How to catch big carp? Tips and secrets of professionals. How to catch carp, all the secrets.

Tourism and rest 27.10.2017
Tourism and rest

How to catch carp

Carp is a very cautious fish. We can say - crucian carp is a real intellectual of the fish world. Therefore, for catching it, it is always better to use “thin”, in direct and figuratively this word tackle. Each fisherman has his own favorite ways. Someone likes to catch with bottom gear, someone with an ordinary float rod. Probably, a light float rod is still preferable. But in any case, the "crucian" tackle must be made very carefully. The fishing line, the main one and for the leash, should be chosen as thin as possible, knit as few knots as possible. The float, and accordingly the load to it, is chosen easier. The crucian is alarmed by the loud splash of a large float on the water.
As for the carp fishing season. You can catch this fish from early spring. Hungry for the winter, the crucian actively feeds before spawning. There are, however, even at this time "unloading" days, when the biting practically stops. This is presumably due to the deterioration weather conditions. This continues until spawning occurs. During the spawning period, crucian carp is not caught. AT different years in different ways, but about a month passes from the beginning of spawning to the beginning of a steady bite. With the onset of summer, crucian carp switches to its own, only understandable diet. Periods of good biting are replaced by two or three day breaks, which are difficult to predict and explain. But by the end of summer, the bite of crucian carp will stabilize. And so it goes until the end of September. Apparently crucian carp prepare for winter.
As for the time of day at which crucian carp are most active, I made some observations that I want to share with you. I noticed that best time pecking crucian is early morning - about an hour before dawn and an hour after sunrise. In the daytime, especially on a hot day, crucian carp move away from the shore and rest, practically not eating. With the onset of evening, when the sun begins to roll towards sunset, the heat of the day subsides - the evening bite of crucian comes.

Until recently, I believed that with the onset of deep twilight, the biting of crucian carp stops. But, the incident that happened while fishing completely turned my idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe life of a crucian. Now I can say with confidence that crucian carp are caught at night, and quite well, and specimens come across, mostly larger than during the day. Read more about night fishing for crucian carp in the article.

Where to catch carp

The choice of a place for catching crucian carp should be approached with serious thought. It is good if the place of fishing is far from "civilization". It can be a shallow body of water - a pond, lake or river bay. Vegetation, reeds, algae must be present. The bottom must be muddy. The crucian loves to dig in the mud.

Now directly about the choice of the place of fishing on the pond. One of the most important tasks for successful fishing is the right place. Why a beginner angler rarely gets a good catch. Because he has no experience in choosing a promising place. Usually a beginner chooses a place convenient for himself, forgetting about the interests of the crucian. This is where the main mistake of searching for crucian lies. It has long been noticed by experienced anglers that crucian carp, especially large ones, prefer places that are very inconvenient for fishing. This is especially true of reservoirs, where the fisherman is not uncommon and crucian carp have repeatedly met with him. Therefore, promising places are usually hard-to-reach, overgrown with vegetation, and even better with snags lying on the bottom. By the way, in such labyrinths, crucian successfully hides not only from fishing tackle, but also from a predator.

Of course, fishing in such places is impossible, casting any tackle to such a place will surely end in a line break. Such strong places serve simply as a guide, a hint - crucian carp is located nearby. It is known that usually crucian does not move far from its "home". Tries to find food nearby. Therefore, the task of the angler is to find at least a small patch next to the crucian house, freer from vegetation and underwater obstacles, at least somehow adapted for fishing. In such a place, you should try to lure the cautious couch potato by offering him attractive bait and seductive bait.

If there is no suitable clearing near a good place, you can create it artificially. A couple of days before fishing, pull out a small window (meter by meter) in the reeds. Clean the bottom of algae (a rake helps well). You can even sprinkle the bottom with sand. It is even better to feed this “window” for three is better to use vegetable - bread, cereals, cake ... Some time should be devoted to studying the behavior of crucian carp in the selected reservoir. The habits of crucian carp in different reservoirs are seriously different. It happens that in one place crucian carp is better caught in windy weather, in the presence of a wave, and in another, on the contrary, in complete calm. In a nearby pond, crucian bites better on a worm, and in this one only on bread. Sometimes he prefers maggot, sometimes bloodworm, and there are cases when crucian carp is caught only on a “sandwich” - maggot and bloodworm are hung on a hook at the same time.

Nozzles for catching carp

Let's talk more about. For carp fishing, two types of baits are mainly used. Firstly, baits of animal origin are often a red dung worm (which is preferably kept in sunflower oil overnight, before fishing), maggot, bloodworm, etc. Secondly, vegetable nozzles - bread, dough, semolina, pearl barley, oatmeal, etc. When choosing nozzles, you can roughly be guided by the following rule - at a water temperature of less than 20 degrees, nozzles of animal origin are used, and at water temperatures above 20 degrees, vegetable nozzles are used. But this is very approximate. The crucian itself does not know about this rule, and therefore does not always follow it. In general, this is a very capricious fish. You will never guess where today it would be better to take crucian carp - at the very bottom, in the middle of the water or at the surface. There is no rule in this. Plus, crucian carp changes this position even within one day (in the morning it can take from the bottom, in the afternoon in the middle of the water, and in the evening at the surface).
How to equip the "crucian" tackle. Telescopic rod from 4 to 5 meters. Rods are better to choose dark tones, green. Main line from 0.2 mm to 0.25 mm. A leash with a length of 5 to 10 cm, a fishing line diameter of about 0.15 mm. Hooks from 3.5 to 5. The float is very sensitive. The load is sliding, the weight is selected so that the float looks out of the water by 1 cm. For fishing for crucian carp, they usually take two such fishing rods with them.

So, the fishing spot has been chosen, properly prepared, and fed in advance. The tackle is equipped, “sharpened” for crucian carp. We proceed directly to fishing. Before the start of fishing, we throw the bait again. For bait, porridges with the addition of sunflower oil or cake are usually used. You can use other flavors, but carefully, in small quantities. A strong smell can scare away fish. Good result give dill seeds. Since in the habitats of crucian carp the bottom is most often silty, it is best to throw bait in bulk, and not in large pieces. Large balls will simply sink in the silt. Well, do not overfeed the crucian, it is better to add bait in small portions after a while.
Now you need to very accurately set the depth for. It is desirable that the bait is at the very bottom, but does not sink into the silt. This position of the bait is selected by test casts. Here millimeters can be decisive. And do not forget - if the bite is significantly weakened, it may make sense to change the depth of the bait. Maybe the crucian was "tired" of the bottom bait and it moved to half water or even closer to the surface.
The crucian takes the bait very carefully, like a true gourmet, at first he holds it in his mouth, fingering it with his thick lips, as if sensing the taste. At this time, the float shudders slightly, a series of short shocks passes and the float leads to the side, either sinking, or vice versa, lying on the water. Here correct behavior the angler dictates the type of bait. If the bait plant origin you can’t hesitate, as soon as the float has finished its “dance” and started to go to the side - gently hook it. If there is a worm on the hook, you need to be patient and wait until the float starts to sink or lie down on the water. If everything is done correctly - crucian carp is yours!
Now I suggest you watch an exciting video that shows an interesting method of catching carp with an elastic band. Real professional shares the secrets of catching carp with an elastic band.

The well-known fishing classic Leonid Pavlovich Sabaneev once said that crucian carp is the most popular and widespread inhabitant of our reservoirs. But the fishermen tell the truth that today there is no such amateur angler who is not familiar with crucian carp.

1. Detailed description carp, lifestyle, behavior, etc.
2. Where does carp live? Time to catch carp. The process of finding a good place for catching crucian carp in different time of the year;
3. How to catch carp? An overview of the most popular, common and effective gear for catching this underwater inhabitant. An overview of the following gear: fly gear, feeder gear, which has a special feeder, a fishing rod for making long casts, bottom gear with rubber shock absorbers present;
4. Lures and baits for effective fishing. Recipes and principles of preparation of "successful" bait.
5. What to catch crucian? Description of the most common nozzles and baits for successful fishing. An overview of various nozzles of a life-giving and vegetable nature (maggots, bloodworms, worms, various semolina, pearl barley and oatmeal).
6. How do carp peck? Types and features of bites. A good time to make a sweep.
7. Unique secrets of catching carp. How to ensure a good catch? Why is disguise necessary? What are the difficulties of this fishing. Helpful Hints for beginner anglers.

What is carp? His habitats.

This underwater inhabitant, which is distinguished by a slightly roundish body and colorful scales, bronze-gold or silver, is well known to every person. Probably, it was crucian carp that was the first fish that was on the hook of a young novice angler. Many associate their childhood with carp fishing, somewhere in the fabulous countryside.
It is worth noting that in the fishing world it is customary to distinguish between two main and stable forms of this fish - golden carp (also called round), and silver carp (one that has an elongated body). The most common is the silver carp. It is not at all difficult to notice the characteristic features of the first and second forms of crucian carp, because all the main differences are in the name. The crucian carp of the first form is distinguished by a wider or round body, the dorsal part has the shape of a steep arc, and the height of the whole body is almost equal to two-thirds of the length. In silver carp, the body is slightly elongated, and the height of the body is only one third of the length.
It is surprising that outwardly completely different fish remain the same species that can interbreed and continue the genus, giving good, healthy offspring. Ichthyologists are sure that the second form of crucian carp (gold carp) dominates in our reservoirs, and in their flocks there are almost only females, and their caviar is fertilized, in frequent cases, by healthy males of golden carp. There are times when crucian carp interbreed with carp or carp, which leads to the appearance of hybrid individuals that can grow to impressive sizes in a short time.
Probably everyone knows that crucian carp is one of the most hardy underwater inhabitants that do not impose any requirements on the habitat. It has incredible resilience, which allows it to live and grow in waters where any other fish would simply die. Crucian carp survives well in polluted digging rates, where there is stale water, while in winter, such reservoirs freeze almost to the very bottom. It can also live in a variety of peat bogs, where almost everything is covered with vegetation, and open windows rarely seen with water. But in fast and cold water it is not at all easy for him, which is probably why crucian carp is not found in flowing mountain streams.

In the fishing world, it is customary to divide carp habitats into at least three types:
The first is relatively small reservoirs, where there is no rich food base, and crucian carp remains the main underwater inhabitant. Such reservoirs include floodplain lakes, which are flooded in the spring with melt water, and in the hot summer, they practically dry up. In these places, as a rule, there are very small individuals, about 10-15 centimeters long, but there can be a lot of them here. In such a reservoir, due to the lack of an abundant food base, crucian carp are caught especially well, and on a wide variety of baits.
The second type of reservoirs includes larger lakes or artificial rates, in which not only crucian carp live, but also many other types of fish, namely, carp, roach, pike perch, pike, perch and others. It should be noted that in such reservoirs, the prevalence of small individuals of crucian carp is very small, which is associated with the presence of hungry and ferocious predators. This phenomenon increases the likelihood of catching a really large, trophy crucian carp, which is not amenable to the attacks of different hunters. However, indeed, such large specimens peck not so often.
The third type of reservoirs includes various streams, with a relatively weak current, or the mouth parts of various reservoirs. Of course, if we are talking about flowing rivers, then here crucian prefers to stand in different bays and backwaters, but still, in spring time, it can actively migrate throughout the river. In such reservoirs, crucian carp are more active and larger.
You need to understand that the method and technique of catching such a fish as crucian depends, first of all, on the area in which fishing will take place. For example, if you fish on large flowing lakes, you will have to use donks, or tackle for long casts. But if we are talking about fishing in small food ponds, then you can confidently take a short fly rod with you for fishing. In calm backwaters of rivers, it is customary to catch with the help of feeder gear.

Lifestyle and periods of catching carp.

Considering the fact that crucian carp prefers to be found in relatively calm stagnant water bodies, the following conclusion can be drawn to the fisherman: crucian carp is a sedentary fish. In fact, rather large flocks of this fish constantly migrate throughout the reservoir, which is associated with an active search for food or a good place for spawning.
The most significant are spring migrations in the rivers during spawning. With the advent of spring days, large flocks of this representative of the water world begin to move up the river, actively leaving their places of permanent parking. Reaching different dams and free spills, crucian females begin to spawn. With the advent of summer days, the fish again roll down the river to their "lawful habitats".

But the lake carp, at the same spring time, actively approach the shore, where they begin a truly violent spawning. It is not so difficult to understand that spawning has begun at the lake carp, because during this period you can see how it moves in the thickets and makes loud splashes. Before the start of spawning, and accordingly after it, the real, most greedy zhor begins in crucian carp, during which this underwater inhabitant feeds rapidly, restoring lost energy and strength. That is why spring time is considered the best and most successful for successful carp fishing in all ways. The only requirement that spring carp makes is stable weather.
With the advent of summer, the activity and bite of such fish as crucian carp are noticeably reduced. The crucian becomes more demanding and capricious, which is explained by its transition to plant foods - the summer "diet". This leads to the fact that in reservoirs with abundant vegetation it practically does not bite. Fishermen have to use good vegetable baits, including: steamed cereals, bread, dough and others. Sometimes you have to turn to various aromatic additives (anise oil, flavorings and even garlic) for help. The crucian spends almost the whole summer day in the silt at the bottom of the reservoir, leaving for feeding only in the evening, at night or in the early morning. That is why, summer fishing should be done early in the morning or in the evening.
With the advent of noticeable autumn cooling and other weather changes, the bite of crucian carp is getting worse. Autumn cooling does not make this heat-loving fish more active and mobile, but on the contrary, it makes it hide in depth and go out into open water in very rare cases. During this period, the crucian again begins to feed on life-giving food, namely, underwater larvae, various insects, etc. It is worth noting that with the advent of cold weather, all the life processes of crucian carp noticeably slow down. This means that with each autumn day the process of catching it becomes more and more difficult. During this cold period, crucian carp can be caught using hooks, float rods or feeder gear. As nozzles, you can use dung worms, maggots, etc.
There is an opinion that in winter the crucian completely burrows into the silt and does not feed at all. However, this is not always true. Of course, if we are talking about small ponds that freeze to the very bottom, then the activity of crucian carp completely stops here. In deep waters, crucian carp feed actively throughout the winter. AT winter period he tries to stick to places with warm water, for example, the places where streams flow. As a nozzle for winter fishing for crucian carp, you can use a mormyshka with replanting on bloodworms, or the bloodworm itself, but you should always take good bait with you for fishing, which consists of the same elements as the nozzle.
From the foregoing, it can be understood that crucian carp can be successfully caught whole year, of course, taking into account all the seasonal features and subtleties of fishing.

How to catch carp?

As mentioned earlier, the choice of gear for catching crucian carp directly depends on the seasons. AT modern world, it is customary to catch carp with a fly rod, classic bottom tackle, feeder or “gum”.
So let's talk about what gear is best to take with you for fishing at certain times of the year.

Catching a crucian on a bait.

In the springtime, it is best to catch crucian carp with a regular fly rod with a blind rig. In the spring, crucian carp are caught very well, so you do not need to know any specifics or tricks of fishing to ensure a successful final result. As a rod, you can use an ordinary light telescope long 4-5 meters. The main thing you need to pay attention to when choosing gear is its sensitivity. Very often, crucian peck in a particularly cautious and whimsical way, so the float you have chosen should respond even to the lightest bites. It is best to choose models with a load capacity of no more than 2 grams. The design itself should be elongated, which is typical for goose feathers. The float is loaded with several small pellets, which are placed on a pre-installed leash 5-7 cm from the hook.
The main fishing line should be thin (0.12-0.14 mm), and for the leash even thinner - 0.1 mm. If there are no large carps in the reservoir where the fishing takes place, it is simply pointless to use a thicker fishing line. But still, if you fish in heavily overgrown areas, extra strength will not be superfluous.
For catching crucian carp, it is recommended to use special "crucian" hooks, with a short forearm and a round hook. It is very important that the hook you choose is hooky and sharp. Experienced anglers advise never to save on hooks, paying attention to elite models from manufacturers such as Gamakatsu, Mustard and others. Recommended hook size #9-11.
In the summer, on relatively large bodies of water, there are cases when crucian carp actively feed, but coastline are not approaching. AT this case, the fisherman can not do without "running" tackle. What is this tackle? This is a fishing rod with a length of 3 to 4 m, which is equipped with a high-quality reel, rings and a sliding float with a carrying capacity of 4-10 g.
But away from the coast, crucians peck more decisively and actively, but still, it is not so easy to catch a worthy specimen of this fish with the help of gear for long-distance casting. In order to ensure a successful catch, it is necessary to take into account even the smallest subtleties, and most importantly, use personal experience.

Catching carp with feeder tackle.

In the spring, when crucian carp are preparing for spawning, feeder tackle is used for fishing in relatively large bodies of water. What is this tackle? Feeder is a special bottom rod that has an ultra-sensitive tip, a pre-installed feeder, guides and a reel.
The name of the tackle comes from English word"to feed", which means "to feed". It is the feeder that is the main and integral part of each feeder. It contributes to a successful bite even at the farthest distances.
In addition to the donkey with a feeder, the feeder tackle has a kind of bite indicator, which is a thin nod at the top of the rod. The work of this element is very similar to the work of a winter fishing rod, which bends with every bite.
Feeder gear allows you to make accurate casts over considerable distances and catch various pits, depressions and other deep-sea places where large crucian carp are often found. Also, this tackle is used for fishing on rivers with a weak current. It is very important to make your feeder strong and stable. instead of crucian, a fairly large carp can be caught on the hook.

Catching carp with a donkey with a rubber shock absorber.

This tackle is also called "rubber band". The rubber band is a piece of the corresponding rubber, to which the end sinker is attached and brought by boat to the place of future fishing. The main fishing line and leashes are attached to the elastic. The rubber band is good because after each bite, the angler does not need to make new casts - with the help of shock absorbing capabilities, the tackle itself returns to the right place.
As a rule, several hooks are attached to such gear, which are installed at different distances and are equipped with different nozzles. Hooks are located at different depths, which increases the likelihood of catching large trophies. If the crucian fish stays at the top of the reservoir, a unique foam float is attached to the fishing line, which does not allow the bottom to drown. Anglers also attach small, lightweight feeders made of thin gauze or mesh to the fishing line.
In reservoirs, where the audience of such fish as crucian remains extensive, fishing with an elastic band will be especially effective and exciting, but still, anglers do not recommend taking out the tackle after each bite. Catching crucian carp on a donkey with a shock absorber can be very difficult and unbearable, because there are times when the leashes get confused. But still, the elastic band continues to be one of the most popular and effective tackle used by many modern anglers.

Lures and lures for effective fishing

There is an opinion in the fishing world: “without a “successful” bait, there will be no successful catch.” For carp fishing, a good and high-quality bait is a must. Crucian is not the kind of fish that will spend a significant part of its time in search of food throughout the reservoir. But when he hears the smell of bait, he will not remain indifferent and will definitely come closer to the source of the smell.
Fishermen distinguish between bait and bait. The bait is a feed mixture that is thrown into the reservoir for 1-2 weeks before fishing. In frequent cases, an inexpensive mixture is used for baiting, which can serve as various food leftovers. The purpose of the bait is to force the crucian to regularly visit the same place.
The process of preparing bait, that is, a mixture that is thrown into the water before fishing, is more complex and refined. The meaning of bait is to attract crucian to the place where fishing takes place, but in no case feed it. The fish should come to the place where the bait is thrown and see the bait on the hook. That is why, bait should be aromatic and attractive, but not nutritious.
Modern fishing stores can offer their customers a variety of similar mixtures for successful catching different fish in different conditions. But, unfortunately, not all of these baits are able to satisfy the desires of the fish that is found in our reservoirs. In addition, they are very expensive and not available. That is why many anglers prefer bait mixtures of their own production. Each angler can create a bait mixture according to his own recipe, following the experience gained.
The process of preparing groundbait is creative, similar to some kind of “witchcraft action”. Here it is worth considering the advice of experienced anglers, which can be found in the relevant literary publications. For example, you can make the following bait, which will include the base, various animal and vegetable components, and, of course, flavorings and other additives.
On the initial stage you need to prepare the basis of bait, or as it is also called the “base mix”. As ingredients for the preparation of the base are used:
- "peppy" bran (about 2.5 kg);
- ground rye crackers (preferably toasted) - 1 kg;
- fresh ground cake (about 1 kg);
-1 kg of crushed Hercules flakes;
-100 grams of powdered milk.
All these elements must be kneaded in a bucket and scattered into bags that need to be sealed with adhesive tape, which will allow you to store the bait for a long time. Preparing the base is only the initial stage of creating the whole mixture.
In the evening, before the upcoming fishing, it is necessary to prepare ingredients of animal and vegetable origin, which can be ordinary earthworms, maggots and others. Plant elements are prepared as follows. One or two glasses of barley or millet groats are poured into a thermos, after which they are poured with boiling water. During the night, the filled groats swell, which allows it to be used for adding to the base or for hanging on a hook. After you come to the reservoir, the previously prepared components of the mixture must be poured into a plastic bucket, add water (necessarily from the same reservoir where fishing will take place) and mix thoroughly. After that, you can add yellow or red food colorings to the mixture, as well as aromatic substances, which can be vanillin sachets or flavors bought at a fishing store. The best smells for making a "successful" bait are: caramel and tutti-frutti. You can also add one or two tablespoons of sugar to the bait mixture. Next, animal and vegetable ingredients are added to the mixture. That's all! - the bait mixture is ready and it can be used for fishing.
At first, it is recommended to throw in water 3-4 ball of bait. Then, another ball after every hour. Never be afraid to "overfeed" crucian carp - there is no excess bait. If you make a good bait, it will only lure the crucian, but never cause satisfaction. Some anglers recommend supplementing the bait mixture with boiled hemp. This contains a secret: the aroma of hemp seed is able to attract even the most demanding crucian, but from eating such a substance, the crucian only relaxes, not eating enough. Feed crucian with different food waste, rotten porridge or edible residues is impossible! Bait must be of high quality and edible, otherwise you are doomed to failure!
In any case, the main indicator of a "successfully" prepared bait is an increase in regular bites. If the bait is really good, the fish will definitely notice it and show some interest in it.

What to catch crucian?

Probably, the description of the nozzles used for catching such fish as crucian carp is more extensive than the process of compiling different baits. What modern anglers just don’t use to attract this fish and make them peck! The most exquisite gastronomic products are used - various cereals, semolina, which is cooked according to special recipes, the Hercules mixture and many others. Also, anglers use a variety of baits of animal origin, including: specially prepared, colored maggot, outlandish crustacean and others. But we should not dwell on these nozzles, realizing that everything needs to start with the classics.
Black bread and dung worm, which were described by the popular Russian classic Sabaneev, are considered classic fishing nozzles and baits for catching carp. It is also worth remembering that bloodworms remain one of the most popular and effective baits for successful carp fishing. However, the last bait is very gentle and demanding, so the common dung worm remains the leader. Before going fishing, the dung worm must be well kept in vegetation, preferably in mint, which grows on the river bank. After the worm spends at least a night in a mint box, it will become more mobile and aromatic, which is very important for such a gourmet of flavors as carp. The process of putting a dung worm on a hook can be very diverse. It is planted both with a ring and a “stocking”, and maybe in parts. In some cases, crucian carp bite better on a “bitten” worm, so you should not change the bait after each bite.
Now let's talk about such a nozzle as black bread. Crumpled bread rolled into balls is considered a classic fishing bait for summer carp fishing. Such a bait can be supplemented with a variety of aromatic substances, which will make it more attractive and effective. Sunflower oil, anise drops and other aromatic components can be used as a flavoring agent. Experienced crucians add a bit of processed cheese, thyme, dill, and even garlic to black bread (but you should not mix all this with one nozzle). Nozzles that are distinguished by a stable and attractive smell can interest even the most demanding and lazy crucian.
Semolina is another popular and seductive bait that can lure crucian even at the most “unfortunate” time, namely in summer, when this fish is especially picky and cautious. Semolina(in some cases with flour) is kneaded steeply, after which it is rolled in the same cereal with the addition of aromatic substances. Such bait as semolina can be the most diverse: if it remains viscous, there is no need to mold balls from it. In some cases, a semolina attachment is able to stir up even the most lethargic and lazy carp, which practically do not feed and do not show any activity.
For effective catching of such fish as crucian carp, they also use different cereals, namely the well-known pearl barley. As mentioned earlier, barley porridge is poured into a thermos and poured with boiling water, although very often it is boiled in a stocking, just like peas. It is very good if the overcooked barley is sprinkled with ground seeds or fresh cake. Barley porridge is necessarily supplemented with such components as salt, sugar (or maybe even honey) and various aromatic substances (sunflower oil). It is not so easy to understand what interests carp in a bait with a sweet-salty taste. This underwater inhabitant has its own interests and preferences, which must be considered before going fishing.
It is not at all easy to ensure successful and productive fishing using only one nozzle, even the most popular and productive one. That is why, before you go fishing, you need to stock up on many baits of various origins and contents.

How do carp bite?

“How much people know about various nonsense, and how little about biting fish!” - this undeniable truth was exclaimed by one wise man back in Ancient Greece. No matter how you slice it, he's 100% right! Quite a lot of books have been written about fish biting, but still, the secret of fish biting has not been discovered until today. Especially if we talk about the biting of such a fastidious and interesting fish as crucian.
The bites of crucian carp are an unconditional mystery of nature! After all, there are times when the angler hears very well the sounds of crucian feeding somewhere in the reeds, but still, the fish does not even come close to the bait and does not show any activity. How is this explained and can this phenomenon be changed? A real mystery!
For example, when with experienced carp fish, this fish pecks for almost a whole year, with other anglers - only in very rare cases. This can be explained, first of all, the right choice tackle, special technique and method of fishing, and, most importantly, the appropriate behavior of the angler himself, who does everything necessary so as not to frighten the crucian and make them pay attention to the bait.
Even in the most favorable times of the year - in spring and summer - the bite of crucian carp does not last long, in frequent cases, from dawn to about ten o'clock in the morning. But still, even in the spring, in the midst of activity underwater world, crucian does not peck every day. If before the upcoming fishing there was a light rain for a couple of days, and then the sun came out, and the weather became stable, a good bite is guaranteed!
In the summer, the best activity of crucian carp moves to the earliest time. Also crucian pecks well in the evening, at sunset and even at dusk. In some cases, this fish is excellently caught at night, however, it is not so easy to see the fluctuations of the float at night, so many anglers prefer donks with bells. And, in the end, there are completely inexplicable cases when the crucian begins to react to the bait in the hot summer. True, this happens either in dense grassy thickets, or somewhere in the middle of a reservoir.
The bites of such fish as crucian carp are well described by the fishing classic Sabaneev, who argued that the bite of crucian carp is always diverse, and it does not have certain rules. We can say that crucian pecks in a special way quietly and unexpectedly, so the angler should not allow premature or late hooks. Small carp, as a rule, lead the bait with a float to the side, after which this movement accelerates, and subsequently completely subsides. At the moment of this certain lull, you need to make a sharp sweep. Larger individuals peck in the likeness of a bream or tench. During the bite of a large crucian, the float shudders slightly or even jumps out, then goes to the side and falls on its side. The cutting must be done at this very moment.
From the personal opinion of Sabaneev, one can understand that it is very difficult to catch the moment of a successful strike. It is especially difficult to make the correct cutting when the float “dances” for a long time.
Oh, this is not an easy task to catch carp!

Unique secrets of carp fishing.

But give an example of any secrets or tricks of catching such an ordinary fish as crucian! Many people think that catching carp is the simplest and most undemanding activity, but this is far from being the case. Those who have devoted their whole lives to catching this fish know that crucian carp, like no other fish, is very picky and demanding.
It seems to many anglers that everything is known about crucian carp, as the most popular inhabitant of our reservoirs! A huge number of various texts have been written, many films have been shot. But the true secrets of catching this fish have not been completely unraveled! There are times when you choose a good place for fishing, you will apply a “successful” bait, you will make a couple of casts, and the bite is not even planned. Professional carp in such cases simply shrug. Each fishing trip reveals to the angler new features and secrets of crucian behavior.
What are they and how to understand them? What is revealed to the angler in the process of their search? How to ensure a successful catch, even at a time when crucian flatly refuses to peck?
The main, and perhaps the main secret of successful carp fishing is the constant search for a “good” place. If fishing takes place on large ponds or reservoirs, anglers begin to discover the routes of large crucian flocks. On each pond, lake, reservoir or other body of water, there are certain paths that are the way for the constant movement of large flocks of carp. How to find them for a novice angler? Of course, in this case, you can not do without the advice of experienced anglers living near the reservoir, well, of course, without your own long-term observations. You should not think that constant feeding will force the crucian to somehow change its behavior and change the routes of movement. That is why the angler needs to find carp trails, feed them well, and only then start making the first casts. This is the whole secret of success!
But if we are talking about relatively small reservoirs, where the food supply remains very poor and monotonous, the presence of good bait plays a significant role for all fishing. But still, choosing the “right” place remains the most important and fundamental guarantee of successful fishing. The perfect place for successful fishing it looks something like this: a small wall of reeds, which is located on the border with a relatively deep pit or ditch. If we are talking about catching large individuals, then fishing should be carried out precisely at a depth, because. big crucian is afraid to come close to the shore.
When fishing on rivers or canals with slow flow, you should definitely find a place where the water stops. These places can serve as different bays, backwaters, or places with noticeable bottom drops or other characteristic features bottom topography. It is worth remembering that near such places there should be a significant supply of vegetation, and the more it is, the better. Crucian prefers places where cattail, reeds and many other aquatic plants are present. For fishing in these places, it is recommended to use aromatic baits, which leave a significant trace of the smell. When going fishing, be sure to take a landing net with you, because bream can also come up to bait.

All the secrets of successful carp fishing do not stop at finding a “good place”.

Carp fishermen like to be interested in different "predictions" of biting based on information about the weather, wind direction, atmospheric pressure, or other weather conditions. As fishing experience says, in frequent cases these predictions do not come true.
Crucian carp belongs to all-weather fish that peck both in sunny time, and in cloudy, and even in windy, and in last case they can peck in a particularly good way. It is very good if the weather remains stable, and even better if a long bad weather turns into stable sunny weather. Like any other fish, crucian carp do not tolerate sudden weather changes, so you need to go fishing only at the appropriate time.
And now let's talk about the secrets of some baits and baits. As mentioned earlier, groundbait should be individual and ideally suited for each condition of each reservoir. Among experienced crucians, there are recipes that simply amaze with their composition, but still, they bring incredible results. For example, some anglers recommend feeding crucian manure or pigeon droppings.
Someone advises "cooking a brick." This is done as follows: an ordinary red brick is boiled for several hours in an aromatic mixture of different herbs. After that, the resulting bait is thrown into the place where fishing will take place.
Probably everyone has heard about the recipe for flavoring ordinary worms with mint leaves. But in the modern fishing world there is a certain modification of this method, which consists in adding vegetable oil, cake, honey or even horse manure to the worms. Try it! What will bring you a successful result is unknown! And how do you feel about treating the nozzle with kerosene? The classic Sabaneev wrote about the incredible predilection of crucian for oil products.
In conclusion, it is worth telling a few special secrets that will give one hundred percent guarantees for successful fishing. When catching large carp, one of the most important secrets of success is disguise. Try to dress extremely discreetly and imperceptibly, use camouflage, refuse bright, scary jackets and caps. Do not scare the fish with oars, do not make any sounds, do not stomp on the shore, speak as quietly as possible. Such advice may not be relevant for catching small crucians, but if we are talking about catching larger individuals, then the final result of the whole fishing may depend on them. Professional anglers claim that they managed to catch practically "from under their feet" such representatives of the water world as bream, ide, carp, but not large carp!
Carp that is different large size, especially cautious, demanding and shy. He can be frightened by even the smallest noise. Going out for evening fishing, fishermen leave their vehicles at a far distance from the place of fishing, wash their hands thoroughly, do not kindle fires and do not drink alcohol.
To believe or not to believe some of the advice of different anglers - you decide! But the fact that carp fishing is full of various secrets and tricks remains true! It is impossible to call the purposeful carp fishing a simple "country activity", because it requires special patience, endurance and creativity. Not everyone succeeds in outwitting a fastidious crucian! Even the most experienced carp fishermen can't always do it! But that's exactly what fishing is all about!
In the end, it remains to wish the novice anglers who decided to learn all the "carp secrets" special success and luck. Catching carp is the most exciting movie that ends with an incredible ending.
Only true fishermen understand that the more difficult the process of fishing was, the more from this pleasure!

Carp is one of the most common fish, which is popular among anglers. This fish is markedly different from its relatives. appearance: slightly flattened, wide, with silvery or golden scales. If your hobby is fishing, you are probably interested in how to catch crucian carp?

Golden is less common, grows in vivo up to 2.5 kg. Silver is smaller - up to 1.5 kg. In most cases, there is an incredible amount of silver carp in the reservoirs, and mostly females. Spawning coincides with the spawning of other fish, so smaller, slow-growing fish appear. It is called mestizos or hybrids. In a number of regions, reborn silver carp are called buffalo and it compares favorably with other hybrids in size.

We catch carp in early spring

The very first crucian carp fall into the fishermen's cages as soon as the ice melts. In the second half of April, when the water in the reservoirs heats up above 12 ° C, the prey leaves the pits for feeding, where the depth less than 2 meters. At this time they are poisoned to catch crucian carp, a good bite is guaranteed.

In early spring, it is better to go for crucian carp to shallow lakes, where the water warms up faster than in rivers or reservoirs. Depending on local weather conditions, the difference is 2-3 weeks.

The crucian shows the greatest activity in sunny and calm weather, when the water warms up, so it is better to catch fishing from 12 noon until evening. In the spring, sharp cold snaps are frequent, respectively, and the bite weakens or disappears.

For spring fishing, the temperature regime plays a greater role than the change atmospheric pressure. There is no escape from instinct, and the fish, preparing for the upcoming spawning, feeds heavily, not paying attention to changes in atmospheric pressure and the presence of a predator - pike. In cold water, the metabolic process slows down, and the fish goes into a stupor.

Videos secrets

In April and early May, anglers prefer to catch crucian carp with feeder tackle (English bottom rod), which, due to heavy bottom attachments, will go better with the current. Match rods are more suitable for still water fishing. long range.

Catching carp in May (second half)

Starting from the second half of May, the water loses transparency due to stormy vegetation, and crucian carp go to shallow water, hiding in coastal thickets. In these places, spawning occurs, which begins in the second half of May, when the water warms up to 16 ° C or more. At this time, it is good to fish with a "float" (float rod), but do not forget about silence and disguise.

For successful fishing, information is interesting that crucian spawning consists of several stages. Larger fish spawn first, while small and medium ones continue to feed. In general, spawning lasts until mid-June.

At the beginning of spring, crucian takes well nozzles of animal origin - bloodworms, maggots, insect larvae, worms. In the second half of May, it prefers plant attachments, since there is no food base in the reservoirs yet and there is no need to choose.

You can feed, the main thing is not to overdo it. A few handfuls of steamed cake is enough. If you add chopped worm or maggot to the bait, the fish will respond better.

Summer carp fishing

In summer, crucian carp go out to feed at night, so the best bite is in the early morning and in the evening dawn. During this period, there is a large individual, up to 2 kg.

Crucian reacts to weather changes, so it is better to catch in moderation. warm weather, with a weak southwest or south wind. The biting will immediately stop if the wind changes sharply and overtakes the clouds. Good biting and in rainy weather, when there are prolonged rains.

To catch carp in the summer, you will need skill and vegetable baits, such as bread (preferably rye), steamed cereals, cereals. Karasik at this time is full, lazy and creepy picky, so the nozzle and bait are constantly changed. Linseed or hemp oil, sometimes vanilla is added to the bait. They catch worms, bloodworms, shrimp. However, in the summer, he prefers vegetable food: peas, pearl barley, corn, bread crumb.

The place for fishing is selected classic. If a float rods- it is better to catch near aquatic vegetation or in a clearing between them. An ideal place with small differences in depth, 1 or 2 meters.

An unfamiliar place is pre-explored, they watch how the fish play, they look for twisted places no more than one and a half meters deep. Carp is found in such places by a slight trembling of the stalks of reeds.

We catch carp on the "float"

The most common equipment is a fishing rod with a tightly fixed float. The rod is 4-7 meters long. In another version - a rod with a sliding float and a reel. A rubber limiter is attached above the float, with which the depth is adjusted. Minus - tackle can get confused when casting. The fishing line is selected for float gear from 0.15 to 0.30 mm, hooks No. 5-6, sometimes No. 7.

For successful fishing, "sensitive" floats are required. Professionals select special, so-called sports floats. If you are not going to catch carp professionally, you should not listen to their advice.

The division of floats into sports and simple ones is conditional. The simplest float is attached to the fishing line in one place and if the sinker does not touch the bottom, it is immersed in water by 75-90%. In this situation, the fish will have to make a lot of effort to pull the prey.

A completely different float - sports. The surface part is in the form of an antenna, the weight is small, and the buoyancy is almost zero, which makes it easier for the crucian to sink. There are several loads: a large one is located half a meter from the hook; small load or "shepherd" - at the beginning of the leash. When the bite starts, the float does not rest on the water, but stays upright and floats slightly to help control the bait.

From the middle of summer, large crucian carp become cautious, as well as bites, so a sports float is a must.

How to choose a rod

For fishing, they do not always use a fishing rod with a reel. Sometimes a fly rod is used. Bologna tackle is suitable in places with a current, and in stagnant water with a shallow depth, a fly rod is ideal. Another plus of the fly rod: if the crucian carp is in the thickets or hidden under a snag, the fly rod can more accurately lay the nozzle and cut.

When buying, they are also guided by the length of the rod: up to 5 meters - fiberglass, above 5 meters - carbon fiber. Carbon fiber rods with a shortened line are also suitable, especially if these are remote and hard-to-reach windows. Just do not forget that carbon fiber conducts electricity well, so do not use such fishing rods during a thunderstorm or near power lines.

When catching small carp, a semi-parabolic rod is suitable; for a large one, a stiffer rod is chosen.

After fishing, any rod is cleaned of sand, silt and dirt and dried, otherwise one of the knees will jam at the most inopportune moment.

bites crucian

The bites of crucian carp are the most diverse, but confident. When the prey approached the nozzle, the float trembles or “crushes” (light circles depart), then quickly moves to the side (here it’s time to hook).

The cutting should be sharp and confident, the lips of the crucian are fleshy and the hook clings well. If the hook is too sharp or premature, the fish will leave the hook.

If the prey is caught, it is not difficult to fish out, he weakly resists (the first seconds after hooking are the most serious) and rarely tears the line. It is much worse if it goes into the reeds, where it can confuse gear. They are taken out of the water carefully, slowly pulling them to the shore or to the boat. When he gets into the cage, he is waiting for an ear for dinner.

On the river, biting is more intense than in a pond or lake. However, it is impossible to build a specific biting schedule. Sometimes in nearby reservoirs the bite is different.

Crucian carp is one of the coveted trophies that are found in reservoirs, and few of the avid fishermen will say with certainty that he is a crucian. After all, crucian fish is cunning, picky (especially in summer) and is capricious so that no bait or experiments with nozzles will bring results.

These are the realities of life and the harsh nature of fishing. Do not despair, and when, after several days of heavy rains, the prerequisites for a cloudless morning appeared in the evening, quit work and go fishing. The pleasure of catching crucian carp will be enormous!

Crucian is a rather unpredictable fish and to some extent capricious. This can be confirmed by any person who has been seriously engaged in catching him. Moreover, we are talking about large specimens, the weight of which exceeds one and a half kilograms.

With small and medium (ordinary) everything is much simpler and is described in other articles on our site.. Tellingly, there are few real masters of catching large carp. Therefore, from this article you will learn in what conditions and how you can catch this cunning and big fish.

In contact with

Where and when to catch large carp?

First of all, you need to figure out what big crucians are. Carp is a fish from the carp family. There are five main types, but the largest are silver and gold. The mass of the latter can reach three kilograms.

The record holder was a fish caught in Lake Osyno. Her weight was more than 5.5 kilograms.

An adult large crucian grows up to 50 centimeters in length. Its puberty occurs in the fourth year of life.

In regions where the climate is very harsh crucians, both small and large, fall into hibernation. They live mainly in low-lying and marshy rivers and lakes. Very rare in mountainous areas.

Distinctive features of large crucian carp include the following:

  • in the silver species, the color of the scales is silvery-gray, while gold is always painted in a yellow tint;
  • silver carp has 31 scales in the lateral line, gold - 33;
  • rounded appearance - this is the shape of the head on the side of the golden carp, in silver it is most often pointed;
  • in front of the caudal fin, young goldfish have a dark spot, which disappears with age.

Many anglers wonder what season Is it best to catch big carp? Its catch depends on various factors. Mainly:

For example, in first spring months the fish will be active for two weeks. After that, her zhor will pass and only return closer to the summer. At this time of the year, the bite will be excellent in the early morning and late evening, until the onset of total darkness.

At night, in general, the largest crucians can be caught if they are caught twenty meters from the shore.

Sometimes this fish is active during the day, if the weather permits. If there is no wind, then crucian carp can be caught even in light rain. If it intensifies, then there will simply be no bite, as the fish will go to the bottom. However, in bad weather there is one big advantage - the crucian feels its approach well and tries to eat a lot, in reserve.

AT autumn months the period of activity of crucian carp is the whole day. Before the first frosts, the so-called "autumn zhor" begins in large carp.

  • must be added;
  • it should be multi-component, with aromas that attract fish;
  • a canvas bag is used if the bait is very nutritious.

Well-chosen components and the right proportions are the main rule for making bait.

What bait is best? For example, you can use a mixture with pumpkin seeds. Her proportions:

  • 3 grams of dill;
  • 6 grams of sugar;
  • 100 grams of crackers, pumpkin seeds and bran.

This mixture must be mixed with clay to obtain a homogeneous mass.

There is also a rather old way of baiting crucian carp, which always gives great results. You need to take crackers from black bread, arrange them in nets and attach them to the poles.

In the place where it is planned to catch large carp, these poles must be installed. At the surface of the water is a grid with crackers. After that, you can already throw the bait.

In order to catch really very large specimens of crucian carp, the bait should consist of:

  • barley porridge;
  • peas;
  • drops of anise oil;
  • millet.

In warm water you will need to steam the barley porridge, then add millet and peas to it by one quarter of the total mass. Leave the mixture to infuse for several hours. After that, you need to drain the water, add oil and mix.

Before starting fishing, you can already feed this mixture. She should be no more than 250 grams.

3 ways to increase your fish catch

There are many ways to increase your fish catch, but the most effective ones are the ones. Below, the editors of the site share with you the 3 most effective ways catch increase:

  1. . This is a pheromone-based supplement that activates receptors in fish. ATTENTION! Rybnadzor wants to ban this bait!
  2. Less effectively work out any other bait with flavors, it is better if they contain pheromones. But it's best to use novelty 2016 — !
  3. Learning different fishing techniques. For example, it is written about spinning postings.

Strategy and technique of catching

First of all, you need to find the so-called "carp path". To do this difficult sometimes even experienced fishermen, since such a path is quite deeply hidden. Experts say that it is simply necessary to find the place where he likes to relax and spend time the most. Only in this case it can turn out to catch him much more often.

This fish lives most often in complete solitude, except for spawning time. In her secluded place she spends most of her life.

This “home” can be areas of a lake or river overgrown with water lilies, or a silty channel in which an individual can sleep in winter.

Therefore, rigging should be placed close to open areas. It is there that crucian carp visit in order to warm up and eat. If the “crucian path” has been found, then this already guarantees most of the success in catching this capricious fish.

The next stage is lure. She must be correct. How to choose it correctly

mentioned above.
It is important to add only one point here - a well-fed crucian, constantly feeding on bloodworms, shoots and crustaceans in its native water, just like that will never rush to a new food for it on a fishing hook, because it has never seen such food.

Therefore, it is always important to think about how to inspire the fish to eat a new delicacy for him.

The main thing when fishing for big carp - keep quiet! The nozzle must be carefully lowered into the selected place, and not thrown. If, nevertheless, you decide to cast, then you need to do this away from the prepared place, after which the nozzle should be brought in very carefully.

A few secrets

Crucian carp - seems to be an ordinary fish, albeit very capricious. Could there be any secrets catching him? As experienced anglers say, they are!

Finding a promising fishing spot is main secret in the capture of large carp. It is necessary to look for "carp trails" (they were mentioned above). This can be done in two ways:

  • make your own observations;
  • ask more experienced fishermen and locals.

In those rivers where water flows slowly he loves to hide in reeds, cattails, water lilies. It is in these places that it can be start feeding. It is desirable that the bait leave odorous aromas throughout. Crucian, when they feel them, will certainly swim in these places more often.

Another one from main secrets- this is disguise, which should not be neglected. Clothing should not be bright, normal camouflage is best.
Besides that no need to make noise It is recommended not to even talk!

The behavior of a large crucian is significantly different from a small one. Large specimens very cautious and shy. Any random sound scares him away so that he will not come to your place for a very long time.

Thus, it can be said that this is a good test for patient people. It looks like New film, - what the final will be, remains unclear until the last, and those who show patience may be rewarded with the largest crucian carp of the reservoir.

Beginning anglers can only be advised to learn from their own mistakes and learn the advice of more experienced comrades.

Video related to the article below:

This article will focus on fishing, perhaps the most frequent inhabitant of the fisherman's cage, crucian carp. You will learn how to catch this inhabitant of the depths with: a float rod, a feeder, a spring, an elastic band, a killer tackle, and at the end of our story you will find a pair for yourself good advice.

When is the best time to catch carp?

First of all, it is necessary to clarify that crucian carp is gold and silver. Gold - lives in lakes and swamps, and silver - lives in running waters as well.

Spring. It is best to go out for crucian carp in the pre-spawning period. In the southern regions, crucian spawns in May, in the northern regions, our almost mustachioed friend prefers to spawn in June, at a water temperature of 15 degrees Celsius. When the water reaches a temperature of 14 degrees Celsius, our species of fish begins pre-spawning zhor, this is the most optimal time for catching crucian carp.

As mentioned above, the peak of crucian activity occurs in the middle of spring - in southern regions, and the beginning of summer - in the northern regions. During the spawning season, crucian gathers in larger group. But even before spawning, it stays in flocks.

It should be noted that fishing for crucian carp in spring differs from summer by the following factors: in April, crucian carp will react only to the bait that will be delivered directly under the very nose of the fish; in June, you can catch crucian carp from the same place for several days in a row, provided, of course, that you are successful.

AT summer months crucian carp is very capricious and bites intermittently. The peak of crucian biting occurs both in summer and in spring in the morning hours, when the sun is just rising and in the evening, when the heat of the day subsides. Also, a certain exacerbation of fish activity can be observed in the period a few hours before noon.

We can already say for sure - crucian does not pay attention to the daily routine and its biting mainly depends on weather conditions and temperature conditions. If the weather is hot, crucian carp will peck only at sunset, at night and at dawn.

However, there are in the summer and spring days the period when the fish simply ceases to pay attention to the bait. This period varies in time throughout the day, it is definitely possible to say about it only that it is tied to the middle of the day.

Fishing for crucian carp in the summer is most successful throughout the night. Anglers do not yet know what the periods of crucian activity and periods when he does not pay attention to the bait are connected with, they are probably due to temperature regime.

Tackle for carp fishing

Before any person who begins to join the fishing world, the question arises: what kind of tackle to catch? Below are several ways to catch crucian carp, which one to choose depends on your character, each type of fishing involves a different kind of activity and activity.

feeder fishing

All details of crucian fishing on the feeder are possible.

At the beginning of spring, when the water has just warmed up, like no other tackle, a feeder is suitable for catching crucian carp. Since crucian carp do not like current, most likely you will be fishing on a lake or pond. Although on the same Volga, crucian carp actively goes in the spring.

For ponds, choose a short feeder rod 3-3.3 m long. Of course, it's okay if you have 3.9 m, it's just heavier, and the result in the form of a catch will be the same, just spend more effort on casting. But for major river 3.9 m is the minimum.

Monofilament fishing line 0.2-0.25 mm. For example, Salmo Feederist.

Attention: before the beginning fishing make sure that your float is loaded to the working level (at the very beginning of the tip). Otherwise, the sensitivity of the tackle will suffer greatly and you will not see light bites.

Fly fishing on a float involves a small fishing area, so in this case the bait does not need to be thrown with large balls, as with match equipment.

It is better to throw small balls into the water, and in the process of catching, periodically supplement the fishing place so that the crucian does not leave.

Match tackle involves a more complex technology of fishing. To begin with, you will need to measure the amount of fishing line to the intended parking lot of crucian carp and find the difference in depths. After the line is measured, it is fixed with a clip or marked with a marker. After that, you can proceed directly to fishing.

How to catch carp on a spring?

An article about the features of catching carp on a spring can be read.
This type of fishing for crucian carp has established itself as rather expectant, but bringing success over a long distance. The method is not sports and we recommend that you pay attention to the feeder ().

In order to make tackle, you will need one spring, 5 cm high and 1.5-2 cm wide.

We attach the spring to the main line, put a wide cambric on the main line and install leashes with hooks. More tackle.

For bait, it is better to use the following mixture: Moisten the crumb of white bread a little and knead until a plasticine-like consistency is obtained. Add grated sunflower seeds to the resulting mixture.

If the current in the place where you are fishing is strong, then the bait should be made more rigid, but if you are fishing in a pond or lake, then it is better to use soft bait. Before casting, dip the spring with hooks in seaweed to give it a more natural look.

As the water dilutes the bait, a cloud of appetizing haze will form in the water, and the hooks will be in the water. The crucian carp will eat complementary foods, and then stumble upon a hook and be hooked.

In cases where fishing takes place in reservoirs with stagnant water, it is very likely that crucian carp will not be able to smell the food due to the lack of current. Then all sorts of odor enhancers will come to your aid. But be careful: too strong a smell can scare away fish in cold water. Also spend more time looking for carp trails. Look for places on the surface of the water where bubbles rise, check places near the reeds.

Catching carp with a rubber band

- a fairly common type of tackle when catching crucian carp. It has some unsportsmanlike advantages and at the same time disadvantages compared to the feeder. Firstly, when fishing with an elastic band, you are freed from the need to constantly recast all the tackle, which has a positive effect on the result of fishing, since you scare the fish less. Secondly, if you use this type of gear, then the bait will always be delivered to the same place - to the place of fishing. But the presence a large number hooks makes this tackle unsportsmanlike and even banned in some reservoirs. For example, on the Volga.

For manufacturing you will need:

  • fishing line with a diameter of not more than 0.3 mm;
  • hooks in sizes No. 3-7;
  • rubber shock absorber;
  • sinker;
  • fishing line for leashes (no more than 0.2 mm);

Manufacturing process:

  1. First, make an insert with hooks, for this, attach hooks at the same distance from each other to the main fishing line on leashes. On the fishing line between the hooks, inserts of cambric can be made to secure the hooks when transporting gear.
  2. Attach the insert to a rubber buffer that can be purchased at any fishing supply store.
  3. To fix the shock absorber, you can use swivels, or ordinary knots.
  4. At the last stage of the manufacture of tackle, a sinker is attached to the rubber shock absorber. The length of the shock absorber should be approximately half the length of the main line.

The farther away from the angler the hooks are, the more firmly the bait should hold on to it. Therefore, use bread and similar loose substances on the hooks closest to you, and use worms on the farthest hooks.

If you plan to fish a small area of ​​30-45 m, then you can throw the tackle manually. If the fishing point is far from you, then the tackle is delivered to the fishing place by boat. When catching crucian carp, you need to attach a feeder to the insert with leashes. For your purposes, a standard feeder measuring 5 by 2 cm is suitable.

Now let's talk about choosing a place when fishing with an elastic band. If you are catching crucian carp in a stagnant pond, then in principle any place will do, the main thing is that this place does not have a flooded ravine, or another lowering of the bottom level. If you catch crucian in the river, then it is advisable for you to find a place that is overgrown with reeds. You can also find crucian carp in areas without algae among the vegetation.

Rubber lures:

  • worm;
  • bloodworm;
  • maggot;

What is crucian killer tackle?

If the nearest body of water in which crucian carp is found is far from you. And you do not have the opportunity to come to the place of fishing early in the morning, or late in the evening, which requires you, then they will come to your aid. In fact, this type of fishing rod rig is an improved one. It is quite simple to make it. For one rig you will need:

  • 3 feeders;
  • fishing line, up to 0.3 mm in diameter;
  • hooks;
  • sinker;

Step by step instructions for making:

  1. If your feeders do not have sinkers, or they are very small, then you can either add them if you wish, or use a massive specimen for the lowest feeder.
  2. In order to make this tackle, you will first need to install feeders at the same distance from each other.
  3. Then, on leashes, with a diameter of not more than 0.2 mm, install hooks. The size of the hooks depends on how big the fish you are catching. But remember that it is better to choose smaller hooks than too large ones.
  4. A sinker is attached to the end of the rig, and a swivel is mounted at the beginning of the insert so that the structure can be quickly removed and mounted on the main line.

Catching tactics. In order to determine the place where you will fish, it is better to use several rods. After the place of fishing is determined, you can proceed directly to the process of fishing. It is better to install your rod on a special one. After the cast is done and the sinker is on the bottom, make sure that the line does not sag.

When winding the line at the initial stage, in order to pull the line - make sure that the feeders remain in the same place, otherwise the lure will be scattered around the place of fishing.

Usually a bite looks like this: at first a jerk is visible, and then the fishing line sags sharply, at this moment do not yawn, but do not cut too sharply - the crucian has very tender lips.

What bait to use when catching carp?

An article about all crucian baits. Carp is a very picky fish when it comes to bait.

All baits that are used when fishing for crucian carp can be divided into 2 types:

  • vegetable (corn, barley, dough, bread, pancakes);
  • animals (dung and earthworm, maggot, bloodworm);

In the time of catching crucian carp, three stages can be distinguished:

  • the time when, due to cold weather conditions, crucian prefers animal types of baits (winter, autumn)
  • the period of pre-spawning zhora, when he eats almost everything (although animal baits should be preferred)
  • the period when our pot-bellied friend prefers exclusively plant foods (late spring-summer).

As you can see, the choice of crucian carp is significantly determined by the temperature conditions of fishing. In addition, the fisherman should not forget that this type of fish is very capricious. I would like to advise a novice angler to take with him as much as possible more species bait and not be afraid to experiment.

What bait to choose?

Carp are wary of light spots on the bottom, choose a dark bait

Nowadays, it is not difficult to find good bait in the store. We recommend compositions under the brands Sensas, Dunaev, Trapper with the label "crucian". And on the Internet you can buy bait at an even lower price. It is enough to visit several Internet resources.

Despite the fact that many anglers prefer their own creations, store-bought baits certainly have some advantages. These include:

  • The versatility of store-bought bait: industrially produced bait differs in that its composition takes into account much more of the general taste preferences of fish because it was developed taking into account the recommendations knowledgeable people
  • Good water absorption and a certain brittleness. Store-bought bait absorbs water well, which makes it easy to give it the right consistency.
  • Saving time. Say what you like, but ready-made bait mixtures save a lot of time for the angler.

And yet, no matter how good a store-bought bait is, it cannot always take into account the subtleties of the taste preferences of a particular fish in particular reservoirs. We can most often observe this phenomenon on large lakes near villages, where fish have been accustomed for years to the culture grown in the area. As bait, you can use: worms, maggots, small bloodworms, as well as various types of flour and grains (for example, corn, or peas). The recipe for one type of homemade bait will be described below.

For the preparation of complementary foods we need:

  • 1 kg. crushed barley;
  • 1 kg. crushed wheat;
  • 0.5 kg. corn grits;
  • 0.2 kg. semolina;
  • 0.2 kg. corn flour;
  • 0.2 kg. sunflower cake;

All these ingredients must be mixed with water and sand and made into small balls, which must be thrown into the place of fishing.

Answers on questions

Why do some anglers attach a foam ball to the shank of a hook? This is done so that the hook reduces its weight and becomes the most easily sucked up for the crucian.

At what depth does the crucian keep? Crucian feeds on living creatures, which he finds in the silt, so you should look for him at the very bottom.

What to do if it doesn't bite? Firstly, all the advice in this article should be taken very responsibly. Secondly, follow the link to the manual for the type of fishing you are doing and study everything thoroughly there. And thirdly, the crucian most often chooses a special route for itself, along which it moves. If you don’t bite for a long time, then most likely you couldn’t find the crucian path and you better start looking for it.

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