory failure, a visual increase in blood vessels, reddening of the skin of the face, then you need to reduce the load. To avoid overtraining, you should use training cycles.

How to prevent overtraining during training?

One of the best preventive measures for overtraining is the so-called deload week. It should be the only one in your monthly training cycle. At this time, you need to reduce the amount of training by 50 percent and introduce a cyclic load into the training program.

Before the start of each lesson, it is necessary to warm up qualitatively for 10 or 15 minutes. Also remember the importance of performing warm-up movements in the pauses between sets. For example, when doing bench presses, you can shake and massage the working muscles. The main part of each session is devoted to working out all the large muscles of the body, and after completing the workout, perform a hitch.

When compiling a workout program with a barbell at home, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • Choose the right weight for sports equipment.
  • Performing heavy movements, it is necessary to use special shoes that securely fix the ankle.
  • Using various options for performing exercises, you can reduce the load on the articular-ligamentous apparatus.
  • Do not heavily load the spinal column in each lesson, alternating movements in sitting, standing and lying positions.
You also need to learn how to control your breathing. When you return to the starting position, you need to exhale. Until the moment when you do not apply maximum effort, you need to inhale.

Exercises for training with a barbell at home

Very often, people believe that even with such a sports equipment as a barbell, training with a barbell at home cannot bring the desired result. Of course, training in the gym will allow you to progress faster, but at home you can achieve your goals. Now we will talk about the most effective exercises, which you can perform not only in the gym, but also at home.
  1. Bench press in the prone position. This is one of the most popular movements among athletes. To perform it, it is desirable to have a bench, but you can also use a couple of stools, placing them side by side. By changing the grip width, you can shift the focus to the target muscles that you need to develop in the first place. When using a wide grip, the maximum load falls on the muscles of the back, and when using a narrow one, on the triceps.
  2. French presses. For this movement, you also want to have a bench, which will increase the amplitude. However, you can also do the French press on the ground.
  3. Bench press sitting or standing. This is an excellent movement that will allow you to qualitatively pump the muscles of the shoulder girdle and upper chest. Also note that when performing the exercise, the bar can fall to chest or by the head.
  4. Shrugs. This movement is aimed at working out the trapezium. If we talk about doing shrags at home, then there is undeniable advantage- there are no serious requirements for additional shells. Just choose the optimal weight for yourself, then slightly moving your shoulder joints, start lifting them. But remember that circular movements of the shoulder joints are prohibited.
  5. Deadlift. This movement does not lose its effectiveness at home. You can use the classic version of the movement or its variation - the sumo deadlift. Note that novice athletes or athletes with great height should focus on the classic version of the movement. Also, beginners can lower the bar slightly below the level. knee joints, and experienced bodybuilders should work with full amplitude and lower the barbell to the ground.
  6. Pulls in the direction of the belt, inclined position. An excellent movement that engages the back muscles. In this case, you do not need to use large working weights, and Special attention should be given to the technical side of the issue.
  7. Squats. Another very popular and effective movement. There are quite a few variations, but beginners should first master the classic movement.
A set of exercises with a barbell for training at home in this video:

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