Business plan for the processing of wood waste. Schematic diagram of a woodworking plant

Design and interior 13.06.2019
Design and interior

- common, but far from the most effective practice. Yes, wood decomposes faster, for example, than plastic, it burns well, however, this garbage has big potential for later use.

Recycled wood has a variety of uses. Depending on the types of its processing, wood is obtained from:

  • turpentine, coal and acetic acid, if it has been chemically processed - by hydrolysis;
  • during the mechanical processing of wood, wood chips are formed, from which a building material is obtained - chipboard. and , are also the result of such processing.

The mechanical process is simpler and less expensive.

Shredder-shredder with BEAR CAT SC5720B +PSM. Mobile, high performance.

The main equipment for the processing of wood waste includes different kind shredders:

  • Shredders are capable of shredding waste regardless of its original size. Horizontal, designed for processing small waste, and vertical - for larger ones. The sharpness of the cutting blades of the shredder significantly affects the quality and speed of the grinding process.
  • Slow-speed shredders are less speedy, but no less reliable at the same time, and are often used in production.
  • Briquetting press, produces briquettes for fuel. In the future, the product of their combustion is an excellent element for fertilizer. A distinctive feature of such a press is the ability to work with different types of raw materials, whether wood or paper.
  • Silos are necessary in large workshops, as they provide storage and transportation of material.

To additional equipment relate :

  • A planer that removes the surface from both sides of the wood, thus preparing it for the next processing process.
  • Milling machines are used for additional work on wood. After processing wood on such a machine, chips are formed, which is another material for processing.
  • Peeling machines do not produce chips in the course of their work, but thanks to them, veneer is produced.
  • Debarkers are used to remove the bark from wood, in two stages: a light and deeper process of cleaning the tree.

Wood processing plants produce: charcoal, briquettes, and wood waste is also processed into gas.

Utilization and processing of sawdust, wood chips

Many enterprises simply burn sawdust, although there is another more rational way. Fuel briquettes can be made from sawdust and wood chips. In terms of energy release, they are comparable to firewood.

There are several ways to process sawdust.

For sawdust processing, screw pressing lines are used. They run on natural gas and diesel fuel and electricity.

The method is popular when using. This method has good performance and small overall dimensions of the equipment.

Pressing takes place without the addition of glue. The advantage of this is that the subsequent combustion of the briquette takes place without the release of toxic chemicals into the atmosphere.

Automatic sawdust and shavings press. Stationary, high-performance and automated. Much more efficient and productive than homemade hand presses.

In private and public utilities, special equipment is used for crushing tree branches, which is attached to a tractor or machine through a special shaft. The performance of such a device reaches approximately 6 cubic meters per hour. Sawdust is pressed right on the spot. In this way, an environmentally friendly and ready-to-use product is obtained.

There is another way to use sawdust as a fertilizer for the soil. Sawdust and shavings are also used as raw materials for the manufacture of building materials, and in chemical production for the manufacture of technical fluids, alcohols, solvents and other materials.

Often, other wood waste (for example,) is processed into sawdust and wood chips for further processing.

A very popular way of processing wood is in special.

Wood processing line

Ecological approach to consumed natural resources allows them to be recycled. A significant part of the recycling segment is occupied by wood processing. This process can be carried out in several ways: chemical, mechanical, mechano-chemical. The choice of technological method will depend on the planned end product of such processing.

  1. The mechanical change in the original type of wood occurs in the way of its grinding, sawing, milling, turning, splitting, peeling, drilling or planing. The result of processing is lumber or fibrous semi-finished products. If wood fibers are pressed under high pressure, the result will be the production of pellets - fuel pellets with extreme energy concentration.
  2. The combination of mechanical change with chemical change gives a homogeneous product from wood - chips, crushed wood and veneer, from which modified wood is subsequently made. The intermediate wood product (obtained by mechanical means) is subjected to polymerization by means of a synthetic binding ingredient under the action of pressure and a certain temperature. This is how plywood, chipboard, fiberboard, OSB are produced.
  3. A purely chemical method of processing with alkali or acid is used to obtain gum, solvents, tanning agents, rosin, constituent fillers for varnishes, bitumen from wood, and also as a raw material in paper production.

The choice of specialized equipment involved in multi-variant wood processing lines is huge. Therefore, the capacity should be completed in accordance with the planned end result.

I would especially like to draw attention to the production of wood chips, or the "building stone" of the future (as it is otherwise called). Being the basis for the integrated waste-free use of forest resources, it opens up new opportunities for the recycling and utilization of any type of wood.

The line for processing wood into chips is the most in demand in this segment of production.

Due to its mobility and compactness, such an installation can be used at all stages of harvesting and processing wood (starting with grinding directly on forest clearings and ending with the processing of waste from large woodworking complexes).

If you want to get serious and promising business- It is worth paying attention and carefully studying woodworking. After all, everything that is made of wood will always be in demand both among ordinary people and construction companies, large furniture companies, public and private institutions.

Processing of wood materials is of two types - primary and secondary. During primary wood processing, after which materials are obtained that are used in the manufacture of furniture. In secondary processing, those materials that have already undergone primary processing are used. It is from recycled wood that tables, chairs, all kinds of furniture are made.

Woodworking enterprises pay for themselves quite quickly - within a year. But in order to do such a profitable business, you should thoroughly prepare.

First stage. Creation of a business plan and registration of an enterprise.

Start by studying the sales market for the materials you are going to produce. Check prices, check quality standards, research target audience. After that, you can start drawing up a business project. You may have to turn to companies and organizations that specialize in this business.

It is important to find in advance those companies to which you can supply your goods. It can be both construction companies, shops, large enterprises, and individuals (for example, farmers, summer residents).

You will have to pre-calculate the prices of the goods. All sorts of reference books, publications, which will indicate the approximate cost of raw materials, rent and much more, can help you with this. The project must also take into account its future competitors. For example, you need to know their location, length of service, salary level of employees and much more.

To open your own business, you will need certain documents. They are necessary for government agencies and tax services. To correctly complete all the documents, you will need to seek help from a law firm.

First you will need: registration and assignment of the code of the State Statistics Committee; tax accounting; Pension Fund; health insurance; bank account.

Second phase. The room and its features.

In order for the workshop to work stably, the following are necessary: ​​a processing and production workshop; warehouse for raw materials; warehouse for finished products; adjustment shop; wardrobe; checkpoint; rest room for employees; medical Center; bathroom.

The approximate area for all these premises is 500-800 square meters.

If you have not yet registered an organization, then the easiest do it with online services, which will help you generate all the necessary documents for free: If you already have an organization, and you are thinking about how to facilitate and automate accounting and reporting, then the following online services come to the rescue, which will completely replace an accountant in your enterprise and save a lot money and time. All reporting is generated automatically, signed with an electronic signature and sent automatically online. It is ideal for an individual entrepreneur or LLC on the simplified tax system, UTII, PSN, TS, OSNO.
Everything happens in a few clicks, without queues and stress. Try it and you will be surprised how easy it got!

Third stage. Personnel and insurance.

The ideal option would be if the staff recruited by you will have a special education. And, of course, these should be people with experience and work experience.

All the necessary equipment, tools, premises can be bought at your own expense. The approximate amount that will be required for this is at least 150,000 USD (it can reach 350,000 USD). Everything that you acquire, as experts and common sense advise, must be insured. The amount of insurance varies.

Fourth stage. How to choose raw materials, technologies, equipment

If you base your business on the manufacture of finished products from wood, it is best to use dry edged boards. coniferous trees(you can also aspen). In this case, the production process is simple, including:

1. Receipt of material, its unloading and moving to the warehouse, transfer to the workshops;

2. Bilateral processing of materials;

3. Transportation of finished products to the warehouse, and then delivery to customers.

What is the advantage of such production?

1. The number of operations is minimal;

2. Little technology;

3. The number of personnel is reduced to a minimum;

4. Number of rooms - minimum;

5. Relatively small financial investments. Therefore, this approach is not bad: costs are minimal, profitability is high.

But there are also disadvantages. One of them is too expensive raw materials. However, if you equip the workshop accordingly, then you can buy wet wood, or one that has not been processed (it will cost less).

In this case, the production process will be different.

1. Receipt of other raw materials and materials, transfer to the warehouse, then to the workshop;

2. Processing of raw materials;

3. Drying of raw materials;

4. Bilateral processing with a special machine;

5. Sending finished materials to the warehouse, delivery to customers.

With this option, changes in the production process will be required. You will need to purchase special equipment. However, the downside is that the production process will be delayed, take longer, although the financial costs for the purchase of raw materials will be less. If the production volumes increase, then it will be possible to get the maximum profit.

Fifth stage. Equipment.

You can buy the necessary machinery and equipment from companies that manufacture machine tools or from those who sell them. What is the difference? Those firms that produce equipment will only sell you what they produce. Firms that sell such equipment have a wider assortment, including products of foreign firms.

Most experts recommend purchasing machine tools from a domestic manufacturer. This is due to the fact that the machines of foreign manufacturers are quite expensive. More more problems occurs when repairing, replacing parts, etc. Machine tools of domestic production can be corrected independently, besides, it is possible to call the master, there will be no problems with the guarantee.

An important positive factor is the fact that it is permissible to install foreign-made tools on domestic-made machines.

If the equipment of your enterprise is of high quality, then the products will be competitive. But remember that any technique sooner or later fails, breaks down, loses its effectiveness. Therefore, it is necessary to subject it to inspection, preventive work, which should be done by special qualified personnel.

In order for your enterprise to work efficiently and functionally, you need certain employees:

- a machine operator with experience in working with wood;

- forklift driver

- fitter;

- security guard (watchman);

- cleaning woman;

— accountants;

- personnel in the field of marketing;

- Logistics specialists.

As soon as you go through the main stages - start working, “untwist” your rather serious and profitable business.

Wood is a building material that is used in almost all areas of human life. In some cases, the consumption of this material is not entirely economical, resulting in a lot of unclaimed raw materials.

Many enterprises send about 50% of their wood there. Some entrepreneurs have realized that recycling as a business is quite a profitable business. In addition, it can be organized in just a few months, unlike, for example, from.

Types of organic fuel

The following types of fuel are produced from crushed recyclable woodworking materials:

  1. Briquettes. They are obtained from waste wood. Since the briquettes have enough high density They keep burning up to 8 hours. Such fuel does not emit carbon monoxide and at the same time creates stable heat in the room. After the combustion of the briquette, only 1–7% of ash remains.
  2. Pellets look like granules. This fuel provides high calorific value.
These types of fuel are in great demand, not only in our country, but also abroad. Recycling wood waste is a fairly profitable and profitable business that will provide you with a stable income.

Processing methods

A good profit can be made on the briquetting of wood waste and the production of pellets. As a result of such processing, a cheap energy carrier is obtained, which is very popular among the population. In addition, this fuel does not pollute the environment. For the manufacture of pellets, small sawdust is used, and larger chips are suitable for briquetting.

Also, waste processing allows the use of VAT residue conifers wood. This is the sediment that forms after cooking woody greens and bark. This substance is rich in vitamins, carotene and organic acids, which have a beneficial effect on people. From solid waste cedar or pine can be made fodder meal.

We draw up a business plan

Before you start opening a wood waste processing plant, we recommend that you draw up a detailed business plan.

In a waste management business plan, the following points should be considered:

  1. Legal registration of documents;
  2. Purchase of equipment;
  3. Premises rental;
  4. The technological process is fully described;
  5. Selection of employees for work at the enterprise;
  6. Calculation of expenses and profits;
  7. A plan for the development of the enterprise in the future (for example, entering a foreign market).


Before opening a wood waste processing business, it is necessary to register a private entrepreneur or LLC, as well as obtain all the necessary documents. No license is required for this type of activity.

Equipment selection

To open a business, you need to purchase equipment for processing wood waste. It includes:

  • Hammer crusher;
  • Chopping machine.

A chipper is needed for processing large wood waste. The result is technological chips. After that, it is processed in a hammer mill. The resulting raw material is briquetted and used as fuel.

In these units, wood waste is crushed. With their help, you can process large or small raw materials. It is passed through a special grid, with which the size of the fraction is determined. After this process, the chips are fed into the hopper of a pellet or briquetting press. If wet raw materials are used for the production of briquettes, the chips are pre-dried, after which pallets or briquettes are made from it.


A mini-plant for processing wooden waste can be purchased for 1 million rubles.

To equip it, you will need the following equipment:

  • Unit for drying and grinding waste;
  • Forming press for briquettes;
  • Devices for product packaging;
  • Warehouse equipment.

It should be noted that the processing of wood waste into briquettes is a fairly simple production that does not require special knowledge and skills.

Pellet production

Buying a mini-factory for the production of pellets is a profitable purchase for any businessman. Considering that such fuel is used both in industrial and domestic conditions, it can be understood that the demand for such products is quite high. The burning time of pellets and their calorific value largely depends on what raw materials were used for their manufacture. Most best option- it's sawdust.

The mini-plant is equipped with the following equipment:

  • Crushers;
  • Dryers;
  • Cooling equipment;
  • Granulator;
  • Packaging equipment.
  • Staff

For the continuous operation of a mini-plant for the processing of wood chips, 5 people will be needed:

  • 2 people load the raw material into the dryer;
  • 2 people pour dried raw materials into a press extruder;
  • 1 person is engaged in packaging of finished products.

As for special skills and training, this is optional. It is enough that one person has a technical education. The production shift should be 8 hours, with one hour devoted to equipment maintenance. For continuous production, three teams of workers will be needed.


The room in which the processing of wood waste into chips will be carried out must have an area of ​​​​at least 120 square meters. meters. Ceiling height 5 meters. There are no special requirements for the premises.

In addition to the production workshop, it is also necessary to equip warehouses for raw materials and finished products.

For general construction work, you will have to spend:

  • Repair - 1800 dollars.
  • Living conditions for employees - $ 500.
  • Electrical wiring - $ 400.
  • Security and fire alarms - $500.
  • Ventilation - $600.


If the machines for processing wood waste work smoothly, the company's profit for the month will be 882 thousand rubles. Invested funds will pay off in just 3 months.

Working 8 hours a day with days off, you will make a profit of 267 thousand rubles per month. In this case, the briquetting line will pay off in 9 months.

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Summing up

Fuel briquettes are the most economical and popular type of fuel. They can be made not only from wood waste, but also from sunflower husks, oat husks and any other agricultural raw materials. Fuel briquettes have excellent calorific value. It is almost the same as that of charcoal.

Nowadays, many people save on natural gas, so fuel briquettes are in great demand. They are in great demand in the market, as gas prices are constantly rising. Nowadays, many small enterprises offer wood waste processing services. The funds invested in production are returned in just a few months.

Wood is a natural material from which man has learned to make semi-finished products and other products. However, for industry, a simple tree is not of great value, so it must be processed on special equipment. But there are many nuances and interesting points. Let's talk with you about what wood processing is and what is the technology of the process.

General useful information

The most valuable thing that is obtained from recycled wood is paper. Today the paper industry has great value. Hundreds of tons of paper are produced every day in the world. After all, this product has a different purpose: household, industrial, etc. It cannot be said that the most expensive furniture is made from wood.

In principle, there are a huge number of materials that are obtained from wood. Today, particle boards have become extremely popular. They are somewhat similar to a board, but less uniform and most often measure 205 x 520 cm. Let's talk about everything in more detail. First you need to understand the types of wood processing.

Chemical processing

Wood-chemical technology allows you to get the following products: rosin, charcoal, turpentine, acetic acid, etc. From this we can draw a completely logical conclusion that this is an extremely popular method. It is based on hydrolysis - the reaction of polysaccharides and water. As a result, monosaccharides are obtained, which are processed by a biochemical method. After that, it is possible to obtain products such as glucose, ethyl alcohol, as well as protein substances.

If we consider purely chemical processing, then furfural is extracted by this method. The latter is the basis for the manufacture of medicines, plastics and more. It should be noted that trees are most often used as the main raw material. hardwood: beech, aspen, birch, ash, etc. Of course, chemical wood processing lines are quite complex and require a lot of attention, as well as highly qualified specialists. A much simpler way, which we will now consider.

Mechanical restoration

The essence of this method is to change the size and volume of wood. It is easy to guess that in our case this is achieved mechanically, to put it simply, by cutting, sawing, planing, milling, and so on. For example, first, chips are obtained from the feedstock, and then chipboard material is made, with which almost all of us are familiar. But for you to understand, chips are made from technological waste rather than solid wood.

This approach allows not only to save money, but also to reduce wood consumption. Despite the fact that chemical processing is more complex and subtle, it is also not so simple. Depending on the size, as well as the type of wood and the further purpose of the material, various machines are used, which we will talk about a little lower. Technology is getting better every day, which makes it possible to achieve best results. Mechanical processing products are widely used in construction, fuel briquettes and wood pellets are also widely used.

Main processing equipment

Automated equipment allows not only to increase the productivity of workshops and factories, but also significantly reduce the number of work-related injuries, which is important. Depending on the volumes, as well as the direction of processing, both simple units and entire complexes can be used. Let's look at the main machines:

  • Shredders - used for shredding waste of various sizes. As the main working body are used cutting knives. The stronger they are, the better.
  • Low-speed shredders - characterized by high performance and reliability. Allow to receive spills in the size of 8-10 mm.
  • Briquetting press - allows you to get briquettes used for space heating or in industry. Characterized by functionality - the ability to work with various types materials such as wood, paper.
  • Horizontal shredders - designed for processing short as well as long lengths of waste.
  • Silos are not mandatory, but simply necessary, especially if the wood processing plant has a large production capacity. Used for storage, transportation and unloading.

Wood processing machines

As noted at the very beginning of this article, machining involves sawing, milling, as well as planing and other similar operations. Therefore, it is hardly possible to do without the appropriate equipment even in a small workshop.

  1. Planer - used to remove the surface layer of wood. In addition, during planing, the surface is polished. Modern machines allow you to process both sides of the board in one go. The shavings, as it used to be, are not burned, but sent for further processing.
  2. Milling machines - used for cutting grooves, splines, etc.
  3. Peeling machines are needed to obtain veneer, and they are chipless (no chips are formed in the process).
  4. Debarkers allow you to remove the bark from logs. Depending on the purpose of the wood, corrugated swaths or circular knives can be used. The former are needed for rough processing, the latter for finishing.

Integrated wood processing

Today, the issue of waste disposal from the woodworking and wood-chemical industries is acute. Approximately 50% of the wood was thrown away as it was waste. Thanks to the introduction of complex processing, it was possible to achieve a significant reduction in this indicator. So, at present, not 50%, but 30% of waste is spent on recycling.

Such figures are due to the fact that, for example, sawdust, wood chips and bark are materials that are extremely inconvenient to transport and store. Moreover, without pre-training(drying, grinding) they cannot be used. However, there is equipment for wood processing. At factories with such equipment, you can get:

  • charcoal;
  • briquetting of wood waste;
  • gasification - the transformation of solid fuels (in our case, wood waste) into gas.

Getting charcoal

According to many experts, this disposal method is one of the best and most effective. This is due to the great need of the population and industry for such coal. This is one of the few ways to effectively clear the forest from cutting waste. You can also recycle softwood. To get charcoal, you need to acquire equipment for pyrolysis. The essence of the method is the decomposition of raw materials in a special apparatus without oxygen. Today, three groups of coal are distinguished:

  • grade A - obtained by processing hardwood waste;
  • grade B - a mixture of hard and softwood waste wood;
  • grade C - a mixture of hard and softwood, as well as coniferous waste.

Only the first group is of industrial importance. The fact is that such coal is used for the manufacture of active carbon and crystalline silicon. In some metallurgical plants, this product is used as a reducing agent.

Production of charcoal briquettes

As practice shows, enterprises that produce charcoal by pyrolysis accumulate quite a lot of little things that do not find any use and are most often simply thrown away. But today there are more conservative solutions, such as the manufacture of briquettes. Who would have thought that wood products could have great importance, especially for household purposes?

In principle, it is one of the most efficient and cheapest types of fuel. Today, briquettes are usually divided into two large groups: technological and fuel. Latest found wide application in everyday life, for example, for a fireplace or stove. Rarely used in CHP. By the way, the product of combustion is considered an excellent fertilizer. But it is worth paying your attention to the fact that it is impossible to get a full-fledged briquette by pressing alone. Here a binding element is needed, for example, wood resins, petroleum products or other binders.

Harvesting and processing of woodworking waste

According to statistics, about 30% of the world's timber resources are located in Russia. This figure corresponds to 18 million tons of fuel, and about 40 million tons of wood products are emitted annually. A variety of waste can be used as fuel. For example, it can be stumps, chips, bark, sawdust, slabs, as well as sleepers, plywood or even telegraph poles.

Waste should be transported by trucks and stored in warehouses. The latter may not have heating, but must be covered and well protected from moisture. This is due to the fact that high humidity hinders the production of high-quality fuels. It can be said with confidence that the harvesting and processing of wood in the territory of the Russian Federation is rather poorly developed. This is due to the disinterest of the state, as well as the complexity of procurement, transportation and storage.

Making paper by chemical processing

Most entrepreneurs are engaged in the manufacture of paper from wood waste. This decision is due to small investments and low cost of the main raw materials. To obtain a product of the required quality, the cellulose is first removed. Further, in the aquatic environment, the mixing of fillers, sizing and dyes is carried out.

Then they create a continuously moving grid of paper pulp, which is further dried, driven through a press, and also wound into a roll. Since the process is continuous, the output of the finished product from the machine is quite large, approximately 800-1000 meters per minute. In principle, the chemical processing of wood is the best way production of paper of different quality. This approach allows you to clean the forest and dispose of waste in production.

What to do with low grade wood?

We have considered the main types of wood processing. From this we can conclude that a fairly large amount of waste can still be recycled. But if hardwoods are still of interest, then low-grade waste practically does not bother anyone. This is due to the fact that neither high-quality paper nor good fuel can be made from them.

But even here there are several worthy solutions. You can make table wood or packing chips. There are profitable enterprises for the manufacture of plaster shingles, brooms, etc. In principle, the processing of low-quality wood waste is gradually finding its place. Thus, "slimmer" is increasingly given to animals as an additive to the main feed and used as bedding.

A few important points

As you can see, deep processing of wood will allow not only to properly dispose of waste, but also to do a lot of useful things. First of all, this fuel is used not only in everyday life, but also on an industrial scale. It is impossible not to mention the production of paper, especially since there are many countries in the world that are poor in forests and need such products. But the wood processing technology is quite complex and time-consuming, but the profitability sometimes makes you think. For this simple reason, many do not dare to work in this direction.


Here we have considered the main points on this topic. In principle, the direction is very interesting, but the underdevelopment of the industry scares off most entrepreneurs. But there are reasons for this. For example, to date, a rational way of processing has not yet been found. tree bark although several attempts have been made. But one can trace the trend that every year the interest is getting higher. For example, furniture factories, farmlands, and paper factories buy large quantities of raw materials. But the processing of thin wood requires serious lines, so many people consider it expedient to buy already prepared raw materials.

According to technological and instrumental features, wood processing can be classified as follows:

Sawing, planing, milling, cutting, peeling, debarking, chopping, drilling, gluing, hammering, joining with spikes. Drying, protective impregnation, impregnation that improves properties, protective surface treatment.

The combustible medium in woodworking shops is wood, wood waste, oils and lubricants in woodworking machines. During the mechanical processing of wood, a significant amount of dust and small chips are released, which are more fire hazardous than compact wood. Wood dust generated during the operation of grinding machines is capable of forming explosive and flammable mixtures with air.

The main sources of ignition in the mechanical processing of wood are:

The heat of friction during overheating of bearings of fans, conveyors, electric motors of machine tools in case of violation of their lubrication regime, misalignment of shafts and saws, contamination of the surface with dust or wood waste, heating and ignition of drive belts when slipping. The heat of friction can also be a source of ignition when sawing hard rock wood, the presence of branches in it, overloading and distortions of saws;

Impact sparks, which are formed in case of violation of the relative position of moving and fixed parts of mechanisms, as well as in the presence of metal inclusions in the wood: nails, pieces of metal, etc.;

Sparks and electric arcs in case of mechanical damage to the insulation of electric cables connected to the electric motors of machine tools;

Thermal manifestation of faulty electrical equipment, lighting and power networks (short circuits, overloads, large transient resistances), overload of machine tool motors;

Spark discharges of static electricity during the operation of pneumatic transport;

Lightning strikes and its secondary manifestations;

The heat of spontaneous combustion of wood waste impregnated with oil (when they accumulate under machines or for long-term storage), as well as oiled cleaning materials;

Use of open fire (smoking, hot repairs). The spread of fire in the woodworking workshops is facilitated by: combustible building structures; wood and waste of its processing; air ducts of ventilation systems; production waste disposal systems, conveyor lines and technological openings.

Specific requirements for ensuring fire safety during the processes of mechanical processing of wood (regulate):

Premises and equipment should be regularly cleaned of dust, shavings, sawdust and oily cleaning materials. The frequency of dust cleaning of high-lying building structures, utilities and lighting fixtures in the premises should be determined depending on the time of accumulation of dust in a dangerous amount and in accordance with the workshop instructions on fire safety measures;

Dust removal in industrial premises from building structures, equipment, utilities and lamps should be carried out using explosion-proof industrial vacuum cleaners or a special pneumatic cleaning system, and in their absence, using a wet method that does not allow dusting. Compressed air for cleaning is not allowed;

To remove waste, woodworking machines must be equipped with serviceable local suctions. The operation of machines with the ventilation and pneumatic transport systems turned off is not allowed;

To prevent sedimentation of waste in the air ducts of local exhausts and pneumatic transport, the air velocity during suction is assumed to be at least 15 m/s;

In pneumatic transport and aspiration systems, in bunkers, stagnant zones leading to dust deposition should be excluded;

Chip and dust transport systems must prevent spillage of materials;

The serviceability of electrical equipment and electrical wiring should be monitored, overloading of electrical equipment of machines is not allowed;

It is necessary to periodically monitor the temperature of the bearings;

For work, a sharp and properly sharpened cutting tool must be used;

Explosion-proof fans must be used in pneumatic transport systems;

To prevent metal objects from getting into aspiration and ventilation installations that remove flammable substances, air ducts behind local exhausts must be equipped with grids with a mesh size of 10x10 mm or magnetic traps;

The transmission of movement from the electric motor to the mechanisms should be carried out using V-belts.

Technological processes and equipment of the main production

Processes and equipment

To remove fire and explosion hazardous waste (dust, sawdust, shavings, vapors of flammable liquids and combustible liquids), local exhausts must be provided in the technological equipment.

The operation of technological equipment is not allowed:

when ventilation, aspiration and pneumotransport systems are turned off, to which local suctions are attached;

in case of violation of the established parameters of the operation of these systems;

in case of malfunction of ventilation, aspiration and pneumatic transport systems, as well as in case of malfunction of any equipment that is part of these systems (air ducts, fans, cyclones, bunkers, dust collectors, etc.), leading to the formation of explosive vapor and dust-air mixtures and the appearance of sources pollution.

Technological equipment intended for mechanical processing, processing and transportation of flammable and explosive substances and materials must be equipped with metal detectors or other foreign object traps. Work with disconnected or faulty metal detectors (catchers) is prohibited.

All types of conveyors must be equipped with automatic devices for switching off the electric motor in case of overloads.

During operation of the conveyors, friction of the side edge of the belt conveyors against wooden structures, its slippage, accumulation of sawdust, dust and other small particles under the belt is not allowed.

When performing manual depreservation operations, it is necessary to use fireproof detergents. In exceptional cases, it is allowed to use flammable and combustible liquids if there is a justification drawn up by technologists and approved by the head of the enterprise on the unacceptability of TMS for specific technological operations.

These operations must be carried out in cabinets, shelters, chambers and other devices equipped with local suction.

Hydraulic drives of equipment and machines.

Do not operate the hydraulic system if the following malfunctions occur:

the appearance of noise, knocking and vibration;

the appearance of external fluid leaks;

damage to measuring instruments and signaling devices.

It is not allowed to tighten bolts, nuts and other connections on a system under pressure and during its operation.

It is forbidden to operate the drive at a temperature and pressure of the hydraulic fluid exceeding the values ​​established by the operating instructions.

Systems must be equipped with pressure gauges, safety valves and other devices that protect against pressure increase above the value established by the technical documentation.

In hydraulic drives, it is necessary to use the working fluid provided for by the technical documentation. Mineral oils should be replaced, if possible, with fireproof fluids.

Under the tanks of hydraulic systems and other possible places of smudges and oil spills, metal pallets should be installed.

Refueling of hydraulic equipment and hydraulic drive systems with working fluids must be carried out centrally. For manual refueling, use methods that exclude spillage of liquids and standard containers that meet fire safety requirements.

Refueling of hydraulic drive systems operating outdoors must be done during daylight hours.

Leaks of oils and working fluids in hydraulic drive systems and hydraulic equipment must be eliminated in a timely manner, spilled oils and liquids must be removed immediately.

Technological pipelines of fire and explosive substances,

materials and finished products.

The laying of technological pipelines must be carried out in accordance with the project developed in accordance with the “Instructions for the design of technological steel pipelines Ru up to 10 MPa, SN 527-80” and “ General rules explosion safety for fire and explosion hazardous chemical, petrochemical and oil refining industries” and adopted in the prescribed manner.

Max Speed movement of liquids through pipelines and outflows in containers is determined from the condition of preventing their dangerous electrification. The calculation of allowable velocities is carried out in accordance with RTM “Permissible velocities of fluid movement through pipelines and outflows in containers (devices, tanks) RTM 6-28-007-78”.

It is forbidden to use flexible hoses (rubber, plastic, etc.) as stationary pipelines.

It is allowed to use flexible hoses for loading and unloading operations into railway tanks and other non-standard equipment, as well as for performing auxiliary operations (purging sections of pipelines, removing exhaust gases and vapors, freeing pipelines from flammable liquid residues, etc.).

The movement of flammable liquids by the method of squeezing should be carried out with an inert gas.

The pipelines must be provided with the possibility of purging them with an inert gas or other products that prevent the formation of explosive concentrations. The supply of inert gas or other product to process pipelines must be carried out using removable sections of pipelines or flexible hoses, with the installation of shut-off equipment on both sides of the removable section; at the end of the purge, these sections of pipelines or hoses must be removed, and plugs (with tails) must be installed on the shut-off equipment.

In order to protect against static electricity, as well as electrostatic and electromagnetic induction of the secondary effects of lightning, pipelines throughout their entire length must be an uninterrupted electrical circuit connected to a grounding device. Between pipelines and other extended communications (structure frames, cable sheaths, etc.) in places of their mutual convergence of 10 cm or less every 25-30 m, metal jumpers should be welded or soldered.

Flanged connections of technological pipelines must have protective covers to prevent jet ejection of products in the event of gasket rupture.

Pipeline diagrams should be posted in production workshops indicating the location of valves that turn off the flow of products in case of fire, as well as instructions for their safe operation, including methods for cleaning the internal surfaces of pipelines, and for repair.

It is not allowed to carry out any repair work on pipelines filled with these products.

It is forbidden to leave valves open on idle pipelines. Non-working pipelines must be disconnected from existing communications and pipelines with plugs.

The installation and removal of plugs on pipelines must be recorded in a log signed by the person who installed or removed the plug. All plugs must be numbered and rated for the required pressure.

On all taps, the position of the plug must be clearly indicated by a line sawn through on its end and painted white.

Ventilation, aspiration and pneumatic transport.

The design and material of fans and other devices of ventilation, aspiration and pneumatic transport installations * for rooms in which the air contains combustible gases, vapors or dust must exclude sparking. Fans of aspiration installations designed to remove wood dust and fibers formed during refining coatings must be explosion-proof or intrinsically safe.

Air ducts for ventilation and pneumatic transport must have devices for periodic cleaning (hatches, collapsible connections, etc.).

At the intersection of fire barriers, air ducts of ventilation installations must be equipped with automatic fire-retarding devices (flaps, valves).

Installations serving fire and explosion hazardous premises must have remote devices to turn them off in case of fire or accidents in accordance with the requirements specially stipulated for each premises.

The blades of the fan impellers must be free from dents, deflections or breaks, and the impellers must be balanced and not touch the shrouds.

It is forbidden to operate the units in case of malfunction of any equipment, air ducts, devices and elements included in them, as well as in case of slipping of the fan drive belts and overloading of the units.

The inclusion of supply and general exchange exhaust ventilation units serving rooms in which the formation of explosive vapor and gas-air mixtures is possible must be done 10-15 minutes before the start, and they must be turned off 10-15 minutes after the end of the operation of the process equipment.

The inclusion in the work of local exhaust ventilation and pneumatic transport systems should precede the start-up of production equipment. They are switched on 3-5 minutes after the end of the work of machines, machines, apparatuses.

It is forbidden to connect more receivers to the installations than it is provided by the project.

In the event of a fire, ventilation must be immediately turned off, with the exception of units designed to supply air to the airlocks of rooms of production category A and B, as well as ventilation units serving hardening chambers in the production of fiberboard.

Internal surfaces, air ducts of local exhausts and fans should be cleaned as they get dirty, but at least once a month. Separators of spray booths and booths should also be cleaned as they become dirty, but at least after 160 hours of operation. It is prohibited to clean separators in the workshop:

To prevent the ingress of random objects into aspiration pneumatic transport units that remove flammable substances, air ducts behind local exhausts must be equipped with nets.

The operation and maintenance of the installations must be carried out in compliance with the requirements of the all-Union rules for the operation of gas purification installations, and conditions that exclude the possibility of the appearance of sources of ignition and the initiation of an explosion.

Installations that remove wood, dust from grinding, calibrating and calibrating-grinding machines, dust from machines for grinding paint and varnish coatings, dust and fabric fibers from machines for polishing paint and varnish coatings, must be separated from installations for other purposes and from each other in aerodynamic terms, those. must have separate air duct networks, separate collectors, dust-collecting equipment and bunkers.

In installations designed to remove wood dust or dust and fibers formed during the refining of paint and varnish coatings, the dust (fibers) must be collected in the dust-collecting equipment before the suction air enters the fan.

Dust collecting equipment, bunkers; sludge sedimentation chambers and other components (elements) of installations must be fire and explosion proof.

Dust collectors and bins for dumping and short-term storage of production waste should be located outside the production buildings (on the territory of the enterprise).

Cyclones, bunkers (for dry chips and explosive dusts), bag filters, pipelines of pneumatic transport systems and external sections of air ducts of installations with a dry method of air purification from explosive dusts and fibers must be equipped with emergency pressure relief devices (safety membranes, anti-explosion valves).

The air ducts of the installations must be made of non-combustible materials.

Air duct routes should be laid within the floor, in the premises of which technological processes are carried out, associated with the formation of combustible dusts (fibers).

It is forbidden to place air ducts of aspiration units in the basement and basement floors, technical undergrounds and underground channels.

Gates for alternate connection of process equipment to installations, shutters, hatches on air ducts and other devices with movable elements must be made of materials that do not create sparks during collision (friction) that can be sources of ignition or initiation of an explosion.

These devices should be easy to open and close, as well as be fixed in a predetermined position.

Aspiration and pneumatic transport installations must be equipped with devices for removing static electricity.

The electrical equipment of installations, as well as instrumentation used during operation, must comply with the requirements of the Rules for the Installation of Electrical Installations and environmental conditions.

Placement on the territory of the enterprise of cyclones and bunkers of installations, as well as fans must comply with fire safety requirements building codes and rules.

The procedure and methods for complying with the requirements of explosion and fire safety during the operation and maintenance of installations must be indicated in the instructions on fire safety measures or in the instructions for the operation and maintenance of installations.

The personnel involved in the operation and maintenance of installations are obliged to carry out scheduled checks, preventive inspections and cleaning of equipment, air ducts, as well as all devices and elements of these installations, and take measures to eliminate malfunctions that can cause a fire or explosion.

Checking, preventive inspection and cleaning of equipment, air ducts, as well as all devices and elements of installations from combustible deposits must be carried out according to the approved schedule.

The results of the checks, inspections, cleaning work carried out, the faults found and the measures taken must be recorded in the logs for the operation and maintenance of the installations. The journals should record the dates of the specified work and the names of those who performed the work.

Repair, cleaning of installations must be carried out in the presence of a responsible person, in ways that exclude the possibility of fire and explosion.

During the operation of the installations, it is necessary to carry out constant monitoring in order to:

1) detection and elimination of leaks in the air ducts and places of their connection to the equipment, especially in the discharge sections of the air ducts of pneumatic conveying installations;

2) checking the performance of metal detectors;

3) checking the operation of blocking devices, as well as the condition of emergency pressure relief devices.

The shutters of the bunkers should be opened only for the period of unloading production waste from them. The waste collected in them must be disposed of in a timely manner. It is impossible to allow overloading of cyclones and pollute the territory at their location with production waste.

Protection against static electricity.

Protection against static electricity * must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the normative documents and guidance materials specified in Appendix 2 and the relevant sections of these rules.

Every company should make a list technological processes, equipment, structures, installations and utilities that require protection against static electricity. The list must indicate the means of protection used.

The list of technological processes, equipment, structures, installations and utilities that require protection against static electricity should be compiled by technological enterprises and updated periodically.

Protective equipment against static electricity must comply with the requirements of regulatory documents and be in good condition.

Specialized wheeled trackless vehicles designed for transporting flammable liquids, as well as separate containers for transporting such liquids, installed on vehicles must be grounded.

During the operation of ESD protective equipment, it is necessary to ensure constant monitoring of their serviceability, as well as the implementation by the maintenance personnel of the instructions for operation and maintenance of operational logs.

To discharge static electricity charges that accumulate on people, especially when performing certain manual operations (washing, cleaning, wiping, gluing) using non-conductive substances, it is necessary:

provide for the installation of a floor with increased electrical conductivity or electrically conductive grounded zones, scaffolds and work platforms, grounding of door handles, instrument handles, machines, devices;

provide workers in these premises with special clothing and special footwear in accordance with applicable standards;

do not allow wearing clothes made of synthetic materials (nylon, perlon, etc.) and silk, which contribute to electrification, as well as rings and bracelets, on which static electricity charges accumulate.

Electrical installations.

During the construction and operation of electrical installations, the requirements of the PUE, PTB and PTE must be observed.

The device and operation of temporary power grids is not allowed. An exception may be temporary illumination installations made with a hose cable.

After replacing burned-out electric lamps in industrial premises of explosive and fire hazardous categories, the level of explosion protection and (or) the degree of protection of luminaires must be ensured depending on the class of the explosive and fire hazardous zone established by the facility.

Malfunctions in power networks and electrical equipment that can cause sparking, short circuit, excessive heating of combustible insulation of cables and wires must be immediately eliminated by the personnel on duty. Faulty power supply must be switched off.

In switchgears, cables should be provided with tags indicating the brand, voltage, wire cross-section, number or name of the connected consumer.

During the operation of ballasts, electrical panels and cabinets, it is necessary to constantly monitor their serviceability and sealing. Storage of foreign objects in cabinets and shields is prohibited.

During the operation of luminaires, constant monitoring of their serviceability should be carried out. Operation of defective lamps is prohibited.

Electric heaters may be used only in exceptional cases in specially allocated isolated rooms that do not belong to categories “A” and “B”, if it is impossible to replace this heating method with another. Such cases may include the use of electric heaters in first-aid posts, laboratories, etc., as well as for technological purposes (glue cookers, electrically heated clamps, etc.) in woodworking shops in the manner provided for in paragraphs. and

The use of household electric boilers in industrial storage and administrative premises is prohibited.

The use of electric heaters designed to perform technological operations or repair parts is allowed in cases where this is provided for in the technological documentation approved by the chief engineer.

The use of electric heaters in all cases must be documented in writing by the fire department and the person responsible for the operation of the electrical equipment.

Electric heaters must have closed electric heating elements, be installed on a non-combustible base and be under constant supervision.

Electric heaters intended for technological purposes must be equipped with signaling lamps for switching on the voltage.

After work is completed, it is necessary to turn off electrical equipment (with the exception of emergency lighting) in all buildings and premises.

Lighting of the territory of the enterprise, as a rule, should be carried out by xenon lamps or searchlights mounted on masts.

The installation of searchlights on the roofs of buildings with roofs made of combustible materials is prohibited.

During the operation of electrified mechanisms and portable electrical equipment, measures should be taken to protect their cables from mechanical damage.

The operation of mobile electrified mechanisms in the event of a malfunction of electrical equipment, the absence of protective equipment and the grounding of the supply cable is prohibited.

Each enterprise must have an executive diagram of external and internal electrical networks and electrical installations.

Networks of evacuation lighting should be connected to power sources independent of the main network or automatically switch to independent power sources when the main sources are turned off. These networks should not have socket outlets.

Protection of electric motors subject to overload for technological reasons must comply with the requirements of the PUE.

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