How to get a man back after a breakup. How to get a guy back: the first steps, the main mistakes and advice from psychologists.

Family and relationships 12.11.2017
Family and relationships

There is no relationship without quarrels and conflicts. Ideal relationships are possible only in the movies, but not in this life. The reality is that everyone quarrels all the time. When a quarrel has passed, we often realize that it has not ended and can easily flare up again. How to restore relationships as if you did not quarrel?

Not only the movement of each of us is necessary, but also mutual development. This also happens when we get out of a quarrel without any capital that would make us even a little wiser. And this means that it was necessary to listen more carefully to your partner. Here are some rules for restoring relationships:

How to repair a relationship after a fight

It is difficult to build relationships without talking heart to heart. You probably said a lot of things to each other during the last quarrel, but just try to calmly talk. Try to calmly and frankly talk about your feelings, and it may turn out that there is no serious conflict.

If the relationship is really dear to you, and you want to return it, think about concessions on your part. The ability to find compromises is one of the components on which serious relationship. If you love him and consider, in fact, a close person, do not be so principled and give in to what is truly important to him, and will not cause you physical or moral inconvenience.

Has your relationship suffered from everyday life? Talk and decide once and for all how your living together. Distribute responsibilities and try to follow the agreement.

Don't know how to restore a relationship? Try to look at the situation through his eyes. What exactly offended him so much that you have to think about how to improve relations with a guy? Perhaps you are really to blame and you just need to apologize or ask for forgiveness?

And so that you don’t have to suffer so much anymore, having decided to continue the relationship, agree on how you will sort things out in the future.

Quarrel rules

Agree in advance to calmly talk about what you don’t like and don’t like, until a conflict arises about this. One side makes claims, the other accepts them, without unnecessary offense, and together you are looking for a solution to the problem.

Immediately put each other on notice, which is absolutely unacceptable for you and does not lend itself to a compromise solution. Stipulate in advance what you are never able to forgive.

If you live together, agree to solve all problems before you go to bed. And if they quarreled, do not each run away to their parents, but jointly try to improve relations.

Remember that you are together for a reason, but because you were united by a feeling. Try to keep it and then no quarrels will destroy your union.

How to rebuild a relationship after a breakup

Let's talk about how to restore relationships in the most serious case - after breaking up. The main thing to remember is that you need to tune in psychologically, and do everything in due time.

Take a break

What happens to people after a breakup? Each of them lives on its own. Everything is back to the way it was before the relationship. Almost everything remains thoughts and memories. However, physical life goes on.

People keep meeting new people, getting into different circumstances. That's the way it should be. It will take some time before you need to repair the relationship. This advice is very important. Enough time must pass for old grievances and negative moments to be forgotten.

The pain of the breakup must pass, the circumstances must also change. Perhaps some of you needed to grow up, gain some experience. Situations and options can be a million. One thing is clear - a certain period of time must pass.

Accept the end of a relationship

During this pause time, you cannot sit idly by if you really want to restore a relationship with your loved one. At this stage, you need to think about why you broke up.

It may not be a very pleasant time for you, but it is very rewarding. If the breakup was largely your fault, think about how to avoid making the same mistake in the future. If your partner was the initiator of the breakup, things are much more complicated, but you can’t give up. Think about how you can improve the situation. Remember, if you do nothing, nothing will happen.


After some time has passed and you have thought about everything, you need to act immediately. Without following this advice, you will never be able to understand how to restore relationships. Time will pass- you will definitely need to take action. Send your loved one a message in which you simply ask how life is doing.

When meeting, try to talk, take an interest in the life of a person. Do not be too intrusive, do not immediately offer to meet and restore relations. Become a close friend to your soul mate again. After a while, she herself will want to resume the former relationship.

Remember that rebuilding lost relationships is not always easy. So respect each other and keep your love!

How to repair a relationship step by step

There are situations in our life when we make mistakes and do wrong, and then regret it. In the case of relationships, such situations happen, probably, most of all. Today we will offer you some tips on what to do in order to restore relationships. We will consider the situation when you really want it, and we will achieve it no matter what.

1 stage of restoration of relations

First, decide what caused your breakup. If it happened because of how you felt, then now you need to work hard on yourself. Examine yourself carefully, how you feel now. After all, if you made a mistake once, where is the guarantee that it will not happen again?

If your loved one caused the breakup, the situation is more complicated. Then you don't always know what to do next. men in this case often afraid to do anything. It is not clear what their beloved wants, which is why she does not want to meet with you anymore. You need to think and draw conclusions.

Stage 2 of the restoration of relations

Sometimes it takes at least 2-3 months, sometimes six months, a year, and in some cases more. Remember, you should not try to restore a relationship after a breakup due to a serious reason. Your soulmate is not yet ready to restore relations, the time has not yet come. And this is worth considering.

3 stage of restoration of relations

The next step does a lot to complete the answer to the question of how to repair the relationship. After a certain time, you need to look for opportunities to communicate with your loved one. Without this, you have little chance. There is always little chance if you do not communicate and do not see each other. Maybe you have mutual friends, arrange a meeting there. If there are no such friends, arrange a "random" meeting in a place where your loved one is supposed to be.

4 stage of restoration of relations

If you have already begun to communicate with your former partner don't be pushy. Do not offer to immediately restore relations, this can only harm. Maintain friendly communication, walk, have fun. And if you both have any feelings, then believe me, you will be together again.

Repairing broken relationships is not always easy. Therefore, gain strength and patience, and go to your goal.

What you need to know about how to restore relationships?

Couples that would never quarrel do not exist in nature. The realities of life are far from the plots of books and movies. And lovers often have to sort things out, simply because on initial stage partners rub against each other. The question of how to improve relations with a loved one is asked more than once by every girl, and the reason for the quarrel could be very different.

The bigger the quarrel, the more difficult it is to build a relationship. It is good when one of the partners can give in in time and is able to seek compromises. For a couple, it is important that one person be wiser and perhaps even more cunning, having managed to change the situation in such a way that both partners feel good in the end.

But what if the quarrel has already happened? How to save a relationship with a loved one and at the same time find a compromise solution to the problem? In order to be able to at least talk calmly and find out what exactly happened, some time must pass, everyone must calm down.

If you value your relationship, it is very important to think not only about yourself and your disadvantaged interests, but also about the feelings and desires of your loved one. He has the right to his point of view, which you must respect. Long-term relationships are built on respect. Love is love, and if there is no respect, trust in each other in a couple, such a union is doomed.

1. Buy a small gift for him, he will be very pleased, even if he is still a little angry.

If you live together, put up notes around the apartment with your apologies and messages that you are ready for a constructive conversation. Write that you miss him, worry and really want to make peace.

Don't be afraid to say sorry. If you don't get a chance to talk, send an apology card and a small souvenir, you can send it by courier or ask someone to pass it on.

Make an appointment. Try to sincerely apologize and deal with the problem together without unnecessary emotions.

If everything is really bad, and you understand that you can leave, do not hesitate in means and actions, if only to return your loved one. Perhaps he is also worried, but male pride prevents him from taking the first step towards.

The point is not which reconciliation option you choose, but that you will really save your relationship, and not pout at each other, each in his own corner.

Yes, passions should subside, but the more time passes from the moment of a quarrel, the less time is left to save the relationship. Don't miss your chance. Don't let a stupid fight ruin your love.

How to save your relationship

Everyone known fact- people think about this issue already when it is almost unrealistic, when the most unpleasant words are expressed to each other on emotions, when all bridges and feelings for each other have burned down.

When love dies, it is impossible to resurrect it, but when it just begins to subside, everything is real. So what to do if the love boat cracked, how to save your relationship from a break? The answer to this question exists, the most important thing is to start saving in time.

So, if in youth it seems to us that love comes for centuries, both time and distance are subject to it, then, having matured, we note with confusion that habit, gray everyday life, everyday life take the place of love and passion subsides, why does this happen?

Everything is very simple - positive hormones act on us during the period of falling in love, accompanying the body with a surge of feelings and emotions, but the long-term effect of these hormones is harmful to the body. Nature has taken care of us in such a way that unbridled passion is replaced by calm emotions.

After all, you need to build a life, have and raise children on sober head, and therefore, at the right time, passion and unbridled love help two people become attached to each other, and then disappear. However, this does not mean at all that after years you need to lament over the departed emotions and think about how to save the relationship. It is necessary at least sometimes to wake up old feelings.

Joint hobbies, participation in the life of a partner, a variety of recreation and new experiences will help save the relationship. Do not devote yourself entirely to raising children and striving to raise them to their feet. By the way, with the advent of the latter, the so-called “crisis” in relations sets in, be on your guard.

A woman enthusiastically plunges into motherhood, and the parental instinct of a man has not yet had time to develop. Do not reproach each other during this period, wait a while, and when you are fully accustomed to new roles, your life will sparkle with new colors.

Closer to the middle age of the spouses, psychologists note another crisis in relationships - this is the crisis of the so-called "empty nest". Usually it coincides with the time when the children have grown up and begin their separate independent life. Here, too, care, patience, respect for each other will come to your aid.

Very often, love leaves those families that have nothing to talk about with each other. Talk to a friend heart to heart, calmly discuss the problems that concern you. Take care of your feelings, keep the fire of your love in the family hearth, and then it will warm your hearts for a long time.

Your children are not fed on the benches, alimony is not paid, and he, Herod, walks around with a sweetheart under his arm, buys new clothes for her. The peacock's tail has dissolved - it's sickening to look. But you will spoil this love for them, but you will return your beloved to yourself. Yours will return to you, and the snake will only get the snake's tail.
Throw a heavy thought out of your head, but get down to business.

If you follow them, or pester them with calls, stop. The opponent needs to be confused, and pretend that he is indifferent to you. So that when he returns to you, she does not understand that magic conspiracies are to blame.

Yes, put yourself in order - I suppose I forgot about manicures a long time ago. Buy a dress for yourself, and comb your hair - you will become a feast for the eyes.

Look, and the new gentlemen will beat off the hunt for their beloved. And if you are strong in the decision to return him, the traitor of the damned, then do everything as ordered.

Conspiracy to quarrel between lovers

If you want the lovers to become ill with each other, so that they do not live together:
  • Go outside and find a black cat.
  • Grab it, and cut off some hair from the tip of the tail.
  • Now look for the dog. Cut the tufts off her tail too.
  • Come home, mix the wool on a plate, and say:
“Like a cat and a dog bark, they can’t get along, let the slave (name) bark with the slave (name) - they can’t stand each other. Wool to hair, quarrel to quarrel. Let the slave (name) love the slave (name) like a dog a cat, gnaw it, chase it, and run away from it. Returns to me. Amen. Amen. Amen."
  • Now, in order for the conspiracy to work, take the wool out into the street, and bury it under the spruce.
And lovers will quarrel. They will be bad together. Your beloved will think of leaving her, and you are right there. And he will be by your side.

A conspiracy so that the beloved repents, but only thinks about you

Well, if you want your beloved to repent, but to fall at your feet, you need to make the ritual like this:
  • Go to the cemetery and find a grave with a name like yours.
  • Stand in front of her, tell her about your grief. And then ask:
“I give you flowers, you help me. Come slave (name) to the slave (name). Stand next to him, but remind me of me. So that the slave (name) only sees me, hears, only thinks about me, and remembers. Let the slave (the name of the rival) become not sweet to him, disgusting, but terrible. And the slave (the name of the rival) feels that I am nearby, standing, watching her, I don’t leave her alone. In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen."

You sent your image to them. There will be no harm from this, but your beloved will only think about you, remember all the good things. And his sweetheart will smell you next to you, get angry at this, and start scandals. They will live so little, but he will come running to you. Will cry, beg for forgiveness.

How to return a beloved man if he does not even want to communicate? A conspiracy will help - effective remedy folk love magic. This rite will work if there is a serious discord in your relationship now, it will help get rid of the negative emotions of the chosen one and restore his good attitude.

In a relationship, many people have a situation where, as a result of a serious conflict, a man does not want to. He adds you to blacklists in all social networks and messengers, ignores you at a meeting, and does not pick up the phone. Don't panic - you can always fix the situation.

Many girls in such cases run to fortune-tellers and witches in the hope that they will help. But we do not recommend doing this - no one can better direct your thoughts towards restoring relations.

Analyze the situation to decide whether to use a love spell to get your loved one back:

  1. You were the culprit of the conflict. Regardless of the reason, first try to justify, apologize, make amends pleasant surprises. Before you perform a magical love spell, the chosen one must sincerely forgive you and not hold evil
  2. You have a rival who took her beloved away. In this case, you do not need to try to return the man - wait a while, perhaps he himself will appear with a confession and try to earn your forgiveness. If this does not happen, first do the rite of lapel, and only then bewitch
  3. There is no more love from a man for you, and there never was. In this case, it is better not to try to bind your lover to yourself with a love spell. Such a conspiracy will have extremely negative consequences - it is better to pay attention to other men who are more worthy of you

Before you decide to perform the ceremony, think about what problems led to the fact that the man does not want to communicate with you. Perhaps you “washed down” him with constant reproaches, plagued him with scandals, or stopped taking care of yourself, having lost your feminine attractiveness.

In such cases, you first need to solve the problem, and only then do a love spell - otherwise the situation will repeat itself again and again.

Conspiracy-prayer for the return of a loved one

If you are a deeply religious and religious person, it is better not to try to return the guy by conspiracy, but to turn to God. Sincere prayer will help not only to calm down, get rid of negative emotions, survive separation, but also get help from above.

If the guy still feels something for you, such a prayer will help make him cool off faster from the conflict and want to renew the relationship himself.

For a week, every day, in the early morning (preferably before dawn), read this prayer:

Important: during prayer, it is better to pronounce not the “official” name of the chosen one, registered in the registry office, but what was given to him at baptism.

Love spell: how to return a loved one with the help of magic

Many people consider love spells to be something frivolous, but in vain. This is a fairly powerful magical tool that works great when used correctly.

But remember the rules:

  1. Do not read conspiracies one by one. This will not speed up the return of a loved one, but will only confuse the flows of energy - there will be no result. It is possible that the thoughtless use of conspiracies will completely turn a man away from you.
  2. Do not read love plots for the waning moon - you risk harming yourself and your chosen one. Wait for the night star to rise
  3. Be sure to sincerely and unconditionally believe that the conspiracy will definitely help to return your loved one and restore relationships! belief magic power rite - 50% success

Conspiracy for a personal thing

Personal belongings of a person accumulate and store his energy. Therefore, they can be spoken. The main difficulty lies in the fact that the rite will take effect at the moment when the man puts on the charmed thing. Therefore, use this method only if possible.

The text of the plot is as follows:

Advice: ideal for use in the ceremony - jewelry, watches and men's underwear. He wears these things almost every day, so the conspiracy will have great power.

Photo Conspiracy

If you want your loved one to return soon, you can read the plot on his photo. Use a clear and high-quality picture in which the face of the chosen one is clearly visible, and the eyes look into the lens.

Important: The photograph must be of a male only.

Print the image, wait until midnight. Sit down at the table, light candles, take a photo in your hands. Mentally imagine the man you love. Thank him for all the good things, draw in your imagination happy pictures of a joint future.

Then read the plot:

Watch a video on how to make a ceremony to return a loved one:

Women's magic: how to enhance the feelings of a man

Getting a man back is the least you can do. And then how to keep the beloved? Some female tricks will help - they are recommended by those who are engaged in spiritual practices:

  • Food meditation. Whenever you prepare food, think of the man with gratitude and love. Say whatever you want to say to yourself in the present tense. Affirmation example: “My man is successful and loves me. He is healthy, strong, smart. Getting better every day"
  • Don't turn a man into a girlfriend. You don’t need to leak everything to him - you must have girlfriends for chatting on female topics
  • Get creative. Find what interests you - music, singing, dancing, maybe handmade. Creativity fills a woman with energy, which she can then transfer to a man.

Do not forget that a love spell is a short-term measure. The rite will help return the man, but taking care of harmony in relationships will already have to be done in traditional ways.

All relationships begin the same way: flowers, walks until morning, tender glances and vows of love forever. We think it will be forever! But time passes, we notice how the loved one moved away, and then we find out that he has another. Or this scenario: the relationship went wrong, you decide to run away. Then he finds another for himself, and she is so beautiful ... Do you track her photos on social networks every day, thinking how to return your loved one if he is already with another?

Love suffering is the strongest, they turn life into constant pain. Gather your strength and start act!

First, brew aromatic coffee and take a piece of paper. Consider: is it worth the fight? Write all the pros and cons. Just be honest. Don't lie to yourself! Do without the advice of your friends, in 90% they will answer: "He is not worthy of you, such and such, you will find a better one." Don't trust your happiness to anyone!

There are various tricks and “tricks” that women resort to in order to return their husbands. This includes imaginary pregnancy and threats. We want to tell you a couple real stories that happened to our readers. These tips can be a real discovery for those ladies who find themselves in similar situations.

(Anastasia, 34 years old)

Nastya lived with Anton in civil marriage 3 years. All this time, the girl felt like a legitimate wife: borscht cutlets, sex twice a week, weekends with her parents in the country. The wife loved, and everything is like everyone else. The news that a loved one is leaving for another fell like snow on his head! Anton did not react to tears. He just said: “I met another, and she is the dream of my life. You, Nastya, I'm sorry. I won't go home." He threw his underpants into his bag and closed the door behind him.

For two weeks, Nastya sobbed uncontrollably, but at some point she decided: “Enough!” The girl worked as an accountant two floors above the office of the company in which the ex-boyfriend worked. She had long wanted to change something in her life, but family life and laziness left her the same gray mouse without goals and prospects.

Nastya wrote an SMS to the former: “I don’t hold evil, thank you for being the first to decide on this, let’s remain friends.” She bought herself fashionable clothes, repainted in a new color, signed up for Korean language courses, tantric sex, belly dance lessons. Every day Nastya was not like the previous one. She stopped cooking at home, started going to interesting places, meet new people. All my new life the girl began to “shine” on Facebook, and after a few months she set the status “I am happy”. In reality, Nastya was very difficult. She saw her beloved every day, she really wanted to go up to him and hug him, but the girl knew: you can’t give up! After all, now all mutual acquaintances knew that Nastya new exciting life.

Once the girl received a text message from Anton: "We need to talk." And then the calls began, expensive bouquets that Nastya never received in her “past” life. Beloved literally went crazy with the desire to return Nastya. After a public “I love you” and an offer to marry, Nastya gave up and got a caring husband, and in addition - a completely new life.

Tip: Don't bury yourself alive! Breathe deeply, invest in your appearance and self-education, travel. If the former beloved does not return to you, you will find a new meaning for existence.

The second story: We remove the rival with conspiracies

(Lesya, 38 years old)

If someone told Lesya that her beloved husband, with whom she lived for 15 years, whom she considered the closest and dearest in the world, would one day take it and say: “I’m leaving for another”, she would never believe it!

The woman was always self-confident and considered her marriage to Valery very successful. When a new young neighbor moved into their porch, Lesya still laughed at her shameless red hair and short skirts. And now, beloved Valera quietly wears things to this redhead, afraid to look into her eyes.

Old grandmothers came to the rescue conspiracies. Lesya recalled everything that she heard as a child from her grandmother about how to return a loved one, if he is already with another, with conspiracies:

  • Binding ritual. I need to buy two large ones in the church candles, bring them home. Write with a needle on one your name, and on the other - the name of a loved one. Then put the candles so that they are completely in contact. Set them on fire, wait until they merge into one. Then put out and say: "May we, like these candles, always be together."
  • Reading in the morning and evening special conspiracy. Just NEVER wish evil or death on your opponent: “ Help me the earth, help the sea, help me the birds of heaven... Let your heart let go of my betrothed, let your thoughts not be about him, forget, forget, forget...»
  • For rite of cooling a loved one from another you need to take salt and read the following words on it: “ So that, like this tasteless salt, there were his feelings for ... name ... So that she left his heart". So several times.

Valery returned to Lesya a month later. After some time, the family forgot about this incident - as if by hand removed everything from memory.

Advice: Do not wish evil! This is the difference between white magic spells and black magic spells. Before you decide on this, think carefully about whether you need magic to help.

Story three: Talk to your opponent

(Alina, 29 years old)

The girl never believed in love to the grave, believing that a person should not argue with fate. But when her beloved husband Konstantin, with whom she lived in marriage, said that he was leaving for another, Alina discarded all principles.

More on the topic:

To begin with, she studied all the information about the opponent (helped social networks and mutual friends). The offender turned out to be normal woman. “An old maid with a cat,” a colleague said about her.

Alina for a long time could not decide to talk with the offender. But the case itself turned up (we met in the supermarket). "I don't want to fight with you, let's just talk."

In a conversation, Alina told her story to her rival with absolutely no offense, reproaches, scandals and tears. How her father left her mother, how Konstantin's children love. She also mentioned that she and her husband got married, and this is sacred! And then she got up and silently left.

Konstantin returned a week later, asked to forget about everything.

Advice: Yes, not all rivals are nice and kind women, that's the problem. But to stoop to smashing windows and huge scandals is stupid! Don't be aggressive! So you will show yourself as an inadequate person, to whom your loved one will definitely not return!

Story four: We connect relatives

(Varvara, 34 years old).

Varya got married early. There were no more 18. Mom taught the girl to be a good housewife, to please her husband, to pull on herself the whole life. Therefore, all efforts were invested in Nikolasha: first studying at the university, then graduate school, then doctoral studies.

Having lived with her husband for 15 years and having given birth to three children, Varvara believed that her marriage was successful. Until one day, in front of her own eyes, Varya saw her intelligent Nikolai kissing on a bench in the park with a very young girl.

The first decision was to throw the hubby's things on the landing, file for divorce. Then she sat down, thought well - no work, no education, again, children ... I didn’t want to give the young woman the man on whom she spent her golden years.

A few days later, Nikolai decided to talk. Varya listened calmly and said: “I accept your choice, only let you leave after the celebration of the anniversary” (Nikolai’s birthday was scheduled for Saturday, all relatives were invited).

When Saturday came, Varvara did her best: she prepared a chic table, dressed the children smartly, and was unusually polite with everyone.

When it was time to say a toast, she stood up and said: “Thank you all, my loved ones, for coming, but we gathered like this for the last time ... Our dad is leaving us". What started here! Kolya was shamed, asked, scolded! The father-in-law said that he would renounce his son.

Nikolai sulked, was offended, but he did not leave his family ...

Advice: Such manipulations may not always have a result, but it’s worth trying to “connect relatives”:

  • Talk to your husband's mom. Mom plays a huge role in the life of a son. Her opinion is important to him. Talk to your mother-in-law like a woman to a woman, WITHOUT INSULTING HER SON! Say that the other twisted, took away, ask for help.
  • Children are your weapon. Let the children tell dad an ultimatum: "You go to another - we don't know you."
  • Connect friends families, godfathers, if possible - husband's friends. These people will support the preservation of your family and will try to bring back the prodigal husband.

Story 5: Go to church

(Anna, 50 years old)

Anna knew that she had married unsuccessfully. Ivan cheated on his wife from a young age, never particularly supported Anna, did not help her. But the children general business and housing firmly held the family together. The news that Ivan was leaving for her friend was a blow to Anna.

At first, the woman literally wanted to kill the traitor and her friend, but common sense brought her back to earth.

Although she had never been a strongly religious person, Anna felt that she needed go to church.

The woman went daily to the monastery next to the house, lit candles for the HEALTH of her husband and his mistress, and prayed a lot.

After 3 months, Ivan began to come home for various reasons, and he stayed that way.

Advice: In difficult life trials - turn to God.

There are many good prayers about the help of the saints, both according to the Eastern and Western rites:

- Prayer to St. Jude-Tadeus in difficult life trials.

- Prayers to the Holy Matrona, who always helps abandoned women.

- Prayer to St. Nicholas for the return of her husband's love.

Psychologist's advice: How to return a loved one if he left for another

What do we have to do

  • Prove to everyone that you are strong. Urgently find classes: attend courses, animal shelters. Get involved in community work. All this is so that the ex-man sees that your life is interesting and no worse than it was with him.
  • Do not tell all your friends and colleagues the details of how exactly your loved one left, what exactly he said. Limit yourself to a few phrases, adding "It's not easy for me to talk about this."
  • If you're hoping to get a man back, you don't have to say nasty things about him to friends, and even more so to relatives and children.
  • If possible, make an appointment with a psychologist. Sometimes this is a necessity.

What Not to Do

  • Constantly send SMS or call, threaten, beg. So you will only scare away your loved one.
  • Look for "casual" meetings to make a scandal. In 95% of 100%, such disassemblies will not lead to good.
  • To say that you will kill yourself or your children - be reasonable.
  • Make yourself a victim and incite all your friends against your husband. They have already decided which side to stay on, and you will not find allies with your tears.
  • Immediately and "in spite" to start a new relationship. This will make the return of a loved one impossible.
  • Put on a cross! Live on, and fate will put everything in its place.

We have found a motivating video for you on how to support yourself, your beloved in difficult moments and to improve self-esteem. Good luck!

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