Sedakova's husband on the show is a bachelor, what's his name. The fickle personal life of Anna Sedokova

Technique and Internet 23.06.2019
Technique and Internet

The world will have to fight for the hand and heart young millionaire Maxim Cherniavsky. Before the show, the young man was known as the husband of Anna Sedokova.

They broke up almost immediately after the birth of their daughter Monica. What caused the divorce is still unclear. But only this gap was hard for Anna. For a long time the singer wrote sad posts on her page in social network. And here is a new blow: the participation of the ex-spouse in a project that is being filmed in their not so long ago joint family nest. The performer decided to watch the first issue and made very comforting conclusions: she fell out of love with Maxim. Sedokova shared these thoughts with subscribers on Instagram:

“I am grateful that I have her. Thanks for some very good songs. I thank you for the experience that cut my heart into pieces and burned to the ground. I am grateful that, being there, at the very bottom, broken and barely alive, I saw the world in real colors. I learned to distinguish hypocrisy and PR from the eternal. Thank you for all the lies that are pouring out of you now, trying to somehow justify the vile deeds ... Because it is she (this lie) that every day confirms the correctness of my decision. But most of all I am grateful that you are no more and never will be in my life. No matter how and whoever tries to get me into this miserable fuss in the mud, I will not get involved. I will be higher. I will be stronger. Not making excuses, not proving. Not demeaning or insulting. Because this is the fate of those who still hurt. Or who needs to promote something... Time will put everything in its place. Wish good ratings! Apparently it was worth it. #delete.

Fans warmly accepted Anna's feelings and supported her in every possible way:

“Anechka, this is very difficult. To watch how in the house in which your happiness was, how your child participates in a show where your ex-beloved husband is looking for a new wife and mother for a child ... this is a betrayal, so a betrayal. Wish him good luck. This is a circus."

"Well done!!! Fight for your daughter!!! I was shocked when I heard the statement that his child needs a complete family! The girl has a mother, and no one will ever replace her! It was disgusting to listen to. But this pain makes people stronger and wiser.”

"Your ex-husband- moral freak! How could he say that about you! I was ready to break the TV ... you are sweet and good, and you deserve more, not this ... but you are strong with us! And we are your kittens always with you, we are there, and we will support, we promise! You are the sun for us, you warm us very much! We love you! And even though it’s not fair now, everything will be credited to him at the top. Anechka, I want to hug you tightly!!! And take all your pain upon yourself! You can do it! I believe".

“Nothing kills like calmness, ignoring and indifference. And you, darling, will be killed by it.” Anna, take note of this quote. By your behavior, you only show how much you care about what this person does. And this is just a balm for his soul. Pull yourself together and do another, more entertaining activity than pouring out your soul. And even more so ... to whom are you doing this ?! Followers....? Funny. Forget it and it will show up if you really want it. And if not, then even more so, put an end to it.

Have you watched the show? How do you like the first release?

At present, marriage is not such a strong unit of society as it used to be. Now this substance seems so fragile and ephemeral that one can only be surprised at how quickly everything collapses. People may seem completely happy and carefree, but one day all their problems will come to the surface. This applies not only to ordinary mortals, but also to rich and famous people.

Anna Sedokova is a bright, spectacular woman, model, singer, former participant in the famous VIA Gra project. Her life has always been under the guns of cameras. Therefore, when it became known about Ani with businessman Maxim Chernyavsky, it became a real event. The paparazzi praised the couple and enveloped them in attention, capturing them in romantic and beautiful places. It seemed to everyone around that now the beauty would be happier than in her first marriage, and this union would become eternal. Who would have thought that they would break up? It's been a year since the divorce real reason this drama is still behind the scenes.

Cherniavsky's version

The question of why Sedakova divorced her husband is interesting not only to the press, but also to the couple's entourage. Their mutual friends are different sides and therefore cannot give an objective answer. In February of this year, we finally managed to bring Maxim to a frank conversation, in which he told how everything really happened. The couple were happy. They lived in America, since Chernyavsky is building cottages in Los Angeles. Soon it became known about Anna's pregnancy. Maxim was overjoyed at this event, expecting Anna to settle down after giving birth. But this did not happen. Quite a bit of time passed after giving birth, and Sedokova was invited to Moscow for a concert. At that very time, trouble happened - Maxim injured both legs due to an accident at sea, so he was at the hospital at home. Despite this, Anna decided to leave him with two daughters (the eldest from her first marriage), and she herself flew to Russia. Nevertheless, Chernyavsky understood her and let her go, realizing the importance of a career for a singer. So why did Sedakova divorce her husband?


Anna's concert program became more and more intense. She flew away from home more and more often, leaving her children with her husband. Russia and Ukraine have become much more visited places for her. Maxim understood that something had gone wrong, his wife was moving away from him.

To support her, in November 2012, he flew for her to one of the concerts. As the businessman later said, he simply did not recognize her. Anna clearly let him know that she deliberately ruined their relationship, which had been built for so long by both parties.

Sedakova divorced her second husband, left alone with her children. And Maxim filed for divorce. Someone claims that she simply could not cross the line herself, others say that Maxim could no longer tolerate his wife's coldness.

Sedokova's version

Anna Sedokova also gave interviews to the press regarding her divorce. In it, she reported that their mutual friends were to blame for everything, who not only later slandered her, but also betrayed her. Anna says that when she went to concerts, her friends stayed next to Maxim, who flirted with a man, and then pretended that they fully supported Anna. Such friends became the cause of contention between the spouses, since she could no longer understand whether there was a place for treason or whether it was all just a game. One way or another, Anna Sedakova divorced her husband, claiming that she felt insurmountable pain after this event. However, she would not have been able to do otherwise. Returning the former warmth turned out to be much more difficult than she thought.

Current relationship

After all that has happened, Maxim and Anna continue to maintain relations, touching only on issues related to their daughter Monica. At one time, Anna declared her alleged poverty, but Maxim instantly refuted this lie, saying that he was paying large alimony. Both sides try not to remember the past and live on. Anna believes that after some more time they will be able to become true friends. The question of why Sedakova and Chernyavsky divorced is still open, since their versions of what happened are too different. Journalists claim that they believe the open and honest Maxim more.

Maxim recently announced that he intends to participate in the Bachelor show, where lonely beauties will fight for his heart. For him, this project should become a kind of outlet. There are no women in his circle worthy of his love, maybe television can help? In addition, Chernyavsky never dealt with such projects, so this will be an interesting experience for a man.

So why did Sedakova divorce her husband? No one can give an exact answer, since the parties themselves have too different positions on this matter. But one thing is for sure: both Anna and Maxim are still depressed. Their feelings are understandable, because not every day you lose something real.

A tall and handsome young man was known to fans Russian show business only as the husband of Anna Sedokova. But after he took part in the Bachelor project, he became very popular, especially among the beautiful half of the audience of the TNT channel.

Childhood and family of Maxim Chernyavsky

Maxim was born in Kyiv. There he spent his childhood. His family was quite wealthy thanks to the trading business. Marina Chernyavskaya, Maxim's grandmother, was among the first to open a suburban hypermarket. Such is the Maxi complex. It was opened in the year 2000.

It is known that the grandmother always led the family business. Chernyavsky's father is an entrepreneur, his mother works as a chief accountant.

After successful completion school, the young man became a student at the University of Trade and Economics in Kyiv, from which he graduated with a "red" diploma.

The beginning of the career of businessman Maxim Chernyavsky

Hypermarket "Maxi", owned by Maxim's grandmother, could not stand the competition and was bought out in 2005 by the Fozzy corporation. After that, Chernyavsky, under the strict guidance of his grandmother, began to build luxury real estate.

Thanks to perseverance and hard work, a novice businessman at the age of nineteen created a successful enterprise. It cannot be said that he did this without the support of his relatives, including financial support. However, in business, not only big finances are important, but also the ability to think economically and “push with elbows”.

Chernyavsky is not yet thirty years old, but he is already a successful entrepreneur and millionaire. Many business partners around the world know his last name.

Personal life: Maxim Chernyavsky and Anna Sedokova

In an interview, Maxim says that he has always liked girls who have model appearance. For some time, Maxim met with a fashion model from Kyiv. This was before I met my wife.

Anna Sedokova entangled in men - Maxim Chernyavsky

The businessman saw his future wife Anna Sedokova on TV long before they met personally during the performance of the VIA Gra group. Later he saw her on the street and decided to get acquainted. Romantic relationships developed at lightning speed. At the beginning of 2010, they went on vacation to Los Angeles, where the young man proposed to Anna. A year later, the couple signed. In the summer they had a daughter, who was named Monica. The girl is very similar to Anna. Since the spouses did not have a wedding as such, but there was only a painting, they decided to gather guests and celebrate their wedding, combining it with a celebration in honor of the birth of their daughter. None of Anna's colleagues were among the guests.

I must say that Sedokova was for some time married to football player Valentin Belkevich. This marriage broke up in 2006. They have a joint daughter, who, after breaking up, stayed with Anna.

Unfortunately, after a year and a half life together, the marriage of Anya and Maxim broke up. At first there were many quarrels, unpleasant statements about each other on the Internet and in the press, and then a high-profile divorce proceedings followed.

In an interview, Chernyavsky said that it was difficult for him to be married to a woman who often starred in explicit videos and commercials, who had many men. In his opinion, he needs a more "domestic" wife, the keeper of the hearth, the mistress of the house. Anna accused her husband of numerous novels, including with Santa Dimopoulus, a colleague of Sedokova.

The daughter stayed with Anna, but Maxim is wonderful loving father and often sees Monica. They spend almost every weekend together. In his blog, friends often see new photos showing Maxim and Monica during their regular meetings. Many believe that the mutual feelings of the former spouses are still not extinguished. On his pages in social networks, Chernyavsky never once wrote that his daughter and her love for him gives him confidence in life, gives strength and desire to move forward.

New women of Maxim Chernyavsky

A month and a half after the official divorce, the businessman was repeatedly seen with Anna Anders. This Ukrainian model is only nineteen years old. The relationship did not last long. The media often wrote about the similarities new passion Maxim with his ex-wife.

During the advertising of the upcoming reality show "The Bachelor", with the permission of Chernyavsky, a photograph of his daughter was repeatedly used. This was the reason that Anna filed a lawsuit against the ex-spouse, saying that she was against Monica being shown on the show.

Maxim Chernyavsky in the show "The Bachelor"

After difficult divorce the businessman was invited to become a member of the Bachelor show. He said that his heart is free, so he will gladly take part in a reality show, where girls from Ukraine, Belarus and Russia will “fight” for his location and love.

There have been many articles in the media about possible reasons Maxim's participation in "The Bachelor". One of the most likely is that he wants to be seen. As for the weak half of humanity, the businessman has never felt a lack of their attention.

The show was shown by TNT in the spring of 2014. Maxim chose a girl Masha from the city of St. Petersburg as his "wife". She is 23 years old and is a lawyer by training.

Maxim Chernyavsky now: his hobbies

Maxim has repeatedly tried to change the style of clothing. Buying himself another business suit, he always makes a promise to himself to walk in it. But soon he is seen again at the office in jeans and his favorite Nike sneakers.

The young man is fond of car racing. Of the cars, he prefers the Porsche brand.

Journalists conducted an investigation about the new Russian "Bachelor", during which curious facts surfaced about him. It turned out that Maxim Chernyavsky is not at all successful businessman, according to himself and the creators of the reality show. Young man called a millionaire and the owner of one of the largest construction companies in Los Angeles, with branches around the world, but in life everything turned out to be different.

Maxim Chernyavsky's close circle reported that thanks to the powerful financial support of his grandmother, Marina Chernyavskaya, the guy really tried to build a business by opening a development company. But three months later, the young businessman was left with nothing, his business went bankrupt. The only thing that Maxim Chernyavsky managed to do was to buy real estate in Ukraine and America.

“For some people, it is more important to seem than to be,” this is about Maxim. Everything that is shown in this TV show is lies and deceit, which naive girls and lovers of easy money believed in. And I'm not going to discuss this terrible dream in my life anymore!- said Anna Sedokova.

TV channel TNT, which broadcasts Russian version the show "The Bachelor" refutes information about the financial problems of Maxim Chernyavsky:

“We do not confirm information about Maxim's financial problems. The creators of the show carefully checked the information about him at the stage of casting candidates. That is why out of several hundred applicants, only one Maxim became the main character of the show "The Bachelor" on TNT.

“Maxim Chernyavsky’s grandmother has not interfered in her grandson’s financial affairs since he was 20,” Ekaterina Kostyukova, creative producer of the Bachelor show, told - Yes, Marina Chernyavskaya had and has her own capital, but Maxim's construction business is not connected with the capital of his family, he founded and developed his own company. Moreover, his company has not suffered any failures and is developing successfully. Having collected all possible information about what kind of person Maxim is and about his financial success, we decided to offer him participation in the project. Money is not the main thing, but, fortunately, he has enough of them to provide for himself, his entire family and his future wife. Having two houses in Los Angeles, land in West Hollywood, and his own fleet of cars gives a fairly good basis for a general understanding of his financial well-being. The participation of Maxim Chernyavsky in the show "The Bachelor" is not paid, no fees are paid to him.

Viewers are actively discussing the reason for the separation of the couple Sedokova and Maxim Chernyavsky, who was a participant in the second season of the Bachelor on TNT. From the first days, the project became an intrigue, and on the very first broadcast of the program, Maxim told the reason for the divorce from Anna Sedokova. According to Cherniavsky, he once unexpectedly arrived to visit his wife, but found her cheating.

Maxim's words were also confirmed by his mother and grandmother, who spoke about the mental suffering that he suffered after this incident. But Anna names completely different reasons for the divorce and blames him for everything in her Instagram profile, apparently to increase her ratings.

Anna Sedokova and Maxim Chernyavsky why they broke up: what was the reason for the divorce of the spouses

Anna Sedokova is a very bright woman and a former member of the VIA Gra team. Anna's whole life was spent under the lenses of cameras, and the news of her marriage to her second husband, Maxim Chernyavsky, was a real discovery. The media considered them a perfect couple and often saw lovers in different romantic places. It seemed to others that the singer would finally be happy in marriage, but their hopes were in vain.

The reason for the couple's separation was interesting not only to the media, but also to acquaintances of the spouses. Even the couple's friends cannot give a specific answer to this question, as they communicate with both sides of the conflict. But in February of this year, Maxim spoke about the reason for their break with Anna. According to him, they lived happily in America, as the man is working on the construction of luxury homes in Los Angeles.

Then a little later, the couple found out that they would soon become parents and were extremely happy about this news, the site reports. But even childbirth could not pacify Anna's ardor, and a few months later she flew to Moscow for a concert, writes But Maxim was forced to stay at the hospital at home, as he had an accident at sea, as a result of which he injured his leg. Sedokova decided to leave her daughters with her husband, and she flew away to her concert.

Then Anna's concert career took off and she increasingly had to be away from her children and husband, increasingly visiting Russia and Ukraine. After that, in 2012, Chernyavsky decided to support his spouse and went to a concert with her and did not recognize his wife in that cold and indifferent Anna at all.

After the interview Cherniavsky Anna Sedokova also gave interviews about her and Maxim's divorce and blamed the couple's mutual friends for everything. According to Anna, during her trips, Sedokova's friends seduced her husband and this was the reason for the divorce of the newlyweds. And it turns out that the reason for the divorce was the jealousy caused by her friends in Anna.

Anna Sedokova and Maxim Chernyavsky why they broke up: Anna revealed the reason for the divorce

Anna Sedokova has her own home in California and was married to the famous Bachelor Maxim Chernyavsky. Also, Anya often disappears on tour and writes down her new songs, the last of which is a song called “ Remove", which Anna most likely dedicated to Maxim.

At the very beginning, the life of the newlyweds resembled a fairy tale in which they were madly in love with each other. Then they moved to Los Angeles and Anna decided to devote herself completely to the family, spending all her free time with beloved man. Then Monica was born and the four of them lived happily, but soon Anya decided to return to her work again so as not to turn into a housewife and start providing for her family

After this step, the relationship of the spouses changed, constant quarrels and jealousy began to appear in them. The imaginary friends and mother of Maxim also tried in every possible way to turn him against Anna, creating new reasons for quarrels. After all these events, Anna became aware that her husband began to have affairs with Santa Dimopoulos during her absence. It was this step that, according to Sedokova, became the reason for the divorce, for which Chernyaev personally filed an application.

After the divorce, Anna found the strength to return to life and moved with her daughters to new house, for which she was forced to pay on her own, since her ex-husband refused to help her. It was after this that Anya decided to stay in Los Angeles and start working in the fashion industry, in which she immediately went well. Sedokova realized that it makes no sense to constantly be offended by ex-spouse and even allowed him to see his daughters, arguing that even after a divorce, children should have two parents

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