How to learn German the right way. Learn German on your own from scratch

Interesting 16.10.2019

Note: this is a translation of an article by Alexander Svanevik. The author describes personal experience.

This article is a summary of an experiment I started in January 2015: learn german in 30 days.
Before starting, I will make 3 reservations:

  • “Learned German” means that I am able to speak simple themes and understand this language (both spoken and written). I did not become fluent in German during this time.
  • I do not claim originality for all the ideas in this text. I was inspired by the books of Barry Farber and Benny Lewis.
  • My native language is Norwegian. This gave me an advantage as it is linguistically close to German.

If you want to go faster, read on. In addition to general advice I created a couple of useful files for learning the language.

Every day I exercised for 30-60 minutes for 30 days (month), so I didn’t spend too much time.

5 Principles of Effective Foreign Language Learning

I have a hypothesis that there are 5 principles of language learning. The purpose of the experiment is to test them for “strength”. Here they are:

  1. Set a clear goal.
  2. Talk from day one.
  3. Focus on frequently used words.
  4. Dive into the language.
  5. Follow development.

Below I will explain how I used these principles.

1. Set a clear goal.

I followed the goal setting approach. The goal is to learn German as well as possible in 30 days. In detail, I was going to accomplish the following key goals:

  1. Learn the 1000 most used words.
  2. Learn 10 songs by heart.
  3. Be able to talk about everyday topics with friends.

Points 1 and 2 are good because they are measurable. But the main point for me was point number 3, although it was vaguely worded. To make it tangible, I booked a ticket to Berlin and decided that all weekend I would only speak German with a friend.

Once I decided to follow the plan, I told everyone that I would learn German in 30 days. The purpose of such an act is purely psychological. I followed the plan so as not to look like a complete idiot. For 30 days, I was always asked: “Well, how is learning German?”. I answered: “Sehr gut, danke!”.

(Unbeknownst to others, I had the idea that I would record a video in Berlin in which I would speak Deutsch. Which I did on day 29. But I will spare you the embarrassing video already posted on Facebook.)

2. Talk from day one.

The biggest mistake I could make when learning a language is putting off speaking it "until I'm ready." The tongue is like a muscle. As long as you go to the gym, you're fine. The rest is procrastination and laziness.

To fulfill point number 2, my task was to make friends who speak or study German. I warned them that I would be online for 30 minutes every day at 20:00 on and uploaded my URL. I managed to collect 5 people. None of them were native speakers, but some were fluent in German (which is extremely important!), the rest were just getting started.

In order to stay within the target language and not switch to English or Norwegian, I created a Cheet Sheet that contained the necessary phrases. This sheet did not let me fade away and was useful to me in online conversations.

Following the “language is muscle” analogy, I loudly repeated everything he heard or read in German in self-study. Compared to passive listening and reading, such repetition is imprinted in the brain.

3. Focus on commonly used words

If you don't know Zipf's law, then you'll be surprised by this fact: the 100 most used words make up 50 percent of the vocabulary in German films. Take a break and reflect on this fact. It means that almost every word in a German movie is in the top 100.

Illustration for Zipf's law

I found a list and created a file in GoogleDocs with the 1000 most used words. They make up 75% of all words in German subtitles. Task: memorize their meaning up to 30 days. I memorized 30-35 words a day. As far as possible, I used my kinship with English and Norwegian to learn them. Once a week I exported them to Anki and trained on them.

The "frequency" sheet is one of the cool ideas that came to my mind. It served as an anchor for my later learning.

For a vocabulary test, I tried to read German newspapers and books, underlining the words I didn't know. After reading a page or a paragraph, I counted the number of words known and unfamiliar to me (calculating the coefficient words known / total words in text). At the end of the study period, the ratio was 80-85% - related words with English, Norwegian and context helped me raise 75% of the top 1000.

4. Immerse yourself in the language.

Changed the language to German on Facebook. Watched a bunch of videos on Yabla.

When I learned the lyrics, I listened to them and hummed whenever free time. I even recorded attempts to play songs on the guitar. I won't show you the video

It's hard to remember just by listening to the song. Therefore, at first I reread them 5-10 times without remembering. I used Lingq and easily determined which words in the song were unfamiliar to me when I listened to a new song.

5. Follow development.

The great thing about the Top 1000 Words spreadsheet is that at any given time I knew how much I had already memorized. Since I knew the frequency of each word on the list, I calculated the “volume” of German that I had already learned.

I also kept a simple diary in Evernote with a description of the activities during the course of the lesson. Only one day out of thirty I did nothing.

Other points in learning German in a month

I took the RocketLanguages ​​course but only completed the first 3 modules.

On day 27, I installed Duolingo and passed the level 10 knowledge test. Class!

I didn't study grammar. It was the right decision. I did not have the task of learning to speak like a full-blooded German in 30 days. To master the cases, I came up with the following scheme. I memorized a set of 4 sentences like: “The man gave the book to the boy” - one sentence for each gender plus plural. Memorizing four sentences is many times easier than tormenting yourself with a case table.


Summing up, I will say - I achieved the goal.

I learned 1,000 commonly used words (let's add the ones I didn't keep track of on the chart).

Now I know 10 German songs by heart.

I went to Berlin and had a great weekend there with my friend Daniel. He taught me how to fly a kite.

If you want to try this approach yourself, then here is a table for you.

That's all! Either this article will inspire you on a 30 day language adventure or you think I'm crazy. In any case, let me know what you think of my experiment!

On the initial stage it is necessary to devote as much time as possible to learning new words in German. Start with simple words, gradually moving to memorizing more compound words, as well as special terms. Get yourself a dictionary where you will write down words you do not know. After writing out the word, immediately make a sentence or a short expression with it, so you will quickly memorize new words. You can prepare special cards, where on the one hand it is necessary in German, and on the other hand - its translation into Russian. Carry these cards with you so you can keep practicing. Download special applications that will turn learning new words into a fun game.

Learn German grammar

Without knowledge of grammar, one cannot advance far in learning a language. It is difficult to memorize all the rules at once. Pay attention to topics such as sentence order, the different tenses and , and rules for using adjectives, adverbs, and prepositions. Use the tutorial, which has exercises on various grammar topics, so you can consolidate and put into practice the grammar you have learned.

Develop all skills at the same time

Try to develop all language skills. Spoken German can be practiced with native speakers while traveling in Germany, Switzerland or Austria. If it is not possible to go abroad, then you can study via Skype. Find a language club in your city and practice speaking in an informal setting. The best way to improve your listening comprehension is to listen to German radio and watch movies. To train written speech, it would be best to use a self-instruction manual, where you can find questions about the material covered and try to answer them in writing. Perhaps at this stage you will need the help of a teacher or friends who know the language better than you and can correct mistakes.

The key is daily practice.

To quickly learn a language, you should study every day. Spend an hour or two a day learning German. Schedule your lessons so you can be sure that enough time is spent developing each language skill. Alternate the practice of speaking and writing with watching films and reading books, magazines and newspapers in German.

How to remember a huge number of words and complex unfamiliar rules? Especially if there is a task. You probably already understand that the classical method of memorization, despite its effectiveness, takes a lot of time and effort, and these resources are the most valuable thing that every person has. However, there is a way out. And this way out is the use of mnemonics for language learning!

What is mnemonics

This technique involves memorizing new information by visualizing or creating an associative array.

For example, the German word "reisen" (to travel) in most Russian-speaking people is associated with the word "flight", the word "wollen" (to wish) - with the word "will". At the same time, it is not enough just to find sound and logical correspondences. When using mnemonics, each concept still needs to be “attached” to the picture. In other words, you need to clearly imagine the actions, events, processes and objects that are associated with the material being studied.

What it looks like in practice

Take for example the word "Brille" (glasses). What Russian word does it resemble? That's right - "diamond". Now we present glasses with diamond lenses, and the association is ready! Remembering the picture, you can retrieve the right word from memory at any time.

This principle can be used to memorize words, articles, prepositions, verb forms, adjective declensions and other grammatical constructions. Try to turn articles from meaningless letter combinations into animated objects. Let the feminine article "Die" become a young girl, the masculine article "Der" become an old man with a white beard, and the middle article "Das" become something neutral, for example, the sea.

If we need to remember what kind of word das Schiff (ship) is, we imagine a ship flying on the waves. But das Eisen (iron) will sink in this sea.

How effective is mnemonics

This largely depends on your mood. At first, the techniques described may seem somewhat absurd, but if you really want to learn German quickly on your own, give it a try. In a week you will understand whether the method is right for you.

And if you are in the mood for traditional ways of learning German, we are happy to share other interesting materials that will help you quickly master the grammar and pronunciation of the Germans. Go to section. Good luck.

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Preparation for German exams:

Essentials from theory:

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Lesson 21
Lektion 21. Uhr, Zeit.

Sufficient attention must be paid to the topic "Clock", because you need it, and then for the exam or test.

Hours - Uhr
Kurz vor/nach - shortly from/after We are speaking - 2-3 minutes of the third.(14:02-03) Or we say - 2-3 minutes to three. (14:57-58)
Germans say - shortly after two.(14:02-03) Or the Germans say - short of three.(14:57-58) That is, we call the minutes, but the Germans just say (kurz vor/nach) brieflyfrom/after - this refers to 1 - 4 minutes. Of course, if you ask exactly, they will tell you exactly the minutes, as well as the schedule, at stations, buses, planes, movies, and so on - they always announce exactly, by the minute. From 0 to 5 minutes say minutes or kurz (short) nach / after.
For example 15:04 - Kurz nach drei / 15 - shortly after three / 15. From 5 minutes to 25 it says nach / after and hour.
For example 15:20 - 20 nach drei / 15 - 20 after three / 15.
Exception: 25 - this figure can be said as 25 nach/after drei/15 (15:25)or funf vor halb v…

German text level A1 - Mein Wochenende.
Mein Wochenende. Am Samstag waren wir im Wald. Wir sind mit dem Fahrrad gefahren und dann sind wir ins Schwimmbad gegangen. Im Schwimmbad haben wir viel gebaden. Nach dem Schwimmbad haben wir den Orangensaft getrunken. Am Abend hat meine Frau einen Kuchengebacken. Wir haben den Kuchen gegessen. Mein Sohn liebt den Kuchen. Nach dem Abendessen haben wir mit dem Ball gespielt.
Das ist mein Wochenende!
My weekend. On Saturday we were in the forest. We rode bicycles and then we went to the pool. We swam a lot in the pool. After the pool we drank Orange juice. In the evening my wife baked a cake. We ate it. My son loves pie very much. After dinner we played ball. This is my weekend!

Have you decided to start studying German, but at the same time, for some reason, do not want to visit a tutor? It's not a problem at all! You can easily take it on yourself, and achieve really high results.

How to start learning German

Mastering any business begins with interest in it. It doesn't matter what underlies your interest in the German language. Perhaps you want to improve your professional skills, dream of going on a trip to Germany, or just found yourself a new hobby - these are all good reasons to start studying. If you have a real desire to study German, learn new things, comprehend a different level, then you will succeed! Of course, there are some conditions, and one of them is the regularity of classes. Try to set aside at least an hour every day to master the material. In order for new learned words to gradually move from a passive to an active stock, the language must be practiced regularly.

How difficult is it to learn German?

This language belongs to the Germanic group of Indo-European languages. Note that in the same group there are Swedish, English and others. In general, in the world, more than 170 million people speak German. Approximately 95 million people speak this language as their first language. There is an assumption that German is difficult to learn, but, in fact, this is just a myth. Only grammar is difficult in this matter: tenses, regular and irregular verbs that conjugate differently, definite and indefinite articles, etc. And yet, in order to communicate with a German, you do not need to know all the nuances of grammar. Surely, not all native speakers of the Russian language know every rule of its spelling and grammar. As a rule, those who want to learn German are faced with the notorious frame construction, in which the negation, the verb, or the second part of the compound predicate is at the end of the sentence, and can change the whole the meaning of the phrase. In fact, such a construction is often used in Russian, but we are not always aware of this. In general, German and Russian have a lot of similarities - both in the logic of constructing phrases and in vocabulary. There are many phraseological expressions, which exist almost identically in both of these languages. That is why many phrases can be translated almost literally, and not be afraid that you will remain misunderstood. By the way, the same English is much more difficult to learn! Often, translation from it turns into serious torments of creativity, because the syntactic construction of phrases in English and Russian does not coincide at all. Meanwhile, you can trace the sentence structure quite clearly, because german words, unlike, for example, English, are less polysemic. You can also say that German is studied much easier than Spanish or Chinese - it's not only about pronunciation, but also about the rules of reading.

Learn German from scratch on your own

Master the alphabet and the basics of clockwork Before you take up the study of the German language, you should familiarize yourself with its alphabet - it included 26 letters and is based on the Greco-Roman alphabet. Also, do not forget that there is an umlaut - specific German letters that are absent in the standard Latin alphabet: ä, ö, ü, ß. It is also important to note that tense forms in German make it possible to determine at what time any of the mentioned actions occurs . There are six tense forms of the verb: Präteritum, Pefekt, Plusquamperfekt, Präsens, Futurum I, Futurum II. Special training courses If you are not sure that you will master a foreign language on your own, then, of course, you should sign up for special courses. If you work during the day or are busy with some other business, then it is quite possible to find groups in which classes are held in the evenings. It is also possible individual training with a tutor, which will take place at a convenient time for you.

Download free audio or video tutorials It is possible that you have no desire or opportunity to learn a language in ad hoc groups or personally with a teacher. In this case, you should pay attention to various video tutorials, which are easy to find in abundance on the Web. Also, do not ignore the audio lessons, which can be even more convenient, because they can be listened to through headphones, for example, on the road or doing some household chores. Communicate online on the Internet with the Germans You will begin to pay more attention to all the subtleties of the German language if you start chatting online with their native speakers. There are various forums, social networks, dating sites that will help you find many interlocutors from Germany. Watch films in a foreign language and translate words Having started learning the German language, it will be very important for you to learn how to identify foreign words by ear, translate them on the go. Various films shot in Germany can help you with this. When you hear an unfamiliar word, press pause and try to find its meaning. Over time, such words will come across less and less! Of course, the perception of phrases and correct pronunciation they are not always on the same level, but if you begin to at least fully understand the German language, then we can say that you have very little left before you fully master it.

Online learning sites

There are many websites on the web that can help you learn. Here are some examples of such resources
    Deutsch info. It's about about a multilingual site that will help you in learning German. Here you will find everything you need to master a new path. We are talking about different courses, grammar rules, videos and texts. In addition, the site contains a lot of useful information about life in Germany. Study German. Here you will find a wonderful selection of online lessons, a phrasebook, and a grammar reference. In addition, various texts, jokes and tongue twisters in German will be available to you. Deutscher Club. The site will appeal to lovers of German culture and those wishing to study their speech. There are a lot of materials for people who have just started learning the language, as well as for those who improve it. There are also unique sections with extraordinary phrases in German. Deutsche Welt. With the help of this portal, you will not only learn German, but also gain more motivation! In addition, the site offers interesting educational materials and texts. StartDeutsch. The resource contains a lot of games, lessons, videos and other things. Helps to enrich vocabulary and learn grammar. Also on the site you can watch serials in German, as well as with Russian subtitles. Lingvister. If you still cannot master the material on your own, then you can take the help of highly qualified specialists without leaving the walls of your home. Representatives of the speech school will conduct lessons with you online or via Skype.

How much does it really take to learn a foreign language from scratch, doing an hour a day

Of course, each student has his own pace of obtaining information - for someone it is given faster, and someone can spend a little more of their time on it. In general, this can take either a few months or two years - it depends on how intensive the chosen course is and how many hours a day you are willing to spend on it. Now, in accordance with international standards, training includes six levels - A1-A2, B1-B2, C1-C2. It is believed that the assimilation of each level requires 96 academic hours. This is an average number. You can go through the levels faster, but this means adjusting the training program. The first lessons will lay the foundation for your future knowledge - the basics of grammar.

Learning the German language by reading texts and studying poetry

If you strive to learn a foreign language, then poems and texts will help you with this. Study quatrains and more complex rhyming works in German, read stories, and so on. Starting to learn a foreign language, many beginners often ask themselves: “How many new words do you need to know in order to understand what a native speaker is talking about and be able to explain himself to him. It all depends on what you are guided by when taking up the German language. If you need it in order to simply explain your wishes during a tour of Germany, then 500-600 correctly chosen words will be enough for you. If your goals are more ambitious, then the work will be more painstaking. Be that as it may, you should not chase too much for the first time vocabulary- you simply will not be able to master such a layer of information. In this case, it is better to learn less, but it is better that when you hear a word, you immediately understand what it is about, and do not think about where you could hear it. The same should happen in the use of these words, their application in one's own speech. Starting to read texts in German, write out unknown words with translation. Subsequently, these words must be learned and learned to apply in sentences. Undoubtedly, this way you will significantly replenish your vocabulary. By following these elementary tips, you will achieve a significant breakthrough in the task at hand! Regularity of classes Start dedicating at least one hour a day to exercise. The importance of regular exercise cannot be underestimated. Discipline is the determining factor that is able to resist any excuses on the way to achieving the goal. Of course, you must understand that it is very difficult to achieve success by looking at the textbook only once every few days. Already after a day, the brain begins to gradually forget what and in what order was studied last time, therefore, with irregular classes, you will spend a lot of time on the usual repetition of the stage already passed. From simple to complex No need to immediately try to memorize as many words as possible, or try to thoroughly understand all the prepositions and tenses. Assimilation of the material should occur gradually, in small steps. Increase the load little by little, gradually taking on more difficult levels. Dictionary work Having started learning the German language, you will conclude for yourself that you cannot do without a dictionary in this matter. There are many services on the Web that make it possible to translate any word from one language to another for free, and this chance should not be neglected. When you are at higher stages of learning, it is advisable to use more monolingual dictionaries, and not try to translate every word into your native speech and stop there - try to explain unfamiliar words using synonyms, phrases, antonyms. Thus, the words will be better fixed in memory. Word combination Try not to memorize the words individually. Some do it in random order, others in alphabetical order, but a completely different technique is most effective. Remember words in context - the way they are used in speech. Try to apply each new word in several sentences at once - this significantly increases the likelihood that you will remember it perfectly. Don't Forget Grammar Even if it seems boring and difficult to you, you probably realize that without studying and understanding grammar, it is impossible to freely form correct sentences in any language! Of course, you can try to memorize phrases, but this does not negate the fact that grammar is necessary to understand what you plan to say. Do not be afraid of grammatical errors in the sentence, because even the indigenous people express themselves with errors. Sooner or later, there comes a stage when, without grammatical knowledge, subsequent advancement in learning will be simply impossible. Often grammatical inaccuracies interfere with understanding. If you don't have the skills correct use verbs and articles in the required form, this will be a serious obstacle in communication and your interlocutors will simply get tired of making assumptions about what exactly you mean. Combination of techniques Be attentive to various speech aspects: it is important not only to listen to the text, but also to remember its content, and also not only to read, but also to speak correctly. There is no single universal method that will be ideal for any student. We are talking about a very individual process - the speed of learning depends on the age of the student, communication skills in their language, diligence and other things. Having decided on your own technique, which is the most suitable for you, you will achieve success. Perhaps you would like to watch films in the original, read books in German. You can also communicate with foreigners on the Web. "Deep dive" There is a fairly effective method of "deep immersion" - surround yourself with German! How does it apply in practice? You can paste pieces of paper with the names of certain objects in the language you are learning in your apartment - you can hang a label on a drawer, bed, table, TV, lamp, and so on. It will also be useful to hang tables of irregular verbs in a conspicuous place. For example, three forms of verbs may hang by your bed, adverbs and prepositions by the dinner table, and a table of articles in the bathroom. Periodically change pieces of paper for others - otherwise, over time, you will simply stop noticing them. You can also translate your page into social network into German, periodically turn on audio books or listen to some German radio station. Start simple - choose materials for beginners. Practice Without regular practice, words will quickly be forgotten. Write messages often, chat on the Web, browse German forums - this is a great way to learn new expressions. For example, if you plan to learn several irregular verbs in a day, try to come up with a coherent sentence story that will contain these words. Don't Lose Interest It is unlikely that you will abandon the study of the language if you maintain interest in it, get acquainted with the culture of the country, breaking news to study the biographies of famous personalities. Plan trips to German cities, hang motivational posters in your room, and so on. Repeat the past Repetition in learning German, like any other language, is very important. Periodically return to the material covered, especially if there were pauses in the training. Try to review the already mastered rules from time to time and do exercises for them.

An effective method for learning German from scratch for beginners

When you start learning German, you need to ask yourself why you chose to do it. A well-formed answer will be your goal, motivation. It is important to clearly formulate this task, and determine how long you plan to achieve the goal - these terms must be realistic. Do not forget to make a training plan, and also determine how much time you have to spend on it. Do not set yourself a super task - from time to time you should rest, gain strength so that interest in the language does not fade away, and classes are not a burden. Also, be sure to encourage yourself, going through new stages in learning - this will support your motivation. Periodically write down your accomplishments to keep track of your own progress and be inspired to try new things.


Some novice students ask themselves the question: “Will memorization help in learning the language? a large number words?" Often this information is of interest to people who hope to replenish their vocabulary in a short period of time. This can only be done using mnemonics. And yet it is worth recognizing that there is not too much benefit from this. What is mnemonics? It is a process of regular repetition of memorized phrases and words. In order for words to remain in the subcortex of consciousness for a long period, they require regular repetition. For example, if you memorize 50 new words a day, then by the end of the week you will need to repeat as many as 350. As a result, the result will most likely not be achieved. In addition, you may not need the words memorized using mnemonics in everyday life . It is advisable to stop at a different method, which will have a more significant effect. For example, as we have already mentioned, it is better to learn words using different cards.

25th frame

Some students show interest in the technique of memorizing the words "25th frame". You will be able to remember all the words learned in this way only by plunging into a trance, because the process is not carried out in active memory, and the student does not have a clear awareness of what he has memorized. Conclusion: it is better to discard such a technique.

How not to forget what you have learned

If you want the acquired knowledge to remain in your memory, you should practice regularly. The German language should, one way or another, be present in your life. There are many ways to help you learn German on your own and improve your level.Perhaps the best way can be called reading newspapers and books in the original language. Naturally, at first it is worth giving preference to light literature, gradually moving on to more complex ones. notice, that good results can be achieved by listening to audiobooks that have not only text appearing on the screen, but also voice accompaniment. With the help of such books, you can not only perceive the text, but also memorize the spelling and pronunciation of individual words. Also, do not forget about watching movies with Russian subtitles.

We recommend reading
