Occupation in the senior group of preschool educational institutions. Animals in winter

Tourism and rest 06.07.2019

In the senior group

goal: to clarify and systematize children's ideas about the life of animals in winter: what they eat, how they protect themselves and how they prepared for winter. Teach children to answer questions with full answers, to tell coherently and consistently.

Continue to work on teaching children to compose riddles.

Cultivate confidence, looseness.

vocabulary work: mice, hibernate, educate, defend, prey.

preliminary work: reading stories from V. Blanca's book "Forest Newspaper", "Who are you ?!" A. Minchakovsky.

“How does color protect animals?”, “Forest dwellers”. Learning poems, riddles about wild animals. Examining pictures.

Material: illustrations depicting wild animals. Didactic game"2 squirrels". Pictures with the image: acorns, cones, mushrooms, berries, bananas, ball, hockey stick, apple, nest, jacket, doll, hat a. Masks for 2 squirrels, chips.

Lesson progress

Tell me please, the forest is whose house is this? (children's answers).

Yes, and today we will talk about the life of wild animals in the winter in the forest. Can you name them for me?

Let's talk about the fox, okay. When does the fox begin to prepare for winter, and what does he do for this? (children's answers)

How does she change her coat? Who will tell?

Good. Here we will talk about how the fox prepares for winter. Now tell me, how does a fox survive in winter?

She catches hares, mice (mouse). How many mice does she need to catch to eat? (15-20).

Tell me how does she do it? (children's answers).

Where does the fox sleep in winter? (children's answers).

Do you know that in hard frost the fox covers its nose with its fluffy tail so that it does not freeze.

The fox is a very smart, cunning animal. The fox hibernates alone, but the wolves. What can you tell about them (children's answers).

What do they eat?

Wolves are called orderlies of the forest because they destroy weak, sick animals.

But how do wolves prepare for a long, harsh, cold winter? (children's answers).

If wolves can't find their prey, what do they do? (children's answers).

Where do wolves sleep? (children's answers).

Look, a wolf is very similar to a dog, and I can’t tell it apart, can you? (children's answers).

I want to tell you that if you meet a wolf in the forest in the summer, then do not be afraid, the wolf will not touch you. But bear, run as fast as you can.

Why do you think? (children's answers).

And you do not want to take a walk in the winter forest. Well then let's go.

Physical education minute

"Winter Forest Walk"

"We came to the winter forest,

How many miracles are around here.

On the right, a birch in a fur coat is standing,

On the left, a tree is looking at us.

Snowflakes are spinning in the sky

They lay down nicely on the ground.

So the bunny jumped

He ran away from the fox.

it grey Wolf prowling

He is looking for prey.

We all hide now

Then he will not find us.

Only the bear sleeps in the den

So it sleeps all winter.

The snowmen are flying

How beautiful they are!

Peace and beauty in the forest

It's time for us to go home!"

Well, we went to the forest. And who is this?

The squirrel is a beautiful, gentle animal and begins to prepare for winter in the summer.

Tell us how the squirrel prepares for winter (children's answers).

In autumn, the squirrel changes its coat. Does the color change? (children's answers).

Squirrels, like all animals, have enemies. How does she protect herself from them? (children's answers)

Well done, this is a very interesting story.

And now I suggest you play the game "Two squirrels". (Pictures depicting various items eat on the table).

Game progress:

2 squirrels are selected, the rest come to the table, take 1 picture each. On the command "Winter is coming, it's time to stock up," the squirrels choose pictures of food. You need to collect as many pictures as possible.

Have a rest. I have prepared riddles for you that your comrades will guess for you.

1. Who on the branch of the cone gnawed and threw down?

Who deftly jumps along the branches and flies up to the oaks?

Who hides nuts in a hollow,

Dry mushrooms for the winter.

2. Cunning cheat, redhead,

The fluffy tail is beautiful!

And her name is...

3. The owner of the forest wakes up in the spring

And in winter, under a blizzard howl,

Sleeping in a snow hut.

4. Behind the trees, bushes

Flashed like a flame

Flickered, ran

There is no smoke or fire.

(Ayrat H.)

5. Who is the biggest in the forest?

Who is the rich one who wears fur?

Who is in the den until spring

Dreaming day and night?

Maybe we can come up with riddles. Let's try.

Today we talked about the life of wild animals, how difficult it is for them to survive in winter, how necessary they are for each other.

And now let's count how many chips you earned in the lesson and find out: who was the most active.

Educator Chesnokova E.Yu.

Target: To consolidate the knowledge of children about pets, to help children realize the special attitude of people towards pets. Activate and expand vocabulary children.

Entertainment progress:

To the cheerful music, the children enter the group. The teacher brings a large beautiful envelope.


Today we have a fun "Pet Day" entertainment and look what envelope came to us in the mail.

Let's open and read the letter.

The teacher opens the envelope.

Look, here are photos of many pets (lays out on the table) and there are more mysteries. I will read the riddle, and your task is to choose the correct one from the photographs, about whom the riddle will be and place it on the easel.

So, let's begin:

1. He lives in a barn, in a cage,

Gnawing sweet carrots

Oh, and sharp teeth

He is always in a fluffy coat,

Lop-eared, tail like a zero,

Everyone found out - this is ... ... ... (rabbit)

2. There is a mop in the middle of the yard,

In front of the pitchfork, and behind the broom ...... (cow)

Educator: Children, do you and I know a little song about a cow, let's sing? (Children sing "Far, Far" lyrics by Dobronravov, music by Pakhmutova).

Educator: the following riddles:

3. A true friend to a person,

Sensitively hears every sound,

She has a great sense of smell

Keen eye and keen hearing ...... (dog).

4. She has a piglet,

Two pancakes and a pretzel

No laces on her boots

And a bristle suit……(pig)

5. Champion in fast running,

I sometimes drive carts.

Uncle groom brought me

Water, hay and oats…….(horse)

6. The coat is smooth, there are scratches in the paws,

Sleeps during the day, "mur-r" says,

And at night - hunts ... .. (cat)

Educator: Well done, guys, they guessed all the riddles correctly and look what a beautiful photo gallery of pets we got.

Educator: Now let's test your knowledge at our blitz tournament. For each correct answer - a chip

  1. What animal is called a house watchman? (dog)
  2. Name a domestic large horned animal (cow)
  3. What kind of animal has a snout-like nose? (pig).
  4. What kind of pet is called a "nocturnal predator" (cat).
  5. Which animal gives us wool? (goat, ram).
  6. Name the animals that give us milk? (cow, goat)

(The teacher distributes chips during the game, at the end of the blitz, the chips are counted, whoever has more wins the blitz)

Educator: Now let's stand in a circle and play

The first game "Name the Cubs"

(Children become in a circle, the teacher, throwing the ball to the child, calls the animal, the child returns the ball back, calls the cub, for example, a cow-calf).

The second game "Who says what" (The teacher, throwing the ball, calls the animal, the child calls, the action, for example, a dog .... barks, a cow ... lows)

And the third attention game "Don't miss it" (The teacher names domestic and wild animals, children should clap if it is a domestic animal or stomp if it is wild)

Educator: Each pet has its own house - a stable, a booth, a barn. I suggest you play the mobile game "Don't lose your home"

(Hoops-“houses” are laid out according to the number of animals, according to the music, children in animal hats run in a circle, as soon as the music stops, the animals try to take an empty hoop. With each repetition of the game, the number of hoops decreases, which of the animals was late, he leaves)

Educator: I bought you pictures of animals for coloring, but they crumbled into two halves along the way. Help me collect the animals correctly.

The game is held: "Collect a pet"

(There are sheets on the floor, on which half of the animal is depicted,

The task of the children is to correctly assemble the whole from two halves)

Teacher: Well done guys. Let's finish our entertainment with a round dance outdoor game "Vaska walks gray"

(One child is chosen as a cat, 3-4 children are mice. The task of the cat is to catch all the mice.)

All the children walk in a circle, holding hands, say the words:

“Vaska walks gray,

Fluffy white tail

Vaska the cat is walking.

The house will silently go around

Vaska the cat lurks,

Gray mice are waiting.

Mice, mice, that's the trouble

Don't go anywhere.

The cat will catch everyone!

Children raise their clasped hands up,« mice» run away« cat» catches

The game is repeated 2-3 times.

Teacher: Well done guys! We all played well, our entertainment is over.

- Belova Elena Vladimirovna, teacher of the MBDOU "Kindergarten of general developmental type No. 42", Vorkuta.

The purpose of the kindergarten lesson:

  • to expand children's ideas about the life of wild animals in winter, through the use of educational games.

Methods used for classes in kindergarten:

  • methods of increasing cognitive activity (problematic issues, game motivation);
  • methods of increasing emotional activity (game and imaginary situations);
  • methods of teaching and development of creativity (assimilation of systematized connections, problem situations, game techniques).

The influence of integrated links on the development of a holistic view of the object being trained:

  • in a playful way, children expand their ideas about the features of appearance, the habits of wild animals and their adaptation to their habitat in winter, quantitative and ordinal counting;
  • develop constructive skills;
  • learn to navigate the terrain with the help of a plan-scheme and, on this basis, expand, enrich and refine their vocabulary.

Ensuring communication with the subject-developing environment in the group:

  • use of games in independent activities of children: "Tangram", "Guess whose traces", "Labyrinths".

Interdisciplinary communication:

  • getting to know the environment
  • development of elementary mathematical concepts,
  • speech development.

Equipment for classes in kindergarten:

  1. Plan-schemes of a part of a group room.
  2. Cards - images of parts of animals (muzzle, tail) of a squirrel, hare, wild boar, fox, wolf, lynx, deer, elk - 8 pieces.
  3. Cards-images of animals (the same) - 8 pieces.
  4. Type-setting cloth - 2 pieces.
  5. Igrovisors and worksheets with labyrinth tasks - 8 pieces each.
  6. Geometric puzzles "Tangram", cards-schemes for them - 8 pieces each.
  7. Cards-images of dwellings of wild animals - 8 pieces.
  8. Cards-images of traces of wild animals in the snow - 8 pieces.

Note: work in the classroom is carried out with a subgroup of children (8 people). Wild animals of our forests that fall into hibernation (bear, hedgehog, badger) are not considered.

The tasks of the kindergarten lesson:

  • to expand elementary ideas about the features of appearance, life manifestations, habits of wild animals and their adaptation to their habitat in winter;
  • to form an interest in the world around, realistic ideas about nature.

The progress of the lesson in kindergarten JOURNEY TO THE WINTER FOREST:

Educator: Guys, what time of year is it? What month? (Children answer.) You and I have already felt how cold and frosty it is in winter. And what is it like for wild animals in the forest in winter? What is their main concern, do you think? (Children answer.) Guys, I invite you to take a trip to the winter forest. Do you agree? I think that a lot of interesting things await us in the winter forest.

hide and seek in the forest

- Oh, it seems to me that someone hid in our winter forest, and who it is, we will find out when, according to the plan, we find clue cards, and in the envelope there is an image of the one who hid in this particular place.

According to the plan, children first find clue cards depicting parts of the animal (ears, tail, muzzle). Having named them, they open an envelope with cards depicting wild animals of our forests (hare, squirrel, fox, wolf, lynx, wild boar, elk, deer).

Example: Those are rabbit ears. This is a rabbit tail. This is a rabbit face. The hare is hiding here.

The game "Who is in what place?"

Children line up. They are holding cards with images of wild animals that they have found. Opposite them, forest dwellers are lined up on the table - rubber toys. Children are invited to name what their animal is, which animal is “before”, “after”, “behind it”, “between”.

Children call: - The hare is the first, the boar is the second, the fox is the third. The boar stands behind the hare, before the fox, etc.

Educator: Now, take turns calling each animal in order. Which one is worth the hare?

Working with tablets

Educator: - In winter, in the forest, the most difficult life is for a shy bunny. In search of food, he runs very far. Yes, and foxes are very afraid, they confuse their tracks. Let's help our hare to return to his native forest.

The teacher invites the children to go to the tables on which the tablets-game-viewers lie, under the transparent plastic screens of which there are labyrinth sheets. Children mark the way out of the maze, first visually, then with a marker. If an incorrect line is made, then with the help of a napkin it is removed. The task is checked in pairs: the person sitting next to him checks the correctness of the task of his friend.

Questions about the life of wild animals

The teacher invites the children to stand in a circle. Shows the children a large "snowball" - a ball pasted over with white paper.

Educator: — The magic snowball will help us learn more about the life of wild animals in winter. I will throw it to you and ask questions, and you will answer, thinking carefully.

Problem questions:

  • What wild animal is taller than a hare but shorter than a bear? (Wolf, fox, boar, lynx.)
  • What wild animal is shorter than a fox but taller than a squirrel? (Hare.)
  • Does a hare insulate its burrow for winter? (No, he doesn't have it.)
  • Why are squirrels more likely to settle in coniferous forests? (Squirrels feed on the seeds of cones coniferous trees- spruce, pine, cedar.)
  • How does a fox's tail help? (In severe frost, she covers her paws and nose with it; covers her tracks.)
  • Why do wolves gather in packs in winter? (This makes it easier to hunt.)

Dynamic Animal Charging

Jumping, jumping in the woods
Hares are white balls.
(Hands near the chest, like the paws of hares; jumping.)
Jump - jump, jump - jump -
The hare stood up on a stump
(Jumping forward - backward.)
He built everyone in order, began to show exercises.
Once! Everyone walks in place.
Two! They wave their hands together.
Three! Sit down, stand up together.
Everyone scratched behind the ear.
Stretched for four.
Five! Bent over and bent over.
Six! Everyone lined up again
They marched like a squad.

Working with the Tangram puzzle

caregiver : - And now on our way irreconcilable enemies will meet together - a hare and a fox. How this happens, you will find out if you post images of a fox and a hare using the Tangram geometric puzzle.

Children post images of a fox and a hare. Moreover, on one table, one child has an image of a hare, the other has an image of a fox. The teacher asks the children questions: what figures does the hare consist of, what is the image of the fox, how many figures does the image of the fox, hare consist of.

Find a trace

Educator: - In winter, traces of wild animals are clearly visible in the snow: they are all different. We will now carefully examine them all, and then, by the chains of tracks, we will find places where animals hide in the winter cold.

Cards depicting wild animals and corresponding schematic images of their tracks are attached to tables, chairs, shelves of group furniture with double-sided tape. On the carpet, the educator scatters cards with a schematic representation of the "footprints" of animals, and at the end of each "footprint" puts a card, turned face down, depicting the dwelling of a wild animal - the place where the animal hides in bad weather. Children carefully examine the clue cards and determine where whose trace is.

- It hare footprint.
- This is a fox track, etc.

The teacher checks the correctness of the task (visually, many traces are similar) and, if the answer is correct, opens a card-image of the dwelling (den, hole, hole under the bush, bed, hollow, etc.).

Educator: - Our journey to forest dwellers came to an end. If you liked it, attach a smiley emoticon to the magnetic board and tell us what you liked? If you found any of the tasks difficult, attach a sad emoji. Tell me what was difficult. I invite you to think at home with your parents about how we humans can help wild animals in winter.

As a surprise moment, it is advisable for children to offer a video presentation of the presentation “Wild Animals of Our Forests in Winter”, prepared by the parents of the children. It is proposed to view it in the afternoon.

(Educational area: cognitive development)

Department of Education of Moscow educational institution Moscow "School No. 2051"

Prepared and conducted by: teacher Knyazeva Daria Petrovna Moscow 2018

Integration educational areas: « cognitive development» , "Social and communicative development" , "Physical development" .

Purpose: to create conditions for expanding children's ideas about animals different countries.


  1. Clarify children's ideas about animals from different countries: appearance, habitat, characteristic features.
  2. Improve the monologue and dialogic form of speech.
  3. Bring up careful attitude nature, love for animals.

Material and equipment: multimedia equipment, visual material is presented in the form of a presentation on the topic, a globe.


  1. Introductory part.
  2. slide-intro « physical map hemispheres"

Knock the door. Animals come in (the Bears)

M: Hello guys! And where did we get?

Children: To kindergarten

M: Oh, oh, we got lost! What are we to do now? How to find our house?

Educator: Guys, let's help our guests return home?

Children: Come on!

Educator: Then I suggest you go on a journey and get to know the animal of our planet. And who knows what planet we live on?

Children: Earth.

For many centuries, famous scientists, travelers, traveled around the world in order to map our Earth.

And in order to imagine not only its surface, but also its shape, scientists invented the earth-globe model.

And to help our guests, we need a globe.

Let's take a closer look at the globe. What can we see with you? What color is the most?

Children: blue.

Educator: Right. What do you think the blue color on the globe can mean?

Children: water.

Educator: Our planet consists of water and land. And what other colors?

Children: Yellow, green.

Water is rivers, lakes, seas, oceans…

Land is forests, fields, meadows, steppes, deserts ...

There are 6 continents on our planet (Africa, North America, South America, Eurasia, Australia, Antarctica) and different animals live on all continents. There is another part of the land that is not a mainland, but is just as important as the continents. It's called the Arctic. That's where the north pole is.

Having untwisted the globe, we stop it with the movement of a finger. And now we will find ourselves ..., for this we will play a game. We need to close our eyes and do what I tell you. "Turn around, circle and find yourself at the North Pole" . And now they have opened their eyes.

2. Main body

Slide #1 "North Pole"

Q: Guys, did anyone guess where we got to? (North Pole) What animals live here?

Slide with animals of the north (polar bear, reindeer, seal, walrus).

Cyril prepared a story about one of the residents north pole. (polar bear).

Having untwisted the globe, we stop it with the movement of a finger. And now we will find ourselves in Africa, close our eyes "Turn around, circle and find yourself in Africa" . And now they have opened their eyes.

Slide #2 "Africa"

Q: Guys, look at the picture, where are we?

Slide number 3. Didactic game "Find the mistake"

Elephant (trunk), giraffe (head, neck), rhinoceros (horn), zebra (head).

Guys, Margarita also wants to tell you about an animal she knows (giraffe).

Having untwisted the globe, we stop it with the movement of a finger. And now we will find ourselves in ..., close our eyes "Turn around, circle and find yourself in the Taiga" . They opened their eyes.

Slide #4 "Taiga"

Q: Guys, where do you think we got to? (to the chirping of birds in the forest). What forests do we know?

Slide number 5. Wild forest with moving animals.

Animals (wolf, fox, hare, squirrel, brown bear)

round dance game "Transformation into Animals" (low mobility)

Rules of the game: "Turn around, circle and into the animal (fox, hare, bear, wolf) turn" .

3. Reflection:

Slide number 6. Didactic game "Lost Animals"

Guys, please look at the screen and tell me where we will send our lost animals?

Did you find out where they live? Children's answers.

Guys, our journey has come to an end. What was the hardest part about it for you?

Target: to acquaint children with the changes that have occurred in the life of forest animals with the advent of winter; with the red book, its purpose.


  • clarify children's knowledge about the winter months, about where animals hibernate, what they eat;
  • learn to recognize the tracks of animals and birds;
  • develop thinking, speech; ability to do brief messages about animals, about the content of the book;
  • to exercise children in the formation of possessive adjectives, the use of the dative case of nouns;
  • to cultivate a careful attitude to nature, a sense of kindness, belonging to all living and beautiful that surrounds us.

Equipment: multimedia projector, screen, pictures of animals, children's books, cones, snowflakes, children's drawings, paper, paper napkins.


Updating knowledge on the topic.

Solving the riddle.
Slide #1

Name it guys
Who is the owner of the riddle?
Pinches ears, pinches nose,
Frost creeps into boots.
Snow falls in bags from the sky
And around the snowdrifts
Snowfalls and blizzards
They flew into our Kataysk.
Courtyard in the snow. White houses.
This is ... Zimushka-Winter

Slide #2

Conversation "Months of winter"

Let's remember what they are called winter months(slides No. 3, No. 4, No. 5, No. 6, No. 7, No. 8). Why did you decide that these months are winter? How is the weather?

Surprise moment.

“Today we remembered winter for a reason. We received a letter from the Snow Maiden.

She writes that Grandfather Frost gave her a task to learn about how forest animals live in winter. And in December she was preparing for the new year, sewing an outfit for herself, learning poems and songs. Then she noted New Year with children in kindergartens, schools. And she, like all children, went skiing, skating, sledding. And when she remembered the task of Santa Claus, she went into the forest and almost did not find any of the animals, she only saw many traces, but whose they she does not know. She asks you to help her.

Conversation "Behavior of animals in winter"

  • Do you know how animals spend the winter in the forest?
  • And how did you know about it?

That's right, from books, magazines, TV shows. We recently went to the library, where you were introduced to writers who write about nature and animals. Name them. (slide number 9)

  • What animals can be found in the forest in winter?

I suggest you go to the winter forest and try to figure out whose footprints the Snow Maiden saw there.

Ecological conversation"Rules of conduct in the forest."

Let's remember the rules of behavior in the forest. What can you do in the forest? What can not be done in the forest? Why can't you make noise in the forest?
In the forest you must not break branches, do not litter, do not make fires, do not frighten animals.

And magical snowflakes will help us to find ourselves in the winter forest, what kind of winter forest without snow, blizzards.

Children blow on snowflakes and to the song "Tales winter forest(video clip) go to the forest.

Examining illustrations.

- Here we are (slide number 10). Children, look how beautiful it is in the winter forest. The forest seems to be sleeping under a snow blanket. Maybe there is no one in the forest. Fields and forest clearings are now like blank pages of some big book. Who will pass through them, everyone will sign.

Who was? What have you been doing? Let's see (slide number 11).
The snow covered the tracks and beds, the traces of a riddle in the snow.
This snowy page, and the fox walked over it (slide number 12)

Book presentation.

- Let's listen to Lika L. What interesting things did she learn about the fox when she was compiling a baby book with her mother. Lika talks about why the fox is called Patrikeevna (slide number 13).

Finger gymnastics"Everyone has their own home."

- Let's tell you where the animals spend the winter.

“A fox in a deaf forest has a hole - a reliable home.
Snowstorms of squirrels in a hollow on a spruce are not terrible in winter.
Under the bushes, the prickly hedgehog gathers leaves in a heap.
From the branches, roots, bark of the hut, beavers make.
The clubfoot sleeps in a den, until spring he sucks his paw.
(children bend fingers on both hands: one finger for each line)

Everyone has their own home, everyone is warm, comfortable in it.
(strikes with palms and fists)

Solving the riddle.

Listen to the riddle of Anton S.
“Rushing without looking back, only the heels sparkle.
It rushes that there is a spirit. The tail is shorter than the ear.
All the animal is frightened, escapes under the bush.
Often a gray wolf gets caught in the teeth.

Oh, how the hare got winded, he ran away from the fox.
The wolf was missing, and remained alive (Slide No. 14.)

Book presentation.

- Liza Bronnikova and her mother compiled a baby book about a bunny.

Where is the bunny's house? (slide number 15)
What does he eat in winter?
Why is he wearing a white coat?

Lisa made such a bunny. Tell me how you did it and why.

Description of the stages of the craft.

Lisa: “I took cotton pads in my hands and began to fantasize. Round, white, like a snowball. Which one of them could make it? Maybe a kitten that is white as snow. Ile snowman that dreamed in a dream. No, this is a bunny in white winter. I'll stick the circles, and it will be mine.

If you want, Lisa will teach you how to make such bunnies.

Practical work"Let's decorate the Christmas tree."

“And you and I need to work hard too. When we walked into the forest, I saw. That a small Christmas tree stands without snow. Let's cover it with snowballs.

Children crumple a sheet of paper and a napkin.

- What is easier to crush?
Where do we put the wads of napkins?
And why do we put lumps of paper under the Christmas tree, and not on the branches?

Solving the riddle.

- And who else left their traces, you will know if you guess the riddle.

Alina Kh: “Who deftly jumps along the Christmas trees and flies up to the oaks.
Who hides nuts in a hollow, dries mushrooms for the winter.

Here are the traces fluffy squirrel, fun to play burner
They can do it all day, these nimble animals (slide number 16).

Familiarization of children with the features of wintering squirrels.

Liza Kasatkina, together with a squirrel, will tell us how squirrels hibernate (slide No. 17)

And Lisa also composed fairy tales about a squirrel and her friends, and her mother wrote them down in a baby book.

The squirrel left bumps, let's play with them.

Finger gymnastics.

“The squirrel gave cones and put them in a basket (we hold the cone in the fist).
Let's play deftly with the bump, roll it on the palm of our hand.
Up-down, up-down, left-right, left-right roll.
Now roll around, one, two, one, two, I really like the game.
Grab the bump with your fingers, show it to the kids.
Take a look behind the bump and look at the bump (turn your hand left and right).
And now we will remove the cones in a basket and leave them to the squirrel.

Solving the riddle.

— Vladik's riddle will help you find out who else left their footprints in the forest.
Vladik: “What kind of animal walks hungry in the forest in cold winter?
He looks like a dog, that not a tooth is a sharp knife!
He runs, baring his mouth, he is ready to attack the sheep.

And evil wolves roamed near this Christmas tree (slide number 18)

Presentation of the book about the wolf.

- Egor and his parents found a lot of interesting things for a book about a wolf. Egor talks about the book, about wolves (slide 19)

Conversation "Lynx".

- And now listen to the riddle of Maxim (slides No. 20, No. 21)
That's right, this lynx left footprints here.
What does a lynx eat?
What can she do?

I know that animals, like you, love to exercise.

Dynamic pause

"Animal Charge"
One squat, two jump. This is a rabbit load.
And the cubs, when they wake up, like to stretch for a long time.
Be sure to yawn, and wag your tail.
And the cubs bend their back, and lightly jump.
Well, the bear is clubfoot, paws wide apart:
First one, then both together, marking time for a long time.

The game "Guess whose footprints."

- Let's play and see if you can guess whose footprints they are (slides No. 22-No. 27).
And whose traces will we not see in winter? (slide number 28)

Presentation of the book about the hedgehog.

Why does the hedgehog sleep in winter? Tell us Ksyusha. In Ksyusha's book there is interesting game“What can a hedgehog carry on its needles?”

Didactic game "To whom is this gift and for what?".

- I suggest you also play the game "To whom is this gift and for what?"

Conversation and presentation of the book about the bear.

- Having guessed the riddle of Karinina, you will find out who else sleeps in the winter.
“Who lives in a deaf forest, clumsy, clumsy?
In summer he eats raspberries, honey, and in winter he sucks his paw ”(slide No. 29)

What does a bear eat in winter?
Why does a bear suck its paw?

Paul, tell us about your book.

Listening to a song.

- I suggest you listen to a comic song about why the bear sleeps in winter (slides No. 30 - No. 36)

Final part.

“That's how much interesting we learned about the life of animals in winter, traveling through the forest, getting acquainted with children's books. We will write about this in a letter to the Snow Maiden. And it's time for us to return from the winter forest, blow on your magic snowflakes and hit the road.

The song "Tales of the Winter Forest" sounds.

We can learn a lot of interesting things from books. Writers write smart, kind books.

Acquaintance with the Red Book.

- And I want to introduce you to a disturbing book. It is called the red book (slide number 37). Red warns of danger, like a red traffic light. Animals, birds, plants that disappear from our planet Earth, or there are few of them left, were placed in this book. Pages in a book of different colors (slides No. 38-No. 42)

Why do animals die? (slide number 43)

And although you are still children, you too can protect the forest and its inhabitants. To do this, you need to follow these rules (slide number 44)

That's how many interesting things we learned about the life of animals in winter, walking through the forest, listening to the stories of children. You met with the red book. We will write about this in a letter to the Snow Maiden.


"Most importantly, you didn't hurt anyone." You are true friends of nature.

After all, all animals in the world, birds, fish, insects are needed. I hope you never offend them.

I want to give you the emblems of friends of nature.

The video clip "Everything in the world is needed" sounds.

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