Enjoying life is the most useful habit. Learning to enjoy life

Recipes 29.09.2019

Do you often think about what true pleasure is? Business, work, home life - all this sucks, distracts from the essence, takes away energy. Vanity, dissatisfaction with life, criticism, complaints - all this is incompatible with enjoyment.

In general, any suffering and negative emotions give rise to just another trouble in your life. Well, who needs a constantly tired, "confused", unhappy woman? Such men are bypassed. And they can be understood. On an intuitive level, they feel that for such a woman they will have to take all the responsibility on themselves, make her happy by solving her endless problems. Not everyone will take that risk.

A completely different thing is a woman who enjoys life even when there is no strong shoulder nearby. She is pleased with herself, her body, her eyes shine - not because everything in her life is so beautiful, but because she knows how to enjoy what is around and what she feels inside. And such a woman is almost never alone - dozens of men are chasing her.

After all, this often happens - it seems to be not a beauty, but there is no end to boyfriends. The answer lies in the fact that a woman knows how to enjoy and attracts caring men into her life.

How to learn to enjoy the moment?

This, of course, is not about the pleasure associated with buying your beloved new dresses, shoes and everything else. The pleasure of buying things is fleeting and does not affect our sense of self in a global sense. When we talk about the ability to enjoy the moment, we are talking about deep pleasure at the level of feelings.

You can enjoy the sensations anytime, anywhere. For example, get up early in the morning and go out onto the balcony with a cup of your favorite coffee. Feel this fragrance. Take a small sip. Listen to taste sensations. Think about plans for the day. Look at the greenery outside the window, at the rising sun. Feel this moment and be only in it.

Just enjoy what's happening.
Izaya Orihara

Do not regret the past, do not remember yesterday's problems, do not worry about the future. To be mentally here and now and enjoy the sensations of what is happening in this moment- this is the basis of the true ability to have fun and be charged with positive energy, which will then come from you, attracting only the beautiful into life.

It is important to remember that each of our thoughts carries a creative or destructive energy. If you want not to destroy, but to build, not to cry into your pillow, but to shape your successful destiny, just learn to enjoy.

Where does pleasure "live"?

Living consciously is not so easy and not too comfortable. Constantly be aware of yourself this moment- a matter of constant practice. But this does not require any special conditions or circumstances. Every moment of your life is a reason to enjoy it.

For example, you came to a boutique. Perhaps there are things that you can not afford. Or the ones you would never dare to wear. Take them and go to the fitting room. Put it on, admire your reflection in the mirror. Feel your beauty and attractiveness. Enjoy the moment!

Live today, do not wait until your health or loved ones are taken away from you, or even life itself. Live! Enjoy every day, don't put it off for "sometime later, when things are over." Things never end, but life is lost behind them.
Oleg Roy

When you're cooking dinner, whether it's for the whole family or just for yourself, don't treat it like just another monotonous meal or snack on the go. Get some pretty dishes. Set the table like you would for an Instagram photo. Put the food on the plate the way they do in expensive restaurants. Turn on some nice music.

Dinner in such an environment, you will get real pleasure, and you will want to continue to spend your time in this way - beautifully and with pleasure.

You can even wash dishes or wash your face while enjoying the moment. How more woman will allow herself to enjoy, the better will become not only her life, but also the life of those who are close to her. And the more the whole life will resemble the process of pleasure.

Formula: Pleasure = realize yourself here and now + enjoy what is happening at the moment.

How to attract love and success into your life?

You need to glow and radiate not thanks to him, but in response to all the good that this world gives you every second. First, it is important to learn how to enjoy, and then someone will definitely appear who will appreciate it, who deserves to be around, who will sincerely love and for whom you will become the best and only.

I don't need you
I enjoy you.
Christina Kashkan

Forget about living "on the machine", give up complaining and whining, wake up the feminine beauty in yourself, and drive the hardened worker-housewife away. Remember how nice it is to dress up, spin in front of a mirror, feel beautiful and talk to yourself about it, choose and buy your desired things, do your favorite activities.

Life is so beautiful if you only allow yourself to accept all its gifts! And as soon as you tune in to the right wave - the wave of pleasure - the main prize awaits you: the loving and caring man of your dreams!

You are wearily wandering through a gloomy autumn park, scolding yourself for having the wrong conversation with the customer, not signing the contract and now you will not see the award. At home, the problems of family members who always need something will fall upon you. The new neighbor turned out to be a very unpleasant and conflicting type, on top of everything - problems with health, weight, sleep, etc. You look enviously at the carefree laughing couple on the bench and do not understand how to enjoy life in your situation. Trust me, it's not that bad! And the fact that you are reading this material already speaks of your readiness for change.

Optimism is a must!

Most main body in man it is his brain. The ability to think, to give a correct assessment of events allows people to radically change their lives. Believe me, in order to catch moments of happiness more often, you don’t need special conditions and a lot of money. A billionaire on a luxury yacht may feel less satisfied than a poor shoemaker who has just seen his newborn son. Happiness and satisfaction are momentary states, but it is from such moments that our life consists. Direct your thoughts along this path. Put the negativity away. Remember Scarlett O'Hara's catchphrase: "I'll think about it tomorrow!"

Look at your situation and always say the word “but” to yourself: a gloomy cold day, but the exhausting heat is over, you can dress warmly and take a walk, breathing fresh and moist air. Family problems? But you have a family and children, and someone has been dreaming about it all his life. Didn't work out with the contract? This is a chance to consider new strategies and perspectives. Live and enjoy this particular day, this moment, this weather and yourself! Literally since tomorrow start living as if all your dreams have already begun to come true! See what's coming soon.

You are the one and only

And this is the real truth! A bunch of complexes and a belief in their own insolvency are formed differently for everyone: someone is inspired by their parents, someone reaches out for a respected friend and blames himself for failure, someone feels like a gray mouse against the backdrop of a bright beautiful girlfriend. Why love me? If you ask yourself this question sincerely, think: who will appreciate you if you yourself do not know your own merits? And how to enjoy life without self-respect? If a person has too developed self-criticism, self-flagellation and underestimation, it is hard for him. There are no people in the world whom nature would not have awarded with something that would distinguish them from others. And do not be afraid to sometimes reward yourself, your loved one, with an unscheduled vacation or a delicious dessert. Looking in the mirror every day, smile at yourself and say: “Life is great! And this day is for me!”

Tell me who is your friend

Sometimes it is happy to live now and here a person is hindered by his environment. This does not mean at all that you need to leave your family or stop helping a sick friend. The bottom line is: soberly assess yours If you spend a lot of time in the company of whiners, for whom all conversations are reduced to criticism, gossip and abuse of an imperfect world, it is unlikely that your perception will be different. Take for yourself a model of a person with whom everything is arguable, who is always cheerful and pleased with himself. Watch him, talk, find out his attitude to life, ask about the ability to overcome troubles. Moreover, the age of such a friend is completely unimportant - sometimes a measure life values an old man becomes wise with experience, and sometimes a very young, cheerful person.

You should always try to communicate with people who are equal to you in terms of moral values, degree of education, range of interests. Watch TV shows selectively, exclude the negative completely. The whole industry makes money on this - and you have nothing to do with it.

It is not customary for us to run for advice to a personal psychologist, like the Americans. Whether this is good or bad is a separate question, but the fact that you need to learn to feel comfortable in the world around you is a fact. Learn to be cheerful from people who call themselves happy.

Can money buy happiness?

How to enjoy life in poverty? Is happiness possible without money? Or happiness is not in money, but in their quantity? This question is discussed by everyone and everywhere. Everyone agrees in one opinion: money is an opportunity to satisfy your needs. The difference is that everyone's needs are different. Some want to be rich in order to ensure their importance, gain power, others need freedom of action and movement. This is where the answer lies: by itself, money, in any form, does not mean anything, what brings you pleasure is what you spend it on.

Envy is the enemy of happiness

To be able to enjoy one's life without comparing it with others and without envying anyone is not given to everyone. Envy kills friendship, love. This feeling destroys family ties, becomes the cause of hostility and crime. For oneself, envy is a dissatisfaction and a disease of the nerves. You can completely get rid of this nasty feeling if you learn:

a) love yourself

b) love people;

c) find a balance between their needs and capabilities.

There are people who don't like to show off their failures. For each successful career, a happy family is worth a long and painstaking work, and sometimes big losses that no one wants to wish for. Realize this and try to understand what qualities helped another to achieve what you would like to achieve. Do not waste energy on envy, tell yourself: "Just live and enjoy life." And remember: at this moment, thousands of people are dreaming about what you have! For example, at least the ability to see and read on the Internet.

of people?

It means accepting them for who they are. The eternally dissatisfied and grouchy neighbor, perhaps, became so from loneliness, or maybe her childhood did not work out. Not everyone in the world is kind and fluffy. The world is generally imperfect. Loving life and not trying to educate everyone in your own way does not mean pleasing everyone. Some individuals are not subject to education in adulthood, and neither your kindness nor pity will re-educate them. Build your existence so that with those who are unpleasant to you, the paths intersect as little as possible. Live healthy! Don't waste time arguing! The best remedy win the conflict - get rid of it.

Expectations and reality

Do not expect too much from life, then there will be fewer disappointments, and each achievement will please you more. This does not mean that you do not need to plan anything and set goals. The goals just need to be realistic. Psychologists advise using this tactic. First, learn to live now in harmony with yourself and determine one stage in your development (career, relationships) that you can practically accomplish. Then raise the bar higher and higher. Never rest on your laurels and praise yourself for every success.

Magic words of gratitude

Make it a rule to mentally and aloud thank the Universe for every day of your life, for everything that you have. Thank you for nothing? Not true! You have life, a roof over your head, water, food, vision. So every day be grateful for this to God (the Universe, fate, in whom you believe). How it works? Our thought is material. That's for sure! Evil attracts evil, curses return like a boomerang, gratitude is perceived by the Universe and returns with an addition. Sincerely thank the people who helped you.

Do good

No matter how bad you feel at the moment, always remember that there is someone who is even worse. Help someone else to enjoy every day. You do not need to have a lot of money for this, just a desire is enough. Sometimes a person in trouble needs a simple friendly participation. Just do not demand praise and brag about your good deeds on every occasion. Sincere goodness should be quiet, and your life without embellishment will be filled with inner light and joy.

This hateful job

What does it mean to enjoy life? Enjoy every day of your life! Wake up with the expectation of a new and fall asleep in the satisfaction of past events. And here is the hitch: when a person is engaged in a job he hates, he does not want to wake up in the morning, and restless thoughts do not let him sleep at night. Good for those who have the opportunity to earn with pleasure. And if a well-paid position leads to frenzy and neuroses? There is always a way out.

1. Change your job, profession, leave your position.

2. Analyze what is more important to you at the moment: healthy nervous system Or is it the income that gives you the opportunity to support a family? In that case, be thankful that you have such a job.

3. Try to turn your favorite hobby into an income item - this has worked for many people. And there is earnings, and everyday pleasure.

Be persistent

Very often, the stereotypes imposed on us by family, society, environment penetrate our consciousness so deeply and take root there that we are afraid to be happy if for this we need to retreat from them. Which university to enter, with whom to start a family, how to communicate with friends, how to spend a day off - it's up to you. And if you like baking pies, then don't try to convince yourself that you need a career as a doctor of some kind of science there in the name of continuing the family tradition. As a result, both you and those around you will be happy, because it is a pleasure to communicate with a person who knows how to enjoy life. Don't be afraid of drastic changes. If such a thought has ripened - act.

In a healthy body healthy mind

Among the people who support healthy lifestyle life and a healthy diet, there are very few gloomy pessimists. Sports, yoga, dancing increase the level of satisfaction. In addition, group classes allow you to find friends among like-minded people. Spend more time in nature. For starters, try just walking at least part of the way home from work, preferably through a square or park. A person always finds time for what he really wants. Sometimes you just need to pick yourself up and push yourself into the light.

A person who has health problems cannot enjoy life. Constant dissatisfaction with one's place in society leads to problems with this important component. This is such a vicious circle. It can only be broken by a personal desire to be healthy and happy.

The same applies to the power system. Not a single debilitating diet brought joy to anyone. Constantly hungry eyes cannot look happy. Food brings joy when it is tasty, beautiful and healthy. In everything, individual needs and a sense of proportion are important.

Life is Beautiful! Love her, yourself and your loved ones! And be happy!

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Slow down your run

Our lifestyle makes us move faster and faster. We suffer, but we cannot stop: we need to run further in order to have time to do more and better.

“In yoga, the feeling of life is very connected with what is happening to us here and now,” says Yulia Makarova, teacher at the Moscow Iyengar Yoga Center. - To see the world for real, to be surprised at its depth, you need to learn to stop. Not only physically - it is also important to learn how to slow down our internal dialogue: constantly thinking about our actions, we get hung up on useless experiences.

In India, I met many poor people who know how to enjoy the simplest things: warm weather, smile. They seem to remind us that we can notice and appreciate the very feeling of life. “Let go” of yourself, give yourself the opportunity to slow down and get rid of the superficial. It does not require much effort: put on comfortable clothes, go outside, look around, “turn off” thoughts and feelings and just enjoy the good that is happening to you now.

open up to beauty

“We are used to living in our thoughts and anxieties, which, as if with a veil, block us from reality,” says Varvara Sidorova, art therapist, head of the Art Therapy Center.– When drawing, we focus on what we are doing, on our movements, brush, paints. We can transfer our thoughts to a piece of paper, or we can depict what attracted our attention, entered into resonance with our "I".

Subsequently, this becomes our resource, here we can draw strength and inspiration. For example, you saw on the street beautiful tree and then drew it. Every time you look at this sketch, you will return to your feelings and experiences and recharge with positive, creative energy.”

When drawing, we focus on what we are doing, on our movements, brush, paints. We can resonate with our "I"

“At the same time, it doesn’t matter at all whether you can draw: even in a small simple line there is beauty, mystery, charm,” continues Varvara Sidorova. - Cherry blossoms, of course, bewitches, but a petal invisible at first sight is also beautiful ... The main thing is to draw and enjoy it.

Each of us can create a lot with our own hands. At trainings, we make cups: we mold them from clay, burn them in the oven… It turns out a warm, lively, real cup. And drinking from it is a pleasure: every time we get that warmth, that energy and joy that we put into it at the moment of creation.”

see funny

“We, adults, are often very serious and heavy,” says Irina Baranova, laughter therapist, author and presenter of the training "Laughter for the creation of your life". - We rarely allow ourselves to go beyond the generally accepted and do cute, funny pranks: tie a bow, make a surprise, compose a poem. Relax, stop controlling yourself and everything around, behave like children - many of us do not even realize how nice it is to be sometimes frivolous ...

We analyze almost all our actions from the position of society. We do not see the little things, we do not notice the funny. We should learn to notice the details in order to free ourselves from the pressure of self-importance, to become lighter. And finally see your own life, linger in it. A good joke tickles the mind, turns the world upside down and brings hidden truths to light. If we feel good and comfortable internally, it will be easier for us to catch the funny even in serious matters.

touch another

Our acquaintance with the world begins with the touch of hands, and tactile sensations forever remain for us a reliable source of information about another person. Greeting, saying goodbye or congratulating each other, we hug.

« Hugging is a non-sexual way of expressing affection., says psychotherapist Virginia Satir. “If people paid more attention to their needs for tactile contact, they might be less aggressive.”

In everyday bustle, we easily forget about the power of gentle touches. And it only takes a few minutes to feel another person, hug, touch his arm or shoulder with your fingertips. Slowly, delving into your feelings ...

Behind the small joys of touch lies the great joy of being in the world: in order to be here and now, we need tactile experiences.

“Behind the small joys of touch lies the great joy of being in the world: in order to be here and now, we need tactile experiences,” she is convinced Aida Ailamazyan, psychologist, head of the studio of musical movement and improvisation "Geptakhor". – Alas, today we are experiencing an extreme shortage of physicality, movement ... The body has turned out to be almost excluded from the life of a modern person.

We sit in front of a computer all day, only our eyes work from the senses ... To regain a sense of your own physicality, you just need to change your habits a little. to overcome fear or the prevailing stereotype of behavior.

Of course, without violating someone else's personal space - the boundaries of other people are inviolable. It's about only to be more flexible, to act in such a way that the observance of limits, decorum and distance does not turn into a cell closed on all sides. Otherwise, we risk losing access to our natural bodily and emotional needs, turning from living beings into a set of roles and functions.

savor the taste

“It’s not just to swallow a hastily heated dinner, but to taste the dish using all the senses: tasting, observing the color, feeling the aroma, being inspired by the sound (the appetizing crunch of a radish, the sound of hissing meat in a pan). Drinks deserve no less attention.

“Pour some good wine into a glass and let it breathe,” suggests Alexander Pavlov, chef sommelier at the Elarji restaurant, seminar leader and author of a course of lectures on wine.- Then inhale its aroma, drink a little bit without swallowing, and - freeze. From sensations are born colorful images: vine, cherry pit, or maybe vanilla or honey. Good wine is revealed every moment, giving us more and more new semitones. It is important to try it slowly, listening - and then in a few minutes a completely different palette will open up: from meadow mushrooms to blackcurrant.

The variety of aromas is unimaginable, it all depends on whether we give ourselves time to feel them. In each glass there is a whole era, history, destiny... But it is impossible to feel it without paying attention, respect, patience to the drink. To get real pleasure, you need to immerse yourself in the process with all your heart, mind, soul. To catch the thread of taste and wind it like a ball... And this principle works in everything: in life, as in wine, each shade of taste diverges into other shades - and this process is endless and beautiful.”

listen to yourself

In a sense, the search for pleasure is the search for oneself. Each of us has our own attachments, passions, interests. It is to them that we need to turn if we want to get our own, “private” pleasure.

For example, many people enjoy working in the garden - and not because they cannot live without their cucumbers or herbs. They just like physical effort, the spirit of the earth, communication with plants. Ultimately, the question of pleasure is a question of choosing the right strategy in the relationship between the individual and society. Our business is not to go against society, but to be ourselves: to accept what is necessary, to reject what is alien and to develop what is peculiar to me.

At the Unified State Examination, an unfortunate and searched schoolboy to his underpants is invited to write an essay on the topic “Is it possible to live without a goal?”. Naturally, a graduate, as taught at school, writes all sorts of rubbish in the style of "I think it's impossible, because ...". Well, why? Because they say they can't? Well, if a person does not have a goal in the global sense of the word? After all, if a person does not have a global goal to make the world a better place, and he just wants to live for his own pleasure, then what is he now, not a person?

Suppose, from birth, we do not strive to become a person as soon as possible - everything is comprehended gradually, over time and without a clear awareness. If a person is happy, if his life model suits, then it is absolutely pointless to look for a goal. Such a model is based on life expectations, and it has nothing to do with plans to conquer the world. I just want to live. Live happily and do not interfere with others. If you ask you: "How do you see yourself in 5 - 10 years?", so you will answer: "Healthy, rich and happy." And this is quite adequate. But the majority still builds goals for themselves, most often imposed: they say, you need to unlearn, get married, be baptized, fast and have a mistress so that they don’t think badly. Whatever the source of the pipeline of goals - family, friends, colleagues, social networks, mass media, - we are in voluntary captivity: in dreams about the expected tomorrow or with regret about what was not achieved yesterday.

People without a goal do not want to follow a clear route. The journey itself brings them joy. They love what they have, and therefore enjoy life every day. Without the pursuit of time, without unnecessary stress, without strain of strength. Their approach is to be happy right today, at this very moment. They don't just watch the moments passing from "tomorrow" to "yesterday", but pass the threads of time right through them. Breathe through now.

Spit on the norms of thinking

Other people's goals are to make everything beautiful and expensive. How petty is that! Your task is to put your huge device on the accepted norms of thinking and beautifully, with the grace of a ballet dancer, spitting on everyone, like Evgeny Panasenkov, do what you think is necessary.

Live in a way that makes you happy

To live without goals, you need to give meaning to every day you live. And for this you need to fill your days with those things that you really like very much. Of course, within the law and not to border on common sense. It is desirable that these very actions give you a feeling of fullness. To do this, it is not necessary to cross the road on a red one - it is enough to do pleasant things. What will be tomorrow will be tomorrow. Until then, relax and enjoy.

Not everything goes according to plan

Let the direction of your life be set only by your interests, and not by what is fashionable, profitable and approved by your parents. And please don't think that everything has to be clear, specific and understandable. Because this is the frame in which you drive yourself. And we change preferences and expectations a hundred times in our lives, and then we fall into hysterics because everything turned out a little differently than expected. And if after 12 years you have not become the richest doctor, then these are only problems of your self-esteem and expectations. For so many years, you managed to understand that only the alcohol content makes you related to medicine, and you are quite satisfied with what you have now. Why get upset?

Don't be afraid to make a mistake

In fact, there are no right or wrong decisions, successes or failures. These measures are subjective, and people will hate you, whether you are successful or insignificant. Wasted time on something not particularly necessary - take it as an experience, not a set of rules.

Don't sit in one place

For some reason, it is generally accepted that if a person under the age of 28 moves from place to place, then he has an eccentric nature, he himself is not serious, and treating him as an equal is a stupid idea. And on the other hand, why did filling life with impressions become criminal? Well, you didn't get a job big company but you have money! And you've seen more than some: enough impressions for the entire Prikubansky district of the city of Krasnodar. On the contrary, do not sit still, do new things, but you will always have time to live, grow old and turn sour like shit.

See how many opportunities are around

Obsessed with the fucking goal, we don't notice the possibilities that are scattered here and there like caches in Wolfenstein. I set a goal to become a mechanic and you don’t notice how many options are around to make money without leaving your home. I just spread my arms, and they themselves jump, like prostitutes - in the show "The Bachelor", and little girls - on Yegor Creed. The only thing that is required of you is to carefully look around.

Filter people

Do you have problems communicating with people? Too lazy to build bridges of love and friendship, to leave the house to meet somewhere / for some reason / with someone? Well then, relax and communicate only with those with whom you are comfortable, in the manner that suits you the most. Of course, no one has canceled the homespun truth that those people from whom you do not expect this radically change your life. But they still need to be found. Alas, we spend too much time on unnecessary people. And if it is so difficult to socialize, choose the most convenient method of selection. Just by communicating in a comfortable manner, you will receive in your environment what you have fought for so much.

Realize Imperfection

Don't try to be perfect. Reveal your shortcomings and look at them as a source of life lessons. They are a part of you, even more than that beautiful creature, which for some reason was called the “soulmate”. There is no need to flaunt your flaws, but denying their presence is also stupid. You fight them best only when you recognize and acknowledge them.

Don't focus on a specific outcome.

Do not strive for any specifics, and you will be healthier. Do not strive for money, for a certain amount, but rather strive for comfort and prosperity. These are things of the same order, but in the first case you have a specific reason to cry, and in the second you approach any problem philosophically.

The art of doing nothing

But there is one big difficulty: in order to know this wisdom, you need to do nothing. Learn to mess around as much as possible! We sincerely hope that the loafers have not died out yet. But don't think that you can live your life lying on the couch. This is a measure to learn how to relax and not look for the fucking “goal of life”.

Doing nothing at all (in the true sense of the term) can be quite difficult. On the first try, for sure. Actually, the “do nothing” command is already a goal. Therefore, start small - with 5-10 minute sets of just lying on the couch and contemplating the ceiling. Without TV and computers - we, after all, write about serious things, and not about interviewers who got divorced on YouTube. And that's it. Breathe deeply, relax, and after that, after a while, try to just mindlessly look at things (video or just out the window) that do not interest you in any way. Dumb and thoughtless. Because there is more sense in this prostration than in screams that you need to run somewhere.

For doing nothing, it is important to find a comfortable place. Once found, sit down and choose the most comfortable position. Make it a rule to squat and rest for at least 5 minutes. And it is desirable that in your hand there is a glass or a plate with something tasty. The taste gives us almost more pleasure than what you immediately thought. In the end, everyone has food, but what you thought, alas, is not.

But the highest level of mastering the skill of doing nothing is to learn to combine it with everyday life. Try to just do nothing in the middle of the work day: look at people, look around and relax. And then you can in the workplace. It seems silly, but it gives maximum satisfaction and pleasure. You immediately see all the nonsense of the fuss and imagine yourself an old man who has been watching the planet since the time when it was a cloud of gas and dust, and during this countless time you managed to visit both God and those who are worse than any worm.

Greetings, my friends!

The calendar is at the end of December. New Year's mood! And the topic for our conversation with you came to my mind quite pleasant. Let's talk about how to enjoy life. :))

Well, yes, one of you will say, give me a million dollars and I will immediately begin to enjoy life on a tropical island, sitting in a hammock by the sea with a cocktail in my hands. Yes, of course, the picture is charming! But don't you think that this attitude bothers you very well? How? Let's see.

A lot of people are set up exactly like this - “if I had (then there is a list of what they would like to have, but do not have at the moment), then I would enjoy life (I was happy, I was in good mood, thought positively, etc., choose according to your taste)!” With such an attitude and such thoughts, they broadcast several negative attitudes into the world.

First, "I don't have what I want!". Think for yourself - when you say "if I wish I had…”, you automatically confirm that you don’t have it. And such an attitude goes from you to the Universe. Well, she, of course, agrees with you, “Well, if you want it that way, then please, you don’t have it.” The result is that what you want goes farther and farther away from realization in your world.

Secondly, by saying that “then I would be happy” (be happy, enjoy life, etc.), you declare that now you are unhappy, joyless, do not enjoy life. It is these messages that go from you to the Universe. And you get your answer again - "Yes, you are unhappy." And since your every statement of the Universe is perceived as your will and desire, it immediately begins to do everything so that what you want so much comes true. If you want to be unhappy, you will.

Well, look at what consequences such an “innocent” at first glance, “dreaming” about something can have! You are without what you want and unhappy.

“So what now, do not dream at all ?!” - you ask. Dream, of course dream! Just do it right! Then your dreams will only benefit you!

How will be correct? But like this!

First, let's turn the phrase "if only I had ..." into a positive statement about getting what you want, which will attract this most desirable thing into your life. Let's put it this way: "Having received (or receiving) such-and-such." See the difference? Now you don't lament what you don't have. Now you are broadcasting the confidence that you are getting what you want. And the Universe will answer you: “Yes, you get it!”, backing it up with appropriate actions. :))

And what to do with the second part of the statement? And here one truly will help us Magic word! It's the word "More"! Look at what a phrase with this word looks like - “I become EVEN happier!” Do you feel? That is, with this phrase you are asserting not only that getting what you want brings you happiness, but also that you are happy in principle. After all, if you become “even happier”, then before that you already had some level of happiness, which increased when you got what you wanted. :))

And here's what our new phrase will look like. “Receiving this and that, I become even happier (more joyful, enjoy life even more, etc.)” Agree, this is no longer a dreary sigh about the unrealizable, but at least an excellent

But back to our theme of enjoying life.

“Well, what can you enjoy in ordinary life?” someone will ask. Isn't there more than enough to enjoy? Full! Only people, immersed in their problems, run and run somewhere, not noticing the great variety of opportunities to experience pleasure.

Pleasure can (and should) be obtained from the most ordinary things! And as often as possible! After all, while having fun, you broadcast to the world: “I feel good!”. The world agrees: “You feel good!”, accepts this statement as a call to action and begins to do everything to make it come true in your reality.

But in order to enjoy everyday things and actions, you need to be in a state, stop rushing somewhere and shift your focus of attention to what you are actually doing at the moment.

There was a case in my life not very long ago. Just shortly before that, I read about enjoying simple things and decided to try it for myself. And then I had a free minute at work and I decided to drink tea. There really was very little time, just enough to slowly drink a cup of tea and run to work on. Usually, when I drink tea, I read something at the same time. And I hardly notice the taste of tea and what I drink it with. But then I remembered my intention to have fun and put everything aside. I decided to fully follow the well-known slogan “And let the whole world wait!” :)) And focused on my feelings. She took a bite of a piece of gingerbread with cherry jam. God, what a treat! The icing on the gingerbread gently crunched, breaking, and melted in the mouth with a light sweetness. The crumbly dough was fresh and delicious. And cherry jam added its original touch of taste to this whole bouquet of sensations! That's how many of these gingerbread I have eaten in my life, but I have never felt their taste like this consciously and did not enjoy it, as they say, "from and to"! And then the turn came sip of tea. I took a cup and inhaled the wonderful scent of jasmine (I love jasmine green tea). I lingered my attention on this amazing fragrance. The smell of summer. Sun, warmth, blooming jasmine... Beautiful, romantic, magical. The slightly tart taste of tea, mixed with the aroma of jasmine, gave pleasure. And how could I not notice before how nice it is?! SUCH pleasure, as from that cup of tea, I did not receive from any tea party, even with the most exquisite teas and with the most delicious cakes! And all because it was in that cup of tea that one very important ingredient was present. Which? Awareness! :))

That's it, my friends! You can enjoy life every day, regardless of the weather, external conditions and the presence of a million dollars, an island and a yacht! Be happy with everything you have right now. Enjoy it. And give thanks for all of this. Believe me, in this way you will not only live every day, experiencing a lot of pleasure, but also help to ensure that there are more and more of them in your life!

Each of us CHOOSE how to relate to what is in his life right now. One will choose to suffer because he does not have enough money to buy a Bentley. And the other will choose to be happy and enjoy the fact that he has money to buy a chocolate bar! Which of these two will get more buzz from life - the suffering “rich man” or the enjoying “poor man”? I take these words in quotation marks, because for some time now the understanding has come that these concepts are not only measured by money! :))

I really like one wisdom: “Never tell God that you are living a bad life. God will say: “Yes, you still don’t know what is bad! I'll show you this!" And it will show... Better tell God that you live well. God will say: “Yes, you still don’t know what good is! I'll show you!" And it will show!!!"

I wish you, my friends, to find many reasons for joy in your life every day! And enjoy as much as possible! In general, enjoy life!

Your Catherine :)

To set the mood! :))

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