Profitable processing. Waste recycling in Russia: features, requirements and interesting facts

Design and interior 14.06.2019
Design and interior

Arseniy Sheromanov has owned a waste disposal company for five years. What is needed to create a business? How to earn the first money? Where to get initial capital? What qualities are top priority for a businessman? How to get to the first position in the market? A businessman with extensive experience will answer this and much more.


Main points of the interview:

  • Date of commencement of activity- year 2012;
  • Primary occupation- recycling;
  • Initial investment- 4 million rubles;
  • What did you do before starting your business?- director of the restaurant;
  • First serious earnings as a businessman- 130,000 rubles;
  • Company development plans- become a leader in the industry;
  • What qualities are most important for a businessman- openness, modesty, sense of humor.

How did the waste disposal business start and how did it develop?

I was born into a family of scientists. My father was a physicist, and my mother worked in medicine. As you understand, I had two options for what to connect life with. After school, he went to study at the Medical Academy, but was expelled in the second year for poor progress.

At that time I was twenty years old, I was taken into the army. After two years of service, I went to work as a waiter. During eight years of work in restaurant business I grew in my position from a waiter to a director. But there was not enough money, so I decided to drastically change my life.

At that time, most of the friends went into business. I was jealous and uncomfortable. I thought: why am I worse? The matter remained "for small". It was necessary to choose a niche. There were several options:

  • sale of goods;

I rejected the first option, since this area really bothered me. "Sales" always annoyed, so he could not go against himself. The sphere of waste disposal and recycling seemed tempting and interesting, so I settled on it.

To carry out activities, it was necessary to register a legal entity and obtain numerous permits. It took a lot of effort and time to get the papers - six months.

The waste disposal industry requires a large initial capital. The initial investment amounted to four million rubles. He borrowed part of the amount from a bank, which he did not regret. It seems to me that a loan is the best option for finding money.

For the above amount, I purchased two lines of equipment, which allowed me to start working in two directions:

  1. Waste recycling.
  2. Garbage sorting.

If we talk about the room, there were no problems with it. From the late father got the area in the industrial area, which was used as a warehouse. The area was so large that I used only half, rented the rest. This made it possible not to think about paying off the loan.

The waste disposal business is not automated. At first, forty workers worked at my enterprise. I saved a lot on their labor, since all the workers came from Central Asia.

As for special vehicles, at first I rented garbage trucks, and there were also several drivers on the staff. Now everything has changed, we are cooperating with a company specializing in the transportation of waste. We lose large sums, but got rid of many problems.

Remember the first serious earnings not as an employee, but as an entrepreneur?

Of course, this is impossible to forget. The company began to earn from the first month, I did not see the money for the first six months. They went to pay workers, buy equipment, pay off debts to the bank.

After six or seven months, I saw the first money - 130,000 rubles, for which I flew to Dubai with my wife.

What helped in times of crisis, when everything collapsed and businesses closed?

My business is not subject to crisis, as the enterprise is supported by the state. We were not affected by the crisis of 2008 and 2012. This does not mean that there were no difficult periods.

Two years after the start of activity, an inspection from the migration service flooded Russian Federation. As I said earlier, I saved a lot on the labor of workers, which I later regretted. Forty people were immigrants from Tajikistan, of course, they did not have any documents.

I lost a huge amount of money. After this incident, only citizens of the Russian Federation work at my enterprise.

During this period, the support of close people, my ingenuity and professional competence helped.

Why don't you leave for the capital, any Russian metropolis, or abroad? What keeps in the province?

Samara is a metropolis, more than a million people live here. I have repeatedly thought about moving to the capital. You have to understand, my business is atypical. We have captured far from the entire market of the Samara region, here we have many competitors.

As you understand, there are even more competitors in Moscow. Enormous funds are needed to cover the metropolis, which are not currently available. I think you should first capture the market in one city, and then already stare at the second, third.

If we talk about abroad, this is impossible. It is unrealistic to organize such a business abroad. Abroad, of course, attracts me. But if I go abroad to build a business, then the field of activity should not concern my profile. But this is my personal opinion, I could be wrong.

From what sources did they form start-up capital? How much money did it take to initial stage? What did you have to spend on?

I have already stated that the waste management and recycling business requires huge investments. The amount was four million rubles. Money was spent:

  1. for the rental of specialized vehicles;
  2. for the salary of an accountant, workers;
  3. for clearance legal entity and payment of other state duties;
  4. for the purchase of equipment for sorting and processing waste.

It's good that I had a free space at my disposal. For long-term rent at that time was an expensive luxury for me.

He borrowed three million rubles, five hundred thousand were invested by a familiar entrepreneur, the last part was invested from his personal budget.

How did you scale up your business? Did you use government support?

The business started with a loan. For the first six months, the company worked at zero, as I invested the money I earned back into the business. My company was invested by a business friend who now has a small stake.

If we talk about state support from a material point of view, I did not resort to such assistance. However, you must understand that in my business without the support of the state, nowhere. State support is that it helps in obtaining permits.

How was the activity legalized?

The company is legally registered. At the beginning of my activity, I opened a limited liability company. We work on a simplified taxation system.

At the beginning of the activity, several business permits were obtained.

What is the relationship with the regulatory authorities?

Checks are commonplace. Once a year, the equipment is checked for operability. The tax service last checked three years ago, everything went well. Once the company was checked migration service.

Is there seasonality in your business?

Seasonality? Of course not. Waste is always there, respectively, the process of disposal, sorting and recycling of garbage is always active. This is one of the main advantages of this niche.

What services do you offer?

Initially, the company specialized only in waste sorting. However, after three years, he saved up money and started recycling waste.

I thought for a long time whether it was worth getting into the garbage disposal niche. Since this is an expensive process and not always profitable, it is rarely possible to achieve proper combustion according to all standards. But I took a risk, and now we specialize in this process. He brings twenty percent of all profits.

Do you interact with the Internet?

We don't have a website. I do not get the point of it. The company is not required to interact with customers. We are looking for all staff online. I think this is the most convenient way.

Is your business automated? What is your role?

If you mean by the term "automation" the work of the enterprise without my participation, then no. No decisions are made in the company without my knowledge. I think that the enterprise could not have been successfully operating for six years without my participation. I am at work from morning until late at night, which I do not regret. I like doing this activity. Younger entrepreneurs have long been advising to outsource half of their processes, but I don't want to risk it. Yes, and I can not imagine what I would do in my free time.

Do you plan to develop in another direction?

I like the construction niche. You can earn big money there. To get started, you need start-up capital, which is not available. Now I am looking for an experienced entrepreneur in this field who can become a partner.

Are you familiar with the term "franchise"? How do you feel about this kind of business?

familiar. I will say more, I acquired a coffee shop franchise, things did not go uphill. This is my mistake, because I did not fully study and calculate the niche.

Franchise - interesting view business. It must be remembered that when buying a franchise, you still have to plow a lot to make money.

What should be a successful entrepreneur?

Most importantly, a businessman must calculate the situation ten steps ahead. I think an entrepreneur should be humble. You don't have to show how much money you make.

What advice would you give to people who dream of starting their own business?

A person who believes in himself and his business can achieve success in business. A person must believe that his product is the best.

A young entrepreneur must understand that there are many refusals to be heard. They should not affect a person's intentions.

Waste processing plants, which are able to process tons of household waste per day and produce cheap raw materials from them, are very expensive. On average, such a project costs at least 2 million US dollars. A novice businessman will not take on such a project. But this does not mean that for a small business there are no interesting ideas in this market with a small starting budget and good prospects by profitability. About the price for which you can buy a mini-plant for recycling and how to set up a business for recyclables, further in the review.

How to Start a Waste Recycling Business

The recycling business is not a simple undertaking. It has several features that complicate the task of the entrepreneur to receive monthly profits with a certain percentage of growth. Main difficulties:

  • seasonality;
  • low margin between the purchase of raw materials and sales finished products suppliers;
  • difficulties with the supply of high-quality equipment;
  • lack of infrastructure for collection and sorting of waste, and, accordingly, an increase in the cost of paying for additional labor resources.

The main advantages of this type of business are: no need to hire a large staff of highly paid specialists and lack of competition. These advantages allow small waste processing enterprises to stay afloat and receive their legitimate income.

Entrepreneurs who have been doing business in recycling for a long time do not hide the fact that it is impossible to earn millions in this business, but even a novice businessman can afford to receive a small stable income.

The main areas of waste recycling business:

  • collection, sorting, processing and pressing of waste paper (see);
  • processing of polyethylene into raw materials for industrial plastics;
  • primary and ;
  • processing construction debris in raw materials for building materials;
  • production of fuel pellets from wood waste;

An entrepreneur who decides to engage in such a business as recycling can work in several directions at once. This approach can increase the income and overall profitability of the project. But experienced business executives advise to start with only one type of processing and connect new lines over time.

Material and technical base

It is prohibited to process and sort waste on your plot of land. It is necessary to start working on this idea with the search for land and premises on which production facilities could be installed.

According to building codes, the waste processing workshop should not be located near residential buildings, children's school and preschool institutions, catering establishments and retail outlets. The best location for such a workshop is outside the city limits.

It should also be noted that it is impossible to obtain agricultural land for a waste processing plant, so the most profitable option is to rent unused areas of a large industrial complex, which is located outside the city.

The cost of such a lease can be very low, since abandoned industrial premises are not in great demand for entrepreneurs. On average, the cost of renting a square meter is about 100 rubles. The organization of processing will require an area of ​​​​at least 300 square meters. m. Thus, total costs for rent of premises will amount to about 30,000 rubles per month.

If an entrepreneur decides to build his own production facilities, then the most difficult step may be to resolve the issue of renting and buying out land. Walls can be built from modern durable, reliable and energy-saving materials. In general, the construction of our own workshop and design permits will cost about 1.5 million rubles.

Any waste processing plant will require the following types of equipment:

  • sorting line;
  • units for primary washing and drying;
  • grinding machines;
  • installations for heat treatment;
  • units for pressing or molding (depending on the type of recyclables).

A complete set for a line for processing one type of recyclable materials costs at least 1 million rubles. It is best for a novice entrepreneur to start with the processing of polyethylene and the pressing of waste paper.

A certain difficulty is the choice of equipment manufacturer. Today in Russia there are many proposals from Russian companies that manufacture waste processing lines, as well as proposals from Chinese and Taiwanese factories.

The price of equipment ranges from 1 million rubles. up to 1.5 million rubles Russian technology considered more reliable. In addition, manufacturers from Russia maintain their lines, which is a good guarantee that in a month the line will not stop, and all costs will not turn into losses.

If you take into account all the above nuances and calculate how much it costs to build a waste processing plant, you will get about 3 million rubles. This is a lot of money for a start-up entrepreneur. Read . After receiving state support, it will be easier for you to implement such a project.

Business maintenance costs

Creating a material and technical base is not all the expenses that an entrepreneur must incur to develop his business. An important article of the business plan is the purchase of recyclables.

Estimated profitability when working with polyethylene and glass is calculated according to the following formula: a purchase for 100 rubles will give a result of 220 rubles. From an increase of 120 rubles, you must pay labor costs, transportation costs, taxes and utilities. Net profit from each invested 100 rubles - 20 rubles.

If the plant is processing wood waste into fuel pellets, then for every 100 rubles, earnings are about 30 rubles.

  • two sorters;
  • four operators for production lines;
  • two packers;
  • administrator;
  • security guard.

The monthly labor costs of such an enterprise are about 250,000 rubles. To ensure a good turnover, it is necessary to invest at least 500,000 rubles in the purchase.

The main suppliers of recyclable materials are warehouses, shops, industrial enterprises, educational and medical institutions. To ensure regular deliveries, it is best to sign recycling agreements. Major buyers - manufacturing enterprises who produce containers, bottles, toilet paper, napkins, cardboard, etc.

For small towns, an actual idea may be the provision of services for the removal of liquid household waste. Consider

We live in an age of opportunity. Everyone is free to do what he wants: one works "for his uncle", the other earns freelancing, and the third opens his own business. Most people think that own business- guarantee of success and good level life. Despite the fact that high competition in almost all areas of business does not often allow newcomers to gain a foothold in the market, there are still industries where you can earn good money and occupy a certain niche. One of these is the waste recycling market.

Waste recycling as a business

On the this moment In Russia, about 44 million tons of garbage ends up in landfills annually. With this processing, only 30% can be processed, the rest remains to rot, causing enormous damage to the environment. If you are not an ecologist, then you are unlikely to be motivated by these words. And if you consider that, together with tons of garbage, billions of rubles annually rot, which could be yours?

Waste recycling - promising business in our country. There is little competition in this area, but a lot of “resources”. In addition, such businessmen are actively supported by the government, helping with the rental of premises and the purchase of the necessary equipment.

The average payback period for a waste recycling business is between 2-6 months. This is very good indicator. As for profitability, it usually reaches 30%.

Thus, the recycling business is beneficial in that:

  • actively supported by the state, it provides tax incentives for property used for waste processing, assistance in finding, renting or buying premises and equipment;
  • raw materials cost 7-10 times cheaper than the finished product (the amount of waste at the moment can be considered unlimited);
  • the waste processing plant pays off in 3–5 years, which is a good indicator;
  • the demand for recyclables is high and continues to grow, that is, you won’t have to look for buyers;
  • it is an opportunity not only to earn good money, but also to contribute to the protection of the environment.

A small waste processing workshop can be opened in any locality in Russia

Business areas

What exactly does a waste management company do? Obviously garbage. But not only. The search for raw materials, their transportation, and sorting will also fall on the shoulders of a businessman. However, you can narrow the scope and choose only one line of business.

Garbage collection and transportation

Waste collection from cities settlements- one of the most demanded directions. However, the competition in this area is the highest.

You won’t have to look for garbage for transportation for a long time, just submit a few ads in settlements or conclude an agreement with local authorities and customers will find you themselves.

The question is who to sell the collected garbage. There are two options.

The first one is in the landfill. In this case, you will receive funds only for the removal of waste outside the settlements. This is the least expensive and easiest way to make money on garbage. To implement it, you will need:

  • freight transport. It can be rented or bought. A month of renting one garbage truck costs about 150,000 rubles. Buying a new garbage truck will cost 3,000,000–3,500,000 rubles; good condition will cost 1,000,000 - 1,500,000 rubles cheaper;
  • conclude an agreement with a landfill for a garbage dump. The cost of waste storage is 1,500–2,000 rubles per 5 tons;
  • staff, which includes: drivers, accountant, administrator. In the event that your fleet has about 10 cars or more, you need to hire a mechanic and a car mechanic. Approximate monthly fund wages for a company with a fleet of 10 cars will be about 300,000–350,000 rubles, depending on the region;
  • permission from SES, Rospotrebnadzor, fire protection. These documents can be obtained from the relevant authorities in each specific region.

Thus, in the first six months of the operation of a company with ten cars, you will have to invest about 12,000,000 rubles (rent of a vehicle) or 30,500,000 rubles (purchase of a vehicle).

The profit from the business will consist of the cost of garbage disposal: 5 tons of waste will bring a businessman about 4,000 - 5,000 rubles. Accordingly, the income of an organization with a fleet of 10 vehicles at full load averages 6,000,000 rubles per month. For six months, this amount will amount to 36,000,000 rubles.

There is a second option - the sale of the removed garbage. But it is quite difficult to find a buyer for unsorted waste, so let's consider the second type of activity - waste sorting.

For the successful functioning of the business, a fleet of modern garbage trucks is needed

Waste sorting

Collection and sorting are interrelated stages. Sorted waste is in high demand in the market. However, in order to engage in this type of activity, expensive equipment is needed. The most budget sorting complex costs 4,000,000 rubles.

Almost all work in the sorting room is done manually, so for a medium-sized sorting shop, at least 5 pairs of workers will be needed, and this is another 100,000 rubles of costs per month.

And also for the organization of sorting it is necessary to rent a room with an area of ​​at least 300 m 2. The cost of rent will be from 25,000 to 30,000 rubles per month.

Particular attention should be paid to obtaining permission to sort and store waste. Below will be considered detailed instructions receiving it.

Thus, the cost of organizing and running a waste sorting business will be about 7,000,000 rubles for the first six months, taking into account the purchase of raw materials.

A sorting shop of average capacity is capable of producing 15–20 tons of products per month. The cost of a ton depends on the type of waste and ranges from 5,000 to 10,000 rubles. Accordingly, the average income will be equal to 120,000 rubles per month or 720,000 rubles for six months.

A garbage collection and sorting company has to hire a lot of workers, so its labor costs are quite high.

Garbage sorting as a business idea is attractive because the demand for it is quite large. If desired, you can find clients even abroad. In addition, the competition in this industry is low.

But there are also disadvantages. Waste sorting equipment is expensive. You will also need a large space.


You can not sort the garbage, but simply get rid of it. The most common waste disposal method is incineration.

Oddly enough, the waste disposal business is the most costly and least profitable. The fact is that it is necessary to dispose of garbage according to certain rules that are dictated by various state and non-state organizations.

In addition, for the implementation of recycling, it is necessary to collect a lot of permits and only then issue a license.

Waste treatment

The activity of waste treatment is to bring raw materials to a state in which they can be reused.

Before moving on to the financials of waste handling operations, let's take a look at which materials can be recycled.

Types of materials for processing

There are many options for raw materials: plastic, rubber, paper, wood, glass, metal. Any of these materials are present in sufficient quantities in the landfills of cities.

Now let's get acquainted with the intricacies of working with each material in more detail.

Polymers are not only a popular type of waste, but also the most profitable. There is a high unmet demand for recycled polymers. Plastic processing costs are low. The whole cycle consists of several stages:

  • sorting by color;
  • removal of dirt, stickers;
  • pressing;
  • grinding;
  • re-cleaning;
  • polishing.

Plastic bottles, bags and much more are made from the resulting material.

Recycling of plastic products is the most profitable segment of the industry

Paper recycling

The waste paper recycling industry is the most popular among Russian businessmen. Paper and cardboard waste goes through the following stages:

  • sorting by types - there are 12 types in total;
  • removal of contaminants;
  • thermomechanical processing.

Recycled material is used for the production of cardboard packaging and toilet paper.

Rubber is the most dangerous waste, it is strictly forbidden to burn it. Most often, tires can be recycled; there is a lot of such garbage in Russian landfills.

There are several ways to recycle rubber:

  • crushing into crumbs. Everyone has seen rubber-coated playgrounds. This coating is made from such crumbs;
  • pyrolysis. As a result of pyrolysis, artificial oil, technical carbon raw materials, and raw materials for metallurgy can be obtained.

Recycled rubber is in demand on the Russian market, so this area is one of the most profitable

Glass recycling

Broken glass - Goldmine waste processing. The material can be taken at factories for the production of any glass products for free. There is always a lot of marriage. In addition, this particular branch of waste processing is actively supported by the state.

Glass melts at relatively low temperatures, and this is a good saving on electricity.

Glass goes through the following stages of processing:

  • cleansing;
  • grinding;
  • melting;
  • grinding;
  • grinding.

The last three actions are performed by one machine.

Metal recycling

Metal processing is the most responsible industry in terms of ecology. Metal waste is very harmful to our planet, so their recycling must be taken with the utmost seriousness.

What can be recycled? The list is quite extensive:

  • discarded cars and their components;
  • industrial waste.

The process of processing metals is somewhat more complicated compared to the processing of other wastes. It consists of the following steps:

  • dismantling;
  • transportation;
  • examination;
  • sorting;
  • processing.

Scrap metal recycling is not only a profitable business, but also a contribution to improving the ecological climate in the region

What you need to start a waste recycling business

A waste recycling company at the initial stage requires more time and administrative resources than material ones. Below is step-by-step instruction organizing such a business.


It is possible to register a company both in the form of an individual entrepreneur and in the form of a legal entity. The choice depends on the planned scale of the activity.

When registering as a legal entity, the LLC form is preferable. This will allow you to expand your business in the future. For example, to engage in the production of products from recycled raw materials.

Registration of LLC and IP is carried out at the tax office. The documents for establishing an LLC include:

  • application for state registration of legal entities;
  • minutes of the meeting of founders;
  • an agreement on the establishment of a company;
  • charter of the company;
  • notification of the transition to the USN.

When registering a business, you must choose a taxation system. The simplified tax system will be the most preferable in terms of cost savings.

The application will need to indicate OKVED activities. There is class 38 in OKVED with a list of activity codes, including:

  • 38.1 - waste collection;
  • 38.11 - collection of non-hazardous waste;
  • 38.12 - collection of hazardous waste;
  • 38.21 - treatment and disposal of non-hazardous waste;
  • 38.22 - treatment and disposal of hazardous waste.

The cost of registering an LLC is 4,000 rubles. The duration of consideration of the application is no more than three working days. Templates of required documents:

  • application form for registration;
  • notification of the transition to the simplified tax system.

Obtaining permits and licenses

To carry out waste handling activities, it is necessary to obtain a number of permits from various regulatory authorities:

  • for the use of the land. You can get it from the regional land department. Fill out the form before applying;
  • from the SES, for which you should contact Rospotrebnadzor at the place of business. The following documents will be required there: an application, a copy of the constituent document, an account opening statement, a lease agreement for premises or a certificate of ownership, an agreement for garbage collection, an agreement for disinfection. The application will be considered within a month;
  • fire authorities. You must contact the fire department at the place of registration;
  • from the environmental center;
  • from electrical supervision.

It is impossible to engage in waste processing without a proper license. It can be obtained at Federal Service on supervision in the field of nature management. The cost of the license is 24,000 rubles.

In order to obtain a license, you must:

  • submit documents confirming the property base in the form of buildings and structures, equipment for work;
  • confirm the presence of certified employees in the team. This is done by providing copies of certificates of employees for the right to work with waste and labor contracts;
  • have the permission of SES;
  • provide information about the waste with which the organization will work;
  • have concluded agreements with landfills and landfills. Their copies must be provided to the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources.

In addition to the above documents, in order to obtain a license, you must provide:

  • company registration certificate,
  • copies of constituent documents,
  • a copy of the tax registration certificate,
  • license application.

You can submit documents either personally by contacting Rosprirodnadzor, or by sending them by mail.

Sample license for waste processing

Room search

You can build a waste treatment plant yourself, or you can rent it. However, it is important to remember that the premises for the waste processing plant must be at least 600 m 2. The processing shop will occupy 400 m 2, 200 m 2 will be required for the storage of raw materials and finished products. Don't forget the office space. It can be either at the factory or separately.

An excellent option would be to use abandoned factories and warehouses. You won't have to pay much to use them.

Self-construction of a facility suitable for waste processing will cost 15,000,000–20,000,000 rubles.

Renting the building will cost from 50,000 to 80,000 rubles per month, depending on the region.


Waste sorting can involve low-skilled workers, so there will be no shortage of staff

Recycling is a rather responsible business, which a beginner cannot always handle. In addition, without the presence of certified specialists in the team, it is impossible to obtain a license to carry out activities.

The number of employees depends on the production capacity. Garbage sorters, an accountant, an administrator and a driver will definitely be required. In total, about 10–30 people work at a waste processing plant of average capacity.

Table: plant staff

Thus, the staff of the plant is 12 people. Monthly wage fund - 270,000 rubles.

Purchase of equipment

Today, there are two types of devices on the market for waste processing equipment: stationary and mobile.

Stationary equipment occupies large areas, is not designed to be moved, and has lower productivity. The cost of a complex of stationary installations ranges from 3,000,000 to 5,000,000 rubles.

Mobile devices are more convenient to use, require less intervention in the work. The prices for the waste processing complex start from 4,000,000 rubles.

The minimum equipment of the processing shop includes:

  • sorting line. Average market value - 1,000,000 rubles;
  • storage bin. Cost - 500,000 rubles;
  • crusher. The minimum price of the device is 1,800,000 rubles;
  • magnet. The average price is 1,200,000 rubles;
  • bake. The price starts from 800,000 rubles.

Each of the listed devices can be purchased separately, or as part of the complex, which was mentioned earlier. The second option will save about 500,000 rubles.

Equipment can include vehicles, without which it is impossible to do in the waste processing business

Thus, to start a business, you need to spend a lot of effort, time and money. But the business outlook justifies these costs.

How much does it cost to open a recycling plant

Now let's summarize all of the above and talk about material costs in more detail. Let's say that we want to take this business seriously, and for this we need our own processing plant. The building will be located near the city, next to the landfill, in order to save money on transportation in the future. The table shows the main average costs.

Table: starting capital for opening a waste processing plant

The total costs according to the table will be approximately 20,000,000 rubles.

How to Start a Waste Recycling Business Without Startup Capital

Of course, not everyone has 20,000,000 rubles. But this does not mean that the business should be abandoned.

You can choose one direction of activity, thereby reducing costs. The least expensive step in the process of waste processing is its transportation. Your consumer in this case will be a waste processing plant.

The main costs of such a business will include the cost of transport, licenses and labor of workers. Obviously, the profit from transportation will be less than the profit from the business full cycle for waste processing. This option is suitable for those who do not have large amounts at the initial stage.

Waste recycling business plan: calculation example

Let's move on to the calculations. Let's say that the factory employs 10 people whose average salary is 20,000 rubles per month. The monthly payroll will be 200,000 rubles. Full cycle plant.

The cost of raw materials depends on the chosen industry. In the example, the acquisition costs will be calculated plastic waste. The market value of a ton of plastic is approximately 9,000 rubles. In a month, a plant with a staff of 10 people will be able to process about 8 tons of garbage. Therefore, the monthly cost of raw materials will amount to 72,000 rubles. We include in this amount the cost of transportation, which corresponds to approximately 20,000 rubles per month. The table shows the main items of expenditure.

Table: expected costs

Item of expenses Amount of expenses, rubles
Equipment 4 500 000
Vehicles (2 vehicles) 4 000 000
License 24 000
Registration costs 20 000
Total 8 544 000
Monthly Amount of expenses per month, rubles
Premises for rent 50 000
Wage 200 000
Raw material 72 000
Communal payments 30 000
Other 20 000
Total 372 000

Now let's determine the payback period and profitability of our business. The table shows the main income items.

Table: estimated income

The average cost of recycled plastic on the market is 70,000 rubles per ton. In a month, a plant of medium capacity will process 10 tons, therefore, the income will be 700,000 rubles per month.

In addition to the sale of recyclables, income comes from garbage collection from settlements. Two trucks per month are able to take out 300 tons of garbage in the amount of 1,200,000 rubles.

The payback period will be 8,544,000/1,800,000 = 4.8 months.

Video: how to make money on garbage

Waste handling is one of the most promising areas of business. The return from the waste processing plant will not be long in coming. In addition, you will receive support from the authorities, which will allow you to expand your business and increase income. However, be prepared for large time and material costs, especially at the initial stage.

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♦ Capital investment: from $50,000.
♦ Payback: from 2 months.

Waste recycling as a business is considered an interesting and potentially profitable area due to several factors.

First of all, it is the minimum competition.

Despite the favorable conditions for creating a processing business and its development, not many entrepreneurs currently invest money and efforts in the development of this industry.

In addition, the amount of raw materials allows you to “turn around” - people produce more and more waste every day, and conventional disposal methods are outdated (detailed statistics can be found below).

This business is also favorable in terms of payback periods.

According to statistics, a similar enterprise in Russia, launched from scratch, will pay off in two months!

This is a great indicator for business.

In this case, the profitability will be in the region of 20-50%.

Usually processed raw materials are sold to associated production.

But if desired, entrepreneurs can expand the scope of activities and start producing products from recycled secondary raw materials themselves.

And these are additional prospects for development.

As you can see, in such a business you can find solid advantages.

Therefore, you can safely consider your progress in this direction.

The main minus one is that organizing a processing plant in Russia will cost you at least $20,000,000.

But you can get by with less sacrifices if you only process one type of waste (batteries, wood waste, glass).

Creating one workshop will cost you $50,000-250,000.

How much waste do people produce?

According to statistics, in different countries produce different amounts of waste.

And, of course, the data will differ depending on the types of settlements.

For example, in villages where people practically do not buy products in polyethylene and plastic packaging, the numbers will be radically different.

But for an average city in Russia, the amount of waste will be about 250 kilograms per year.

With all these indicators, the adopted garbage disposal scheme (removal - landfill - reclamation) has long lost its relevance.

Moreover, it is even recognized as hazardous to human health.

All this makes the recycling business a very relevant idea.

What does it take to start a waste recycling business?

Interesting fact:
Even in the religion of garbage left its mark. The thing is that there was a small plot of land near Jerusalem, where, as a rule, garbage was dumped and then burned. In the Bible, he is called the Fiery Hyena. Subsequently, for Christians, Hyenna became the designation of Hell.

To open a business from scratch in Russia that will bring you income from garbage, you need a lot:

  • First of all, to open a garbage recycling business, you need an appropriate license.
  • Plot of land (required - outside the city); gives permission for it local authority self-government.
    On this site, it is necessary to equip appropriate premises for warehouses and production.
  • Necessary technical equipment for waste treatment.
    The package will depend on the types of processed raw materials (batteries, glass, wood waste).
  • To run a waste recycling business, it is important to hire qualified personnel.
  • We also need transport for transporting waste.

What goals should be included in a waste management business plan?

To open any business project, and even more so to launch a plant, it is imperative to draw up a business plan.

One of its most important points are the goals of implementing the idea.

For this industry, they will be as follows:

  • Obtaining new components for the production of goods in certain areas: glass is used to make bottles that are not inferior in quality to new ones; from wood waste - fuel or cheap furniture, plywood.
  • Counteracting the accumulating mountains of garbage and the increase in the area of ​​landfills.
    This allows you to normalize the sanitary conditions of life of people in nearby areas.
  • Disposal of hazardous waste - care for the ecology of the region.
    In the shell of the simplest and most familiar batteries, for example, lies great danger.
    Heavy metals get into environment able to send both land and water.

How much does it cost to open a waste recycling plant?

To open a serious waste recycling business, you need to start a factory.

The ideal location for it is near the city's garbage dumps.

In order to process several types of waste at once, you will need to invest a very large amount.

Not every entrepreneur can afford it.

But if we limit ourselves to processing only glass, batteries or wood waste, business expenses can be reduced.

Let's calculate how much it will cost to open a waste recycling plant:

Business expense itemEstimated amount (rub.)
Construction of a complex (factory) from scratch20 000 000
Arrangement of premises60 000 – 300 000
Bringing into compliance with sanitary and technical standards100 000 – 200 000
Purchase of equipment for processing glass, batteries, wood waste55 000 – 70 000$
Payment of utility services50 000 – 100 000
Employee salaryDepends on staff size

Even if the funds allow you to open a complex waste processing plant, it is still better to choose a narrower direction.

Combining is expensive not only financially, but also because of the complexity in organizing this process.

Which branch of business in waste processing should you choose?

As you already understood, it is worth highlighting only one, maximum two related areas in the waste processing industry.

Which of them are the most attractive?

Battery recycling

Collecting and processing this type of waste began relatively recently.

And at the moment, not many companies are doing this.

First of all, because this direction is considered not particularly profitable.

During processing, some expensive elements (zinc, manganese and others) are extracted from batteries, which can make up to 80% of its weight.

But the volumes of collected batteries themselves are not enough to talk about the mass production launch.

Glass recycling

But glass processing is a simpler and more profitable occupation.

A significant part of the raw materials will be delivered to you free of charge.

Consequently, one of the cost items is reduced.

And it's pretty easy to sell.

Broken glass is used both in the production of building materials and for the manufacture of new glass products.

The applications do not end there!

And one more important argument "for" - all kinds of assistance from the state.

You are doing something useful for everyone, so you can count on some benefits and a more loyal attitude.

The complete set of equipment and the technologies themselves will differ, depending on what type of processing you plan to use.

The most affordable occupation in financial and organizational terms is the processing of waste into cullet with its subsequent cleaning.

Wood waste processing

One of the most cost-effective and efficient options for processing waste from the woodworking industry is the production of pellets and briquettes.

The creation of this environmentally friendly fuel not only enables people to heat their homes, but at the same time is a solution to global difficulties (reduces toxic emissions, the production plant provides people with jobs, resources are spent as efficiently as possible).

Plastic recycling

Recycling of plastic containers is one of the most demanded segments of the industry.

Every year more and more goods are produced in such packaging, although the period of its natural decomposition is too long (from 300 years), and the decay products poison the environment.

But having processed this garbage, it is possible to produce new bottles, film, and other products.

Due to the benefits of creating such a plant, its organization is strongly encouraged by the authorities.

You can collect raw materials for a penny by setting collection points for the population.

And you can do it even easier and put the bottle tanks near the usual garbage ones.

It is guaranteed that the local administration will be only “for” and there will be no difficulties.

How the recycling business works from the inside,

see in the video:

At the moment, only a few understand that waste recycling as a business is a very promising area for development.

Modern problems associated with the processing of household waste in Russia are based on limited opportunities to return resources to natural and economic circulation. Running a business based on waste recycling is characterized by the rationality of invested funds with a high degree payback and profitability. In addition, this business option does not require special knowledge.

Business Relevance

According to the Ministry natural resources, an average Russian family annually throws out about 1.6 tons of household waste, including more than 145 kg of plastic and almost 100 kg paper waste, as well as almost a thousand glass bottles. All this garbage is a potential raw material base for production activities in the waste processing industry. Waste processing as a business in Russia is one of the most profitable and promising due to the following circumstances:

  • the emergence of high-quality and affordable domestic equipment that allows you to process household waste in conditions of small production areas;
  • annual market expansion.

In addition, the Ministry of Natural Resources has planned a ban on incineration of waste that may be suitable for further processing. Like any business, waste recycling requires initial financial investments and the execution of all necessary title and permit documentation.

Registration of a package of documents

The first and most important document that allows you to engage in waste processing as a business is obtaining a license from the Ministry of Ecology. Such a document must be obtained once. The obtained license is valid throughout the entire period of entrepreneurial activity. Getting a license is quite easy. It is enough to register as or with a simplified taxation system and organize an environmental review that issues an opinion.

Next, a package of documents is collected, including title and project documentation for the premises used, as well as a business plan for waste processing, describing the production technology and permission from the fire inspectorate, SES, water and utilities. The process of collecting and confirming the entire package of documents takes about three months.

It is worth noting that a fairly convenient option is to order turnkey licensing. Firms involved in the preparation of such documentation work with both legal entities and individuals with the status of an individual entrepreneur. The cost of such a service depends on the type of MSW processed and the volume of production.

Of greatest interest is a mini-plant for waste processing based on crushing and screening equipment, a business plan for the use of which is being developed according to a standard scheme. The plant with the Russort production line, with a capacity of 10 tons and a power of 100 kWh, shows the highest profitability.

Production facility and staff

The construction of the plant requires the use of relatively flat land, the size of which ranges from 55 by 30 to 80 by 40 meters. The location of production lines may vary depending on the type of access roads. The building should include a sorting room with an area of ​​about 10 by 7 meters. The territory of the plant should be landscaped with the use of road slabs and equipped with a protective net that prevents debris from scattering.

The standard staff of the main staff, in addition to the manager, foreman and mechanic, includes a team of workers, consisting of:

  • sorting line operators;
  • press line operators;
  • hydraulic manipulator operators;
  • drivers.

5 day work week - 8 hour shift

  • number of workers - 21 people, including a foreman and a mechanic;
  • processing volume per shift - 80 tons of MSW;
  • the volume of processing per year is 19 thousand tons of solid waste.

Five-day work week - 2 shifts of 12 hours:

  • number of workers - 40 people, including 2 foremen and 2 mechanics;
  • processing volume per shift - 115 tons of MSW;
  • the volume of processing per year is 39 thousand tons of solid waste.

Seven-day working week - round-the-clock work:

  • number of workers - 80 people, including 2 foremen and 2 mechanics;
  • processing volume per shift - 230 tons of MSW;
  • the volume of processing per year is 80 thousand tons of solid waste.

The work is carried out in four shifts, each with 19 workers, a mechanic and a foreman.

Equipment selection

Modern standards and requirements require the complex to be equipped with the following equipment:

  • press for recyclables and tailings;
  • hydraulic manipulator;
  • container capacity of 15 cubic meters for glass cullet;
  • feeding and sorting conveyors;
  • a basket for secondary raw materials with a volume of 8 cubic meters;
  • hydraulic stacker and trolley with scales;
  • a sorting cabin for 168 square meters with twenty working sorting posts for sixteen types of waste;
  • KAMAZ-multilift.

In addition, the area of ​​the frameless hangar should be about 430 square meters, including amenity compartments with changing rooms, showers and bathrooms, a manager's room and a recreation area for staff, as well as an individual boiler room.

Process technology

The technology used at MSW processing plants may vary depending on the equipment and the final destination of the raw materials, however, the main processes are standard and consist of the following steps:

  • unloading garbage trucks in the conditions of the unloading site;
  • loading with a hydro-petal gripper of the hydraulic manipulator of the garbage mass onto the belt of the feeding inclined conveyor;
  • lifting of waste by the feeding conveyor onto the sorting conveyor belt;
  • manual sorting of garbage with the selection of useful fractions that accumulate in special baskets;
  • unloading the remaining mass into the press compactor, which is located near the end of the plant;
  • compaction of waste in press containers;
  • pressing recyclable materials into special bales ready for shipment to consumers.

Income/expenses and profitability

Starting investments:

  • the cost of the mini-plant is 30 million rubles.

Economic indicators:

  • annual volume of solid waste - 33 thousand tons;
  • the annual volume of sorted recyclables is 5 thousand tons;
  • capital investments for the purchase of the plant - 30 million rubles;
  • the annual depreciation rate of the main fund is 3 million rubles;
  • annual expenses for diesel - 356 thousand rubles;
  • annual transportation costs - 8.3 thousand rubles;
  • annual equipment maintenance costs - 81 thousand rubles;
  • annual costs for the repair of equipment - 150 thousand rubles;
  • annual payment for electricity - 650 thousand rubles;
  • annual salary - 3.85 million rubles;
  • the annual volume of taxes from the payroll - 1.1 million rubles;
  • expenses for overalls - 48 thousand rubles.

Total expenses: 9.2 million rubles. in year.

  • maximum costs of secondary raw materials per ton - 1.8 thousand rubles;
  • annual volumes of sales of secondary raw materials, including VAT - 17 million rubles;
  • profit before taxes - 8 million rubles;
  • VAT — 1.4 million rubles;

Income: 6 million rubles.

The estimated payback period is about three years.

Mini-plants for the processing of solid waste are classified as prefabricated, and the average construction time is about three months. A high-quality and reliable line for such an enterprise can be purchased for the amount of 30 million rubles, and inexpensive and modern construction solutions allow you to minimize start-up costs.

The productivity of such production under standard conditions is about one hundred tons per shift, which is comparable in volume to twelve KAMAZ waste trucks. With such indicators, the payback threshold does not exceed four years.

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