Where does Yulia Baranovskaya live now? Yulia Baranovskaya: I am taking my daughter to first grade for the second time

Pregnancy and children 06.08.2019
Pregnancy and children

After the unexpected breakup between Andrei Arshavin and Yulia Baranovskaya, it is customary in the media to feel sorry for the latter and scold the former. Say, the footballer abandoned three children and does not even want to communicate with them, but the athlete's wife denied the generally accepted version.

The media regularly praises Yulia Baranovskaya, who, despite the break with Andrei Arshavin, was able to cope with a difficult life situation with honor and is now a sought-after leading and happy mother of three children.


At the same time, journalists do not get tired of scolding Andrei Arshavin, who allegedly abandoned two sons and a daughter from Baranovskaya and is raising children from the first marriage of his wife Alice and their common child. The football player is attacked with criticism and users social networks in the Internet.

As a result, Arshavin's wife Alice lost her nerve. The woman explained why Andrei does not spend much time with children from a former lover. Allegedly, Yulia Baranovskaya herself is to blame.

"But who told you that he was ignoring them, because you only hear the mother's side. He corresponds with the children. And what is not seen, only the mother is to blame for this !!" - quote Alisa Arshavin "7 Days".

Publication from Julia Baranovskaya (@ygemini) Jul 7, 2017 at 11:19 PDT

Recall that four years ago, Yulia Baranovskaya and her partner, football player Andrei Arshavin, broke up. They were together for ten years. The TV presenter gave birth to the athlete's sons Artem and Arseny and daughter Yana. AT recent times journalists willingly attribute novels to a successful careerist different men, but she has not yet confirmed any of them. Arshavin also married journalist Alisa Kazmina. In February 2017, their daughter was born.

He just ran away. He packed his things and left London for St. Petersburg. Thus began in 2012 the story of the separation of the once happy couple in love - Andrey Arshavin and Yulia Baranovskaya. It would seem that everything is understandable - the football player temporarily went from Arsenal to Zenit to get in shape before the upcoming European Championship. Finally turned up a chance to remind myself.

But, most likely, with problems in the English club, and the player was practically not allowed on the field, he decided to deal with it in a different, radical way. Andrei was not going to return to the team or to his wife. You know, as it happens, I decided to start life from scratch.


In St. Petersburg, Andrei began a new relationship. Arshavin told Yulia, with whom he lived for almost ten years, about his mistress by phone ... So carelessly, easily.

And then everything went downhill: the disastrous European Championship, after which the football player was accused of all troubles, pressure in the press.

Five years ago, Arshavin scored four goals for the formidable Liverpool. Photo: AP

And Julia was waiting for her common-law spouse. She believed that she would go crazy, that everything would work out. But it only got worse. Friends sent money for life, occasionally Andrei himself remembered the children. And in 2013, a London court was held, according to which Arshavin, reluctantly, but began to officially pay the first alimony.

I could not imagine that he would leave, I lived and did not think to control him. I trusted him, after all, we have been together for so many years, ”said Yulia Baranovskaya.

In the summer of the same year, the football player finally moved to St. Petersburg, becoming a Zenit player. He's got a new contract new woman, other people's children, everything else is an empty phrase.

Yulia no longer had the strength to sit in London alone with three children. There are no friends, support and support has evaporated in St. Petersburg. We must do something, save ourselves and our sons and daughter. Gather your will into a fist and remind yourself.


Meanwhile, Arshavin's black streak continues. In "Zenith" he does not work. Goals and appearances on the field are becoming rare. The team is no longer called up. Fans forget about Andrei, who used to almost carry an idol in their arms.

But what about Baranovskaya? Yulia connects lawyers and reminds her former common-law spouse that he was once loving father and is now required to support the children. She returns to Russia and gets a chance - she becomes the host of the talk show “The Bachelor. What Men Want" on TNT. But this is only the beginning of take-off, while everyone knows and remembers her as ex Andrey Arshavin.

The couple lived together for ten years. Photo: archive "KP"

In parallel with the beginning of a career, courts for alimony in Russia also start. As many as five meetings, the last of which lasted eleven hours. The litigation has gone on so long.

But Andrei and I lived a long life, - Yulia explained to Komsomolskaya Pravda. - Our negotiations, to be honest, were very difficult. They got overly emotional. The dispute concerned only children. We discussed their content in the future. They did not share apartments, cars, houses, but tried to establish figures for the financial support of children.

There were screams and tears. But after all agreed. Andrei promised to reporters that I would transfer half of my salary, and let her decide how to spend it.

I trust Julia. The funds that will go to her account, she will spend for the benefit of our children, ”Arshavin said in July.

Also, the footballer had to give the St. Petersburg apartment to the children. But still haven't done it. According to the athlete's lawyer, the papers are simply not ready yet.

The purposefulness of Baranovskaya was noticed by the bosses of Channel One. Julia was invited to host the show "Male. Female". Yes, not with anyone, but with Alexander Gordon himself. The show airs every day on weekdays. At this rate, the prefix "Arshavin's ex-wife" will soon disappear. And everyone will know only Baranovskaya as a successful presenter.

But what about Andrew himself? The player does not give interviews. Doesn't flicker on TV. Secular Petersburg has not seen him at parties for a long time. And there are not enough stars from the sky on the field - over the past two years, Arshavin has scored only six goals. And sometimes there were four at a time.

Yulia Baranovskaya - one of the most famous "abandoned wives" - is doing very well now. Charming woman, having gone through fire, water and copper pipes, brushed her feathers, eliminated the word "football" from her vocabulary and made a dizzying career on television. Yes, and in the personal life of Yulia Baranovskaya, judging by the photo on Instagram, there have been dramatic changes. But not so long ago, Julia called the departure from the family of her beloved husband a bitter betrayal. And we think that it was just a shameful flight - the usual act of a modern man who prefers to live with a comfortable woman, and not with his beloved. Here is Julia's betrayal of her dream - it's really bitter. After all, she once dreamed of being the best TV presenter, and became the most talked about wife of a football player ...

Biography of Baranovskaya: three big disappointments

Yulia Baranovskaya was born in Leningrad in June 1985 in the family of a teacher and engineer. From early childhood, the girl was very responsible - the result of her mother's strict upbringing. An excellent student, head of the class, a participant in many olympiads was often set as an example and prophesied a wonderful future. But an ordinary Soviet child did not dream of anything like that until a catastrophe happened in his life ...

The first disappointment in life for Julia was the departure of her father from the family. Although my mother soon appeared new family, the daughter could not forgive her father for 15 long years. After his departure, a 10-year-old girl suddenly had a dream - she wanted to become famous so that her father would be proud of her and regret his act. A few years later, Julia already knew how to realize her dream, but her mother interfered ...

Mom's "prudence" was the second big disappointment for Julia. Mom did not want to agree to her daughter becoming a journalist and TV presenter, and persuaded her to enter the Faculty of Economics at the University of Aerospace Instrumentation. Studying for a creative girl became hard labor, and she did not know how to pick up the documents so that her mother would not be offended. Here in the life of Baranovskaya there was a fatal meeting. Julia happily abandoned her boring studies and was disappointed for the third time. But more about disappointment later...

Yulia Baranovskaya and Andrey Arshavin

Andrey Arshavin and Yulia Baranovskaya: one meeting can change your whole life

There are no chance encounters in life. Call it what you want - rock, fate, a move specially directed by someone - but on that day everything turned out so that Yulia Baranovskaya and Andrei Arshavin met. Julia and her friend spent half a day on the beach, and when she was about to go home, she saw that the car was scratched. The frustrated girl changed her plans and decided to take a walk along Nevsky Prospekt. Here she met rising star football. A month later, Baranovskaya moved to Arshavin. Soon she became pregnant and after an academic leave she never returned to the university. Another life began: motherhood, famous husband, discussion of personal life, banter of British journalists because of Yulia's careless remark about dislike for England, photos on Instagram and others like him ...

This went on for nine years. Julia was with her husband: she gave birth to children, waited for him from the training camp, supported him in difficult moments, moved from place to place, was angry with journalists for discussing her personal life, did not believe the rumors. The naive girl never became an adult woman. She was a wife, albeit without the notorious stamp in her passport, and he was a free man. She was fiercely angry when she was told that he had affairs on the side, and blushed sweetly when the journalists started another hurdy-gurdy "about the stamp in the passport." The flight of Arshavin from the family, you can’t call it otherwise, put everything in its place.

Yulia Baranovskaya after giving birth to her 3rd child

Arshavin, as it turned out, does not respect female klush, and Yulia more and more turned into her. After all, he remembered how in the early years life together her eyes burned when she told him that she would definitely become a TV presenter. And Yulia remembered how once she had the idea to open a women's club in London, but... she got pregnant for the third time.

Andrey Arshavin with his new girlfriend

Yulia Baranovskaya with children

Personal life of Yulia Baranovskaya after a divorce

Arshavin left for another woman when Yulia was five months pregnant. To say that it was a difficult time is an understatement. From a severe depression after a divorce, Yulia was pulled out neither by children, nor by friends, nor by her mother and sisters who daily support her, but by a dream. One day, Baranovskaya suddenly felt a strong desire to return to that hot day spent with her friend on the beach and replay it by removing the walk along Nevsky Prospekt from it. And the next day, pick up the documents from the university, and come what may. But it is a sin to think so: if there had not been that meeting, three beautiful children would not have been born. Julia was more and more immersed in herself, forgetting even about maternal responsibilities. And then a dream persistently knocked on the window ...

Dreams Come True

Producer Pyotr Sheksheev, who met Baranovskaya at one of the closed parties, opened the door to the world of her dreams. Yulia's first television project was the post-show "What do men want?", where she was an expert. Then there were "Girls", "Reboot" and, finally, the talk show "Male and Female", where Yulia Baranovskaya, together with Gordon, acts as an arbitrator in family disputes. Star parties, fashion shows, new projects on television, the autobiographical book "All for the Better" - dreams sometimes come true even better than we would like. The main thing is not to betray them...

The famous presenter Yulia Baranovskaya was not always a famous person. In Russia and in European countries made her famous fateful meeting with Andrei Arshavin, who after scandalous divorce went to the journalist Alisa Kazmina, leaving the pregnant Baranovskaya with two children. Julia did not despair - she gave birth to her third child and made a dizzying career as a TV presenter. Now Yulia Baranovskaya lives with her children and is immensely happy.

TV presenter's childhood

By nationality, Yulia and her parents are Russian. Mom, Natalya Brattseva, taught labor lessons at school, and her father, Gennady Baranovsky, worked at the plant as an engineer. Julia went to an ordinary St. Petersburg school. Since childhood, the girl was distinguished by the following qualities:

  • a responsibility;
  • punctuality;
  • performance.

At school, she was always unanimously elected head boy.

When the age of Yulia Baranovskaya reached the ten-year threshold, she knew her first loss. The father left the family. This date became for her a black day of the calendar. Julia was very painful about the divorce and did not see her father for fifteen years.

After some time, Natalia Bratseva got married and gave birth to two daughters. So Yulia got two sisters - Sasha and Ksyusha, with whom she still maintains a warm relationship.

At the end of school, the girl dreamed of entering the faculty of journalism. But her mother dissuaded her from this and convinced her to apply to the University of Aerospace Instrumentation. There were no problems with admission and Yulia was enrolled in the Faculty of Management. But she was not destined to get an education at this university. After the academic leave, Yulia did not return to her studies.

Meet the soccer star

In 2003, one unexpected meeting changed the personal life of Yulia Baranovskaya and her biography. Julia still remembers that day every minute.

After a hard and exhausting session, she and her friend went to the beach. They were so carried away by conversations that they didn’t even notice how pretty they were tanned. Upon returning from the beach, Julia saw that her car was scratched and was very upset. To distract the girl from this annoying thought, a friend invited Yulia for a walk along Nevsky Prospekt.

This is where the very acquaintance with the budding player of Zenit happened - Andrey Arshavin, which turned the life of Baranovskaya.

The romance of Andrei and Yulia was very fast-paced. And two months later they began to live together. And two years later, the first-born son Artyom was born to the young couple. Julia left her studies and completely immersed herself in motherhood.

The relationship between Baranovskaya and Arshavin was not formalized. According to Yulia, Andrey offered to play a wedding, talked about all the possible places for the celebration, and about how many guests he would like to see. But she herself refused to marry, because she did not want to marry pregnant.

Worries about the baby dragged on the young mother, and the wedding was again postponed indefinitely.

Three years later, Julia gave birth to Arshavin's daughter, Yana. After the birth of the baby, the question of the wedding was no longer raised.

In 2009, Arshavin signed a contract with the London club Arsenal. and the whole family moved to live in the capital of Great Britain.

For Julia, the move was quite difficult. She did not know the language, there were no relatives and friends nearby, and her husband spent all the time in training and training camps. Therefore, Baranovskaya spent all the time with her children and equipped a new family home.

During the first publication, Arshavin's common-law wife admitted to the press that she did not admire the UK, and the British seemed rude and closed to her. For this reason, the English media began to track every step of Yulia and, if possible, write sharp articles about her.

But over time, life began to improve. Julia increasingly began to communicate with the wives of other players, and the press left her alone.

As her popularity increased, Yulia began to be invited to various events. At the Russian Maslenitsa festival, she was the host for a long time.

The life of the Arshavin family would have continued so calmly if in 2012 Andrei had not been called back to his native Zenit.

The football player easily agreed to return to Russia. But for his wife, this was problematic, since Yulia was expecting her third child, and the older children had already begun their studies at British school. Therefore, Arshavin moved to St. Petersburg, and the family remained to live in London.

After some time, Andrei confessed to his wife that he was leaving her and the children for new sweetheart. At one point, the pregnant Julia was left alone with two children, and this was at the moment when her mother fell ill and ended up in the hospital. Baranovskaya endured these events very hard. She had to for a long time stay in the clinic for preservation.

Several times the ex-wife tried to return the football player to the family, but all attempts were in vain.

Julia gathered her courage and gave birth healthy baby- Arsenia. After recovering a little from the birth, she filed for alimony in the London court, as she lived there. But the court refused.

Then Baranovskaya went to court at the place of residence of the ex-spouse. Litigation lasted for a long time, as the spouses were not scheduled. But a year later, the St. Petersburg court ordered Arshavin to pay half of his income to his ex-wife and children, and the football player left the children a three-room apartment and a car.

Life after the departure of Arshavin

After parting with a famous football player, journalists began to observe life even more carefully. mother of many children. And every time I saw a TV presenter with a man, rumors spread about Yulia Baranovskaya and her new boyfriend on social networks.

Some time after the divorce, she was repeatedly seen in society with Andrey Chadov. Young people often appeared together at film premieres and social events. Their Instagram has repeatedly appeared on the network joint photos. But the couple denies any romantic relationship. Both claim they are just good friends.

Over time, Yulia and her children moved to Moscow. In the spring of 2015, Arshavin's ex-wife appeared at a fashion show with stylist Yevgeny Sedym. The couple kept a low profile, and besides, there were children with Baranovskaya. And the press again spread rumors about her new romance.

In the winter of 2017, Instagram once again stirred up new pictures of Baranovskaya and the lead singer of the Grigoriev-Appolonov group. famous families vacationing in Bali. Subscribers noted that Julia is in a great physical form and looks great.

It is currently unknown who Yulia Baranovskaya is dating. Only one thing is clear - the TV presenter is not trying to return ex-spouse. She raises wonderful children and is a wonderful mother.

TV star career

As you know, Julia has always dreamed of a career as a journalist. And after the divorce, she did not even have to learn this profession. To interview the ex-wife of the famous football player, the press lined up. Julia easily and freely talked about the breakup with her husband. A little later, she was called to the talk show of Andrei Malakhov. There, Baranovskaya for the first time told everything in detail, which aroused even greater interest among the public.

And at one of the secular parties, she was introduced to producer Peter Sheksheev. It was he who helped the future TV star get on the screens.

Baranovskaya participated in such well-known projects:

  • "What do men want?" post-show "The Bachelor";
  • "Masculine and feminine".

Now Yulia Baranovskaya, whose name is well known throughout the country, is often invited to various transmissions, actively maintains her blog on Instagram, is raising three wonderful children and believes that she will definitely meet the man of her life.

Attention, only TODAY!

Leading on Russian channels, born in 1985. Childhood passed in Leningrad, and according to the presenter herself, she was the simplest. Father is an engineer, mother is a teacher. Her school was the simplest, and she was a very good and diligent student. Her teachers loved her very much, for her diligence and responsibility. She even served as class president several times. And despite the profession of her mother, she was sent to another school so that she could learn independence.

In 1995, the biography of Yulia Baranovskaya stood out as a difficult moment in her life. Father and mother divorced, and it was big blow for girl. Because of resentment against him, they did not communicate for a long time, fifteen years. But my mother was not herself for a long time, and soon a second marriage happened. In this marriage, Julia had two sisters. Despite the very big difference between them, they are very friendly to this day.

As Julia herself says, they are her support and support. After graduating from school, the girl really wanted to become a journalist, but her mother was against it. And on her advice, she applied to another university, for management. She got in with no problem. But at the end of the first year, she was even more convinced that it was not hers. She never received her diploma.

Since Yulia's ex-husband is a famous football player, immediately after she left him, she became a fairly well-known person. Everyone wanted to interview her about their relationship with Arshavin. And then she took part in the program “Let them talk”, where she told all the details of her married life, in which she had been for nine years.

It was very difficult for her to be alone with three children. But she had cool friends who did not let her hang her nose. They dragged her to all sorts of parties. On one of these, she made a useful acquaintance. What was the beginning of the career of a TV presenter. Although her personal life was unsuccessful, the biography of Yulia Baranovskaya, creative, began with the show “What do men want?”.

After, in 2014 she was invited to the show "Girls". The girl was very worried about how the new women's team would accept her. But fortunately, all her fears turned out to be false, she was very warmly received. The third project for her was the season of the show "Reboot". The topics of this program were close to Julia. About complexes, fears to start new life after divorce, and many others interesting topics in the same direction.

Personal life of Yulia Baranovskaya

Soon there was a meeting with a handsome guy. It turned out to be a very famous football player. After they met, the couple's romance passed rapidly. They met very little, almost immediately began to live together. And two years later, my first child was born. Their marriage was not legal. Julia explains this by the fact that she did not want to get married while pregnant.

No matter how Andrei tried to persuade, she did not want a quick, simple wedding, she wanted something special. But the train left. They soon had a daughter. And to the issue of the wedding, the guy never returned. Soon, he left to play for his native club. And the family moved there. Julia was very hard in another country. Lack of knowledge of the language, and many other factors influenced this. But gradually she got involved.

The personal life of Yulia Baranovskaya has changed significantly after Andrei was offered to return to his native club. The whole family did not return, due to the fact that the children began their studies there, and the football player returned himself. At this time, Julia was pregnant with her third child. Arshavin began in his homeland new novel and he left the family. Yulia Podol for alimony, but the process took a long time, due to the fact that their marriage was never legalized. But still, the trial was won.

Soon there were rumors that Julia was dating Andrei Chadov. They appeared together at events, often posted joint photos. But young people themselves refute this. Like, they are only friends, and their relationship is not possible because of the distance. After the divorce, Julia is often noticed in the company of men, and I immediately attribute novels to her, but so far without proof.

Children of Yulia Baranovskaya

Julia has three children from her first marriage. Artyom, Yana and Arseniy. On the this moment, the woman brings them up alone. Ex-husband pays alimony. But it does not help in education. Although it is hard for her, she still manages to pursue her career. But the children of Yulia Baranovskaya are always in the first place for her, and everything that she does not do is only for them.

No matter what happens in life, she will not exchange children for anything. She loves them madly and brings them up in love, affection and understanding. God forbid, she will find a worthy father for the children, who will also participate in their lives.

Family of Yulia Baranovskaya

Yes, the family for Julia, that's all. But in order to provide for them, she has to work hard, and this is understandable, so far she has only one child. But she also devotes enough time to them. The main thing is that there is a family of Yulia Baranovskaya, and it is big. These are her children, sisters, and of course mommy. Now

Julia is actively engaged in her career. And she hopes that her family will only grow. It remains to wish her strength, patience, good luck. And wait for the one who loves her and her whole family. As well as creative success, and new beginnings, interesting ideas.

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