How to understand that he is indifferent. Signs of falling in love with a man. He has social restrictions

Family and relationships 06.11.2017
Family and relationships

Cases when a man is in love, but hides his feelings are quite rare. Most often, men still begin to show themselves, one way or another, trying to get the attention of a girl who won their heart. But still, this happens.

So how can you still understand that a man is in love, but hides his feelings? How to recognize hidden desires and motives that a man hides under feigned indifference and indifference?

1. A man will try for you

The first and main rule by which you can determine a man in love (or at least a person who has sympathy for you and any feelings) is that he works for you!

Therefore one of simple ways to understand that a man is really in love, but hides his feelings - ask him for some help and support. And then watch his reaction.

If a man is in love, then most likely he will do everything possible for you, everything in his power to solve your problem. If something does not work out for him, he will suffer greatly and try to correct the situation.

Remember: keep an eye on whether a man is trying for you, look first of all at his actions and deeds, and not at what he says (or what he is silent about).

2. He's just afraid of being rejected.

Despite the fact that it seems to be a manifestation of your feelings and steps to meet a girl you like, this is not such a big science and a giant obstacle, for most men this is a real inner feat. For many, this is like climbing Everest! And maybe even harder!

A man, if he is really sincere, really feels something, and really aspires to you with his soul, he will be very excited and will overcome his fears with all his might.

At the same time, the main thing that a man will be afraid of is, of course, being rejected. Some stupid ladies, when an embarrassed man approaches them, sorting themselves out and trying to get to know each other, instead of treating them with understanding and goodwill, harshly “reject” the candidate. This is a very strong blow to the pride of a man, and to his self-esteem and confidence. This is really very unpleasant and scary - for any man (if he is not a sheep at all).

Therefore, know that a man can be in love with you, but he simply cannot overcome himself in his fears and embarrassment. And the stronger the feelings, the more difficult it is for him to do this. Try to "cut through" this situation and help him open up.

3. A man will be embarrassed and act like a fool.

In continuation to the previous paragraph: since for an ordinary man it is normal (and for a lover this effect is amplified many times) - to show his feelings towards a girl, it is really difficult and requires tension, then most often a sincere man will behave ... how to put it in softer ... not quite adequate))

That is, a man at a meeting with you will be embarrassed, he can do some nonsense, behave like an idiot.

This is easy enough to determine, and most girls feel this attitude perfectly. If you see that the guy is embarrassed and feels awkward - this is a good sign!

Now compare this sincere behavior, albeit sometimes stupid and awkward, with the behavior of professional seducers who see in you only a piece of meat and an opportunity to satisfy their lust. Most likely, such characters will behave very confidently, speak Right words to act "correctly". The only problem is that behind this there is only indifference to you as a person, and a desire to quickly drag you into bed, and then wave the pen.

4. He has social restrictions

You need to understand that behind a man's back there can be various circumstances. And even if he fell in love with you, and burns with inner passion, he may simply be limited by various conditions. What could these conditions be?

The most banal and simple thing is that he is already married and has a girlfriend. In this case, if a man is reasonable and adequate, he will not show his feelings in any way, hide them and overcome himself without letting you know about it.

Relationship with married man, this is material for a separate large article, but here I will limit myself to a brief squeeze: it's not worth it! Even if you manage to pull a man out of marriage, by truth or by falsehood, and attract him to you, the first thing you will attract will not be his virtues and good qualities, but his jambs and problems from a past marriage. After all, if he fell for you, then he certainly had serious problems there. A normal man who is happy with his wife will not change anything. And to hope that it will be different with you is just very stupid. Will not!

The second reason is age. Is there a big age difference between you? Maybe a man thinks that he is too old for you, and it is simply indecent for him to open up to you? This is a serious social restriction and should not be discounted. For many men, this is critical, and they will not go to overcome such boundaries.

Think about it, maybe he has some other social restrictions that will not allow a man to be with you and prove himself?

5. Psychology, behavior, facial expressions, gestures

A man in love who has realized the extent of his problem will begin to change in some way. It will quickly become obvious to him that water does not lie under a lying stone, and if he wants to attract the girl he liked, at least something needs to be done. If a direct cavalry attack seems too reckless to him, then a man can give himself away by other signs.

First, he will begin to change his appearance. Men, by and large, put themselves in order and take care of themselves, for the sake of women. And if, until the moment of falling in love, he can look at best like a sloppy weirdo with no fixed place of residence, living at the station, then suddenly he will start preening, maybe even buy himself new jeans (and throw away the old ones, which already have a hole the size of one his buttock). If you notice serious changes in the appearance of a man, this is a sign :)

Secondly, no matter how a man tries to hide his feelings, he will still want to look at you and look at you. This is our nature: we really like to look at the girls:) Nothing can be done about it. Therefore, regular, even fleeting glances in your direction, if he fell in love, will be guaranteed to you. Just follow it a little more closely. A man will not be able to restrain himself, so as not to stare at the beauty, and you will notice it.

And thirdly, the facial expressions and gestures of the man will also change. In the presence of you, he will behave differently than before. He will gesticulate differently, the intonation of his voice will be different. The main thing you should do is just watch carefully and see these changes. If they are, there is also a chance that the man "sailed" to your shores :)

6. Maybe he really doesn't like you.

Maybe this is a painful point, and unpleasant information, but there is a very simple and possible variant: he really doesn't like you! And he really doesn't love you. Although this may be unpleasant for you, I add here the possibility that may be quite real.

Often girls build castles in the air in their heads, which can dissolve when they meet reality. Think, could this be your case? Is there a chance that the person you think is secretly in love doesn't really like you?

When you like a man, you always want to know if the feelings are mutual. And if attraction has grown into something more, then a woman thinks about it all the time. How to determine if a man is in love with you and whether he hides his feelings?

How to know that a man is in love if he hides it

Until the lady learns the truth, she will not calm down. After all, the knowledge that the chosen one also sympathizes with her gives the woman confidence. Her charms work, life is beautiful. Therefore, if you like a handsome young man or an imposing man, it is better to find out right away how he treats you.

Of course, no matter how trite it may sound, but all people are different. And falling in love, they behave not like everyone else:

  • someone is sad and throws languid glances,
  • someone is angry with their feelings, because we are tormented by the same thought: “What if she is not free or does not feel sympathy?” and, at the same time, behaves somewhat aggressively.

But still, there are ways to recognize if a man is in love with you.

So, let's begin.

  1. First of all, you should carefully look at the object of desire. Despite the feigned calm, his eyes can express everything that he himself is silent about. He cannot take his eyes off the lady he likes. The desire to possess her is so great that he “devours” his chosen one with his eyes. Alas, it is very difficult to notice it yourself. If only because if you pay attention to a man, he immediately looks away. But here friends and acquaintances can come to the rescue. Ask a friend to quietly observe the man.
  2. When a girl is involved in a conversation with a guy in love, he will hang on her every word. Even if she is full of nonsense. People in love do not notice the shortcomings of their halves. However, this statement is only half true.

I know a lot of girls and women! Each of them has its own zest.
But not all men see her in order to appreciate her.
And to emphasize your individuality, I have selected, in my opinion, useful articles.

Consider the reasons why a man can hide his feelings of love.

There can be a lot of reasons:

  • he is not free or you are married,
  • different social strata
  • different outlooks on life
  • fear of a serious relationship.
  • After all, you may have run over his beloved dog with a car in the past. He seems to be in love, but the thought of poor Bobik haunts him.

What is the result? He will look for those very flaws in you that will help him overcome attraction. Such a man will argue with you at any opportunity, deliberately ignore you, and some will even try to make fun of you.

To be honest, I have no sympathy for such individuals. Simply put, they are not quite adequate, they are tormented by internal contradictions. It's like at school. Boys attract the attention of girls by pulling their pigtails. The more painfully he pulls, the more pleasure he gets. No logic. But if you fell in love with such a man, then the above signs speak of a mutual feeling.

How to understand that a guy is in love, but hides his feelings

There are other signs by which you can determine if a young man is in love with you.


  • Excitement. If a man experiences this feeling when he sees you, he may be in love. Of course, unless you are from the tax or bailiff service, and your meeting with him is not working. When a desired object is nearby, we all get a little lost. Of course, it all depends on the character and conceit young man, but sometimes the most confident also experience a little excitement. For example, he is a talented speaker, but next to you he cannot say a word. Or he plays the guitar virtuoso, but when he sees you, he is not able to play a single melody.

  • Appearance. When we are in love, we want to look special. So that the beloved pays attention and appreciates. Not all, of course, but many men in love take clothes more seriously. Previously, he was ready to go to work in ordinary sweatpants, but today he is dressed like a real gentleman. Well, this is certainly an indicator that he cares about a woman. True, if you are not the only lady in the team, it is better to take a good look at the rest of the rivals. Suddenly, he dressed up not for you?
  • Behavior. Watch him. How does he behave with other females? If he openly flirts with others, then he does not have serious feelings for you. Another thing is when he gives you sincere compliments - that is, not typical, but individual. For example, notices that you have a different hairstyle today, or good mood. And with other women he shows politeness and tact, but does not try to interest them.

If there is only a friendly relationship between you so far, a man in love will want to introduce you to his close circle, that is, to friends. Thus, he emphasizes that he considers you not a stranger.

The young man will talk about plans for the future: work, children and family. So he wants to show that he has serious intentions. And this is another way to find out what you want, whether your life priorities are the same.

How to understand that a man is in love, but hides his feelings. male opinion

When I first really liked a girl, I stupidly found her in one of social networks and added to friends. We were introduced by mutual friends, but the paths rarely crossed. How else could I hint to her that I would like to talk? Sometimes I looked through her page, evaluated the photos. This kind of communication is quite normal today.

From Monday to Friday, everyone is busy with work and study, and you don’t want to miss the opportunity to chat with the lady you like. Suddenly during this period she will meet someone else? So here it is if a man is actively involved in your virtual life- this is one of the signs of his sympathy. In addition, this is how he finds out if he has competitors.

I think that prolonged virtual communication does not contribute to the development of relations. Before proceeding with the action, a short correspondence is needed. Otherwise, you run the risk of remaining one of the virtual girlfriends with whom there is nothing to talk about.

If he does not dare to take the next step, take the initiative, invite him to a cafe or a museum of modern art. So you will definitely find out if he likes you.

After a short correspondence, the moment came when the lady of my heart needed help. Of course, I couldn't refuse her. I believe that she had the opportunity to turn to any other person, but she asked for me. Why? Everything is simple. The girl also felt sympathy for me and decided to test my feelings.

After all, if a woman is dear to a man, he will never refuse her request. Therefore, feel free to ask the chosen one to help you in something. Of course, he won't buy you a fur coat or a diamond ring. And bungalows in the Maldives too. Be realistic. The request may not be that big. For example, you can ask for help moving a closet if you know for sure that he has such an opportunity. Or help with the report if you work together.

And finally. Dear ladies, you should not look for signs where there are none. If a man once paid attention to you, this does not mean that he is in love. Perhaps he is in search of fleeting hobbies, or immediately cooled down.

And if you see that a young man is interested in you, for whom you do not have mutual feelings, it is better to gently hint to him about this right away.

There are almost half as many men on the planet as women. So your admirer can become a real knight for someone. Agree, and you would not be so sorry for the time spent if the man hinted that his heart was no longer free.

Thus, with the question of how to understand what you like man in love in you, but at the same time, hides his feelings I think everything is clear. And if not, then questions in the studio!

Good mood to you all.

In love matters, the strong half of humanity is characterized by modesty. Shy and modest men become when it comes to real feelings. Women who are more emotional and courageous in this regard sometimes need to push the chosen one to recognition. How to do this delicately and how to understand that a man is in love, but hides his feelings?

A common reason why the representatives of the stronger sex hide their feelings is the fear that he will not meet reciprocity, will be rejected or even ridiculed. No matter how paradoxical it may sound, but when it comes to real feelings, the stronger sex can become indecisive and capricious. And here the main thing is to understand whether the satellite is really in love and, having made sure of a positive result, help him open up.

Why can a man hide his feelings?

Many women are familiar with the situation when a lover does not show signs of attention, does not show feelings. Men simply do not understand that if you hide your feelings, a woman may soon doubt their existence. It is very important for women to realize that they are loved and dear. Strong hugs, pleasant words and manifestations of feelings are simply necessary for women, without them they feel lonely. There are doubts and jealousy. Why does a man, even feeling love for the chosen one, hide his feelings? There are several such reasons.

  1. No matter how trite it may sound, the strong half is so accepted. Emotionality, in their opinion, is a typical female trait, and a real man should be restrained and not show emotions and feelings.
  2. In society, too impulsive, emotional men are not well perceived.

In fact, men are often no less sensitive than women, but public opinion and prevailing stereotypes force them to be restrained. There is an opinion that ladies adore brutal, rude men, and many guys, wanting popularity, try to match this image. This is one way to create and maintain an image.

  • Men are afraid to get the title of henpecked. Entering into serious relationship, he fears that the chosen one, having learned about the depth of feelings, will begin to manipulate him. Each representative of the stronger sex values ​​freedom and independence, and even realizing that he wants to always be with his lady, he does not want to lose them. The way out of the situation is to restrain feelings, not to give them free rein.
  • There is an opinion in the male community that a man in love is a weak person. Falling in love makes you weaker and more vulnerable. In order not to look like a weakling among friends and acquaintances, a man does not show feelings.
  • The classic described the fourth reason remarkably: “The more we love a girl, the less she likes us.” According to popular belief, a woman, upon learning that a man has fallen in love, may lose interest. Such behavior maintains interest in the opposite field, adds mystery to the gentleman.

The last reason sounds like a "protection method". By nature, men are vulnerable and sensitive. A frank declaration of love for them is comparable to voluntary surrender, it's the same as laying your head on the chopping block, taking off your helmet and laying down your sword. Stealth and silence are a kind of armor that protects the sensitive heart.

Signs of a man falling in love

To understand if your prince is in love with you, you need to closely observe his behavior when he is with you.

  1. He talks in detail about himself and his loved ones. If the companion constantly keeps up the conversation, talks a lot about himself, trying to make a positive impression, then he is interested in a woman. Thus, he lets the chosen one into his life, makes it possible to get acquainted with things that are important to him. If the lady does not miss the chance, shows sincere interest, listens carefully, helps to open up, this will be the first step towards a long relationship.
  2. He listens carefully and hears his companion. A clear sign of a man's interest. In this case, a woman can create the right impression about herself by talking about hobbies, life priorities ... This is a wonderful moment to search for common interests, common ground.
  3. I started to take better care of myself. When a man begins to spend more time appearance: buys new clothes, enrolls in the gym, carefully selects the image - this is a sure sign that the one he wants to like and appear from the most favorable sides has appeared.
  4. Care. If a man helps carry heavy bags or offers to help with household chores, this may indicate more than just politeness and good manners. Repeated displays of concern may well indicate a gentleman's indifference.
  5. Thoughts about stable earnings, material well-being. If earlier a man was little interested in well-being, and now he seriously thought about it, perhaps he thought about starting a family.

Psychology of a man in love

Behavior of a man in love

Sign language

In addition to obvious signs, pay attention to non-verbal, unconscious ones. The main thing is to read the body language and facial expressions correctly.

  • No matter how the lover tries to hide his feelings, his body is tense, a little stiff.
  • Hands may tremble from embarrassment or excitement, palms sweat.
  • Arms crossed on the chest indicate an attempt to close. When a man opens up, straightens his shoulders, he demonstrates his body, flaunts, attracts attention.
  • Physical attraction can be assumed if, during intercourse, a man periodically touches the belt or puts his hands on his hips.
  • Reducing the distance when talking. When falling in love, a man tries to get closer at any opportunity, to penetrate into personal space.

Facial expression and gaze

Unconscious glances towards the object of love. An interested person wants to enjoy, admire the image of his beloved.

It is very difficult for a lover to control his gaze, unless, of course, he is an agent of special services. Noticing how a man looks, it is easy to determine whether he is in love. In the eyes of a man in relation to his beloved, admiration shines. Often, unconsciously, when speaking, the gaze stops on the lips. Realizing that it is indecent to look closely at their beloved, men begin to hide their eyes, to look stealthily. But these views are so frequent that they are easy to catch.


The behavior of a person in love is often unstable. A constant change of mood from thoughtfulness and lyricism to fun and relaxedness.

What is a woman to do?

Not only women tend to hide their feelings in front of the man they are in love with. The stronger sex - similarly - is not always in a hurry to show sympathy. But nevertheless, a number of signs make it possible to determine and understand that something more is hidden behind the indicative indifference or friendly attitude.

There are many reasons why the representatives of the stronger sex hide their feelings:

  • natural restraint;
  • specific education;
  • low self-esteem;
  • fear of being rejected;
  • unsuccessful relationships in the past;
  • fear of getting close, losing freedom, becoming dependent.

Many men feel vulnerable in a state of falling in love and hide feelings until they are convinced of reciprocity.

For a long time they “swing” until it reaches frank confessions, introverts, timid, shy, insecure people. Do not rush to identify the sympathy of men who already have a relationship.

How does a man behave who is in love, but hides his feelings?

Although a man tries to hide his true feelings, according to certain bodily signs, falling in love can be suspected.

Eyes always give out a "male" in love. He looks at the object of his passion intently, if he is sure that this is not noticed. When meeting "eye-to-eye" timid or secretive - he most often looks away. But if a woman turns away, she may feel that she is being carefully examined, as if being studied. Also, the state of being in love gives out a special brilliance, “sparkles” in the eyes - it is difficult to “extinguish” them even for a man who is in control of himself.

facial expressions

The state of falling in love can be "calculated" by facial expressions. The facial expression changes: it looks more kind, complacent, friendly, joyful. A slight blush on the cheeks, dilated pupils, head tilt to the side, raised eyebrows, slightly flared nostrils indicate a clear sympathy.

Gestures are a great indicator of being in love. A man, as if by chance, touches a woman - her palms, elbows, back, shoulders. Helping to put on a coat, he can put his arm around the waist, touch the hair. Male excitement in the presence of an object of passion is given out by frequent smoothing of hair, shaking dust particles from clothes. A lover visually tries to look better: straightens his posture, tightens his stomach, straightens clothes, accessories. Sexual attraction is given out by touching the hips, the belt of trousers, hands in pockets, legs wide apart while sitting.

You can guess that a man has fallen in love by changing his behavior. He begins to do things that were not observed before him (for example, in the presence of his beloved, start flirting intensely with other young ladies). He can also withdraw and demonstrate complete indifference, although before that there were no problems in communication. The other extreme is exclusive attention to the object of passion, offers to help, showing signs of attention that are presented as friendly.

Unlike women, the state of falling in love does not affect the performance of the stronger sex. It is unlikely that you will be able to catch an employee in love who, instead of working, is dreamily looking out the window.

Rather, on the contrary - inspired by feelings, he will become much more active in order to please his passion, stand out from the crowd, and attract her attention.

How to determine, understand that a secretive man has fallen in love?

Even if a man makes every effort to hide love feelings, some characteristic signs will help to declassify them.

Signs of falling in love

The set of symptoms of falling in love for each man is very individual, depending on the character, views on relationships, life principles, standard behavior, love experience.

The psychology of a man in love who hides it

Although the "male" seeks to win the woman he likes, certain psychological barriers prevent him from taking the initiative and force him to take a wait-and-see attitude.

Emotionality in our society is considered a typical female trait, so the representatives of the stronger sex are reluctant to express feelings, including love ones. They also like to watch a woman fall in love, strive for rapprochement, taking timid steps towards.

But whatever psychological reasons may be at the heart of this secret, by carefully observing a man, analyzing his words, deeds, it can always be revealed.

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