Raccoon and raccoon dog. Where do raccoons live

Diets 09.09.2019

Finding yourself in Canada, you can fully feel how close people and nature are here. This is reflected not only natural conditions but also the way of life of people, the attitude towards animals. Let's talk more about raccoons.

This animal is truly Native American. The native places of the raccoon extend from the Isthmus of Panama to the southern provinces of Canada and from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific. This is an animal with a very characteristic appearance.

Body length is 45-60 centimeters, tail 20-25 centimeters; weight 5-9 kilograms (on the eve of wintering, it often increases to 20 kilograms). The physique of raccoons is dense, the paws are short, each with five very well developed fingers. Raccoons are very unpretentious, they can eat any food, are not susceptible to infections and insect bites, and can fight off predators quite aggressively.

I think if we ask people who have visited Canada and those who live there about these cute animals, opinions will be different. Someone was touched, feeding the raccoons from his hand, and someone was tormented by repairing the roof behind them several times. But first things first.

Let's first look at raccoons from a positive, optimistic side, that is, let's get to know them the way tourists get to know them. It is unusual for residents of large cities to see wild animals on the street. Therefore, walking around Canadian Montreal, you will be surprised at how raccoons come out to meet you, communicate, pose for your camera and artistically ask you for food. Many tourists forget about the beauties of the city and architectural monuments and devote themselves entirely to communicating with these animals. Children are absolutely delighted! No need to specially go to the zoo, the zoo itself comes out to meet you. The raccoons themselves are not afraid of people and tend to come closer to the houses. Animals are essentially very family and go everywhere in small groups.

Walking through the numerous parks of Montreal, you will surely meet these striped beggars. So take some food with you. Raccoons eat almost everything - nuts, rolls, even sausages and sweets, they can drink juice directly from the package, holding it with their paws. Also take your camera, you will be able to take funny shots. Raccoons will look at you with touching eyes in anticipation of food, stand on their hind legs, they can arrange a small show for their admirers, moving through the trees.

But there is also back side medals. Raccoons can invade a person's life so close that they bring him inconvenience. So, raccoons can come to spend the night on your balcony in the evening, which, however, is very harmless. Animals can completely register on your site, live there and misbehave, open garbage cans, or they can start dismantling the roof on the roof, trying to climb into the house in search of food.

In Canada, all animals are protected, so the only thing homeowners can do is call special service that will take the raccoons back to the forest.

These are the animals! Arriving in Canada and meeting with them personally, you can form your own opinion about raccoons.

Tourists visiting Canada for the first time Monreale, for some reason they remember not the sights and beauty of the city, but local raccoons- a beggar. In general, tourists can be understood - they do not need to go to the zoo - funny little animals themselves go out to tourists, pose for cameras and intelligently beg for food.

In the photo: raccoons beg for food from tourists in Montreal. Canada

Raccoons in Canada they are almost pets, they always revolve around residential buildings. Canadians themselves either get used to them, or unsuccessfully try to escort them away from their homes.

In the photo: a family of raccoons in a park in Montreal. Canada

Raccoons are very family animals, so they go out to work as a friendly fluffy team :) However, it is not very pleasant to see such a gang of raccoons in the evening ..

In the photo: raccoons are not at all afraid of people in Montreal. Canada

For tourists, communication with raccoons is a real attraction. Raccoons in Montreal not afraid of people at all. They have learned to gently but persistently beg for food. Compared to monkeys, raccoons behave much more well-mannered :)

In the photo: raccoons pose for tourists in Montreal. Canada

Raccoons work great for the camera, they have learned to look touchingly into the lens and stand on their hind legs. Tourists fall for the tricks of these cute beggars. In addition, raccoons are good at climbing trees and often put on funny shows for tourists.

In the photo: raccoons beg for food from tourists in Montreal

Raccoons are very picky eaters. They burst everything that tourists give - nuts, buns, sausages, fruits, even sweets, drink juices, holding the package with their paws ..

In the photo: raccoons in Montreal allow themselves to be touched

To watch raccoons in Monreale the easiest way is to go to one of Montreal's parks, such as Mount Royal or LaFontain Park. The nearest hotels to them are “Auberge de la Fontaine” and a small hotel “Casa Bianca Bed&Breakfast”. However, there are several hundred parks in Montreal, so try to find your own and find “your” gang of stray raccoons - beggars :)

Good luck in Montreal!

A fur coat is an indispensable element of a fashionista's winter wardrobe. It is not necessary to buy a model from the most expensive furs, a raccoon coat will decorate its owner and will completely cope with its functional task, as it is very warm.

The raccoon is a cute animal from the family of the same name. One species of raccoons lives on the territory of Russia - the poloskunn. But the skins of animals living on the North American continent are used to make fur coats. Under artificial conditions, the raccoon is grown on fur farms in Finland. Fur breeders do a lot of work to improve the quality of fur. So, by now, a raccoon with a completely white skin has been bred. white fur can be easily dyed to any color, so it enjoys big love at the designers.

The fur of a wild raccoon is distinguished by a thick soft underfur, a long awn, the color is brown, gray, gray-brown. Such fur is also dyed, so on sale you can find a variety of shades of fur coats - red with a golden hue, brown with a sheen in cherry, black, etc.

The great advantage of fur is its wear resistance, a high-quality fur coat can last 15 seasons, so buying clothes made from raccoon fur is a very profitable investment.

Variety of models

In fur salons, various models of raccoon coats are presented. Photos from fashion shows of fur products allow you to appreciate the variety of styles and visual appeal of fur coats.

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Fur coats of natural color are rare, mainly models of tinted fur are sold. Not only a brown or red raccoon coat can be purchased, but also a model of a rich purple or sky blue hue.

The styles of fur coats created by designers depend not only on the vagaries of fashion, but also on the properties of fur:

  • American raccoon fur is distinguished by pomp, pronounced brilliance, elasticity, it is used to sew A-shaped fur coats of different lengths, straight silhouette models, short fur coats resembling jackets or jackets in cut;

  • Finnish raccoon fur is more dense and has very long core hairs that look like feathers from afar. The fur is of very high quality, but has a significant weight, so it goes mainly for finishing.

In addition, a raccoon fur coat with leather can be sewn from it (leather inserts will reduce the overall weight of the product) or a perforated fur coat. AT last case, holes of a certain size are created on the surface of the skins, and a special base is glued onto the skin from the side of the skin. This technology can significantly reduce the weight of the skin, but the thickness of the fur suffers.

For decorative purposes, raccoon fur is sheared, creating various patterns on the surface of the skins. Sheared raccoon coats look very unusual and stylish. You can often find combined models - raccoon fur coats with fox or sable trim.

A raccoon fur coat is an acquisition for many years, how to choose a really high-quality product that can please the hostess for at least 15 years?

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Firstly, it is worth making a purchase in a reputable fur salon, and not in the market. Otherwise, it will be impossible to obtain a guarantee of the quality of the goods. Secondly, before paying for the model you like, you should carefully examine the product:

  • for high-quality fur coats, the lining is not hemmed at the bottom, this is done in order to be able to examine the core of the fur and evaluate the quality of the seams;
  • the seams on the fur coat must be strong, even minimal spreading is not permissible;

  • the fur itself should be thick and soft, the guard hairs should be clearly visible on it;
  • the appearance of the fur on all surfaces of the fur coat should be shiny and uniform.

After making sure of the quality of the product, you need to try on a fur coat. The model should be comfortable, nothing should press and pull. If you plan to buy a long fur coat, then you need to walk around the salon to see if the floors get confused when walking.

How to choose a style? Long fur coats look somewhat bulky, but they reliably protect from the cold. Buying models to the floor or significantly below the knees can be recommended only to slender ladies. It is imperative to take into account height, for a short girl it is better to choose a fur coat above the knee, for ladies of model height any styles of raccoon coats are suitable.

With what to combine?

It remains to decide what to wear with a raccoon coat to make the ensemble look stylish. First of all, we will choose a headdress, since in our climate it is not always possible to do without a hat.

Why are you late for the Stupid Excuses Club meeting?
- You see, the raccoon swallowed my keys, and ...
- Don't continue, sounds convincing, go ahead.

Have you ever thought about having a pet raccoon? It’s good if you didn’t do this, after reading the article, the desire will definitely not arise. Better get a cat or a bird, but by no means a raccoon, he will make your life unbearable!

All more people want to have a raccoon as a pet. If raccoons are raised from childhood, then they make good pets that get along well with humans. Raccoons are very curious and active, requiring the most careful supervision, otherwise they can get into trouble or cause trouble to others. But despite this, raccoons are so adorable!

Let's find out about his life in the wild and at home.

The raccoon animal can compete with human hands in the agility of the forelimbs - its actions are so dexterous and accurate. With its front paws, the raccoon is able to grab any objects, including food, as well as confidently hold them and even wash them. In this, the action of the raccoon is somewhat reminiscent of rinsing, which is why one of its varieties was called "gargle".

What does a raccoon look like

The raccoon is very easy to recognize by the dark "mask" around the eyes. and the same dark transverse lines on the tail. The body of the raccoon is very dense, stocky, the paws are short, the hair is fluffy and long, grayish-brown in color, the tail is of the same tone, very lush. The raccoon has rounded ears and a wide head, which gradually turns into a thin, narrow and quite pretty muzzle, decorated with a black “mask” with a light fur trim, somewhat reminiscent of sideburns. A dark brown spot is located around the raccoon's eyes, and a strip of the same shade runs from the tip of the nose to the forehead. A raccoon usually has 5 to 7 wide black rings on its tail.

Where do raccoons live

The raccoon is a typical inhabitant of the North and Central America , where it is extremely common to the present, occupying not only wet places (its usual habitats), but also suburban areas. In the 20th century, this valuable fur animal was brought to one of European countries- to Germany, from where he began his "conquest" of the rest of Europe. Today, most raccoons are concentrated in the Netherlands and France, where they have perfectly acclimatized. Then the raccoons were transported to the east, and now raccoons can be found in Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Dagestan, the North Caucasus, Far East, in Krasnodar Territory and even in the West Indies.

Raccoon habitats

Animal raccoon - mostly inhabitant wet places , therefore, it always settles near fresh water bodies, from which it gets its own food. AT wild nature is usually:

  • rivers;
  • swamps;
  • ponds;
  • lakes.

The raccoon does not neglect places nearby settlements , since the proximity of human housing does not bother the raccoon at all - on the contrary, he often visits farms in search of food. In general, the raccoon animal easily adapts to any conditions, populating the outskirts of gardens and fields, forest plantations, squares and abandoned empty buildings. It can also live in attics, basements, unused chimneys and drainpipes. He loves hollows, where he mainly settles, giving preference to old trees in mixed forests. Arranged 20-30 meters from ground level. It also inhabits rock crevices and abandoned burrows. The raccoon does this by force, because he is not able to dig the ground. Spends most of the daytime in the trees.

Types of raccoons

The raccoon belongs to the genus of mammals, the family of predators. There are two types of this animal:

  1. raccoon;
  2. raccoon

The raccoon is the most common species of raccoon. It is the most typical representative of the raccoon genus and is the most common. A raccoon weighs an average of about 6 kilograms, has a height of up to 35 centimeters at the withers, a body length of about 65 centimeters and a tail of 25 centimeters.

Raccoon habits

Raccoon is a nocturnal animal. During the day he sleeps, and at night he comes out in search of food. It does not move far from the dwelling, preferring a distance within a radius of one and a half kilometers. It has an excellent ability to see in total darkness. This provides him not only with well-developed night vision, but also with vibrissae, the tufts that the raccoon has on the head, and on the stomach, and on the chest, and on the inside of the limbs, near the claws. Raccoons are also not afraid of water and can swim well.

Before putting food in the mouth, the raccoon always first rinses it in water. Scientists associate this rather than with the hygienic requirements of the beast, but with curiosity: its actions serve to better study the prey. In general, the animal grabs with its fingers everything that it meets on its way.

In the northern regions, raccoons hibernate in winter, for weeks without leaving the hole, until strong sub-zero temperatures, snowfalls and cold winds recede. At such times, their metabolism slows down, heart rate and body temperature drop (but not much). For example, in the Canadian zone, hibernation of raccoons can last up to 4 months, and in regions with a warmer climate - several weeks. Animals occupying the southern parts of the range are active all year round.

What do raccoons eat

Raccoons are unpretentious to food, therefore they consume everything:
small rodents;
various berries;
fish and so on.

Adult raccoons are especially omnivorous. However, their most traditional food is grains, fruits and fish. Living in the zone of access to human habitation, raccoons also rummage through garbage cans and landfills - their dexterous fingers on their front paws remove the lids from any containers without any problems. It happens that adult animals sometimes raid chicken coops and agricultural land.

The raccoon is the worst pet in the world!

Tell me, do you need trouble? You wake up in the morning and someone ate your toothpaste, the keys are in the bin and your tube of glue is now all over your clothes, walls and bed...

Do you need broken dishes? The nominal sideboard of relatives turned into fragments. And what about scratches, because in your house there is a predator that is not so easy to tame. Scratches will become flowers, better imagine how a raccoon yelling from hunger marks its territory. The animal leads an active lifestyle at night, while you are sleeping, or rather trying to sleep, he will do whatever he pleases.

Funny thieves, sugar lovers who cutely eat with two paws, and then quickly run away - it's just at first glance, if you look better - the raccoon is the worst pet! When I read the other day the stories of the owners of domestic raccoons, I asked myself: how to survive with this and not go crazy? We invite you on a tour of real life furry bullies.

Story #1:
When I first bought a wild raccoon, I thought it was a raccoon! Named Martin, as a result of the inspection it turned out that it was her, well, he did not want to invent a name and called Martin. So, one day, I wake up in the middle of the night from the noise in the kitchen, I go to see what's the matter, and there my Martina sits on the table and finishes my tea from a mug, just like a man, lifting the cup with two paws. All over the kitchen, on the floor, leftovers from the refrigerator are scattered, and the curtains are torn off the window. This is the feast Martina gave herself and then decided to drink tea at the end of a late dinner.

Story #2:
- People! Who knows how to wash hands from Supermoment glue? And the raccoon? I was distracted for a couple of seconds and this scoundrel found a tube of glue somewhere. I won’t wash the room - it will be a reminder that you can’t be distracted. I’ll throw things away, but what should I do with my stuck fingers, my daughter’s fingers and the whole muzzle of a raccoon?

The raccoon clearly knows that each tin can in the store must be accompanied by a specially trained person to open them. Although the raccoon himself, he also knows how to do something. Let's watch the video!

How do you envision yourself in 10-15 years?
- I'll stop talking to people and live with a raccoon, and we'll be damn good together.

1. A raccoon will constantly demand your attention. Are you ready to devote about half of your free time to him, and do you have this free time.

2. The presence in the house of small children up to 5-7 years old, or in plans for their appearance - a clear contraindication to the presence of a raccoon in the house.

3. If your family members have allergies to animals or wool, other similar diseases - a serious contraindication to the establishment of a raccoon in the house

4. The presence of other animals in the house. Dogs, cats - in principle, you can keep them together with a raccoon, but at the same time you need to be able to separate them with a raccoon in different rooms if something happens. Birds and small rodents are definitely not recommended for breeding with a raccoon, since they are the natural food of raccoons, and if the raccoon wants something, he will surely achieve his goal sooner or later. Houseplants cannot be in the same room as a raccoon.

5. A raccoon, even at home, still remains a wild animal, so you should think about whether you are ready to see bite and scratch scars on your hands, which will almost certainly be. Usually the character of raccoons changes for the worse when they reach puberty, especially during the rut.

6. Also during the rut, the raccoon can mark its territory. are you willing to endure it. Not every raccoon manages to accustom to the tray. It is quite possible that you will often have to clean up after him, and in the most unexpected places.

7. Are you ready to wake up several times a night, hearing the cries of the “starving” Raccoon and feed him or just entertain him? By nature, the Raccoon is a nocturnal animal. His activity is manifested at night, at this time he usually hunts for food, although sometimes the Raccoon adjusts to the human schedule.

8. Despite all your efforts, it is not a fact that the raccoon will become "tame". Are you ready to pay so much attention to the raccoon, and in response, it is quite possible that he may not even allow you to pick yourself up. More often you can get a tame raccoon by taking it as a small puppy at the age of 1.5 months. Enclosed raccoons taken by adults practically do not become tame, although they usually take food from their hands.

9. Your living conditions. Is it possible to make at least one room in the house "raccoon-friendly" and "raccoon-safe". In a room with a raccoon, it is not recommended to install an expensive plasma TV or a priceless Chinese vase from the 15th century. Why, probably guessed. There are practically no places in the apartment inaccessible to the raccoon. Dangerous for the beast are the wires of the electric pibors plugged into the socket, he can gnaw them, as well as extension cords lying on the floor, as he often wants to mark them. Are you ready to endure how the Raccoon puts his raccoon in order in your apartment? What the order looks like from the point of view of a raccoon, you can see in the following video clips.

Tourists visiting Canada for the first time Monreale, for some reason they remember not the sights and beauty of the city, but local raccoons- a beggar. In general, tourists can be understood - they do not need to go to the zoo - funny little animals themselves go out to tourists, pose for cameras and intelligently beg for food.

Raccoons in Canada they are almost pets, they always revolve around residential buildings. Canadians themselves either get used to them, or unsuccessfully try to escort them away from their homes.

In the photo: a family of raccoons in a park in Montreal. Canada

Raccoons are very family animals, so they go out to work as a friendly fluffy team. However, it is not very pleasant to see such a gang of raccoons in the evening ..

In the photo: raccoons are not at all afraid of people in Montreal. Canada

For tourists, communication with raccoons is a real attraction. Raccoons in Montreal not afraid of people at all. They have learned to gently but persistently beg for food. Compared to monkeys, raccoons behave much more well-mannered.

In the photo: raccoons pose for tourists in Montreal. Canada

Raccoons work great for the camera, they have learned to look touchingly into the lens and stand on their hind legs. Tourists fall for the tricks of these cute beggars. In addition, raccoons are good at climbing trees and often put on funny shows for tourists.

In the photo: raccoons beg for food from tourists in Montreal

Raccoons are not very picky eaters. They burst everything that tourists give - nuts, buns, sausages, fruits, even sweets, drink juices, holding the package with their paws ..

In the photo: raccoons in Montreal allow themselves to be touched

To watch raccoons in Monreale the easiest way is to go to one of Montreal's parks, such as Mount Royal or LaFontain Park. However, there are several hundred parks in Montreal, so try to find your own and find “your” gang of stray raccoons - beggars :)

Good luck in Montreal!

Based on materials from the site http://ezdili-znaem.com

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