Presentation on the topic: Forest animals. Presentation "Wild Animals

Recipes 09.08.2019

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Forest animals.
Objectives: to systematize students' knowledge about the animals of the forest, about their way of life.

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Somehow, at the edge of the forest, a forester met a girl. -What are you doing here? - I'm listening to a bird. What her name is, I don't know. -What is she like? - So little grey.
Well, you can't tell. Now, if you could describe it more precisely, or at least say,

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Or a forest hare, as it is also called, sleeps during the day, and goes out to feed at night. In winter, it feeds on the bark of trees. Most often, he gnaws on young aspens, birches, runs to the river bank to feast on soft willow bark. By winter, hares molt. Their new coat grows thick and warm. Everyone calls a hare a coward, but it's not. If some feathered predator overtakes a hare, then it lies on its back and fights off with strong blows of its paws.

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But it also happens that an eagle or a fox manages to grab a hare by the wool from the back. Then one comes to the aid of the hare interesting feature his body. A piece of skin, grabbed by the wool, easily comes off and remains in the teeth of the predator, and the hare runs away safely. The naked part of the body does not bleed and heals quickly, covered with new hair.

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Guys, what kind of prickly lump lies under the tree?

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With whom did the hedgehog live in the tower?
With a mouse
With a frog

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This only happens in fairy tales. In fact, the three of them will never get along: a hedgehog would eat its neighbors - both a frog and a mouse. Yes, and in the tower he did not settle for anything. Hedgehogs don't even get minks. In autumn, the hedgehog drags on its thorns of dry leaves into some hole between the roots, burrows and sleeps all winter. The hedgehog is small, but no one is afraid of him. Curl up into a ball, spread the needles - try to touch.

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Now guess the rebus, and you will find out who we will meet next on a walk.

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What do you know about the lifestyle of a bear?
In winter, 2-3 bear cubs are born in the den, which weigh only 500 grams. The teddy bear is so small that it can easily fit in the palm of an adult.

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Who else can you meet in the forest?

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“I have a sharp muzzle, erect ears, a very finely developed sense of smell. I am very greedy. I eat meat, attacking deer, elk, rodents, but sometimes, when I can’t find anything, I survive on plant food - berries. I like to hunt at night, alone. Sometimes I chase prey for hours, running not a single kilometer. But in winter, in order to feed ourselves, we gather in flocks.

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“I am a fat funny animal with sharp front teeth. My house is called a hut. I choose a small river or stream with running water as a place for my hut. I cut tree branches with my teeth and build a dam out of them to keep the water at a constant level and always have an underwater connection with the dwelling. There are two “rooms” in the hut: a bedroom and a pantry.

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“My sense of smell is very acute. The biggest treat for me - field mice. A mouse squeaks a little - and I can hear it for a hundred meters, even in winter, when it hides under the snow. I can eat up to 20 of them a day. I hunt at night, and during the day I like to relax. Often they call me a red cheat.

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“I, small and gray, build myself a mink either in a field or in a forest, under the roots of trees in a secluded place. My mink is like a bird's nest. Here I store seeds, berries, nuts, dry buds and roots of herbs and trees. In winter, I often go out of my mink to replenish my supplies. To do this, I dig special tunnels and move along them.

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“I am a small animal with velvety dark gray fur. I have strong front paws, like large shoulder blades. Claws grow on them, with which I dig the earth and throw it back. I have eyes, but they are just tiny beads covered in fur and skin. I don't need eyes, as I constantly live underground in pitch darkness. But I have a great sense of smell. I smell earthworm a few meters"

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What color is the biggest woodpecker?

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Who from the tall dark pines threw a bump into the kids? And into the bushes through the stump Flashed like a light?
Water masters Build a house without an ax, A house of brushwood and mud And a dam.
He looks like a sheepdog. Every tooth is a sharp knife! He runs, baring his mouth, Ready to attack the sheep.
Angry touchy Lives in the wilderness of the forest. There are a lot of needles, but not a single thread.

"Amur Tiger" - (I can leave forever ...). Why do you pollute nature? Help me people! (Why are you building a fire in the forest?). How to draw me? You mustn't pollute the nature! To teach children plasticity and grace by choreographic methods (using the image of a tiger as an example). Problem. (Why are you cutting trees?). I can go out forever... And here I am!

"Life of wild animals" - Hares. Think about the situation. Determine who may be redundant. We were walking along the same path. Painter. Wild animals. Learn from the description. Wolf. Rebuses. Who lives where.

"Lesson wild and domestic animals" - Watching the video "Domestication 2" (talk about what he saw). Since ancient times, man began to tame and is still taming animals. What kind of home? Interface. How is man different from animals? (3-4 suggestions of children are listened to). Do we have anything in common with animals? Click the "Personal" tab.

“Where elephants live a lesson” - Elephants sleep standing up and little. Fizkultminutka. Elephants feed on grass, branches, roots and fruits. We catch mosquitoes together. Elephants are very smart animals. Elephants live in families. Put your hands down, return to the old stance. Repetition of what has been learned. live in Africa and India. Elephants. The most amazing thing about an elephant is its trunk. The elephant nods its head.

"Amur tiger in Russia" - Amur tiger. Most females give birth for the first time at 3-4 years of age. Shelters - rocky ledges and niches, voids under fallen trees. The ban on hunting tigers has been in place since 1947. At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, 120-150 tigers were hunted here annually. At the end of the 19th century, the area of ​​permanent habitation extended to the left bank of the Amur.

"Wild Animals Quiz" - Winter song of the forest. Fox. You have learned a lot. Hare. Not a lamb and not a cat. Sly Fox. Large animal. Mobile game. Squirrel. Dynamic pause. Red little animal. Presentation work. Children's knowledge. Bear. Forest riddles. Deftly hides in a hole. A game about the life of wild animals.

Total in the topic 31 presentations

  • MOU "Gymnasium No. 140"
  • Omsk
  • Korobeynikova T.V.
  • Program Vinogradova N.F. "21 century".
  • Somehow, at the edge of the forest, a forester met a girl.
  • -What are you doing here?
  • - I'm listening to a bird. What her name is, I don't know.
  • -What is she like?
  • - So little grey.
  • Well, you can't tell. Now, if you could describe it more precisely, or at least say what floor the bird lives on, then ...
  • -Are there floors in the forest? Isn't this a house?
  • - Guys, what floors is the woodman talking about?
  • Who lives on these floors? Name them.
  • Let's take a walk through the forest floors.
  • Or a forest hare, as it is also called, sleeps during the day, and goes out to feed at night. In winter, it feeds on the bark of trees. Most often, he gnaws on young aspens, birches, runs to the river bank to feast on soft willow bark. By winter, hares molt. Their new coat grows thick and warm. Everyone calls a hare a coward, but it's not. If some feathered predator overtakes a hare, then it lies on its back and fights off with strong blows of its paws.
  • But it also happens that an eagle or a fox manages to grab a hare by the wool from the back. Then one interesting feature of his body comes to the aid of the hare. A piece of skin, grabbed by the wool, easily comes off and remains in the teeth of the predator, and the hare runs away safely. The naked part of the body does not bleed and heals quickly, covered with new hair.
Guys, what kind of prickly lump lies under the tree? With whom did the hedgehog live in the tower?
  • With a mouse
  • With a frog
  • wah
This only happens in fairy tales. In fact, the three of them will never get along: a hedgehog would eat its neighbors - both a frog and a mouse. Yes, and in the tower he did not settle for anything. Hedgehogs don't even get minks. In autumn, the hedgehog drags on its thorns of dry leaves into some hole between the roots, burrows and sleeps all winter. The hedgehog is small, but no one is afraid of him. Curl up into a ball, spread the needles - try to touch.
  • This only happens in fairy tales. In fact, the three of them will never get along: a hedgehog would eat its neighbors - both a frog and a mouse. Yes, and in the tower he did not settle for anything. Hedgehogs don't even get minks. In autumn, the hedgehog drags on its thorns of dry leaves into some hole between the roots, burrows and sleeps all winter. The hedgehog is small, but no one is afraid of him. Curl up into a ball, spread the needles - try to touch.
Now guess the rebus, and you will find out who we will meet next on a walk. What do you know about the lifestyle of a bear?
  • In winter, 2-3 bear cubs are born in the den, which weigh only 500 grams. The teddy bear is so small that it can easily fit in the palm of an adult.
Who else can you meet in the forest?
  • Marten, wild boar, elk, fox, owl, ferret.
Textbook work.
  • Consider illustrations of a squirrel and a chipmunk. How are they similar and how do they differ in appearance?
  • Tell me, is it true that squirrels and chipmunks are rodents?
  • Let's read the description of the squirrel and the chipmunk in the textbook. Compare them.
What animals can you meet in the forest? Homework.
  • Prepare a story about any forest animal (insect, animal, bird), presenting it in the form of a baby book.
  • Textbook " The world» N.F. Viogradova, M. Publishing Center "Ventana-Graf", 2003
  • The world around us, lesson plans, compiled by O.A. Isakova, publishing house "Teacher", Volgograd, 2004.

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Slides captions:

Wild animals "Inhabitants of the forest" part 1 Prepared by: Chernykh T.A.

Brown bear The brown bear lives in the forest and likes to climb trees. Despite being clumsy, it can run fast and swim well.

Brown bear Bear is an omnivore. His favorite treats are honey and raspberries. And the Brown Bear is an excellent angler!

Brown bear The bear lives in a den. All winter he sleeps in his house, lives off the accumulated fat reserves. In spring, the brown bear wakes up.

The most famous teddy bear is Winnie the Pooh HONEY

Squirrel The squirrel lives in the forest, but sometimes it can be found in the park. Such proteins are not afraid of a person and can take a nut out of his hands. Peanuts and sunflower seeds should not be given to squirrels.

Squirrel Squirrels are omnivorous animals, they love to feast on nuts, mushrooms, berries, seeds. In spring they feed on tree buds. They sometimes eat insects, frogs, and small birds.

Squirrel Duplo is a house for a squirrel, where she stores supplies for the winter. And it happens that he buries nuts in the ground.

Hare Hare is the most shy animal. Just hear what a rustle - immediately run - he is an excellent athlete! In summer, the hare is gray, and in winter it changes its fur coat to white.

Hare Hare loves carrots, apples and cabbage., but since he is a resident of the forest, he eats different grasses, thin twigs, bark, seeds, berries.

Hare Hare lives in a mink, which he digs under a bush, so he hides from predators - a wolf and a fox.

Wolf Wolves live in packs, the strongest and most courageous wolf is the leader.

Wolf There is no special home for the wolf, they can live in a rock crevice or thickets of bushes, but when they breed they make a den.

Wolf The wolf is a predator, hunts at night. Eats meat, poultry, loves fish. When there is no prey, wolves eat berries, fruits, and even mushrooms. At night you can hear how the wolf howls at the moon.

Boar The boar is the ancient ancestor of the pig. Lives where there is water nearby. Although the boar is clumsy, it runs fast and swims well. The boar is a very ferocious animal!

Wild boar During the day, the wild boar lies in a dug hole, and in the evening it goes out to look for food - these are roots, fruits, plants. Favorite treat wild boar - acorns.

Boar The boar is very strong, they are not afraid of anyone, except for the wolf, lynx and man.

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Summary of directly educational activities for the development of coherent speech in the preparatory group on the lexical material wild animals. GCD theme: Wild animals of our forests.

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Even a familiar, long-trodden forest is fraught with a lot of mysteries. Despite the silence that usually reigns in it, the forest is full of life. It is inhabited by a great variety of animals, birds and insects.

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Brown bear Large land predator. Body length up to 2 m, average weight - 150 kg. The body is massive, slightly elongated, on short but thick five-toed plantigrade legs. The head is broad with a short muzzle. Ears are small. The brown bear is widely distributed throughout the forest zone of Europe, Asia and North America. In our country, he lives in the northern half of the European part, in Siberia, in the Caucasus. The color of the fur is from brownish-yellow to dark brown. There is sometimes a small whitish spot on the chest.

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Fox Predator of medium size. Body length 60-90 cm, tail 40-60 cm, weight of males reaches 6-10 kg, females 5-6 kg. The body is slender, elongated, the legs are relatively short, the tail is fluffy. The muzzle is elongated, pointed. Ears are high, pointed. It lives in various parts of the forest, but prefers the edges of mixed forests, old clearings and burnt areas, the banks of forest rivers and lakes. The color of the body is varied: from reddish-orange to yellow-gray, the chest and the tip of the tail are white.

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common squirrel A typical forest animal is 20-30 cm long and weighs up to 1 kg. The body is elongated with a fluffy tail, the length of which is only slightly less than the length of the body. Tassels at the ends of the ears. Northern fur is reddish in summer and light gray in winter; after autumn molt the fur gets thicker. The squirrel lives in the taiga, mixed and wide deciduous forests. In summer it is active in the morning and evening hours, and in winter it is active throughout the day. In especially frosty days does not come out to feed. Leads an arboreal lifestyle.

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Noble deer This majestic forest inhabitant is very modest - only at dawn and at sunset does he go out onto the lawn to nibble fresh grass. During the mating season Noble deer become cocky and even dangerous: males arrange real fights, fighting for the female

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Common hedgehog A small animal, its body length is about 30 cm, weight 700-800 g. short legs, top and sides covered with needles and wool. The muzzle is elongated and pointed. The color is dominated by brown and grayish-brown tones. The carapace of needles is colored brownish and mottled with whitish strokes. It lives in mixed and deciduous forests, prefers edges, clearings, thickets of bushes. This animal leads a solitary twilight lifestyle: during the day it sleeps, curled up in a ball, and at night it wanders in search of food. The hedgehog feeds on earthworms, beetles, mouse-like rodents, birds, their eggs and chicks. Common hedgehog is common in Europe and the Far East.

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White hare Body length 40-75 cm, weight from 2.5 to 5.5 kg. The head is relatively large, broad, with a blunt, rounded muzzle; the ears are long; the eyes are located on the sides of the head and are widely spaced, the hind legs are longer than the front ones. The color of the body is brown or reddish-brown in summer, white in winter. The tips of the ears are black all year round. The white hare is widely distributed in the forest zone of Eastern Europe, Asia and North America.

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Wolf Large animal with relatively high and strong legs; the muzzle is elongated, the ears are pointed. Body length 105-160 cm, tail 35-50 cm, weight reaches 32-50 kg. The color is usually gray with a reddish tint. The hairline is coarse, but thick, the belly and paws are somewhat lighter than the body. The wolf is widespread in our country. The wolf prefers sparse forests. Hunting everywhere big booty: wild ungulates (boar, elk, etc.), domestic animals. Successfully catches hares, small rodents, birds, eats carrion.

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Badger This is a medium-sized predator. Its body length is 60-80 cm, tail 15-30 cm, weight in summer is 6-10 kg, in autumn 16-17 kg. The body is massive, stocky and squat. Badgers are widespread in Russia, with the exception of the northern part of Siberia. He lives in mixed forests, preferring edges, forest ravines, copses. It is active at night, moves in a step or a small trot, lowering its head down. Spends the day in a hole. Badgers feed on both plant and animal food. Badgers live in pairs, they have 2-6 cubs. The enemies of badgers are wolves and lynxes.

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raccoon dog Body length 65-80 cm, tail 15-25 cm. The body is elongated, on short legs, the head is small with a short, sharp muzzle. On the sides of the head are elongated hairs forming "tanks"; ears are small. The color of the fur is brownish-gray, on the muzzle there is a pattern in the form of a black mask. There is a dark stripe along the back. The coat is long and fluffy. It lives in mixed forests with dense undergrowth, prefers copses, gentle slopes, swampy river valleys. Usually settle in old burrows of badgers and foxes, often using various natural shelters. She is active at night, but sometimes active during the day, runs fast, swims well. It feeds on a variety of foods: small rodents, fish, insects, plants and berries.

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Elk One of the largest animals in our country. Male body length 2.5-3 m, tail 12-13 cm, height at the withers up to 2.35 m, weight 300-400 kg. Females are much smaller, their weight reaches 200 kg. The head is large, hook-nosed, with a movable upper lip hanging over the lower one. Elk - prefers young forests, overgrown burnt areas and cutting areas located among areas of old forest, as well as floodplain forests with dense thickets of willow near forest swamps and reservoirs rich in wetland vegetation. Very dexterous in movements, can pass through any marshy swamps. The ears are large, mobile, the eyes are small. The coat is long, thick, its color is dark brown, the legs are light.

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Lynx A large cat, has a body length of 82-105 cm, a short, like a chopped off tail, lush "whiskers" and tassels on the ears. The body is short, on long strong legs with wide hairy paws, the fur is pale gray or reddish. The back, sides and legs are covered with dark spots. The lynx lives in dark coniferous and mixed forests. she deftly climbs trees, rocks, is able to swim far, leads a nocturnal lifestyle. Mice, voles, hares, foxes, deer, birds from among the chicken serve as food for her. Prey is detected by smell and hearing. Its victims are most often weak and sick animals, so the lynx is considered a regulator of the number of hares, mouse-like rodents, and other animals.

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Chipmunk The animal is slightly smaller than the squirrel. Body length 13-16 cm, tail 10-11 cm. The ears are small, without tassels; well developed cheek pouches that open at the corners of the mouth. The general tone of the color is reddish-gray, the belly is grayish-white. There are 5 black stripes along the back. Chipmunk prefers to live in coniferous forests on the edges, in bushes, on burnt areas and clearings - where there is deadwood. He is good at climbing and jumping up and down trees.

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Oriole The oriole is slightly larger than the starling. The plumage of the male is bright yellow, the wings and tail are black. The female is more dull in color; from above it is greenish-gray, and the bottom of its body is yellowish-white, with rare longitudinal brown streaks. The oriole lives in broad-leaved and mixed forests, groves, parks, but everywhere it is very secretive, keeps in a dense crown of trees. The bird is migratory, wintering in Central and South Africa, Madagascar and India. Oriole arrives at nesting sites in late spring, early summer. It nests in the upper parts of birch, oak crowns, less often in pine crowns. Great spotted woodpecker Top part the body of the woodpecker is black, and the bottom is white with an ocher tinge. The crown and nape of the females are black, while the males have a red spot on the nape of the neck. There are many white spots on the wings. Tail feathers are elastic; the legs are short, with two fingers pointing back - all this helps the woodpecker move vertically along the trunk. The great spotted woodpecker inhabits different types forests, preferring coniferous and mixed forests. Found in parks and gardens.

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Literature: Big Atlas of Nature of Russia. - M.: Egmont Russia Ltd., 2003. - 644 p. Pleshakov A.A.; From earth to sky: atlas - a determinant for students at the beginning. class /A.A. Pleshakov. - 6th ed. - M.; Enlightenment, 2005. - 222 p.: ill. - (Green house)

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