JUNewsUltra Pro is a multifunctional Joomla news module. JUNewsUltra Pro - multifunctional Joomla news module Changes added to the new version compared to Gk1

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For site users, it's important enough to have access to the news in the most convenient way, with highly visible previews and all, because it depends on how well they can see specific news. At the same time, site owners should have everything necessary tools, to create powerful announcements of all materials published on the site. If you need a free, but very functional module for custom output and filtering of news, then JUNewsUltra Pro will help you achieve all your plans. This advanced and functional Joomla news module will open up many possibilities for designing and displaying all news materials on the site. The developers have thought through every little thing, which will allow you to use the extension in practice as efficiently as possible. The list of functions here is huge, and therefore it is worth dealing with the most important of them.

Features of JUNewsUltra Pro

Since it is quite important for the user to have an up-to-date and stable working product, this choice will become the most reasonable on this moment. As mentioned above, the functionality here is just great, and the most important features should be put on a separate list:

  • Ability to create sketches. They can be stored in folders (except for system ones) and used for various materials, since not only articles are supported, but also images and videos;
  • Support for a color filter, which will allow you to fit the posted materials into the site design;
  • A special filter has been added that allows you to blur images (it makes it possible to achieve unique effects on pictures);
  • It is possible to change the contrast and brightness of images directly uploaded to the site;
  • Excellent ability to filter materials by categories, with or without loading materials from subcategories. You can also specify to what depth of subcategories the module should load articles;
  • Supports the ability to exclude the download of articles from any location, by specifying the ID of the article;
  • Filter articles by date (you can download articles not only for a specific period, day, month or week, but set more flexible periods that the user needs);
  • The ability to output videos from YouTube (still supported by Vimeo), moreover, in several versions. It will be possible to place on the site a video from a specific channel, playlist, or from any user;
  • Ability to broadcast news from other resources via RSS feed;
  • Very easy integration with JComments, as well as Komento and sliComments;
  • PHP 7 support;
  • Ability to select a specific amount of news that will be placed in the module;
  • The ability to use the original image for the preview or its reduced version (all this is configurable);
  • Support for registration of SQL queries;
  • Many settings for displaying text, links and images.

It is rather difficult to list the number of functions of this module, since more than a dozen parameters are only in the field of setting the display of text and images in article previews. But thanks to such a variety, you can organize an excellent joomla news output from unique design and an interesting approach to the structure of the material.

The best website solution

When it comes to news output, it's hard to find the perfect solution. The same module is close to ideal, since it provides as many functions as there are not even in some components. Everyone will have the opportunity to submit materials in such a form and quantity as he wants, without experiencing any restrictions.

Modules for displaying news are designed to change the usual display of text on the pages of a Joomla 3 site. There are a considerable number of such modules - for example, sliders, scrollers, tabs, etc., but in this article we will consider only those that, in our opinion, really deserve it .

News Show Pro GK4 module for news output

This module is news and contains a huge set of options, including support for VirtueMart and K2 components.

The capabilities of the module are enough not only to simply display the news, but also to make them attractive to read.

The News Show Pro GK4 module is compatible with Joomla 3.x, but also works great with earlier versions of this CMS.

It is important to note that the admin panel of the module is completely in Russian, so the options for displaying articles are very easy to configure. News Show Pro GK4 is able to show individual articles, categories and even entire sections, while news can be placed both vertically and horizontally. Latest Versions got the function of editing information in the article and support for avatars.

You can set options for displaying materials: by the number of views, by ID, or in random order. The dimensions of the output of the module, the number of displayed materials are regulated; the permission/disabling of the material editing function is also configured. If we compare the GK4 version with GK1, then it has acquired the following innovations:

  • support for K2, redSHOP, K2Store, JComments, VirtueMart components;
  • the admin panel of the module has been redesigned and somewhat modified;
  • support for avatars from gravatar.com;
  • several options for caching links and articles;
  • the function of cropping pictures, etc. was also added.

Managing the module has become even easier and more convenient. It is possible to break options into groups, and measures have been added that make the code of the module “clean”. By the way, thanks to the use new system, the content of the module is indexed much better by search engines.

The module itself is not capable of generating news content, but the direction to it can be specified in the settings. Article impressions can also be configured in the options, which is very convenient when creating ready-made content.

"Article Layout" has many settings, but you should pay attention only to a few:

  • number of pages;
  • number of columns;
  • number of lines.

So, if 1-1-4 is specified, then the module will have one page, one column and will display four news items. Here you need to include the title of the link and adjust its alignment to your taste. On the Layout Links and Thumbnails tabs, you can configure the output of URLs and thumbnails, respectively. We don’t see the point in describing the rest of the settings, because. there and so everything will be clear even to an inexperienced user of Joomla 3.

You can download the module from the URL: http://service-joomla.ru/component/jdownloads/finish/36/163.html?Itemid=0

MJ Simple News Module

This output module for Joomla 3 is able to display in nice shape site materials in the right place. It is possible to display an image short description and the "more" link, and if you hover over the poster with the mouse, the date the material was founded and the number of views will be shown. The news output module is bundled with a powerful admin panel, which has a robust functionality.

Advantages of displaying news using MJ Simple News:

  • compatibility with Joomla 2.5 and Joomla 3.x;
  • elegant presentation of the material;
  • support for adaptive layout;
  • you can show or hide featured articles;
  • materials can be sorted by different parameters;
  • you can set a display limit, as well as a limit in the title and description;
  • you can show or hide images for materials;
  • There are many options for setting the image.

You can download the MJ Simple News module for Joomla 3 at the URL: http://ucoz.ws/?http://joomru.com//index.php?option=com_k2&Itemid=191&id=77_5fef65ffabfa9cc6f34b81b5c7f002a3&lang=ru&task=download&view=item

Module for displaying news in Joomla JUNewsUltra Pro

This module is easy to set up and use, has no analogues, and also works on Joomla 2.5 and Joomla 3.x. Briefly about the setting this decision, then in the parameters you must specify the category, sorting, as well as the number of displayed articles. You can leave the template parameters untouched if you don't want pictures to be displayed, but if you play a little with the settings, you can set up a beautiful display of the material.

Also, in the "License" parameter, you can check the "No" box next to the item that says about placing a link to the developer's site. By the way, in our opinion, this module turned out to be the most convenient, and besides, it is perfectly cached and practically does not load hosting.

You can get Joomla JUNewsUltra Pro at the URL: http://egorych.rf/pkg_junewsultra_pro_v4.5.5.zip

Module News Show Pro GK4 3.3.7 will help display the content of articles in the form of news on your site. This is a news module and it has many options, has built-in support for the K2 component and VirtueMart . Its huge possibilities will help you not only display the news, but make it attractive.

A user-friendly interface and full Russification of the administrative part of the module makes it very easy and quick to set up options for displaying articles in the form of news.

The module can display entire sections, categories and just individual articles. Links to displayed materials can be located on all sides. The news itself can be placed both vertically and horizontally. In this version of the module, one can note the support for avatars offered by the gravatar.com service, as well as the function of editing information about the article.

Besides, you can choose output options: by ID, by number of views or randomly. Module output size adjustment available, the number of displayed articles, as well as the ability to comment on a particular news by users.

Archive with version 2.2.1 contains the module and crack to it, other versions entirely in Russian.

Changes added in the new version compared to Gk1

  • - Built-in support for component K2.
  • - Built-in support for the redSHOP component.
  • - Support for the K2Store component (Joomla 1.5 only).
  • - Support for JComments (Joomla 1.5 only).
  • - Built-in support for the VirtueMart component.
  • - Administrative panel module control is completely changed.
  • - Added support for avatars of authors from gravatar.com
  • - Added several types of caching articles and links.
  • - Added image cropping function and others.

Module control parameters, become even easier and more comfortable. In addition to grouping options in thematic groups, some simple solutions have been added, which makes the module code clean and tidy.

Cleaned up module code, looks more friendly to users who have their browser turned off JavaScript. Through the use new technology , module content is better indexed by search engines.

Module for Joomla 1.5

Download files:

mod_news_pro_gk4_j15 Version: v2.2.1

Added a new translation of the module into Russian, fixed errors in translation, stable version.

11/16/2011 Russian Joomla 1.5 80.31 KB 4571

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