At a court hearing where the issue of custody of children was considered, singer Usher burst into tears when he was accused of being a bad father (video). Terribly loud and prohibitively dirty: the scandalous divorces of Madonna, Johnny Depp, Tom Cruise and other stars

Interesting 13.07.2019

The site decided to recall other Hollywood couples who did not manage to part beautifully. Many of these novels began passionately, impetuously or romantically, but the end of the fairy tale was always the same - by no means happy.

Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor

We fought constantly during our marriage, of course, but Sean never hit me. The allegations of physical abuse were completely outrageous and blatant lies.

Now both have become close friends: Sean Penn even attended a concert in the past ex-wife and appeared with her on the red carpet.

The crazy divorce of Denise Richards and Charlie Sheen can compete with the breakup of Kim Basinger and Alec Baldwin. Richards filed for divorce in March 2005 after three years of marriage. In her statement, the actress noted that her husband was "morally unstable, aggressive, addicted to gambling and used the services of prostitutes. "For several years, the relationship of the couple was getting better, then aggravated again.

Now the intensity of passions has subsided: Denise is often an ex-spouse who is from HIV, and Charlie is in his schedule for the family. Richards also has two daughters with Sheen - Sam and Lola-Rose - and adopted daughter Elois, the actress receives from her ex-husband.

Tiger Woods and Elin Nordegren

Tiger Woods and Elin Nordegren lasted nine months. It all started with an American golfer crashing his car on an early November morning in 2009, followed by a series of revelations. It became known that Woods repeatedly cheated on his wife, with whom he had been married for six years.

The Swedish fashion model, who worked as a nanny in the past, received $ 100 million after the divorce, as well as annual payments for the maintenance of two children (the amount of alimony was not disclosed).

Tiger Woods and Elin Nordegren

David Guest and Liza Minnelli

The wedding of Liza Minnelli and David Gest in 2002 was of incredible proportions, but the divorce a year later turned out to be no less spectacular ...

At that time, Minnelli already had a lot of experience behind her - four unsuccessful marriages, but past mistakes did not bother her much. The couple played the wedding 16 months after they met. When the marriage cracked, David sued Lisa and demanded $ 10 million for the bullying that his wife allowed herself. Lisa did not remain in debt and filed a counterclaim for two million dollars, claiming that Guest stole her money. Litigation lasted for many years, until in 2007 both parties to the conflict came to an agreement.

David Guest and Liza Minnelli

And Guy Ritchie lived in marriage for eight years, until in 2008 the fairy tale came to an end. Parting with the British director cost Madonna a pretty penny: the singer paid ex-spouse$92 million.

The amount of compensation has become one of the largest in the history of star breakups. However, this divorce was not interesting from the point of view of Madonna's financial costs: various unpleasant details of the novel surfaced during the process. Madonna's lawyers accused Guy Ritchie of insulting his wife by calling her "Granny". In response, Richie's lawyers recalled how the director's wife turned on the "boss" and forbade her husband to eat meat and invite friends over.

The issue of custody of his son Rocco was resolved peacefully, but in 2015 the boy said that he did not want to live with his mother in the United States and wanted to move to his father and his new family(court decision of a teenager). Now Madonna and Guy Ricci have settled their differences, because they have another eight years to raise their adopted son David together.

The actress filed for with Jesse James after five years of marriage, having learned about the numerous spouse. Later, James was a year from sexual addiction, but Sandra was not impressed, and she did not forgive the betrayals.

Bullock wanted to adopt a child, and the adoption process began when the actress was married. After the divorce, the actress became a single mother, but this status suits her completely. Jesse James for a long time the details of parting with the famous wife. It should be noted that Sandra was doing well all this time and rarely commented on the attacks against her.

Jesse James and Sandra Bullock

The divorce came as a surprise to everyone, including Nicole herself. Within 24 hours, Tom Cruise managed to decide on a divorce and submit the necessary papers to the court. The actress about the "divorce by mutual agreement due to busy work schedules" learned from the tabloids.

Cruz filed for divorce in December 2000, without waiting for the 10-year anniversary of marriage. Kidman was informed of the divorce in February 2001. Under California law, a marriage that lasts less than 10 years is not a long-term marriage. In the event that the marriage of Tom and Nicole lasted more than 10 years, after the divorce, the actor was obliged to support his ex-wife before she entered into marriage again. official relations. Later, details about Nicole Kidman's miscarriage and Cruz's passion for Scientology surfaced in the press.

Kidman herself in the following more than once called the marriage with Cruise unsuccessful and was generally amazed at how he could marry him.

James Cameron and Linda Hamilton

One of the most costly breakups in history was the divorce of Titanic and Terminator director James Cameron and actress Linda Hamilton. The couple got married in 1997, and already in 1999 the divorce proceedings began. Despite the fact that Linda received $ 50 million after the trial, she said that life with David was "terrible."

His mistress was the movie "Titanic". He was a man who would rather stay at work than at home with his wife. It was hard to accept

Linda said in an interview.

David Cameron did not worry long after the breakup, in 2000 the director married actress Susie Amis, with whom they are still together.

James Cameron and Linda Hamilton

Paul McCartney and Heather Mills

Paul McCartney and Heather Mills spent $3.2 million on a lavish wedding in Ireland, but decided to divorce four years later. Two years of litigation lasted, and as a result of Mills $ 48.6 million in compensation. The amount turned out to be significantly less than the $ 250 million that Mills was counting on, and at the same time more than the $ 30 million that Paul hoped to get off with.

I'm happy. It was worth my hard work in marriage

Mills said after the divorce. She was even happier when she learned that Sir Paul was ordered to pay 70 thousand dollars annually for the maintenance of their daughter Beatrice.

Paul McCartney and Heather Mills

Usher and Tameka Foster

The marriage between Asher and Tameka Foster did not work out from the very beginning: they were supposed to get married in July 2007, when Foster was five months pregnant, but the wedding was canceled because Tameka's mother refused to attend the celebration. A week later, the couple had a modest wedding, where they exchanged rings. Usher first opened up about his relationship on Oprah:

I wanted to give her the wedding she dreams of. But I was not ready for this ... We were in a relationship, we were in love, she was expecting a baby, and she had to take responsibility.

On the same show, Usher admitted that Tameka wasn't "the one". In 2009, the man filed for divorce, followed by three bitter years of fighting for custody and unflattering remarks about each other. Not the most pleasant details of this fragile marriage also surfaced: for example, Tameka claimed that Asher slept with one of the bridesmaids at their wedding. In the end, the divorce took place, and Asher over two sons.

Alec Baldwin and Kim Basinger

The unpleasant divorce of Kim Basinger will not be forgotten soon. What is the famous record on which the actor calls his 11-year-old daughter Ireland "a rude and stupid pig" (Alec insulted the girl because she did not answer his calls).

Alec and Kim divorced in 2002 after nine years of marriage, but their custody battle continued for several more years. By 2008, the story featured over a hundred documents, 91 court hearings, and $3 million in legal fees. And just some 14 years after the divorce, in 2016, Kim, that her conflicts with Alec are a thing of the past.

Peter Cook and Christie Brinkley

In 2008, she divorced architect Peter Cook after 12 years. life together, in the course of the case, rather unpleasant details of this marriage were revealed. As it turned out, Peter Cook had an affair with an 18-year-old girl, in addition, he was constantly spending several thousand dollars a month on porn on the Internet. After the divorce, supermodel Christie Brinkley received custody of two children, which she added during the trial.

Yahoo Source


American singer and actor, one of the most commercially successful African-American R&B musicians Usher Arrived in Atlanta on Monday to attend court hearing on his application for custody of his children.

The 33-year-old singer began accusing his ex-wife Tameka Foster of assaulting his girlfriend, citing one of his visits to the children as an example. When he pulled up to his ex-wife's house (they divorced in 2009) with his girlfriend, Tameka started yelling at him, asking why he brought his b…b to her house.

Asher on trial
His friend quickly got back into the car, and he tried to calm his ex-wife. It all ended, according to the singer, with an ugly scene, as soon as he got into his car, dishes with food flew into the car. So Asher tried to make it clear to the judge that his wife was an unbalanced person and she could not be trusted to raise children.

Usher with Tomek Foster

Recall that the couple has two boys, 5-year-old Raymond and 4-year-old Elaine. In turn, Tomeki Foster's lawyer accused him of being bad father and prefers visiting a nightclub, rather than the company of his children, in response to which, the singer suddenly ... burst into tears.

The star was also charged with drug use, to which Usher immediately protested, saying that he had never done this with children and in this moment He hasn't used anything in a long time.

Asher with sons

Usher flew into the court from Las Vegas, just after a late-night performance at the Billboard Music Awards.

Usher at the 2012 Billboard Awards
It should be noted that initially he demanded from the judge simply joint custody of the children, since he rarely visits Atlanta and misses his sons. As a result, his wife filed a counter petition for her sole custody.

Tameka Foster with sons

On October 14, Asher Terrence Raymond IV, known in show business as simply Usher, celebrates his 35th birthday. He is famous, rich, handsome (in 2010, Usher was in the TOP 50 sexiest men of our time), and it is not surprising that he is not deprived of female attention. Asher preferred to meet with girls to match himself - beautiful and popular, although his only marriage was with a woman "from ordinary" - stylist Tameka Foster. However, Asher divorced Tameka a long time ago and is now in free search, recently he was even credited with an affair with Rihanna, which was not confirmed. We offer to look at the former girlfriends of the artist, whose faces you probably know

From 1998 to 2000, Usher was accompanied by American R&B diva Brandy Norwood, better known by her stage name Brandy. An affair with an increasingly popular singer contributed to the development of her career. Usher dedicated several songs to his then muse, but later left her for another black singer - Rozonda "Chili" Thomas

The songs of the TLC group are no longer relevant, but in the nineties the popularity of their hip-hop hits was akin to the modern popularity of Rihanna and Beyoncé. Members of this trio - Tion "T-Bose" Watkins, Rozonda "Chili" Thomas and Lisa "Left Eye" Lopez (who tragically died in 1999) were idols of the American scene, and Usher had his eye on one of the girls - Rozonda. They met for two years and broke up in 2003 - by mutual agreement, and according to the unofficial version - because Usher was bewitched by Naomi Campbell

In 2004, Usher had a brief affair with "black panther" Naomi Campbell, which was recognized by both celebrities. A year later, Usher for some reason decided to declare that in fact they had more of a close friendship than love, and Naomi accompanied him everywhere, they say, because he asked her about it. But sources from Asher's entourage whispered to reporters that in this way the artist simply helped out Naomi, who did not want her to have a reputation as an "abandoned"

Model Aishia Brightwell, a former girlfriend of rapper Xzibit-a, helped heal the wounds from a breakup with Naomi Asher. According to rumors, Asher was so infatuated with her that he was even going to propose to Eishia. And Xzibit, jealous, even called the singer bad words on Twitter. However, the model quickly got bored with Asher and he said goodbye to her in the same way as with previous girlfriends - amicably

Tameka Foster
Tameka Foster
Name at birth:

Tameka Jonel Foster

Date of Birth:



Ryan Glover
(2002-2007, divorced; 2 children)
(2007-2009, divorced; 2 children)


Darren (born May 16, 1991)
Ryan Glover Jr. (born 09/02/1999)
Kyle Glover (2001-21.07.2012)
Usher Raymond-fifth (born 11/26/2007)
Naviid Eli Raymond (b.10.12.2008)

K:Wikipedia:Articles without images (type: not specified)

Tameka Jonel Foster (English Tameka Johnelle Foster; The 4th of October , Auckland , California , USA) - American wardrobe stylist and hairdresser.


In 1986-1992, Tameka was in a de facto marriage. In this relationship, Foster gave birth to her first child, son Darren (born May 16, 1991).

Tameka was married to tailor Ryan Glover from 2002-2007. Foster gave birth to her second and third sons from Glover - Ryan Glover Jr. (born 09/02/1999) and Kyle Glover (2001 - died at 11 years of age).

Tameka was married to a musician from 2007-2009 Asher(born 1978). In this marriage, Foster gave birth to her fourth and fifth sons - Asher Raymond-fifth (born November 26, 2007) and Naviid Eli Raymond (born December 10, 2008).

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Excerpt characterizing Foster, Tameka

From all sides one could see wet officers with sad faces, as if looking for something, and soldiers dragging doors, benches and fences from the village.
“We can’t get rid of these people, prince,” said the staff officer, pointing to these people. - The commanders are disbanding. And here, - he pointed to the spread out tent of the shopper, - they will huddle and sit. This morning he kicked everyone out: look, it's full again. We must drive up, prince, to frighten them. One minute.
“Let’s go and I’ll take cheese and a roll from him,” said Prince Andrei, who had not yet had time to eat.
Why didn't you say, prince? I would offer my bread of salt.
They got off their horses and went under the marketer's tent. Several officers, with flushed and exhausted faces, were sitting at tables, drinking and eating.
“Well, what is it, gentlemen,” said the staff officer in a tone of reproach, like a man who has already repeated the same thing several times. “Because you can’t go away like that. The prince ordered that there be no one. Well, here you are, Mr. Staff Captain, ”he turned to a small, dirty, thin artillery officer, who, without boots (he gave them to the sutler to dry), in stockings, stood in front of the newcomers, smiling not quite naturally.
- Well, how are you, Captain Tushin, are you not ashamed? - continued the staff officer, - it seems to you, as an artilleryman, you need to show an example, and you are without boots. They will sound the alarm, and you will be very good without boots. (The staff officer smiled.) If you please, go to your places, gentlemen, everything, everything, ”he added bossily.
Prince Andrei smiled involuntarily, glancing at Captain Tushin's staff. Silently and smiling, Tushin, stepping from bare foot to foot, looked inquiringly with large, intelligent and kind eyes first at Prince Andrei, then at the officer's headquarters.
“The soldiers say: wiser more dexterously,” said Captain Tushin, smiling and shy, apparently wanting from his embarrassment switch to a playful tone.
But he had not finished yet, when he felt that his joke was not accepted and did not come out. He was confused.
“Please leave,” said the staff officer, trying to keep his seriousness.
Prince Andrei glanced once more at the figure of the artilleryman. There was something special about her, not at all military, somewhat comical, but extremely attractive.

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