How to choose the right powder Powder types. The best powder: customer reviews, rating. How to choose powder

the beauty 19.12.2017
the beauty

Beautiful makeup is designed to complement the image of any girl, and sometimes create a unique style of her owner. The basis of high-quality makeup is face powder, from its right choice depends on how exactly the skin will look - radiant and healthy, or tired and extinct. It is the powder that emphasizes the dignity of the face and hides its flaws; with the help of this cosmetic product, you can easily correct the oval and facial features.

How to choose a shade of powder

The initial stage - the stage of choosing a shade of powder is perhaps the most important. The ideal option is when the color of the powder completely matches the color of your skin, however, as a rule, this is quite difficult to achieve. This is due to the fact that even powder tones of the same manufacturer with the same name, but, for example, of different series, have slightly different tones. Therefore, every time I buy powder new series and a new manufacturer needs to be done the following procedure:

1. Apply powder on your wrist and see how the applied layer looks in daylight as well as in artificial light.

2. In order to more accurately determine the tone of the powder, apply a small amount of it to the chin and look at it under the same two types of lighting.

Remember: The transition between powder tone and facial skin tone should not be visible.

Sometimes girls apply powder on foundation or make-up base. In this case, the powder should be chosen in the same tone as the foundation. Often, manufacturers label the same series of foundation and powder with the same numbers, making it easier for customers to choose. An acceptable difference in the color of powder and foundation is a difference of half a tone.

We select powder according to skin type

In order for your skin to “like” a new powder, you need to pay attention to its composition. If you use cosmetics on a daily basis, it is very important that the powder does not contain harmful components, it should not clog the skin pores. If you are worried about oily sheen, choose a special powder for oily skin, it will absorb excess oil, make the skin matte and even. Modern girls mineral powder is increasingly being used. This tool is a little more expensive than others, but it has a number of advantages - it is absolutely safe for the skin, it has medicinal properties looks perfect on the skin.

Types of powder

There are several types of face powder, consider the main ones.

1. Compact powder. This type of powder is the most common, it is compact powder that you will find in any girl's cosmetic bag. This is due to the fact that it is precisely "compact", i.e. small in size and convenient to use. This powder allows you to touch up makeup at any time, almost "in field conditions."

2. Loose powder. This powder is easier to apply on the face, as it has a soft texture and therefore applies more evenly than other types of powders. The disadvantages of loose powder include the bulkiness of the packaging, as a result - such a powder is inconvenient to carry in a purse.

3. Cream powder. This powder is good because it is better than other types of powder to mask the imperfections of the skin of the face. The disadvantages of cream powder are that it is quite difficult to apply it evenly on the face, so before you start using cream powder, you need to practice well.

4. Shimmering powder. This powder is best used only for evening and festive makeup. This powder can not be applied evenly to the entire face.

5. Powder in balls. This powder is convenient because in the process of applying it, you can "adjust" its color. If you, for example, need a lighter tone, remove the dark balls from the box, and if you want a darker tone, remove the correspondingly light balls from the box. The disadvantages of powder in balls are that it does not remove oily sheen.

6. Colorless powder. This powder is suitable only for happy owners of a perfect complexion, since it does not mask, but only corrects its color, removing oily sheen.

7. Antiseptic powder. This powder is for emergencies when it is necessary to mask the reddened area of ​​​​the skin of the face. After that, apply a layer of regular powder.

8. Mineral powder. This type of powder differs from other powders in that it is based on mineral particles, allowing the skin of the face to breathe. On the other hand, mineral powder masks well and has an excellent matting property.

Applying face powder correctly

With the help of powder, you can successfully hide facial imperfections: remove pale skin color, visually correct the oval of the face, mask flaws on the skin. You need to learn how to correctly apply the powder so that it blends harmoniously with your makeup, and does not stand out with heterogeneous stripes.

Powder, depending on the texture and shape, is used not only to fix decorative cosmetics. In the Middle Ages, for example, powder was used to “whiten” the face. The white shade of the skin spoke of the high status of a person.

In the 19th century, powder firmly entered the world of decorative cosmetics. Basically, it was used by makeup artists to give brightness to the stage image, as well as to fix the main makeup.

Modern ladies use powder for different purposes. For example, for skin treatment. The composition of many cosmetics includes vitamin supplements, moisturizing ingredients that can affect the natural metabolic processes in the epidermis. Also, the composition may contain particles of mica, fluids that give the skin a shimmering look.

The main function of the powder is to provide the skin with a matte shade, rid the epidermis of excess sebum, mask visual defects, and fix makeup.

What is powder?

1. Cream - powder

This is a universal multifunctional decorative cosmetic product for giving the skin a beautiful even tone. Combines the functions of foundation and powder. Formulated to correct skin imperfections.

  • Compact cream - powder. Produced in jars. Has a creamy texture. It is applied to the face easily, without effort, with the help of a sponge. It is recommended to use for skin with increased sebaceous secretion. Eliminates visual defects of the upper layer of the epidermis, mattifies the skin, removes oily sheen, masks redness, vascular network. This type of powder does not clog the pores of the skin, the cells of the epidermis breathe.
  • Liquid cream - powder. Sold in jars with high sides or in tubes. Contains moisturizing and nourishing ingredients. After drying, it forms a thin film on the skin. The effect is identical to the classic powder.

Natural ingredients in the liquid powder saturate dry skin with moisture, prevent excessive release of natural fluid through the pores, and regulate metabolic processes at the cellular level.

Positive characteristics of cream - powder

  • Creates an even base for the application of decorative cosmetics;
  • Mattifies the skin;
  • Moisturizes and nourishes the skin of the face, has a positive effect on metabolic processes in the epidermis;
  • When applied to the face, the skin retains the functions of gas exchange. The epidermis is not subject to oxygen starvation;
  • It is a reliable protection against the harmful effects of external factors (wind, rain, low temperature air);
  • There are no age restrictions for use;
  • A variety of release forms allow the use of cream - powder for different skin types;
  • Decorative cosmetics based on cream-powder last longer.

How to apply powder:

  1. Cleanse the face with a light scrub or peeling.
  2. Dry the skin with a paper towel.
  3. Apply a daily moisturizer to your face.
  4. Apply cosmetic in any convenient way: with a sponge, fingertips or brush.

2. Compact powder

This is a cosmetic product from the category of decorative cosmetics. The powder is designed to fix the base tone, smooth the surface of the skin, eliminate visual defects. Produced in jars with low sides complete with a sponge.

The compact powder contains fatty acid, talc, natural dyes. AT certain types powders contain fluids to give the skin a glowing effect. Compact powder is intended for use on special occasions (ceremonial events, wedding day, anniversary). Not suitable for daily use.

Benefits of Compact Powder

  1. Evens out skin texture.
  2. Mattifies oily areas of the skin.
  3. Eliminates increased sweating in certain areas of the face (above the upper lip, bridge of the nose, wings of the nose).
  4. Protects the epidermis from UV radiation.

There are several types of compact powder:

  • Matte

Mattifying powder can be used by women with different type skin. The salicylic base of the powder allows you to mask visual defects (acne, acne, small bumps on the skin, vascular network, age spots). Zinc and kaolin dry the top layer of the epidermis, eliminate excess sebum and sweat. Recommended for use during the summer months.

  • Mineral-based compact powder

Mineral powder is recommended for oily and combination skin. The translucent soft texture allows you to give the face a natural even shade. It is applied with the fingertips by circular rubbing into the skin. Recommended for all skin types.

  • Vibrant Compact Powder

The delicate texture contains light-reflecting fluids. When applying powder, the face takes on a rested look, the skin shines with a healthy glow. Recommended as a decorative cosmetic for application to the skin on special occasions (celebration, anniversary, party).

  • Foundation Compact Powder

Contains coloring pigments in skin tone. Recommended to use in place of foundation. The powder is suitable for problematic and oily skin. When used on dry skin, moisten the skin with a day cream before applying foundation compact powder.

Application technique:

  1. Cleanse your face with a cleansing toner.
  2. Apply a base tonal foundation (cream).
  3. Let the skin dry.
  4. Pick up a small amount of decorative product on a special brush or sponge.
  5. Spread the powder on a “t-shaped triangle” (forehead, bridge of the nose, chin area).

Makeup Tips:

  • To eliminate the “mask” effect, it is not recommended to use compact powder on the entire surface of the face.
  • "T - zone" is recommended to be treated with a powder puff.
  • You can remove excess powder from the face with a large round brush.
  • For acne, it is recommended to choose a compact powder with an antiseptic effect.
  • Do not use powder with a tonal effect on the tonal base. It is possible to get a "mask effect".
  • It is necessary to apply a decorative agent in daylight.
  • The tone of the powder is recommended to choose half a tone lighter than the natural skin tone.

3. Classic powder

To give the face a white shade, the ancient Egyptians, crushed pearls, silk threads.

In the 21st century, the composition of the components began to differ significantly from the previous one. It consists of mineral components, talc, kaolin, zinc oxide. Famous cosmetics companies add particles of gold, silver pollen, essential oils and herbal extracts to the composition of the powder.

Suitable for skin with a high content of sebaceous secretion, sweating, acne. It is not recommended for ladies with small mimic wrinkles around the eyes.


  • When applied to the skin, the crumbly texture allows the skin to "breathe".
  • Protection from the harmful effects of the sun.
  • Protection from adverse weather conditions.
  • Serves to fix the base tonal foundation.

How to use powdered powder

  1. Cleanse the skin of the face and décolleté with a tonic based on natural ingredients.
  2. Apply moisturizer.
  3. Even out skin tone with makeup base.
  4. Prepare a clean puff and brush.
  5. Dial a small amount of powder on the puff.
  6. Apply the product on the "t - shaped" area (forehead, bridge of the nose, chin area).
  7. Spread the powder with a round brush on the cheekbones and cheeks.
  8. Remove excess makeup with a brush.

Powdered powder can be applied to the eyelids and lips. A thin layer of the product is an excellent base for applying shadows and lipstick. To increase the volume and density of eyelashes, it is recommended to gently powder the hairs on all sides, then apply mascara to the eyelashes.

4. Powder balls

It is produced in the form of dense compact elements of a spherical shape of different colors. Sold in specialized cosmetic departments for decorative makeup. Depending on the colors Roll on powder can mattify skin from the lightest tones to dark color. The second name of powder in balls is “powder-blush”.

The main advantage of powder in balls is the variation of colors in one package. For example: in one box there are white, lilac, light green balls. When applied to the skin, the face acquires a natural light shade. The combination of colors of bronze, gold, copper gives the skin a tan effect. White mother-of-pearl balls in combination with blue and soft pink color give the skin a “porcelain” shade. By removing elements of the same color from the box, you can get a different shade of powder.

Application technique:

  • Apply a moisturizing serum to a clean face.
  • Apply foundation foundation.
  • Using a corrector, mask visual skin imperfections (dark circles under the eyes, redness, freckles).
  • Apply foundation makeup.
  • Choose powder in balls depending on the time of day: during the day it is not recommended to use balls with great content sequins and reflective fluids; for evening make-up, you can use balls with a shimmer effect.
  • Pick up a small amount of powder on a wide brush, passing it over the balls.
  • Spread the powder on the face, neck and décolleté.
  • Blend the borders with a clean fluffy brush.

5. Powder with shimmering effect

It is recommended to use . With artificial lighting, it gives the skin the effect of an inner glow. Proper application of shimmering powder guarantees an even tone, the effect of "rejuvenation", hides mimic wrinkles on aging skin.

Do not confuse the purpose of shimmering powder with the effect of classic types of cosmetics intended for skin toning. Reflective vibes sculpt appearance rather than hide visual imperfections. For example: when applying the product on the lips, the effect of swelling is created; if you distribute the fluids on the surface of the cheekbones, the face will appear more voluminous.

Shimmer powder is not recommended. The composition of the cosmetic product contains small particles of mica that reflect daylight, giving the face an unnatural shade. Do not use powder with a shimmering effect on the entire surface of the face. It is recommended to allocate separate zones.

The classic version of applying shimmering powder:

  • Center of forehead
  • bridge of the nose
  • Chin
  • Upper cheekbones
  • inner corner of the eye

6. Translucent powder

There are two types of cosmetic product: compact powder and with a classic loose texture. The powder is suitable for all skin types and tones, evens out the natural tone of the face, can be used as.

The transparent texture contains particles of mica and quartz. The mineral base of the powder has a beneficial effect on the upper layer of the epidermis, does not clog pores. Moisturizing ingredients, extracts from medicinal plants have been added to some types of powder.

It is not recommended to use a transparent base to mask significant skin defects: acne, pimples, facial wrinkles. Powder removes excess sebaceous secretions from the epidermis, mattifies the skin, fixes makeup.

For applying large-diameter cosmetics from natural fibers. When powder is applied with a sponge or applicator, white spots may appear on the skin.

How to choose powder: basic rules

  1. It is not recommended to buy powder without testing it. In professional cosmetics departments, sellers suggest using "testers". To determine the desired shade, you need to apply a tester to the chin area and evaluate the result in daylight. To do this, you can go outside and look at your reflection in the mirror.
  2. You can not test a cosmetic product on the skin of the hands. When exposed to ultraviolet rays, melanin is intensively produced in the skin, the shade of the hands changes faster than on the face.
  3. Before buying, you need to carefully read the composition of the cosmetic product. Powder for problematic skin should be mineral based.
  4. Powder should not contain carcinogens, harmful dyes.
  5. The cosmetic product is recommended to be selected according to the type of skin. For skin with excess sebaceous secretions, matting powder is suitable; for skin with a lack of moisture - powder with moisturizing ingredients; for a normal type of face, all types of cosmetic products are suitable.
  6. It is recommended to purchase two types of powder: compact and loose.
  7. For daytime makeup, you need to purchase powder half a tone lighter than your natural skin tone.
  8. It is not recommended to buy powder with fluids for daytime makeup.

Perfect, radiant skin does not need additional special effects. But not everything is so simple here either. Still think that perfection is bestowed by nature? But no! It's all about well-chosen cosmetics. Let's start with the basics of high-quality makeup - a beautiful face tone, for which tonal means are responsible. Choosing the right tone is half the way to creating a flawless make-up. However, it is at this stage that many women make catastrophic mistakes, not knowing how to choose the right powder and foundation.

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Today's beauty review from Red Lipstick will be devoted to this very issue. Let's talk about how to choose the color of face powder and how to combine it with a shade of natural skin and foundation.

Rules of "good tone": how to choose face powder

Before proceeding to consider the question of how to choose face powder by color, you should dwell on the 3 main rules for choosing a tone.

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So, how to choose powder and foundation:

  • The most important rule is that tonal products should be selected based on skin type. So owners of oily skin type should opt for matting options, those who have skin prone to dryness - moisturizing fluid powders and the same foundation, with a combination skin type, it is better to stop at tonal products that even out tone and at the same time matte the skin . Properly selected tonal products - cream and powder - will help create the effect of a naturally even tone. Ignoring this rule, at best, will spoil the whole impression of makeup, and at worst, it will lead to skin problems.
  • In makeup, the base is important! No matter how you mask skin imperfections, no matter how competently you apply the tone, anyway, after a while, all beauty products will gather in the folds of the face and indicate mimic wrinkles. Therefore, make it a rule to always moisturize the skin with a cream before applying the tone, but rather use a makeup base. It will help even out the relief of the skin and thereby hide minor flaws in the form of a slight network of wrinkles, and also allow decorative products to lie on the face evenly.
  • Well, directly main aspect our today's study - choose the tone wisely. The wrong shade of foundation can create the effect of a mask on the face, spoil its contour and, worst of all, add extra years.

So, with the base and specialization of tonal products by skin type, everything is clear. And how to choose the color of powder for the face. We will talk about this in more detail below.

How to choose powder for your complexion

The choice of shade of face powder is important, as well as the choice of foundation color. The main purpose of the powder is to mattify the skin and fix the makeup, but the pigment of the powder, although not as intense as that of the foundation, leaves its noticeable imprint on the makeup. Let's consider separately each case, how to choose the tone of the powder: with and without foundation.

How to choose a face powder according to the tone of the foundation

Today, powder is allowed to be used as an independent product, if the complexion is perfect, and the skin does not need to be corrected for imperfections. But if you cannot boast of the uniformity of the natural tone of the face, or if your skin needs to hide a number of annoying troubles from prying eyes - pimples, redness, signs of fatigue under the eyes - then you can’t do without foundation.

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How to choose powder for foundation? Everything is simple here - the powder should completely repeat the shade of the cream. Ideally, you should use foundation and powder from the same manufacturer and the same series, then there will be no discrepancies in tone. If the powder and foundation are not “relatives”, then try to choose the powder that matches the shade of the foundation as much as possible or, in extreme cases, a tone lighter.

If you can’t find a powder that perfectly repeats faces or foundation, choose shades of powder that will be one tone lighter. When applied to the skin or foundation, the powder always gives a darker shade, and if it is a compact version, then the shading features of the powder will be twice as noticeable.

When choosing powder for foundation of a non-related brand, it is not at all necessary to focus on the cream itself; your natural skin tone will be suitable as a “reference”. And all because the foundation should be chosen to perfectly repeat the complexion. Forget about compromises. Choose a foundation that is one tone darker or lighter colors face is an outdated rule. Only a color that exactly matches the complexion. It is this approach that will avoid the appearance of unpainted borders in the neck and ears.

How to choose the right tone of powder without using foundation

If you can afford light coverage in the form of a weightless powder veil, then here you should be guided by slightly different selection rules.

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Depending on the purpose of using the powder, there will be different approaches to its selection. So if you are going to give a general tone to your face with the help of powder, then you should choose a powder that matches your complexion, or is slightly lighter than your skin. How to choose a shade of powder so that it matches your skin tone as much as possible? Apply test material to the bridge of your nose. It is here that skin color is least exposed to the sun and chiaroscuro does not play so actively on it. If the applied powder does not stand out on the skin or highlights it a little, then this is your option.

If the tone of the face is perfect, and the powder is needed only for matting, then you can use the universal option - colorless powder. Do not be afraid to apply it on the face, it is completely transparent and will not distort the skin tone.

But with foundation, such a powder should be used with caution - and applied only to areas that are more prone to sweating. There is a risk that colorless powder applied over foundation will give the face a gray tint.

How to choose a powder tone if you want to emphasize the contour of the face? For these purposes, a trial version should be tested on the cheekbones or chin. Again, if the color of the product is completely adjusted to the color of the skin, then this is your option.

The shade of powder is much more difficult to choose than the color of foundation. Powder, unlike foundation, which has a dense pigment, lays down with a transparent veil. Therefore, the color of the powder should always be chosen by applying to the face. Moreover, artificial lighting can distort the color. If there is no natural light in the store, do not immediately try to buy the shade you like, but see how the trial version behaves under natural light.

How to choose the tone of powder for the face to emphasize the relief

To create makeup in such a popular “strobing” or “contouring” technique, you will need three shades of powder at once:

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  • Ideally matched with skin tone or foundation - to create an overall tone.
  • One tone darker to emphasize the contour of the face and its relief.
  • One tone lighter than the main tone to highlight the protruding parts of the face.

If you are still lost in the choice of shades of powder or do not know how to choose the tone of powder for the face among a large variety of palettes, then approach the choice based on your color type.

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  • So young ladies with a cold undertone of the face should choose light shades with a silvery cold shimmer.
  • Dark-skinned and tanned beauties with olive undertones should opt for warm peach shades with golden shimmer.
  • The best option for all skin types is pink-beige colors.

Naturally, in this range, you should choose an option that, in terms of its color intensity, ideally adapts to your natural skin tone.

Another point to pay attention to when choosing a shade of powder is the season in which you are going to use the product. How to choose powder by color, focusing on seasonality?

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  • AT winter time cold light shades of powder are preferable.
  • On the warm time it is better to choose light bronzing options, based on the fact that your skin will get a tan.

Again, all these nuances should be observed, focusing on the natural color of the skin.

The age of the woman also influences the choice of powder.

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  • Young ladies are allowed completely matte textures.
  • For adult women, it is better to look at powders that give the face a slight shimmer. Luminous particles will refresh the face, giving it softness and distracting from wrinkles. But it is important to choose a delicate shimmer, an overly shiny powder will look ridiculous.

The question of how to choose the right powder for the complexion requires taking into account the mass of nuances and details. But the main rule is maximum naturalness when applying tone, i.e. no one should guess that you have powder on your face. This effect is achieved only when the shade of the powder matches the natural tone of the face and, of course, to its needs. In conclusion, we will only add on our own that, ideally, every woman should have three options for powder - the main skin tone, one tone darker and one tone lighter. The presence of two additional options will insure if, under the influence of natural factors, the skin tone changes slightly.

We have already talked about how to care for oily skin, and now we advise you to choose a powder with a matte effect - it is she who will help to cope with shine.

Translucent powder in balm Touche Éclat Blur Perfector by YSL

For oily skin, just such a liquid texture is ideal - very light, barely noticeable. This powder has a soft pinkish hue that will refresh the complexion, and also consists of particles of pink pearls. The composition of the product contains both liquid and solid oils, thanks to which the powder is easy to apply and does not “weight down” skin prone to oiliness.

Catrice Prime and Fine Mattifying Powder

Light, crumbly, mattifying - these are the three words to describe this comfortable powder especially for oily skin. Apply with a large brush during the day when the shine appears and you will not know any problems!

L'Oréal Alliance Perfect Powder

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This powder from L’Oréal will cope with oily skin: it perfectly mattifies, and it also has the ability to adapt to your skin tone. But most importantly, with a sufficiently dense coverage, this matting powder does not give the effect of a mask and looks natural.

For combination skin

The most common skin type is combination. If your nose, forehead and chin tend to be oily, and your cheeks are rather dry, then you need an all-purpose powder. So, which powder to choose for combination skin?

Guerlain Parure Gold Powder

Beautiful powder with a light golden pigment - we really liked it! Hides imperfections, lays down like a light veil and slightly shines - but without the bronzer effect, but very naturally! Moreover, the product has an anti-aging effect. The technology for creating this powder is based on the key ingredient hexapeptide - a synthetic peptide containing arginine, glutamic acid, glutamine and methionine. It stimulates peptides responsible for skin elasticity and tone. Just wow!

YSL Poudre Compacte Radiance Powder

A very convenient classic powder: it is compact, firm, has a slight matting effect, but at the same time does not dry out the skin. In addition, the product contains reflective particles, which means that a barely noticeable natural element of radiance is provided to you.

Chanel universal powder will appeal to owners of combination skin: it mattifies and masks oily areas, and does not overdry dry areas. The texture itself is just perfect - velvety, lays down in a thin layer. In a word, there is nothing to complain about!

The powder, specially designed for combination skin, will be the perfect base for your beauty wardrobe: it absorbs excess sebum in problem areas, naturally mattifies and evens out the complexion. What else can you expect from powder?

For dry skin

It is believed that owners of dry skin should not use powder at all, so as not to overdry even more. But it's not! The main thing is to choose the right face powder.

Make Up For Ever HD Powder Mineral Powder

Mineral powder is barely noticeable on the skin: it is transparent and very light, just a little matte and makes the complexion perfect. But the most important thing for us is that this powder does not dry! In addition, the product does not accentuate wrinkles or overload makeup. In short, the perfect tool.

Lancôme Miracle Cushion Fluid Powder

Another super remedy for dry skin. It's a cross between a powder and a foundation. Outwardly, the packaging looks like an ordinary compact powder, and even the porous texture of the fluid seems hard, but when you start applying it to the skin, it melts before your eyes and moisturizes. At the same time, all the advantages and functions of ordinary powder are provided to you: it evens out the tone, mattifies, hides imperfections.

Compact Powder Studio Careblend by M.A.C

In principle, this powder is designed for any skin type, but it has one advantage - thanks to its silky texture and translucent shade, this product is ideal for dry skin. The powder contains shea butter and olive oil, which means it also nourishes, saving the face in the winter cold.

For normal skin

For normal skin, a compact loose powder is suitable, not too thick, but not too weightless. You definitely have plenty to choose from!

It's just velvet! Incredible powder for normal skin has a pleasant fragrance and a crumbly texture - matte, without shine. Such a product will appeal to lovers of the classics - nothing more if you just want to "powder your nose."

To create a festive radiant look, you will need compact powder from the Dior Christmas collection. It contains shimmery golden particles that will help you to achieve fashion strobing without overdoing it with glitter.

Basic make-up products should even out the tone, hide skin imperfections, give a healthy glow and at the same time look natural. Shiseido Translucent Compact Powder meets all these requirements - if you are a fan of light textures, and at the same time the owner of normal skin, then this product was invented just for you!

Maybelline Affinitone 24 Hour Powder

The composition of this powder contains a special water-repellent talc, which allows the product to fit perfectly on the skin and stay strong in any weather, be it heat or frost. The texture of this powder is like velor - it seems to be crumbly, but at the same time it resembles a cream. We liked!

One of the beauty products that should be in every woman's purse is powder. It can be assigned several important functions. One of the main ones is the elimination of oily sheen on the face.

During the day, it can appear literally on any skin, except for excessively dry ones, without adding pleasantness to the face. A magical cosmetic powder will help the skin become matte and velvety.

In this article:

Do not take away from this tool and masking properties - for "camouflage" of enlarged pores, small age spots and wrinkles. In addition, it is always on guard for the right makeup: to ensure durability, the powder is used both as a base for make up and as a fixative, and also - to soften too bright tones of blush. With the help of powder, you can emphasize the advantages of appearance and visually reduce imperfections.

So, we know what this cosmetic product “can do”, and now we need to figure out how to choose the right face powder. After all, it is very important to find exactly “your” shade and tone so that the makeup looks as natural as possible.

We select powder

The task before the buyer is not an easy one: after all, there are quite a lot of types of this cosmetic product, both in texture and in tone, and each has its own pros and cons. It is worth knowing at least the basic characteristics of each.

This type of powder as antiseptic contains antibacterial additives, due to which it has a healing effect.

Naturally, this type is not suitable for daily use, but only when a rash or irritation appears.

  • Green powder will help to mask acne. It is applied only to problem areas, and on top - the usual one.
  • The composition of terracotta includes healing mud. This tool is recommended for tanned and dark-skinned girls. It can also be used for facial contouring, instead of blush.

Classify by tone

To figure out how to choose the right tone for face powder, you need to get acquainted with the appropriate classification of this cosmetic product precisely by tone.

  • To create a bright evening or festive make-up, it is appropriate to use shimmering (pearl) powder. Due to the light-reflecting grains in its composition, it gives the skin a mysterious glow and freshness.

  • If nature has rewarded you with the perfect tone of the dermis, if it does not have defects such as acne or, then you can afford colorless powder.

  • The matting look is recommended for combined and. Already its name suggests that it is able to mask the shine from fat on the skin and make it matte. Such a remedy very convenient to use in the summer heat, when the face becomes shiny from sweat.

  • By appearance similar to compact terracotta powder bronzer. It kind of “depicts” an artificial tan, so it’s more logical to use it in the summer to enhance the effect. Not recommended for pale skin. It must be applied in a very thin layer.

  • Transparent powder, as a rule, is combined with another look. and most often - creating professional makeup. Its undoubted plus is giving the face smoothness and freshness. Not recommended for dark-skinned people.

What color suits you?

In order for the skin to have a natural shade under a layer of fragrant cosmetic powder, you need to know how to choose the right powder color for your face. According to the recommendations, it is applied over foundation, so the ideal option is for both of these products to match in tone, and even better, be from the same manufacturer.

If the powder is applied without a foundation, then you need to choose a tone that is closest in color to the skin.

When choosing a product, you should take into account some points, in particular the color type of the dermis. It is neutral, cold and warm. How to determine your color type? This is not difficult. It is necessary to examine the thin veins on the wrist in natural daylight - they are clearly visible through the delicate skin. If they have a slightly greenish tint, then we can talk about a warm color type; if blue - about the cold.

  • A face of a warm color type will look more advantageous when using bronze and terracotta, golden and copper, yellow and peach shades.
  • The cold type involves the choice of grayish and white, silvery and bluish tones.
  • Neutral shade will suit any tone, but lilac, mauve and cranberry are most preferred.

How to choose powder for complexion? The easiest way is to apply a little cosmetic powder or creamy substance to a small area on your face and compare it with the color of your own skin.

It must also be remembered that if this cosmetic product is chosen correctly, then it should be combined not only with the color of the skin on the hands and neck, but also with the color of the hair and clothes.

A few more points should be taken into account.

To know how to choose the right face powder, it does not hurt to listen to the advice of makeup artists.

  • You can independently test this cosmetic product based on the purpose of use. If you want to achieve an even complexion for the owner of oily skin, then a trial application of the powder is made on the forehead area. If cosmetic powder is used to correct the oval, then it is tested on the chin line.
  • When applying bright festive makeup, shimmering powder is often used. It is recommended not to apply it on the entire face, but only on those areas that I would like to emphasize.
  • To correct makeup during the day, powder on a tonal basis is very suitable.
  • Makeup powder for an evening out should be tone lighter, to achieve a guaranteed effect of freshness. When creating daytime makeup, you can use any tones, the main thing is that they are correctly combined with the natural color of the epidermis.
  • It should be borne in mind that compact powder can make the natural skin tone of the face darker.
  • Could not find cosmetics that match in tone? Do not be upset: you can take a darker one - it will still come in handy to use when you need to correct the shape of the face.

What mistakes should be avoided

You should not choose a cosmetic product in a hurry - this is not a purchase for one day. What errors can occur in this case?

  • When choosing a powder, the type or color of the skin was not taken into account.
  • The product is not combined with a shade of foundation.
  • Often no attention is paid to the quality of the goods. When choosing a crumbly look, you need to carefully study the structure of the powder: it should consist of the smallest particles - the smaller, the better. Such a tool will be applied more evenly and, without clogging the pores, will allow the skin to breathe.
  • In the ball version, all its components must have the same size, their structure must be uniform, without large inclusions.
  • When choosing a shimmering powder, the main indicator of quality is the uniformity of the location of the shimmering "sparks", without their accumulation in one place.
  • There should be no air bubbles in the cream version, and the texture is uniform and pleasant to the touch.
  • And very rarely the buyer is interested in the composition. If lanolin or starch are found in the list of components, you should not trust such a product.— its manufacturer uses outdated technology. Natural talc, moisturizing ingredients, vitamins, extracts essential oils This is what a quality product should contain.
  • It is necessary to check the integrity of the protective layer, the quality of the packaging, as well as the mirror-brush-puff-puff.

A fragrant cosmetic powder or cream can not only complete make-up, make the skin of the face velvety and fresh in appearance, but also hide some defects, correct the “relief” of the face, and in some cases even have a therapeutic effect. The main thing is to correctly, competently select these funds by type and purpose.

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