Divination for marriage: when will I get married. Astrological online service test "When I get married, how to meet my love, what will my partner be like and what will my marriage be like" - calculate by date of birth for free

Health 20.10.2019

A girl can find out when she can get married with the help of numerology, astrology, folk divination and dreams. After all, with the approaching celebration, secret signs and symbols will necessarily appear that you need to be able to decipher. However, it must be understood that with a strong desire to become a bride, a girl can see various symbols in everything, which in fact do not have any magical overtones.

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    Even in antiquity, it was noticed that the date of birth has big influence to the fate of man. With the help of figures and numbers, you can predict the most favorable years for marriage.

    There is a fairly simple technique, founded by the scientist M. Katakkaru, which allows you to calculate the date of marriage. To do this, you need to add the numbers of the birthday to a single digit. So, if a person was born on November 11, 1985, then the following arithmetic operations should be performed: 1+1+1+1+1+9+8+5= 27=2+7=9.

    • 2019=3.
    • 2020=4.
    • 2021=5.
    • 2022=6.
    • 2023=7.

    After these steps, the decoding of the result can be seen in the table:

    If the number 8 came out by date of birth, then the most suitable years for marriage are 2017, 2018, 2022 and 2024. Numerology is able to warn of possible difficulties that may arise in building relationships. If the date of birth contains numbers such as 3,6,8,9, then the wedding may be postponed for a long time and not take place at all. People with numbers 2,4,6 easily attract partners and marry early.

    There is another way to determine the date of marriage by first and last name. For this you need:

    1. 1. Count the number of letters in the first and last name (Petrova Anna = 11 = 1+1=2).
    2. 2. Add up the numbers of the year, month and day of the test (13.06.2018 =1+3+6+2+1+8=21=2+1=3).
    3. 3. Add the numbers obtained in the first and second calculations: = 2+3=5.

    The ideal number of the year for Anna Petrova is 5. Fortune telling is recommended at the beginning and end of the year, but no more than 3 times in 12 months.


    There is a large number simple divination for an early marriage, which every girl can do.

    By hand

    With the help of fortune-telling by hand, you can determine the likelihood of marriage in the near future and the number of unions. It is necessary to pay attention to a special line of marriage, or marriage, which is located on the hill of Mercury under the little finger. It is a small horizontal line extending from the edge of the palm.

    marriage line

    If the marriage line is located close to the heart line, then this indicates early marriage at the age of 18-24 years, in the middle - 25-28 years, at the top - from 29 years. There may be more than one marriage line on the hand, this indicates that the marriage can be concluded a second time. Depending on their location, you can determine the approximate years of creating a serious relationship.

    Accurate and long lines indicate a strong and lasting relationship. If there is a fork at the end of the line, the marriage will not last long, and the divorce will be accompanied by scandals and conflicts. A marriage line that looks sharply up indicates a lack of marriage in a person’s life or a union that will only bring bitterness and problems.

    Several lines of marriage

    Other divination

    The most common divination items are:

    1. 1. Candles and water. It is recommended to conduct this fortune-telling with friends at Christmas time. Each girl needs to take half of the shell walnut and put a candle in it with your name written on it, and then place the resulting "boat" in a bowl of water. The girl whose candle burns first will get married sooner. The one whose "boat" sinks runs the risk of remaining an old maid.
    2. 2. Salt. Before going to bed, you need to eat a pinch of salt and say: "Narrowed, mummers, drink." In a dream, a man should appear who will later become a husband.
    3. 3. 3 threads and 3 needles. You need to take a red, white and black thread, thread them through the needle, and then fasten the dress or T-shirt on the back. It is necessary to carefully randomly get one of the threads from the back. If a girl pulled out a red thread, she will be married in current year, white - in the next 3 years, black - there will be no wedding within 5 years.
    4. 4. Towel. At night, you need to hang a white towel outside the window and pinch it with a window with the words “Betrothed, come to me! ". If it is wet in the morning, this portends an imminent marriage.

    You can find out if the time has come for marriage with the help of divination with a ring. You need to take a wedding ring and hang it on your hair so that its ends are clamped. The ring is held over a glass filled 2/3 with running water, after which it is immersed in water for a few seconds, raised and a question is asked. If the pendulum moves left and right, the answer is negative, in a circle - positive.


    You can recognize imminent marriage from dreams. So, most often the symbols of marriage in all dreams are animals. If a girl dreams of a lone wolf, then soon she will meet her future groom, and a wolf pack indicates a close wedding celebration. A dog has a similar interpretation, especially if it is red.

    Dreams with the following animals and birds can portend marriage:

    • horse;
    • pig (sow);
    • cow;
    • goat;
    • stork, dove and swan.

    In some dream books, the prediction of marriage is a fish, which usually dreams of pregnancy. If the girl is unmarried, then replenishment in the family may mean the appearance of not a child, but a groom.

    Other harbingers of marriage include plants:

    • carrots and tomatoes;
    • strawberries and strawberries;
    • nettle;
    • oak, apple and plum.

    A dream in which garlic appears or a garden bed with it can speak of a marriage of convenience. A bouquet of flowers in the dreams of men indicates a readiness for a decisive relationship and a desire to start a family. Haymaking, cleaning and reinstallation, funerals indicate an imminent marriage.

    Folk omens

    If a girl is soon to become a bride, secret signs foreshadowing a wedding will be present in her life. But they lose their relevance when she has a strong desire to become a wife and herself is looking around for folk omens. Thanks to the signs, it will not be possible to bring the wedding date closer, but you can predict what awaits in the near future.

    The most common signs indicating imminent marriage include the following phenomena:

    1. 1. A bouquet of flowers accidentally found on the street.
    2. 2. Needle wounded ring finger on New Year's Eve.
    3. 3. Place at the celebration between 2 brothers or sisters.
    4. 4. Caught the bride's bouquet at the wedding.

    Being doused with champagne or wine at a wedding is also for marriage.

    Since ancient times, in order to ensure a speedy marriage, girls have hemmed the hem of their girlfriends' wedding dresses. This ritual will certainly work if the bride is a blood relative. If there are no sewing skills, the bride's shoes are wiped before the wedding.

    Single girls should dance with the groom. It will be especially lucky if the man himself invites you to a slow dance. If it was not possible to fulfill the indicated, it is necessary to choose partners for dancing from those who sit as far as possible.

    Girls who want to get married faster, every time they start cleaning, they should sweep the garbage from the door to the window or table. Shoes need to be positioned in a special way - the toes of the shoes should look in the same direction, and the sides should touch.

    Superstitions also point to actions that can delay a happy moment and bring discord into a relationship. The following should be avoided:

    1. 1. You never need to give anything and pass it through the threshold (especially food), as this attracts the fate of an old maid.
    2. 2. You must be as careful as possible while restoring order. Constantly wet floors while washing dishes or cleaning the room can contribute to the fact that the future husband will abuse alcohol.
    3. 3. Do not sweep dust or crumbs from any surface with your hand; you can attract an ugly spouse to you.
    4. 4. Unmarried girls are not recommended to do their hair in the presence of other people, as this can cause energy imbalance.
    5. 5. Do not wear any rings on the ring finger, except for a wedding or engagement ring.
    6. 6. Single girls should not wear other people's wedding dresses, veils or rings.
    7. 7. Do not sit on window sills, the table and opposite the corner of the table.
    8. 8. Do not keep a lot of violets or cacti indoors.
    9. 9. There should not be statuettes or pictures of single women in the house.


    In many ways, the age of marriage is influenced by the sign of the zodiac. So, some signs tend to early marriages, and some are in no hurry to start a relationship.

    The terms of marriage according to the zodiac horoscope are presented in the table:

    Zodiac sign

    Ideal age for marriage

    Suitable zodiac signs for marriage

    Libra, Leo, Aries, Aquarius

    Capricorn, Pisces, Libra


    Capricorn, Aquarius, Scorpio, Cancer

    Taurus, Cancer, Gemini

    Sagittarius, Libra, Aries

    Capricorn, Pisces

    29–32 years old

    Aries, Pisces, Taurus


    Pisces, Gemini, Cancer

    Capricorn, Leo, Scorpio

    Taurus, Sagittarius, Capricorn,


    Taurus, Gemini, Aries

    Libra, Scorpio, Virgo, Pisces

    If a girl and a guy are not suitable for each other, the time for marriage is delayed, and the most ridiculous situations will interfere with lovers, who may even leave in the future.

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

Every young girl gets excited critical issues concerning her fate: "at what age will I get married," who will be the spouse, how many children will I have? etc. Many women set a certain time frame for themselves when they simply have to get married. But, it is not always possible to get into these limits. And, sometimes, young beauties are in such a hurry to fulfill their own marriage plan that they don’t really care that the decision to become a wife can be taken absolutely thoughtlessly.

Fortune telling on the betrothed

From time immemorial, young girls have wanted to know their fate - they were guessing for a groom, for marriage, for children. Today's beauties are no exception. They ask similar questions, but with one big difference - the girls want to know exactly when this main event will take place. Therefore, modern questions are formulated more specifically: “At what age will I get married? Will I have a wedding in the next two or three years? How to find out by date of birth when I will get married? etc.

How accurate are these questions? Perhaps quite. And there is nothing strange or inappropriate - these are fateful questions, so they are always important. The problem is different - who can give accurate answers?

To a fortuneteller or a psychologist?

Understanding the desire of young women to create a strong and lasting family, many psychologists organize special trainings to help women get married in two or three months. But, believing in your destiny, absolutely and completely trusting such methods is stupid!

Our fate is largely predetermined - the main points have already been laid, and we are only able to paint them in the desired colors of the life palette. And our fate is predetermined, firstly, by the date of birth.

Many palmists see the encrypted code of our future in the lines of the palms. And real professionals can quite successfully answer exciting questions about marriage, children, life expectancy.

But here, it is important that the information be read from the hand knowledgeable person, subtly understanding the meaning of each line, each island, cross or other sign. Palmistry performed by an amateur is not only inaccurate, it can negatively affect the further development of events due to a fatal misinterpretation of individual points.

About the method of determining the age of marriage by date of birth

One of the most accessible methods for determining the expected age of marriage is the numerological analysis of the date of birth. What is the meaning of the methodology? Our date of birth is a kind of code, the key to what is destined for us by fate. Of course, our fate is largely in our hands. But the most significant years in each fate are encrypted in the value of the date of birth.

So, after accurately deciphering the date of birth, you can find out about the most fateful years, the date of marriage, the number of future children, even about possible death. Any psychic or astrologer will agree that this is possible.

Numerology will answer important questions

Vital important dates are determined by in-depth analysis of the 9-10-digit number obtained by multiplying the number of the year of birth by the number of the life code. You can calculate the life code by multiplying all the numbers of the date of birth.

For example, the date of birth is 04/15/1991. The life code is calculated as follows: 15x04x1991=119460. Next, we multiply this figure by the analyzed year for marriage, for example, 2010. As a result, we get the figure - 240114600. Or the year 2014 - it corresponds to the number 240592440. And so on.

Each figure of this year carries its own specific information. It is necessary to carefully analyze each figure, taking into account the values ​​and adjacent figures.

The received code concerns all the important moments in the life of a person born on the specified date. But, since the original question concerned the topic of marriage, then the analysis of the received figures will be carried out in relation to the successful time of marriage. The most probable for marriage are years in the code of which at least 3 fours fell out. If fours are 4 or more, then marriage for love is more likely.

This forecast can be called quite accurate, but only in the correct interpretation of the results. If you want to know not only about marriage, but also about other important points personal life, while getting not an approximate, but the most accurate answer, contact a numerologist for help.

Ekaterina Lidovskaya

Divination is considered a mysterious rite. Many consider it dangerous, as they are called evil spirits. However, if you are not superstitious, then you should not be afraid. You can predict at any time of the day. There is a belief that the most faithful rite is obtained on holy days from Christmas (January 7) to Epiphany (January 19). Even in Russia, a lot of different predictions were invented. Let's remember some true love divination for marriage.

Fortune telling "When will I get married?"

Since ancient times, many girls want to know at what age they are destined to find their destiny. The most truthful is considered on the ring. Only there should be no stones on it.

Pour water into a glass, a little less than half. Tie a thread to the ring so that it hangs. Hold the ring on a string directly above a glass of water. Dip it in water as many times as your age. For example, you are 22 years old. You dip it into the water so many times, and leave the ring in the glass on the last number. Now watch what happens. The ring will hit the walls of the glass, and you count how many times. What number did you get, in so many years you will get married. If the ring hit the walls of the glass less times than you are, for example, 2, 3, or 5, then after so many years you will meet your fiancé.

Remember that any prediction for the future is a mysterious rite. Each fortune-telling for marriage on the ring must be done at midnight without outsiders. If a mother or a close friend is nearby, then the prediction will be untrue.

Fortune telling "I want to see the image of the future groom"

This rite must take place in the dark. Divination for marriage is a method to find out the future husband and see his image.

To do this, you need an ordinary glass, only very smooth. Fill it with water and put your wedding band in it. Golden ring. This must be done very carefully so that the ring lies in the center of the glass. Then turn off the lights and light two candles on both sides. Only not quite close to the glass, so that it does not burst. Bend over the glass and look into it, saying at the same time: "My betrothed, mummers - appear." You need to look into the glass not for five minutes, but for a very long time. After some time (30-50 minutes), a male silhouette will appear. The image is not always clear. One thing is for sure, this is your future husband.

This fortune-telling must also be carried out without prying eyes. Only then can it be called true.

Fortune telling on the ring "Happy marriage"

This rite is performed with someone else's ring. That is, it must be borrowed from a woman who is happily married. It is better to draw water into a glass not from a tap, but from a river or stream. Mandatory condition: the current must be south. That is, a river or stream flows to the south.

Now take a long hair from your head and put someone else's "lucky" ring on it. Hair should be kept two or more). Dip the ring in the water and watch. If it hits a glass, this girl promises a long marriage. With a strong rotation of the ring - in the near future you will have to get married. If it spins slowly, the girl's fate is double. That is, she will marry twice.

Fortune telling "My own pillow"

Divination for marriage on the ring has been invented since ancient times. These rituals are performed not only with water. You can also take a gold engagement ring, preferably your mother or grandmother. Put it under your pillow at night and say the cherished words: "Narrowed, mummers, come to me, show yourself." The image of a man will appear, which is your future husband.

The pillow should be yours alone. If there is a stranger, then the image will not come. Sometimes a girl, waking up in the morning, cannot remember what she dreamed about. Do not despair, then the wedding will be later. Try to postpone fortune-telling for 6-12 months, then repeat.

On marriage is considered more truthful. Only you can borrow it from that lady who has positive energy.

Fortune telling "Will I marry a rich man?"

For this ceremony you need a wedding ring. You can ask your grandmother, mother, girlfriend or sister for it. Fortune telling wedding ring marriage should be held in a quiet environment. In order not to take on someone else's energy, the ring needs to be cleared of it. To do this, put a glass of water in the freezer for 2-3 hours. Put someone else's ring in ice water for 1 hour to cleanse the energy.

Now you can start guessing. Put a ringlet, a piece of white bread and a small twisted spikelet on the table. Cover this goodness with a dark scarf. Spin around you seven times. Stop in front of the table and sharply stick your hand under the handkerchief. Whatever your hand touches first, that will be your destiny. If bread - the husband will be rich. Straw - thin and poor. Ring - you and your husband will live not only in prosperity, but also in love.

Any fortune-telling about marriage on the ring is considered the most truthful. It should be carried out only at night in peace and quiet.

Divination for the company

Divination on the marriage ring can be done not only alone. There are such rituals where several girls can participate.

Take as many large nutshells as many as the girls want to guess. Pour a lot of water into a large basin and lower the shell boats into it. Put items in them. For example, in one boat a hairpin, which means the attractiveness of a girl. In another coin - wealth, in the third note with a real wish, in the fourth - a ring and so on.

Girls should stand around the pelvis and blow on the shells. Near whom a boat stops, then the desire of the young will come true.

This fortune-telling on the ring for marriage is more like a game than a divination. Here you can dream up.

Important! With any fortune-telling, silence and a calm atmosphere are very necessary for the accuracy of predictions. Do not create unnecessary fuss, and you will definitely succeed.

Many are all waiting for their prince, looking for him for a long time, and in the process of searching they make fortune-telling: “When will I get married?” All girls dream of meeting the very one, the one and only, who will always carry on their hands and blow off dust particles from them. But there are only ordinary, inconspicuous boys that live on the next site or pimply fellow students who let them write off lectures.

The most popular fortune-telling among girls on the topic “When will I get married?” In this article, we will look at the most effective ways find out the answer to this question.

To conduct fortune-telling “What time will I get married” with a ring, you need to take:

  1. A glass of water ¾ filled;
  2. A hair from your head or a thread, at least 30 cm long;
  3. Your ring.

Your hair or thread needs to be passed through the ring, which must be immersed in water poured into a glass and concentrate on your main question “When will I get married?”.

  1. Lower the thread (hair) with the ring to the very bottom of the glass;
  2. Slowly pull out of the water, but the ring should be in the glass;
  3. Watch for fluctuations.

Questions from visitors and answers from experts:

When the ring begins to sway, then count the vibrations by knocking on the glass. How many times knocked - after so many years you are destined to get married.

If the ring has not completely touched the glass, then you are waiting for happy news You will definitely go down the aisle this year!

And if the ring, when you took it out of the water, did not sway at all, then you should not think about marriage yet, at least in the near future.

Fortune telling on marriage on the ring will tell you how old you will get married

Fortune telling with a calendar

There are many ways to know your future, including finding out your marital status. We offer fortune telling for marriage using a calendar.

We take a tear-off calendar in our hands, hold it tight and think about that very secret question “When?”. Next, we tear off a leaf at random and see what day of the seven days of the week you turned up.

  • Monday- with your attractiveness, care and tenderness for your loved one, you will capture his heart, and he will love only you. But your capricious nature, pickiness can prevent you from linking your fate with this person.
  • Tuesday- because of your rudeness, haste, you can not only quarrel with your young man, but also, with your own hands, cut the threads of mutual relations between you.
  • Wednesday- sometimes you need to look not only in the mirror, at yourself, but also around. Somewhere nearby, very close, a young, interesting man walks, who cannot live without you. Catch luck by the tail, and in the near future, you will hear the cherished "Bitter!"
  • Thursday- there is a high probability of having a wedding, this holiday will depend only on you. Do not judge a person by the first impression, it is usually wrong. No need to make hasty conclusions, you need to evaluate the whole picture - not only the appearance, but the character and actions of this person. Perhaps the person who did not like you at first sight will cause a storm of emotions and a fountain of love in the future.
  • Friday- your marriage is very close, despite the fact that you have young man not yet. You don't even know how close! It will be love at first sight! He came, he saw - he took him to the registry office!
  • Saturday- do not be afraid of marriage, do not follow the example of divorced girlfriends who have something that did not work out in the family. Marriage is not a marriage of relationships, marriage is a lofty family values: love, understanding and respect. Set yourself up for positive, do not be afraid of relationships, otherwise loneliness is inevitable.
  • Sunday- charm and beauty are your weapons to capture the heart of your beloved. The ring will suit your face on your finger, and cute - to your liking. Advice and love to you. The main thing is that the fire of love and passion blazes in your hearts.

Divination with a deck of cards

New cards are taken in the amount of not 36, but 52. Then mix fifty-two cards thoroughly and, with your eyes closed, ask the cards the question: “Will I get married this year”, fortune-telling will answer it. Next, in a row, draw nine cards, one at a time. You will receive three stacks of three cards, face down. The first deck is the day, the next deck is the month, and the third deck is the year of your marriage. Then turn all nine cards face down and sort out what you got. The suit of the card, in this divination, does not matter.

If a joker is caught in the layout, then, unfortunately, you will not get married.

If the joker is not in the layout, then add up all the numerical values ​​​​of the cards: first the “day” piles, then the “month” piles, and at the end for the “year” pile. A deuce card is 2, and so on up to a card with a face value of ten, it means 10, a jack figure means the number 1, a queen figure means 2, a king figure means 3, and an ace means 11.

If, when laying out the first pile, meaning "day", the sum of the cards turned out to 31, then you need to sum up the value of the cards in the second pile, meaning the "month" pile. When the sum is greater than 31 (more days in a month), then you do the folding to a prime number. Example: 35, then 3 + 5 = 8.

In the "month" stack, you should get a number equal to or less than 12 months, and if the number is greater than 12, then you need to roll the number up to 12 (36 - 3 + 6 = 9). In the scenario, if you got 31 days, and you fell out, for example - February, then you need to collapse the number of days - 31 - 3 + 1 = 4

Go to the "year" stack. The main thing here is that when a number is less than 17, then cards are taken from the deck. As a result, you will be able to get the date of your marriage.

Divination by date of birth

Divination for marriage on the cards. Find out what your future husband's name will be and how soon your wedding will take place

Next, we will consider the fortune-telling “When I get married” by date of birth. To find out the cherished date of marriage, you need to add up all the numbers of your birthday. Example: birthday - March 12, 1984, add 1, 2, 3, 1, 9, 8, 4 - get 28. Then add again: 2 + 8 = 10. It turns out a prime number 1.

Numerologists lay out the numbers that mean the coming years. To find out, add up the numbers that make up this year.

For example, 2017 - 2 + 1 + 7 = 10, number 1.

Then, according to the table, we can see when you get married":

Date of birth number

wedding year number

1, 4, 5, 7

1, 5, 6, 8

3, 6, 7, 9

1, 4, 7, 8

2, 5, 7, 9

1, 3, 6, 9

1, 2, 4, 8

1, 2, 6, 8

2, 3, 6, 7

Numbers that correspond to the coming years:

  • 1 = 2017;
  • 2 = 2018;
  • 3 = 2019;
  • 4 = 2020;
  • 5 = 2021;
  • 6 = 2022;
  • 7 = 2023;
  • 8 = 2024;
  • 9 = 2025.

With the help of this fortune-telling, you can find out which years will be favorable for marriage, but do not forget that it is better to set the wedding date with your lover together and together.

Numerologists believe that the numbers that "sit" in the date of your birth affect your destiny. If your date of birth contains the numbers 3, 9, 6, 8, you should beware of problems that may interfere with your marriage. Those who have the numbers 2, 4, 6 - they strive for marriage as quickly as possible, they do not want to live alone.

The more of the above numbers, the brighter these properties will be expressed. Read also:

Those couples who are ripe for joining the marriage bond can calculate a suitable date for their wedding - by summing up their birthdays. After adding up the numbers, you should come up with a prime number, for example 3, therefore, the future married couple should plan marriages in any month on the 3rd day.

But we want to warn that all sciences have errors, numerology is no exception. Therefore, when choosing a wedding date, in order to avoid being blamed for mistakes, rely on your instincts and your desires, your heart is the best adviser.

Guessing the age of marriage

Divination for baptism for marriage "What time will I get married?"

Let's take a look at a few more simple ways divination « At what age will I get married? » with the help of hand tools.

Fortune telling with the palm of your hand

By hand, you can predict both the approximate date of the wedding, and whether this marriage will be happy or not.

First you need to study the palm. On the tubercle, on the palm, under the little finger, the so-called marriage line passes. Thanks to this divination, you can see how many times you will get married and when it will happen.

If one line passes through this zone of the palm - accordingly, there will be one marriage, the number of marriages depends on the number of lines.

Observe how far apart the marriage line is from the heart line. When these lines pass side by side, then marriage will be early.

And if the distance between the marriage line, the heart line and the little finger are the same, then the wedding should be expected at 25 - 37 years.

Wedding date numerology is a type of divination that is very popular among the fair sex.

Practical ladies who do not want to remain in happy ignorance, using numbers, are trying to find out not so much whether I will get married, but how exactly when the desired celebration will take place.

Meanwhile, there are several ways in which you can calculate the date of marriage for free.

Kattakar method

The scientist and mystic Kattakar discovered the following pattern several decades ago: the date on which a wedding is scheduled depends on the birthday. The results of such calculations, however, do not claim to be absolute truth. But in half of the cases they are really justified.

So, in order to find out when it's time to go for wedding dress, you need to perform simple calculations:

  • Find out your birth number. To do this, add up all the numbers of the date of birth. Take, for example, 06/11/1984. Add up all the numbers 1+1+6+1+9+8+4 = 30. Then add again 3+0 = 3.
  • In the same way, we calculate the values ​​​​for the next years to find out which one will be lucky for you. For example, the number of 2019 is 3: 2+0+1+9 = 12; lead to a single value 1+2=3.
  • Now it is quite easy to find out when I will get married. It is enough to look at the table that Kattakar developed and compare the values ​​​​that you get.

The resulting year (according to the sum of all its constituent figures) is the most successful year for marriage. In the case of our example, these are years in which the numbers add up to 3, 6, 7 or 9. One of these years is 2019, which means that girls born on 06/11/1984 have every chance to wear a wedding dress in 2019.

It is believed that, having signed in the predestined year, the couple will be happy. However, often couples whose wedding took place in an unintended year live very happily. In such cases folk wisdom says they cheated fate.

Another way to calculate the date

  • For example, the girl's name is Ivanova Anna. We count the number of letters and get the number 11.
  • We bring the resulting result to a single-valued one: 1 + 1 \u003d 2.
  • We add up the numbers of the day, month and year when fortune-telling for marriage is carried out. For example, let's take 01/20/2015: 2+1+2+1+5 = 11. Once again, we bring the value to a single-valued result: 1+1 = 2.
  • We add the resulting numbers to each other: 2 + 2 \u003d 4. We get that 4 is the ideal number of the year for Anna Ivanova, who in such a simple way found out the answer to the question that tormented her: when will I get married.

It is believed that it is best to determine the wedding day at the beginning or end of the year, at this time there is a high probability of correct prediction of the future. By the way, numerology recommends such fortune telling no more than three times a year. Otherwise, higher power get angry and may intentionally show incorrect results in the future.

The influence of some numbers on fate

Experts in wedding numerology are sure that the repetition of the same numbers in the date of birth of a person is by no means accidental and helps to predict his fate.

So, if the numbers 3, 6, 8 or 9 are repeated on the date when a person was born, then difficulties may arise when organizing a solemn event, for example, financial ones. Or one of the partners may be afraid of losing freedom, afraid of future obligations.

To avoid becoming dependent on unfavorable numbers You just have to choose your partner carefully. If you love freedom, this is no reason to categorically declare: I will not marry anyone. Look for a partner with a similar character so that after marriage, everyone has personal space.

There are opposite personalities. These are people who need a partner. Loneliness weighs them down. In the date of birth of such a person, 2, 4 and 6 are present in large numbers.

Calculation for a couple

There are already established couples who, with the help of numbers, need to find out when it is better to arrange a wedding day. Numerologists assure: you can become spouses in May, contrary to folk wisdom.

  • We write down the date of the birth of the bride 12/22/1990, add the numbers of the date until a single value appears, as we did above: 2+2+1+2+1+9+9 = 26. Then 2+6 = 8.
  • We add up until a single value of the day, month and year when the groom was born appears. For example, for those born on 12/18/1989, we get the number 3.
  • Add up the resulting values: 8+3 = 11. Then 1+1 = 2.

According to numerologists, happy marriage the wedding should be scheduled on the second day of any month.

And yet remember that the main recipe for happiness is in ourselves, and not in the totality of numbers. After all bad days for a wedding, in fact, does not happen. It is enough to believe: I will certainly marry a loved one. And everything will be done the best way. Author: Valentina Levadnaya

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