Young millionaires told how they made a fortune.

Helpful Hints 11.07.2019
Helpful Hints

My heroine is an amazing girl. It doesn’t cost her anything to cook Ukrainian borscht for her beloved husband, get a tattoo for herself, perform on the TV show “Let them talk” or fly to the Seychelles. She does not know how to be lazy and believes that as long as you yourself are living energy, you will succeed. At 25, she successful businessman. Meet Olga Krusanova-Nazarova, President of the corporation " Telematics Leader».


“I never thought that I would be doing business,” my heroine admits. - I was brought up in a creative family: my father is a composer, my mother is a music worker at art school No. 1, my sister studied to be a choreographer. Therefore, since childhood, she dreamed of becoming an actress, received a musical education. At one time I went to the "Star Factory". Together with the group she recorded a disc, released a collection of poems. I still play the piano and compose music. I never saw business as the future. I tried a lot: danced in nightclubs, worked as a choreographer, sold sweets, and PVC windows, and real estate, and legal programs. Probably, the active character also attracted comrades who invited me to join their cause.

The guys were engaged in the introduction of GPS-navigators in agriculture. At that time, talking about the relevance of this product was at least ridiculous. Electronic technologies were just beginning to develop then, and many did not understand what exactly we were promoting. I started working as a sales manager and a lawyer. I drew up contracts, sent accounting invoices, went to banks with payment orders, and built up a client base. In a terrible office, far from the center, with a computer brought from home - that's how we started. When my first transaction took place and I received 27 thousand rubles in my hands, I was shocked: for our family, even 10 thousand seemed like decent money. I lost everything on the same day: I bought home goodies, gifts for my mother and myself - expensive jeans and shoes that I had been looking at for a long time.


– The first thought about leaving the company appeared in the maternity hospital, where the partners brought not flowers on the occasion of the birth of their son, but a laptop, asking them to work, – continues my heroine. - Yes, while on maternity leave, she made successful transactions, but then on own example I saw that my partners have no respect for people. And when I earned good money and they paid me only half, saying that I was getting too much anyway, I delivered an ultimatum. Like, either enter the founders and divide the business - I have the right to ask, because I have been in it for five years and have results - or become a competitor. They chose the second option.

Starting a business from scratch was difficult. Well, the father-in-law turned out to have free real estate in the center. She went to work alone as a breastfeeding mother. In order to create the appearance of a state, she communicated with clients under two surnames - her maiden name and her husband's. Former customers have also begun to catch up: they are usually attracted not so much by the companies themselves, but by people who have proven themselves to be responsible partners in them.

Own business Olga is not yet three years old, but the trips by minibuses to the office on the outskirts of the city and dependence on employers are over. For a chic car that stands like a whole apartment, many reproach it. But the girl does not care what others think of her, she is used to relying only on herself. And the argument in favor of the correctness of her decisions is weighty: the business is flourishing, while former partners, and now competitors, are on the verge of ruin.


The main secret of Olga Krusanova-Nazarova's success is not even in faith, but in firm self-confidence.

“They say only fools are not afraid of anything,” she smiles. - And I break the word "fool" into parts for myself: "du" - "two", "ra" - "sun". It turns out "twice sunny man". Therefore, you still need to try to become a fool!

Sometimes the actions of my heroine are regarded as illogical, but she does not accept patterns and always does it her own way. So, when she had to re-create a business, she needed people who would work for the idea, because there is no profit at the start. You will never guess what Olga did! She invited three sectarians to work: such people easily talk to passers-by on the street, know how to communicate, and money is not the main thing for them. For about a year, this strange contingent labored under the direction of an enterprising girl, hoping to convert her into the bosom of their church. By then, the business was finally making money. Olga paid good money to her religious staff, although at first they refused to take it. Then my heroine completely changed the state with which she works

The bigwigs of business and the approach to relations in the team and the system of labor evaluation are ambiguously assessed.

– I am familiar with the life of each employee, I study them psychological features I know what each of them wants, what they aspire to, - says my interlocutor. “They have different salaries, different percentages, different incentives. It cannot be the same for everyone. it main mistake my former bosses.

On the eve of the New Year, she announced: whoever fulfills the plan receives an iPhone as a gift. And now I have a ticket to the Maldives for two. At the same time, each has its own evaluation system.

In addition, Olga is ready to hire people with disabilities - such an employment project started last fall.

“There was hope that he would immediately begin to act,” my heroine admits. - So far it has not worked out: for some reason, disabled people are pessimistic, suspicious of our proposal for cooperation. And their parents are also skeptical. I think they are making a mistake by depriving their own children of the opportunity to make their lives better and more interesting. I do not want to abandon the project - there are young wheelchair users who could believe in own forces and to realize their abilities in working with a computer.


Olya does not stand still. To gain new knowledge, in 2011 the girl visited the Seliger camp.

- There, by the way, I met Bari Alibasov Jr. He helped me set up a sales department, which cost me a lot of money, but it was a good investment. Now Bari is my friend, we have a lot joint projects, the girl continues. - After Seliger on my email mailing began to arrive. One day, among the messages was an invitation to take part in a competition - the GSEA International Student Award. Thought it was spam, tried to delete it, but to no avail. I had to fill out a questionnaire about my business. 300 entrepreneurs fought for the title of the best. Two days before the semi-finals, the organizers of the contest called and said that she had entered the top seven. As a result, she took third place. And although only the winner was paid for participation in the international final in New York, I flew overseas at my own expense. She combined the pleasant with the useful. I visited CNN, gave interviews, and practiced English at the same time.


By the way, another broadcast, but already on Channel One, opened up new horizons for my heroine.

- I am grateful to my sister for insisting on going to the shooting of the TV program “Let them talk,” Olga continues. - Everyone dissuaded, they say, there will be a catch, for example, the participation of the guys with whom I started working. Of course, this is a show, and some of the creators of the program did not understand the very subject of the conversation. So, when they heard that my company's annual turnover is 34 million, many people thought that this was my monthly salary. After the release of the program, 20-40 letters came to the post office every day, most of them frivolous. But there were also good proposals, by the way, not only in the business sector. One of them is an invitation to act in films. I'll tell you a little secret: I will play myself - a person who is engaged in business. I believe that any entrepreneur - successful, beginner, with or without results - should have an alternate airfield, just in case. If there is a business, this does not mean that you have achieved everything, that you are a king and a god. New ideas are needed that you are ready to develop. In addition to the childhood dream of acting in films, I also have such ideas. It doesn't matter how much I can earn on them. When there is sincere passion, the universe will not deprive you - as much as you ask, so much it will give.

Olga knows what she is talking about. Even as a child, she built her own plan for five years and made sure that most of the points were completed. AT different time various and sometimes improbable dreams appeared on the list: for example, a vacation with a sister on Seychelles, an office in the Europort business center and the birth of Platon's son. The last five-year plan has been fully completed. The following plans have already been drawn up and entered in the recently acquired "Book of Desires".

“If a dream is framed, then it will definitely come true,” my heroine believes. - The main thing is to be sure that you will succeed!

The heroine o...


We need to stop thinking in terms of businessmen of the 90s. An entrepreneur must be able to self-organize. If you allow yourself to mess around, you are a failure, and no time management will help here. The biggest mistakes are laziness and the inability to convince yourself to do something. If I were a hack, I wouldn’t go to work in the morning: the process is so streamlined that I can afford to show up for dinner. Although, if my husband suddenly appoints me a romantic meeting and offers to turn off the phones, I will. One day will not solve anything, even two, sometimes even a week. I can borrow time from myself. But I know that tomorrow I will work with a vengeance. You have to be responsible for what you do.

After work, I try to turn off the means of communication in order to spend more time with my family. There is a telephone, very old, which works for reception: I do not answer calls, but I receive messages.


In business, it is essential! When meeting with competitors, an entrepreneur must be able to defend his business. But in relations with employees, self-sacrifice is necessary, imperceptible to them. At the same time, everything should be even better for them than for you.


How do you have enough power for everything? Sports, sound sleep and proper nutrition. I take care of my physical form- sometimes instead of lunch I work out in a fitness club. I love movement and do not stand still.

Advice from Olga to aspiring entrepreneurs

- At the beginning of the start, never think about money. If you want to open a business just for profit, it is unlikely that something serious will come of this idea. You definitely need to love something - the process of doing business, the excitement of bypassing competitors or future status. For example, I started selling navigators not out of a special love for them. I just knew that I would be a pioneer in this field. My motivation then was ambition!

- You should always have a specific dream. Even if it is a Labrador. It is worth writing down in detail, down to the smallest detail, what ears, tongue, pimpka nose, eye color should be. And understand why you need it.

It is interesting

The deputy is ranked 12th in the rating, and the acting one is 74th. Forbes magazine published a rating of the richest Russian civil servants and deputies.
07/09/2019 Most TV

Converting grandmother's apartment into a hostel, drinking moonshine with tractor drivers, advertising navigators, unraveling the formula for washing cars without water. These young people were determined to earn their first million before thirty. As decided, so they did.


Artem Denisov (23 years old), Vladimir Mlynchik (23 years old)

Quadro Electric is a group of diversified companies providing services in the field of electric power industry in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region (diagnostics of high-voltage electrical equipment, energy audit, all types of construction and installation works).

Annual turnover - 60 million rubles.

At the beginning of 2009, four students of the electromechanical faculty of St. Petersburg Polytechnic University decided to start their own business. Young electricians were aimed only at working in their specialty, and by September, having borrowed 1 million rubles from the father of a former classmate. (at 12% per annum), registered a company under the proud name of Quadro Electric, and a few months after that they received accreditation from Rostekhnadzor for an electrical laboratory and registered, as is now the case instead of licensing, with a construction SRO.

Before the team of Quadro Electric engineers starts work, its owners Artem Denisov (left) and Vladimir Mlynchik study each object themselves

Photo: Alexander Petrosyan, Kommersant

Half of all the money was spent on equipment (a set of instruments for measuring electricity cost 0.5 million rubles), the rest was spent on the necessary training and renting a small office. “It was just a matter of finding clients,” smiles Artem Denisov. “Everyone waved their hands at us and said that energy is a conservative sphere, nothing will work without connections. But we made a very good website, for only 30 thousand rubles, and our first client came from there." Of course, the young men bluffed as best they could. “We went to meetings with customers together,” Artem and Vladimir say. - an engineer. But there was no need to pretend for a long time: things were slowly going uphill, instead of four electricians, a dozen people already worked in the company, they bought overalls for them, sewed on a company logo. “It was important for us to change the stereotype: an electrician is not a dirty swearing person, but a qualified specialist who does very difficult work with pleasure,” says Denisov. Such a commitment to the profession helped to find a way to the hearts and budgets of clients, but at the native faculty it was not appreciated, and two chief electricians flew out of their last year of master's degree. Nevertheless, today Quadro Electric serves such objects in St. Petersburg and its environs as OBI hypermarkets, several shopping centers, cooperates with LUKOIL, with electric grid companies (FGC UES, IDGC Holding), the Ministry of Defense and Pulkovo Airport. “We were even noticed in the government,” Artem boasts in a completely childish way. “Now they are considering some of our energy saving initiatives. And we are always working on something new. - special programs that optimize the work in time by several times. And now we are trying to introduce non-destructive methods for diagnosing cable lines. "

Maxim Batrakov (28 years old), Oleg Gladkov (28 years old)

"Urban cowboys" Oleg Gladkov (left) and Maxim Batrakov like to stay on the farms of their suppliers, at the same time checking the quality of products

"Stroylimited"construction company(renovation, design and decoration of premises), "Urban Cowboys"— a project for the delivery of natural and fresh products from small farms to your home.

Annual turnover - 30 million rubles.

Friends and classmates began to implement their business ideas in the first years of study at Penza state university. At first it was a simple organization of moving individuals and offices, then the creation of certificates, the holders of which received bright emotions from adventures, travels and extreme sports as a gift. Soon both moved to Moscow and became hired managers, but they did not abandon the idea of ​​their own, already larger-scale business. So in 2008, the Stroylimited company appeared, which quickly gained a client base and put construction and finishing work on stream. Now Maxim and Oleg are no longer interested in talking about a well-established construction business with a constantly growing staff and a number of orders. Their eyes light up when they begin to describe the farms of 18 of their suppliers, from where, since June, the freshest dairy products, meat, homemade delicacies and convenience foods have been delivered to Moscow residents - in total, about 200 types of products. "What's more, in a year we will reach 3,000 titles," Oleg Gladkov says dreamily and at the same time confidently. There is no doubt: in a few months, the guys made friends with five hundred customers, about 80% of whom place orders constantly. “In each parcel we put a note for our client, as well as some small gift - rustic cheesecakes or a new product for testing,” says Maxim Batrakov. The young entrepreneurs themselves are sure that the success of the whole business is not in them, but in the farmers, who were carefully selected over many months. Meticulous businessmen spent several days on the applicants' lands, went into the intricacies of gardening and the technology of breeding pigs, cows and poultry, were interested in sanitation, spying on the housewives while cooking. “But now we are sure that even the safest at first glance chemical does not get into the products we supply,” Oleg explains. “In addition, each of our customers can come to visit their favorite farmer.” In addition to farmers, the suppliers include small enterprises from the most remote regions: in the online store you can find both meat pigeons and king crab. And by the beginning of next year, they promise to supplement the project with the opportunity to order special boxes with a balanced set of products for the day - for those who adhere to healthy lifestyle life, as well as for pregnant and lactating women. “We are now working with doctors and nutritionists, we are about to finish,” Maxim shares his plans.

Olga Kursanova-Nazarova (25 years old)

"Telematics"— a company providing services in the field of agriculture (supply and maintenance of equipment for high-precision farming, agrochemical soil survey and creation of electronic field maps).

Annual turnover - 40 million rubles.

Andrey Volkov (22 years old), Georgy Sorokin (23 years old)

"Smile" is a company organizing children's parties, as well as surprises and pranks for friends and acquaintances.

Monthly turnover - about 1 million rubles.

The market for children's parties has not yet been measured by anyone, but the Moscow Club of Young Entrepreneurs confidently calls the Smile company one of the leaders in this market. Given the fact that the company opened less than a year ago (in February of this year), it is hard to believe in this. However, when Andrei Volkov lands on a chair literally on the fly, ruffles his hair with a broad smile and begins to tell in a loud voice how to captivate a five-year-old child, and how to captivate a ten-year-old, you understand that his shows are probably liked by both children and adults. "We really try to make not just a children's holiday, but a family holiday," he confirms. And it all started with the fact that Andrey, who at that time was a simple manager's assistant in the amusement hall, was asked to replace the animator for an hour. After much persuasion, he agreed and suddenly realized that this was his choice. "This is what you can live for," he says. "And for what: laughter, smiles, children are happy - and you are happy." An attack of sentimentality is extinguished by his partner and at the same time the financial director of the company Georgy Sorokin: “In general, after thinking, we decided that we could do it on our own, and not working for someone. We hardly received a loan for 350 thousand rubles, founded a company and started." More precisely, according to him, they sat for another month, trying to cope with the thought “Wow, now we have our own business!”. But then the realization of the need to repay the loan made them run around the city, offering their shows to various cafes, restaurants and children's clubs. This gave the result: now the show "Freaky Science" (with variations for beginners and advanced chemists, as well as " snow fairy tale"for the little ones) is no less in demand than the Crazy Professor Nicolas Show, the most prominent brand in this segment. According to Sorokin, 15-20 performances are held a week - in cafes and children's clubs, as well as home visits. “Prices vary,” he clarifies. “From 5,000 to 21,000 rubles. It is important for us that the shows are accessible to everyone, but at the same time, we do not limit parents in their desire to make the holiday more ambitious. "With so many orders, not only Andrey himself now works as a host, but also 11 new employees of the company who have been carefully selected and trained "In the future, we will probably open some kind of business training for organizing children's parties," says George. "But first, we want parents to learn how to spend time with children in an interesting way, so we constantly describe different ideas on our website and family forums, and we are also going to release kits for conducting chemical experiments at home."

Oleg Gerasimov (23 years old), Arkady Khokhlov (20 years old)

Having personally laundered more than a dozen cars, today Oleg Gerasimov can afford to observe the development of business from the outside

Fast and Shine is a company that cleans cars without water, using special biodegradable detergents, works both at stationary points, and with departure by order to anywhere in the city.

Annual turnover - 80 million rubles.

In the underground parking in the Afimall shopping center, an Audi driver listens incredulously to the car wash administrator, who assures him that in 20 minutes the car will be clean and without a single scratch. “But you don’t have water,” the client wonders. “Show me on this piece on the trunk how you are going to wash.” The run-up washer brings the designated area to a shine in half a minute. The man shrugs and goes shopping. According to Oleg Gerasimov, two years ago, when everything was just beginning, everyone had to be convinced and much longer. “If they saw that the client was promising, they washed it for free,” he recalls. “It’s easier now, the brand is already recognized.” Today, Fast and Shine car washes operate in many large shopping and business centers. Among the clients are large companies with their own fleets, which appreciated that Fast and Shine specialists come directly to their parking lot.

The franchise network, which already covers 80 regions, also contributes to the promotion. The idea, peeped in New York during a popular Work and Travel program among students, quickly took root. And no wonder, because motorists are happy to save time and not go to a regular car wash, despite the fact that, for example, in Moscow, the average check is 800 rubles, that is, 2-2.5 times more than at a regular car wash.

Shareholders do not hide the fact that the business is very profitable. Detergents are very cheap, per car - about 12-14 rubles. “At first, the detergent cost 150 rubles from the car, because we imported liquid from Europe,” Oleg explains. ". With the recipe received, in early 2011, the company placed an order for one of chemical plants and began to produce detergent independently, under its own brand. This step was decisive in building relationships with franchisees. Managing 34 of their own facilities, the partners began to give permission to use the Fast and Shine brand for only 189 thousand rubles - and as a bonus, a set of detergents for processing 1.5 thousand cars was attached to the permission. Things went especially well in the regions, because, unlike Moscow franchisees, regional franchisees do not have to pay business owners a percentage of sales. Well, for Moscow representatives, this percentage is more than paid off by the cost of each wash. Now Oleg Gerasimov and Arkady Khokhlov are finishing their studies at the Faculty of Physics of Moscow State University and are preparing to defend their diplomas. Now there is more time for study: the first million dollars has already been earned, the network is developing almost on its own.

Daniil Mishin (20 years old)

Having converted his grandmother's apartment into a hostel at the age of eleven, at twenty Daniil Mishin still finds this business fascinating

Photo: Vasily Shaposhnikov, Kommersant

Bear Hostels— a network of hostels in Moscow, Penza and Ukraine.

The annual turnover is about 70 million rubles.

At the end of November, Daniil Mishin returned from New York, from the ceremony of awarding the finalists of the GSEA International Student Entrepreneurship Award. In New York, Mishin was awarded the fourth place, in the Russian stage of the competition (supported by the Moscow Department of Science, Industrial Policy and Entrepreneurship), he, accordingly, won. Daniil has a suitable history for such competitions. While traveling with his parents in Europe, 11-year-old Daniil had a chance to spend the night in a hostel, and this overnight made a great impression on him. Upon returning to his native Sevastopol, the fifth grader decided that it was time to start his own business. Entrepreneurial streak in a miracle child showed up even earlier: in the first grade, he sold sweets to classmates and gave money at interest. But now Daniel had something more serious in mind. Of the assets, there were grandmother's apartment (grandmother died a little earlier) and $ 200 - my mother gave. With this money, bed linen and ten bottles of beer were purchased. For beer, the sailors built bunk beds along the walls of the grandmother's room, the boy covered them with linen and began to rent them out by the day. “My parents worked, I was left to my own devices, so I worked for myself, slowly getting used to it,” says the current millionaire. Mishin has four hostels in Sevastopol, but after school he moved to Moscow to enter the Academy of Social and labor relations. At that time, an older brother was already working in Moscow, a top manager of one of the major banks. However, Mishin claims that his brother did not take any part in his affairs. “And anyway, why tie his position and my business, I never took loans,” the young man assures.

Without a single loan, Mishin created a network consisting of three Moscow hostels (at Arbatskaya, Smolenskaya and Mayakovskaya), four hostels in Ukraine (the same ones opened after the trip) and one in Perm. The most profitable, of course, are Moscow: they provide more than 40 million rubles. turnover. “When I first started, there were seven or eight hostels in the entire capital,” says Mishin. “It was an absolutely empty niche.” He talks a lot and with pleasure about the social component of his business. By creating inexpensive housing for visitors, he not only "cuts the loot", but also solves a socially significant problem, invests in the development of cities as tourist centers. He also hopes that he can serve as an example for someone. “It would be great if some 17-year-old guy from Novosibirsk, looking at me, wanted to become a businessman,” Mishin notes. “Well, or at least thought that becoming a businessman is normal, just like an astronaut, a fireman or an engineer. You don't need connections and huge initial capital for this. You just need desire." This is probably why the young businessman is extremely active on social networks, constantly updating his Twitter and even started a personal website. On its front page, you can find a modest announcement: "If I motivate you or you are interested in me, then it is on this site that you will find everything that you may find curious."


Hello! Today we will talk about how to make a million. Rubles or dollars, it doesn't matter, it all depends on your fantasies. Of course, each of us at least once in our lives, but thought about it.

How realistic is it to make a million?

Despite popular belief, it is quite possible to earn millions in Russia. It's easiest if you already have some useful resources. For example - well-established and profitable, good connections or a high position. Often such resources include a big name, outstanding talent and reputation.

However, even if you do not have any of the above, earning a million dollars is quite realistic. True, it will require much more time and effort, but as a result, all of them will pay off many times over.

It is worth remembering that the first thing the path to the cherished million begins with is your own desire. If it is strong and you are not afraid of difficulties, our tips and recipes for success are at your service.

Not all people can boast of belonging to the Rockefeller, Rothschild or slightly less rich families. But if you can independently, and not just successfully realize the funds received by inheritance, then you can be proud of such an achievement much more. It is possible that it is you who will be able to join the people who have earned a million in the shortest possible time.

There are many recipes for success. However, experts give a number of tips that are common to all paths:

  1. Do not be afraid. Many people remain in old age with nothing because they are simply afraid of change, afraid to try something new. As a result, it turns into complete static and inertia - in this case, a million will not be earned in any way. Some fear that in their pursuit of the desired amount, they will simply lose their main job. In fact, losing a job is not scary. Much worse than losing the desire to make money;
  2. If you want to earn 1,000,000 from scratch- learn. This applies not only and not so much to large, but absolutely all financial receipts. This will not only free up funds for the next one, but also create good habit. Experts recommend starting with 10%, gradually increasing the percentage. Such a move will also allow you to form a useful safety cushion - even if the skills of earning a million on the Internet in a month will not lead to anything - you will not end up with a broken trough. The volume of such a pillow, according to experts, should be the amount that would allow you to live without working for up to 6 months;
  3. Stick to a strict schedule. Those who want to earn 1 million in a short time cannot afford to lie on the couch and enjoy TV shows or movies. You should carefully plan your day, and then stick to the schedule. Only in this way will it be possible to accustom oneself to fruitful everyday work. In no case should you stretch a half-hour business for the whole day;
  4. Give up impulsive actions and be economical. It is enough to look at the things you bought during the year to understand that some of them are simply not needed, and their purchase did not bring much joy, instead making you poorer;
  5. Engage in improving your own financial education. Despite the fact that in Russia, as nowhere else, the percentage of people with higher or secondary education is high, not so many people can boast of financial literacy - we simply do not teach such subjects. Books in the style of "How to make your first million in a month without investing" should be read only after you learn how to handle finances. Otherwise, all science will not go for the future;
  6. Don't limit yourself to a single source of income. Many are satisfied only to receive wages from the main job, but what happens if the employee is suddenly fired?
  7. Get into creating assets that generate . Take care to create a system of generating funds that provides a stable passive income;
  8. Work on your environment. Often underestimated, but at the same time a very important nuance. It's no secret that working in a team of like-minded people is much easier than working alone. Responsible friends who share your goals can become a support on the way to the cherished goal, as well as even a kind of think tank for generating ideas. If for some reason the environment tries to dissuade you from the idea, it is better to immediately stop communicating with these people. They will slow you down;
  9. Don't waste your time. One of the most valuable human assets is time. Those who know how to manage their time can say with confidence that it was much easier for them to earn a million without investments, and they did it much earlier than the rest;
  10. Even if you don't have money, try to take actions that will allow you to become more independent. It is enough to periodically work on your solvency instead of wasting money in order to feel the result very soon.

Finally, it remains to recall the statement of the famous millionaire Robert Kiyosaki: make money work for you, strive for them to make money themselves.

Several ways to earn millions

Today, there are a number of ways. However, those who study the issue of earning money in Russia most often come to one of the five main methods.


Consulting or counseling is one of the fastest growing fields of activity. It consists in providing paid consulting services in commercial, financial, technological or other fields of activity.

The main task of consulting is to help in achieving a particular goal, as well as help in resolving the issue that has arisen. Most often, consulting services are used in financial areas, which is quite understandable, because almost every one of us dreams of financial well-being.

What kind of financial advice is in demand today? Absolutely any. Someone is interested in how to get rid of debts once and for all, others want to learn how to lead family budget, others want to create passive income. The list of topics on which you can give advice is very, very wide. Often you will be contacted with completely different problems.

To learn how to consulting, it is desirable, although not necessary, to have an appropriate education. However, today you can find a lot of literature that reveals this issue from all sides. Almost anyone can improve financial literacy enough to start sharing this science with others. It is possible that in a couple of years you yourself will begin to tell someone how to make money quickly.

As for the prices for consulting services, they vary quite widely. Depending on professionalism and work experience, you can successfully receive up to 30,000 rubles and even more in one hour. Consultations are held more often in person, but may also be through videoconferences or correspondence.

This way of earning will help you quickly earn the desired million, but it imposes certain obligations on the adviser. The main thing is to be a specialist in the areas with which he will work. Teaching someone without achieving anything yourself is not very ethical.

Another way to earn 1 million is to work with assets. This word refers to any property that can generate income. Today, this term also often refers to resources on the Internet that are capable of generating profits of 30,000 rubles or more.

The World Wide Web is full of possibilities. Today you can find many stories when in just a few years people started from scratch in order to sell their offspring for that same million rubles or even more. As the main option, you can, which will be highly appreciated by advertisers, and then sell it. In order to implement this plan, you will need the skills of site building and resource monetization.

Accordingly, not everyone will be able to implement such a plan - such skills are not so easy to obtain. However, to try and learn the basics, and then develop them to the proper level - the task is much easier. It is enough to try and. It will be followed by the second, third and so on, until you notice that they bring the desired income.

There are many examples of such business today. Among the most popular, one can single out at least Alex Tew, a modest American student who created. It contains a table of a million pixels. Each interested advertiser could get one pixel for his use for $1. It is easy to calculate that as a result, the author of the idea was able to earn a million dollars.

There are examples in our country. A Russian guy made a million on the ChatRoulette dating site. The idea is based on a portal, which is designed to introduce users with the help of webcams. After the user registers on the portal, a random interlocutor from another city or country will get into the chat. Such an idea quickly fell in love with the Runet audience, which made it possible to raise the cost of the site to unprecedented heights. At the same time, the author himself at that time was only 18 years old.

Both examples illustrate the following idea: in order to make a million on the Internet, you do not need to create any fundamentally new solutions, it is enough to correctly select the subject of the resource, create it and fill it, and then monetize it.

Another popular way to make your first million is. This term refers to the trading of information for money. Modern Internet has reached the level where it is possible to sell and buy absolutely everything, including information and knowledge. Given that in this context we are primarily interested in earnings, then the story will focus on the sale.

You can earn in a short time by selling your knowledge to interested people. Of course we are talking only about those areas that are in demand today and can bring real benefits.

An example is the following analogy: zucchini growing book Far North and a course of video lectures on quick enrichment for a substantial amount. It is easy to guess that the second product will cost much more and at the same time remain more in demand. As a result, you should choose proven and people need knowledge and sharing it will ensure stable popularity and, as a result, income.

The main thing here (besides qualification in the chosen topic) is to determine whether your product will end up being in demand. Otherwise, you can simply be left without buyers. Thus, before you start working in this direction, you should study the market situation and demand.

Regarding the prices for the lessons. The spread, again, is very large. For example, audio courses and e-books today can be offered for 500 rubles, but trainings and video courses can already be sold for 5-25 thousand rubles per lesson. The chosen field and the value of your skills in it most strongly affect the price. Those who have already decided the question of how to earn their million in a month in Russia today can boast of amounts of 100-300 thousand rubles a month and even more. There are many examples of such success today. In the case of a well-chosen strategy, you can earn the desired amount in the first month.

make a million online

The World Wide Web is able to give interested people a huge variety of ways to earn money. There are many stories about how this or that person made a fortune without leaving home.

You can in, on, on online games, on creating a site and making money on it. Many people think that the latter method requires special skills, but in reality it is not quite so. You can earn 1 million on the development of portals without knowing the technology of their creation at all - it is enough to perform only the functions of a manager, entrusting all the work to specialists. As a result, the company can achieve a lot in a relatively short time.

Any other business idea

In fact, you can make money on any business idea. The main thing is to choose your direction in business and work hard.

Examples and stories of earning a million

Throughout the article, we have repeatedly talked about many examples of success in one way or another. Now we will specifically tell you where successful people earn millions.

Internet millionaires

  • Caric Cook. At the age of 15, the girl, along with her brother Dave, launched a social network for classmates. In 2005, she was able to make a splash and bring the authors several million dollars. Tellingly, only the idea belongs to teenagers - most of the funds were invested by third-party investors who quickly figured out where to make a million;
  • Michael Furdyk. Together with partners in 1996, he successfully caught the wave by creating a portal dedicated to computers. The content of the site was carried out by the creators themselves, and the materials were taken from all over the Internet. 4 years after the sale of the portal, the developers enriched themselves by several million each;
  • Adam Hilbert. An almost canonical example. He began his journey with the launch social network for teenagers. In essence, nothing particularly interesting, but the chosen monetization model turned out to be almost a unique example. Adam approached advertisers and suggested using the network's audience as focus groups for research. This approach brought him 4 million, which he received before he turned 20 years old;
  • Jason Bryan. This person was able to make a million on the Internet, following a slightly different path. Instead of inventing something fundamentally new, he decided to implement the available information. He created a portal to help potential buyers find their car. The information collected in this way he sold to car dealers. Those willingly responded to the idea and provided funding in the amount of 250 thousand dollars, and in just two years the revenue increased to 6 million.

Millionaires in Trade

  • Olga Nazarova. In addition to simply selling the product (which was the role of navigators), she introduced a different system - the implementation of a set of services with each purchase. It includes a variety of motion control programs. Such an idea quickly fell in love with forwarding companies, enriching the author of the idea by several million. As a result, Olga was able to earn not even one million;
  • Jamie Wells. He solved the question of how to earn millions with the help of the most ordinary glasses. The idea was brilliant in its simplicity - he. It was enough for people to send him a prescription, enter additional data and receive points in the mail. Cheap and cheerful good recipe for a company with a multi-million dollar turnover;
  • Raymond Lee. This entrepreneur found his million where others would not think to look. He bought T-shirts in China and then sold them in the US on his own website. As a result, a young man in his 20s completely abandoned his studies to become a millionaire in just one year;
  • Cameron Johnson. His story of earning a million began at the age of nine. Little Cameron made money by selling invitation cards of his own design. After that, he retrained to trade in bear cubs and various plush monsters, which at that time were on the wave of success. The next stage was the implementation of a number of projects, which made it possible to receive several million as a result already in 19 years. True, Cameron himself claims that he earned a million in a year at the age of 15.

Manufacturing millionaires

  • Dmitry Yurchenko. It is a rare case when the capital is based on a socially oriented project. His main achievement was the development of a "life button" with which pensioners can raise the alarm. As soon as the signal arrives at the call center, a team of doctors immediately goes to the place. I would like many to decide how to make money in such a socially useful way;
  • Jason Wall. Also a very unusual success story. Jason took up the production of the simplest thing - caps for car antennas. But just in just a couple of years, the company he created was able to cross the line of a million dollars in income. And this is far from the most interesting example of a success story;
  • Nick Base. This entrepreneur made his fortune on glass lids. Nick's invention changed color depending on the temperature of the liquid inside. To earn even more, the entrepreneur decided to sell advertising space on such caps, which brought him additional income.

These are just some of the examples, but in fact there are a lot of millionaires in Russia.

The main thing here is your desire and desire. Going forward and not giving in to difficulties is the key to success.

(on Arbatskaya, Smolenskaya and Mayakovskaya) are some of the most pleasant in the city: with a spacious kitchen, a separate smoking room and rooms whose walls are painted in riotous colors. In addition, four hostels in Ukraine and one in Perm.

Direct speech:“From childhood, I sold sweets to classmates, handed out newspapers political parties on the street. At the age of twelve, he earned a decent amount of money, gave it to his parents, but with one condition: that we go to Europe. We went, traveled and suddenly found ourselves in Berlin without money. Then we first got to the hostel and did not understand how to live there at all: there are a lot of people in the room - like in a can of herrings. When by some miracle we got to my native Sevastopol, I started collecting money again, and the first $200 was enough for me to open the first hostel in my grandmother's Stalinist apartment - with high ceilings and Soviet wallpaper. With the first $100 I bought beer for the sailors who made the bunk beds, I gave the second $100 to the shuttles who brought the bed linen. I stole the microwave from my grandmother. A complete madhouse, but there was enough money. In plus came out in the first week. We were the first in Crimea to appear on, and so on. Now our turnover from activities in Moscow is about 40 million rubles, in Ukraine the total turnover is about 20 million, and in Perm - about five. Our hostels are 85 percent occupied on average per year, so we are not too worried about competitors.”

Olga Nazarova, develops GPS for tractors

Project: the Telematics company, which uses GPS and GLONASS technologies in agriculture - its devices allow not only to contact the tractor driver, but also to remotely determine the speed of the machine, direction of movement and fuel consumption. In addition, the company's employees are engaged in agrochemical soil survey and compile electronic field maps.

Direct speech:“When I was a student at the Russian State University for the Humanities, two of my close friends started a similar business in our city, Lipetsk, and I worked for them in absolutely all areas: I was a deputy director, an accountant, I was engaged in sales, and sometimes I cleaned the office. This is what prompted me to do this particular business: I was 18 years old, I wanted to be different from everyone and ride tractors. At first, I knew absolutely nothing about agriculture and GPS technologies, I just knew how to communicate: all my knowledge was acquired in the process of communication, I didn’t even read any special literature. Then I realized that my knowledge and experience was enough to take a risk, and after maternity leave I decided to create my own enterprise. And the company of those two comrades is now our competitors. When I started, the attitude to agriculture was biased: it was associated with drunken workers, old equipment. And information to potential clients - collective farms - had to be sent by regular mail, because there is no electronic or facsimile communication there. It was very funny when I told these people about GPS for tractors. Now that two and a half years have passed, of course, it’s easier.”

Dmitry Yurchenko, created a phone for the elderly

Project:“Life button" - a phone with an SOS button connected to a help center where employees are on duty around the clock, ready to come to an elderly person's home at any time, call him a doctor (telling him about all human diseases), a social worker - to help cook or clean up, locksmith, nurse - anyone. There is also a more expensive option - a bracelet that determines the location of a person, with the same button.

Direct speech:“We all started last year together with my classmate Irina, with whom we studied together at the Skolkovo school. Irina's grandfather often left the house and got lost, her grandmother fell in the apartment and lay for hours until someone came and helped. They encouraged us to take up this project, and we worked out the technology on Irina's relatives. When, a year after the launch of the project, they asked me what we managed to achieve, I said: save seven grandmothers and survive on our own. There are many such projects in America and Europe, and in Russia there is only one more company with similar topic, which provides only government, not commercial services. At the first stage of starting a business, there is always such a vicious circle: you need to show the investor some devices that are already working, some result, and to show it, you need money. If relatives or friends cannot give you the minimum amount of money - five, ten, twenty thousand dollars - then either they do not trust you, or they are of such a level that they cannot earn this money themselves - then you cannot, since you have grown in such an environment. We had our own money - about ten thousand, then a friend gave us about a hundred thousand, and off we go. We recently raised about a million dollars. Except for development costs, we have been in the black for a long time, and since we are heavily investing in new people and technologies, we will not pay back this money soon.”

Petr Osipov, created a community of young entrepreneurs

Project: St. Petersburg electric power company Quadro Electric, which carries out design and installation work, measurements, audits and Maintenance engineering facilities. Among the clients are Lukoil, Russian Railways, the Hermitage, Pulkovo Airport and others.

Direct speech:“We were 19 years old, we were in our fourth year at the Polytechnic University. We tried several times to start some kind of business, but one day we realized that the ground for business under our feet is our education. We went to advanced training in electrical measurements, traveled, worked with engineers in another company, then we started working ourselves. A million rubles at twelve percent per annum was given to us by the father of our classmate, a successful businessman. We were very afraid, but in the end we took the money, spent it on equipment, training, a license, and gave it back a year later. Now about fifty people work for us: many from our university, we lured a few - from the large company FGC UES, from Renaissance Capital, from ETM. In fact, we stupidly entered the existing market, occupied a niche there, and only then did we begin to understand our competitive advantages: the electric power industry is a very conservative area, there are people with thirty years of experience who do not understand modern ways sales, the largest companies with billions of dollars in turnover do not even have their own websites. And we decided to equip our meters with tablet computers and make a beautiful powerful website so that everyone thinks that we have big company. The main difficulty is cash gaps: when in two months you are waiting for several million, and now there is no money to pay salaries to people. But in this moment With this, everything is already more or less normal. ”

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