Life goals as the key to success and confidence. Correct goal setting

Tourism and rest 21.09.2019
Tourism and rest

is an important matter, because it affects the effectiveness of a person in realizing his intentions. And in professional activity the process of setting and formulating a goal becomes a matter of responsibility as well - the well-being of many people often depends on its results. In order for you to feel more confident in how to put and related to your professional activities, we present a clear and trouble-free algorithm of actions.

In other articles, we have discussed what may consist of professional goal. We considered what it is desirable to write in the column purpose of resume. Do you know what exactly can and should be reported? . Someone has already chosen a suitable methodology for themselves and specified their personal and professional interests. The one who "reached the end" even has the original ("raw") version of the desired goal. It remains to be corrected, checked and polished. We will now tell you how to do this. If you hear about all this for the first time, do not worry - the goal formulation algorithm is given in full, expanded form.

In order to set and formulate a goal related to your professional activity, you must do the following.

1. Determine what kind of goal you need:

  • the purpose of professional activity, work, job search or employment

If you want to know what it is for, what it consists of and how each of them differs, click on the link provided and your curiosity will lead to the necessary information.

2. Prepare (define, generalize and concretize) the main elements of your goal. To do this, you can use one or more of these methods:

  • set a goal exploring desires
  • set a goal getting out of the crisis(suitable for professional goals and goals of professional activities),
  • set a goal looking beyond problems(suitable for professional goals and goals of professional activities),
  • set a goal researching work experience(only suitable for professional purposes),
  • set a goal using imaginative thinking(only suitable for professional purposes).

3. Make a list of the items you have prepared for the process of formulating your goal.

  • Professional goal - can consist of 4 main elements ( problem/task, the result of solving the problem, means/methods of solving the problem, target group).
  • The purpose of a professional activity, work, job search or employment - can consist of 5 main elements (4 elements of a professional goal, plus personal gain from professional activity).
  • The purpose of the resume - may include the name of the job of interest (vacancy, position) and 1-2 most significant elements of the goal of professional activity.

4. Rank all items in the list in order of importance to you.

5. In the preliminary formulation of the goal, place in the first place the element that, after ranking, turned out to be the most significant (important, main). After it, put the second most important element, then the third most important, and so on.

6. Start the formulation of the goal with the word that corresponds to the first (most important, main) element. For example.

  • Problem (task) - solution (or a verb that reveals the meaning of the planned action)
  • Means and methods - development, creation, implementation, application, etc.
  • Result - achievement (or a noun that reveals the meaning of the planned result)
  • Target group - assistance, assistance, support, provision, etc. within the meaning of.
  • Personal gain - acquisition, receipt, promotion, etc. within the meaning of.

If you formulate the purpose of the resume, then put the name of the vacancy of interest in the first place, and you can fill out the second and third as it says here.

7. Convert the number, time, case of subsequent elements of the target according to the number, time, case, etc. first element. Make sure that the wording of each next element begins with a word similar to the one with which the description of the first element began - either a verb, or a noun, or an adjective.

For example:
a) solution ... by applying ..., for the sake of achieving ... and supporting
b) solve… by applying…, achieving… and providing…

It makes sense to make several options for the formulation of the goal.

8. From several received formulations, choose those, reading which you clearly understand what you need to do in order to achieve the stated result.

9. Test your chosen wording. Ask disinterested people (relatives, acquaintances, friends, colleagues) to read the selected formulations and tell what exactly the work of the person to whom they belong is.

10. Recognize as the best the wording, the reading of which caused such associations in the majority of people, which maximally reflect your own picture of your professional activity.

After substantiating the relevance of scientific work, its purpose and objectives are usually formulated. Very often, beginning researchers do not distinguish between these concepts.

Objective - this is total the end result is what we want to achieve. But the goal is achieved by the phased implementation of certain tasks. For example, in order to build a hive ( purpose of the work), it is necessary to perform a number of tasks: to select the appropriate design, prepare tools, materials, perform a number of carpentry work, etc., as a result of which we will achieve the goal - an apartment for bees will be built - a hive.

The objectives of the study contain the requirements that must be met in order to achieve the goal.

The enumeration of tasks sets the plan and the internal logic of the text of the entire work. The number of subsections (paragraphs) of the main part of the work is consistent with the number of formulated tasks.

In scientific works, each thought is formulated very scrupulously, so that it sounds unambiguous and accurate. Key words in the formulation of the goal are either a verb in an indefinite form (explore, describe, implement, learn,to uncover etc. ), or corresponding verbal nouns (research, description etc.). Since the goal is a broader concept than the task, definitions are often used here. complex,comprehensive (comprehensive study, comprehensive study),monographic. Try to formulate the goal as compactly as possible, it is desirable that it reflects the main idea of ​​scientific research, and when defining tasks, you do not have to repeat in other words what has already been said - the goal.

Tasks must not only be correctly and clearly formulated, but also put in a certain order, so that the reader unfolds the program of actions of the author of the work. Observations show that in scientific research tasks are usually distinguished, which can be divided into four groups.

First group of tasks connected with the consideration of the state of the problem under study in theory and practice, the development of the theoretical foundations of the study. The second group of tasks aimed at clarifying the subject and object of study. Tasks third group (there are, as a rule, several of them) are in most cases of a procedural nature - this is a direct analysis of the units under study. Tasks fourth group summarizing type. Now let's look at these tasks in more detail.

Any research work begins with the study of scientific literature on the problem - this is a matter of work technique. Therefore, one should not formulate the first task as it sometimes happens, like this: study and analyze the literature on the problem(called a problem).

The study can begin with an analysis of various theories, on the basis of which one's own understanding of the subject of analysis, the concept of work is built. The most acceptable form is for tasks that begin with the words develop theoretical foundations(specify what) find out the status (nature) certain units, categories, etc., define a concept(named object) determine the nature(units, phenomena, etc. are called), substantiate(principles, approaches, methodology, etc.).

For science, it is often very important to identify the range of those phenomena that will be investigated. Therefore, often the formulation second task can start with phrases

    identify the composition (models, language units),

    define the corpus

    define (clarify) the boundaries of distribution,

    outline the totality and etc.

The fulfillment of this task, on the one hand, will provide an opportunity to get a broader idea of ​​the object and subject of study, on the other hand, in many cases, especially where the object of study is singled out for the first time, determining the number of those units of the language that should be studied is already significant work result.

If the tasks of the first and second groups in philological research may not be outlined (when this is not necessary), then without tasks of the third group it is impossible to do without, because their implementation is the basis of the work, it is a direct analysis of the collected facts. The formulation of these tasks begins with the words

    to find out meaning (origin, semantics, genesis, causes, ways of appearance, features, nature, role, place, specificity, frequency, factors etc. );

    research (character,characteristics, factors, properties, origin, connections, potential, means, mechanisms, functions, ratio, units, history, structure, phenomenon);

    reveal (signs, causes, distribution, relationships, ways, means, specifics, factors, types, ratio, structure);

    explore (opportunities, specifics, functioning, potential),

    analyze (structure, semantics, character, dependence, features, implementation);

    describe (functioning, method);

    substantiate (concept, status);

    define (volume, types, models, structure, potential, functions, means, system, groups, general and singular);

    install (relationship, interaction, functions, degree of performance, motives, influence, types, signs, features, connections, role, criteria);

    implement (analysis, description);

    trace (functioning, features, dependence, means, development, depth, evolution, correlation);

    define (dynamics, opportunities, processes, boundaries, specifics, place, role, belonging);

    show (connection);

    describe (features, groups, means, mechanisms, meaning, constructions);

    compare (shapes);

    to uncover (character, status, functions, features, content, influence);

    consider (interaction, means);

    characterize (features, means, types,specifics, techniques);

    clarify (chronology, boundaries, etymology);

    illuminate (interaction) etc.

Tasks fourth group it is not necessary to put them at the end of the work, although, in most cases, it is “more logical” for them to stand there: they are based on the completion of previous tasks. These include the following:

    define (outline) place and role;

    reveal (set) development trends;

    to find out patterns of creation;

    develop practical recommendations.

You greatly increase your chances of success.

Besides the fact that the process of goal-setting is interesting in itself, it has side effects- reduces stress, increases.

A goal is a conscious image of a desired outcome. Therefore, it is very important to clearly and clearly understand what you want. When you have a clear vision and awareness of your desires, it becomes much easier for you to move towards your intended life goal.

So, in order to correctly formulate goals, it is important to observe the following rules:

№ 1

The formulation of the goal is carried out in the first person, i.e., the pronoun "I ..." must be present.

Accordingly, the definition of a goal like: “My husband gets a promotion and a 2-fold increase in salary” is incorrect. Such a goal does not apply to you personally, and therefore cannot be achieved personally by you. You are not able to control other people, forcing them to change themselves and act in the direction you need.

№ 2

Further, when drawing up the goal, the action verb is used in the present or perfect tense. The future tense is not used when formulating goals, because in this case your goals will forever remain unfulfilled in an indefinite future.

Accordingly, it is undesirable to use the expressions:

  • "I will have…"
  • "I'm going on vacation..."
  • "I'll buy a laptop..."

№ 3

Be sure to frame your goal in a positive way. This means you should not use the “NOT” particle. Example: "I'm not late for meetings." This definition of goal can be rephrased as “I always arrive at meetings on time.”

№ 4

In order to correctly formulate the goal, it is not recommended to use the verbs I WANT, I WILL, I MUST, I CAN.

They do not express a specific intention and do not set the desired vector of movement: I want does not mean I will get it. The words “I will” and “should” are subconsciously perceived as coercion, therefore, they are also not suitable for a correctly formulated goal.

№ 5

Generalizing words: ALWAYS, NEVER, EVERYTHING, etc. - are also not recommended for use when drawing up a goal. The use of generalizations contradicts one of the main postulates of goal setting: “The goal must be as accurate and specific as possible”

№ 6

For each goal, a DATE for implementation must be established without fail. The time factor is essential to maintain motivation. Any uncertainty reduces your desire to achieve what you have planned.

№ 7

At the end of the process, ask yourself the question: WHY? What is so valuable you will receive when you reach the chosen goal, what benefits and amenities await you. The sweeter the gingerbread, the more likely you are to reach even the most difficult goal.

In order for your desires to come true, and not just lines on paper, it is advisable to formulate all your goals in accordance with 5 important criteria, i.e. goals should be specific, measurable, relevant to you, realistically achievable, limited in time.

A goal is a dream with a deadline.

Napoleon Hill

We traditionally devote the last month of the year to summing up the results of the outgoing year and develop plans for the next one. How to formulate the “right” goals? How to turn dreams about career takeoff into the reality of strategic planning? How not to get bogged down in the routine of daily worries and get out of the “fire fighting” mode? Let's try to figure it out.

We often hear that the secret to the success of any undertaking is the right goal setting. Research shows that setting specific and achievable goals is one of the most effective tools to promote successful career. Correctly set goals help to understand the meaning, as well as clearly formulate the expected result. All this allows us to focus our attention and efforts on what really matters, discarding the husks of secondary tasks. In addition, by correctly calibrating our goals, we will better understand in which direction to move.

Properly formulated goals will also help answer your own existential questions:

  • What is the purpose of my efforts?– Understanding your own mission in the profession (and in life), your ambitions ( What do I want to achieve by setting these goals for myself?)
  • Who/what should I focus on?– Visualization + benchmarking. Who is your role model, the authority you look up to? By comparing your achievements with those of industry leaders, you will be able to better articulate your goals, and you will also have the opportunity to learn from other people's examples and mistakes.
  • What should I always remember?– Memento mori was spoken in Ancient Rome. And we will say - remember the main thing, so that during the daily "extinguishing" of a working fire, you do not miss goals and tasks of a higher order.

Goals are not a list of tasks. This is a focus on the end result that we want to achieve in the end through the correct prioritization. With that in mind, try answering the following questions:

  • As we wrap up next year, what are the top five things I need to accomplish to be proud of my accomplishments?
  • Why are these tasks important to me?
  • What actions do I need to take to achieve these goals?
  • By what criteria will I be able to understand that I have achieved my goals?


A good strategy should consist of clearly formulated and understandable goals and objectives that you want to achieve in a certain period of time (within a year). Our goals must be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time bound.

We all have probably heard about the principle - setting goals in the format of the final result. Let's repeat it again using the example of setting goals for the internal communicator.

Main characteristics of SMART goals:

(1) Specificity (S specific). Formulate five clear, understandable goals, focused on concrete result, and three goals that will be your personal professional development achievements

Goal #1. Launching a new mobile application for staff

Goal #2. restart new version Intranet

Goal #3. Conducting research among employees on their level of satisfaction with internal communications

Goal #4. Launch of non-material motivation program for employees

Goal #5. Update of the corporate newspaper

Personal goal #1. Speak at an industry conference on internal communications

Personal goal #2. Complete a refresher course for a VC specialist

Personal goal number 3. Write an article on motivation and engagement

(2) Measurability (M easurable). Next to each of your goals, put a KPI (Key Performance Indicator), a quantitative indicator of the actual results achieved. At the end of the year, you will be able to understand whether you have achieved your goals.

Goal #1. Application launch in the first quarter of 2018; number of downloads - 30% of the total number of employees

Goal #2. The number of intranet users grew by 30%

Goal #3. 50% of employees took part in the study

Goal #4. Conducting 7 sessions within the framework of the program

Goal #5. 6 issues per year

(3) Reachability (A chievable). The goals and KPIs you set should be realistic and even a little low so that at the end of the year you can say that you have achieved much more impressive results than you originally planned.

(4) Relevance (R elevator). Your goals should meet the challenges that the business sets for you. Launching an intranet portal or mobile app is a great plan. But if the majority of your production employees don't have Internet access, then this might not be the best idea.

(5) Time constraint (T ime-bound). Your achievements will be assessed at the end of the year, so make sure you meet the deadlines. Sometimes, due to the scale of the project, we are unable to implement it within one calendar year ( e.g. launching an intranet). In this case, mark the stages implemented during the project ( deadlines for approving the updated concept of the Intranet, selecting a contractor, generating content).


Once you have set your goals, test yourself again by answering the following questions:

  • What? What result do you expect to get after achieving your goal?
  • Why? Why did you decide that your goals are significant? What is their value to the company?
  • How? How do you plan to achieve your goals? Do you have an understanding that you have enough resources for this? Are you supported by management?


Make sure your leadership is aware of your grand plans and supports you on your way to achieving them. Hold regular meetings with your line manager to discuss your future and current goals and objectives, as well as receive feedback from him. We are not talking about formal attestations conducted for reporting twice a year (the so-called mid-year and end-year reviews).

Make it a rule to discuss your plans with management at least once a month. The significance of such meetings can hardly be overestimated: you simultaneously receive support for your projects and respect from your superiors.

For managers, such meetings should also be an important part of their interaction with subordinates. The ability to regularly discuss goals and objectives, as well as the difficulties that arise on the way to the implementation of projects, helps to significantly increase the motivation and involvement of employees. Clarity in understanding and interpreting goals makes it easier to set goals and achieve them. When employees understand the goals of the company and their contribution to its achievement, it is much easier for them to perform even the most routine work.


Benjamin Franklin (the one whose image adorns the 100-dollar bill), a man of extraordinary mind, author catchphrase“Time is money,” he was sure that control over events brings peace of mind to a person.

At the age of 20, he developed his own motivational system, which he used quite effectively throughout his life (as evidenced by his biography and the trace left in history).

The essence of his method is to break the global task into smaller ones, down to the simplest actions.

Life values This is the foundation on which everyone builds his life.

It can be justice, honesty, freedom, respect, etc. Each person must determine for himself precisely those values ​​that reflect his essence to a greater extent.

global goal- based on previously defined life values, it represents the maximum desired result, the goal of all life.

For an athlete, this can be a victory on Olympic Games; for a politician - election to the presidency. For an internal communicator, international recognition as an VC expert (for example).

General planstep-by-step instruction, a plan for how the global goal will be achieved. On the example of a specialist in intracoma, this can be 1) obtaining a specialized education; 2) serious work experience in the specialty; 3) achieving a leadership position, etc.

Long term plan— planning for the next 3-5 years to achieve specific goals. Imagine your professional future in 5 years. Who do you want to be? Where would you like to be? For example, it can be a job in a large international company as a department head. Or your own consulting agency. The choice is yours!

Short term plan- part of the achievement of the item of the long-term plan, We plan for several weeks or months. We choose a university or advanced training courses to upgrade our knowledge and skills. Sign up for a speaking course. We start writing articles.

And remember: it all depends on you - on the right goals and perseverance in achieving them. Try to see the big picture. Good luck to you!

Success and well-being largely depends on desires and actions. In an effort to achieve a guiding goal, a person makes efforts that largely characterize him as a person - what he came to and what are his future plans. The intended goals, large and small, are able to inspire and set in a positive way, or, conversely, dissuade and lay in the subconscious confidence in capacity. The simplest tool for positive charge is.

But if we talk about people who are a role model, then, undoubtedly, their qualities and aspirations can only surprise. For them, the logical sequence - thought and implementation - is a special way to find their place in life. Without proving to anyone about the need for their actions, they strive to translate the planned scenario into a living film, where each frame becomes a stage of development and reincarnation. I want to tell them thank you very much for the presence of emotions and a story about human capabilities. Following their example, many will be able to overcome difficulties, move mountains and join the ranks of the lucky ones.
To embark on the path of success and prosperity, you must:

  • Learn to choose the right formulation of goals and objectives;
  • Patiently walk along the intended path;
  • Throw away fears and prejudices;
  • Revise goals, discarding what loses its meaning;
  • Use experience famous people;
  • Thanks for the mistakes and understanding of the difficulties.

The right formulated goal is half the battle.

An idea conveyed in precise verbal phrases is realized much faster. Understanding what you want to come to gives a huge incentive. For a person, it is important to have a clear distribution of life potential: what you want to achieve, and in what ways to implement your plan. To do this, break one goal into sub-items, write down specific steps, mark the estimated time. The solved problem at a certain stage will be a stepping stone to the top and moral support for the emergence of confidence.
A life goal, whether primary or complementary, is usually presented as some kind of achievement. But if you just think about it, without translating it into the status of a verbal image, it will flash by without leaving a trace. Reality lies in action, and the more specifically the future life is reflected in the plans, the easier it is to understand your capabilities. Sometimes, in the process of working on oneself, additional reserves appear that are hidden until a certain time and are called “second wind”.

Patience and a little effort

A persistent attitude and respect for the intended goals turn a person into a person. Thinking over his life many times, he becomes organic with himself, supplemented by new features and feelings. He is comfortable with thoughts and deeds, and a gradual load stabilizes not only his position, but also the state of the people around him. Seeing excitement and a burning desire to change in the eyes, relatives and friends receive a boost of energy necessary for development and improvement of living conditions.
In a time-consuming process on the way to achieving the goal, a person becomes dependent on the final result. Interest appears, skills are strengthened, character is improved. Completed cases and the possibility of their implementation add strength, give an idea of ​​the significance of each day. We have to value time in order to achieve plans as quickly as possible, and then think about new desires, serious and complex. However, do not forget that in this bustle sometimes more important responsibilities regarding family, soul and life itself slip through.

Fear is the engine of progress

At the beginning of the path, any undertaking seems impossible. The child, starting the first steps, does not think about the upcoming difficulties, but patiently repeats the movements, sincerely rejoicing at the successes. Borrow his bright mood and try to put aside prejudices about your own failure. Inspire yourself with the idea that your main, desired, life and deliberate goals are the property of inner experiences, the test of conscious actions and the result of lengthy reasoning.
Personal doubts stay with you. The individual essence and qualities of a person largely presupposes the situation that has been created. Insecure and looking back people will never be able to reach the finish line and get a share of the adrenaline from the dizzying success. A change in consciousness comes in the process of small, sometimes imperceptible to others, accomplishments. Emphasizing their significance, you build a line of behavior that is different from the stages you have passed. Perhaps this will confuse and surprise someone.

Things that have lost their meaning - let go without regret

Think about the fact that no one except you knows about all the prescribed dreams. At any time, you can break the sequence, throw out an unclaimed item from the list. It happens that the solution found is completely opposite to the previous opinion. And then the basic, numbered life plans and goals of an adult become unpredictable and inconsistent. But this is only at first glance. As time goes by, everything falls into place.
Sometimes a matter that is important at a certain period turns into superfluous and unnecessary. By releasing it, you begin to understand your abilities more deeply: what you can come to, what level to comprehend. It's like the steps of a ladder: the further you climb, the more you cover the free space with your eyes. But without the preparatory work done, the real meaning would not have been seen. Therefore, appreciate all undertakings, desires, dreams and praise yourself for your courage and perseverance.

The experience of famous people is a real treasure

Without information based on real examples, it is difficult to succeed. If there is no person in your environment who shows the path to glory, then you will have to look for the ideal through a literary word, a generalizing video, or in self-development classes. At the start, when there is no confidence either in goals or in work, you need the support of an influential person who has declared himself in the starry sky of respected people. Then, when enough time has passed, the books and articles will lose their original strength. You will become bold and far-sighted.
Comparing his capabilities with the attached guidance, a person considers the goals of the near future, but from his own bias and with the emerging worldview. Do not demand sky-high tasks that will not be vital to you. Look for reserves and adjust your individual success story. Someday you will happily share the plans you have achieved, missing small failures in the story.

Mistakes are the basis of purposeful activity

Mistakes are the reason for rethinking. Don't be afraid to do them. When reviewing goals, never regret the time spent, because an unused opportunity will remain an ordinary thought, disturbing and exciting. Having tried to carry out the highlighted item, you will be convinced of the expediency of its application. Sometimes it's just an ordinary, meaningless fiction that takes up useful space in the brain.
Mistakes give certain knowledge and experience. For a person, practical exercises bring more tangible benefits than instructions deciphered in detail. Coming into contact with life's difficulties, he singles out the boundaries of permissibility for himself and begins to make his way into the future. What the ordinary desire will turn into, no one can predict. We must rely on inner feelings, the logic of the plan and a meager share of luck.

What are the goals

To accurately indicate upcoming tasks, you need to understand the meaning of their assignment. All goals can be divided into three categories:

  1. Higher, contributing to the development of the individual and service to society;
  2. Basic, including self-realization and relationship;
  3. Providing, giving the basis: money, life, rest.

These types cannot be excluded, or one or two can be used. For example: Without higher goals, a person's life will turn into the satisfaction of simple needs. Losing out of sight family, love, passion, he is destined to be lonely. Without a full financial support, he does not fully realize happiness and pleasure.

  • higher
    They expect the disclosure of a person's potential, his abilities, talents and service to people. Working on himself, he eradicates bad habits and weaknesses, eliminates negative qualities that bring destruction to the personality, and also engages in free activities to improve the world and society.
  • Main
    Confirm professionalism and benefit to the environment. Right choice direction contributes to enjoyment and pleasure. Successful work brings money, career growth and positive dynamics for society. The harmony in the family cheers up, and true friends become an integral part of the well-being created.
  • Providing
    They help to strengthen and get a reliable material support. Money cannot buy happiness, but it improves life, maintains stability and makes it possible to achieve goals, reducing some of the difficulties for a person. Comfort and mandatory rest create a platform for the state of mind, where the presence of purity and relaxation fills with a sincere desire to develop and be useful.

All three categories are vital. But the main tasks and vital periods and goals depend on the desire of a person. How he sees his own life and future happiness within the framework of certain tasks. The Right Goals not only characterize the individual, but also help society to accept a worthy citizen of the country.
There are no less significant or more desirable goals in the fate of a person. A connected chain of tasks and actions suggests a happy future. Without mistakes and assumptions, without support and faith, without structure and calculation, even the basic daily plans can collapse like a crystal house.
To turn your goals into a reliable foundation for happiness and joy, try to listen to the soul and consciousness. Then integrity will lead a person to harmony and purity.

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