Pisces men after 30 years characteristic. What are they, male fish? Characteristics of the sign

Helpful Hints 03.07.2020
Helpful Hints

Men born under the sign of Pisces are by nature very indecisive. They lack the tenacity and arrogance to take a leading position at work and in the company. Due to their rather mild nature, it is difficult for these people to build a career in a large team. They are sociable, well versed in human psychology, but these qualities are not enough for successful leadership.

Character traits of a man

The Pisces man is a happy owner of great potential! But as a rule, he does not even try to implement it on his own. He prefers to be pushed, encouraged and stimulated.

Astrology endows the sign of Pisces (men) with a characteristic of this kind:

It is very difficult for such men to make any decisions. It doesn't matter if they are complex or simple. He tends to dream a lot, plan, fantasize. But all dreams remain only in his fantasies. He will not even try to realize his plans. All because he is simply incapable of this step. He will not even think to try to achieve a result. He will just go with the flow. He prefers to wait for a favorable set of circumstances.

Very often, since young years, Pisces is characterized as a person unadapted to independent life. As a rule, this characteristic is with him throughout life. From a young age, a man of this sign needs the support and guardianship of his parents, then his wife. But if he has excellent support, under her guidance, he can achieve significant success in his career.

It is impractical in life - it is very difficult for him to find a way out of a difficult conflict or stressful situation. He cannot quickly respond to changing circumstances.

Pisces are touchy and vulnerable, but quick-moving and not vindictive. They are always ready to help anyone who needs it. Moreover, regardless of who they are in need. If Pisces cannot this moment to provide real help, the needy can always count on sympathy or moral support. Pisces are often trusted with their secrets..

Positive characteristics of Pisces-men:

  • responsiveness;
  • tact;
  • restraint in communication.

Success and career growth

Representatives of the sign do not like to bother themselves with hard work, both physical and mental. They dream of easy achievement of goals, which does not happen. To avoid failure, it is desirable to achieve any success in your profession before the age of 25. This sign has many creative talents. But because of their infantile nature, it is difficult for them to achieve both recognition of their work and material gain. If a life partner with a persistent character meets a guy and believes in him, then together they will be able to secure both prosperity and recognition.

According to the horoscope, these guys are better suited for such professions:

  • jewelers;
  • tailors;
  • designers;
  • watchmakers;
  • shoemakers.

The creative nature inherent in these people gives them a chance to become excellent artists, musicians, writers. This zodiac sign has such character traits as compassion and mercy. Teachers, doctors, psychologists - all these professions suit them. Businessmen from Pisces men are completely unsuccessful, as they expect the money to fall into their pockets themselves, they like to get involved in dubious enterprises, some kind of scam, missing the opportunity to legally earn money. Easy money stays in their pockets for a short time.

Health and appearance description

Pisces man looks weak, sickly, effeminate. Most often, he has a thin physique, but if Jupiter influences the sign, a man may be prone to being overweight. His muscles, as a rule, are not expressed.

Men of this sign have a round face, white skin, deep big eyes. His gait, posture and facial features indicate that the person has a mild, indecisive character. A person is tormented by mental confusion, psychological immaturity lies in wait for him all his life.

He is very impressionable, therefore he is constantly exposed to stress, he is prone to mental illness.

Physical potential depends on the date of birth. Astrologers say that men whose birth is the 3rd decade of their sign are the strongest and most enduring. Those who were born in several last days of their sign - the weakest and most painful.

Pisces just need to take care of their health. They should monitor the digestive and nervous systems. It is imperative to take care of the heart and legs, to spend preventive actions to prevent colds.

Pisces are very dependent on the opinions of others, so they have a habit of monitoring their appearance. Therefore, extravagant hairstyles and non-standard hairstyles are chosen.

Love and family relationships

In love, a woman can only be happy if she is wise and very strong. From love, a man of this sign expects stability and security. Jealousy and scandals are unacceptable to him.

In his beloved, Pisces sees the ideal, so his chosen one must fully comply with his ideal.

Pisces man has qualities beautiful lover. His romance, sensuality, tenderness and understanding of women prove it. In bed and love, he prefers to give the rights of the leader to his chosen one.

The Pisces man cannot stand the slightest criticism and pressure from outside. If his chosen one has a desire to change his beloved character in better side, she should not put pressure on him, you need to act gently and unobtrusively. Otherwise, the guy may misunderstand his chosen one and eventually cool off towards her.

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The Pisces man is a romantic, a dreamer and a visionary. Its distinctive features are kindness, compassion, tact, gentleness. He needs a patron friend to guide and support him. Due to vulnerability, resentment, frequent mood swings, it is not easy to communicate with him. He either gets irritated or withdraws into himself. Thanks to great potential Pisces man is able to achieve success in work. But often he doesn't use it. The representative of this zodiac sign usually creates a family late. In marriage, does not seek to take a leadership position.

Love and family

The Pisces man is inclined to idealize his partner, not to notice her shortcomings and to forgive a lot. In relationships, he seeks to find stability and mutual understanding. The representative of this zodiac sign is a gentle person by nature. In the family, he often gives the reins of government to his wife. Such a man gives his soulmate love and tenderness and expects the same manifestations in return. He is capable of great things if his energy is directed in the right direction. Sexually inventive. Partners like his sensitivity and rich imagination. For children, he becomes a good friend.


The Pisces man has good compatibility with representatives of such zodiac signs: Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn. Complicated Relationships stack with Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius.

Pisces Man and Aries Woman: ambiguous union due to differences in characters. If a man begins to strive for specific goals, a woman surrounds him with attention and care. Then the relationship between them becomes happy and lasting.

Pisces man and Taurus woman: promising alliance. Helps partners achieve harmony in relationships inner work over oneself, mutual development and the correct distribution of roles in the family.

Pisces Man and Gemini Woman: low compatibility due to the opposite nature and inability to understand each other. Relationships are saved by constructive communication.

Pisces man and Cancer woman: promising union through understanding each other. The partner's desire to become more open to his other half improves the compatibility of the couple.

Pisces man and Leo woman: complex union. Relationships become happy if a man gives up leadership in the family to a woman.

Pisces man and Virgo woman: an uneasy union due to the difference in characters. A common goal or hobby helps strengthen relationships.

Pisces man and Libra woman: a difficult union due to the inability of partners to make important life decisions. The voluntary distribution of family responsibilities helps to strengthen relationships.

Pisces man and Scorpio woman: a good alliance due to good mutual understanding of partners. A common cause helps strengthen relationships.

Pisces man and Sagittarius woman: a difficult union due to the dissimilarity of temperaments. Strengthening relationships helps striving for a common spiritual goal.

Pisces man and Capricorn woman: a promising couple due to excellent mutual understanding and ability to cooperate. The future of the relationship depends on the partner: it is important for her not to try to remake her lover.

Pisces man and Aquarius woman: unpredictable union. Both partners live in dreams and cut off from reality. A common creative project helps to strengthen relationships.

Pisces Man and Pisces Woman: an unpredictable union due to the passivity of partners and unwillingness to solve domestic and economic issues. Relationships become happy if someone takes the initiative in their own hands and solves problems for two.

Career and profession

For a Pisces man, a career is not the main thing. He is not ambitious, does not strive for fame and power, does not have organizational skills. Therefore, he is rarely seen in a leadership position. In the role of a subordinate, the representative of this zodiac sign is irreplaceable. He prefers to do interesting work. The Pisces man is a creative person. The profession of an artist, musician or singer is suitable for him. He is able to become an excellent makeup artist, hairdresser, stylist. A developed sense of compassion can be useful to him in industries that are associated with charity and medicine.


The Pisces man is sensitive and anxious. He often becomes a victim of stress and mental disorders. To avoid them, he needs to rest more, master the art of relaxation and not bring the body to complete overwork. The mode is recommended in the diet, otherwise there may be problems with gastrointestinal tract. The representative of this zodiac sign is prone to infectious and colds. Therefore, during epidemics, he should pay due attention to preventive measures.

Pisces man- this is a man of great abilities, opportunities and talents both in science and in art.

However Pisces man not the type to act. He prefers to wait for something from fate, rather than go towards it. He will dream of a good life, of success, while not lifting a finger to turn dreams into reality.

Often his dreams are so utopian that he looks like a man out of this world. He needs a person who would support him, patronize him. By the way, Pisces patrons are found quite easily.

To be successful, they need to learn to disconnect from their fruitless dreams, and it is important to identify their talent as early as possible. If this man has not found his only job before the age of twenty-five, his future may not be promising.

The man of this sign is sensitive, touchy, it is easy to upset him, piss him off: he has a thin, vulnerable nervous system. But he quickly departs, does not harbor evil.

Due to its sensitivity Pisces man able to sympathize, support in Hard time anyone. Therefore, he has many spiritual friends. This person is not able to brush off those who need help, he is not one of those who will listen to complaints on the go. He is attentive, kind, absorbs other people's troubles, imbued with deep sympathy. Friends like to come to him to cry and know that he will keep the conversation a secret. At the same time, Pisces are delicate, modest and do not interfere in other people's affairs.

Indulging in heartfelt conversations Pisces man the same amount of time then comes to his senses. His friends and family need to know that he needs rest, needs solitude, that he cannot be overcome by endless walks for sympathy. Relaxing next to him, shifting the burden of their troubles on him, people feel light at heart. But the Pisces-man also needs relaxation and also needs a faithful comrade, who, in turn, will help him cope with his problems, although in general the man of this sign is not weak. You need to understand his changeable mood, on which his successes and defeats often depend.

To marriage Pisces man not particularly eager. He does not feel the need of either a family, or a wife, or children, and rarely finds happiness at the family hearth. He will hesitate with the offer, and here he needs a push from the outside. It is quite possible that his future wife will give him this impetus, suggesting that it is time to formalize their relationship.

In his family, the wife must take the initiative in her own hands, lead and lead her husband, push him and direct, in the end - persuade and beg him to do something. Pisces-husband will not interfere with an active, domineering wife, will not rebel and demand independence, will not wrest initiative from her hands. He will gladly submit to the role of the second, and not the main performer, he will prefer to be in the shadows.

Such a husband is impractical, uneconomical, does not look to the future, is not able to plan anything and implement these plans. He simply lives today, in the present, and does not care that tomorrow he will also need money and that it is not worth spending every penny right away, as soon as they are wound up in his pocket.

Just as he needs support and support, so he needs to constantly see love in the eyes of his wife. He expects that his friendliness, spiritual subtlety and warmth, disinterestedness, fidelity and devotion will be appreciated by all those whom he loves. He needs every minute confirmation that he is loved.

The wife should understand him and not scold him for going into dreams and contemplation, but gently and patiently bring him back to earth, directing his rich imagination and his fantasy to specific deeds.

For kids Father Pisces interesting: he introduces them to a fantasy world, composes fairy tales for them, invents unusual activities, selflessly plays with them. He animates objects in their imagination, teaches children to keenly feel the environment, understand other people's souls, instills in them his gift of mercy and sympathy for the weak, downtrodden, and also for animals. Children love to talk with such a father, trust him with their secrets and problems, and he is a kind hearted friend for them.

So emotional, subtle, to a vulnerable person you have to hide these qualities so as not to seem feminine and weak. So that Pisces husband- a great actor. He is able to hide his feelings, intentions, actions. But it will not be possible to hide this from him: he has a flair for deceit, he is insightful and intelligent, well versed in people, in their psychology. In addition, he always has his intuition as assistants.

If his wife flirts safely for their relationship, it will not hurt him, since he understands and feels very well that she is just playing. He will be jealous only when he sees that there are enough reasons for this.

If this man understands others well, then we can say that there is no such woman who could fully understand him: he remains a mystery all his life, because he does not allow anyone into his soul, no matter who tries to do this and no matter how soft, these attempts were not cautious. A woman who has lived all her life with a man of this zodiac sign is never sure that she fully recognized him. He eludes scrutiny, closes himself off, retires and lets her know that he is on his own.

Despite the fact that he needs a patron in life, he is secretive with him. The image of this man in the eyes of others is always a little more hazy and a little more false than in reality.

Pisces man keeps his intimate relationships secret even from close friends, does not brag about his successes and victories. In this sense, he is a reliable lover. But he is no less a wonderful partner in all other aspects. Thanks to his sensitive nature, his ability to penetrate other people's souls, he knows perfectly well what exactly a woman needs. He can drive you crazy with his affectionate speeches, as he is aware that a woman "loves with her ears." Pisces man erotic, sexually rich, able to deliver a lot of pleasure to a woman, and she has unforgettable impressions of this man for life.

Many astrologers will agree that Pisces men are the most eccentric personalities of the entire zodiac. Their ruler - Neptune - is a revolutionary, mystical sign, romantic, sometimes insane, but always somewhat detached. He causes nervousness and anxiety to his subordinates.

The zodiac sign of Pisces-men is the last, and usually these people put themselves in last place. They selflessly cater to the desires of others. Pisces is the 3rd water sign and people of this sign are extremely emotional and passionate in their own way. Their strong emotions and passions, when they are positively directed, are powerful elements for creation, but if they are relaxed, then these qualities can lead Pisces to self-destruction.

Pisces men need to fight and protect themselves from harsh criticism from those who do not understand their mystical world. The emotional wounds of Pisces do not heal for a long time. They like to play the role of a martyr, and they must beware of the tendency to feel sorry for themselves, as well as low self-esteem. According to the characteristics of the Pisces men, they are modest and shy, but they are also nervous and full of energy personalities, all together gives them the appearance that they are always indecisive and puzzled. They tend to rage over trifles and worry a lot about trifles.

Pisces man in love and marriage - love horoscope

Although Shakespeare was a Taurus, he undoubtedly left these lines as an example to those:

In the affairs of people there is a moment of tide;

He rushes them to happiness, if not missed,

Otherwise - all the swimming of their lives

Passes through shallows and adversity.

Remember these wise words when you want to dive into the depths of the sea without looking back after your Fish.

By love horoscope Pisces men, if he belongs to the breed that knows when the tide is coming and dives into the highest wave - your happiness. Most likely, fame and fortune await you ahead.

But if, more than expected, he is not able to predict the time of the tide, then he may well dive at the moment when the tide has already begun, and you will be forced to splash in shallow water all your life.

A Pisces man can become everything and nothing. It all depends on how determined and prudent he is. Pisces cannot be called weak creatures. It's just that some of them dream for too long and miss their chances in life. Let's say, if by the age of twenty-five he is still in doubt about which wave to dive into, your case is, frankly, almost hopeless. Of course, he can decide to take a responsible step at the age of thirty-five, but he will have much less chances. When I say this, I mean the chances of your life together. In any case, he will be happy.

All he needs is a loaf of bread and a jug of wine, on such a diet one can successfully continue to dream. However, it is very problematic to support a wife, and even with children with such an income. With this type of man, you have two choices: either be rich heiress or work two jobs - for yourself and for him.

True, at the same time, you and your Pisces will be invariably happy from a purely emotional side. But on some emotions, as you know, you will not go far. The only reasonable way out in this case is to part with the Fish. In the end, even the break better life Wasted in fruitless dreams of the future.

Now let's talk about others. Pisces men , those who managed to dive deep in time. This type can be considered a godsend for any woman. After all, you always have the hope that your husband will be Albert Einstein or George Washington. In the first case, he can often work on Sundays, and in the second, returning home, continue to discuss with you the problems of high politics, but, as you know, there are no people without flaws. And these shortcomings are by no means the worst, because, despite them, he will give you fame and fortune, and maybe both.

Completely devoid of any prejudice whatsoever. He is always able to take the side of any person and will never judge anyone. Excellent quality, especially if the person he will always understand is your mother.

Friends of Pisces often confide their secrets to him, sometimes very unpleasant and even shocking. But Pisces reliably keeps secrets (of course, if he is asked about it). True, by chance, if he was not warned about this, Pisces may blurt out for the simple reason that he does not suspect that such information can be used out of malicious intent.

Among Pisces (of those who were influenced by Mercury) there are real talkers, but basically Pisces are rather silent, speak slowly and carefully weigh their words. Pisces are among the most grateful listeners, so people often turn to them for advice and help.

Pisces is so sensitive to the affairs and problems of others that you should somewhat protect him from annoying friends and neighbors out of pure compassion for him.

Many male Pisces are interested in everything unusual: yoga, Zen Buddhism, astrology, palmistry, the theory of rebirth and other occult sciences. They make good mediums. Possessing the gift of seeing people through, Pisces are rarely deceived about the true intentions of people. You will never be able to deceive the Pisces. But sometimes they themselves like to compose. True, this deception is completely harmless. For example, he went for cigarettes, or he may tell you that he went to dry cleaning. Why is he doing this? He doesn't know himself. He just likes to have his little secrets, with them he feels much more confident. And since it does not affect you in any way, why not let him do it?

How to win, fall in love and attract a Pisces man - how to behave

Before crying into the Pisces man's vest, think about the fact that he will take your sorrows so close to his heart as if they were his own. To recover from emotional overstrain, Pisces needs loneliness and long rest.

Pisces are very easy to offend. Remember this constantly.

Pisces men are almost not jealous, but even if they are jealous, they hide it well. Your own jealousy also needs to be hidden deeper, and if you are the owner by nature, then it is better not to acquire a Pisces husband. After all, Pisces is so sympathetic to everyone that you will not succeed, no matter how hard you try, to make him not notice the other half of humanity.

When a gloomy mood takes possession of him, try throwing aside all household chores to entertain him. For this purpose, it is best to invite him to the theater or to an exhibition. There, among the canvases dear to his heart or his favorite actors, he will perk up again.

Be especially attentive to his dreams - do not frighten me, do not destroy them. He will never forget or forgive this. Try to better help him turn them into reality. In love, the Pisces man is rather not leading, but driven, which in life turns into your sincere faith in his strengths, talents and destiny and the creation of a cozy home nest for him. Try not to complain, whine, complain or criticize him too harshly. If you follow these tips and take care of his dreams, the results will exceed your wildest expectations.

Of all the signs of the Zodiac, Pisces men are the most scattered and uncollected. But you shouldn't be afraid of it. After all, you are not afraid of the sight of an unassembled suitcase with things laid out around. Your task in such cases is to collect, fold things and fasten the suitcase tightly. Same with Pisces. Help him get ready and tighten the belts, then he will serve you faithfully throughout your life path.

Give him a Dream for breakfast, a Witty Joke for lunch and Chopin for dinner, and he will give you the Whole World, not only the one that is, but also the one that was a long time ago, and the one that will be tomorrow.

A vulnerable, sensual, gifted individualist dreamer - this is how horoscopes characterize the Pisces man. Life with such a person seems like a fairy tale to one woman, does the other remember? like a bad dream. However, much depends on their star compatibility.

Description of the man - Pisces

He does not at all correspond to the type of brutal macho: vulnerable and dreamy, loves to build castles in the air, but is in no hurry to realize his plans. But he is able to think over a unique project or give out a promising idea, for which a medal will be given to someone else. The creative Pisces man will not be offended: he is comfortable in solitude, bliss, silence. Sometimes dreams lead so far that it becomes difficult to understand it.

Pisces man according to the horoscope - Bruce Willis. Steve Jobs, Andrey Mironov, Mikhail Porechenkov, Bruce Willis, Justin Bieber were born under this sign

AT Everyday life Pisces will be comfortable if there is one that will constantly guide, stimulate, push to action. An active life position, male pressure is not about them. Running, emotional stress and hard work cause him longing and a desire to hide away.

In art and intellectual activity, he has few rivals. In emotions, he is unpredictable, bright, sensitive to the mood of people nearby, and it is easy to offend him. Pisces inspire confidence, a desire to communicate, especially since they forgive others for shortcomings, listen carefully, and know how to sympathize. But not everyone is able to be friends with them - these people are too unusual.

Lack of rigidity and clear own position make the Pisces man dependent on the environment. He adopts the beliefs, demeanor, habits of those with whom he lives or spends a lot of time.

Pisces man and sex

A romantic person, in sex he does not recognize restrictions. He likes to try something unusual and forbidden, especially if the initiative belongs to the partner. It is these men who burn with lust when they see their partner with another or another.

According to the horoscope, the Pisces man is a romantic nature

A masochist by nature, he lights up at the thought of a female mistress. The idea of ​​punishment and whipping drives him to ecstasy. He likes to obey and fulfill the most bizarre sexual fantasies of his partner. He is able to close his eyes to moral norms and social restrictions, just to dissolve in unconditional submission, so sweet and alluring for Pisces.

Marriage with a man of this zodiac sign is difficult. He does not attach serious importance to marriage ties, and he is not able to refuse intimacy with the woman he likes. You can keep it only by constantly increasing the degree of intimate relationships. To a woman without a secret, Pisces cools down quickly. If you want to maintain the freshness of relationships and the strength of marriage, take an active interest in the latest sex shops.

Who suits a Pisces man

A romantic dreamer will be happy with the ladies of the elements of Water and Earth. With watermarks, the union will develop successfully due to the coincidence of views on relationships. With earth signs, Pisces is calm and comfortable in everyday life.

Cancer and Scorpio are ideal partners for the Pisces man. Emotional coincidence with Cancers is one hundred percent: these two breathe in unison and understand each other perfectly. And with Scorpios there is a spiritual relationship. In addition, both signs are sexually uninhibited and perfectly able to satisfy not only the spiritual, but also the physical needs of a partner.

Strong relationships are created with Taurus, quite comfortable for both. Less successful alliance with Capricorns. They are too demanding, which eventually ceases to please even the slave man.

The alliance with Aquarius is quite successful. Creativity to solving everyday problems and the absence of puritanism strengthen the relationship of these people. And if they have a common hobby, the family will remain strong for many years.

Characteristics of the Pisces man by Luc Besson according to the horoscope: a sensitive and vulnerable person

Of the fiery signs, only Aries coincide with Pisces in worldview and sexual temperament. Both are idealists with a wealth inner world. They will be well next to each other as long as the partners give in to each other and maintain equal relations.

With romantic Pisces, it is easy for those ladies who are ready to take on household issues. Finding a suitable match for such a man is not easy.

Who is not suitable for a Pisces man

AT family life Pisces is especially difficult with representatives of the air and fire elements. They are too different to meet your partner every day.

  • Pisces is uncomfortable around Gemini. Dissimilarity alienates these people from each other from the first days life together. The sooner they break up, the better. There is no chance of saving this marriage, unless the spouses make a strong-willed decision to live together and not pay attention to the secrets and behavior of their other half.
  • It is extremely rare that the union of a Pisces man and a Leo woman turns out to be successful. The only point of contact is an innate understanding of beauty. But the energetic Lioness is annoyed by the passivity of her husband and his indifference to money, so disagreements are inevitable.
  • Virgos are practical and hardworking, so living together with Pisces is impossible for them. But these two can be friends with each other.
  • Libra is always dissatisfied with the impracticality of Pisces and the man’s lack of a clear life purpose. The Libra woman is straightforward and quick-tempered, her claims make Pisces feel constant discomfort. So the idea of ​​divorce is constantly looming on the horizon.
  • Marriage with Sagittarius is full of insoluble contradictions. Where the wife acts, solves problems, the husband goes with the flow. In bed, these two are fine, but in real life difficult.

Romantic Pisces will be able to attract any girl. But not every representative of this zodiac sign is able to keep her close and give happiness.

Creative natures, dreamers, romantics, Pisces do not differ in energy, but they attract the attention of others with their special behavior and outlook on the world. They are pleasant in communication, impractical and conquer with spiritual sensitivity.

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