1969 according to the whale horoscope for a woman. What zodiac signs are compatible in love? Time was determined by the Chinese zodiac

Technique and Internet 09.10.2020
Technique and Internet

Each of us wants to know if he is compatible with the one he loves, if he will be happy in marriage, what sex will be like and how long this love will last. To find out, just turn to the advice of the horoscope.

Chinese horoscope

In China, a calendar has been adopted, according to which every year for 12 years passes under the sign of one of the animals. And each sign of the zodiac under which a person was born endows him with certain character traits, and also sets a person's destiny. Therefore, sometimes, in order to find out the compatibility of two people in a relationship, marriage or sex, you just need to compare both signs.

But first you need to determine the year of which animal you were born. To do this, just look at a small table.

Having found out to which zodiac sign, according to the Chinese horoscope, you belong, and to which your significant other, you can proceed to the next table, which will tell you how long your couple's love will be. According to the Chinese horoscope, there are 4 types of partner compatibility.

Compatibility of a couple in a relationship with each other

He She is
equal union
Rat, Dragon, MonkeyCat, Goat, Boar
Bull, Snake, RoosterTiger, Horse, Dog
Cat, Goat, BoarRat, Monkey, Dragon
Tiger, Horse, DogBull, Snake, Rooster
spiritual union
Rat, Monkey, DragonBull, Snake, Rooster
Bull, Snake, RoosterRat, Monkey, Dragon
Tiger, Horse, DogCat, Goat, Boar
Cat, Goat, BoarTiger, Horse, Dog
romantic union
Rat, Monkey, DragonTiger, Horse, Dog
Bull, Snake, RoosterCat, Goat, Boar
Tiger, Horse, DogRat, Monkey, Dragon
Cat, Goat, BoarBull, Snake, Rooster
Patriarchal Union
Rat, Monkey, DragonRat, Monkey, Dragon
Bull, Snake, RoosterBull, Snake, Rooster
Tiger, Horse, DogTiger, Horse, Dog
Cat, Goat, BoarCat, Goat, Boar

What does the Chinese horoscope promise your couple? With the help of this table, the signs of the zodiac will slightly open the veil of your Destiny for you.

According to the Chinese horoscope, couples from an equal union have the same highly developed intelligence. lovers or spouses this case have similar aspirations and ideals. The couple will often quarrel, but each quarrel will end in violent sex, and reconciliation will bring both together even more. For a long-term relationship, both must constantly throw firewood in home from constant trips, separations and meetings, after them, as well as violent emotions. Boredom is contraindicated for them!

If your zodiac signs have formed into a spiritual union, then this means that each of you has gone through a lot, experienced difficult life troubles, and now, having matured for serious relationship, joined in one pair. Your compatibility is so great that you will always always support and support each other. In addition, each of you will constantly improve yourself, pushing the other to his development. Such a couple will be wise in love, and over time it can achieve higher harmony. Most importantly, don't get hung up on the little things!

But the signs of the zodiac, united in a romantic union, very often have the same “love at first sight”, which can then continue after the wedding. After all, the guy will constantly give his beloved different gifts, arrange pleasant surprises, and the girl will try to fulfill the whims of her chosen one in sex, and their house will always be open for numerous guests. But for a long-term relationship, these zodiac signs should not be alone with each other for too long. In this case, even a small separation for a few hours will refresh the feelings and breathe even more passion into their connection.

The patriarchal relationship, according to the Chinese horoscope, most often occurs in adults who are important to start a family and raise children. For such a couple, the most important thing is the children and the hearth, in which they will constantly maintain a spark of warmth and comfort. In this couple, the groom or husband is the head of the family, who is responsible for his beloved woman, and she, in turn, should be solely responsible for ensuring that their family hearth never goes out. And if one of them tries to change their role, then at the same moment, the couple can break up.

Vector communication between partners

But according to the Chinese horoscope, there is also a vector relationship between the signs of the zodiac. In this case, the relationship is very difficult, while one of the partners is the master of the other, and the second, accordingly, must always and in everything obey him.

Couples that have this connection include:

  • Rat - Monkey;
  • Monkey - Snake;
  • Snake - Goat;
  • Goat - Tiger;
  • Tiger - Bull;
  • Bull - Dog;
  • Dog - Rooster;
  • Rooster - Cat;
  • Cat - Dragon;
  • Dragon - Boar;
  • Boar - Horse;
  • Horse - Rat.

In this case, the first in the pair is the master, and the second is the servant. Such couples are characterized by tension in relationships, their quarrels create a lot of negative emotions, and jealousy and scandals exhaust both. This is such a case of compatibility of two people, when it’s bad to be apart, but it’s impossible to be together, although lovers are highly dependent on their relationship and love. In addition, after many exhausting years, the owner can slightly loosen his grip, and then the servant, having broken out of submission, can breathe new life into their couple.

Willingness to “give” in accordance with the horoscope

There is an opinion that in any relationship one partner gives all his love and care to the other, and the other only accepts it. The Chinese horoscope absolutely agrees with this. Indeed, in accordance with the sign of the zodiac under which a person was born, he becomes a “giver” - a source of love or a “receiver” in a pair, which means a detector. At the same time, if the compatibility between these partners is great, then they do not suffer at all from the fact that one has to give the other all their tenderness, love and care.

The sources of love among men are those who were born in the years of the Horse, Dog or Tiger, their love is romantic, but those born in the years of the Monkey, Rat and Dragon are the sources of controlled love. The difference between them is that romantic lovers often idealize their partner, which means they make many mistakes in their choice, and the sources of controlled love are great connoisseurs of the female soul and love not an imaginary lover endowed with invented qualities, but an ordinary earthly woman.

Men born under the signs of the Rooster, Ox and Snake are, in turn, attacking detectors, and those born under the signs of the Boar, Cat and Goat are attractive. At the same time, when attacking detectors seduce women very actively, this means, oddly enough, that they are cold towards their object of love, but they are afraid to approach those they really love. And attracting detectors believe that their partner should be given as little attention as possible, and then their beloved will be devoted to them all her life.

As you can see, according to the Chinese horoscope, men "give" and "take" turned out to be equal, but there are much more women "takers". Those born under the sign of the Dog, Tiger or Horse are attacking detectors, who are characterized by devotion and excessive romanticization of their lover; Rats, Monkeys or Dragons - attracting detectors that slay the chosen ones with their ingenuity in sex; and those born under the sign of the Cat, Goat and Boar are independent detectors who are absolutely passive to relationships, and who, as if, do not care at all about compatibility with their chosen one.

And the sources of love among women are only those who were born under the zodiac sign of the Snake, Rooster or Bull. If they are in love, they are ready to fight for their love to the bitter end!

Year of the yellow ground rooster

Element: Earth

Yellow color

Pride, assertiveness and purposefulness are your main character traits. You do not like to be out of events, you need meetings, impressions and communication with others like air. For the sake of friends, you are ready to move mountains and even sacrifice your interests, but in love you are jealous and often overestimate the shortcomings of your soulmate.

In your favorite business, you reach heights, but you do not always know how to use the fruits of your achievements. But where it is necessary to show assertiveness, passion and leadership skills, you are able to achieve success and stay in the role of a leader for a long time.

Character traits

  • Endurance;
  • Diligence;
  • Strategic thinking;
  • Realism;
  • Independence.

Distinctive features

Thick eyebrows and a flat stomach.

Suitable fields of activity

  • Teaching activities;
  • Politics;
  • Management;
  • Show Business;
  • Advertising.

Eastern calendar compatibility table

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Neutral relationship type

Such people will be able to create harmonious and strong relationships. But to achieve harmony is possible only with mutual understanding, otherwise the relationship is very easy to destroy. Be attentive to each other, and everything will be all right.

Constant friction in relationships

Partners tend to play with each other and get on each other's nerves. The duration of the relationship depends only on the mutual desire to be together.


Partners will be happy together, but at the same time they will constantly move forward. If this is about you, then you have every chance to create a wonderful and strong relationship.

Complete harmony

One of the most beautiful combinations. Family relationships these people will be harmonious, happy, and calm to the envy of others.

open confrontation

Such people will constantly conflict, even if they do not want to spoil the relationship. It is very difficult for partners to understand each other and not provoke conflicts.

Conflict combination

The partners will have to overcome many obstacles and show a lot of patience to keep the peace. In order for the relationship to be long and useful, you need to put a lot of effort into both you and your partner, constantly adjusting to each other.


Ups and downs will constantly alternate, as will quarrels and periods of reconciliation. If you can survive difficult periods, then the relationship will become harmonious, and you can build a happy future.

Those who were lucky enough to be born between the dates February 17, 1969 and February 5, 1970 belong to the sign of the Earth Rooster. These are good-natured and open people, harmonious, calm and interesting personalities. They are inquisitive, persistent, reasonable. The Earth Rooster endows these people with a sense of fearlessness, the ability to go towards their goal, despite obstacles and difficulties. People of the year of the Earth Rooster are generous, hospitable, love noisy society and extreme entertainment.

Neat, punctual, respectful of time, other people's interests and life. Not averse to showing flattery if it is beneficial to business. The Earth Rooster endows people born this year with managerial talents, the ability to organize and lead. It is customary to listen to the words of these people, follow their instructions.

Year of the Earth Rooster

People born in the year of the Rooster are easily attached and loved by children, often even in old age, grandchildren and children go for advice to the wise and judicious Rooster. In the area of professional activity people of the year of the Rooster find their recognition in everything related to finances, leadership, organization. It can be the sphere of tourism, education, business, science. The Earth Rooster is hardworking, makes a lot of physical and emotional strength, in the struggle for his right to live comfortably and in abundance. The rooster is difficult to deceive, rarely, he becomes a victim of scams. Fate will repeatedly present tests related to health to representatives of this sign, it is necessary to be vigilant, listen carefully to your body and not start the disease.

The rooster is a symbol of the sun, i.e. a symbol of kindness to people, openness.

1969 according to the Eastern calendar: the year of the Earth Rooster

In this article you will learn:

1969 what year according to the eastern calendar

People of 1969 are endowed with the Earth Rooster tendency to take any issue seriously, they are very reasonable, patient. They show themselves as intelligent, persistent in achieving the goal, their path to success is thorny, but they are stubbornly moving in its direction.

The Earth Rooster is famous as a wonderful worker, whose diligence earns great respect from employees, and whose perseverance knows no bounds.

This is the year of the birth of deep-thinking, very insightful people who are ready to open up to adventure, not afraid to take risks, despite the fact that they always value safety and give it the highest place.

The rooster is quite secretive, its inner essence is big secret for others, it is hidden under a colorful appearance.

Representatives of the sign are known as pragmatists and realists, they are distrustful and cautious. At the same time, the Rooster will move mountains for those whom he loves with all his heart.

The Earth Rooster, the symbol of 1969, has the ability to "see to the root", he thinks deeply, and is often very insightful. Nature has endowed people who were born this year with many talents, they are well versed in financial matters, in business.

Hardworking and stubborn Roosters often work hard at the expense of their rest.

Features of the sign of the Earth Rooster according to the Chinese calendar

The personality of the Earth Rooster is versatile, they are interested in different types activities, and they gladly try to take part in them. Attention flatters the Rooster, he immediately becomes brighter. The appearance of the representative of the sign is pleasant, he is always elegantly dressed, demonstrates good taste, knows how to present himself.

Their industriousness makes the Earth Roosters work when everyone is resting. Order is important to them.

Despite this, the Rooster is rarely satisfied with himself. Communication with the Earth Rooster is easy and relaxed for everyone, the Rooster has the talent to liberate the interlocutor.

The eastern horoscope Rooster is characterized as observant and executive, one who cannot be ignored. The rooster likes to meet new people, he likes to have fun. He always manages to stand out from the crowd.

They have an enviable desire to move towards the goal, they will not put up with failure. They are resourceful, practical, dreamy personalities. Sensitive and brave. They are distinguished by straightforwardness, irascibility, though they depart quickly.

Advantages and disadvantages of people born in the year of the Earth Rooster

  • Among the positive qualities of the Rooster, responsibility, enterprise, optimism, the will to win, the struggle for the comfort of loved ones should be highlighted.
  • The negative sides of the Rooster are vanity, selfishness, excessive self-confidence, tactlessness, the habit of criticizing others, excessive straightforwardness, sometimes the inability to keep other people's secrets.
  • The self-confidence of the Rooster often borders on self-confidence, which constantly pushes him to rash acts. He may overestimate his strength. It happens that he promises to be more useful than he is capable of, while he does not even have the thought of boasting, but he is simply too confident in himself.

Years of the Rooster according to the Chinese zodiac: 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017.

People born in 1969 were under the auspices of the Yellow Earth Rooster according to eastern horoscope. This animal symbolizes energy, and the element of earth in combination with yellow symbolizes peace, harmony and prudence. Therefore, individuals under the influence of the sign are accustomed to working with concentration on the problem and carefully weighing their own decisions. Such natures are distinguished by purposefulness and perseverance, which helps them to successfully follow their goals.

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    Characteristics of the sign

    A person who was born in the year of the Rooster is an eccentric person who is used to saying what he thinks about. But most often his frankness becomes a manifestation not of the mind, but of selfishness. He is very sharp and intolerant of other people's mistakes, which quite often becomes the reason for the complex construction of interpersonal relationships with people around him.

    Outwardly, such personalities are very pleasant. They have good taste, which they are happy to demonstrate with the help of an elegant wardrobe. They know how to present themselves to society. And the attention directed to the person of the Rooster makes him become even more vivid.

    The Yellow Earth Rooster endowed his ward with insight. By nature, the representatives of the sign are secretive and try to hide their inner essence under a motley shell. This is a very dreamy person who loves to plan far ahead. He is overwhelmed with ideas and projects, but he is in no hurry to work for the sake of their implementation. Therefore, many of them are not destined to come true.

    The element of earth endowed people born in 1969 with a more conservative character than other representatives of this sign. In the foreground for them always remains financial stability and confidence in tomorrow. They stand firmly on their feet, rarely allow themselves to fly in the clouds and really look at things.

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    Spheres of life

    Rooster in different areas own life:

    CommunicationSurrounding people consider the representative of the sign very interesting person and interlocutor. But because of his own boastfulness and propensity for reckless actions, the Rooster risks pushing them away from him. It is for these reasons that such natures have quite a few friends. In addition, representatives of the sign are not accustomed to quickly open up. Initially, they are always cold, cautious and distrustful. And even with close people, Roosters do not try to hide their rigidity, criticality and dryness.
    CareerThis man combines two extremes. On the one hand, he runs the risk of becoming lazy because of the love of passive contemplation. On the other hand, such a person may well be a hard worker with boundless energy. He is ready to do more than his potential allows, he can take work home, just not to sit idle. But the Rooster is prone to nervous breakdowns, as he does not always calculate his strength. Representatives of the sign can become good bosses, sharing their knowledge with subordinates. Such natures are well suited for the profession military leader, breeder, agronomist. They perform well in medicine, politics, banking
    LoveRoosters are very affectionate. Often they pay attention to several objects of passion at once, as they love an enthusiastic attitude towards themselves, which is not enough for them. Before appearance and the perseverance of these people, few manage to resist. Representatives of the sign like the very process of the emergence of relationships, but if something does not go according to plan, then they quickly cool off. Having fallen in love sincerely, Roosters show their feelings violently and persistently, often accompanied by scandals and scenes of jealousy. Having been refused, such people are hard pressed not by the separation itself, but by the spoiled image of a wonderful lover
    A familyMost often, people born in the year of the Rooster are unhappy in marriage. At the same time, they manage to enter into it several times. Such natures often exchange a measured family life for a wild lifestyle, obeying the thirst for new experiences. In destruction own family The roosters themselves are to blame, as they cease to appreciate what they have achieved for so long and with hard work.

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    Advantages and disadvantages

    The Chinese horoscope indicates positive and negative traits nature of the Earth Rooster:

    Rooster Talismans

    Rooster Women

    This eccentric person who loves to be noticed. For this reason, she chooses the style of clothing that will distinguish her from the crowd. This does not mean bright and catchy details of the wardrobe, but the girl will always find something to surprise others.

    Thanks to natural insight, such women are well versed in people and easily make friends. Under any circumstances, they try to restrain their own emotionality. The Earth Rooster woman is always honest, responsible, which is why she will never stoop to betrayal or any other meanness. At the same time, she will not ask for help, but she will always be grateful for it.

    In love, everything is given to feelings without a trace and is ready for much for the sake of dear person. Rooster women make good housewives and caring mothers. They keep an eye on their children, teaching them to take every opportunity out of life. Having received such valuable experience from a parent, her children are usually well prepared for an independent existence. Those born under the influence of the sign will protect their offspring until their last breath.

    Rooster Men

    A man who is under the influence of a sign loves to show off in front of women. He easily manages to attract the attention of ladies, as he is endowed not only with an attractive appearance, but also with charm and the ability to keep up a conversation. He needs love and adoration from his chosen one, otherwise he will definitely find another person who will praise and cherish him more.

    The Rooster man is quite capable of becoming a prosperous person and providing himself with a comfortable life. Often his thoughts are completely devoted to work, which negatively affects relationships with loved ones. But because of the love of waste, his financial situation is constantly changing in sharp leaps. Sometimes such extravagance can lead to bankruptcy.

    Representatives of the sign are so confident in their own decisions that it is almost impossible to convince them of anything. The rooster fully relies only on its knowledge and strength. He is not used to trusting anyone, but he is happy to give advice to other people right and left.

    Combination with the sign of the zodiac

    The personal characteristic of the Rooster depends quite strongly on the sign of the zodiac under which the person was born. The combination of the zodiac and Chinese horoscope will allow you to get to know his nature more closely:

    Zodiac signYellow Earth Rooster
    AriesA very obstinate Rooster, ready to fight with any opponent, even if he is stronger. He knows how to build relationships with people, although deep down in his heart he always perceives them as competitors. Rooster-Aries is not used to hiding his own shortcomings. Natural pride and pride do not allow such a person to admit his mistakes. It's hard to get along with him
    TaurusA person under the influence of these two signs considers himself superior to others, which greatly affects his behavior. His nobility is not only ostentatious. Usually he is really honest and true to his principles. He is strong enough to endure any adversity. In love, the Rooster-Taurus is distinguished by fidelity and constancy, which, combined with seriousness and responsibility, makes him a good spouse
    TwinsThe rooster, under the influence of Gemini, is distinguished by a very changeable disposition and contradictory actions. By nature, he is an active person who does not have a clear path, but prefers to adapt to circumstances. Being filled with many ideas, not all of them can be implemented. The Gemini Rooster reacts strongly to criticism. He skillfully finds a reason for a quarrel from scratch. It is not easy to deal with such people.
    CrayfishVery active personality, even when it is not needed. Prefers to be aware of everything, getting into other people's affairs. Very straightforward, because of which he often risks causing fire on himself. Likes to communicate and promise, and then disappear. But it is easy to deceive, which is used by many others. Sometimes it is so sociable that it borders on obsession. Very emotional, but if desired, able to restrain himself in order to make a good impression
    a lionA very agile and stubborn person, endowed with incredible energy. He is used to setting high goals, which he invariably achieves not without the participation of good luck. The tasks set are always humane, in contrast to the cruel methods of achieving them, to which he so often resorts. The Rooster-Leo is ready to sacrifice anything to fulfill his plan. By nature, he is a tough leader, accustomed to the totalitarian style of leadership. Likes to command everyone who comes to hand
    VirgoSuch a person always has an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe desired and is well aware of how to achieve this. But it won't work alone. Extensive knowledge and an original way of thinking help him find and convince supporters in his cause. He reacts extremely painfully to neglect and an indifferent tone addressed to himself. Faced with such an attitude, he will definitely give a worthy rebuff to the enemy.
    ScalesThe Libra Rooster cannot imagine his life without honor, respect and indulgence to his whims. Able to achieve a high position by finding common language With the right people. This is a good diplomat, often acting as an intermediary where it is necessary to find a compromise between the two sides. Aggression shows only in those cases when the blow fell on his pride. This person always tries to fulfill his obligations, which makes him a good partner both in business and in love.
    ScorpionRooster-Scorpio is a real fighter, endowed with an inexhaustible supply vitality and strong intellect. Having set a goal for himself, he will spend as much time to achieve it as needed. And the result will be impressive. This is admired by others, so people in business try to enlist his support. However, the personal life of such a person is very problematic. Sharpness, straightforwardness and inability to forgive weaknesses are bad for relationships
    SagittariusRooster-Sagittarius is more prone to contemplation and philosophical reasoning than to action. He reached the highest level in the ability to argue, in this matter it is difficult to compete with him. But he prefers to enter into a discussion without resorting to lies, and relies more on his sincerity and directness. It causes people both admiration and envy at the same time. Problems in his personal life worries him more than work issues. Because of this, he does not always follow his goals in the professional field, although he strives for career growth.
    CapricornAmbitious and purposeful Rooster. He is ready to work long and hard, while having excellent business acumen. The set goals are usually achieved, although not very quickly. Rooster-Capricorn is smart, reasonable and incredibly strong in logical thinking. Always strictly follows its own principles. Having entered into a fight with someone, he will fight to the end. But only if the goal is worth the effort. In love and friendship, these people are faithful and incredibly devoted.
    AquariusSuch a nature is endowed with an original type of thinking and a love for research activities. Often such individuals become parents of ideas ahead of their time. Doing what he loves, he is fanatically devoted to it. Rooster-Aquarius is active, eccentric, loves everything new and unknown. Despite the sociability, such people are quite complex, it is difficult to get along with them. They know how to charm, but because of their natural intractability, they often remain alone.
    FishAny action of the Rooster-Fish is made with the sole purpose of attracting attention to itself. But he does it very skillfully and not openly, as if inadvertently. Such a person is calm, businesslike and peaceful, which allows him to easily join any team. But his worldview can be very different from the generally accepted one. For this reason, many of his actions seem devoid of logic. The only thing he tries to avoid is monotony in work.

    Compatibility according to the eastern horoscope

    The Chinese horoscope allows you to check the compatibility of people in love and marriage. After studying this information, you can understand what the main problem of this or that relationship is. Sometimes this makes it possible to reach mutual understanding between people:

    Eastern calendar signEarth Rooster Compatibility
    RatUnfavorable relationship. Aggressive and boastful by nature, the Rooster is very much annoyed by the sharp remarks of a witty partner. The rat, on the other hand, considers her chosen one to be somewhat primitive intellectually, and his behavior seems to her simply ridiculous. The existence of marriage is possible only if the Rat has the deepest feelings
    Bull (Ox)A very harmonious couple. Both partners are conservative in nature. They value work and performance, while not endowed with sensitivity. The ox will successfully endure the narcissism of the chosen one. The Ox and the Rooster are perfect for each other, and the joint opposition to everything original, unconventional and new only unites such people.
    TigerThe union of these two signs is bursting at the seams. Being temperamental leaders by nature, both partners fiercely fight for influence and power. They will never agree to a compromise, as they are innate fighters who are not used to giving in. If one of the lovers nevertheless takes the place of the leader, then he will seek to suppress the will of his partner
    Rabbit (Cat)Poor sign compatibility. Almost impossible between them. love relationship because they are real enemies. The Rabbit will be frightened by the obsession and ruthlessness of the Rooster, who always strives for the position of leader. This makes Cat wonder if such a relationship is necessary. The rooster is annoyed by the social flexibility of the partner, he hates the peaceful and slightly lazy lifestyle of the Cat
    The DragonThe signs are quite similar to each other, this makes such a union possible. They both need increased attention to their personality. The stronger Dragon will dominate this pair. The rooster is quite satisfied with this alignment. He will not without pleasure obey the chosen one and try to achieve what he wants at the expense of the partner's resources. If the Rooster is smart enough not to shout about his importance, the marriage will be successful
    SnakeHarmonious Union. They are united by the similarity of views on the world. Between partners, tenderness is rarely observed, but there is mutual understanding. The leader in the pair, of course, will be the Rooster, leading the tandem. The intellectual Snake will reasonably obey, as it does not like actions for show, it prefers to think and make difficult decisions in silence.
    HorseThe relationship of this couple usually does not lead to anything good. There will be a clash between the love of freedom of the Horse and the desire to dominate the Rooster. Also, the Horse is more serious about love relationships, while her chosen one loves to live in society and show off her own virtues there.
    Goat (Sheep)Between these signs, the relationship is most harmonious in the pair where the man is the Rooster and the woman is the Goat. Another option is practically doomed to failure, since financial stability becomes the decisive factor in such an alliance. The goat does not know how to earn money, but she is used to having money appear faster than it is spent. Therefore, the Rooster will definitely be the main earner in the family. The Rooster man will do everything so that his charming lover does not need anything
    A monkeyDifficult relationships. The cunning and smart Monkey will try to take full advantage of the partner's funds. But this will not be enough for her, as a result of which she will begin to make fun of the Rooster. The needs of the Monkey are almost impossible to satisfy, over time, the Rooster will understand that they took advantage of his gullibility, and he does not forgive this. Although it happens that he does not notice this all life together, since the Monkey does it very cleverly
    RoosterThe union of two Roosters has practically no chance of existence. Between these partners there will be a constant struggle for power. Each of them thinks it is his exclusive privilege to make decisions in all spheres of family life, regardless of the opinion of a loved one. In the relationship of these signs, coldness and cruelty prevail. Two Roosters are more likely to become rivals than partners. Chance for successful marriage possible only if one of them is able to compromise
    DogA very difficult union. The dog will hardly endure the pomposity and authoritarian manners of the Rooster, which is a conservative by nature. The dog is a reformer, striving for progress and equality. She needs justice, but the Rooster does not even try to pacify his own dictatorial impulses, he longs to dominate
    Pig (Boar)Unpromising relationship for the Pig. Amorousness and natural tenderness of the Pig give rise to a warlike partner only irritation, turning into anger. The Boar is trying with all its might to please the captious Rooster, but the sharpness and rudeness of the latter finally frighten the impressionable Pig

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