Natalya Medvedeva wrote, lived and died sober? Natalya Medvedeva. Bohemian little thing Biography and cause of death of the writer Natalia Medvedeva

Tourism and rest 29.07.2019
Tourism and rest

Natalia (Natalya) Georgievna Medvedeva (July 14, 1958 - February 3, 2003) - singer, poetess, successful fashion model international class, essayist, prose writer, author of many books, wonderfully writing sincere prose, in addition, the wife of the famous disgraced writer Eduard Limonov. Born in 1958 in Leningrad, at a young age she studied at the drama theater, graduated music school in piano, played several episodic roles in Soviet cinema.

The future outstanding Russian singer, writer and adventurer Natalya Medvedeva played as a schoolgirl in episodes in Boris Frumin's film "The Diary of a School Director", where leading role performed by the great Russian actor Oleg Borisov. This episode is described in Medvedeva's autobiographical story "Mom, I love a crook!"
Music - V. Lebedev, Iya Savvina, Lyudmila Gurchenko and others also starred in the film.
Natalya Medvedeva died on February 4, 2003 in her sleep at the age of 44. She was buried at the Bolsheokhtinsky cemetery of her native Leningrad (Prospect Metallistov, 5).
(P) Lenfilm, 1974

In 1975, having successfully married, at the age of 17 she left the USSR and for a long time (almost 20 years) lived "in the west", in the USA, Japan and France.
She worked as a photo model and fashion model in the United States, starred for Playboy magazine (her image adorns the cover of debut album cult American group "The Cars"), at the same time she studied pop vocals and stage costume history at the Los Angeles Conservatory, sang and danced in nightclubs, restaurants and cabarets in Los Angeles.

She performed Russian romances and excerpts from Broadway musicals at the Misha cabaret on Sunset Boulevard. She took private acting lessons at Hollywood drama school and had several small roles in American movies.

Natalia Medvedeva as the performer of Russian romances in the American film Black Marble, filmed and released in 1980 at 20th Century Fox Studios (directed by Joseph Wembo)

In 1982 she moved to Paris, where she continued to give concerts. She sang in the Russian cabaret "Balalaika", and in the famous restaurant "Rasputin" in the early 80s she worked together with the legendary gypsy singer Alyosha Dimitrievich, to whom she later dedicated big chapter in her autobiographical book - "My struggle" (Natalia was one of the last writers who, not long before her death, wrote down the memories of the "gypsy star" of the Russian emigration - A. Dimitrievich). She was close friends with the then Soviet dissidents living in France, avant-garde artists and musicians.

Natalia Medvedveva and Alyosha Dimitrievich. The only surviving joint photo

While in Paris, she actively wrote articles and reports for the French underground magazines "Figaro Madame" and "Idiot International", and since the 1990s, under the pseudonym "Margot Fuhrer", she began to publish articles for Russian publications (the newspaper "Limonka", the magazine " Om", "New Look", "Change", "Day"/"Tomorrow", "Foreigner" and many others). For a long time, Natasha wrote poetry, later, under the influence of her husband, writer E. Limonov, she gradually also took up great literature. In 1985, her first autobiographical novel "Mom, but I love a crook!", A story about her childhood and youth in St. Petersburg, was published, then the novel "Hotel California" (1987) is a memoir of her life in Hollywood. These works immediately became cult among Russian connoisseurs of underground literature.

Several of her books have been translated into French and German languages, and not without success published in Europe. While in Paris, in the second half of the 80s, she began to write her first own songs in Russian in the genre of punk rock music in synthesis with cabaret chanson music.

In 1989, for the first time after a long absence from her homeland, Natalia visited the USSR as a "guest", and a few years later, in 1994, like many former "emigrants", Natalia Medvedeva finally returned to her homeland, but ended up here amazingly unclaimed and misunderstood, remaining popular exclusively in "narrow circles" of loyal fans.

In 1994, the singer recorded the album "Russian Trip" (released in 1995), and by February 1996, she had assembled a permanent accompanying staff, called the "Tribunal" ensemble. But the contrast and straightforwardness of her work (freely acceptable and encouraged in the West) turned out to be alien in Russia at that time (and even now). And in the end, Natalia became - the main "Queen of the Russian Underground". In essence, in terms of the chosen genre and style, in the entire country of that time, only one Pyotr Mamonov could partially correspond to it, also at the beginning rejected by the domestic pop industry and for a long time"not understood".

Only in 1998, there was a short and bright "splash" of her creative career in Russia - the release of a new (and the last "officially published") CD-album "And they had a passion" (the company "ORT-records", 1999) named after the novel of the same name by N. Medvedeva. Then - several shows of performances and video clips on Russian television, and a personal invitation from Alla Pugacheva to her TV show "Christmas Meetings". Unfortunately, this was the first and last fact of cooperation between the two stars. Medvedev, with her precise and caustic ironic remarks literally "dispersed" the elite of the young Russian show business. Even despite the fact that Alla Borisovna felt a certain spiritual kinship, understanding and attraction to Natalia, however, she still did not dare to go for further "promotion" of the singer at such a cost.

This is a heavy and thankless burden - "to sing, write and shout on behalf of all beautiful women era". And if, indisputable literary talent of Natalia Medvedeva, perhaps it was not too great (especially since her books were constantly and unfairly compared with the works of her husband E. Limonov), which cannot be said about her unconditional musical gift. Then , in the mid-90s, many were "scared off" by an unexpected, unusual and unusual "fusion" of chanson and the "cabaret" genre, with "punk music", "hard rock", and the singer's powerful frantic vocals.
Meanwhile, Medvedeva's melody was the perfect balance between downhole rock, horse-drawn stage and classic Russian cabaret. In music, she was compared with the popular West German "punk" singer Nina Hagen ("the ancestor and mother" of "punk-shock-rock" and the German "extreme" scene), and in literary work - with the famous American writer-hyper-realist Henry Charles Bukowski. Among other things, Natalia Medvedeva was also known as a great fashion designer - she herself invented stage outfits for herself, which later made up a whole author's collection.

Now, after almost 10 years, Natalia Medvedeva is seen for understanding listeners as a great tragic singer, a personality underestimated by her contemporaries, whose equal we have never had and never has. Like any artist, she wanted love and recognition, she dreamed of becoming an actress, but like some other creatively gifted individuals, she did absolutely nothing for her own "promotion" and at the same time could not understand how people do not understand that she is talented (after all, in the West, entire firms and associations are specially engaged in the search for talents, but in today's Russia, where everything is decided by money, no one needs true talent). But she really was a "star", according to the highest, unearthly account. At the same time, she always treated herself with great irony.

"Repeat every day - live!!! And live - passionately, in Russian, unrestrainedly," Natalia Medvedeva sang when she returned to her homeland. She lived like that, choosing an extensive path, the path of protest and non-conformism. No one believed that one day Natalia could leave forever. And no one believed that she could ever be 60 years old. The energy of this woman, like a hurricane, carried away many other people's destinies...

Natalia Medvedeva - "Night Singer" or "Big Dipper" (as her close friends and fans called her, after the name of one of the novels), passed away on February 3, 2003 in Moscow, at the 45th year of her life. According to doctors, death was the result of a stroke. She died in her sleep from sudden cardiac arrest, and her ashes (at her personal request) were scattered by friends in four cities around the world: St. Petersburg, Los Angeles, Paris and Moscow.

After it, there were 5 music albums (and the same number of unreleased) recorded in various genres in collaboration with many rock bands and musicians, several musical and poetic phonograms and video clips, as well as eight autobiographical novels (among which the most famous are: "Mom, I love a crook", "California Hotel", "My Struggle", "Night Singer", "And they had a passion"), a book of poems and songs, novels and short stories, a play "The Diary of Margo Fuhrer", a collection essays and many journal articles and political "reviews" (in last years life, N. Medvedev was closely associated with the ultra-extreme "National Bolshevik Party" - "NBP").

In 2004, on the "anniversary of her tragic death"Famous Russian, St. Petersburg and Moscow rock musicians arranged a large commemorative concert dedicated to Natalya Medvedeva. Currently, it is safe to say that another" legend "is being born" and the current fans of the singer are in one voice with music critics, they say that in the future the literary and musical work of Natalia Medvedeva will definitely become "cult" among young people, especially its "female" part. In her forty-four years, Natalia was "married" six times and lived "four lives" - St. Petersburg, American, Paris and Moscow, she described all this in her novels and even became the heroine of other people's books, and her name became a continuation of the real and real history Russian culture and art...

© "Northern Encyclopedia"
/according to archival and Internet materials/


Documentary film "Ursa Major", dedicated to the memory of the writer and singer Natalia Medvedeva. The tape was made by order of ORT and was supposed to be shown on the anniversary of Natalia's death, on February 3rd, but for unknown reasons this show did not happen.
A few amateur and professional video chronicles recorded during the life of Natalia Medvedeva, clippings from her concert performances, fragments of talk shows and television interviews with the participation of the singer, and many memorable monologues of people who knew her closely, recorded after her death.

A selection of concert videos of singer Natalia Medvedeva

Tribunal of Natalia Medvedeva - Clip We will fly in a dream (SD "And they had a passion" 1999)

Presentation of Natalia Medvedeva's book "And they had a passion" in the Moscow Central House of Artists.

Concert at the Central House of Artists (continued)

Concert at the Central House of Artists (continued) "And you me"

One of the most popular songs of Natalia Medvedeva "At Toksovo Station". TV channel "Nostalgia"

Fragments of the program "Sharks of the pen" with the participation of Natalia Medvedeva.

Performance of the Tribunal by Natalia Medvedeva in the club "Europe-Asia" on February 7, 1997 with the program "Punk Cabaret"
Tribunal of Natalia Medvedeva:
Natalia Medvedeva - vocals
Sergey Vysokosov - guitar
Igor Vdovchenko - bass
Yuri Kistenev - drums
Sergey Taidakov - sound

Natalia Medvedeva (singer)

Natalia Georgievna Medvedeva. Born July 14, 1958 in Leningrad - died February 3, 2003 in Moscow. Russian singer, fashion model and writer. The third wife of Eduard Limonov.

Mother - Margarita Vasilievna, physician.

Father - a soldier, was seriously ill and died two days after the birth of his daughter.

Had an older brother.

The family lived in a communal apartment on Peace Square: Natalia, her brother, mother and grandmother. They rented one room and lived in the other. The family lived in poverty, but despite the difficulties, her mother sent her to a music school, which Natalia graduated from in piano.

As the artist said, she matured early, from the age of fifteen she already lived her own conscious life, and the Soviet social framework was a burden for her. She described her youth in detail in her autobiographical book "Mom, I love a crook."

Natalia Medvedeva in the film "The Diary of a School Director"

At the age of 17, Natalya Medvedeva decided to leave the USSR, which she did thanks to her marriage - having married at the age of 17 to a man 20 years older than her. The husband emigrated to America a year earlier. Following him, through Austria and Rome, she also emigrated to the United States.

She quickly achieved international recognition as a fashion model. Photographed for the cover of the disc group "The Cars". She took private acting lessons, studied at Los Angeles City College and the Conservatory in vocal class.

She worked with jazz groups, in a piano bar, in Russian restaurants in the USA - "Renaissance" San Francisco, "Misha" Los Angeles, "Golden Palace" New York (Brighton Beach), performing Russian romances and popular melodies from musicals.

In 1979, Natalya Medvedeva came to Hollywood. Her first major work was filming at 20th Century Fox Studios in Joseph Wembo's Black Marble. She performed Russian romances and excerpts from Broadway musicals at the Misha cabaret on Sunset Boulevard, where Wembo spotted her. In The Black Ball, Natalya Medvedeva played herself, a performer of Russian romances.

In 1982 she moved to Paris, where she continued to give concerts in entertainment venues (fragments of these programs were included in the Paris-Cabaret Russe CD, recorded in Paris in 1993), sang in the Balalaika and Chez Raspoutine restaurants (together with A. Dimitrievich). At the same time, she continued to work literary activity.

In the early 1990s, she established cooperation with domestic periodicals: Limonka, Novy Vzglyad, Smena, Den/Tomorrow, Foreigner. She published a number of successful autobiographical novels: "Mom, I love a crook", "Hotel California", "Love with Alcohol", "My Struggle".

In the same period, she began to write her own songs.

In 1989, for the first time after a long break, she visited the USSR, and in 1992 she returned to her homeland completely, at the same time her first book in Russia, “Hotel California”, was published by the publisher Alexander Shatalov. Her books are largely based on newspaper publications: “This book includes texts, some of which were previously published in Russian periodicals: of course, in the Novy Vzglyad newspaper, from Dodolev, where I first began to publish in Russia,” she said. she is.

Her activities as a journalist were fraught with scandals: in June 1994, the Presnensky Court of Moscow ordered the Novy Vzglyad newspaper, which printed Medvedeva's article about the pirated publication of her husband's books, to publish a refutation and pay 1 million rubles. publisher compensation. At that time, she positioned herself as a "Paris correspondent" for the Moscow newspaper Novy Vzglyad, Natalia wrote under the pseudonym Margot Fuhrer.

But her journalistic activity was noticed: she filmed the release of the Matador program for the VID television company (Channel One) about the writer.

The first disc of Natalia Medvedeva, with her Parisian repertoire, was released on his label "Sounds" by the poet Arkady Semyonov. In the setting of the first Russian program"The Tribunal of Natalia Medvedeva" was attended by the famous keyboardist Ivan Sokolovsky and musicians from the group "KhZ" Karabas, Alexei Zaev and Alexei Medvedev.

Natalia Medvedeva - Let's go to war

Song sketches of 1992-1994 resulted in the album "Russian Trip" (1995).

By February 1996, a permanent accompanying line-up was formed, called the “Natalia Medvedeva Tribunal” (Sergei “Borov” Vysokosov (“Metal Corrosion”) - guitar, Igor Vdovichenko - bass guitar, Yuri Kistenev (“Alliance”) - drums). The band's first concert took place in March 1996. Natalia herself defined the group's style as "punk cabaret".

The last album was published by ORT-records in 1999 and is named the same as one of her last books - "And they had a passion."

In 2001, Natalia Medvedeva created the NATO project, directed against wars in the Caucasus and the Balkans, since 2002 she has given rare concerts with Sergei Vysokosov.

Medvedev was rarely invited to take part in concerts: the producers were frightened by her scandalousness and outrageousness. once ventured to include a speech by Natalia Medvedeva in her "Christmas Meetings". But that was the first and last time.

She took part in the television programs "Theme" with Vlad Listyev, "Sharks of the Pen" (1995), in the program of Nastya Rakhlina on ORT "Rise" (1996), "Anthropology" (1997), "Christmas Meetings" (1998).

Death of Natalia Medvedeva

She died in her sleep on February 3, 2003 in Moscow at the age of 44. According to doctors, death was the result of a stroke.

She was cremated in the crematorium of the Khovansky cemetery. She was buried at the Bolsheokhtinsky cemetery in St. Petersburg next to the grave of her father.

Part of the ashes of Natalia Medvedeva, according to her will, was scattered in four cities: Paris, Los Angeles, Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Natalia Medvedeva

Growth of Natalia Medvedeva: 177 centimeters.

Personal life of Natalia Medvedeva:

The first husband is Arkady Gusakov. She married him at the age of 17. A year before their wedding, he left for the United States. This marriage was a completely commercial project for both spouses. Natalia Medvedeva's husband was twenty years older than her and made big bets on the appearance of his young Russian wife. He wanted to make money on her, and she had to go abroad.

The second husband is Alexander Plaksin, the owner of a jewelry store. She married him in the USA.

The third husband is a writer. They were married from 1983 to 1995. In recent years, the couple did not live together, but did not officially divorce.

Since the mid-1990s, she has lived in civil marriage with Sergei Vysokosov, musician of the Metal Corrosion group. The singer lived with him until her death.

Filmography of Natalia Medvedeva:

1975 - Diary of a school principal - Poplavskaya, a student in love with Koltsov
1980 - Black Ball (Black Marble, The) - restaurant singer
1996 - Gypsy Alyosha (documentary)

Discography of Natalia Medvedeva:

1994 - "Paris - cabaret rus"
1995 - "Russian Trip"
1996 - "Russian Trip"
1997 - “She sang to the king of Egypt. Hollywood"
1999 - "And they had passion"
2002 - “XX century. Chronicle of the penultimate summer"
2002 - "Animal Lyrics"
2005 - "Peaceful means cannot achieve bliss"
2013 - "Russian Trip" (reissue)

Bibliography of Natalia Medvedeva:

1988 - Mom, I love a crook
1989 - Last December 16, 1989. Collective collection
1989 - Maman, j'aime un voyou
1990 - Au Pays des Merveilles
1990 - Wirnennen es Liebe
1992 - Ein wunderbares Land - Frankfurt am Main
1992 - California Hotel
1992 - In Wonderland
1994 - My fight
1995 - Love with alcohol
1995 - I fly the banner ...
1997 - And they had a passion
1999 - In Wonderland
2000 - Night singer
2003 - My favorite
2005 - Nastya and Natasha (compiled by E. Limonov): Medvedeva Natalia "Life in a no-future"

Facts: Natalya Georgievna Medvedeva was born in 1958 in Leningrad. In 1972 she emigrated to the USA. Achieved international recognition as a fashion model. In 1982 she moved to Paris.

Medvedeva Natalya Georgievna was born in 1958 in Leningrad. In 1972 she emigrated to the USA. Achieved international recognition as a fashion model. In 1982 she moved to Paris. She was engaged in literary activity, prepared articles and reports for the French magazines "Figaro Madame" and "Idiot International", in the early 90s she established cooperation with domestic periodicals ("New Look", "Change", "Tomorrow", "Foreigner"). Published a number of successful autobiographical novels ("Mom, I love a crook", "Hotel California", "Love with Alcohol", "My Struggle"). In 1994 she returned to Russia.

The sudden death of the famous writer and ex-wife of the infamous writer Eduard Limonov, Natalya Medvedeva, gave rise to many rumors in the bohemian environment. Ex-husband Medvedeva, Sergei Vysokosov, spoke about her last days.

This man was for Natalia Medvedeva all these years not only a close friend, but also, as she said about him in one of her last interviews with the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper, "the most beloved and most reliable man."

"I was not at home for several days, and when I returned, I found Natasha in bed. She was sleeping. I tried to wake her up, touched her and ... realized that she was dead. Only in the evening the doctors arrived and took her to the morgue. I sat with her alone all day, saying goodbye. And only this morning he found out what the doctors said: Natasha had a weak heart, "Sergey shared. One of the last pictures...

"My friends and I have been sitting here, chirping here for the second day and cannot believe that Natasha is not around, that I am now alone, without her. It's hard. Terrible. It's a chore in my soul. I have connections, I could arrange for Natasha to be buried on Vagankovsky, but Natasha's parents arrived and believe that they should take her to St. Petersburg ... ".

From friends who knew Natalya Medvedeva well, the Komsomolskaya Pravda correspondent learned that in recent times Natasha did not feel well, she lost a lot of weight, she ate almost nothing. She would have turned 45 on July 14.

She was inexorably approaching a critical age for a woman and was very worried about this. I did not want and was afraid to grow old. She dreamed of getting better, although she always complained of stomach pains. Natasha did not have time to go to the doctors and had no money. Together with Sergei, they got along as best they could, Natasha wrote a lot, flashed on TV. She was an emotional, explosive person and at the same time a strong and strong-willed woman. This is how she will remain in our memory.

In 2003, in Moscow, at home, Natalya Georgievna Medvedeva, a writer, singer, actress, model, died in her sleep. ex-wife and the muse of Eduard Limonov. That summer of 2003, she would have been only 45 years old.

Beauty, model, writer, singer

Natalya Medvedeva was born in Leningrad. Mother Margarita Vasilievna - a school teacher, father - a military man, died two days after the birth of his daughter.

At the age of 16, Natalia got married and left with her husband to live in Los Angeles. Behind him was a diploma of graduation from a music school in piano, an episode in Lenfilm's Diary of a School Director. And a lot of adult fans.

Natalya Medvedeva was a beauty who blossomed early and passionately. Tall, narrow, dark. Her beauty was from the category of unfading, but not from bewitching. Big-mouthed and big-toothed, she wore a fierce red lipstick. By nature overwhelming, aggressive, she provoked and teased, often irritated, too passionate - not just a woman - nature.

The first husband turned out to be the owner of a jewelry store and an auto repair shop, where he, in the opinion of his underage wife by American standards, exploited Mexican workers.

About childhood and adolescence, Natalia Medvedeva wrote her first book, "Mom, I love a crook" (1985).

In Los Angeles, Natalya Medvedeva, of course, became a model. Worked on the catwalk in Europe and Japan. Photographed for the cover of the disc group "The Cars". About the modeling business - her most popular book "Hotel California" (1987). She took vocal lessons and studied costume history. She took private acting lessons, studied at Los Angeles City College and the Conservatory in vocal class.

Natalya worked a lot with jazz groups, in a piano bar, in Russian restaurants in the USA - Renaissance San Francisco, Misha Los Angeles, Golden Palace New York (Brighton Beach), performing Russian romances and popular melodies from musicals. In the film "Black marble" ("Black marble") at the studio "XX century Fox" (directed by Joseph Wembo) played the role of a performer of Russian romances.

Eduard Limonov

Having met Eduard Limonov, she went with him to Paris and began to write. She was the third wife of the writer, but he was her fifth. After 15 years together, she left him already in Russia, in 1995, shortly after returning from exile.

A novel with the shocking title "My Struggle" (of course, the first thing I remember is "Mein Kampf" paired with one of Medvedeva's pseudonyms, under which she hid in "Lemonka" - Margo Fuhrer) - a book about them, and the words are in the epigraph from American blues: "A fight for a man always turns into a fight with a man."

Eduard Limonov was her third and last husband. In recent years, the couple did not live together, but did not officially divorce.

Books and journalism

In 1989, for the first time after a long break, she visited the USSR, and in 1992 she returned to her homeland completely, at the same time, the publisher Alexander Shatalov published her first book in Russia - Hotel California. ”Her books are largely based on newspaper publications.

Activity as a journalist is fraught with scandals: in June 1994, the Presnensky Court of Moscow ordered the Novy Vzglyad newspaper, which printed Medvedeva's article about the pirated publication of her husband's books, to publish a refutation and pay 1 million rubles. publisher compensation. At this time, she positions herself as a “Paris correspondent” for the Moscow newspaper Novy Vzglyad. Her journalistic activity has been noticed: Konstantin Ernst is filming the release of the Matador program about the writer for the VID television company (Channel One).

In Russia, Natalya Medvedeva began to publish quite actively, "Vagrius" released a collection "And they had a passion" in a decent circulation (her last album is also called), the most recent was "Night Singer". In fact, if we omit the inclusions of obscene language and, perhaps, the details that are still shocking to someone, her books are actually gentle and sentimental and most of all resemble the women's prose of the Youth magazine.

Rock lioness, punk queen

In Russia, Natalya Medvedeva managed to avoid the prefix ex-wife. She, without fools, with her fists, proved her own self-sufficiency and even self-excess. She had enough of everything, even to connect the incompatible: she was called a socialite rock lioness and a punk queen. Although for understandable, primarily geographical reasons, she could not go to "Saigon" or the Leningrad Rock Club, she retained their style more than the retired queens of "Saigon".

Only her rock was the heaviest, and her personal Saigon did not discount healthy lifestyle life, it seems she never grew up. Returning to Russia, in Moscow, she put together a group "Tribunal", its final composition included Sergei (Borov) Vysokosov ("Metal Corrosion"). Together with Borovoi, Natalya Medvedeva organized exhibitions and her solo club concerts.

The first disc of Natalia Medvedeva, with her Parisian repertoire, was released on his label "Sounds" by the poet Arkady Semyonov. The well-known keyboardist Ivan Sokolovsky and musicians from the KhZ group Karabas, Alexei Zaev and Alexei Medvedev took part in the production of the first Russian program "The Tribunal of Natalia Medvedeva". Song sketches of 1992-1994 resulted in the album "Russian Trip" (1995).

By February 1996, a permanent accompanying line-up was formed, called the “Natalia Medvedeva Tribunal” (Sergei “Borov” Vysokosov (“Metal Corrosion”) - guitar, Igor Vdovichenko - bass guitar, Yuri Kistenev (“Alliance”) - drums). The band's first concert took place in March 1996. Natalya herself defined the style of the group as "punk cabaret". The last album was published by ORT-records in 1999 and is named the same as one of her last books - "And they had a passion." In 2001, Natalya Medvedeva created the NATO project, directed against wars in the Caucasus and the Balkans, since 2002 she has given rare concerts with Sergei Vysokosov.

She took part in the television programs "Sharks of the Pen" (1995), "Anthropology" (1997), "Christmas Meetings" (1998).

Her songs began to be called meditative and shamanic, she did not consider them to be such, she said: "I have it deeper." And it’s understandable why: she was not a chaos conjurer and unknown forces a shaman, she herself was an indomitable, powerful being of a violent nature. She did not recognize conventions and politeness, she could leave the television studio during live broadcast, could sing in "Gorbushka" under a hail of cans of other people's fans.


Natalya Medvedeva died in her sleep on February 3, 2003 in Moscow at the age of 44. According to doctors, death was the result of a stroke. She was cremated in the crematorium of the Khovansky cemetery. She was buried at the Bolsheokhtinsky cemetery in St. Petersburg next to the grave of her father.

Part of the ashes of Natalia Medvedeva, according to her will, was scattered in four cities: Paris, Los Angeles, Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Pop singer, writer.

She was born on July 14, 1958 in Leningrad.
She graduated from music school in piano. She starred as Poplavskaya in the film "The Diary of a School Director" (1975).

In 1976 she emigrated to the USA. Achieved international fame as a fashion model, model. She took private acting lessons in Los Angeles, pop vocals at the Los Angeles Conservatory.
She performed as a performer of Russian romances and melodies from American musicals in nightclubs and restaurants.
Since 1982 - in France, gave concerts in Parisian cabarets. She has been published in Russian periodicals since 1990 ("Change", "New Look", "Day", etc.)
In 1989, she finally returned to her homeland. She released several albums: "Paris-Cabaret Russ" (1993), "Russian Trip" (1995), etc. She composed and performed her own songs, wrote novels: "Mom, I love a crook", "Hotel California", "Love with alcohol", "My struggle", "And we had a passion".
Natalia Medvedeva was the wife of the writer and politician Eduard Limonov.

She passed away in her sleep on the night of February 3, 2003 in Moscow.
She was buried at the Bolsheokhtinsky cemetery in St. Petersburg.

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